Aerial view of Bodha Stupa
Generally stupas are the physical representations of a Buddha’s mind. They come in 8 main shapes. Each shape is equal to the representation of Buddha’s mind.
They can contain:
- Relics of Buddha
- Relics of High monks
- Relics of attained masters
- Sutras
- Mantras
- Multiple images of Buddhas such as statues/tsatsas/pictures/paintings/precious items
- Wealth vases
- Blessed items like from sand mandalas
- Even consecrated bones/nail/hair of ordinary beings/animals can be placed inside… this would generate great merits for the deceased in their future rebirths. And stupas can come in all sizes from one inch to one story or anything
Stupas are built to purify karma, sanctify an area, calm an area with many natural disasters, bring good energy/luck to a region, enshrine the remains of holy beings, bless the environment and animals in the region and also they can be built as an act of spiritual devotion to commemorate a special event eg. Buddha’s birthday.
When the stupas are built, many will make prostrations, offerings of butterlamps and circumambulation around them. It is believed these acts will purify the negative karma associated strongly with the mind also body and speech. Negative karma blocks spiritual realization and higher states of existences.
You will see stupas in all Buddhist countries in their unique styles.
Here’s an aerial view of the Bodhanath Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal…You must visit by hook or crook once in your life..and Nepalese culture is beautiful also…so much to see and learn in Bodha… You can call this the Bodhanath stupa or simply the Bodha stupa. As you fly into the Kathmandu International airport, you will see this amazing stupa through your window…
The Bodha stupa contains the relics of Lord Buddha. Thousands make worship each day and hundreds of thousands visit per year. I have gone many times. I thought to share this picture with everyone for a blessing.
Tsem Rinpoche

Beautiful Bodha stupa at night… a very sacred place to definitely visit…
For more interesting information:
- Nepal Pilgrimage full videos
- Photo Album: Sacred Sites in Nepal
- Nepal is the land of spirtuality, beauty and Mystery
- It’s in the scriptures they exist…
- Yeti Exhibition in Pokhara, Nepal
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Quick Photos from Nepal Trip
- Philip describes his recent trip to Nepal!!
- Look at this picture!!!
- Great Articles in GOING PLACES on Kathmandu
- Puja at Naropa’s Cave, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Jan’s a Hero~Saving beings~Kathmandu Nepal!
- Making Nepali Momos
- My Dream House in Nepal Mountains
- The birth palace of Gautam Buddha
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Bouddha, also known as Boudhanath, is a stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal which is located about 11 km from outskirts of Kathmandu. Its massive mandala makes it one of the largest spherical stupas in Nepal and the world. The Boudhanath Stupa pyramid is coated with over 60 pounds of gold, is one of the largest and one of the most significant Buddhist monuments in the world. This great Stupa is home to precious relics and this semi-circular structure stands out with its majestic mandala, recognized by UNESCO in 1979 as a World Heritage Site. The Boudhanath is the most sacred sites in Tibetan Buddhism outside of Tibet, reflecting the cosmological tenets of Buddhism. Was there last year June joining thousands of pilgrims circumambulate the stupa.
The aerial view of this Boudhanath Stupa is magnificent indeed. Looking merely at the pictures is a blessing.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Boudhanath is the largest stupa in Nepal which was probably built during the 14th century. Located about 11 km from the center and northeastern outskirts of Kathmandu. Its massive mandala makes it as one of the largest spherical stupas in Nepal and the world. Following the Chinese invasion in 1959, many Tibetans came to this largest stupa which today has become one of the most important centre of Tibetan Buddhism. This is one of the most sacred sites in Tibetan Buddhism outside of Tibet. Thousands of pilgrims came to circumambulate around this sacred Stupa. Looking at those beautiful pictures in this post tells all. Would love to visit one of this day.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
This is a stunning aerial view of the Bodha Stupa. Even though the stupa is amidst busy shops and streets, the number of people who circumambulate it during the morning and evening are enormous. One can feel the vibration of strong positive energy when walking among the many people who are circumambulating the holy stupa in the same direction. I so much wanted to experience that again! Thank you for this sharing.
