Sanctuary for a Persecuted Faith
Dear friends,
I found this article in this above issue of Time and found it very interesting to share. Imagine religious worship being persecuted in this day and age? Is it possible? Why would it be happening? Who benefits? Why is it done if it is done? Questions to ponder…Take a read. Again I do not condone nor agree with everything published here, it is just to share news. I like to read on many subjects and learn that is why I blog.
Tsem Rinpoche
- On a hill in Haifa, the Baha’i religion’s spiritual center is a gorgeous monument to survival.
Stepping into the gardens of the shrine of the Bab is like entering a hallucination. The rise in steps all the way up the mountainside above Haifa’s downtown, and at the midway point, at midmorning, the clear light off the Mediterranean combines with the precise efforts of 150 gardeners to achieve a combination of lucid depth and dazzling color. The glittering dome of the shrine hangs suspended above an immaculate park like the sun rising over an infinity pool. It radiates a sense of permanence. “It’s kind of like a theme park, where they are keeping everything ‘just so,’” says Jonas Mejer, 20, a student visiting from Copenhagen. “But it’s a holy place.”
And it has just reopened after a reverential restoration that cost about $6 million – a goodly portion of it going to the dome’s 11,970 gold-flecked tiles – and took three years to complete. Resplendent again, the shrine stands as a testament to the survival of the Baha’i faith, which started in Iran in the early 1800s and ended up with its spiritual locus, by accident of empire in modern Israel.
The shrine marks the resting place of the “Bab,” or “Gate,” the title given to Siyyid Ali-Muhammad in his role as prophet. Born in southwestern Iran, he announced that a greater messenger was coming after him and laid down some of the precepts of the new faith, such as equality for women and the renunciation of violence. He was executed as a heretic, his remains recovered by followers and moved covertly from place to place for decades. Their final resting place was decided by the messenger he heralded, Mizra Hussein Ali, known as Baha’u’llah, or “Glory of God.” Sent into exile, he was taken to Ottoman prison in Acre, across the bay from Haifa. He picked out the hillside where the Bab’s remains are buried, though his own grave in Acre (which Israelis called Akko) is the one the world’s over 5 million Baha’i face during prayers.
“When you explain in Baha’i faith, people say, ‘Well, that’s just common sense,’” says Rob Weinberg, communications director at the Baha’i World Centre, as the Haifa complex is known. It’s monotheism that embraces all major religions, positing that God enlightened humankind over the ages by sending prophets – Abraham, Zoroaster, Krishna, the Buddha, Jesus and Muhammad. The Bab and Baha’u’llah were the latest in the chain. Baha’is revere marriage, family, public service and both science and religion, since both seek truth.
As noncontroversial as that may seem, it hasn’t prevented Baha’is from being persecuted, mostly in Iran, where they are regarded as apostates. The problem is with the idea that the Creator sent a messenger after Muhammad, whom Muslims regard as the final word – “seal of the prophets.” The 300,000 believers who remain in the Islamic Republic routinely face discrimination and even arrest. Baha’i youth who want to attend university must hide their faith because adherents are barred from higher education.
Believers seeking solace from oppression can find it in the becalming brilliance of the Shrine of the Bab. Not that Haifa exactly teems with the faithful: last year the 760,000 tourists outnumbered Baha’is at the shrine by 100 to 1 (The largest concentration of Baha’is is in India.) Still, Haifa is a good fit for the Baha’is. Its Jewish and Arab populations seem at ease with each other and glad to have a third faith in their midst. “The shrine,” said Mayor Yona Yanav at the reopening, “is the core and symbol of this tolerant and multicultural city.” And indeed, from halfway up this exquisitely landscaped hill, there seems no safer haven.
