Win a Manjushri?

Aug 22, 2014 | Views: 4,905

Dear friends,

I came across this article and video and it really broke my heart. I wish so much to share this with you. Please don’t say you find it hard to watch if you are taking meat or such. I am not criticizing you, just trying to create awareness. What happens to animals really touches my heart and affects me very much.

Please read through the article and watch the video a few times. I am holding a contest to create awareness of this situation. Here it is.

1. I am asking all of you to write a comment below this article. The article is about how we can stop this from continuing and also what we can do about it immediately.

2. Introduce this article post to three persons you know and name their names please. Please have them leave a one-line comment in the comments section below as ‘proof’ that they have been here. Their comments will only be considered eligible for this competition if they leave the comment here on the blog (they will not be considered eligible if left on Facebook). The more you share with new contacts, the more it will earn ‘points’ for you to win as my purpose is to create awareness for animals and their sufferings.

3. I will have my USA team consisting of Kechara Pastor Jean Ai, Pastor Niral, Pastor David, Pastor Moh Mei and Pastor Seng Piow read all the articles and vote what is their favorite and must state three reasons why. Then we will tally up the votes. I will request Mr. Bradley Kassian, Mr. Wei Tan, Mr. Jim Yeh and Mr. Keng Nam to be on the judges panel also. This pending their timing. They are very interested in learning. Judges may enter the contest too!

4. The 1st place winner will win a Lord Manjushri statue around 9 inches or so in height or a Tsongkhapa in equivalent height,  Mind Training book by Thupten Jinpa, Tsongkhapa- A Simple Guide To A Powerful Practice book by Tsem Rinpoche and Tales My Lama Told Me by Pastor David Lai. I will leave it to the winner to choose the statue. 

The 2nd place winner will win a Manjushri poster and Mind Training book, Tsongkhapa- A Simple Guide To A Powerful Practice book by Tsem Rinpoche and There’s No Way But Up by Pastor David Lai.

The 3rd place winner will win a Manjushri tsatsa, Mind Training book by Thupten Jinpa, Tsongkhapa- A Simple Guide To A Powerful Practice book by Tsem Rinpoche, Vajrayogini and Other Sacred Power Places in Nepal by Pastor David Lai and Paul Yap.

Consolation prizes for two people who come in as 1st and 2nd runner up will be Vajrayogini and Other Sacred Power Places in Nepal book by Pastor David Lai and Paul Yap and Tsongkhapa- A Simple Guide To A Powerful Practice book by Tsem Rinpoche .

I will have these items shipped anywhere in the world. I will send a special gift to our non-Pastor judges also to thank them for their efforts. If you do not know what Manjushri is, you can treat it as a beautiful art piece of Tibet to invite into your home.

5. The contest closes September 4, 2014 (two weeks). Then give us 5 days to announce the winner as there will be a lot to read.

Please do not harm animals. Do not eat them. Proliferate awareness about them as they suffer so much. Any lessening of their sufferings will make us a better society.


 “We need another and wiser and perhaps a more mythical concept of animals…. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complex than ours they moved finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.” ~ Henry Beston, The Outermost House

Thank you everyone. Thank you for reading and please read the other posts I have on animals and how they suffer. Have the courage to read and do something. Do something starting with yourselves. With myself.

Tsem Rinpoche



Cruel Cage Egg System

They called it ‘state of the art’ — but the lives led by ‘forgotten’ hens trapped inside this ‘Egg Corp Assured’ PACE factory farm will leave you stunned…

THE SOLUTION: phase out the inherently cruel cage egg system.

When animals who live trapped among towers of rotting excrement have a better quality of life than those still ‘in the system’ — the question must be asked: how is this system still legal?

In many countries, it isn’t. The laws that govern Australian egg farms were due for review four years ago. Yet this critical review still has not been scheduled. Meanwhile, the barren battery cage has been banned throughout the European Union.

Australia is failing desperately in its obligation to protect animals. And in more ways than one.

This new investigation has exposed an even darker side to the cage egg industry: that birds can ‘live’ and die — with no independent person having ever set eyes on them. This is because there is no requirement for routine, independent auditing or oversight of factory farms in Australia.

This is an industry that will squeeze every last dollar out of every last animal if given the chance.

Don’t let them.

Take action today by demanding a ban on the battery cage in Australia.




Or view the video on the server at:



Isolated incident?
Sadly, no. Investigators have reported seeing live hens trapped in manure pits beneath tiers of battery cages in other factory farms too.



Surviving on scraps, bugs, and eggs
Dozens of hens trapped in this manure pit did not have visible access to feed or water, but were seen to be surviving on manure beetles and their own eggs.



‘Lucky’ ones?
As putrid as it is to live among rotting feces, these hens could at least move, stretch their wings, and lay their eggs in private — freedoms denied to their caged sisters.



Falling through the cracks — literally
Live hens sometimes ‘escape’ when workers routinely remove the carcasses of birds who die inside cages. These hens are believed to have fallen into the pits below.



Evidence of long-term abandonment
Varying degrees of feather re-growth would suggest that hens have been living in the manure pit for varying lengths of time — from several days to many months.



Rooster? Investigators filmed what appears to be a rooster among the colony of hens trapped in the manure pit. De-feathered, he too will have endured a year or more in a cage.



‘Egg Corp Assured’
Like many egg factory farms, this PACE farm is “Egg Corp Assured”, which according to the industry is “a mark of a quality product produced under strict guidelines.”



Supplying the same company that supplies McDonald’s
This facility supplies eggs for PACE — the same egg company that supplies major retailers, hotels and even McDonald’s.



Ties to the very top of the egg industry
Eggs from this farm are sold under the PACE brand — the owner of which serves on the board of the peak industry body, the Australian Egg Corporation Limited. Ties to the very top of the egg industry



‘State of the art’ facility
The PACE website describes its farms as ‘state of the art’, boasting the ‘highest standards in animal husbandry’.



120,000 birds — on one ‘farm’
In massive factory farms like this, it is impossible to monitor the welfare of individual animals. Rather, a key measure of ‘success’ is how many birds remain alive.



Repeatedly reported for animal cruelty
This is the second time in as many years that Animals Australia has reported this PACE farm to authorities for serious breaches of animal welfare laws.



‘Get a ladder’
After receiving Animals Australia’s 2013 complaint, authorities instructed farm management to ‘get a ladder’ in order to be able to see hens in the 5th tier of cages.



Neglected hens; rotting carcasses
This hen was one of several found standing on the bodies of rotting cage-mates in 2013 — revealing that hens’ health had not been properly monitored for weeks.



Illegal overcrowding in 2013
Animals Australia first reported illegal overcrowding in this PACE egg farm in 2013. Up to six laying hens were found crammed inside many of the cages.



Illegal overcrowding in 2014
Over a year later, the same farm has been re-reported by Animals Australia for confining more birds per cage than is permitted by law.



Visible signs of long-term stress
These hens are “defeathered” — why? Apart from rubbing up against wire all day, stressed hens resort to pecking at their cage mates out of boredom and frustration.



Complete failure of the auditing system
Even after being officially reported for cruelty, industry-funded audits have completely failed to ensure even the most minimum animal welfare standards are being met.



An inherently cruel and outdated system
The barren battery cage has already been banned in the European Union for unacceptable cruelty. Hens suffering in Australian battery cages need your voice.



You can help end this madness
Hens are sensitive animals with unique personalities who don’t deserve a lifetime of suffering. Help free these amazing animals from suffering by taking action now!


I do not own any rights or materials posted here. I was very saddened by what I saw and my sole intention is to bring this knowledge to many others in hopes the sufferings to animals will be lessened therefore I have posted this. For more information go to to:  Source: They are a compassionate group doing wonderful works. Visit and support their works.




Compiled in the fifteenth century, Mind Training: The Great Collection is the earliest anthology of a special genre of Tibetan literature known as “mind training,” or lojong in Tibetan. The principal focus of these texts is the systematic cultivation of such altruistic thoughts and emotions as compassion, love, forbearance, and perseverance. The mind-training teachings are highly revered by the Tibetan people for their pragmatism and down-to-earth advice on coping with the various challenges and hardships that unavoidably characterize everyday human existence.

The volume contains forty-four individual texts, including the most important works of the mind training cycle, such as Serlingpa’s well-known Leveling Out All Preconceptions, Atisha’s Bodhisattva’s Jewel Garland, Langri Thangpa’s Eight Verses on Training the Mind, and Chekawa’s Seven-Point Mind Training together with the earliest commentaries on these seminal texts. An accurate and lyrical translation of these texts, many of which are in metered verse, marks an important contribution to the world’s literary heritage, enriching its spiritual resources.-Amazon


Conceptualised by Tsem Rinpoche to introduce Lama Tsongkhapa’s beneficial practice to spiritual seekers everywhere, this book contains a short biography of Lama Tsongkhapa and a complete commentary of Lama Tsongkhapa’s Guru Yoga. Especially suited for lay people with busy contemporary lifestyles, this book provides all you need to be able to begin this peaceful healing meditation practice.


An account of an amazing spiritual pilgrimage to Nepal, with each holy site beautifully captured on camera along with Tsem Rinpoche’s powerful explanations and stories.

Featuring many photographs of ancient and sacred Vajrayogini statues that have never been seen in print before, this book is an inspiration for intrepid spiritual seekers who wish to make their own spiritual journey to discover the ancient world of Vajrayogini.


This autobiography is a sincere, no-holds barred and very personal portrait of how a spoilt young man makes his own spiritual journey and finds life-changing results from the Dharma.


A timeless collection of 21 short stories that tells the tale of saints, sinners, struggles and utter devotion. Each story will move, inspire and bring about an entirely new perspective of life, spirituality and everything in between.

Keeping the original flavour and wisdom of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche that is conveyed from the gentle heart of a loyal disciple, these gripping tales will magically unfold before your very eyes.








UPDATED September 9, 2014 – we have our winners!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this competition, and for raising awareness of the suffering of hens with poultry and egg farms. The judges had a lot of excellent, well thought-out comments to read through, and were moved by the kindness of many of them. After much deliberation and discussion, these are the winners of the competition.

1st Place – So Kin Hoe
2nd Place –
Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson
3rd Place –
Jutika Lam
Runner Up #1 –
Toh Cheng See
Runner Up #2 –
Gary Foo

If you are one of the kind, lucky winners, please email the following information to

  1. Shipping information – if you do not live in Malaysia, where would you like your prizes sent to?
  2. Choice of prize – if you have a choice (e.g. Manjushri or Tsongkhapa statue), which would you like to invite home?

This competition may be over but the suffering of animals from cruel farming practices continues. Sometimes we may feel that as individuals we cannot do much for these animals, but we must realise that our diets are a choice within our hands and we can take that personal responsibility to stop becoming a direct contributor to the animals’ pains. So please continue to share this post as it will benefit others to know. The more who know, the more who will ask and push for a change.

1st Place - So Kin Hoe

2nd Place - Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson

3rd Place - Jutika Lam

Runner Up #1 - Toh Cheng See

Runner Up #2 - Gary Foo




Dear friends from around the world and the hardworking people in Kechara,

I am so happy to see all of you participating in this special Manjushri statue contest. My main purpose in this contest was to create awareness for the harm, damage and inhumane treatment of animals especially in this case the hens. I have a special section on this blog on vegetarianism and not harming animals. You should take a visit. Seeing the videos and pictures of how the hens are treated broke my heart and I could not standby and do nothing. So this was the purpose of this contest. Thank you for helping to create awareness. We may not change the whole world, but we can change the world around us one step at a time. 

We have announced the winners of the contest and we will be shipping or delivering your gifts soon. Some will be arriving from the USA and some from Malaysia. So give us some time. Enjoy the blessed items. 🙂

Be kind to animals. Be kind to the environment. Be kind to everyone around you and live our lives in compassion, care and spontaneity.

Always be hungry to learn and try your best in everything. My good wishes to everyone and a special thanks to the judges who had to read through so much and convene to decide who the winners are.

Humbly, Tsem Rinpoche

Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:

If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team

206 Responses to Win a Manjushri?


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  1. Valentina Suhendra on Oct 25, 2017 at 10:28 pm

    Dear All

    I would like to share with you the sacred prayer of Manjushri – A Concert Names of Manjushri (’Jam-dpal mtshan-brjod, Skt. Mañjuśrī-namasamgiti), which consists of 160 verses and mantra sentences. One version is translated by Alexander Berzin, a scholar, translator, and teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, and the other one is from FPMT.


  2. Stella Cheang on Jan 23, 2017 at 9:45 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for this contest to create awareness on the plight of our dinner, before they ended up on our plate. The meat that ended up on our dinner plates are not some chemically produced lifeless “thing”. They are animals who have feelings, can feel pain and suffer a great deal under unhygienic environment, probably able to feel more than us for that matter. This is a fact. We should not ignore it and blindfold our conscious by pretending that the meat we are consuming led a happy life and died peacefully before they ended up on our plate. Do our part by contributing to less suffering for the animals. Go vegetarian.

  3. Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Oct 4, 2014 at 4:39 am

    As many of you know, in the coming months the Thanksgiving Holiday will be upon us. For those of you who celebrate this holiday, and have always done the traditional Turkey dinner, but wish to try a vegetarian dinner instead, but don’t want to lose the appearance of what you are accustomed to, here are a few neat ideas for you.

    Baked Pumpkin stuffed with traditional bread dressing, green bean casserole, corn pudding, cranberry sauce, Turkeys made of vegetables, pumpkin pie, and so much more you can choose from. There are tons of vegetarian recipes online, available to anyone with Internet access. You might be amazed at how many vegetarian ideas are out there.

    Remember, you don’t have to contribute to the death of a Turkey or any other animal in order to celebrate the holiday. There really is no need to have a Turkey on the altar. Try vegetarian. You just might find you really like it.

    You can keep tradition alive, even if you alter it slightly by removing the Turkey. You can still be thankful without meat.

    With Sincerest Respect,
    Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson

  4. Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Oct 3, 2014 at 6:18 am

    Thank you Dear Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, Pastors, Judges, and fellow contest participants for everything you have done and will continue to do to bring further awareness to the world regarding vegetarianism and saving the animals. I feel deeply compelled to keep this going, and to stay completely dedicated to this cause without cease. I believe that as long as we work together on this, we stand a very good chance of ending much of the needless suffering, even if we can’t in this lifetime end it completely. As long as we don’t give up, we can and will make a difference. Let us make an impact that will touch the hearts of many people throughout every Nation.

    With Respect,
    Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson

  5. aditya on Oct 1, 2014 at 1:13 am

    Dear Guru Rinpoche,My humble respects at your lotus feet.

    Heart wrenching to watch the video.I sincerely hope more people become vegetarians,It is frustrating when people speak about humane slaughter and happy animals and such.The fact being that no slaughter is humane or compassionate,further when people mislead others about buddha having allowed the three types of pure meat.Hope someday people will realize the truth and depth of true buddhism and the greatness of the Mahayana path.

    // Gate gate paaragate paarasangate Bodhi svaahaa //

  6. Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Sep 27, 2014 at 4:09 am

    Today I am in tears, not from sadness, rather from tremendous joy. I just received my Manjushri Poster from Tsem Tulku Rinpoche only a few moments ago. A knock at my front door, and there stood the mail carrier with a package for me. I knew instantly what it was as I had been anxiously awaiting it’s arrival. I am so excited to be able to invite this special image into my home where it will be prominently displayed in my Shrine Room.

    Thank you Dear Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, PastorAdeline WL Woon, PastorShin Tan, Jean Ai Khong, and everyone else involved for this wonderful sacred item. It will be cherished deeply.

    Regarding the “Win A Manjushri” contest, I also want to thank my very dear friend Joe P. Dorji for his support and encouragement.

    Let’s keep working toward saving the Animals from suffering.

    ♥ With Love and Respect ♥

  7. Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Sep 23, 2014 at 1:27 am

    Although this contest is over, it is still very important to continue sharing these messages with the world, to continue spreading awareness about the suffering of these animals, and to make every effort to make a difference, and to encourage vegetarianism for the sake of eliminating the unnecessary suffering of these fellow sentient beings.

    Please don’t give up on this goal.

    Respect to you all,
    Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson

  8. Low Yeng Ying on Sep 16, 2014 at 2:16 pm

    Thanks to Jacinta Goh or more closely known as Ah Hoon for sharing the video clip to create awareness. I am imagining if those chickens are human beings, at least they can scream for help and others will hear them. But, for these chickens which are trapped in the cage, how can we render our help? This really bothering the readers’ minds here.How?

  9. tsemtulku on Sep 13, 2014 at 12:18 pm

    Dear friends from around the world and the hardworking people in Kechara,

    I am so happy to see all of you participating in this special Manjushri statue contest. My main purpose in this contest was to create awareness for the harm, damage and inhumane treatment of animals especially in this case the hens. I have a special section on this blog on vegetarianism and not harming animals. You should take a visit. Seeing the videos and pictures of how the hens are treated broke my heart and I could not standby and do nothing. So this was the purpose of this contest. Thank you for helping to create awareness. We may not change the whole world, but we can change the world around us one step at a time.

    We have announced the winners of the contest and we will be shipping or delivering your gifts soon. Some will be arriving from the USA and some from Malaysia. So give us some time. Enjoy the blessed items. 🙂

    Be kind to animals. Be kind to the environment. Be kind to everyone around you and live our lives in compassion, care and spontaneity.

    Always be hungry to learn and try your best in everything. My good wishes to everyone and a special thanks to the judges who had to read through so much and convene to decide who the winners are.

    Humbly, Tsem Rinpoche

    • Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Sep 13, 2014 at 1:09 pm

      Thank you so much Dear Tsem Rinpoche for everything you are doing to help make a better world for humans and animals alike and for making these opportunities for so many of us to come on here and participate.

      With Deepest Respect,
      Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson

  10. Li Kim on Sep 12, 2014 at 2:24 am

    Congratulations to the winners!

  11. Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Sep 12, 2014 at 12:54 am

    Good Morning/Evening to all of you.

    I just want to say that I am very grateful for all the encouragement I have received from friends and family as I have gone full blast into a vegetarian lifestyle. And most of all, thank you Dear Tsem Rinpoche for your video “Whats On Your Altar?”.

    I also want to express my thanks to all the judges for their part in this wonderful experience for the “Win A Manjushri” contest. I really enjoyed writing a commentary for this and am also very excited to have been chosen as one of the winners. I hope many people will read all the commentaries here and will make the choice to go vegetarian. I will continue to spread this to as many people as I can.

    Save the animals from suffering. 🙂

    With Best Regards,
    Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson

  12. Joy on Sep 10, 2014 at 9:55 pm

    Congratulations to the WINNERS of this competition to spread the word on animal cruelty in these poor caged hens! Although this competition is over, unfortunately these poor hens still live a horrible life of hell. This is their hell, so continue to spread this news and awareness is what we need to do… it what I am going to do. Shame on you Australia for allowing such cruelty!

    What else to do? Stop eating eggs! Or if you have to, to at least get free range eggs and not caged chicken eggs. That’s something we can all do to make a change, the lesser the demand, the lesser the supply and these big guys will have to switch their style if they wish to continue to make money from us folks.

    Other things we can do… educate, educate, educate. In schools, in the malls, on social media, in events, on green day, on festivals, just keep on educating as many creative ways as we can.

  13. mina on Sep 10, 2014 at 6:20 pm

    Congratz! 😀 all the best

  14. Aldan Chan on Sep 8, 2014 at 11:28 pm

    I am sad right now. I am born in the year of the rooster. Now would be a good time to stop eating chicken.

  15. Edward Ooi on Sep 7, 2014 at 10:57 pm

    I agree with what Rinpoche has said. We should only set up these kitchen utensils when we are having a vegetarian dining. All of us humans should stop doing anything that would harm animals, if you are already doing that then please help spread it through the world by sharing it to other people and also continue to do more activities like this. I can’t believe how bad they treat the chickens, they are living beings too and because they are living beings we should treat them like one by taking care of them, love them like how you treat your beloved pets and free them, let them live by themselves. I will share it to Julien Roth, Lucas Roth and Sean Wang.

  16. Beatrix Ooi on Sep 7, 2014 at 10:01 pm

    I couldn’t believe my own eyes, the chickens are living in such a horrible environment. How could someone possibly live in a place like that? They will either go crazy or become depressed, just like what the video is showing, the desperate looks on their faces really saddened me. They should be treated with more love and care, not like this. Caging them up like that, allowing them to live in a place full of faeces, this is not going to work. People often think that animals are not capable of having feelings, but we are wrong, sometimes they can be even more sensitive than humans. Its really sad to see them living in such a poor environment. I hope that more awareness will be raised towards this matter, so that the chickens can have better lives, they deserve it. I will share the article with Edward Ooi, Girlly Wu and Janet Lee.

  17. Hayden Chan on Sep 6, 2014 at 12:48 pm

    What a horrible site to see. I feel so sad for the hens. So I will eat less meat.

  18. Phoebe Yong on Sep 5, 2014 at 11:53 am

    After I watched the video, I am really in shock and felt very sad for the animals. It is so cruel that all hens have to live in such bad situation and they have to produce eggs to the farmer to earn profit. As return, the hens are being leave there and suffer without proper care by the farmer. I am doubt how the hens can produce the quality eggs in such a terrible place. The hens are living in mentally and physically torturing every day. I can see most of the hens in the video and pictures, most of their feather shed off and I can imagine the physical pain.

    I want to appeal to those farmers, please improve the environment to the hens and treat them nicely. I hope farmers can change the cage eggs system to free range egg system.

    I agree with other that when there is no demand then there will be no supply. As a consumer, I have to starts it from myself to be meatless. I will share the information to people around me and encourage them practice less meat and more vegetables daily.

    Thank you Rinpoche’s compassion for sharing this video and create the awareness.

  19. Cynthia Ng on Sep 5, 2014 at 10:24 am




  20. Ck siah on Sep 5, 2014 at 7:18 am

    这简直是所谓的 ‘人间地狱’,试想要是我们人类也被如此虐待和对待,我们也会心痛和同情。所以我们也要将心比心,不要做这样惨无人道的事。希望个农场商家可以改善仁道的饲养系统,让它们有好的善待和给自己累计好一点功德。谢谢仁波切的慈悲分享,这也让我感动而减少吃肉的习气。

  21. Lam on Sep 5, 2014 at 2:58 am

    Watching the short video and the pictures really make me feel sick. Can’t imagine how much suffering the hens have to endure living in a cramp cage filled with hills of feces.

    It is hard to understand that at the present time such cruelty to the animals still prevail, and more so in advance country, such as Australia.

    This article posted by Rinpoche will create the awareness of being kind to all animals and that animals too, should be given the chance to live in a more favorable environment. Meat diet has to be eliminated or reduced so that the killing of animal for food will stop or minimize.

    Sharing this in Facebook and Tweeter will be a fast and effective means of spreading the awareness to all people in the world.

    Thank you Rinpoche for this valuable teaching.

  22. Frederick Law on Sep 5, 2014 at 12:16 am

    it is sad to see the hens being cage in such filthy place, and going through mental and physical torture with other hens, just for the sake of human consumption of egg. How could that a the egg was assured with highest quality, but yet behind the truth of the battery hens was not known until today.

    Many of us who consume meat because of the by-product of consumerism, and was brain-washed by false information that we need meat to survive, and meat are full with protein and other vitamins, which is not necessary at all. sacrificing the life of an animal because we need to does not even nourish our body, but contaminate our body with chemical and growth hormone which exist in the meat, and what not the egg.

