Whale Saves Woman from Shark!
Dear friends around the world,
The video below shows a whale saving a woman from being attacked by a shark. Her name is Nan Hauser and she is a whale biologist. She is also the President and Director of the Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation. Ms Nan Hauser has dedicated more than two decades of her life to studying these beautiful marine mammals and raising awareness about them. This is her website: nanhauser.com.

Whale biologist, Nan Hauser
I was thrilled to watch the video. The most incredible part is that the whale did not hurt Ms Nan Hauser in any way. It just kept gently pushing her further and further away from danger for over ten minutes. She was scared at first because she didn’t know what was going on. It was only later that she realised there was a shark swimming nearby.
Whales are extremely intelligent creatures and, like all animals, they have feelings too just like you and me. What’s amazing is that they can also exhibit behaviour that is kind and compassionate, putting the life and safety of another being ahead of their own. So I am extremely excited to share this video with you. I hope that you enjoy it. Please share it with your family and friends to raise more awareness and appreciation for these majestic animals of the ocean. Please also support Ms Nan Hauser’s work so she can continue to bring even more awareness to these amazing animals. We must never hurt animals but always show them love and care.
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
About Humpback Whales
The humpback whale is a type of baleen whale, and is one of the larger whale species. Adult humpback whales can grow as long as 60 feet and weigh around 40 tons. They are known for their haunting and melodic songs and for breaching the water with amazing acrobatic abilities. The humpback whale has a unique stocky body shape with long pectoral fins, black dorsals and a knobbly head. Due to their distinctive surfacing behaviour, humpbacks are extremely popular amongst whale watchers.
Humpback whales usually migrate up to 25,000 km (16,000 miles) each year. During summertime, they feed in the polar regions, primarily consuming small fishes and krill, then migrate to tropical or subtropical waters to breed and give birth to their young. During the breeding season, they fast and live off their fat reserves.
Up until the 1960s, humpback whales were targets for the whaling industry. Their population fell drastically (an estimated 90%!) to the point that they almost became extinct. Today, the humpback whale population has partially recovered to around 40,000-60,000 individuals.
8 Interesting Humpback Whale Facts
- Humpback whales typically travel alone or in small groups of two to three whales.
- The shape and colour pattern on the humpback whale’s dorsal fin and flukes (the two lobes on the whale’s tail) is unique to each individual, just like fingerprints are to humans. This unique feature has helped researchers identify, catalogue and monitor humpback whale migration, population sizes, behaviour patterns and much more.
- Humpback whales don’t actually have a hump on their backs! Their name comes from the large hump that forms when they arch their backs before making a deep dive into the ocean.
- Male humpback whales are known for their haunting and melodic songs. Each song lasts between 10-20 minutes and a male humpback may sing for hours, repeating his song several times. Whale songs typically have an audio frequency between 80 and 4,000 Hz and can be heard as far as 30 km (20 miles) away.
- Humpback whales appear to share songs when they are in the same area of the ocean. When the song changes, all participating humpback whales will sing the new song.
- When grazing for food, humpback whales take large gulps of water. 12 to 36 throat grooves below their mouths expand to keep the water in. The baleen plates (bristle-like filter-feeder system) in the whale’s mouth then filters out the water and two blowholes on the whale’s back expel it. The prey remains in the whale for digestion.
- Humpbacks consume up to 1,360 kg (3,000 lbs) of food per day. When hunting in groups, they employ a method called bubble netting to get their prey – using air bubbles to disorient fish and corral them.
- In general, humpback whales live around 50 years. Female humpbacks give birth every two to three years after a gestation period of about 12 months. She nurses her calf for almost a year and mother and child travel together, often touching fins in what may be a sign of affection. Whale calves keep growing until they are about 10 years old.
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Interesting story of whale that saves a woman from shark attacked. Marine biologist and research scientist Nan Hauser was saved by a humpback whale during a recent research expedition in the Cook Islands. It could be the first such case on record of a humpback protecting a human. Watched the video showing how the whale had saved her. Incredible footage has emerged of a giant humpback whale protecting her from a circling shark in the pacific. The whale pushed her through the water to safety as another whale warded off the shark with its tail. She has dedicated her life to protecting whales and once a life time experience for her having a whale protect her instead.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
A research scientist and whale biologist Ms Nan Hauser has her lucky day….thanks to the whale that saved and protect her from the attack of a shark . She has been studying these beautiful marine mammals and raising awareness about them to others for the past 28 years.
