Kentrul Thubten Lamsang

Geshe Ngawang Tashi (right), a student of Tsem Rinpoche’s previous incarnation, Kentrul Thubten Lamsang. Seen here with his brother Geshe Thupten Tashi, Geshe Ngawang spoke at length with Tsem Rinpoche’s students.
Sometimes all it takes for the discovery of a lifetime, is to take a single step in the right direction and in 2011, that is exactly what happened. That was the year some of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s students went to Shar Gaden Monastery on pilgrimage and while there, a chance meeting with someone very special opened up a whole new world of information to us. For amongst the many senior monks they met, one of them turned out to be a student of our Rinpoche’s immediate previous incarnation, Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang.
Non-Buddhists would probably put this type of meeting down to sheer coincidence; those with a more spiritual leaning might even say it was some kind of cosmic collision or even fate. After all, Kentrul Rinpoche entered clear light in the late 1950s in Tibet, just before the exodus of monks out of Tibet and into India. Many of the monks of his generation have already passed away and to find someone (out of literally tens of thousands of monks) with a good recollection of Kentrul Rinpoche is pretty much like looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack.
But as Rinpoche’s students, we have always seen this meeting as an extremely meritorious one, a result of the clean samaya of our teacher to come back in lifetime after lifetime with a clear connection to his previous lives. Those who met Geshe Ngawang could hardly believe their luck to stumble upon someone who actually knew Kentrul Thubten Lamsang. Right in front of them was a person to make the stories come alive, because he had witnessed for himself Kentrul Rinpoche’s deeds. After discovering his identity, they immediately interviewed the old monk, Geshe Ngawang Tashi, who has since passed away. From Geshe-la, they learned quite a few especially moving things about Tsem Rinpoche’s previous life and because they found the information so interesting, they made more trips to India just to conduct more interviews.
So tremendous was Kentrul Rinpoche’s contribution to the Dharma that almost 60 years on, he is still highly respected and remembered by monks of the monastery. And what is incredible are the similarities between Kentrul Rinpoche’s life and Tsem Rinpoche’s activities today, which any reader will easily be able to identify. From establishing the Dharma in remote “barbaric” regions, to building monastic institutions, right down to relying on Dorje Shugden for the clearance of obstacles, and being renown for his impeccable guru devotion – the interviews with Geshe Ngawang Tashi showed that Tsem Rinpoche has been spreading and practising Lama Tsongkhapa‘s tradition lifetime after lifetime.

Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang
What does this mean for us? Reincarnation does exist and what is more, what we return doing what we did and were interested in in our previous lives. This is the result of imprints (Tibetan: bak-cha) – what we did in our previous lives created imprints that shape our interests in this life, and what we do in our current life will therefore create imprints for future lives. That is why, unlike us, high lamas take rebirth to meet the Dharma again at a very young age. They exhibit an unquenchable thirst and curiosity for Dharma and from a young age, it becomes all they are interested in. This is the result of their strong imprints manifesting; it leaves no room in their mind to even consider other activities to be worthwhile, let alone engage in them.
Are we thirstier for spiritual learning or for secular success and acknowledgement? Do we surround ourselves with Buddha images, Dharma knowledge and practice, or are we easily distracted by the ‘attractions’ of the samsaric world? Is Shakyamuni’s wisdom stronger in our minds, or are we better practitioners of the eight worldly concerns? All of that is the result of imprints, and whatever our answers to those questions are is a reflection of what we liked in our past lives. So the interviews with Geshe Ngawang, and his recollection of Kentrul Thubten Lamsang’s life showed the importance of imprints.
It is time for some serious contemplation, on whether we want to get an early start by meeting the Dharma again when we are young, or if we want to come back and again spend decades on samsara, leaving very little time for practice. Our inclination for Dharma learning and how strongly it manifests is the result of imprints. Knowing this, while we still can, our focus should be creating strong imprints of spirituality. In the meantime, reading the biographies of lamas will be immensely helpful for us to develop faith in the Dharma and the teachings of Lord Buddha on death, karma and rebirth.
~ Pastor Khong Jean Ai
Controller of the Three Realms:
Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche

Gedun Nyedrak, the 72nd Abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery
The remarkable achievements of Gaden Shartse Monastery’s 72nd Abbot Gedun Nyedrak’s ardent spiritual practice would arise again in his next incarnation, who would become widely known throughout the Tibetan Buddhist world for his enormous contributions to the growth of Dharma.
Born amidst auspicious signs during his mother’s pregnancy, the clear and unmistaken incarnation of Gedun Nyedrak would be personally identified by none other than H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche – one of the most prominent Buddhist masters of our time and Junior Tutor to the 14th Dalai Lama. This new incarnation was called Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang, a name that continues to resound strongly across the monastic community today.
The Early Days
Originally from Thangkya Monastery in Thangkya near Lhasa, Tibet, Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche joined Tibet’s largest and most famous monastery, Gaden, in Lhasa, when he was recognised as the incarnation of the tantric Abbot Gedun Nyedrak.
Though young, this incarnation swiftly found his way back into the practices of his previous life, becoming increasingly known in the community for his academic prowess and his ability to excel in Buddhist study during his time in Gaden Monastery.