    Thank you Rinpoche for posting this article and also using this as a platform to spread awareness, while also promoting meatless and vegetarianism through this quiz.

  23. Choi Sheem on Sep 4, 2014 at 11:39 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,
    After watching the video and looking at the pictures of the chicken farm, I wish more people would be turned off by the idea of eating meat in their diet. Even now that we are not consuming meat, it is very crucial that we must not feel so proud of our dietary choice and keep silent. Truly, we have to create the awareness to those around us on the cons of consuming meat and animal produce, be it on the spiritual or health concerns.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this lesson on being kind to animals, not by just avoiding meat in our food intake but also to spread the awareness to more people. May the day comes when the demand for meat consumption be reduced.

  24. yenpin on Sep 4, 2014 at 11:33 pm

    人类的需求,确是值得深思的事。为了吃的欲望和利益,用这样糟糕的环境来饲养鸡。在这样恶劣的环境饲养的鸡,会健康吗?吃了对身体会有益?以前不明白,认为吃多点肉对身体有益有营养,其实不是,素食也一样对身体有益健康又环保 ,远离杀业。

  25. yekyee on Sep 4, 2014 at 11:25 pm


    • Pastor Yek Yee on Sep 6, 2014 at 1:32 am


  26. Gary Foo Chek Tian on Sep 4, 2014 at 9:39 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for enlightening on the abuses of these animals. I was in blissful ignorance while consuming these eggs before but at least I am awakened now to the cruelty behind it.
    Now I have to be mindful to select right sources of protein and lessen both eggs and meat intake. I have shred with a few friends like Ananthakumar, Leslie Aw, Daphne, and relatives May Foo and Florence Chia to see the video and share its messages. When we study this on a bigger and global basis, we can observe most of us would have had consumed eggs at one point in our lives and maybe even more so when we were teenagers being the one who require higher amounts of protein intake due to more sporting activities etc. But the shocking truth is that the way that the beautifully laid egg which has been clandestinely packed in a smart and presentable packaging belies the ugly truth on how these eggs eventually came to being. Since eggs are like part and parcel of people’s daily lives if we can’t avoid eating it, at least we should have a say on how it gets on the shelves in the markets!
    Thus our concern for the Battery Caged Hens. The case of the Battery Caged Hens has been a struggle even for developed countries where only the year 2012 did the EU approve a legislation that requires an end to the use of battery cages by 2012. Fortunately there are more countries recognizing that such cruelty to the hens are not acceptable and have started awareness campaign from which we all can learn from.
    Take Canada for an example: The Canada Coalition for Farm Animals (CCFA) is encouraging student groups across Canada to urge their campus dining facilities to choose free-run, free-range or certified organic eggs. More than 100 universities and colleges in the U.S. have eliminated or reduced their use of battery eggs. Some universities and colleges in Canada have also recently adopted cage-free policies.
    In Australia,
    Royal Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Australia) has very positive and successful move to get hens out of battery cages was setting up the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme. Egg producers can use the RSPCA logo on egg cartons only if they meet the very high welfare standards set by the RSPCA — therefore eggs from battery hens do not make the grade. The scheme is a win all round: the public can make an ethical choice to buy welfare-friendly eggs and producers can see it makes economic sense to improve the welfare of their hens. The RSPCA has also been successful in some States in having egg cartons labelled so consumers can now confidently distinguish between cage eggs, barn-laid eggs, or free-range eggs.
    RSPCA will keep reminding the public, producers and governments that scientific evidence shows battery hens do suffer intensely and continuously when confined in battery cages. Restricted movement, lack of exercise, constantly sitting on a wire floor and no perches in these cages lead to serious bone and muscle weakness. This is on top of the hens having most of their behavioural needs frustrated. Royal Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

    Over in Malaysia, we lack the awareness nor the legislation to handle such abuses of the Battery Caged Hens as lamented by SM MOHAMED IDRIS is president, Sahabat Alam Malaysia (SAM) who opines it is about time for Malaysia to have a Farm Animal Welfare Act be set up by the government to accept the best practices on animal welfare.

    On the positive side of it, (lets just take it a step at a time), within Malaysia we still have some companies making some good effort, such as that by Mr HW Wong through his company DQ Farm ( I don’t know there guys but saw their efforts on the Net) his efforts help in providing a choice of free range chicken eggs for Malaysian to consume but at a higher cost of rm1.00 per egg as compared to about rm0.40 per battery hen egg. Of course the eggs costs much more due to I would say ‘happier’ hens in their video as compared to the ones of the caged hens but as humans I belief we should ponder somewhat on what actually goes into out mouth. Since cost is a factor to buying eggs, perhaps we should also start looking at other alternatives of protein sources besides eggs?

    Of course just like the shark fins, when the demand reduces so will the supply and torturing of the Hens. Being a Vegan will be the most ideal where no killing of chicken nor eating of eggs will ultimately stop the cruelty , otherwise at the very basics, one should at least question their sources of the eggs and make an informed decision if one chooses to support the cruelty behind the beautifully laid and presented eggs. Closer to home, at a night market I asked the seller in Cantonese, “Uncle , is it true this eggs are from caged hens unable to move, he said ‘Yes’ then what about those pricier eggs like Omega type ones? He said they are also caged only difference their food is better? “

    What an eye opener for me this is and hope it will be for many others too. Lets get the ball rolling by first starting a great awareness on this matter via social media and word of mouth. We can also ask the right questions and slowly pressure the retailers, which the pressure will slowly go up the supply chain and when profits are affected will then the attitude of suppliers change. Or wouldn’t it be nice if we all just turned vegan, bulk of food issues will be resolved 🙂
    Just because a Hen cost cheaper than a shark they are precious too right? 🙂

  27. Michelle Yap on Sep 4, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,


    謝謝Julia Tan分享我知這比賽。






    Michelle Yap 葉孋儀

    我提名我3位朋友 Eve Lee,Dr Lee Chee Siang,Honey Yong。

    Thank You To All ~^,^v

  28. Gary Foo Chek Tian on Sep 4, 2014 at 3:40 pm

    Lets get the ball rolling by first starting a great awareness on this matter via social media and word of mouth. We can also ask te right questions and slowly pressure the retailers, which the pressure will slowly go up the supply chain and The rest will eventually follow suit. Or wouldn’t it be simpler if we all just turned vegan, bulk of food issues will be resolved 🙂

  29. Grace Leong on Sep 4, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    From whichever angle you look at it,there is simply no justification for killing animals just to satisfy one’s palate. All the reasons given by meat eaters are invalid and inhumane, and it boils down mostly to habituation, ignorance and attachments.Unfortunately, this view is only accepted by a very small minority group of people.Many still consume meat meals and this has become a mega industry in this world, raking up lots of profits at the expense of lives of animals which are considered less important than that of humans.
    Personally after much encouragement and guidance from Rinpoche, I have given up eating meat for a couple of years. It was not an easy journey but it is certainly possible. However, out of convenience I have relied on eggs as one of the protein supplements. When this teaching was posted I was very reluctant to digest it merely because I am reluctant to make the next change in my diet. I totally comprehend the sufferings of the chickens in those horrid conditions, forced to lay eggs just for my consumption! I will need some time to work on this but I will definitely do it. If I mindfully replay all those sufferings of the chickens in my mind, I believe one day I will completely give it up!
    Every teaching given by Rinpoche is to help us achieve Enlightment. All the teachings are personal instructions to me. In every aspect of our lives we need to deal with our delusions and maras the same way we deal with our diets. Its like shedding off piece by piece the baggage of samsara we carry within us….. to find our True self! Thank you Rinpoche !
    I would like to nominate CK Leong, Melissa Leong and Judy to read on this teaching and make comments on it. Thank you.

    • Melissa Leong on Sep 4, 2014 at 9:45 pm

      Agreed. Suffering is something we can easily avoid through our choices, not only in eating but also through our consumption choices. By being overall more mindful about the power within the decisions we make everyday, as simple as the cosmetics we use, the establishments we patronize, we are able to collectively reduce the horrific conditions of suffering that animals and other humans even (i’m thinking garment workers here) are being put through.

      • Judy Morale on Sep 4, 2014 at 10:33 pm

        We must be more responsible people. We have to learn the real facts on how animals are reared and subsequently what do they do with them. We must also share with others the information to help reduce all these sufferings and killings. The methods have to change.

    • sammooi on Sep 4, 2014 at 10:49 pm

      We can encourage others to go less meat and meatless by sharing the benefits of being healthier and feels better. Its not easy to sell ideas unless people think of how it benefits them. Its always what’s in it for me mentality?. Despite the gory pictures cigarettes smokers are not any less today. Whenever there is a chance encourage a friend to slow down or go on less meat.

    • CK leong on Sep 4, 2014 at 11:13 pm

      Since Grace started on a vege diet and as a family we went down hill on meat (still not fully though). My Taman Tun market pork seller on the rare occasion I visit him don’t talk to me anymore. I guess we went down the pecking orders of the client list. No longer his top 100 countdown list!. I am just kind of happy we spend less,$$$. Honestly going less meat is a very healthy option and we just need to share our experience with our families and friends and continue to encourage them. Maybe join a local society to keep watch on animal rights and abuses. We cannot change the world over night, but every small step counts.

  30. Wan Wai Meng on Sep 4, 2014 at 2:20 am

    With the case of Australia this is what I can suggest to help with the situation

    i) Have legislation that if factory farms treat their animals well, how well it is to be determined by animal rights groups based on certain criteria like
    a) free ranging b) hygiene c) number of chickens per sq m2
    d) smelliness index e) vet’s testimonial f)animal health

    If animal rights group give good marks that company gets a tax break of X%
    So there is a carrot for the farmer.

    ii) To use chicken manure as biomass that can be burnt and converted into
    energy which is cost savings for the company. This is existing technology. With
    the chicken manure used this way it is hoped factory farms will keep manure
    levels at a minimal as manure will be constantly emptied or carted off to
    generate energy hence creating a better environment for the chickens.

    iii) Animal lovers/groups should try provide ‘retirement’ homes for chickens,
    chickens who are old should given to such homes for free. And these retirement
    homes should have agriculture as its main activity and also use the chicken
    manure from chickens to generate electricity. The national grid should buy the
    electricity generated if there is surplus. Need to work with farmers to set a
    standard and give hens a better environment towards the end of their useful
    lives. In exchange animal rights groups should promote factories who work well with them to have a more humane end to the hens.

    iv) Animal groups can also collaborate with farms to relocate less productive
    hens to farms or homes who would welcome a hen who can still lay eggs just
    not at the rate or slower than factory standard. This again is for hens meant for
    destruction when their productivity dips. Perhaps the old hens can be bought
    from the factory at an inexpensive rate.

    Quick Stats
    Caged Egg Figures
    30: The average number of hours suffered by a battery hen to produce just 1 egg.
    1.5: The age (in years) at which most battery hens are slaughtered after their egg-laying declines (of a natural lifespan of 12 years).
    1 in 6: The estimated number of battery hens who live in cages with untreated
    broken bones.

    I will nominate Abinav, Josselyn, Yee Mun and Gopinath

    • Gopinath Ulaganathan on Sep 4, 2014 at 6:53 pm

      this article brings allot of awareness on how the meat, egg and dairy industry tortures animals , not all of them though . I have considered many times to change my dietary habbits as I was aware of this a long time ago but I could not do much as at times it is difficult to get vegetarian food when i am out with friends and I do not wish to trouble them to look for food for me. But everytime i see such defencless animals suffer just to satisfy the craving of the people who love meat I feel sad. anytime Sooner I aspire to do something to reduce this sufferings.

  31. Kok Wah Ying on Sep 4, 2014 at 12:10 am

    Video and pictures say a lot and always has more impact than words. I saw some pictures of chicken of some fast food restaurants posted on social media and some said these chicken are DNA engineered to have less feature for cost saving purposes and so…Now come to think of it, the chicken might be with DNA engineered but most likely they are being reared in a crowded cage like this battery hens…with stress, lack of space, food, fresh air and more – a less than minimum expectation living environment for a living being.

    On how to improve the situation of battery hens, I would think the relationship between the industry, consumers and government as these:

    Battery Hens problems
    Industry Players
    Government or related authorities on laws enforcement

    How to stop or improve the living environment of battery hens? How dare industry players ignore the enforcement authorities on ending the suffering or at least provide a decent living environment in short term for the hens? Only when the laws, the penalty and will of the authorities is not strong enough, then the industry players dare to ignore or pretend to comply to the laws, temporarily.

    Enforcement of the laws is not enough, and not enough pressure or no one from the consumers and pressure groups like animal groups to give pressure/push the government to enforce the laws more efficient, will be one of the main reasons why enforcement of laws not able to ensure the bad practice to stop.

    Why we as consumers do not care to give pressure? First many might not know the fact of battery hens (that’s the reason Rinpoche has this post and video posted here to create awareness). Some might know the reality, but refuse to face it, or do not care to what the reality is, because we always think these are not something affect my welfare…which is not true at all. We do not want suffering so do these hens.

    Come to think of it, to influence the industry players, we have to push the government to give pressure to industry players, in order to push the government we have to first push ourself…Changes begin with ourself and from within. It seems hard but at least we can start with ourself, friends and family around us and slowly to the state, the country and the world.

    I would like my friends and family to read this post and the video. I would like to nominate Fong Chew, Kok Wah Teng, Liang Chon Kong and many more to leave your comment after watching the video and the write up. Thank you.

    • Fong Chew on Sep 4, 2014 at 12:18 am






    • Kok Wah Teng on Sep 4, 2014 at 12:53 pm





    • Liang Chon Kong on Sep 4, 2014 at 12:57 pm




    • Lancelot Kai on Sep 4, 2014 at 11:51 pm

      I get to watch this video from a relative of mine and I decided to post a piece of my mind on this video. I am a meat eater but now I mainly eating on protein products. I am not a Buddhist so I am not very deep into the thinking of the Buddhism, here is my opinion.

      This video implies a system which enables the superior being which is the human to control the inferior being which is the chickens into getting what they desired. As we can see, the chickens were caged and forced to live in a world which i can say : hellish. They had to work everyday to fulfill the task they were given but they were not given the repayments that equals their sacrifice.

      Imagine it people, if one day a more superior being than us humans decided to enslave us and give us the same world that those chickens were facing now, what would you do? Crawling on the rotting earth, eating the disgusting leftovers, inhaling the stank air…will you like to have a life of this? If not, please stop this atrocity against those inferior beings.

      Thank you

  32. Jutika Lam on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:02 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Almost every trade that has to deal with mass production and the trade dealing with animals is never good news and always results in the innocent animal victims either being brutally abused till they die or inhumanely slaughtered for their meat.

    In this case it involves hens being stuffed up in small cages and being forced to live in their own droppings and feces and forced to lay eggs even though they don’t want to.

    Watching the video above, it truly breaks my heart to see all those innocent hens suffering in the conditions they are in just to please our taste buds.

    Though I do eat eggs occasionally, I’ve never really been a fan of eating eggs because it just doesn’t taste good to me.

    It really makes me feel angry at how dark, gloomy, cramp and disgusting place and yet the people at PACE dare to describe their facility as “state of the art”, oh wow… If that is state of the art…. I wonder what other farm can be called disgusting and horrible.

    In such a world where billions of people think that eating meat is a key to staying healthy, all farms having to do with animal products are going to be continuously striving rich and the only possible thing that we can possibly do single handily is to start with ourselves by either cutting down on our consumption of eggs, dairy products and meat or either go vegetarian or better yet vegan.

    How can we stop this gross torture and eradicate this problem?

    Here are my solutions,

    1: Start a campaign that educates people on where the eggs from major fast food chains, the supermarket and in their household come from apart from that, get people to sign a pledge that they will not eat eggs on as many as possible days a week they can pledge.

    2: Write a letter to all the egg farms that are using the battery hen method to farm eggs to stop such cruel acts, and get vegan celebrities/animals rights activists to sign the paper and then send it to the farm .

    3: Get people to sign huge posters to let battery hen farms know that if they don’t stop this cruel method and change to a much more animal friendly way, the people who have signed the poster would stop buying eggs from the following suppliers.

    4: Team up with animal rights activists to stage a peaceful demonstration in front of the farms so that the people managing the farms will come to sense that what they are doing is totally wrong.

    5: Probably the easiest one, GO VEGAN!

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this truly hard breaking post.

    I nominate Dan Deere, Arbab Hayder, I’m looking for one more.

    • Dan Deere on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:14 pm

      It is really sad to see animals having to deal with such suffering.

    • Jutika Lam on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:37 pm

      My new nominees are Dan Deere, Samantha

      • Jutika Lam on Sep 4, 2014 at 10:53 am

        As well as Emily Chang.

    • Samantha cxv on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:42 pm

      It infuriates me to see innocent chickens suffering in such a inhumane state.

  33. alvin tan on Sep 3, 2014 at 10:58 pm

    Hi, Im Alvin Tan, 13-year-old boy am giving out some ideas of not threatening the poor animals which are suffering.
    Here are some ideas
    1. Encourage and persuade people not to eat meat.

    2. Donate some foods to the animals and bring them to animal shelter if its necessarily

    3. Try not to hurt the animals when there are around you because they don’t mean any harm to you because they are just like human walking pass.

    I hope all these ideas may help you to raise more awareness to the people that dont know this. Thank you and bye.

  34. Moon on Sep 3, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    I feel bad when I saw so many hens get caught in a cage, and if they know they are going to be kill to fulfill man’s need, how scare are they in their deep heart. They should stay happily in the farm, walking everywhere, but nowadays they lost their freedom because of us. They feel so helpless, but mankind, I’m so shame with my own selfishness. I do love animals, thanks, I really need some kind of awareness like this.

    • abby foo on Sep 6, 2014 at 8:50 pm

      Hi Moon, nice to see you here and I am glad u accepted my ‘challenge’ to watch the heartbreaking video and leave your thoughts here. Thank you for appreciating this article and the video. 🙂

  35. MITRA on Sep 3, 2014 at 6:02 pm

    Thank Rinpoche, for sharing this article . vegetarian is very important for everyone. Om Mani Padme Hum .

  36. Karey Fong on Sep 3, 2014 at 5:41 pm

    Though I am not practicing vegetarianism just yet, I do feel that there is a limit to exploiting lower forms of living beings. Mindfulness must be there as birth of all living things is a form of exploitation. Matters lie with the degree of exploitation and whether you remain mindful of the exploitations that you have made towards other living beings. As such, we who were once babies have been exploiting the resources in our mothers’ wombs without being consciously aware of the process. Our mothers endured labour pain so that we are brought into this world as we need a womb and the main source of nutrients to keep us alive (in scientific terms). The point here is whether we have taken for granted whatever that we are exploiting to the point that we overexploited these resources.
    Overexploitation involves much desire to fulfill our own cravings which are far more than our basic needs as well as being intolerant towards the nature of the resources we are exploiting. The least that we could do to as non-vege is to be mindful of the basic needs of the living things that we are exploiting. Going back to the example that I have given as humans, we appreciate the sacrifice that mothers made for us in various forms which are in line with the filial piety principles. Similar to the concept of filial piety (though some might feel the comparison to be a little off), exploitation of animals should be done in mindful ways such as having moderate consumption of poultry and other forms of meat not because of gluttony pleasures but to ease hunger. The most important thing is to appreciate the ‘forced sacrifice’ of the living beings in terms of giving these living organisms a chance to do what their nature allows them to do. Think about this: Certain populations in the society like fresh kill and raw meat for their consumption, but do animals exist to serve mankind’s pleasure eating standards or to fulfill the basic growing needs in all organisms? Such forms of exploitation exist in the predator –prey realms as well. The predator kills its prey mainly to ease hunger, but sometimes the prey suffered a slow death because the predator decided to play with it first. But human evolution gives us something more than that which are empathy and conscience that we could use to practice moderation in life.
    As such to cut my rumbling short, the battery system cuts the basic needs of these chickens in terms of movements and their functionality to roam and feed freely in the world they are born into. These two conditions are the basic needs of these living forms that they are born with such natures. When these chickens are free to roam, they are able to produce healthier eggs as their nature is respected and in turn consumers like us will also have better nutrients from mindful exploitations. The point that I am making here is whether us, humans have the right to degrade and destroy the nature of other living beings to serve ourselves. Denying the nature of living resources has actually degraded our own nature as well. Moderation, mindfulness and appreciation of the nature of how things are can actually turn the table around not only for those who go for vegetarian diet but also for non – vege.

    • abby foo on Sep 6, 2014 at 8:54 pm

      Hey Karey, nice to see you here! Thank you for accepting my ‘challenge’ to watch the video above and leave your thoughts here. I very much agree with you. For those who are not ready to become a vegetarian at the moment, moderation, mindfulness and appreciation of the nature definitely can bring change for the situation, just like you and I. Now you know there’s another side of story we may not be exposed to since we were young but now we know better and from this, we can make a better choice to bring less harm to nature and eventually, we bring zero harm to the mother nature. 🙂

  37. shelly tai on Sep 3, 2014 at 4:55 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for reminding us about our own deluded samsaric mind. When I first become a vegetarian I do it for the benefits of collecting merits for my daughter after years of reading Rinpoche blogs I realize being a vegetarian is actually very important as a Buddhist because it help us to detach from our own attachment , I feel fortunate to know Rinpoche because Rinpoche has make my life with meaning.

  38. June(Khjb) on Sep 3, 2014 at 4:00 pm

    鸡舍的生存环境是肮脏无比的,为争食自动槽中的饲料或饮水,母鸡互相践踏,尖叫、嘶号。母鸡短暂而不停的生蛋生涯就是这样渡过的…..約兩年後就会被送往屠宰场宰杀 !!!所有的生命,看似形形色色,其实本质是相同的,一体相关的,请将心比心,「己所不欲,勿施於人」 !!! 我相信没有人愿意这样过一生!!!

    在此我把这篇非常有意义的文章分享给Poling Leu,Chai Qun Mei,Chan Pei Leng.希望大家可以抽出一点时间阅读,了解与分享.

    • Poling Leu (KHJB) on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:21 pm

      June,今天和我分享了 ,由tsem tulku rinpoche,发出有关一间農场母鸡生蛋的生活环境是这么样的,母鸡们是在一个个大笼子里生活者,母鸡们都被挤在一起,空间是宓宓的,由于没有活动空间母鸡们都是看起来没有完整的羽毛,在这样环境生活母鸡们看起来都无精打采,母鸡们的健康都受影响,人类为了自己的利益要大量生产出多多的鸡蛋,可就苦了母鸡们,我是吃素的,也不吃鸡蛋,所以想说我们人类可以通过改变飮食的方式,停止吃鸡蛋。功德无量。

      我将把此文章分享给Micheal Lee, Steven Chew和WK Chan

    • chan pei leng on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:36 pm

      看了这篇分享, 感受到我们人类竟是无比的自私自利, 家禽为人类做出那么多贡献, 我们却让 家禽处在地狱般的环境。 其实, 我们该做些改善举动, 改善环境,改善卫生, 让家禽健康,也为我们人类预防病菌。 利家禽也利己。 大家加油,共勉之。

  39. roland choi on Sep 3, 2014 at 2:39 pm

    I grew up in village in my childhood days , my mother used to rare chickens and ducks beside our house, fence up. The animals have alot of space to run around. Frankly i have not been to a chicken farm at all.
    After watching the pictures above in a deplorable condition I feel very very sad. I hope the authorities will do something to improve the condition in those farms. I would like to thank Tsem Rinpoche for bringing out the suffering of animals.