Bodhanath Stupa is really beautiful. Outside the area, it is a bustling city of Kathmandu, Nepal. There were lots of noise and dust. But once I step into the Stupa area, suddenly the whole energy was so different. It is so much calmer and quiet. I’m really fortunate to be able to attend the pilgrimage trip to Nepal recently. Going to all these holy places is really blessing. Thank you Rinpoche for making it available for us.
Very beautiful and wonderful Stupa a very sacred place to visit once in our life time. I will definitely visit in the near future as its such a Holy place . The Bodha stupa contains the relics of Lord Buddha,many people visited and circumambulated around them. By doing so we can purify our negative karma, body speech and mind .That is the reason why thousands came and pay homage to this most sacred of Buddhist sites.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing ….
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post about Bodha Stupa. Stupas are very holy because they represents the Buddha’s enlightened mind. Some of the Stupas might even contain sacred relics from the Buddha or high lamas. This is why it is very beneficial for us to circumambulate it. We can purify our body speech and mind negative karma when we circumambulate a Stupa with the correct motivation.
There was a story about a fly that is following the smell of dung and unintentialy completed a round around the Stupa. Later when the fly is being reborn as a human, he has the chance to become a monk due to the merit that he got from the unintentional circumambulation. This shows that how powerful the mind of the Buddha is.
– 佛陀的舍利/遗物
– 高僧的舍利/遗物
– 得道大师的舍利/遗物
– 经文
– 心咒
– 各种佛像,例如塑像、擦擦、相片、画像、各种珍贵的物品
– 聚宝瓶
– 诸如来自沙曼陀罗的圣物
– 甚至是常人或动物的骨头/指甲/毛发也可放置其中……这会为往生者将来的转世积累巨大的功德。佛塔的大小也各不相同,小至一寸,大至一层楼高不等。
Despite the hustle and bustle of the shops around Bouddha belies the air of tranquility and devotion palpable by all who come to visit and pay homage to this most sacred of Buddhist sites. The unique Nepalese ancient architectural style complements the air of sanctity the emanates from the holy remains interred within and also from the scores of pilgrims that shuffle clockwise around the stupa. If all goes well, I am going again this come Christmas. I think this must be my 4th or 5th time travelling the Kathmandu Valley. Love it!
Wow… This is such a very beautiful and wonderful Stupa, that it is very holy place and feel so peaceful. When I looks on the pictures, it’s really feel so bless 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this nice post.
I visited Nepal some time back with a group arranged by a travel agent. Bodhanath stupa was on our Must-Visit list. We were told by the tour agent that as we leave the main gate, we should not turn back so that our wish to return to the place will come true!
Well, it sure worked for me. A few years after that, I made another visit to Nepal and sure enough I ended up at Bodhanath for my cicumambulation.
I remembered 2008 a group of 60 people went to Nepal pilgrimage with rInpoche, we visited many holy places and Bodha stupa is one of my favourite place , we chatted Migsema together with Rinpoche and circumambulate the stupa few times and Rinpoche reminded us that was a pilgrimage trip, made strong prayers not for ourselves, but for our enemy and loved one. I like the energy and with the true blessing from guru, this was definitely a very fruitful and life changing trip to me.
At the stupa in Nepal, many people would circumambulate everyday doing their mantras and practises. A stupa is like a spiritual battery to energise us for further spiritual practise. The stupa pictures are really beautiful and a mark of enlightened minds. If we have the chance to go for a pilgrimage GRAB it! Going for pilgrimages to such places is way to awaken virtuous and good imprints in our minds. Nepal especially is spiritual homeland 🙂 , the energy is very uplifting.
I have heard before that Atisha had circumambulate at this stupa. And a lot of great Buddhist teachers including our Rinpoche has been there. Therefore, to me it is a very holy site. If you are visiting, when you enter the gate of Boudhanath Stupa, remember to make strong prayers and then circumambulate.