Gaden Monastery in Tibet. At its peak, the monastery was home to 6000 monks. Kentrul Thubten Lamsang and subsequently, Tsem Rinpoche are the reincarnations of the 72nd abbot of this most prestigious monastic institution
Already, even as a child, Kentrul Rinpoche developed an extraordinarily close relationship with Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, receiving many teachings directly from a master who is still considered one of the leading fathers of the Gelugpa school as we know it today. This incredible devotion would become the cornerstone of his entire lifetime of work and practice, leading him to create and sustain huge and influential Dharma communities in a region where Buddhist practice was previously diminishing.
Under the excellent tutelage of Trijang Rinpoche, Kentrul Rinpoche attained the highest degree of Geshe Lharam (a degree equivalent to a PhD, requiring at least 25 years of study) when he was still very young, long before his peers. Kentrul Rinpoche took his final monastic examination in front of H.H. 13th Dalai Lama and H.H. 13th Dalai Lama’s tutors. He went on to the prestigious Gyutö Tantric College – one of the highest monastic institutions of the Tibetan Buddhist world, specialising in the most advanced teachings and practices (Tantra). Again, he would excel here, rising quickly to earn tremendous respect for his most unusual abilities and knowledge. A year later, he was even elected in as the disciplinarian of the monastery, one of three most senior positions that can be held in any Gelugpa institution.
Reviving Buddhism
While Gedun Nyedrak was largely celebrated and known for his lifetime’s contribution to Gaden (considered to be one of the Three Pillars of Buddhism in Tibet), this next incarnation as Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang would become known for reviving the Dharma in places where it was beginning to dissipate.
With his wealth of knowledge, erudite training and mastery of the teachings and practices, Kentrul Rinpoche was sent by Trijang Rinpoche to some of the most remote parts of Tibet. Tasked with restoring dilapidated monasteries and reigniting the teachings and practice in the area, Kentrul Rinpoche was first sent to Dadokhang Monastery, a branch of Gyutö Monastery in the remote region of Phari bordering Tibet and India. It was a small monastery of just eight monks situated on the top of a rocky hill. When Kentrul Rinpoche first arrived in the area with just 15 monks from Gyutö Monastery, Dharma activity was scarce there with little support for the monasteries and infrequent interaction with the lay community. This would mark the beginning of many such challenges for the rest of Kentrul Rinpoche’s life and works – to bring Dharma study and practice to places where there was a weak foundation and little interest.

(Credits to image: The Tibet Album. “Phari” 05 Dec. 2006. The Pitt Rivers Museum. Accessed 30 Apr. 2012)
However, during his three-year tenureship as Abbot of Dadokhang, Kentrul Rinpoche overcame all odds and strove to make the Dharma grow. By improving the conditions of the monastery, creating large Buddha statues and performing extensive pujas for people of the area, much activity was revived and faith restored in the hearts of both the lay and ordained communities. People began making offerings which would support both Dadokhang and its mother monastery Gyutö, and Kentrul Rinpoche’s fame would begin to spread throughout the region.
These efforts would repeat and even double in the next two monasteries that Kentrul Rinpoche restored and led – Sampocheling, a monastery he built himself in south Phari with a three-storey Maitreya Buddha statue, and later, Rizong Butok Monastery, an affiliate of Gaden Shartse Monastery. What he would accomplish there for the people would eventually garner him the greatest fame and respect of his life so that even the Chinese in power began to take notice of him as a leading force of the region. He set into motion what would become thriving Dharma communities, the support from which enabled him to further develop the monasteries there, create large central images of worship and support mother monasteries of Gyutö and Gaden. Among the many large images of worship Kentrul Rinpoche was known to create were life-sized statues of Yamantaka, Heruka, Hevajra, as well as the past, present and future Buddhas, and a 12-foot statue of Lama Tsongkhapa with his two disciples.
Today, that same passionate, tenacious spirit lives on in the next (current) incarnation, Tsem Rinpoche, who is now causing the growth of Dharma in places where it is still in its infancy. Like his predecessor, Tsem Rinpoche has spent his entire life creating large life-sized Buddhist images, building physical institutions, introducing the spiritual teachings to thousands and creating Dharma communities in many of the most unlikely corners of the world.
Like a Piece of Flesh from the Heart