  40. KYC on Sep 3, 2014 at 2:04 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    The method used in the egg farm in the video is outmoded and the owner has definitely violated rules and regulations with regard to animal welfare. This production system for egg laying is the conventional battery cages system. This method of egg production has already been banned in the European Union since 2012.

    From the video, it can be seen that the hens suffer from the following unlawful conditions: (1) overcrowded conditions, (2) long-term stress which result in loss of feathers, (3) dead hens are not removed, causing unhealthy living conditions, (4) dirty environmental conditions as the manure is not removed.

    The free range system and the use of barns also have their risks of diseases caused by virus or bacteria because there is a link between disease and housing systems. The main causes of food poisoning are the salmonella and campylobacter pathogens in eggs and chicken meat. If the health and environmental rules for egg and poultry farming are not followed, there will be the danger of new poultry diseases and re-emergence of ones that had dwindled.

    There are 21 egg farms in Malaysia approved by the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA). Two of them have been suspended in March due to the violation of environmental and food safety rules. It is good that in Malaysia we have state health departments that look into food security and that will take firm action against those who do not abide by the rules and regulations.

    But more has to be done for the welfare of the hens in layer farms around the country to see that there are no health issues resulting from poor housing systems and living conditions. Although there are laws against animal cruelty, it would be good if we could educate egg farm owners on the importance of developing compassion for animals. In the case of the hens, one should let them have the opportunity to live according to their instincts.

    The following are some measures that can be taken: (1) provide them with suitable nesting places to lay their eggs in privacy, (2) understand the health risks on the farms, recognize signs of ill health and medicate when necessary, (3) provide effective veterinary health and welfare plans appropriate for each type of farm, and (4) let the hens live out their lives naturally instead of slaughtering them for meat when their egg-laying days are over.

    The 3 persons I invited to comment are: Parvin Jahadi, Wong Yoke Nyen, Roland Choi, Lisa Leong and others.

  41. Julin Tan on Sep 3, 2014 at 12:56 pm

    they should close this chicken farm now.

  42. melissa sin on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:41 am

    Waste piles up in the animal sheds, creating ammonia and dust. The ammonia irritates and can even burn animals’ eyes, skin and throats. Factory farms simulate unnatural day lengths to promote fast growth and desired behaviors. Fast and disproportionate growth and production due to selective breeding causes ailments including chronic pain, mobility problems and heart problems and the list goes on.Factory farms exists in many parts of the world, it is not surprising because it has become a regular, standard way of production. Manufacturers now find the fastest way of earning higher profits regardless to the cruelty they are imposing. Truth is, that these live chickens are no more than just meat and money to them, especially in some developing countries where agricultural production is most dependent on.

    Many suggest it’s because of information failure, but I personally don’t think that’s the case. It’s the 21st century, many people, children included, are now equipped with the latest technology. Plus, the topic of animal cruelty has been a revolving issue around the world. Especially since the release of many hidden footages of animal abuse and filthy systems. Also quite frankly, even with these kind of information circulating, nobody cares, as long as they get their meat.

    I guess it’s not a matter of putting it out there but how often. ‘How often’, would allow perceptions to be changed and ‘how often’ would allow people to realize that this is a bigger issue than it is, not only it affects these animals under cruelty but understanding that this is their world too and it deserves to be treated better. Even now, there are many institutions that dedicate themselves to this issue with great proposals on new farming systems, healthier and more cost effective ones, inspired by people like Temple Grandin. Pressure groups are constantly on the rise to fight back. Many now are just focusing on educating the future generation, even more are on educating the people who control the chickens i.e. the manufacturers, management. For everyday people like us, we could just plainly support the cause by going, as many mentioned, vegetarian. Or even join protests and organizations to understand their infectious passion against animal cruelty and sharing the experience. If organizations and governments could collaborate to support better farming with subsidized resources to start up, it would already begin solving the first step to these rough conditions.

  43. jj ding on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:01 am

    Please Don’t Let our taste build on their pain !!

  44. Taschi Tsering Sim on Sep 3, 2014 at 10:45 am

    I pray that one day the sufferings of these pour animals would cease.

    Om Mani Padme Hum _/\_

  45. Julia Tan on Sep 3, 2014 at 10:45 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the video and teachings on this matter. I am very happy that under Rinpoche’s guidance I became a vegetarian 5 years ago. I was thinking just do it for a year and dedicate for Rinpoche’s long life but after 2 months I decided to become a life time vegetarian. The reason is still the same but the side benefits that I received are tremendous due to no meat diet and no killing, I have a healthier body and lifestyle, I cut down my desire for meat and I feel proud of myself. I enjoy every of my vegetarian meal very much everyday. As a Buddhist I think this is a basic thing we should all do. We are blessed to be reborn as human in this life does not mean our next life will remain the same. Since we became a human so that we can do more to protect the rest. We do not kill and eat them in order to fulfill our desire.

    When I asked my friends to go for vegetarian, then they asked me what if they overpopulated. Many people gave very lam excuses without thinking or refused to know about the truth how the meat, eggs and milk are being produced and sell on the shelves and served on your plate. Hence I truly think that education is very important and it should start from very young.

    1. Imprints from young age set a very important role in our lives. Hence encourage children to love animals to generate kindness and compassion from day one when they were born. Schools should set this session as one of their daily school lessons. Taking the children to the farm so that we can touch and hug the animals. At the same time ask them questions like, “Do you know where the meat or egg on your plate come from?’ Children are very truthful. Let them think and decide what is wrong and what is right to do.

    2. Public awareness campaign. Setting up booths in shopping malls, playing videos above to create awareness, social media, bill boards etc can be used to create awareness of kindness to animals instead of creating more desire for killing for food which so called “fine dining”.

    3. Government support such as banning those battery farms, having sport check to the farm, educate the farmers by always encourage and help them with the alternative way or better way to do it.

    Where there is demand there is a market. when we stop eating them, everything will turn better day by day. Not only for the animals but for our own healthy life style. Do not give yourselves all kinds of unreasonable excuses. We are human, so think and live like a human.

    • Michelle Yap on Sep 4, 2014 at 9:36 pm

      我非常喜歡 Julia 最尾段的發佈文章,的確!我們身為人類應該要做些像個人的事,素食是一個開端,成就美好的世界是目標,我們一起加油 🙂

      Michelle Yap

  46. Han on Sep 3, 2014 at 10:09 am

    This 2 minute video can create awareness and make a difference to these animals by refusing to purchase cage eggs and reducing or replacing animal products, the best is to become a vegetarian.

    Being a vegatarian definitely can reduce the suffering of animals.We probably don’t want to hear about the horrific treatment of animals that are raised for food, even before they are slaughtered for our benefit. But suffice it to say, there are great amounts of suffering involved, and by cutting out meat we are reducing involvement in that.

    Its inhumane to treat hens in battery cages, to live their entire lives never being able to spread their wings. Hens do hurt and feeling pains too.

    Let us never forget, that as long as these industries continue to exist, the real issue is their unnecessary, systematic and brutal murder. May this cruel human act cease through awareness and encourage many more people become a vegetarian/vegan.

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this great awareness blog post, I will share this to many of my friends, especially Koh Huiying, Ng Kar Lim & Simone Skelchy.

  47. Ashlee Tam on Sep 3, 2014 at 8:58 am

    Dear Rinpoche, these pictures are utmost shocking and heartbreaking. Seeing the chickens cramp in small cages and the poor condition & suffering that they are in is a very painful sight. Such reality is hard to accept but most of us tend to ignore it. I’m on vegetarian diet but i still consume eggs and this article has certainly changed my perspective on consumption of eggs. I will definitely be more selective on the eggs that i purchase now, will definitely pay more to go for free range chicken eggs. I have also nominated 6 of my friends, Deric, Dawn,Pauline, Gwen, Weng, Meng Gaik to read this article and request of them to share this with their friends. It is important for us to share this to create the awareness so that people will be more mindful when they purchase and consume eggs. When there is awareness and strong petition, the government will act on clamping down the unethical & inhumane way of farming eggs. Humans alot of times inflict suffering on animals for our own greed and desire. To expect others to change, we must first transform ourselves. I understand that overnight transformation is impossible but if we do it gradually, we can achieve it. I have always felt strongly for animals after listening to Rinpoche’s teachings on compassion and taken baby steps over the years to become vegetarian. I’d rather sacrifice my desire to consume meat than to have the animals sacrificed for my taste buds. And gradually over time, i hope i can go egg-less to complement my vegetarian diet.

  48. Li Kim on Sep 3, 2014 at 1:02 am

    I know that I am idealistic to stop chicken and eggs consumption overnight. But as people become aware then less demand and less killing. While this happens eventually, the pains of the chickens can be eased if the governments will provide more land for such farming, even if only temporarily. The conditions are inhumane. We all want children and partners, would we harvest and farm the supply of children and partners like this for sale! I know it is bizarre that I have this analogy but think about it. It is the same logic of cruelty.

    I am sharing this link on the fan pages I manage – Phng Li Kim, The Promise, The Paranormal Zone and also my personal page.

  49. Gim Lee on Sep 3, 2014 at 12:52 am

    Creating Awareness among consumers as well as the authority bodies will help to stop the cruelty towards animals. We need to social-media this issue to wider audience and will need to set up a working group to focus on creating this awareness aggressively.

    Due to practices of certain different faiths,cutting out meat eating totally will not happen anytime soon. Nevertheless, we can create awareness to help reduce the sufferings of the animals in farms, especially for the battery eggs.

    We can also health approach skillfully to influence the public to reduce consumption of meat and dairy products.

    I nominate my friends Syndy Lim, Angie Loh and Ng Tze Lian to create awareness among their friends and families.

  50. Kelvin on Sep 3, 2014 at 12:50 am

    Dear friends and Rinpoche,

    This video shows the how “sick” the whole industry is. The chickens are being kept in the worst conditions just for the sake of economy and consumption. It is already wrong to trade/take lives for the sake of money, it’s even worse to torture the chickens till the end of their lifecycle which creates huge among of suffering. Animals have feelings and strong instincts of survival as i’ve seen documentary on them, I’m very sure the chickens are traumatised throughout their lives in the farm.

    There are a few ways i can think of:

    1. Social Media to raise awareness of such incidents for the public to contemplate such issues. I can see there are many social activists groups (ie. Peta) are already doing it quite successfully, maybe it is good to leverage on their expertise, exchanges ideas or even collaboration to bring it to the next level.

    2. Alternative dietary plans for people who intend to take a smooth transition into a vegetarian diet. Many people are not able to switch immediately to a vegetarian diet. It will be good to have a dietary plan for them to reduce their meat intake gradually and eventually 0 meat intake

    3. Take a vegetarian vow and be an example for others to follow. This would greatly influence the people around you due to the good motivation and belief you have for the lives of animals with the hope they will be one someday.

    I’ve asked my good friends: Edna, Sean, Murgesh, Alexis, Luke.

    • Alexis Soh on Sep 3, 2014 at 12:36 pm

      Kelvin, I was a die hard meat eater that I could not fathom a day without meat or its related product such as chicken or fish stock. Until the day I had chronic hives for 1 year and every night at 10+pm my hives would emerge from my back of neck to the rest of the body covering like a huge slab. After consulting numerous western specialist, they said nothing, NOTHING on earth the can do to stop it from occuring except to treat the symptoms and pray the body resolve by itself.

      It was very very unbearable. Until I met my Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor who said that it was the easiest skin condition to treat as my hives was caused by toxins from consuming too much meat.. I just have to go vegetarian for 1 week. Initially it was very very difficult to go without meat and it took me slightly more than 1 month to completely be free from hives! I am glad that kicked started my road towards vegetarianism. My TCM doctor is a devout Buddhist and vegetarian. We always enjoy each other’s company sharing and discussing Dharma. She is always promoting vegetarianism.

      To maintain and improve my health, I cut down alot on meat and I even prefer my vege raw! On top of that, animals need not be killed to satisfy our tastebuds!

    • Sean on Sep 3, 2014 at 1:30 pm

      After watching the video, I would prefer to avoid meat consumption whenever possible. Thanks for sharing this video.

  51. abby foo on Sep 3, 2014 at 12:27 am

    It is so sad that human beings just cannot stop to exploit the animals and our mother nature. The greed in human beings will never be satisfied and nothing could stop them for keep exploiting whatever is convenience.

    What is shown on the post above is pure exploitation of the hens. People just want to get the fullest benefit and they totally ignore that the hens are actually a living beings that feel pain and will sick and die. Everything in human beings eyes are just tools to get more money and power. The mother nature is going through the same thing as the animals.

    The root of the problem is greed, and this greed is strong when we take everything for granted. We take and take and take, never a second cross our mind to give back and to give. We purposely ignore the consequences even though we know what it is going to be, we proudly say it would not happen because human is the strongest beings on earth and SOMEONE WILL FIGURE SOMETHING OUT TO SOLVE ALL THE PROBLEMS. We always have this irresponsible ideas.

    Exploitation is wrong on so many levels and it brings harm to all no matter you are involving in the exploitation or not, this is not matter, what matter is, the consequences will still come. Therefore we should do our part to stop all these exploitation to animals and nature, and some exploitation of women and children too in some countries!

    What we can do is teaching our young generation not to take things for granted. Whatever they want, let them know where the things are from. In the past when technology was not established as now, when everything was in basic, there were less exploitation towards animals and nature because human beings relied on animals and nature to survive. For instance, human beings need cows, horses, dogs, goats to give milk, to help them in field and works. They tend to kill lessand they do not simply kill. Last time human beings need trees, need forest because there were the places where resources were found. Basically they appreciate animals and nature more than we do now. We are numb and always demand for more. This is not healthy from physical and mental level.

    Next we can have campaigns like meatless Monday, meatless Tuesday and so on and from this particular day, we should let all know the ugly truths about how the meat we happily eat comes from and how this hurt the animals and nature. We have had enough of deceiving advertisement that meat eating is purely enjoyment and it is the symbol of wealth and good life. This kind of value is twisted and we all need to tell the truth and be firm. Another value has to emerge, that is the value of appreciation animals and nature. When we do not appreciate things and take things for granted, we are lacking responsibility, responsibility to take care things around us and we become numb and cold. We will not be happy when we are numb and cold to say eating animals is fine, hurting animals is not a big deal just because we choose to ignore doesn’t mean the pain and sorrow are not true.

    Hereby I ‘nominate’ my friends, Karey Fong, Moon Chan and Taschi Tsering Sim to take this ‘challenge’ to watch the very heartbreaking 2-minute-video and write your thoughts here.

  52. Alex Tan on Sep 2, 2014 at 11:20 pm

    I stopped eating eggs about 2 years ago as I realised that my consumption of eggs create demand for them, hence motivate profit minded people to invest in this business. Although I was only eating an egg or 2 daily which by me stopping hardly put a tiny dent on the global demand for eggs, I was determined to show others that we can still enjoy meals without eggs in them. I felt that sacrificing my habit of eating eggs to prevent pain & suffering to the hens is something worth doing. This is something that we all can do immediately, cutting our consumption gradually or totally immediately. When we stop eating ourselves, we then start earning the credibility to encourage others to do so.

    There are some products in the market that are using alternatives to replace eggs in their ingredients such as the egg-free mayonnaise and a powdered egg product for baking available at Wholefoods chain in USA. HK Tycoon Li Ka Shing together with Bill Gates are backing the Hampton Creek Foods who is pioneering the research and development of “artificial egg”. We should create awareness and encourage people to switch to this alternative quickly when they become available.

    Today, the fast food industry is dominated by McD, KFC, BK etc. They did not grow to this size overnight but over a long period of time through heavy investment, marketing efforts and efficient execution. I see a huge potential for vegetarian based fast food/fast service chains in the market and becoming as big as them. Maybe the chain can have a catchy name like “C2C” – Cool 2 Care, It’s cool to care for the animals by stop eating them, Cool 2 Care for our mother earth by cutting carbon emission from reduced meat consumption, it’s Cool 2 Care for your own heath …. With imagination, determination and of course investment, this vegetarian fast food concept can turn into a global business. I think the world is waiting for it, I sure am!

    I started cutting down on meat consumption 10 years ago and became full vegetarian 6 years ago. I am glad that I was brought up in an environment where food was not much of a focus to our family. Hence, I did not develop strong craving for food and meat. Parents play an important role in nurturing the kids to cultivate a conscious eating habit. Because of our non-meat diets, my 2 kids also did not develop the desire and habit to eat meat. We also educate them the downside of eating meat so they are fully aware of the benefits of refraining from eating meat.

    I am totally convinced that there are only benefits of a non-meat diets, and I am healthier now than I ever was and spiritually at peace as I am refraining from harming others every day and create that awareness in my mind-stream.

    I am sharing this article with Steve Lim, Eric Yee, Paul Cheong, Frankie Low, Foong Sok Wai, Yee Ken Leong, Lily Lee.

    Rinpoche, thank you very much for always finding ways and means to promote vegetarianism and to stop animal harm and cruelty. I am forever indebted to you for planting the seeds for me to become a vegetarian.

  53. Lisa Leong on Sep 2, 2014 at 10:45 pm

    Thank you Guru again for raising awareness to our so called modern societies.Yes recently i have came across from PETA posts from facebook that many countries in the world still violating, abusing and patronize animals for their own benefits.
    People not only eating them, but they also torturing them in any ways.
    I have nominated three persons to read this article, they are Daniel Oh, Lewis Tay and Hayley Wong.
    I understand create awareness to others, first must start from myself.
    Therefore, i have started on vegetarian meal and it has last for a month. I feel so good, never expect i can do it too.
    Hopefully sharing this articles with others create the cause not to harm animals.

    Long life
    Tsem Rinpoche

  54. lim hui lu on Sep 2, 2014 at 10:30 pm

    food, basic need yet become humanity.

  55. pavara on Sep 2, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    I did not believe all my eggs came from such cruel places.
    I always thought that the eggs just came from farms that treated the chickens fairly well. How could the people treat them like that when they earn so much money? So many people buy eggs yet they don’t bother to give the poor chickens a good place to live.
    I only seen that chickens about to be slaughtered get a good place. To me i think that they will either give heaven before death or hell before death. I really wish that everyone would find out which farm is certified to be OK and which one is not OK. Animals suffer so much just for our pleasure…..
    Thank you Rinpoche for helping me realize where my eggs come from.

  56. Tricia Lee on Sep 2, 2014 at 10:03 pm

    Thank you for bringing this awareness to human & we never know how animals are being treated at the end is served on table. Thank you again.

  57. Sock Wan on Sep 2, 2014 at 9:21 pm

    How the chickens are treated here in the farm is really disturbing. When I was watching it, I felt sick in my stomach, seeing how the escaped chickens were living is such a filthy environment, stepping on and eating their own excrement to survive. This is very sad. I didn’t know there is animal cruelty in egg industry now I know! We are using the chickens to produce the eggs to feed our stomach but there is no compassion shown in return. When these chickens are not able to produce anymore, I bet they will end up in one of the fast food restaurants.

    To be a nice person, it means to be nice to other sentient beings too. Go for a vegetarian diet so that less animals will suffer because of our greed for food.

    I have introduced this article to Sim Cheng Kok, Lim Hui Lu, Chin Siau Lin.

    • Sock Wan on Sep 2, 2014 at 10:05 pm

      Also invited Tricia Lee to read this article.

  58. Jim Yeh on Sep 2, 2014 at 7:11 pm

    Dear Guruji,

    Thank you for sharing this post/competition to create awareness. Looking at the images alone makes my heart break.

    After giving much thought, the 3 solutions that would help prevent such atrocities are:

    1. Creating Awareness: Most meat lovers are ignorant of the fact how animals are treated before they are slaughtered. They consume meat without a second thought and all because what they see before them are “Delicious food” and not “Burnt Corpses” I say this because I used to be a meat lover too and I’ve only been on a vegetarian diet for the past 2 years. I converted shortly after I listened to Guruji’s talks and was made aware. Hence, I know that creating awareness certainly does change people’s diet.

    2. Vegan Food Places: If a Vegan Burger joint was marketed as heavily as say McDonalds or a Burger King and the cost for a combo meal was sold for way cheaper. I think more people would flock to such joints. And if more people visit Vegan Joints, there’d be less demand for Meat Joints. Right now, everywhere I go, I see BK or MickyD’s promotions with their perfectly dress/photoshoped burgers (which makes hungry commuters flock to them), would be nice to see more ads for vegan places.

    3. Applying Pressure: If the public applied more pressure to the Agricultural Standards Auditors, they would be more crackdowns on such farms. There would be boycotts and more people would avoid “products” from farms that failed the minimal industry standard system. Right now, the demand for meat is too high and industries are cutting corners to save on costs, in the end it’s animals that pays the price and suffer more.

    In a perfect world. If all the great ad agencies in the world combined forces and marketed Vegetarianism, and they pointed out the benefits of no-meat diet, I think there’d be more converts.

    In a fantasy world, if animals could talk or the dinosaurs returns in a big bad way and we’re no longer at the top of the food chain. Then humanity will have learned their lesson (hopefully) and stop consuming other sentient beings.

    But in a real world, the best we can do is to create awareness, make people see what animals go through before they are slaughtered. And one of the ways to do so is to participate in competitions like this one.

    With folded hands,
    Jim Yeh

    • Keng tacn on Sep 5, 2014 at 3:30 am

      Hi Jim,
      One word – ATTACHMENT. Springing from this you get, profiteering. As long as man focus on this, he will do all he can to profit and plying on the attachment of beings, who are blissfully ignorant of the way the meat gets to their plates, they will continue their eating behaviour oblivious to sufferings of animals. THE ROOT OF SUFFERING is ATTACHMENT and until man can rid himself of it, it is very difficult for him to change.

      From a Buddhist point, many may not have the mindset to see what an erudite master sees ie the effects of karma, and without a strong believe in karma, forgoing meat is a difficult exercise. It is sad, but that is the reality of life.

  59. Nichola Sze on Sep 2, 2014 at 3:15 pm

    Thank you very much, Rinpoche, for sharing this article and ‘pushing’ us to contemplate and discuss this issue with our friends and relatives. This exercise also makes me to ask myself if I’ve done enough in my resolution to be a full-time vegetarian and go egg-free…

    I’ve come across this video a couple of times and each time I make myself watch it all over again! I was an avid eater of eggs and used to have at least 10 eggs per week (since my young childhood), not counting the inevitable egg content in other foods that I consumed. For the past few years, I had cut down the weekly routine of 10 eggs after reading many articles on battery-caged hens that can do nothing but eating, laying and shitting before they’re slaughtered eventually… But, nothing that I’d read was as impactful as this horrifying video on animal cruelty and the extensive greeds of humans to exploit the underlings and powerless beings for commercial purpose.

    The ever-growing consumers across the globe constantly press for cheaper and easily available foods – 50 years ago very few Malaysians would get to have daily dose of eggs, except 2 ‘red eggs’ on their birthdays – and thus more (unethical) food suppliers nowadays will do whatever necessary to recoup their profit margins by providing the consumers with cheap foods!!! So, aren’t we “smart consumers” the indirect perpetrator of such farm animal cruelty, and natural resources devastation and depletion?!? 🙁

    In my personal capacity, to opt for free-range chicken (“kampung”) eggs is not ideal because through my upbringing in Chinese Buddhism, such eggs are likely to be fertilised and eating them account to killing live beings – thus a no-no on the new-moon and full-moon days (following the Chinese lunar calendar) and on important Buddhist festivals. In Tibetan Buddhism, I feel ‘lucky’ to be able to continue indulging in my favourite eggs (since egg is not specifically prohibited) on the non-important days – in my half-hearted effort to be a vegetarian. But of course, this is my deluded Monkey mind in action to find ‘loophole’ to satisfy my craving and attachment to foods 😛

    For the many full-time (life-long) vegetarians, especially the lay Buddhists, so often they justify the exception of consuming (cage) eggs in their diets in order to supplement their protein intakes for health reason. But being a health professional myself, I know this is a myth because plants actually have all the protein we need with none of the violence. With the emergence of this abuse of battery-caged hens, perhaps the lay Buddhists have to rethink over their choices.