The best time to visit Nepal is around end of March/April or Sept/Nov as the weather is very nice. Remember to visit Kechara Lounge!
Beautiful. Yes, I will go and visit one day, hopefully soon..
Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank You Rinpoche for the explanation on the symbolism of Stupa and also the content of the majestic Bodha Stupa. The Bodha Stupa looks amazing from aerial view, and even more splendid during the night with all the lights shining around the Stupa, it is just breath taking.
I would love to Visit Nepal one day and visit Bodha Stupa and make prostration and circumambulate around it. Thank you for Sharing Rinpoche. with folded hands.
The great Boudhanath Stupa is one of those iconic Buddhist sites that is full of people always. Pilgrims and peddlers wandering about its sacred space, hawking wares and shuffling about while a shop or two blares out the chants of Om Mani Padme Hum. Thanks to Rinpoche, I have been there for a number of years, circling around the stupa while muttering prayers.
I am no psychic and I couldn’t feel the sanctity of the place considering all the noise, pilgrims and tourists. However, I don’t think the sanctity of the place is not measured by what we feel but our prayers and motivations. Sorry, I am being a bit preachy again. Also the thought that Guru Rinpoche and other earlier Indian Pandits have travelled here to circle the stupa in devotional silence must mean that it is holy.
These beautiful pictures brings back wonderful memories while I was there with the team through Rinpoche’s kindness.Many people from all walks of life circumambulate this stupa.We chant mantras and turn the prayer wheel as we circumambulate.Incredible feeling of calmness and peace!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these photos.
oh my, wonderful pictures these are. Makes me want to fly straight to Nepal right now, do prostrations, make my prayers/aspirations and just chant mantras non-stop before it. Many people circumbulate the Bodha Stupa each day, spinning the many prayer wheels along the walls as they stroll along.
I had the immense fortune and opportunity to visit this world heritage last year, and my oh my, was it beautiful.
It’s true what it says above, that a stupa brings calm and peace to an environment,as well as positve energy. The entire area surrounding the Bodha stupa fell nothing short of being peaceful and calming. Infact, the feeling cannot be described, as any description would be an understatement! Nepal is so full of spirituality and peace. It is a beautiful country!
As you fly into the Kathmandu International airport, you will see this amazing stupa through your window…
wow! This is just like a landmark for Nepal! what a beautiful Buddhist country! wish to go there one day. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing all this. I never know that there are so many things than can be put inside a stupa.
I love to visit these holy place this lifetime before I pray that I am able to make it. I have never crave for to visit any of the Christian holy place when I was a Roman Catholic but since i became a Buddhist I have wanted to visit all these holy place like these one and all the temples. Thank you very much Rinpoche for sharing this and may I be able to make it to these places.
Beautiful. Looks so grand. I love the aerial view, surrounded by so many buildings. Very fortunate to live near such a holy stupa.
Beings gain tremendous blessings when they circumambulate around the stupa, be involved in building a stupa or contribute in any ways towards manifesting a stupa or statue for that matter.
Thought you might want to take a look at this blog post to see what’s inside the statues here in Kechara!
This is an opportunity for all to be involved in sponsoring the holy images inside the statues. How about sponsoring $1/mantra and pledging towards whatever number of mantras you wish to sponsor each month for year 2012!
For details, please contact
After reading Rinpoche this post then I just realized that how a stupa can benefit many sentient being included animals too. I would like to relate this post with Rinpoche short teaching around two hours ago, let’s me copied for you to read:
“Animals and imprints: So many birds and animals to feed in bentong when we have KWPC there in forest! Exciting. I will set up Buddhas all over the forest to bless animals and feed them daily!! So they take rebirth as powerful dharma teachers to spread dharma. When the animals see and eat near the Buddha statues (due to our prayers) they plant seeds to become Dharma teachers and practitioners. We must feed lots of animals tirelessly with mantras blown on their food and or put statues for them. Important to feed animals. Share with others to put Buddhas in carports and always feed birds n animals. Good practice.”