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, one of the Dalai Lama’s tutors
Kentrul Rinpoche is especially remembered by monks today for the unparalled devotion he had towards his teacher, the previous Trijang Rinpoche. He was known to be one of the most important disciples of the Trijang Rinpoche and often referred to as Trijang Rinpoche’s “heart son”. Their teacher-disciple relationship was so close that monks describe it with a common Tibetan saying – like “a piece of flesh from the heart”.
Geshe Ngawang Tashi likened Trijang Rinpoche and Kentrul Rinpoche’s relationship to that of Lama Tsongkhapa and Khedrup Je. Trijang Rinpoche even had an affectionate name for Kentrul Rinpoche, often calling him Thubten-la. It was widely known that Kentrul Rinpoche would always be by Trijang Rinpoche’s side and did everything he could to serve his Guru and help him accomplish his wishes. It was said that if Trijang Rinpoche had asked him to jump off the cliff, Kentrul Rinpoche would. Trijang Rinpoche himself told the old monks like Geshe Ngawang Tashi that Kentrul Rinpoche was a very knowledgeable person who studied hard, was very peaceful, maintained harmony with all people and respected his Guru very much.
At a very young age in this incarnation, Tsem Rinpoche came across a picture of Trijang Rinpoche in an old library book about old Tibet and the old masters. Upon seeing this Lama, and without knowing anything about him, the boy cried spontaneously, shedding uncontrollable tears. He immediately photocopied the picture, keeping it very close to him right up until the moment he learnt that this had been the root teacher of his previous life. This picture still rests on Rinpoche’s personal altar now and Trijang Rinpoche remains a most central driving force in Rinpoche’s practice, work and vision for the future.
It was this devotion that led both Kentrul Rinpoche and his subsequent incarnation, Tsem Rinpoche, to sustaining a lifetime of practice and teaching where there was no foundation and very sparse assistance from the people. Upon accomplishing what he had set out to do in Dadokhang and later in his own monastery, Sampocheling, Kentrul Rinpoche had requested to return to Lhasa. However, Trijang Rinpoche saw the potentially large and positive impact he would have on the people in Phari and instructed him to remain there. Kentrul Rinpoche readily agreed and fulfilled this instruction perfectly until the very day he passed away. Kentrul Rinpoche had extremely powerful devotion toward his teacher, which overrode his personal goals all his life. To this day, he is still very much remembered for this quality.

Kentrul Rinpoche had a close relationship with His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.
Kentrul Rinpoche was also known for having a good relationship with the previous Duldzin Kuten who was the Gaden Oracle of Dorje Shugden. He also enjoyed a close friendship with Sherab Tenzin Rinpoche, the Abbot of Towo Gompa in Tibet.
Whilst Kentrul Rinpoche had many Dharma friendships however, he is most remembered for having an especially close friendship with another of Tibetan Buddhism’s most revered Lamas, H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Kentrul Rinpoche would sometimes seek teachings from Zong Rinpoche who was very famous for his Dharma knowledge at that time. They were both widely respected throughout the land, though perhaps for slightly different reasons. The previous incarnation of Zong Rinpoche was very much respected throughout the Gelugpa school for his incomparable debate skills and mastery in Tantra. Many people however liked to go to Kentrul Rinpoche because he was more peaceful, compared to Kyabje Zong Rinpoche who was known to be very strict and manifested wrath.
As contemporaries, Kentrul Thubten Lamsang and Zong Rinpoche were both students of Trijang Rinpoche, and enjoyed a strong relationship for much of their life, often regarded to be as close as brothers. Both shared the same experience of holding Abbotships at monasteries as well as teaching in faraway places, beyond their spiritual homes; within that incarnation, Zong Rinpoche even travelled as far as Los Angeles in the later part of his life to bring the teachings in the West.