Whales known for a long time that are intelligent and socially complex animals with large brains . Whales communicate really well through their body language. They too can feel, like any one of us. They use their body language and display behaviour to communicate as well. Watched the video again, tells us more than that. We can see how intelligent the whale is, saving the research scientist.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this.
It’s such a great sharing. The bond between Ms.Han and the humpback is just so beautiful. Animals have such full compassion. Could it be that the humpback is karmically related to Ms.Han in previous life? Could it be Ms.Han saved the humpback previously and this life the humpback returned her kindness? If it’s not karma, what could be the connection? Because karma doesn’t matter which religion or race or realms we are in, karma exists. The humpback reminds me that compassion for all sentient beings is important .
It’s always the human that harming and killing animals for their own benefits. Whether for food or for money. We just kill and kill, and exchange whatever we find valuable in them for money. To them, they are straight forward. Their hearts are pure. Their care and love is simple. Never think of getting any return.
This video showed us how amazing this whale even think of protecting this lady from danger. So kind and pure. This is above human. Human have lost this long ago. Stop killing them. Stop eating them. We do not need to eat them to fill our stomach. We do not need to wear their skin to keep warm. We do not use their organ to medication. Nothing will happen to you when you stop eating them, killing them for their skin or cut them off to take their horn, truck or organs. What’s beautiful is you give them a chance to live. That’s what human should do.
I never knew animal could be so loving and affectionate. Or should I say, I’ve never really paid attention to animals. Pretty much everyone in the world needs a little love. I guess, animals too.
It’s so nice to see this video and looking at how the Humpback whale saves Nan Hauser from the shark.
Humpbacks are one of 12 species of baleen whales, characterised by their baleen plates and paired blowholes, according to NOAA Fisheries. They are also called rorqual whales. Rorqual whales are relatively streamlined and have pointed heads and fins. They can be distinguished from other whales by the deep grooves along their throats.
Some may thing it’s amazing that how animals can be so compassionate but personally I believe they can. May be not all of them but generally we share the common thing here which is to live in peace and what this whale doing here is to extend this idea to make sure Nan Hauser is in peace from the shark.
Whether only certain animals are compassionate is not the question here but what important is our own action whether we are compassionate to them. Every living being are precious and we should not discriminate. They should have the right to live and not depend on us to determine. It’s just the same as we don’t want others to determine for us so why we act differently to the animals. Always reflect our action, if we don’t like to be treated as such then don’t do the same to the animals.
This beautiful story open our eyes as well as our heart to tell us animals do feel compassionate and would like to help us human to live in peace.
I must said every living being living this earth are equal and respect the nature surviving system. We should not simply hurt others for our own desire. However, human are the bigger threatening among all the living being in this planet. In this article show how the whale try to save the women attack from the shark. If whale has show kindness to human. Can human stop hurting living being in the ocean. Show our kindness stop killing and protect the nature in the ocean.
Animals have emotion, if you have spend time with your dog, you will find that it always like to near you,happy when seeing you and protect you when you are in danger. The same go to Ms Nan Hauser who had been working with conservation of whales for a long time. In additional to this, I do believe in karma, Ms Nan must had a past karmic link with whales in their previous lives that bring her to care about the whales and that particular whale save her life. It is same for the dog you are taking care, it also had karmic link with you.
Every being on Earth has their rights to live. No one has more rights, human beings should not think so.
Before human being “take over” the Earth, everything was just right. Not right now, we can see with ours own eyes that the Earth is not long away to break apart, wars, polutions, deforestation, global warming, & the list go on..
It’s time for human to reflect, think & act accordingly to save the Earth before it’s too late.
I believe very much in Karma where this whale biologist perhaps have had encounters with the whale in their previous lives that has led to this incident and also the shark too most likely would have similar karmic links with the whale and biologist. Something always happen for a reason.
Though humans are known as most intelligent beings on earth, but many don’t share same humanity behaviors as others. In this video, what Nan Hauser shared of her experience tells much of a sentient being character that really amazing. We may not understand their languages, pain or sufferings, but their actions show us what is compassionate that we ought to learn from.