Source: Time Magazine, July 25, 2011 issue, Page 44
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The Bahá’í Faith is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people. Baha’is believe in peace, justice, love, altruism and unity. But sadly years back those practicing are persecuted . Everyone should be given their own freedom to choose whichever religion they wish to practice. I have heard of this Baha’I Faith years ago but no knowledge and details of it till I read this post. They believe that people should work together for the common benefit of humanity that goes to other religion as well. Bahá’í teachings are in some ways similar to other monotheistic faiths. Every year, hundreds of thousands of tourists and locals do travel to the Bahai Gardens on Mount Carmel in Haifa, the most holy site of the Bahai faith. The Shrine is the resting place of the “Bab,” or “Gate, is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Haifa and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
At this day and age, it is indeed surprising for leaders of faith to apply a heavy-handed technique to oppress nonbeliever or the deviant. It is hard to accept because we have been educated by the history of painful examples where discrimination and persecution were usually man-made because of intolerance, lack of acceptance and ignorance. I wish the Baha’i faith grow and shine, and may harmony and love pervades the community.
I found the Bahai Gardens on the link here
For this faith to still persevere after so much difficulties I believe that the Bahai faith would have its unique points that attract people to it.
This Shrine is said to stand as a testament to the survival of the Bahai’s faith, and marks the final resting place of the “Bab” or “Gate”, the given-title of Siyyid Ali-Muhammad in his role as Prophet, who was excuted as a heretic. It houses the remains of the Bahai’s founding prophet. The Shrine in all reality represents the core and symbol of tolerance of the multicultural city of Haifa of Bahai’s faith. It is considered a holy place and Bahai’s spiritual centre, and a gorgeous monument to represent survival. Indeed there seems no safer Haven therein Haifa rather than here as far as freedom of worship is concerned!
I don’t agree for anyone to be persecuted for any reason, especially for faith. I think everyone has the freedom to believe in any faith as long as their accept the method of the religion.
I remember I have a friend during my secondary school time, a lovely lady friend who is a Baha’i believer. Maybe it’s not a mainstream religion at that time so she looked kind of odd among all. I found there’s no different, she is very friendly and funny.
There’s one time, when we were eating in the canteen, she was with us but not eating. She said she was fasting, all of us felt very sorry to have been eating in front of her. She said it’s ok, as long as people doing whatever they like, and we can get along, that’s good.
I think religion should not be things that make us apart but something to bring people together for world peace.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this article.
It’s wonderful to hear of how embracing this religion is and how a large part of their faith is centered around the acknowledgement of other “prophets” – this is quite similar to Buddhism in the way that Buddhists regard other holy beings / saints etc of other faiths as emanations of enlightened beings and Bodhisattvas. There is lots of overlap in the way we can see the holy beings – after all, there are many ways up to the same mountain. In the end, there shouldn’t be any conflict as to where we wish to get to; just a little difference in the method to get there.
I like the faiths that acknowledge that we actually all want the same thing, and the different methods within the religions facilitate that. Understanding this, we can see beyond the differences in our various outward practices and look instead to the heart of why different people do what they do. So empathy, compassion and an eagerness to help arises, instead of becoming fixated on pointing out how ‘wrong’ the other side is.
It’s ironic really (as some people have already pointed out) that the Bahai faith are being persecuted for the very beliefs and things that will the world a better place and bring real benefit and happiness to more people. Isn’t that what we all wish for, after all?
This is the first time I read about Baha’i faith and from which I understand that this religion embraces all major religions.
I feel that in many circumstances it takes sometimes for people to accept new belief. People are usually not that accepting when it comes to new ideas/philosophies.
Some ideas which are infact valid may still be seen as unacceptable – such as equality for women – as those old believers want to protect their belief system and what they have built up over the time.
At the end of the day, we may all have to learn to trust those belief which comes from valid sources. As long as they do not bring harm towards those who embraces them, then they are ok.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the information on the Baha’i faith with us.
I have not heard of this religion till now but what wonderful teachings!”Monotheism that embraces all major religions” , acknowledging and respecting the ‘ prophets Abraham, Zoroaster, Krishna, the Buddha, Jesus and Muhammed’, ‘reveres marriage, family, public service and both science and religion, since both seek the truth.’
What wise and beautiful teachings and it saddens me so that the followers are persecuted for practicing the teachings that will make this a much better world!