    Through Rinpoche’s guidance and teachings, I hope that I can one day conquer the Four Maras in me and generate Bodhicitta in my mind.


  60. Go Chee Kang on Sep 2, 2014 at 2:05 pm


    Thanks for sharing.
    I got this link from Grace Leu (KHJB).
    I’m a free thinker and a meat eater since young. After reading this, I think I will cut down meat and opt for more vegetables.
    Honestly, not that easy as my families are meat eaters, but I will do my best to make it happens.
    Again, thanks.

  61. Judy Chen on Sep 2, 2014 at 12:18 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    It is very sad to watch the video. I just can’t believe that the chickens are reared in that state. I’ve visited some farms in Malaysia and I’ve not seen one so pathetic and cruel. Some individuals are just not compassionate to animals. After watching it, it feels so hard to swallow any meat.
    We really need to spread the awareness of animal compassion. It is great to be able to share this with friends and create awareness to eat less meat or if possible go meatless.
    Thank you Rinpoche

  62. Grace Leu ( KHJB) on Sep 2, 2014 at 11:12 am

    To stop the cruelty actions, we need to teach the society to change the mindset through educations. If all the people take in the responsibility and teach their children from young how we should treat the animals in humanity way . currently we should share more relevant info through social media to create awareness to public.

    • Grace Leu ( KHJB) on Sep 2, 2014 at 11:17 am

      I wish to share this blog with Go Chee Kang, Yau Shu Teng, Ng Hsin Yee, Jess Ho, Josephine Go, Kelly Chia, Ann Fong, Helen Tang.

  63. Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Sep 2, 2014 at 6:20 am

    To borrow from Shakespeare, to eat meat or not to eat meat?, that is the question. I say this in reference to the question posed by Tsem Rinpoche in one of his videos when he asked “what’s on you altar?

    Until recently I never put much thought into the question. Of course we eat meat. The standard American dinner is meat, a starch, and a veggie on the side. We also eat cereals and salads after all we are omnivores not carnivores, but we do like our meat.

    As I grow older and have more responsibilities and more knowledge of what my actions and choices cause, how they affect others, I must put more thought into my answers. I looked into becoming a vegetarian or maybe a vegan. I learned how animals are treated and slaughtered for our dining pleasures. I saw animal’s beaks shaved off and how they are crammed into tiny spaces. I saw their young taken away only a few days into life so they wont drink the milk meant to go on my cereal. These abuses would be intolerable to my fellow countrymen if these were pets and not food animals.

    As a Buddhist I also feel it is necessary to stop eating meat out of compassion for animals. All sentient beings deserve to live happy lives without suffering caused deliberately by our human greed and desire for a juicy steak. There are so many options for tasty meals that do not require the murdering of these innocent animals.

    When talking to my daughters about becoming vegetarians, Lilly, my 11 year old said, “If I use less paper they will still cut down trees.”. She is right with her analogy, and our family giving up meat wont save all` the animals. It wont set them free, but it will help save some of them. I told her that if we all stop wasting paper, then perhaps they wouldn’t cut down as many trees. This same idea goes for meat consumption as well. Less meat means less killing of animals.

    As a family, a choice has been made; we have switched to vegetarian. We are enjoying new flavors, talking to friends about our decision, saving animals, doing our part. No more altars celebrating the deaths of these helpless creatures. Their bodies are not trophies to be won in the hunt to be slaughtered for my dinner. They are living, breathing beings deserving of our respect and compassion.

    Today I share this article with three friends in hopes of spreading this message to encourage others to consider the choice of trying a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle which not only could save the lives of a few animals, but might also increase the health qualities of their own lives. These three friends are: Joe P. Dorji, Susye Bird Anderson, and Victoria Shackel.

    Even if this is not the choice for you, it is a choice I personally hope many will consider.

    Thank You All,
    Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson

    • Michael on Sep 2, 2014 at 6:55 am

      I like meat and meat like me.

    • Susanna Sage on Sep 2, 2014 at 8:19 am

      Great food for thought.

    • Mary Shields on Sep 2, 2014 at 8:24 am

      Caryl, this is very well written. There are many good vegetarian recipes online, great for nutrition.

    • Joe P. Dorji on Sep 2, 2014 at 11:03 am

      Caryl, your take on this matter is absolutely to the point. As naturally a good hearted a man as you are, it is just natural that thoughts oozed with love and compassion for animals so naturally too. Personally, I am very glad to learn that you and your family have switched to vegetarian diets. Good one, Wow!

  64. Wong Suet Moi on Sep 2, 2014 at 1:31 am

    Dear Rinpoche

    Thank you for the sharing. We are from the up bringing that consume meat is a common culture that lead to killing animals. Even our kids are also think a meal with meat is healthy diet. We consume but never aware that how the eco system works. We never bother about where the meat come from. We, human being only try all the best to make the meat taste good and cover the bloody smell by adding a lot of gravy. I would said that we are so innocence that never thought of animal’s feelings. We are taught to taste the meat but not care for others suffering such as the animals also have senses on feelings of scare, frightening, pain, struggling.

    I will suggest that the below measurement to cease the above

    1) To create awareness through social media, more campaign whether in school or public area.
    2) Easy to locate vegetarian foods.
    3) Instill the compassion mindset to our new generation that always be mindful on others.
    4) Understanding on meat diet is not a must but plenty of replacement.

    I wish to share the above to my friends, Sim Bee Ling, Jazmine Goh Tze Hui, Yeo Kwai Gin, Lim Hui Fang, You Li Ling, Teo Bee Ai.

    • Yeo Kwai Gin (kuantan) on Sep 4, 2014 at 12:28 am

      很感谢仁波切分享这篇文章 !
      在现在的社会, 人类欲望越来越高,口感的品味也越来越不知足 , 不单单杀害和宰杀畜生为菜肴 ,可以在天上飞的, 陆地跑的, 水内游的, 也一一不放过, 为求赚取更高的利润, 无辜的动物无助的死在人类的刀下! 好可悲啊 !
      记得看过一篇频视, 名为Earthings, 仁波切也建议我们看的, 关于人类的需求导致动物和家畜被宰杀的片段, 我一边看,一边流泪, 看到它们被宰杀前, 它们的眼神是那么的恐慌, 无助与害怕, 那种根本没还击能力的情况, 那种斯喊的求助声, 让我的内心完全淌血了!
      人类为何要那么自私呢? 它们也有它们的父母与儿女的, 它们也有它们生存的权利的啊 !
      我也曾经想过, 如果有一天, 地球来了班外星人, 对人类宰杀就像人类宰杀动物一样, 人类到时才醒觉,会不会太迟呢? 我不想 !
      我也问过身边持素的朋友, 不管是为了健康的, 宗教信仰的, 不杀生的, 各种原因, 我都很高兴, 因为不管任何理由吃素, 动物就可以逃过杀身之祸 !
      再次感谢仁波切分享此文章, 希望还是荤食的朋友, 开始尽量减少荤食了或直接持素 ,发起我们内心的慈悲心让它们过着应有安详的生活 !OM MANI PADME HUM

      • Yeo Kwai Gin (kuantan) on Sep 4, 2014 at 12:35 am

        1.Ashley Yeo
        2.Yeo Zhen Yue
        3.Yeo Jie Wei
        4.David Fong

        • David Fong on Sep 4, 2014 at 3:17 pm

          看到这篇文章真的有很多感触,很多人从小就吃肉吃到長大,久而久之就变得理所当然,忘记了生命的意义,不要满足自己的需求而去杀生,真的很感谢仁波切的分享,也感谢yeo Kwai gin的分享文章

  65. Candice Loke Xin Ling on Sep 1, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    Truly it is most heart wrecking to have seen the act of cruelty towards animals.
    Thank you Rinpoche to have brought this issue up and to create awareness with everyone here.
    Prior watching the video, I have always thought that animals cruelty was some ill manners acted towards stray cats/ dogs or that cute little puppies were being abandoned after they’ve grown big and perceived as no longer cute.
    Little did i know that animal cruelties are actually happening in every single day of our life, in every corner of the world, and the cause sadly to say being the desire and ignorance of us human beings…
    Sentient beings are all born equal, no one has got the right to strip the lives of others. if we all fathom the facts that life of a hen is equivalent to life of a human being, this massacre of lives would not have happened.

    I may be new in Dharma/ Kechara, but i must admit that for the past 2 months i have learnt a lot, especially on how to become a better human being; and for all the questions I’ve been asking myself, i’m getting the light of them bit by bit, so Thank You Rinpoche again, for your selfless teaching!

    To Rinpoche, i wish you long life, with stable health so that normal beings like myself will get more of your teachings and get enlightened one day.


  66. Casteven Lim (KH JB) on Sep 1, 2014 at 11:20 pm

    Dear Rinpoche, Pastors and judges,

    I wish to thanks Rinpoche kindness to prepare such abundance Holy Prize for us to grab hence put in so much time and efforts to let us able to create vegetarian awareness so easily just by a single click to this article.

    How can we stop ‘this’ from continuing and what can we do about it immediately?

    I humbly suggest;

    1. Social media

    We may spread this Rinpoche blog article through social media such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram ect to get more peoples around the world looking for this “Cruel Cage Egg System” hence create a powwrful awareness in this matter.

    One cannot but many can, as more party come to look into this serious matter sure there will be a great solution come out at least to lower down those chicken’s suffering. Hopefully, there will be some new laws create to prevent this kind of unethical Cage Egg System will be stop immediately all around the world.

    2. Promote vegetarian

    Be a vegetarian is the ultimate way to solve this “Cruel Cage Egg System” due to there will be no supply if no demand. Be a vegetarian within one night for most of us maybe is not a simple job, but we may try be the less meat eater at first such as 3 days per week then 5 days per week and so on.

    We may introduce the vegetarian restaurants to our friends such as Kechara Oasis, i think once our friends take a meal there they sure can start accept vegetarian meals in their life.

    3. Prayers

    We may generate Bodhichitta after we know more about Dharma and the blessing from our Guru. So we may do more practice to transform our mind easier towards benefit all mothers sentient beings.

    Through prayer such as Medicine Buddha, we may dedicate the Merits for all sentient beings especially the deceased may take a good rebirth.

    4. Education

    We may education the peoples surrounding us especially children to not focus on eating meats hence be more kind to animals. Perhaps start next generation they will be vegetarian all the way automatically.

    ## I wish to nominate non Kecharian friends as below to read and comment in this article;

    1. Vaslyn Teo Seow Feng
    2. Daphnie Swee Li Chien
    3. Leo Xiao Xiao
    4. Christina Hsh
    5. Belinda Ang
    6. Khoo Lay Pin
    7. Vincent Wee
    8. Jun Tan
    9. Dax Ngeo
    10. Chook Kenji

  67. Wong Yoke Nyen on Aug 31, 2014 at 10:00 am

    The Health Authorities in Australian should take immediate action against such cruelty to egg laying hens.

  68. Ching Siau Lin on Aug 30, 2014 at 1:09 pm

    Foremost, thanks to Sock Wan, who has been recommended and shared this meaningful article to me. Nonetheless, thank you, Rinpoche who creates this awareness, to put a stop to this cruelty immediately.

    However, throughout my own observations,this takes a long time as today’s society becomes more selfish, greedy, and delusions to satisfy their own pleasures, taste, and wanting more and more which never satisfying.

    Today’s society becomes more self-centred than a grateful and compassionate ones.

  69. Karen Gan on Aug 30, 2014 at 6:47 am

    It’s shock to see chicken being treated like this. It’s sad to know people being so uncaring and ignorant. No animal deserve cruel treatment like this. We should help to social media more on this kind of articles to create awareness so that people know what’s behind the curtain.

  70. Kei Toeda on Aug 30, 2014 at 2:43 am

    I also messages this page to: Nick Aloise, Rudy-Radwan Alalawi, Khaled Al-Khawaja, Brendan Huber, Max Brandt, and Terri MacMillan

  71. Kei Toeda on Aug 30, 2014 at 2:33 am

    We can reduce or stop our meat eating, dairy consuming habits and spread awareness about this.

  72. Jace Chong on Aug 30, 2014 at 1:15 am

    Well, I think the growing numbers of fast food franchises makes people think that it’s ok to continue to have slaughter houses, and as long as the quantity of the “products” can cater the demand, then this is a business and it can be a even better business when the profit increases.

    The hens, the pigs, the cows….the animals in the slaughter houses, they are lifes, not meat. But the profit minded human only see the value of their heart beats are the growth of the body weight.

    I hope this video will raise more awareness to the society on the condition of the farms, and also slowly cut down the demands for meat. Go vegetarian, not only save lifes, we save the environment, we save ourselves and our future.

    I would like to nominate my friend Howie Loh, my sisters Zoey Chong and Resha Chong to leave a comment here. Thanks and please give face la…

  73. wansan on Aug 29, 2014 at 11:53 pm

    “Hens are sensitive animals with unique personalities who don’t deserve a lifetime of suffering.” Not only hens but ALL animals are sensitive and ALL of them have feelings. None of them deserved to be treated in this manner. I’m a vegetarian but egg is still part of my diet. After reading this article and watching the video, I’m more aware of the diary product that I intake. Many people don’t realise how serious this matter is and if each of us do our part in sharing more articles like this to our friends, we can not only educate them but also create more awareness towards this issue. Thank You Rinpoche for sharing.

  74. Brian Kearns on Aug 29, 2014 at 11:10 pm

    First, thank you for having this compiled Rinpoche and for giving many others the opportunity to win the wonderful prizes. It is so important I believe to look directly at the conditions which have arisen and which contain such profound degrees of suffering, such big suffering for the sentient beings that appear smaller than our bodies. They might appear smaller, but their trajectory and path towards an enlightened state is impeded enough already, that to invite and inflict more suffering upon them, by our own volition and so-called “life-style” choices, is a terrible thing. Really, those choices we make to ignore that suffering or pretend that the meat or former-living being we chew on has come to us through just some magical process and not through our own delusions, is enough to call these choices “death-style” choices.

    Rinpoche, may you continue for a very long period of time to carry forth the perfect message of the Buddha-dharma and for the protection and liberation of all living beings.

    • Brian Kearns on Aug 29, 2014 at 11:25 pm

      Also, I have invited Evan Wilder, Chad Rea, and Gene Taylor to read the blog post and make some comment.

      thank you Rinpoche

  75. Lucy Yap on Aug 29, 2014 at 12:05 am

    It is so sad how people can disregard the lives of innocent animals and I wonder how can people be so heartless. Every creature deserves a chance to live as nature intended,even if they are domesticated.Chickens can feel pain just as acutely as we do. I can just imagine the feeling of dread and intense pain if I ever walked into one of those “factories”
    Thank you Rinpoche for shedding light on the horrible happenings often hushed up by society.

  76. Parvin Jahadi on Aug 28, 2014 at 11:12 pm

    Animals should be treated better.

  77. Matthew Leong on Aug 28, 2014 at 10:07 pm

    Dear, RInpoche,
    Thank you very much for this most eye opening message. My heart sank when the video began to play. The torture and conditions that these birds are being subjected to are truly horrendous. I deeply pray that the Australian authorities will bring the people responsible to justice and that the animals are given immediate medical care and attention and freedom.

  78. So Kin Hoe (Ipoh) on Aug 28, 2014 at 7:46 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for sharing the teaching about compassion and love for the animals which are suffering and living in pain and fear. I will introduce this article post to my friends Anne Loh, Rose Ann and Rommel.

    Below are my humble comments about the suffering of the animals and actions for me to be taken as below.

    How we can stop this from continuing:

    First of all, I will reduce my meat consumption and working on myself to become 100% vegetarian in this lifetime. By walking the talk and leading by my true example, I hope I can encourage more people around me, especially my family members and friends to take more vegetarian food and go all the way to become full vegetarian. By taking on the above actions, eventually less animals will be killed for food and the suffering of the animals can be reduced.

    Besides, I will introduce and promote more vegetarian restaurant with their specialty to many people. Lately, there are many new vegetarian restaurants opened and I can take this opportunity to bring friends and family for our usual lunch and dinner. Every single action to promote the vegetarian restaurant, it will indirectly help to reduce the number of animals from being killed for food.

    Other than that, I will do more research about the negative side effects of taking meat and get to know more about the rich nutrients from all kinds of vegetables, fruits and other edible plants. If we are aware of the danger ahead before we consume any meat, our conscience will make us to think twice before we decide to take on any meat and this could demotivate our mind from eating the meat, which is a positive sign to get rid of meat consumption. On the other side, if we are well equipped with the wisdom and knowledge of the rich nutrients that can be found from the vegetables, grains and fruits, we can have more options to choose for a meal and more variety of choices to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even supper. Most of nutrients found from these vegetables and fruits can replace of what the meat have and they are safer and healthier compared to the meat. Most importantly, I shall share this knowledge and information to all people around me whenever I have the opportunities.

    What we can do about it immediately:

    The first thing I have in mind to participate and organize more in animals liberation activities, which is the opposite act of eating meat (after the animals are being killed). I shall further dedicate the Medicine Buddha mantra for the all the animals and pray for their good rebirth in next lifetimes.
    These animals’ liberation activities shall be promoted to all my friends and relatives. I shall encourage more people to join this activity for a good cause and spread the compassion, kindness and love to a wider range.

    In parallel, I shall create more awareness to the public through the social media by sharing the news of animals suffering due to meat consumption. There may be some people who reject or ignore the animals suffering in the first place but once they are aware of the animals suffering, their subconscious mind will make them realize the truth behind of the animals suffering whenever they consume on meat. Our memories cannot be erased automatically (if nothing bad happens) and these memories will stay with us until the older age. As such, I shall continue to create the awareness of animals suffering due to meat consumption wherever I could.

    Lastly, I shall visualize myself as animals and visualize myself to receive their same suffering, pain, fear, stress and living in an undesired condition. By this practice, I can strengthen my motivation continuously to provide more compassion, protection, love and care towards the animals sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Moreover, the compassion and love that are built inside our mind can be manifested through our actions from the outside.

    With folded hands & thank you.

    • Anne Loh on Sep 2, 2014 at 5:47 pm

      Thank you, KH So for sharing this article. It saddens me to see such cruelty towards animals. As a Christian, I do believe that God created animals for man to rule over together on earth. Animals are not to be tortured and suffer. They should be able to roam freely on earth and not kept in captivity under such cruel conditions. I have also read about animals being illegally hunted down and killed for their paws, tusks, liver bile, skin, etc. It really is such a sad thing of what the world has become. I myself, in my own small way have been donating to help preserve the conservation of these animals. They deserve a better place to live in.

    • Rose Ann Tanola on Sep 3, 2014 at 12:29 am

      Hello KH, Rinpoche, thank you for sharing this article. Upon watching the video, it really melts my heart most especially when I saw the chickens too crowded in a cage wherein they cannot move freely and breathe properly due to the environment where they are living. This article enlightens me that we as human should also consider animals welfare. Although some of animals purpose is for human consumption but we should also give them proper shelter and care as they were also creation of our Almighty God.

      In response to this, I will help through disciplining myself and encourage my husband as well to lessen meat intake. For sure it will be very difficult for us since we have grown as meat lovers but this action will not only benefit the welfare of animals but we will also benefit for it. More vegetables intake to make our body stronger and healthier.

    • Rommel on Sep 3, 2014 at 11:15 pm

      KH thanks for sharing this article. It is indeed an eye opener and a realization that we human as a higher being created by God is responsible for the well being of the animals and other living organism.He entrusted us to take care of His beautiful creations here in Earth, however our sinful nature causes the exploitation and abuse of these wonderful creations may it be deliberate or not.By doing so we are being disrespectful to the Mighty Creator and not living according to His will.

      In response to this I will strive my very best to spread out the video embedded in this article as a campaign awareness to all my friends in the social media. On the other hand I will commit a day of no meat intake diet in a week to show my support on cruelty against animals.

      Again thank you and may the good Lord bless you…

  79. Marianne liow on Aug 28, 2014 at 3:16 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    After seeing this, I just lost all sinful thoughts of eating my favorite all time satay, KFC and most of all chicken rendang!! Thank you for sharing and it makes it easier for me to stick to eating vegetarian. Your article will definitely enlightened many human carnivors. There goes my chicken masala tonight! But worth it.

    I thank my betsie Dato Ruby for sharing this article. I’m going to share with my 3 carnivor colleagues, Harriett, Helen and Pipi.

    With much respect and love for Rinpoche,


  80. Leon Chew on Aug 28, 2014 at 2:41 pm


    I would like to thank rinpoche, mr. ng kok heng and all friends here for creating awareness on such cruelty.

    This cruelty i am sure is not only happening to the hens but also to all living beings. There is a need to create awareness as this will help to let people understand the cruelty. Only with awareness can the respective parties be forced to take action and further stop such cruelty from happening.

    I hope with this article, we can all create awareness and help reduce animal cruelty from happening.

    Thank you.

  81. SIM CHIN YEE on Aug 28, 2014 at 1:24 pm


    Am really cannot imagine this is still happening in Australia, “Cage Egg System” has already been banned in many countries. I will share this in FB, share it to my friends.I am sure there must be a more systematic way than this “Cage Egg System”.

  82. Eric Ho Kok Meng on Aug 28, 2014 at 7:52 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this slide and powerful information to us! Picture speak a thousand word and it will definitely impact me from taking all the unnecessary meat that causes so much suffering to the animal.
    I will keep on posting this kind of information to others hopping it will reach out as many people as possible from creating harmful activities and creating more bad karma for them self!

  83. patriciasnodgrass on Aug 28, 2014 at 2:35 am

    Dear Rinpoche, I have been thinking deeply (and sadly) over the plight of those poor hens since my first comment. More so, I have been thinking about the interconnection between filthy egg and brooder houses and the health of and safety of the planet. I have made many points about this which are too lengthy to go into in a comment. If you care to, you can read my post about it on my blog. I would be delighted to read your response. (with folded hands)

  84. Toh Cheng See on Aug 27, 2014 at 10:02 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    Thank you for sharing this video. It is sad to watch.

    Two parties are “guilty” in causing this cruelty.

    (1) FARMERS:
    It is sad to learn that this happen and its all due to greed of farmers to make money and lots of money at the expense of another living being.

    (2) CONSUMERS:
    They might be the innocent that does not realize that by being the consumers they have contributed to the suffering and cruelty to these poor animals. By sharing this video may more people be aware of what’s happening.

    When I was a kid around 6 years of age , I was given 2 chickens as pet. I grew to love my 2 little yellow pets that grew and turn golden brown :). Little did I realize that they will be cooked as they grew up.

    One died due to being sick. The other grew up to be a fat healthy hen. Then one day I went out and came home from school and can’t find it and all I found was a bowl of chicken soup. Horrors! I could still remember how I cried that my pet has become a meal! I was angry and sad and no I refuse to eat that bowl of soup.

    If people could connect to animals by being given a chance to care for them , perhaps there will be more compassion for the animals.