A stupa build up will be a very good imprint for many many people, even animals live nearby there area. The stupa has provide a platform to plant an imprint or we called as Dharma seed to all who need Buddha help. The Buddha seed will be forever until you enlightenment. No matter you become a fish in next life or next next life you will become a rabbit but the imprint of the stupa will not be change or forget. It will be continue one lifetime by one lifetime.
If in my stay area can build up a stupa for everyone to get the blessing. I would like to do it. A stupe is so popular among all of us. Everyday, Bodhanath Stupa in Kathmandu was crowded, they are chanting at there…..etc. But one thing I need three of you if can get standby, sure will more grateful.
Please go to oversea have a look. You will be surprise.
Bring back fond memories of this holy site,circumambulations of the stupa, prayer flags fluttering in the wind, soft mummurings of mantra being chanted,lighting butterlamps,quaint little shops dotted around the stupa.Oh, how Katmandu had left an indelible mark in my heart and would wish to return with the family.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the significance of stupas and posting these lovely pictures.
Thank you, Rinpoche la!
I LOVE this post, thank you. Just seeing the stupa – whether up front just 10 meters away or in a photo, makes me stop breathing for a moment, for its sheer majesty. In daytime, all the prayer flags of reverence; at night, all the butterlamps of wishes and hope. Thank you for the clear explanations on the significance of stupas, which makes the whole thing even more important and magical now. And most of all, thank you for allowing me those 3 months to be a part of creating our very own bit of heaven – Kechara Lounge – right in the heart of that heavenly metropolis.
Beautiful~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^, ^^, ^^, Thank You Rinpoche ^^,
Would be nice to visit this Bodha Stupa in Nepel 🙂 thanks for sharing Rinpoche
Beautiful Bodha Stupa by night in Katmandu!Feeled so bless and calm when you are circumambulating the stupa. Hope can visit again.Its a shopping paradise for Buddha statues and silver offering items for the altars and many other things like carpets,thangka paintings and so on…
Thank you, Rinpoche. Creating the causes to go to Kathmandu._/\_
I love this place. The atmosphere is so nice and has positive energy. Always full of people circumambulating the stupa. I could just sit there the whole day and watch people go by at Kechara Lounge or at a rooftop cafe nearby. It is an enchanting place and so holy!
Thanks Rinpoche for the explanation.
I also heard that there are over 50 Tibetans Gompas (Monasteries) constructed around Boudhanath. As of 1979, Boudhanath is a UNESCO World Heritage.
I wish I could visit this holly stupa one day.
thanks for this beautiful article and explanation. finally i know what is stupa meant for and it make me appreaciate all the beautiful stupa i saw when i visited Bodhgaya and Ladakh, as a backpacker, in 2004. i took out all the old pic and relook at them again now. too bad at that time i didnt know what it means or else the trip would be even more meaningful. thank you Rinpoche.
So beautiful! Wish the KWPC have this stupa.
Thank you for the lesson and sharing the photos of Bodha stupa. I have always wondered what is in the structure, like that of the sacred Kaaba. The night shot of the stupa is amazing. There is somethings special about it – a sense of calm radiating to its surrounds. Love it!
Definitely I will visit this place as soon as I can 🙂 so holy! Thanks for sharing, Rinpoche. I learnt something new and important today. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rinpoche. I have been fascinated by stupas, especially the Bodha Stupa for quite a while. It is magical even to look at its picture. I hope I have the merit to make prostrations before it soon.
Yes! I really like this place. Don’t forget to do prostrations while u r there!
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing the photo of Bodha Stupa with explanations. It really fill up my knowledge. I really like the night view of Bodha stupa. Somehow I feel calm when looking at the photo. I wish I can visit there and enjoy the calmness and photo shooting.
Wow. Terrific photo, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. And thank you for the information about stupas in general. Hope you’re enjoying a lovely day today. All best, eh
Nice explanation! Very cool!!!