This is true kindness shown by the whale to Ms. Nan. This can also be a karmic connection between them which have been brought forward from their previous lives and meet again this life. In a way, this particular whale has gain some good karma for saving Ms. Nan’s life from the shark.
There are some sea animals that are non aggressive and pose no threat to humans and to other sea animals unless these other sea animals are their food. Most species of whale, the giants of the oceans, are known for their gentleness. Dolphins are also known for their gentleness towards humans. However, humans is the biggest threat to these sea animals and land animals where they are hunted as food, for their pelt, and as ‘sports’ – a word we humans use to justify the senseless killing of animals.
In this article, perhaps Nan Hauser had a past karmic link with that whale from their previous lives. Maybe there’s also some sort of past karmic link among Nan, the whale and the shark. It could be Nan and the shark had some karma debts to settle and the whale was their protector. The whale protected Nan from being harmed and it protected the shark from harming.
And to think that animals do not have feelings nor think. Clearly in this post, the whale knew that danger was approaching the biologist. It was being protective and made sure that the biologist was pushed out of harm’s way. It didn’t even need to be taught kindness to show kindness. How rare it is to witness such a beautiful act of kindness of an animal towards a human!
Wow! I am always fascinated about living beings in the ocean, especially whales. There are not many mammals in the ocean, and whales are one of them. Despite their gigantic size, actually they are very gentle mammals. Just like Dolphin, they are close to human. I’ve watched many videos that human encountered whales, but none of them got hurt by whales, although some of the video showed that whales suddenly pop up from the water that just next to a man, somehow, they will never hit or knock on the man. This is amazing.
If human have compassion towards animals, don’t be afraid of them, try to understand them and talk to them, they will do the same to the human also. There’s actually nothing to be afraid of. On the other hand, I think why some animals hurt human, is because they are afraid of human, and it’s the reaction of protecting themselves from human.
Domestically trained pets such as dogs, cats and other animals are known to be very protective of their owners. Since animals have stronger and sharper instincts for danger, it had been known how they sensed danger in advance and do their best to protect their owners from such impending dangers.
It is indeed rare to see how a whale saves a woman from the danger of a shark. As Ms Nan Hauser had been working with conservation of whales for a long time, it is possible that the whales already sensed her work to be of great assistance to them. Then this act of protecting and saving Ms. Hauser by the whale is an act of gratitude.
Otherwise it is the act of altruism from the whale, a compassion that is unconditional and just to help when danger is in sight.
Qualities of altruism is something most cherished and think of it, if animals can be altruistic why not human beings. Then the question arises are we the selfish and under developed species of sentient beings. Food for thoughts.
Animals show love for humans! Cow, lions, apes, dogs, bears, parrots and more can all be very affectionate and show surprising emotions when it comes to expressing their love for people. An emotional animals hugging humans video.
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing this article with us. It is amazing to see how intelligent and kind some animals are. Who would have thought that a whale will have the ability to think that the women are in danger and it has to help her?
This shows that animals have feelings and they do know kindness. They can appreciate and give kindness. That women also have some good karma too. Due to her work to raise awareness for whales, she would have saved alot of whale through her work. Hence, the good karma comes back and saved her life.
This is also why I am a vegetarian. Other animals have feelings too and they are afraid of dying as well. Why will I want to put animals through the process of suffering just to fill my stomach? That does not make sense.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting and heartwarming article of a whale saving the woman from a shark. Whales are actually mammals who give birth to their babies from the womb. In the ocean, stories had been told of dolphins and whales saving humans from sharks. How amazing to have a video footage on the actual event itself. Even animals saves when they can and yet many humans don’t reciprocate by keeping the planet clean and unpolluted. Would be great to have eco living becoming a global commitment.
The animals have feelings too, they are just like human beings. But we always think we are more superior than them, therefore, we can kill them or destroy their habitat for our development. Look at this video, the whale knows Ms. Nan is in danger and it helps her from being attacked by the shark, how heartwarming it is.
How can we still say the animals have not feelings or sentiments like us so we can kill and eat them? Some people say animals are created by the God as our food so it fine to kill them. But if God is about love and compassion, how would he harm another life or make us a murderer?