    So friends please help to speak for the voiceless .

  85. Liew Chun Kiat on Aug 27, 2014 at 7:29 pm

    After watched the video, I myself believes that, this is not only happening in Australia yet many other places and also other animals with unkind treatment. Apart from report and seek for action taken, we ourselves should also practice not to involve and start influence people surrounded. Slowly, by the time come, these things will be wiped out.

  86. Deny Hermawan on Aug 27, 2014 at 6:55 pm

    Rinpoche, you must spread the information about how healthy it is to be a vegetarian. How vegetables can be created into wonderful kind of delicious food. How the great people in the history of planet Earth are vegetarians. And more importantly, how vegetarianism is the main solution to prevent the global warming (because the greatest cause of greenhouse effect at the atmosphere is caused by methane emission from slaughterhouses. Don’t use verses from the scriptures, it’s useless. tell the world that we are in great danger, and vegetarianism is the only solution. it will make people (at least)consider about it,and maybe turn them into vegans. 🙂

  87. KH Ng on Aug 27, 2014 at 6:15 pm

    It is really shocking to read this blog post about how cruel this “Cage Egg System” is in Australia and particularly how shockingly blatant and ignorant the perpetrators of these farms are of the suffering of these chickens. Even if they have to farm the chicken for their eggs, surely it is much more productive to act more systematically to manage these farm in cleaner and more humane way. Besides, I am sure it is against the law to farm in this way. So everything about this farm is wrong, whether on a commercial, humane or spiritual level.

    I would like Leon Chew, Sim Chin Yee and Liew Chun Kiat to read this article and comment below. They will also post it in their Facebook timeline.

    With Folded Hands.

  88. pema thrinley on Aug 27, 2014 at 5:48 pm

    It so touching and very sad things to know the condition. Thank you so much for sharing Rinpoche. Sometimes I wonder how wonderful it would be if all of us have the equivalent concern about the food we consume. The first-time I saw the sevice rendered by Kechera oasis exactly one year ago,I promised to be vegetarian. Thank you rinpoche.taking promises in the name of one’s guru is very different and something deep. Lama khenno.

  89. Pie Wan Koon on Aug 27, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    Caged hens were helpless and nevertheless hatred. Hatred being turned into a form called “SARS”. This epidemic killed many people in Hong Kong, China and Singapore more than ten years ago. I hope more people from around the world will realize from this lesson and become a vegetarian by taking a vegetarian meal at least once a day. Rejoice.

    • Damien Lee on Sep 3, 2014 at 12:50 am

      become a vegetarian only once a day defeats the purpose of compassion towards animal. it is always better to become a vegetarian full day, or at least take vegetarian vow for at least 3-4 day a week. Once a day sound very olden time where parents tell us to take only half day vege, it doesnt work if we are Buddhist!

  90. Jacinta Goh on Aug 27, 2014 at 9:37 am

    Thank you Rinpoche for this blogpost and I agreed with most the opinions that have been posted up until now. To let this gone into darkness is inappropriate. We must carry out our social responsibility as well. We need to create awareness on this as this is sickening. Put yourself in their shoes! Stand up and Speak up….They couldn’t even speak for themselves.

    Obviously, they are lack of space, proper nutrients and even the clean air to breath. Look at their feathers and skin colours. It’s so pale looking…. It doesn’t matter you are consuming meat or not, help them to spread around. Many times they have been warned.

    To my friends, whom I have just nominated(Low Yeng Ying, David Goh and Cougar Heng), please put your comment. Please do so, irregardless your religion,race and colours. Help to relieve the pain of these harmless beings. I thank you on their behalf.

  91. Choong Li Li on Aug 26, 2014 at 11:55 pm

    Dear All.
    I don’t come with the heart to grab the manjusri but just to give my opinion on the irresponsible selfish people of so called developed nation on the Cruel Cage Egg System.
    How can people be so cruel to get something from animals that feed them? If we need eggs,we should well treated them by giving them good space,healthy food, healthy that we can have good eggs to eat. When the chicken are in bad condition,can they produce good eggs? Where are the nutrients for humans? No more. Think!! use science!!! If they eat faeces, then same humans eat faeces when they consume the eggs. If they are deprived from good conditions so do the eggs that will not contain sufficient nutrients. So why ill treat them?
    This issue too make us ponder, should we take eggs? How to take when the condition is such?
    I have already shared in face page at
    Hopefully, more people regardless religion,race and colours help to relieve the pain of these harmless beings.
    I will spread to three people as requested, but I haven’t yet,
    Wilson Choong,Clarence Choong and Tony Wong.
    Lille Choong Li Li

  92. Ba-Qin on Aug 26, 2014 at 10:56 pm

    Thankyou Rinpoche for sharing this, creating awareness for animal cruelty. We must always put ourself into other’s shoes, so that we understand how they feel, what they are going through. To imagine myself being locked in a cage, in total darkness, packed, no space to move at all or even live between mountains of faeces, I will surely go insane. We humans can’t live in such conditions, so are the hens. We can play a small role in stopping animal cruelty which is to cut down meat consumption or even better go vegetarian. It is beneficial for the animals and also for us, its a win win situation that way. How wonderful is that. hehe. Will share this post on Facebook and also Twitter. 🙂

  93. SL Boon on Aug 26, 2014 at 10:47 pm

    It is sad to see that capitalism has transformed many amongst us into soulless creatures, creating hells for defenceless animals, torturing and abusing them without a slight idea that these are not money making machines but are living beings that feel pain, suffering, stress, sadness, afraid to die, just like humans do. Sadly for them, they could not speak, could not call for help, could not help each others, in such situations. Hence, we, should do something, however small, like monetary contributions, sharing this article, talking to friends and etc, to serve as a wake up call, creating awareness, so that it could snowball into something great that could eventually stop these cruelties.
    I, now, would like to share this article with three friend, whom are, Lim Choon Kai, Ong Shea Ling and KK Low

  94. Matthew Leung on Aug 26, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Thank you Tsem Rinpoche for bringing awareness and realisation to everyone around the world! It definitely gave me a new perspective in viewing what I eat and how I view what I put on my plate. Thank you!

  95. Pastor Han Nee on Aug 26, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    Watching the video on the Factory farm and the cruel callous and inhuman way in which the chickens in the packed cages are treated, my mind goes one step further to thinking of the fate of the perpetrators, following the Law of karma. If only they can see themselves in the place of their helpless victims NOW.

    Creating awareness and educating people about this will go a long way to helping both the victims and the perpetrators free themselves from the cycle of pain and suffering.

    For one who went vegetarian some time back and had thought there were still eggs to “fall back on” ,I will now have to take extra care to make sure that the eggs I eat are not the products of such cruelty and callous indifference towards the chickens.

    I will be sharing this blogpost at my pre-puja session with the Kechara Paradise Viva Home Setrap group tonight.It’s all about constantly creating awareness.

  96. William on Aug 26, 2014 at 2:39 pm

    Whether the hens are in the cages of fell into the bottom of the pit, their lives are really in bad condition. Even though I am a vegetarian, eggs are still in my diet. Therefore, I think this awareness should spread so that the conditions for eggs laying hens will be better. I do hope that Animals Australia has taken action.

    I would like Andrew Chiam, Tan Soon Huat and Saw Seng Aun to read this article and comment below. Also to spread to their friends.


    • Seng Aun on Aug 27, 2014 at 10:48 am

      Dear Rinpoche,

      With folded hands, thank you very much for this ‘heart-breaking’ article.

      If I may, I would like to leave some comments so as to give justice to the cries of these ill-fated chickens.

      The factory farming industry always strive to maximize output while minimizing costs at the expense of the animals. They can make more money by cramming animals into tiny spaces, even though many of the animals get sick and die. On these farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy, windowless sheds and confined to cages. Most of them won’t even feel the sun on their backs or breathe fresh air. Just put yourself in their position and imagine all the tortures and sufferings. How would you feel?

      Animals such as sheep, pigs, cows, dogs and chickens are sensitive creatures like us – they feel pleasure and pain as humans do. It is therefore wrong to cause them pain when we are able to farm crops and don’t require their meat. Many people think that they need to eat meat because of the protein. What they don’t know is that there are plenty of substitutes for protein in vegetables. Meat is not the only source of protein, and is high in cholesterol. It contains highly toxic substances that are responsible for many deaths and diseases. Do you have to suffer in order to realize that? By that time, it may be too late!

      The main reason for people choosing to become vegetarian is to reduce the suffering of innocent animals. There are those who said that we shouldn’t treat animals humanely because they aren’t human. Well, humans are actually animals if we look at it scientifically. So, since we are technically animals does that mean we deserve do be treated inhumanely?

      As a buddhist, I believe there’s no better way than to study Dharma and develop compassion. Learn to be mindful of our surroundings – promote happiness, not sufferings!

      Good luck to you, William Chua and everyone in the competition.

      Best regards,
      Saw Seng Aun

      • Soon Huat (Penang) on Aug 27, 2014 at 5:28 pm

        Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this animal cruelty article. Even though I was told that most of the farm condition are bad as owners try to maximize the profit. However, I am still surprise to learn about the condition of the farm from the video and how much suffering imposed to the chicken.
        I like Rinpoche’s mentioned to switch the role. Literarily just by saying pitiful is not enough. We should switch the role; imagine we were caughted in such crowded and dark cage, suffering depression till harming each others, suffering the fear of being slaughtered. When this (i mean human is captured in this condition and suffering) is reported out, others will say this is very inhumanity but it is fine for chicken to suffer in this condition. Most of people has this thought is due to our ignorance; fail to understand the feeling of animals.
        I might not be able to switch 180 degree to be full time vegetarian but I will take gradual steps to the goal of non-meat taker. I have started to be a non-meat day per week. I will try to extend it to 2 days next year.
        I would like to share this to our Dharma brother and sister, Loh Ann Leong, Kai Lynn and Linny Neoh, as they always encourage me to be vegetarian.

        • Kai lynn on Sep 5, 2014 at 12:09 am

          Watching the video makes my heart breaks. As we are enjoying the eggs produced the chickens are suffering in great deal in the factory farm. My humble suggestion would be to create awareness of what happens to the “producers” of these products and to create awareness to general public to be vegetarians. Not many can be vegetarians but to reduce in take would be a great deal!

  97. Carmen Koo on Aug 26, 2014 at 1:03 pm

    Instead of staying silent, I will comment, because there is no difference between turning a blind eye to something you know for sure is happening and committing the act itself, as for both ways, you are whether directly or indirectly accountable for and contributing to the suffering of others.

    The day where vegetarianism is the mainstream diet will not come so soon. It is a fact that many people will not bother with how the meat ends up on the table. As long as it is there, presented on a silver platter, ignorance in check, and the dining, a pleasure, people will generally not use the rest of their intellect to think beyond. It has become a norm, people are accustomed and sensitized to the suffering of others because the notion of self is a far greater and easier concept. It directly benefits oneself, so they feel the result of their own action.

    It’s sad to see that people still remain ignorant to battery cage farms like this, the cries of the pigs and cows in the abattoir, the squeals of the chickens. We need mainstream media to broadcast the reality to the public, we need supermarkets to show how the packaged meat infront of the consumer ended up there, we need more awareness to highlight the truth, and that starts from you and I, to bring knowledge and awareness to the world.

    I’ll continue to promote this post to many, and would like to share it with the first three people, Matthew Leung, Matthew Leong and Ba Qin. 🙂

    Thank you Rinpoche for this.


  98. rich lord on Aug 25, 2014 at 1:21 pm

    i was a vegi for 20 years but recently the Buddha’s teachng regarding attraction and revulsion,got to me so that now i feel no revulsion,but a sort of mental attraction countering it with wisdom and love,first taste of a sort of discipline carved by wisdom,dig you

  99. Lew Wen Yue ~ 10 years old ~ on Aug 24, 2014 at 10:08 pm

    Hi Tsem Rinpoche,

  100. Sheryl KH (JB) on Aug 24, 2014 at 10:02 pm

    Thank you Rinpoche for spending time preparing this article.

    In at family, fortunately, due to religious reason my mum discourages the consumption of beef at home albeit the fact that our diets still consist of a combination of meat and vegetables.

    I started on my route to becoming a vegetarian since a few months ago. It all started with my practice on meatless lunches, as I was able to make choices among variety of dishes at mix-rice stores. Around May this year I asked my mum to help provide only vegetable-based dishes for dinners. She agrees to this immediately, which I am so grateful for. This makes my practice to becoming a vegetarian more easily fulfilled.

    With the above, I somehow have also helped in the change in diet for my family members. Well, with my mum as the cook, with her cutting down on meat-based dishes, the rest will have to follow. 🙂

    My reasons for becoming vegetarians are many folds – for religion, for consciousness and for health reasons. I become vegetarian also with the wish that my daily dedications can be more easily fulfilled with me keeping my vows.

    With all these months of keeping to my belief, I am now unable to put in a piece of chicken meat into my mouth knowing the pains that I had to create to the chicken when the cooks have to slaughter them before the dishes are placed in front of me.

    We could live on vegetable-based dishes when we believe that this change in diet does more good that bad. It all comes with awareness, and then knowledge and then taking action to create positive change in ourselves and others.

    I am grateful for Rinpoche’s patience and constant loving kindness towards all sentient beings. I am one of the many who have benefited from your teachings.

    With folded hands, I wish for long life, good health and happiness for Rinpoche. _/\_

  101. jimmy tan on Aug 24, 2014 at 9:02 pm

    Dear Rinpoche,

    I am proud that i am vegetarianism right now(thank you Rinpoche for your kindness letting us know the truth of eating meat).But i still very shocked after watched the video shared by Rinpoche. Although i knew the environment of commercial way raise chicken is bad but i never think of it was extremely worse.This is not only about issue of hygienic but also involved of humanity. Hopefully by sharing this video on social media will create more awareness to the public.
    Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this.

  102. namgay wangdi on Aug 24, 2014 at 7:02 pm

    Thank you for the clips la.
    It is sad to know that true environment of the poultry farm as hell even in the developed country.

  103. Sithup on Aug 24, 2014 at 5:24 pm

    Rinpoche la,
    Thank you so much for your wonderful and splendid initiative through social media. and it will reach millions of people around the world. I personally not much found of meat and nor i will increase on consumption rather fully stop. i cant resist the pain taken by those innocent animals more over being simple human Buddhist man.sometimes i have to take for health reason but that does not go without my prayers to them.

  104. Ash Ng on Aug 24, 2014 at 4:08 pm

    This animal farming video has shown how far we human can really exploit or used other beings for our advantage without even feeling any remorse or regrets. Such horrific treatment brings so such pain, discomfort, frustrations and sufferings for our animal friends. At the rate which we are consuming eggs daily forcing more working hens laying eggs for us would have cause more pain and suffering to this sensitive animals.

    The very fact that we always treat animals this way is because we think we are more superior as human and have every Rights to dominate the animal kingdom. Therefore we can use, abuse, ‘play’, sell as property even to the extend of taking their precious life without any feelings of guilt.

    The first step of saving our animal friends is to intentionally avoid or refrain from taking eggs as our daily diet. There are other products such as vegetables, seeds, soya etc also contains proteins and provides vital minerals for the human body to function normally. The next step would be to create public awareness letting others know what’s behind the scene of ‘battery-egg’ farming and to witness the unseen and unknown in-humanistic scenarios of where and how these eggs comes from.

    Rinpoche, i remembered few years back when you showed us a video name “Earthlings” which propelled turning me into a vegetarian. This time after watching this video, i have decided to ‘remove’ eggs off my plates and menus.

    I want to take up this responsibility of not causing harm to our animal friends and it will be even more hopeful when this comes from each individual’s effort recognising this cruelty does exist. Appreciate the video…Tashi Delek

  105. Janghanda Kaune on Aug 24, 2014 at 2:15 pm

    ‘The Material World’

    Truth, Truth, Truth,
    Cruel, Cruel, Cruel, Truth
    How much truth could there be?
    Truth that’s neither sought nor beseeched!
    The server of two ways can never be.

    Energy that’s inspired by goodness
    Is an ambition that’s neither
    Sought or seen.

    The material world’s entanglement
    Is a recognition not by itself.

    The material world’s ambition
    Are entanglements neither
    Thought or felt.

    The material world’s ambition
    Ambition can be realized.

    Every day is different
    Looking toward the Sun

    In peace there’s wisdom
    All teachings are One

    Obrigado Merci Kiitos thank you!
    Благодаря Gracias!
    شكرا جزيلا
    Hari-ji Baba
    399 ½ Main St.

  106. Pastor Adeline on Aug 23, 2014 at 8:56 pm

    To stop this kind of madness is to start being vegan! For those who love eggs, you can opt for organic or nature farming eggs but make sure those are authentic ones. Educating people about this situation must be done consistently in order to stop this practice from continuing. Letters and requests to seriously look into this matter must be sent to the authority consistently until they take this case and do something about it! No one deserves to be treated like this!

    • DR on Aug 26, 2014 at 12:28 am

      Dear Pastor Adeline,

      This is what I found out from an animal rights group website. Many people associate the term ‘free range’ with ‘cruelty free’ and assume the hens live a natural lifestyle, merrily pecking at the ground, willingly giving the farmers the daily gift of an egg.

      Unfortunately, this is not the case! The reality is that ‘free range’ hens are often kept in ‘barn’-type sheds in flocks of up to 16,000. In large-scale free range units, often fewer than 50% of the birds regularly go outside. Some barns, for example, only have doors down one side – imagine the scrum trying to get through the holes to the outside; the hens at the back of the barn are unlikely ever to be able to pick their way through.

      Free range hens are frequently debeaked and, as with all commercial laying hens, they are usually slaughtered after one year of egg production. Sigh. Like you said, vegan is the way to go.

    • Alice Tay on Aug 27, 2014 at 8:20 pm

      第一次阅读这文章时,个人觉得没什么特别的感觉。但是,就如Rinpoche 所劝告,要多看几次。让我想了又再想,终于我尝试将我自己想像成为它们。如果我成为它们的话,也会有如此的命运吗?










      我要感谢Rinpoche, 因为一直不断的提醒我们 ~ 其他众生的存在。我想,Rinpoche 也希望通过这次的比赛来唤醒我们的慈悲心。感恩!

      我也很感谢Pastor Adeline 无间断的与我们分享佛法。

      在此,我希望借此机会分享此讯息于Tay Mai Chin, Loke Kar Yen, Cass Chan Yee Kuan, Katherine Phor, Ho Mei Kum, Tan Hoy Rou, Han Li Chien, Khoo Suan Ee, Sam Ye Pan, Theresa Ling , 还有我其他小学,中学与大学朋友 (抱歉太多了,不能在此列出)。希望大家可以抽出一点时间,在此分享。


      • Li Chien on Aug 27, 2014 at 8:36 pm


      • Tan Hoy Rou on Aug 28, 2014 at 1:33 am

        关于这个文章的确是很好的机会让众人醒觉该如何对待每一个有生命的动物。阅读后才发现世人为了满足自己吃肉的胃口,不知不觉已伤害了无数无辜的生命。它们和人类一样有血有泪有情绪有思想但正正缺乏了保护自己的能力无法抗拒人类的宰杀。它们被饲养在如此拥挤又糟糕的环境之下受尽了饥饿。甚至有些却因为饥荒过度缺少抵抗力而病倒在粪池里慢慢的死去。试着想象如我生活在那样的环境,我的感受是每一天都都过着又惊慌又害怕的生活。希望可以透过这个比赛能够让世人醒觉,慢慢地减少吃肉的欲望多点爱惜动物,包括我再内。I will try my best。最后,我一定要感谢 Alice Tay,谢谢她把我带进了kechara house,让我有缘的阅读到这一篇那么有意义的文章,启发我们的慈悲心。感恩。

      • Loke Kar Yen on Aug 28, 2014 at 8:43 pm

        这篇文章真有意思,真是一个值得深思熟虑的问题。我相信,终有一天,你会成为素食者的。加油!我支持你。。。 🙂

      • Khoo Suan Ee on Aug 28, 2014 at 10:55 pm

        It is truths, there is a lot of other foods which are contain high protein

      • Tay Mai Chin on Aug 29, 2014 at 3:23 pm

        Good. Keep it up.

      • Phor Shih Yunn on Aug 30, 2014 at 1:09 am


      • Calvin Aw on Sep 1, 2014 at 3:53 pm

        最后,我要感谢Alice把这个文章分享给我,我希望能把这片精彩的文章分享给kuantan的佛友们aunty shuet moi,aunty zoey,aunty bee ai,uncle chia和我的姑丈Mr Yeo及我的姑姑Mrs Aw.谢谢/|\

        • aw Wei ling on Sep 2, 2014 at 1:02 am

          真的很感謝仁波切把这文章分享给大家。从这文章里可从唤醒大众尊重和爱护生命,生起慈悲心,提昌吃素。这么有意義的文章一定要分享给其他人。感恩。也谢謝 Calvin 和Alice 的分享。

      • Yuki Yin on Sep 1, 2014 at 8:36 pm



        谢谢 Alice Tay 的分享。。

      • Ho Mei Kam on Sep 1, 2014 at 11:56 pm

        读了这篇文章,我觉得素食不再只是关乎个人的健康,而是地球的健康,人性的道德。不人道的大量畜养动物只为了供給大需求量的快餐与肉食。希望不同年龄,不同目的的饮食男女弃荤从素, 效法 Alice Tay.

      • theresa ling on Sep 2, 2014 at 12:33 am

        Dear Alice. Indeed it is a good practice for Master Rinpoche to highlight all this things. Infact, this is not happen only in chiken farm. However, this can be seen in pig farm, cow and goat as well. But the sad facts is human being are born selfish. Hence, the root for correction is to cure human mentality, change their attitude for betterment. This will not only helps to protects animals, but it will helps us to avoid cannibalism in future.

      • Cass Chan Yee Kuan on Sep 2, 2014 at 3:00 pm


      • Julin Tan on Sep 3, 2014 at 1:06 pm

        Better stop eat animal.

        Thanks for sharing from Alice Tay.

      • Sam on Sep 3, 2014 at 1:17 pm

        感谢Alice Tay 的分享。


      • 文子 on Sep 3, 2014 at 2:16 pm

        感恩Alice Tay的分享。
        现今社会。科技越来越发达,人类忘了自己生存的价值,为了满足人类的纵欲,市场需求,生产商和销售者不惜一切,基本卫生,坏境,甚至无辜的性命,只为了满足消费者需求,减低成本,能省则省,重点是产量,钱。 人类的自私,伤害了好多微弱,不起眼无辜的生命。。多少畜牲在没有能力反抗下被屠杀,就只为了喂饱人类那个深不见底的胃。。虽然畜牲没有人类的智慧,但它们和我们一样,有个关爱的心。。

      • Kok Loke Yee on Sep 3, 2014 at 2:39 pm

        谢谢alice tay的分享。希望人们可以减少吃肉,别为了自己的私欲,而滥杀动物无辜的生命,也请人们好好爱护动物。

      • Joyce on Sep 3, 2014 at 3:39 pm


        Alice Tay, 谢谢share this link.

      • Ah Soon on Sep 3, 2014 at 6:14 pm

        看了文章有点感触, 希望爱吃肉的人类们, 可以逐渐减少的吃肉, 养成常吃蔬菜的习惯。

        Alice Tay, 谢谢你的分享。

      • 裕雯 on Sep 3, 2014 at 8:55 pm

        在此,感谢alice tay 分享此讯息。

      • Lai Ming Hoe on Sep 4, 2014 at 1:40 am


      • Chen Chen on Sep 4, 2014 at 8:00 pm

        Appreciated Alice share the article us which is a meaningful article. It’s worth to spend time to read through and think about it. Thanks

      • Wendy Lim on Sep 4, 2014 at 8:08 pm

        感谢Alice Tay 分享這个有意義的文章, 也希望妳成功成为長期素食者,感恩!