I believe that everyone should have their own free will and freedom to choose whichever religion they wish to practice.. Not everyone agrees on one religion/teachings. Not everyone thinks the same and feels the same, that is why Buddha came up with 84,000 different teachings to cater to different people with different mindset.
It is definitely sad that we could not practice freely when we are under such restricted circumstances. I thank the good karmas collected from my past lives to be able to be reborn in a place where there is a Lama and Dharma near where i am. Truly blessed that I am able to practice freely at a place where Dharma is easily accessible.
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche.. and thank you for being in my life. =)
First and foremost, the grounds of Baha’i World Centre is just truly magnificent. Check it out here:'i+world+centre&hl=en&tbo=u&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=88b2UIa4I4WPrgeNo4CIDg&sqi=2&ved=0CEYQsAQ&biw=1440&bih=799
The Baha’í faith is somewhat unique which prompted me to read a little more about it. I found that there are three core principles which establish the basis for Baha’í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of humankind. From these postulates stems the belief that God periodically reveals his will through divine messengers, whose purpose is to transform the character of humankind and develop, within those who respond, moral and spiritual qualities. Religion is thus seen as orderly, unified, and progressive from age to age.
Therefore, Baha’i believe that religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Moses, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and others. For Baha’is, the most recent messengers are the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.
As mentioned in the article above:
“The shrine marks the resting place of the “Bab,” or “Gate,” the title given to Siyyid Ali-Muhammad in his role as prophet. Born in southwestern Iran, he announced that a greater messenger was coming after him and laid down some of the precepts of the new faith, such as equality for women and the renunciation of violence. He was executed as a heretic, his remains recovered by followers and moved covertly from place to place for decades.”
Imagine what it would be like if this faith and belief was “allowed” to take root? Imagine the difference it would have made in our past and our future… It is almost mind blowing!
Thank you for sharing this information about the Baha’i faith. It is sad that equality for women and renunciation of violence is seen as heresy when to achieve these two require respect and peaceful means. Regardless of whether people believe in monotheism or not, if people believed in equal respect for each other (whether male or female) and to be anti-violence, it would be of tremendous benefit to all humankind. Buddhism as a philosophy strongly encourages equality for all sentient beings and pacifist behaviour which is why it is an increasingly popular belief system today.
If only this Baha’i religion was made pervasive and was actually being widespread… I think we’ll see a much different approach, attitudes and behaviour in people today. How beautiful! I mean if this form of Islamic religion was practised by all, I am sure there will be much lesser violence and intolerance and universal love and compassion would be made possibly a reality with much lesser obstacles. It is most of the time we humans who go around laying all the extra rules and misinterpreting teachings to suite our needs, greed, desire and abusing our authority to control people. I hope this Baha’i religion is well preserved and may their work flourish!
Human life is very precious. As human beings, we have basic rights that is to choose our own belief and faith. The subject of belief and faith is deeply personal and no human beings should be the subject of discriminations and/ or persecutions on the basis of their faith.
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. ~Henry David Thoreau
The roots of the Baha’i religion lie in 19th century Iran. You will recall that according to the teachings of Islam, God has sent a succession of message-bearing prophets, from Adam to Moses to Jesus to Muhammad. Baha’is agree, but recognize additional prophets after Muhammad (whom Muslims say was the final prophet). Incidentally, they also recognize the prophethood of Sankyamuni Buddha!
To many Muslims, this is intolerable blasphemy, and constitutes heresy or apostasy from Islam. This makes it hard for Muslims to see the Baha’is as just another religion. Similar persecution has been directed at the Ahmadiyya sect (which claims to be Muslim, but recognizes a prophet after Muhammad) in Pakistan and Indonesia. Of course, Iran is hardly a democracy even for the majority Muslims, few of whom support their leaders.
Another issue is that in the 19th century, the spiritual ancestors of the Baha’is declared holy war against the Iranian government, which they hoped to replace with their own system. Many Iranians still perceive Baha’is as subversive and dangerous, although today they are pacifistic and teach obedience to government.