Have you thought about this? Why is that it is ok to kill a chicken or a pig for their meat but not a cat or a dog? Why are there double standards? If it is not right to kill a dog for the meat, then it is also not ok to kill a chicken for the meat. Besides, it is also scientifically proven that eating meat will increase the chances of getting diseases such as cancer.
Nice short video of a new LED signage reminding us of who we can go to for blessings in case of need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBwrkaKUoH0
Listening to the chanting of sacred words, melodies, mantras, sutras and prayers has a very powerful healing effect on our outer and inner environments. It clears the chakras, spiritual toxins, the paths where our ‘chi’ travels within our bodies for health as well as for clearing the mind. It is soothing and relaxing but at the same time invigorates us with positive energy. The sacred sounds invite positive beings to inhabit our environment, expels negative beings and brings the sound of growth to the land, animals, water and plants. Sacred chants bless all living beings on our land as well as inanimate objects. Do download and play while in traffic to relax, when you are about to sleep, during meditation, during stress or just anytime. Great to play for animals and children. Share with friends the blessing of a full Dorje Shugden puja performed at Kechara Forest Retreat by our puja department for the benefit of others. Tsem Rinpoche
Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbzgskLKxT8&t=5821s
This is so beautiful. This lady was in real danger but the whale protected her and made sure she was safe.
It is obvious that animals have feelings just like us, they have families, babies, and so on. Yet, humans exploit them in horrible ways for their selfish needs. In our day and time we don’t need animals products and our food and clothings can be produced without harming animals. Please respect animals as we share the same planet and need each other.
So interesting to read about Humpback whales who would put themselves between predator and prey. I feel the Whale Witch is certainly does her fair share of helping whales that this humpback whale was willing to protect it at all cost and gently at that.
Humans are so dangerous to whales, it is not funny at all. To have a whale protect a human hope many people will see this and will share, that we humans should not eat our friends.
It is impressive that the whale saves the woman! Animal have feeling like we do, so we should not hurt them, we should cae and love them. I think the whale is so compassionate because it saves the woman from the shark. Thank you Rinpoche this article and video.
Whale is like humans. They have feelings and they do have compassion,kindness towards others. Even a whale can sense danger and have intuitive to save the woman from a shark attack. While many still thinks that animal existence is to serve human. I hope this article can enlighten people that animals are living beings that have feelings and cares for others too. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this very inspiring story ????
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
While watching the video, it seemed ludicrous at first that such a huge fish /mammal was protecting such a tiny woman who was hanging on to his body! But then as I looked closely, it became a most touching sight. The whale has shown a level of care and compassion for a being of another species, which many humans are incapable of. Its emotional intelligence is way beyond that of many humans! How many humans will care for animals and protect them in the same way? Yes this is a most touching story. Ms Nan Hauser, deserves this care from the whale(though she was pleasantly surprised) as she has dedicated more than 2 decades of her life to studying them and raising awareness about them as a whale biologist.
Being around animals, I always believed some animals are more “human” in nature than some others. In the past, I didn’t quite understand why but I think there’s definitely some distinction between certain animals even within the same breed. Some are able to respond and act in ways not all animals can such as this whale.
Perhaps, this whale’s closeness to humans stems from its past life as a human? According to the Buddhist doctrine, it’s definitely possible. Hence, we should never treat animals like mindless species because our forms are interchangeable.
Even a whale can sense danger and have intuitive to save the woman from a shark attack. While many still thinks that animal existence is to serve human, I hope this article can enlighten them that animals are living beings that have feeling and cares for others too. So we should not harm and kill them.
One point I find it amazing about Humpbacks whale is that they can consume up to 1,360 kg (3,000 lbs) of food per day, that’s a huge amount of food. But considering their size, I believe that is normal.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting article.
??? Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Whale is like human. They have feeling and they do have compassion,kindness towards others.
It remind us as human to care for others.
Wow…. A whale saving a woman. That is interesting, this surely show us all animals have feelings like us human beings. Nan Hauser is the President and Director of the Centre for Cetacean Research and Conservation having been doing research, saving whales all a long and during one of her outing the whale saved her from a shark instead. Amazing the whale protected her from a tiger shark during a recent research expedition. Interesting to read …some new knowledge for me about the facts of Humpback whales.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.