  107. Edwin Tan on Aug 23, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    Hmmm…. my comment didn’t get posted…

    Anyway, if there is a double post, my apologies.

    Dear Rinpoche,

    I have seen the video and read the article. I agree awareness must start within our own community of friends and family before we can engage on a greater scale to educate others.

    I have asked my brothers, Colin and Edern to read the article, sister and sister-in-law, Vinnie and Sharon, to go through the article as well.

    I have shown my wife the video and asked her about her feelings.

    Now she has a better understanding why I am intending to go full vegetarian as I am on a 5 days week vegetarian system.

    I have shared the article via my Twitter and Facebook account. Hopefully more people see and respect animals, even though they end up as food on our table.

    I have also seen the other video Rinpoche post… and it just hit me hard that I never ponder so much as to how much efforts taken to prepare those “delectable” dishes, instead of spending them on working against animal abuse. If more people sees how food is being processed to be on their tables… I believe more will eat lesser meat, if not none altogether.

    Thank you.

    • Su Ming on Sep 9, 2014 at 4:45 pm

      Dear Edwin,

      Good that you are increasing your vegetarian days over the last 12 mths. I am very happy with your progress. It shows to the rest that a young successful person like you who has to entertain business partners on a daily basis is also able to be vegetarian majority part of the week. It is always about choice and nobody can put a gun on your head and force you to eat the meat.

      The video shows how cruel human can be just to satisfy our stomach/taste. Awareness is key to stop this animal cruelty. Just like the sharp drop/decrease of shark fins soup in weddings in Asia due to the massive awareness campaign for the last 10 years. When the demand stop/the killing/cruelty will also stop.

      I will be personally showing this video to my brothers when they returned to Malaysia. For now, the links will be sent to them.

      Thank U
      Su Ming

  108. Oya on Aug 23, 2014 at 1:13 pm

    This challenge has already contributed to many peoples awareness of the importance of taking responsibility for living well with Right Action regarding all aspects of life, particularly in regards to what we eat and why. I am posting this blog post wherever I find a ‘drop’ spot and am sending it to all places . I am joining with many different organizations and posting the link with them to repost wherever they see fit. Here is the most recent Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhi

  109. Vivian Ong Chwee Kooi on Aug 23, 2014 at 10:03 am

    Dear Rinpoche…thank you for highlighting this article. I am very saddened by this news and felt pity for the hens. Although I am not a full vegetarian yet, I always to be vegetarian whenever I can. I have already shared this article’s link with my friends.

    With folded palms,

  110. Pema Lhamo on Aug 23, 2014 at 2:27 am

    Born a Buddhist, always taught not to harm but to be gentle, yet we grew up eating all form of meat available.

    up until the age of 14 I enjoyed fish, as curry, tinned mackerel, tuna and our own trout. Then suddenly one day I found that I was no longer fond of fish, I just couldn’t eat it. It was like I had a phobia (there was none). I grew up eating eggs, chicken, beef, pork and occasionally mutton.

    There were times when I’d wish, wish that the same (unknown) thing that made me stop eating fish would make me stop eating other meat kinds too, but it never happened and looks like it never will.

    I have tried forced stopping, I have read articles on butcher houses, I have learnt about the aggression toxins let out by dying animals, the same that we eat and the toxins of that aggression make us what we are, angry, mad, greedy and all the evil we can think of.

    The state of the poultry in the photos are sad, and does wanna make us stop eating them, but us being humans, the moment an aromatic dish is set on the table, we tend to forget what the meat served must have done to deserve the death and be served as a dish.

    I do hope that I can one day find the “will” to completely stop consumption of meat in any form.

    Tashi Delek for now.

  111. Kei Toeda on Aug 23, 2014 at 2:03 am

    I introduced this post to Yong Swee Keong, Paige Kelley, Ron Phipps, and Reina Toeda

  112. Kei Toeda on Aug 23, 2014 at 1:50 am

    I’ve seen this type of treatment of animals in videos before, but this has been the worst in terms of treatment. My first reaction to watching this video was not good. The second time I watched this video was different. No animals deserve this kind of treatment. It’s impossible to imagine this sort of treatment. Seeing no feathers on the hens were disgusting.

  113. Jesse on Aug 23, 2014 at 1:35 am

    I got chills and tears welled up when they showed the animals in the cages. I will post this to facebook.

  114. patriciasnodgrass on Aug 23, 2014 at 12:10 am

    Dear Rinpoche and Friends. After looking at these pics last night I spent most of the night ruminating over them. I, like many of you, recoiled in shock and horror at the mistreatment of these poor hens. Once the shock wore off (a little) I thought about three things. The first thing was, that the chicken farm depicted in the blog is a major health hazard, not only to the poor hens who have to endure living in excrement, but also to the community as a whole is in danger. An unkempt chicken coop stinks, the smell from an entire factory must be appalling. The filth in the pictures will draw rodents and other vermin. The animals in the pens are sick and filled with parasites and diseases. Even the air around the factory is blowing out tons of dangerous microbes that cause histoplasmosis, leptospirosis and numerous other diseases. Here where I live, East Texas is a huge producer of chickens. A half mile from my house there is a farm that raises chickens for Pilgrim’s Pride. I don’t smell it. We get no vermin from it. It is kept clean, the birds are free to wander around inside the houses, they are cared for and well fed. True, when the time comes, the go off to a gruesome fate, but until then,they are allowed to be chickens. Had that factory been in Texas, the county, state and federal governments would have shut it down and the owner would have gone to prison. Men in hazmat suits would have gone in and cleaned it up. The birds would have been killed and the factory would probably be deemed a superfund site.
    The second thing that I find peculiar is the mistreatment of the animals themselves. As I mentioned earlier, I lived on working farms. My husband grew up on ranches in West Texas. The animals that were kept on the farm were well cared for. They were an investment. They brought in money to help pay bills, the ones that were slaughtered were put in the freezer, and if the crops didn’t make that year, what meat was in the freezer could be he only thing to sustain a family through the winter. So leaving animals that were invested in to rot in filth makes no sense.
    The third thing is that since I do live in the country, and people do raise chickens, cows, pigs, etc…if I show my friends and family these pics and that video they are going to shrug and say, that happened in Australia. If someone did that here, they’d get shot. And they would probably be right.
    I also live in a county that is vastly Christian in religion. If I tell people to stop eating meat, they will open their Bibles and show me how I’m going to hell for disobeying God’s word when it comes to eating meat.
    What I have to do is come up with a strategy that will make sense to my rural Christian friends and neighbors. When people ask me why I went vegetarian I tell them that I do want to live a cruelty free lifestyle. I also tell them that eating meat increases one’s chance of getting cancer or heart disease. I tell them that veggies are much easier on the budget than meat. When I do this, I open a little door of reason in their minds. Some of them say they do ‘meatless’ Mondays, and some confess that they really would prefer a salad over a steak. Perhaps, in this instance, being gentle with the minds of those are difficult change is the best course of action.

  115. Joe P. Dorji on Aug 22, 2014 at 4:12 pm

    [An aide-mémoire for myself]

    Dear Rinpoche and TR team,

    First off, I humbly relinquish the idea of competing for the said prize. Your eminence’s kind attempt to spread the awareness is very much looked up with reverence.

    Q: How can we stop ‘this’ from continuing and what can we do about it immediately?

    My modest take:

    Inspired by this video and numerous others that I have seen and shared in the past, may I take this opportunity to give wings to my modest thoughts, observations and experience on the issue presented by Rinpoche at hand.

    I would like to begin with a thought assertion that unless all humans in the world become anomalous or enlightened instantly, there is no way we can stop animals from being slaughtered and consumed immediately. The idea of “World vegetarianism” if envisioned, is a vague one. I needn’t highlight on it.

    I have read the Biblical stories and the Bible itself wherein is mentioned the origination of flesh consumption and mankind’s fall, I have also been read to by Lamas and Rinpoches from the holy scriptures about the demerits or Karmic burdens of flesh consumption, yet still, ignorantly and most times intentionally, I remain a non-veg.

    Then again, there were times when I visited outlets like KFCs, the sight of those crispy flesh talking to me with my ‘monkey mind’ in attendance playing tricks, “Joe you are about to eat dead bodies.” Resounding at times, I just walk out of there. Well, enough with my conditional compassion.

    Bouncing back to the topic, “MEAT” is an ever flourishing business. It’s a gourmet. In some countries, it’s a fashion almost, to consume live animals wriggling in those wretched ‘humane’ bellies.

    As a child, across the border slum I once saw in person, a big fat pig getting stabbed by a long sharp spear. I watched, not that I was sadistic but out of childish curiosity. The murderer was an in-experienced one, he stabbed it in between the hinds and not where it can kill. The spear got stuck. The poor pig screamed in utter agony, life spilt out streams of red. The devil tried to get his spear out, it bent, more agony. That was it, I had seen it all. I went home crying and told my parents that I am to give up eating meat henceforth. I did, for two years. The point I am trying to make through this monotonous allegory is, after 2 years the traumatic childish experience had waned. ‘Meat’ as pleasantly as it’s prepared, the dish is too “delicious to sight” for us to resist.

    If I may, I would like to share a bit about how generally Bhutanese people consume meat. It is absolutely not my intention to glorify it but a mere suggestive model for ones forthcoming to imbibe.
    Inspired by Buddhism, the King and the government have since long banned animal killing in the country. However, consumption is supremely free for as long as it’s imported. So, we depend on good neighbour friend India to quell our carnivorous urge. It’s a thriving business. This is as much and no different from killing of course but in a way it keeps the practice of compassion in check.

    Furthermore, on four sacred days of the month import is banned. One should not be surprised to see hordes of Bhutanese humans queuing up by the meat stalls before special occasions as ‘Losar’ and ‘Ngengpa gu zom’. It’s a must have delicacy after all. An irony one might say, but still I reckon it’s a step ahead of killing by oneself.

    The best we can do is follow the examples of genuinely compassionate Teachers like TR and populate the awareness. Also would be great if in any means big or small at times supported altruistic and ethical organisations as and followed suit to establish our own kind in the community/society we live in.

    I hope and pray to become a vegetarian soon. That one day though, I fear, might never come.

    With much respects la.

    • Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Aug 23, 2014 at 4:57 am

      Relinquish or not, I still support you Joe P. Dorji.

      Your commentary is very well stated. It is quite informative, religiously and culturally, and is most honest indeed.

      If there is a vote to be made on these commentaries, my vote is for you my friend.

      You have my utmost respect

      • Joe P. Dorji on Aug 25, 2014 at 10:36 am


        Friends like you are a great source of comfort and inspiration. I am thankful everyday for I think I have a good Karma with you and you with me.


    • Keng Tan on Aug 30, 2014 at 6:28 pm

      Thank you for your comment. It is very well written.
      However people consume meat, they are complicit in the killing of the animals.
      The human psyche is such that they always go for value.
      Being vegetarian myself, I have friends tell me, it is no point for me to go for fixed priced buffet (or high teas) as I would not consume as much (in money terms) as my meat eating friends.
      So all these have been instilled on the human psyche from a very young age.
      The point is society can change this, it may take years, but slowly and surely, it can change because it is all in the mind. And if things arise from the mind, they can be eliminated by the mind.
      Assuming there is an outbreak of bird flu in your country and everyone avoid eating chicken and a friend flew in from country Y (which is a long way away from your country where there is no bird flu) with a deliciously looking crispy fried chicken, would you be tempted to consume it or would you be like, ‘wait, you sure this piece of chicken is safe to eat?’
      Anyway, good thought provoking post.

      • Joe P. Dorji on Sep 2, 2014 at 11:21 am

        Thank you for your kind response.

        Yes, I already do believe that things that are inherent can only be eliminated from within not without.

        No, offence good sir but the rhetoric that followed there from was to say the least, unnecessary. Thank you anyway for your time. Buddha bless.


  116. tsemtulku on Aug 22, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    We don’t have to think too much, because eating meat for sure hurts sentient beings in one way or another. It doesn’t stop suffering of samsara when we give up meat, but it sure is the right step in controlling our mind towards our attachments which is the right direction in stopping the suffering within the inner world within us. After all samsara exists within us. So giving up meat is another attachment we can work towards that has immediate benefits. Tsem Rinpoche

  117. tsemtulku on Aug 22, 2014 at 1:06 pm

    I had a very good Chinese holistic doctor stay with me for a year or so. He came out with recipes he had learned from his home village for healing that are VERY HEALTHY and easy to make. He healed my migraines with acupuncture and his medicines. He was very good. I wanted to share his recipes. Please take a look. He returned back to China to practice medicine. These food are not only delicious but highly nutritious. I had these recipes and videos made so many may share the benefits. Please see here and share with others:

  118. Michael C. on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:54 pm

    i feel that if i had to kill my own meat and lived first-hand the process from chicken to chicken nugget then i – and a lot more people – would naturally be vegetarians. i am so far removed from the suffering of chickens and other sentient beings that i am not even aware of what is going on. That is why it is important to share these videos with others. Not because they are fun to watch but because they need to be watched. First Noble Truth – I won’t begin to take medicine to cure myself until only after i have realized that i am indeed down with a sickness.Disease isn’t pretty. Until watching videos like these i can continue in my ingrained habitual tendencies unchecked and without need to examine whether my habits are right or wrong – because i already feel that they are right otherwise i probably would not be doing them. But now this article and this counter point and this logic that eating meat is actually a bad thing for the animals and for me because there is suffering all around. What to do with this opposing viewpoint? Do i agree with you or do i keep agreeing with myself and View you as Wrong?

    i don’t feel it. i’m not feeling any movement or great bounds of compassion for these chickens. i am trying to imagine them as humans, as humans enduring the cages and feces (thinking of slave ships traveling from Africa to America when slavery was ‘legal’ – same conditions). If they were humans and not chickens suffering what they are suffering then i would care more. Say if this was a video of 20 american children aged 8-10 kidnapped by ISIS enslaved like this everybody would be up in arms. I would want to go to war with ISIS to save the children. America would go to war (America is already bombing ISIS with airstrikes although somehow that is not considered War.)

    I want to make up excuses to keep eating the chickens. Why is that? i have not accomplished my practice. I have not realized the equality of all sentient beings. I have not realized that the chicken’s happiness or right to happiness is THE SAME AS – not more, not less – then my own happiness.

    They are just chickens! What about the bugs and worms that the chickens eat? The chickens deserve it maybe. That’s sad for them but i need to eat, and everybody eats chicken it is normal… oh no there goes my un-tamed mind making ‘justifications’ for my actions when really they are just poor excuses in an attempt to sustain my meat-eating habit. Maybe the chickens don’t mind the poop. flies eat poop or whatever is in it, dogs eat poop – maybe to them they like it. That sucks that they are suffering but so is everyone else, how is one person – me – not eating chickens going to change things? My friends will think that i am the weird one for not eating the corpse of somebody who wanted to live (why do i always make myself the victim of their judgement when they operate from karma & ignorance? instead of caring more so how the Gurus and Enlightened ones will judge me or how my own karma will judge itself). The chicken industry – it’s just the way things are, nothing can be done about this. It’s the way of the world, natural order of things.. – more false ‘justifications’ my mind is trying to believe or make into true statements when they are again just more excuses to enable me to continue doing what i am doing without making any changes. As a way to cope. Ignorance is bliss? – not for the chickens.

    If i continue eating meat (choosing desire over compassion), what results am i producing? I can expect disease of my body. My friend (who knows nothing about Buddhism and hunts animals as a hobby) said to me over a year ago something that shocked me – “i wonder if, in the afterlife i will be the deer and this deer i just shot will hunt and kill me.” i wonder – if i do nothing now and choose ignorance over doing something, laziness over changing my habits; ignorance over Dharma, watching a useless television show or movie for 2 hours instead of watching a 2 hour Dharma video on – what results have i just produced? Greed for another chicken nugget over buying a dry salad that doesn’t taste as good going in but looks the same coming out. Is that ignorance and greed of mine going to cause an unfortunate rebirth of mine as one of those chickens i see in those cages? THEN i will care. THEN i would be concerned for the welfare of my caged chicken By then it will be too late to change. i need to Start Now.

    • Keng Tan on Aug 30, 2014 at 6:07 pm

      I can see the logic of this comment. Humans are conditioned from birth in doing what they do best. Indulge. In the interests of making money and plying on human psyche, those behind the good industry try their very best to promote their product at the expense of everything else, even the welfare of the animal.

      It is all in the minds of the individuals. Was it also not okay to abuse the slaves in the past in the open? I the minds of the “white supremacists” this seemed an okay thing to do. Black slaves are perhaps nor more endearing to them than the turkey or chicken or lamb that would land on their plate.

      As The Buddha said, “all that arises from the mind can be dissolved by the mind”. It is in education that we can change people’s views on everything. Humans naturally like good things and this ‘attachment’ is the root of all human sufferings.

      People can certainly rally their political parties to see the ‘evils’ of modern food farming and indeed, perhaps we are unable to stop the whole world from eating meat, we can certainly make their living condition better.

      If Governments were to instil a program in the education system to take young children to abattoirs and let them witness the animal slaughtered or animal farms like the ones posted here, it would surely make a great impact on the way they consume food.

    • Michael C. on Sep 17, 2014 at 6:03 am

      i have an idea if we have a strong attachment to meat that we can do right now to stop that. we can cook a non-vegetarian meal. make a real nice chicken or something. Get real into it, making it the best. Cook it just right. Really smell the smells and crave the crave. Prepare it the best! oh the anticipation! Then eat none of it. Offer the entire meal to the Buddha. So its like offering our attachments to the Buddha. And when we offer something away and the other person accepts then it is not ours anymore. But in a few days the meat will smell bad and have changed, not the same offering as few days ago. And i still have attachments so i still need to make offerings daily to antidote my attachments!

      or if that sounds like too much of a hassle then at least the first portion (whatever size, like just a bite worth or whatever) of the non-vegetarian meal or any meal i suppose (right?) BEFORE i start eating the meal.

  119. KYC on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:53 pm

    I can’t believe this is still happening. In 2014? I thought people in the chicken rearing industry should be more “enlightened” by now, with all the publicity on animal cruelty and the importance of being kind to animals. I think we should find out what is happening in chicken farms in our own countries and report those that are found to be violating the rules.

  120. tsemtulku on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:47 pm

    Everyone, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch this video. This is highly important and educational:

  121. tsemtulku on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    There are many cultures and people that think killing, stealing, racism, female circumcision, sati, cheating, destroying forests are ok. If we do the opposite, they will criticize us. If we do what they don’t agree to, we will be seen as weird and made fun of even threatened. But that does not mean what they do & believe is correct. Any correct/humane/fair beliefs we have now in our societies is due to the hard work, sacrifice and courage of someone who created this in the past. Someone who stood up.. For example, for the settlers of America coming from England, nothing but their Puritan beliefs would be correct. People in time stood up to that and hence we have for example religious freedom in the USA. Otherwise Buddhism would have been not accepted by them. Have courage. If we have to eat meat, then kill our own meat and see what the animals go through. I am not saying go and do that, but visualize that and see videos on it and don’t shelter yourself from the pain of these beings. TR

  122. Sharon Ong on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:01 pm

    The short clip is truly hard to watch. If enduring the 2 minutes to just watch the video is so, so immensely hard, imagine a whole life time living in such an appalling state. This is hell on earth for these poor animals. I believe in the power of social media and I will use it to help these poor chooks. I urge everyone take some form of action, even if it means just sharing this atrocity on their Facebook or Twitter. I will light a candle and dedicate my sadhanas to these poor chickens and may the merits that they gain result in a good rebirth to be near the Dharma. Am nominating Yong Swee Keong, Liang Wei Theng and Gary Foo to start the ball rolling.

    • Gim Lee on Aug 22, 2014 at 3:41 pm

      Sharon Ong, cannot la… Yong Swee Keong, Liang Wei Theng and Gary Foo cannot count la… aiyo you must get new friends outside of Kechara staff and long-time volunteer like Gary la 😉

      • Sharon Ong on Aug 22, 2014 at 4:06 pm

        Aiseh, man…..I kick myself for my stupidity. Thanks, Gim Lee. Even if I am disqualified, I would be happy if through my small humble efforts of spreading this, such heartless farming methods are stopped or better still, people opt for compassionate dining.

      • Sharon Ong on Sep 6, 2014 at 12:56 pm

        Have actually previously nominated my siblings via FB, Kelvin Ong and Aerin Ong. Am also nominating Hayden Chan and Aldan Chan.

  123. Lum Kok Luen on Aug 22, 2014 at 11:55 am

    Dear Rinpoche,
    Thank you for very much for this teaching.

    It’s indeed very sad to see such abuses still happening.
    Immediate things we can do:
    1. Spread awareness – I have already posted this article to my contacts/ friends. Shared with my immediate family as well. They have been given the link to this section to post their comments. Amongst them are Eleen Wong, Andrea Siew, David Chong, Alwin Yao, and Leong Yim Meng.
    2. Start consuming less meat with eventual cessation of meat consumption and all meat related products which are farm produced.
    3. As I recite Gangloma – dedicate the merits such that Manjushri’s compassion cuts through all those who are ignorant of this issue be aware and eventually change their lifestyle.
    4. Start participating in interest groups to bring awareness to the public.

    Closer to home, I think we can incorporate a very short session on animal cruelty in every Dharma lesson that we have in Kechara House, as a start to keep reminding ourselves.
    To resolve animal abuse, I believe will take us to the next generation, i.e., our children. As such, efforts need to be taken (starting at our level first) to bring awareness through education. Eventually, they will realize and move towards having compassion for animals and not to consume them.

    That’s my basic and logical approach to this issue.

    Om Mani Padme Hum

    • tsemtulku on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:03 pm

      Dear Lum Kok Luen, I am so happy you have shared this blog post with others. Some others may reject you for sharing it, but don’t be disheartened, as the truth of what these animals go through is hard to digest for some. But you must be the first to take the right step. Courage to do the right thing arises when we don’t want others to suffer any longer. I like very much your feelings after watching the video. Don’t be numb. Take action within yourself and go meatless. TR

      • Lum Kok Luen on Aug 22, 2014 at 3:40 pm

        Thank you Rinpoche for the encouragement. I have already expected the rejections and strange comments coming from my friends/ colleagues. Let it be. At least I have created the causes for awareness of animal abuse and it needs to stop.

        Om Mani Padme Hum

  124. Joe P. Dorji on Aug 22, 2014 at 11:00 am

    Processing my comment and gathering some friends. Kindly wait. The omniscient Manjushri statue is mine! hahaha…just kidding la. Will get on to it later la.

    • tsemtulku on Aug 22, 2014 at 11:20 am

      Joe P. Dorji, I like your good attitude. I wish you all the luck and yes get as many friends as you can on this so they understand animal suffering. My good wishes. Tsem Rinpoche

      • Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:02 pm

        Hello Tsem Rinpoche.

        Thank you for bringing awareness to so many people regarding the suffering of animals for the sake of meat products. I have watched videos and have read comments on this matter, and I have strongly considered making serious dietary changes because of the unnecessary suffering of these poor defenseless animals.

        I was raised hravily on meat products, so it is a difficult transition to switch to vegetarian, but my compassion for all sentient beings will help make such a transition necessary.

        You, as well as my good friend, Joe P. Dorji have both played very important roles in my decision to stop eating meat. You both have brought this awareness to light. I thank you both for this.

        • tsemtulku on Aug 22, 2014 at 12:16 pm

          Dear Caryl Dumaine Lamont Munson,

          I thank you for your honesty and compassion. Yes it is hard to give up meat especially if we were raised on it from young. Think of it as lessening the intake of fats, intoxicants, sugar, salt and many other items that are harmful. Meat is harmful to us and to the animals. I was also raised very heavily on a meat diet. My parents were Kalmyks (Mongols) and meat is our staple diet. But we are not in Kalmykia anymore and we have many choices of food if we choose so we can change. I am so glad you are considering to cut out meat. There are many other things in life to enjoy that does not entail harming animals.

          I have many other articles on vegetarianism on this blog. Please look through them and especially see the video Earthlings narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. It is a life changing and powerful narrative that no one should miss.

          Share this information with others. Good luck to you and remember each time you put meat into your mouth, this meat and the meat on our own bodies are the same. We can feel pain and so can animals.
          Tsem Rinpoche

          • Joe P. Dorji on Aug 22, 2014 at 2:09 pm

            Your eminence Rinpoche la,

            I have been brought up to follow protocols in an environment where self-attitude must at all times be observed. That aside, I morally and diplomatically feel it most appropriate as an aspiring Buddhist to use terms of respect for the high Lamas like yourself. Buzzwords as “la” and “las” sound most polite and endearing to me la.

            Yes Rinpoche, I am in the process of gathering some friends. Caryl is one such great friend I have. I am going to be supporting him too, most gladly, should he choose to make a commentary on the said matter.

            As a lay man and a hollow Buddhist, in my everyday existence on internet when ever I see animal torture or gross flesh eating, I make it a point to share it with others. So, your kind advice has not fallen on deaf ears la.

            Trashi delek la.

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  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 25. 2025 01:41 PM
    Tales of supernatural creatures like Bigfoot, aliens, trolls, little people are always my reading interest. Came across this old blog about Dark Watchers so interesting.
    The Dark Watchers known by early Spanish settlers as Los Vigilantes Oscuros. Is a name given to a group of entities in California folklore purportedly seen observing travellers along the Santa Lucia Mountains. The earliest written accounts of the Dark Watchers date back to the 1700s, when Spanish colonists called them los vigilantes oscuros. According to Chumash folklore, the Dark Watchers are shadowy figures that stand atop the lofty heights, silently observing the land below. The Dark Watchers are mysterious, tall, shadowy figures that have been reported in California for centuries. They are often described as wearing cloaks and hats, and are said to appear around twilight. Whatever scary it looks we have Dorje Shugden to protect us. Even though there are spirits every where seen or not seen by our naked eyes we should leave them un disturb as it is. I do believe its existence every where day and night.
    Thank you Rinpoche sharing this with us.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 25. 2025 01:39 PM
    Revisit this blog again and again as its such an interesting blog with awesome stories to share. All about a great Gelugpa lama . Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was a scholar, an abbot, a Dharma teachers and he was also a healer. He was an important Gelugpa lama and a contemporary of the 5th Dalai Lama. Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen was the erudite high lama who arose as the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden, regarded as an emanation of the Wisdom Buddha Manjushri. During the era of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama, Dorje Shugden took rebirth in the form of a very special incarnate lama. Just imagine at the age of 2 or 3, he was already speaking and playing with ritual instruments and having clear visions of meditational deities and enlightened beings. Apparently, he had also received many direct visions of deities and exalted Gurus from a very young age. Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and the 5th Dalai Lama shared a very respectful and close relationship. As results there’s jealousy among officers of 5th Dalai Lama resulting in the murder of Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen. As an apology to Dorje Shugden for the murder the 5th Dalai Lama crafted a statue and even composed an apologetic prayer. He also built a chapel Trode Khangsar dedicated to recognize Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen as a Dharma protector,Dorje Shugden in Lhasa.
    I have the opportunity to visit this Scared Trode Khangsar years back . Reading this blog always remind me of my trip.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting sharing. May more people able to visit this Trode Khangsar.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 25. 2025 01:38 PM
    Buddhism is one of the recognized religions in Indonesia, with a long history in the country. The largest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur, is located in Central Java. Buddhism arrived in Indonesia in the sixth century. The history of Buddhism in Indonesia is closely related to the history of Hinduism. The Indonesian archipelago has, over the centuries, witnessed the rise and fall of powerful Buddhist empires. A number of Buddhist sites and artifacts related to Indonesia’s historical heritage can be found in Indonesia. As such the 8th century Borobudur mandala monument and Sewu temple in Central Java and numerous statues or inscriptions from the earlier history of Indonesian Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms. Interesting read. Many Buddhist sites, stupas, temples, and manuscripts were lost or forgotten with since the arrival of Islam. Once a year, thousands of Buddhists from Indonesia and neighboring countries flock to Borobudur to commemorate the national Waisak Day. The Borobudur Temple Compounds is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and was built in the 8th and 9th centuries AD. The monument was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1991.
    Thank you Rinpoche , interesting sharing. Hopefully I could visit this great monument in future
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 25. 2025 01:35 PM
    The Lizard Man is a legendary, seven-foot-tall, red-eyed, scaly-skinned reptile that is said to live in the swamps of South Carolina. The legend of the Lizard Man has been around since 1988. The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp ,also known as the Lizard Man of Lee County is an entity said to inhabit the swampland of the region. A large, green, lizard-like creature emerged from the shadows. Many others have claimed encounters with the legendary Lizard Man. The Lizard Man has been the subject of much publicity in the press, on the radio, television and even in movies. The lizard man myth brings curious travellers from across the globe into town, searching for the prehistoric beast lurking beneath the swamp. Ancient Historical Accounts of Lizard man sound interesting after reading it. I do believe in legends as there’s many unseen beings whereby is not seen by our naked eyes. Many others have claimed encounters with the legendary Lizard Man, leaving a mark on the small, agricultural town.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Cindy for this interesting sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:22 PM
    Historically Langmu monastery was the center of local religion, culture, economy and politics. Langmu Monastery is one of the most popular wild destinations in Sichuan as it provides excellent travel experience in nomads Tibet.It is a group of monasteries built at the border of Sichuan and Gansu Province. Founded in 1748 AD Constructed in 1748, belongs to Tibetan Buddhism. After years of extension and development, the temple today is composed of ten affiliated temples . It is a destination for strenuous pilgrimages and fascinating . A river, Bailong River, separates the township into two parts, one part in Gansu and another one in Sichuan. Wow Langmu monastery is a place where one can experience both Tibetan Buddhism and Islamic culture. Langmu Monastery is one of the largest to practise Dorje Shugden. That’s wonderful Kechara did sent to Langmu Monastery 600 sets of Dorje Shugden collateral in the Tibetan language. The monastery also ordered from Kechara an entire set of statues of Dorje Shugden.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:20 PM
    Arjia Rinpoche is one of the most prominent Buddhist teachers and lamas to have left Tibet. He was recognized by 10th Panchen Lama as the 20th Arjia Danpei Gyaltsen, the reincarnation of Je Tsongkhapa’s father. He has trained with lineage teachers, such as the 14th Dalai Lama, the 10th Panchen Lama, and Gyayak Rinpoche. He had received many sacred teachings and ritual instructions from these great lamas. He was forced to leave his monastery and attend a Chinese school, yet secretly continued to practice and study with his tutors during the Cultural Revolution . Arjia Rinpoche went into exile and escaped to the United established a Buddhist Center for Compassion and Wisdom. Throughout his life, Arjia Rinpoche was tutored by specialized teachers in the area of Buddhist philosophy, sutra and tantra teachings, as well as in Buddhist art and architectural design.Since then Rinpoche has been giving teachings throughout the United States, Canada, Taiwan, India and Guatemala.
    For the sake of harmony and unity of the Tibetans , Rinpoche has advised the Tibetans to stop discriminating against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Arjia Rinpoche’s message of peaceful is consistent with the spirit of Buddhism and even spirituality in general. The ban against Dorje Shugden was imposed in 1996 and since that time, the has cause sufferings among the Tibetans in exile. No one should be discriminated against due to their religion or spiritual path. Dorje Shugden people, should be allowed choice of religion and be involved in the preservation of the Tibetan culture.It was during the 10th Panchen Lama’s Maha-Parinirvana 30th Anniversary, Arjia Rinpoche spoke bravely on fulfilling the Panchen Lama’s wishes.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:18 PM
    nspiring story of Togden Yanga Rinpoche a master who are so devoted to dharma, doing long retreat for life. Togden Yanga Rinpoche, born in 1923, emerged as a prominent figure in the Drikung Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. His life’s journey was marked by profound dedication to spiritual practice and teaching. An acclaimed Yogi, Terma revealer and Scholar, residing in his native Ladakh.. He went into retreat for life,spending his life achieving liberation and enlightenment. Rinpoche has tirelessly helping sentient beings with his infinite compassion and enlightened activity.
    Interesting blog thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 18. 2025 03:16 PM
    Buddhism is a religion and philosophy that developed from the doctrines of the Buddha. Is a major religion in the world, originated in India in the 5th century BCE and is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha. Buddhists believe that life is a cycle of suffering and rebirth. Having priests and pastors in each centers or place of worships or retreat centers around the world serving and spreading Buddha teachings with more and more people get to know more knowledge of Buddhism. Reading this blog , given me a more understanding of the role of Pastors or known as Priest in some parts of the world. There’s many Buddhist Priest around the world serving others leading services , performing ceremonies and rituals. Many people have benefited, having Pastors or Priests around helping them out with their teaching, and providing spiritual support. That’s awesome. Here at Kechara we too having Pastors making Buddha’s wisdom accessible to more people by giving spiritual guidance and sharing knowledge. In this way, the Dharma is preserved and made available to busy spiritual seekers. Interesting blog knowing some of those wonderful Buddhist priests around the world and many more to come spreading Dharma teachings..
    Thank you Rinpoche .
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:08 PM
    Compassion is always in season. Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things. Animals have moral status, and animal suffering matters. No need to explain more as different people have different view. Let them be and say what they want.
    Thank you for this sharing.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:06 PM
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing. Living a quiet life, often characterized by simplicity and a deliberate choice. A far away quiet environment can offer numerous benefits for one’s well-being and overall quality of life. Living a calm and simple life yet rich with inner meaning, personal growth, and a deep connection to oneself, one’s values . Those moment of quietness, free from the rush and noise of daily life, allows for self-reflection and a deeper understanding of our actions and their impacts. By taking a softer approach to living, we can focus more on our internal happiness, building our emotional health.
    Since learning Dharma and putting into practice have taught me to live simplicity free from the rush and noise of daily life.
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:04 PM
    The act of liberating animals helps us to develop the nature of not harming others, creating the awareness of not eating animals for the sake of attachment to meat and thus promoting a vegetarian lifestyle. When one releasing lives brings blessings to the whole family, a multitude releasing lives brings divine protection. Among all merits, releasing lives is indeed supreme. Beyond financial generosity , we also practice the generosity of Dharma and the generosity of fearlessness. Releasing lives embodies all three types of giving in one noble act which we should make use of the opportunity to do more. The merits of animals liberation are truly unparalleled.
    Reading this article by Daily Mail Reporter where a group of Tibetan Buddhists released 534 live lobsters into the Atlantic Sea. Rejoice Geshe Tenley and a group of Tibetan Buddhists releasing them one by one to freedom into the deep water.
    Thank you Rinpoche .
  • SamFoonHeei
    Tuesday, Feb 11. 2025 04:02 PM
    With these simple and easy memes . More people will get to know the awesome benefits of Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden is a fully enlightened being, he manifests in a worldly form in order to assist us quicker. Just by recalling his abilities is a blessing. Dorje Shugden is the special protector emanation of Manjushri that will help everyone regardless of race and religion when one rely on it sincerely .
    Thank you Rinpoche for all these creative, simplifying short memes.
  • meng
    Friday, Jan 31. 2025 07:28 AM
    Many people in Taman Desa Jaya, Kepong have cheated for a long time DATUK YIP KUM FOOK has been deceiving people, from starting a furniture business in Taman Daya to becoming the chairperson of the MCA there, but the Malaysian government has not known of the matter.

    Today he is very rich having many houses and shop lots all over Kepong but the government is still silent, now he has a court case, he is a lawyer and he made or signed a fake land title to someone.

    Anyone who knows DATUK YIP KUM FOOK AND SIMON LOW KOK MENG, please try to stay away from them because those people can eat you all, the first one they do very well with you but behind their back they will eat you, please be careful before getting caught up in that

    By Meng, Taman Desa Jaya…Kepong
  • Samfoonheei
    Tuesday, Jan 28. 2025 12:48 PM
    A Chinese ghost marriage is a ceremony that unites a deceased person with a living or deceased person. The family of the deceased usually arranges the marriage. Despite its long history and unique practices, the original purposes of ghost marriages remain largely unknown. The ghost is a classical image in Chinese culture, have a history stretching back 3,000 years. This tradition dates back to the first Chinese dynasty, making it at least 2200 years old, while others even note that it’s roughly 3000 years old! Despite reports of it still being practiced in remote Chinese villages in China,Taiwan and certain Asian countries . Ghost marriages are acceptable and symbolic in especially in Taiwanese culture, with many social elements related to them. Interestingly enough Li Kim and team did a great research ,spoke to Professor Lin Mao-Hsien, a Taiwanese folklore scholar on these interesting tradition. Reading this article with a better understanding of the ghost marriages. The story of the man by the name Wu Wen-Da, who had been dreaming about a dead woman named Zheng Su Mei truly interesting.
    Thank you Rinpoche and Li Kim .
  • Samfoonheei
    Tuesday, Jan 28. 2025 12:46 PM
    Interesting account of the investigation of Supiyati an Indonesian woman’s body filled with needles, nails, and wires.
    After many efforts to find a cure in their hometown never found any success, Dark Magic is an incredibly powerful form of witchcraft that draws on malevolent powers.Black magic is a belief system that is not supported by scientific evidence. However, psychologists and neuroscientists have studied magic to understand how it affects people’s perceptions and beliefs. Regardless of the path forward, the study and understanding of black magic will undoubtedly remain a subject of enduring fascination and scholarly inquiry.
    Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.

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I must thank my dharma blog team who are great assets to me, Kechara and growth of dharma in this wonderful region. I am honoured and thrilled to work with them. I really am. Maybe I don't say it enough to them, but I am saying it now. I APPRECIATE THESE GUYS VERY MUCH!

Tsem Rinpoche

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The Known and unknown are both feared,
Known is being comfortable and stagnant,
The unknown may be growth and opportunities,
One shall never know if one fears the unknown more than the known.
Who says the unknown would be worse than the known?
But then again, the unknown is sometimes worse than the known. In the end nothing is known unless we endeavour,
So go pursue all the way with the unknown,
because all unknown with familiarity becomes the known.
~Tsem Rinpoche

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According to legend, Shambhala is a place where wisdom and love reign, and there is no crime. Doesn\'t this sound like the kind of place all of us would love to live in?
5 years ago
According to legend, Shambhala is a place where wisdom and love reign, and there is no crime. Doesn't this sound like the kind of place all of us would love to live in?
108 candles and sang (incense) offered at our Wish-Fulfilling Grotto, invoking Dorje Shugden\'s blessings for friends, sponsors and supporters, wonderful!
5 years ago
108 candles and sang (incense) offered at our Wish-Fulfilling Grotto, invoking Dorje Shugden's blessings for friends, sponsors and supporters, wonderful!
Dharmapalas are not exclusive to Tibetan culture and their practice is widespread throughout the Buddhist world -
5 years ago
Dharmapalas are not exclusive to Tibetan culture and their practice is widespread throughout the Buddhist world -
One of our adorable Kechara Forest Retreat\'s doggies, Tara, happy and safe, and enjoying herself in front of Wisdom Hall which has been decorated for Chinese New Year
5 years ago
One of our adorable Kechara Forest Retreat's doggies, Tara, happy and safe, and enjoying herself in front of Wisdom Hall which has been decorated for Chinese New Year
Fragrant organic Thai basil harvested from our very own Kechara Forest Retreat farm!
5 years ago
Fragrant organic Thai basil harvested from our very own Kechara Forest Retreat farm!
On behalf of our Puja House team, Pastor Tat Ming receives food and drinks from Rinpoche. Rinpoche wanted to make sure the hardworking Puja House team are always taken care of.
5 years ago
On behalf of our Puja House team, Pastor Tat Ming receives food and drinks from Rinpoche. Rinpoche wanted to make sure the hardworking Puja House team are always taken care of.
By the time I heard about Luang Phor Thong, he was already very old, in his late 80s. When I heard about him, I immediately wanted to go and pay my respects to him. -
5 years ago
By the time I heard about Luang Phor Thong, he was already very old, in his late 80s. When I heard about him, I immediately wanted to go and pay my respects to him. -
It\'s very nice to see volunteers helping maintain holy sites in Kechara Forest Retreat, it\'s very good for them. Cleaning Buddha statues is a very powerful and effective way of purifying body karma.
5 years ago
It's very nice to see volunteers helping maintain holy sites in Kechara Forest Retreat, it's very good for them. Cleaning Buddha statues is a very powerful and effective way of purifying body karma.
Kechara Forest Retreat is preparing for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations. This is our holy Vajra Yogini stupa which is now surrounded by beautiful lanterns organised by our students.
5 years ago
Kechara Forest Retreat is preparing for the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations. This is our holy Vajra Yogini stupa which is now surrounded by beautiful lanterns organised by our students.
One of the most recent harvests from our Kechara Forest Retreat land. It was grown free of chemicals and pesticides, wonderful!
5 years ago
One of the most recent harvests from our Kechara Forest Retreat land. It was grown free of chemicals and pesticides, wonderful!
Third picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Height: 33ft (10m)
6 years ago
Third picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal. Height: 33ft (10m)
Second picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Height: 33ft (10m)
6 years ago
Second picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal. Height: 33ft (10m)
First picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Height: 33ft (10m)
6 years ago
First picture-Standing Manjushri Statue at Chowar, Kirtipur, Nepal. Height: 33ft (10m)
The first title published by Kechara Comics is Karuna Finds A Way. It tells the tale of high-school sweethearts Karuna and Adam who had what some would call the dream life. Everything was going great for them until one day when reality came knocking on their door. Caught in a surprise swindle, this loving family who never harmed anyone found themselves out of luck and down on their fortune. Determined to save her family, Karuna goes all out to find a solution. See what she does-
6 years ago
The first title published by Kechara Comics is Karuna Finds A Way. It tells the tale of high-school sweethearts Karuna and Adam who had what some would call the dream life. Everything was going great for them until one day when reality came knocking on their door. Caught in a surprise swindle, this loving family who never harmed anyone found themselves out of luck and down on their fortune. Determined to save her family, Karuna goes all out to find a solution. See what she does-
Very powerful story! Tibetan Resistance group Chushi Gangdruk reveals how Dalai Lama escaped in 1959-
6 years ago
Very powerful story! Tibetan Resistance group Chushi Gangdruk reveals how Dalai Lama escaped in 1959-
At Kechara Forest Retreat land we have nice fresh spinach growing free of chemicals and pesticides. Yes!
6 years ago
At Kechara Forest Retreat land we have nice fresh spinach growing free of chemicals and pesticides. Yes!
See beautiful pictures of Manjushri Guest House here-
6 years ago
See beautiful pictures of Manjushri Guest House here-
Beginner’s Introduction to Dorje Shugden~Very good overview
6 years ago
Beginner’s Introduction to Dorje Shugden~Very good overview
Fresh eggplants grown on Kechara Forest Retreat\'s land here in Malaysia
6 years ago
Fresh eggplants grown on Kechara Forest Retreat's land here in Malaysia
Most Venerable Uppalavanna – The Chief Female Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni - She exhibited many supernatural abilities gained from meditation and proved to the world females and males are equal in spirituality-
6 years ago
Most Venerable Uppalavanna – The Chief Female Disciple of Buddha Shakyamuni - She exhibited many supernatural abilities gained from meditation and proved to the world females and males are equal in spirituality-
Thailand’s ‘Renegade’ Yet Powerful Buddhist Nuns~
6 years ago
Thailand’s ‘Renegade’ Yet Powerful Buddhist Nuns~
Mahapajapati Gotami – the first Buddhist nun ordained by Lord Buddha-
6 years ago
Mahapajapati Gotami – the first Buddhist nun ordained by Lord Buddha-
The Largest Buddha Shakyamuni in Russia | 俄罗斯最大的释迦牟尼佛画像-
6 years ago
The Largest Buddha Shakyamuni in Russia | 俄罗斯最大的释迦牟尼佛画像-
Sacred Vajra Yogini
6 years ago
Sacred Vajra Yogini
Dorje Shugden works & archives - a labour of commitment -
6 years ago
Dorje Shugden works & archives - a labour of commitment -
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha.
6 years ago
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha.
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha. She was his step-mother and aunt. Buddha\'s mother had passed away at his birth so he was raised by Gotami.
6 years ago
Mahapajapati Gotami, who was the first nun ordained by Lord Buddha. She was his step-mother and aunt. Buddha's mother had passed away at his birth so he was raised by Gotami.
Another nun disciple of Lord Buddha\'s. She had achieved great spiritual abilities and high attainments. She would be a proper object of refuge. This image of the eminent bhikkhuni (nun) disciple of the Buddha, Uppalavanna Theri.
6 years ago
Another nun disciple of Lord Buddha's. She had achieved great spiritual abilities and high attainments. She would be a proper object of refuge. This image of the eminent bhikkhuni (nun) disciple of the Buddha, Uppalavanna Theri.
Wandering Ascetic Painting by Nirdesha Munasinghe
6 years ago
Wandering Ascetic Painting by Nirdesha Munasinghe
High Sri Lankan monks visit Kechara to bless our land, temple, Buddha and Dorje Shugden images. They were very kind-see pictures-
6 years ago
High Sri Lankan monks visit Kechara to bless our land, temple, Buddha and Dorje Shugden images. They were very kind-see pictures-
This is pretty amazing!

First Sri Lankan Buddhist temple opened in Dubai!!!
6 years ago
This is pretty amazing! First Sri Lankan Buddhist temple opened in Dubai!!!
My Dharma boy (left) and Oser girl loves to laze around on the veranda in the mornings. They enjoy all the trees, grass and relaxing under the hot sun. Sunbathing is a favorite daily activity. I care about these two doggies of mine very much and I enjoy seeing them happy. They are with me always. Tsem Rinpoche

Always be kind to animals and eat vegetarian-
6 years ago
My Dharma boy (left) and Oser girl loves to laze around on the veranda in the mornings. They enjoy all the trees, grass and relaxing under the hot sun. Sunbathing is a favorite daily activity. I care about these two doggies of mine very much and I enjoy seeing them happy. They are with me always. Tsem Rinpoche Always be kind to animals and eat vegetarian-
After you left me Mumu, I was alone. I have no family or kin. You were my family. I can\'t stop thinking of you and I can\'t forget you. My bond and connection with you is so strong. I wish you were by my side. Tsem Rinpoche
6 years ago
After you left me Mumu, I was alone. I have no family or kin. You were my family. I can't stop thinking of you and I can't forget you. My bond and connection with you is so strong. I wish you were by my side. Tsem Rinpoche
This story is a life-changer. Learn about the incredible Forest Man of India | 印度“森林之子”-
6 years ago
This story is a life-changer. Learn about the incredible Forest Man of India | 印度“森林之子”-
Part 2-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
6 years ago
Part 2-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
Part 1-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
6 years ago
Part 1-Beautiful billboard in Malaysia of a powerful Tibetan hero whose life serves as a great inspiration-
The great Protector Manjushri Dorje Shugden depicted in the beautiful Mongolian style. To download a high resolution file:
6 years ago
The great Protector Manjushri Dorje Shugden depicted in the beautiful Mongolian style. To download a high resolution file:
The Mystical land of Shambhala is finally ready for everyone to feast their eyes and be blessed. A beautiful post with information, art work, history, spirituality and a beautiful book composed by His Holiness the 6th Panchen Rinpoche. ~
6 years ago
The Mystical land of Shambhala is finally ready for everyone to feast their eyes and be blessed. A beautiful post with information, art work, history, spirituality and a beautiful book composed by His Holiness the 6th Panchen Rinpoche. ~
Beautiful pictures of the huge Buddha in Longkou Nanshan-
6 years ago
Beautiful pictures of the huge Buddha in Longkou Nanshan-
The reason-Very interesting thought-
6 years ago
The reason-Very interesting thought-
NEW Bigfoot cafe in Malaysia! Food is delicious!-
6 years ago
NEW Bigfoot cafe in Malaysia! Food is delicious!-
DON\'T MISS THIS!~How brave Bonnie survived by living with a herd of deer~
6 years ago
DON'T MISS THIS!~How brave Bonnie survived by living with a herd of deer~
Global Superpower China Will Cut Meat Consumption by 50%! Very interesting, find out more-
6 years ago
Global Superpower China Will Cut Meat Consumption by 50%! Very interesting, find out more-
You can download this beautiful Egyptian style Dorje Shugden Free-
6 years ago
You can download this beautiful Egyptian style Dorje Shugden Free-
Beautiful high file for print of Lord Manjushri. May you be blessed-
6 years ago
Beautiful high file for print of Lord Manjushri. May you be blessed-
Mongolian (Oymiakon) Shaman in Siberia, Russia. That is his real outfit he wears. Very unique. TR
6 years ago
Mongolian (Oymiakon) Shaman in Siberia, Russia. That is his real outfit he wears. Very unique. TR
Find one of the most beautiful temples in the world in Nara, Japan. It is the 1,267 year old Todai-ji temple that houses a 15 meter Buddha Vairocana statue who is a cosmic and timeless Buddha. Emperor Shomu who sponsored this beautiful temple eventually abdicated and ordained as a Buddhist monk. Very interesting history and story. One of the places everyone should visit-
6 years ago
Find one of the most beautiful temples in the world in Nara, Japan. It is the 1,267 year old Todai-ji temple that houses a 15 meter Buddha Vairocana statue who is a cosmic and timeless Buddha. Emperor Shomu who sponsored this beautiful temple eventually abdicated and ordained as a Buddhist monk. Very interesting history and story. One of the places everyone should visit-
Manjusri Kumara (bodhisattva of wisdom), India, Pala dynesty, 9th century, stone, Honolulu Academy of Arts
6 years ago
Manjusri Kumara (bodhisattva of wisdom), India, Pala dynesty, 9th century, stone, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Click on "View All Photos" above to view more images

Videos On The Go

Please click on the images to watch video
  • Pig puts his toys away
    5 years ago
    Pig puts his toys away
    Animals are so intelligent. They can feel happiness, joy, pain, sorrow, just like humans. Always show kindness to them. Always show kindness to everyone.
  • Always be kind to animals-They deserve to live just like us.
    6 years ago
    Always be kind to animals-They deserve to live just like us.
    Whales and dolphins playing with each other in the Pacific sea. Nature is truly incredible!
  • Bodha stupa July 2019-
    6 years ago
    Bodha stupa July 2019-
    Rainy period
  • Cute Tara girl having a snack. She is one of Kechara Forest Retreat’s resident doggies.
    6 years ago
    Cute Tara girl having a snack. She is one of Kechara Forest Retreat’s resident doggies.
  • Your Next Meal!
    6 years ago
    Your Next Meal!
    Yummy? Tasty? Behind the scenes of the meat on your plates. Meat is a killing industry.
  • This is Daw
    6 years ago
    This is Daw
    This is what they do to get meat on tables, and to produce belts and jackets. Think twice before your next purchase.
  • Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
    6 years ago
    Don’t Take My Mummy Away!
    Look at the poor baby chasing after the mother. Why do we do that to them? It's time to seriously think about our choices in life and how they affect others. Be kind. Don't break up families.
  • They do this every day!
    6 years ago
    They do this every day!
    This is how they are being treated every day of their lives. Please do something to stop the brutality. Listen to their cries for help!
  • What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
    6 years ago
    What happened at Fair Oaks Farm?
    The largest undercover dairy investigation of all time. See what they found out at Fair Oaks Farm.
  • She’s going to spend her whole life here without being able to move correctly. Like a machine. They are the slaves of the people and are viewed as a product. It’s immoral. Billions of terrestrial animals die annually. Billions. You can’t even imagine it. And all that because people don’t want to give up meat, even though there are so many alternatives. ~ Gabriel Azimov
    6 years ago
    She’s going to spend her whole life here without being able to move correctly. Like a machine. They are the slaves of the people and are viewed as a product. It’s immoral. Billions of terrestrial animals die annually. Billions. You can’t even imagine it. And all that because people don’t want to give up meat, even though there are so many alternatives. ~ Gabriel Azimov
  • Our Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir speaks so well, logically and regarding our country’s collaboration with China for growth. It is refreshing to listen to Dr. Mahathir’s thoughts. He said our country can look to China for many more things such as technology and so on. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Our Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir speaks so well, logically and regarding our country’s collaboration with China for growth. It is refreshing to listen to Dr. Mahathir’s thoughts. He said our country can look to China for many more things such as technology and so on. Tsem Rinpoche
  • This is the first time His Holiness Dalai Lama mentions he had some very serious illness. Very worrying. This video is captured April 2019.
    6 years ago
    This is the first time His Holiness Dalai Lama mentions he had some very serious illness. Very worrying. This video is captured April 2019.
  • Beautiful Monastery in Hong Kong
    6 years ago
    Beautiful Monastery in Hong Kong
  • This dog thanks his hero in such a touching way. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    This dog thanks his hero in such a touching way. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Join Tsem Rinpoche in prayer for H.H. Dalai Lama’s long life~
    6 years ago
    Join Tsem Rinpoche in prayer for H.H. Dalai Lama’s long life~
  • These people going on pilgrimage to a holy mountain and prostrating out of devotion and for pilgrimage in Tibet. Such determination for spiritual practice. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    These people going on pilgrimage to a holy mountain and prostrating out of devotion and for pilgrimage in Tibet. Such determination for spiritual practice. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Beautiful new casing in Kechara for Vajra Yogini. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Beautiful new casing in Kechara for Vajra Yogini. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Get ready to laugh real hard. This is Kechara’s version of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!” We have some real talents in this video clip.
    6 years ago
    Get ready to laugh real hard. This is Kechara’s version of “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane!” We have some real talents in this video clip.
  • Recitation of Dorje Dermo‘s mantra or the Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claws. This powerful mantra is meant to destroy all obstacles that come in our way. Beneficial to play this mantra in our environments.
    6 years ago
    Recitation of Dorje Dermo‘s mantra or the Dharani of Glorious Vajra Claws. This powerful mantra is meant to destroy all obstacles that come in our way. Beneficial to play this mantra in our environments.
  • Beautiful
    6 years ago
    Beautiful sacred Severed Head Vajra Yogini from Tsem Rinpoche's personal shrine.
  • My little monster cute babies Dharma and Oser. Take a look and get a cute attack for the day! Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    My little monster cute babies Dharma and Oser. Take a look and get a cute attack for the day! Tsem Rinpoche
  • Plse watch this short video and see how all sentient beings are capable of tenderness and love. We should never hurt animals nor should we eat them. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Plse watch this short video and see how all sentient beings are capable of tenderness and love. We should never hurt animals nor should we eat them. Tsem Rinpoche
  • Cruelty of some people have no limits and it’s heartbreaking. Being kind cost nothing. Tsem Rinpoche
    6 years ago
    Cruelty of some people have no limits and it’s heartbreaking. Being kind cost nothing. Tsem Rinpoche
  • SUPER ADORABLE and must see
    6 years ago
    SUPER ADORABLE and must see
    Tsem Rinpoche's dog Oser girl enjoying her snack in her play pen.
  • Cute!
    6 years ago
    Oser girl loves the balcony so much. -
  • Uncle Wong
    6 years ago
    Uncle Wong
    We were told by Uncle Wong he is very faithful toward Dorje Shugden. Dorje Shugden has extended help to him on several occasions and now Uncle Wong comes daily to make incense offerings to Dorje Shugden. He is grateful towards the help he was given.
  • Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnauzer Dharma boy fights Robot sphere from Arkonide!
    6 years ago
    Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnauzer Dharma boy fights Robot sphere from Arkonide!
  • Cute baby owl found and rescued
    6 years ago
    Cute baby owl found and rescued
    We rescued a lost baby owl in Kechara Forest Retreat.
  • Nice cups from Kechara!!
    6 years ago
    Nice cups from Kechara!!
    Dorje Shugden people's lives matter!
  • Enjoy a peaceful morning at Kechara Forest Retreat
    6 years ago
    Enjoy a peaceful morning at Kechara Forest Retreat
    Chirping birds and other forest animals create a joyful melody at the Vajrayogini stupa in Kechara Forest Retreat (Bentong, Malaysia).
  • This topic is so hot in many circles right now.
    7 years ago
    This topic is so hot in many circles right now.
    This video is thought-provoking and very interesting. Watch! Thanks so much to our friends at LIVEKINDLY.
  • Chiropractic CHANGES LIFE for teenager with acute PAIN & DEAD LEG.
    7 years ago
    Chiropractic CHANGES LIFE for teenager with acute PAIN & DEAD LEG.
    7 years ago
  • Leonardo DiCaprio takes on the meat Industry with real action.
    7 years ago
    Leonardo DiCaprio takes on the meat Industry with real action.
  • Do psychic mediums have messages from beyond?
    7 years ago
    Do psychic mediums have messages from beyond?
  • Lovely gift for my 52nd Birthday. Tsem Rinpoche
    7 years ago
    Lovely gift for my 52nd Birthday. Tsem Rinpoche
  • This 59-year-old chimpanzee was refusing food and ready to die until...
    7 years ago
    This 59-year-old chimpanzee was refusing food and ready to die until...
    she received “one last visit from an old friend” 💔💔
  • Bigfoot sighted again and made it to the news.
    7 years ago
    Bigfoot sighted again and made it to the news.
  • Casper is such a cute and adorable. I like him.
    7 years ago
    Casper is such a cute and adorable. I like him.
  • Dorje Shugden Monastery Amarbayasgalant  Mongolia's Ancient Hidden Gem
    7 years ago
    Dorje Shugden Monastery Amarbayasgalant Mongolia's Ancient Hidden Gem
  • Don't you love Hamburgers? See how 'delicious' it is here!
    7 years ago
    Don't you love Hamburgers? See how 'delicious' it is here!
  • Such a beautiful and powerful message from a person who knows the meaning of life. Tsem Rinpoche
    7 years ago
    Such a beautiful and powerful message from a person who knows the meaning of life. Tsem Rinpoche
  • What the meat industry figured out is that you don't need healthy animals to make a profit.
    7 years ago
    What the meat industry figured out is that you don't need healthy animals to make a profit.
    Sick animals are more profitable... farms calculate how close to death they can keep animals without killing them. That's the business model. How quickly they can be made to grow, how tightly they can be packed, how much or how little can they eat, how sick they can get without dying... We live in a world in which it's conventional to treat an animal like a block of wood. ~ Jonathan Safran Foer
  • This video went viral and it's a must watch!!
    7 years ago
    This video went viral and it's a must watch!!
    7 years ago
    This happens daily in slaughterhouse so you can get your pork and Bak ku teh. Stop eating meat.


Ask the Pastors

A section for you to clarify your Dharma questions with Kechara’s esteemed pastors.

Just post your name and your question below and one of our pastors will provide you with an answer.

Scroll down and click on "View All Questions" to view archived questions.

View All Questions


4 days ago
If you need DS help to clear some obstacles or perhaps just wanna support our Kechara Penang Group, do order our puja packages. By Jacinta
5 days ago
If you need DS help to clear some obstacles or perhaps just wanna support our Kechara Penang Group, do order our puja packages. By Jacinta
22nd Feb 2025, Kechara Penang Study Group has completed DS puja. It is a Buddhist ritual that invokes the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden to bring healing, harmony, and protection. By Jacinta
5 days ago
22nd Feb 2025, Kechara Penang Study Group has completed DS puja. It is a Buddhist ritual that invokes the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden to bring healing, harmony, and protection. By Jacinta
15th Feb 2025 Dorje Shugden puja & recitation of Namasangiti. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
7 days ago
15th Feb 2025 Dorje Shugden puja & recitation of Namasangiti. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
This evening Kechara Kuantan sending groceries to two underprivileged families.Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.. Sam foon heei Kechara Kuantan group
1 week ago
This evening Kechara Kuantan sending groceries to two underprivileged families.Help others without any reason and give without the expectation of receiving anything in return.. Sam foon heei Kechara Kuantan group
20th February Kechara Kuantan Had our weekly Swift Return Pujafor HE Tsem Rinpoche May HE Tsem Rinpoche swiftly return to KFR at BENTONG... Kechara Kuantan.. Sam foon heei
2 weeks ago
20th February Kechara Kuantan Had our weekly Swift Return Pujafor HE Tsem Rinpoche May HE Tsem Rinpoche swiftly return to KFR at BENTONG... Kechara Kuantan.. Sam foon heei
Throwback 9th February 2025 Group photos at Kechara Kuantan,with Pastor Seng Piow
2 weeks ago
Throwback 9th February 2025 Group photos at Kechara Kuantan,with Pastor Seng Piow
Releasing fishes back to the water by Kechara Kuantan group yesterday. Saving thousands of lives.
2 weeks ago
Releasing fishes back to the water by Kechara Kuantan group yesterday. Saving thousands of lives.
16 February This morning we saved thousands of lives from pet shop. Released and giving them a chance back to nature.
2 weeks ago
16 February This morning we saved thousands of lives from pet shop. Released and giving them a chance back to nature.
3 weeks ago
9th February 2025
3 weeks ago
9th February 2025
8th Feb 2025 Dorje Shugden puja at Penang Chapel. Every Saturday @3pm. Do join us if you're at Penang. We're located at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
3 weeks ago
8th Feb 2025 Dorje Shugden puja at Penang Chapel. Every Saturday @3pm. Do join us if you're at Penang. We're located at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
Completed our weekly DS Puja led by Pastor Seng Piow ( 1st Feb 2025). Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
3 weeks ago
Completed our weekly DS Puja led by Pastor Seng Piow ( 1st Feb 2025). Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
8th February 2025 doing Lama Chopa Guru Puja at Kuantan center with Pastor Seng Piow and Dharma brothers and sisters. .... Sam Foon Heei .. (Kuantan)
3 weeks ago
8th February 2025 doing Lama Chopa Guru Puja at Kuantan center with Pastor Seng Piow and Dharma brothers and sisters. .... Sam Foon Heei .. (Kuantan)
Xin Nian Kuai Le! Gong Xi Fa Cai! (29th Jan 2025) May the year of the snake brings us spiritual growth through having good health and increased wisdom. May Rinpoche return swiftly to guide all beings into Dharma path. Thanks to everyone for your participation. Without the support from each and everyone, there's no Kechara Penang Study Group. By Jacinta.
1 month ago
Xin Nian Kuai Le! Gong Xi Fa Cai! (29th Jan 2025) May the year of the snake brings us spiritual growth through having good health and increased wisdom. May Rinpoche return swiftly to guide all beings into Dharma path. Thanks to everyone for your participation. Without the support from each and everyone, there's no Kechara Penang Study Group. By Jacinta.
Gorgeous offerings of flowers, fruits snacks and drinks. This can only be achieved through the generosity and efforts all members and sponsors, especially to our dedicated Penang member Choong Soon Heng who organised this. May all beings have inner and outer peace. Uploaded by Jacinta 29th Jan 2025.
1 month ago
Gorgeous offerings of flowers, fruits snacks and drinks. This can only be achieved through the generosity and efforts all members and sponsors, especially to our dedicated Penang member Choong Soon Heng who organised this. May all beings have inner and outer peace. Uploaded by Jacinta 29th Jan 2025.
As H. E. The 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche has mentioned: The lunar New Year is an auspicious occasion when we renew ties and rekindle joy with our loved ones. Hence, happy to see many families gathered together to usher the Lunar New Year at Kechara Penang and also appreciation for the guests that came from afar for this joyous occasion. By Jacinta
1 month ago
As H. E. The 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche has mentioned: The lunar New Year is an auspicious occasion when we renew ties and rekindle joy with our loved ones. Hence, happy to see many families gathered together to usher the Lunar New Year at Kechara Penang and also appreciation for the guests that came from afar for this joyous occasion. By Jacinta
People believe fireworks bring good luck and happiness. In welcoming lunar new year 2025, a burst of celebration with fireworks were set off at Kechara Penang Chapel too (sponsored by Mr. Ooi & family) . Kechara Penang members gathered around to enjoy this moment. Uploaded by Jacinta. 29th Jan 2025
1 month ago
People believe fireworks bring good luck and happiness. In welcoming lunar new year 2025, a burst of celebration with fireworks were set off at Kechara Penang Chapel too (sponsored by Mr. Ooi & family) . Kechara Penang members gathered around to enjoy this moment. Uploaded by Jacinta. 29th Jan 2025
Before puja, Pastor shared about consciousness beyond death, bardo and the stages of death. Hue and Betty (her brother) shared about the out of body experiences. These type of shared experiences offerred us opportunity to explore things from different perspectives. Thank you so much. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
1 month ago
Before puja, Pastor shared about consciousness beyond death, bardo and the stages of death. Hue and Betty (her brother) shared about the out of body experiences. These type of shared experiences offerred us opportunity to explore things from different perspectives. Thank you so much. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
Candles and flower were offered up during our puja. Thanks for taking up Penang Puja package this week. May sponsors' dedication be fulfilled and obstacles be cleared. Uploaded by Jacinta.
1 month ago
Candles and flower were offered up during our puja. Thanks for taking up Penang Puja package this week. May sponsors' dedication be fulfilled and obstacles be cleared. Uploaded by Jacinta.
Saturday 25th Jan 2025, Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja cum recitation of Namasangiti led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta
1 month ago
Saturday 25th Jan 2025, Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja cum recitation of Namasangiti led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta
18th Jan 2025, DS puja at Kechara Penang led by William. Uploaded by Kechara Penang Study Group member Jacinta.
1 month ago
18th Jan 2025, DS puja at Kechara Penang led by William. Uploaded by Kechara Penang Study Group member Jacinta.
Throwback 31 December 2024 Kuantan group had our monthly animals liberation done, saved thousands of lives from pet-shop. ..Sam Foon Heei
1 month ago
Throwback 31 December 2024 Kuantan group had our monthly animals liberation done, saved thousands of lives from pet-shop. ..Sam Foon Heei
Animals Liberation @ Kechara Ipoh Study Group - Guan Sun
1 month ago
Animals Liberation @ Kechara Ipoh Study Group - Guan Sun
Animal liberation took place at Gyenze Chapel, Kechara Forest Retreat. One of the birds flew out, and it seemed as if the bird was telling us, “I am free now.” ~ Alice
2 months ago
Animal liberation took place at Gyenze Chapel, Kechara Forest Retreat. One of the birds flew out, and it seemed as if the bird was telling us, “I am free now.” ~ Alice
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group members have gathered on Sunday morning and carried out Animals Liberation activity with Medicine Buddha mantra recitations. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
2 months ago
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group members have gathered on Sunday morning and carried out Animals Liberation activity with Medicine Buddha mantra recitations. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
11th Jan 2025 Kechara Penang Study Group weekly DS puja led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
11th Jan 2025 Kechara Penang Study Group weekly DS puja led by Pastor Seng Piow. Uploaded by Jacinta.
Puja attendees @ DS puja on 4th Jan 2025. First puja of the year. Happy New Year! Do come and join us every Saturday, 3pm at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Aspire to benefit before we expire! Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
2 months ago
Puja attendees @ DS puja on 4th Jan 2025. First puja of the year. Happy New Year! Do come and join us every Saturday, 3pm at 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Aspire to benefit before we expire! Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
The men are in action! Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel before DS puja. Tang offered muar Chee and meals to some of the members. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta. 4th Jan 2025
2 months ago
The men are in action! Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel before DS puja. Tang offered muar Chee and meals to some of the members. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta. 4th Jan 2025
4th Jan 2025 Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel @ 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
2 months ago
4th Jan 2025 Spring cleaning at Kechara Penang DS Chapel @ 49, Jalan Seang Tek, Georgetown. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
4th Jan 2024, started off the year of 2025 with spring cleaning before Dorje Shugden puja. Kechara Penang Study Group uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
4th Jan 2024, started off the year of 2025 with spring cleaning before Dorje Shugden puja. Kechara Penang Study Group uploaded by Jacinta.
The strong and powerful women that dedicated part of their lives in spiritual practice through attending weekly puja. 28th Dec 2024 Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
2 months ago
The strong and powerful women that dedicated part of their lives in spiritual practice through attending weekly puja. 28th Dec 2024 Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
Kechara Penang Study Group's biggest support and backbone have been them ~ highly motivated, devotional and selfless men. Thanks and grateful having you guys. Kechara Penang Study Group last puja of the year 2024 (28th Dec) , by Jacinta.
2 months ago
Kechara Penang Study Group's biggest support and backbone have been them ~ highly motivated, devotional and selfless men. Thanks and grateful having you guys. Kechara Penang Study Group last puja of the year 2024 (28th Dec) , by Jacinta.
Last puja of the year on 28th Dec 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
2 months ago
Last puja of the year on 28th Dec 2024. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta
Offerings offered during DS puja @Kechara Penang DS chapel. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
Offerings offered during DS puja @Kechara Penang DS chapel. Uploaded by Jacinta.
#Throwback 30/11/2024 Kechara Penang Dorje Shugden puja cum Swift Return through recitation of Namasangiti. Uploaded by Jacinta
2 months ago
#Throwback 30/11/2024 Kechara Penang Dorje Shugden puja cum Swift Return through recitation of Namasangiti. Uploaded by Jacinta
#Throwback 23/11/2024 DS puja completed. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
2 months ago
#Throwback 23/11/2024 DS puja completed. Kechara Penang Study Group by Jacinta.
#Throwback 9/11/2024 Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja, led by William. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
#Throwback 9/11/2024 Kechara Penang Study Group completed DS puja, led by William. Uploaded by Jacinta.
#Throwback 2/11/2024 Kechara Penang DS puja, every Saturday @3pm. Uploaded by Jacinta.
2 months ago
#Throwback 2/11/2024 Kechara Penang DS puja, every Saturday @3pm. Uploaded by Jacinta.
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group has carried out our first puja in 2025. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
2 months ago
Through the blessings from our Guru, His Eminence Kyabje Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara Ipoh Study Group has carried out our first puja in 2025. So Kin Hoe (KISG)
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Dorje Shugden
Click to watch my talk about Dorje Shugden....