His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (left), who was Kentrul Rinpoche’s root Guru and His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (right), who was Kentrul Rinpoche’s peer. Zong Rinpoche would later become Kentrul Rinpoche’s root Guru in Kentrul Rinpoche’s next incarnation as Tsem Rinpoche.
It was at this time, in America in 1983, that Zong Rinpoche would once again meet his old friend, Kentrul Rinpoche, in the form of a young boy, sporting red hair, skinny jeans and a heart full of passion for the Dharma. Tsem Rinpoche had found his way back into the lineage, and in this next incarnation developed an extraordinarily strong relationship with Zong Rinpoche within just a few short months. He would hold this student-teacher bond sacred as the highest priority until today, making it the sole basis of all his practices and work. It was, in fact, from this very relationship that Tsem Rinpoche would eventually make The Promise, the single, sacred commitment that has led to everything he is doing now. In 1983, the young Tsem Rinpoche was only 18 when he made this life-long commitment to the teacher would change his life forever, Zong Rinpoche.
Rise to Fame
Throughout his time in Phari, particularly in his own monastery Sampocheling and later in Rizong Butok Monastery, Kentrul Rinpoche came to be well loved not just for his unsurpassable knowledge and command of Dharma, but more so for his precise ability to understand, advise and help the common laypeople. It was generally acknowledged that though a monk may be highly knowledgeable in spiritual affairs, he may not be familiar enough with worldly matters to relate accurately to laypeople and their secular concerns.
Kentrul Rinpoche’s skill in handling both secular and religious affairs was rare at the time, earning him even greater respect of the people in the area. People always consulted Kentrul Rinpoche whenever they had problems – spiritual or secular – and he was well known for always giving advice most suited to them. People quickly developed faith and listened him because they felt that he was able to clearly discern between wrong and right, that he knew how laypeople lived, what they did and what they needed.
He eventually assumed the role as both spiritual and secular head. Kentrul Rinpoche’s judgement was so highly valued that whenever particularly complex or difficult cases reached the secular courts, the laypeople would approach Kentrul Rinpoche for his ruling and he would stand in as a judge for legal matters which could not be otherwise resolved. From his consistent displays of wisdom and compassion, Kentrul Thubten Lamsang became very powerful and famous throughout the area, even among neighbouring Indian and Chinese communities.
He came to have many students and followers throughout the region. Almost 95% of the population in Phari – 8,000 and 9,000 people – became life-long students, some of whom are still alive today in Tibetan monasteries around India. Businessmen and traders – who travelled through Dromo Phari in their travels to nearby countries such as India, China, Nepal and Bhutan – would also frequently seek Kentrul Rinpoche for blessings and advice whenever they passed the area. Many successful businessmen would come to request him to perform pujas or mö (a type of divination) as they had such strong faith in the effectiveness of his guidance.
Kentrul Rinpoche was known for always going out of his way to relieve the sufferings of the lay people in the area. He is remembered for often giving monetary assistance to the poor, paying for their bills, giving food and paying off the loans of people who were in desperate situations. He was famed and loved for his care of the ordinary laypersons in the area. This quality of exceptional care for others is seen again in his current incarnation as Tsem Rinpoche, who tirelessly finds way to better the lives of his students and every person he comes across – from seeing to their medical treatments to counseling them on matters of spiritual practice, family, relationships and even finances.
Kentrul Rinpoche built an exceptional relationship with the people there, still fondly remembered today by monks and laypeople who were his students. It was particularly notable that he was able to do for Phari what many other highly qualified teachers – even Kyabje Zong Rinpoche – had not been able to. It seemed the affinity with the people there was simply not as strong with them as it would be with Kentrul Rinpoche.

A colourised image of Kentrul Thubten Lamsang. In Tibet in the 1950s, photography was rare and very expensive, and only significant personages had the privilege of having their photographs taken. Kentrul Thubten Lamsang was significant enough to have sat for an official portrait.
He established himself so strongly in the area that his own monastery, Sampocheling, rose to become the central gathering place for all the Sangha of Phari. During one of the most prominent celebrations of the year, the Monlam Chenmo (Great Prayer) festival, the Sangha of every monastery throughout Phari would travel great distances just to attend the festivities and prayers at Sampocheling.
From the side of the mother monasteries such as Gyutö, Kentrul Rinpoche was greatly admired for his Dharma work. Every three years, a rotation of eight new monks from Gyutö Monastery would be sent to Sampocheling Monastery to assist Kentrul Rinpoche in his works and receive teachings from him. The monastery was so well built, and Kentrul Rinpoche so reputable that monks from Gyutö Monastery would compete among themselves to be allowed the opportunity to be sent to Kentrul Rinpoche’s Sampocheling Monastery.
Later in Rizong Butok, he again revived a fragile monastery and community to a state that far exceeded what it had been. At Trijang Rinpoche’s instruction, he redeveloped and refurbished the entire monastery, by first demolishing the monastery then rebuilding it in its entirety. By rebuilding the monastery, he created conducive situations for the monastic community to come to the area and remain there, which in turn created stability in Dharma and allowed for activity to flourish widely in the region. It was also at Rizong Butok that his fame flourished most widely – his influence and what he created for the people became so significant, that he was given the name Rizong Butok Rinpoche, a name he is also still known by today. By his countless contributions to the societies there, monks also refer to him today as kamsum wangdu, a “controller of the three realms” – a term used to describe to someone who has the power to be very powerful, influential in the most positive ways.
When Kentrul Rinpoche first arrived at Rizong Butok, the monastery was in a state of disrepair as the Buddhist community in this area of Phari was very weak. Kentrul Rinpoche revived the monasteries and brought Dharma back to the people using all methods possible, even exhibiting control of the weather. It was believed that at one time when Phari was experiencing a long period of drought, Kentrul Rinpoche brought rain with his return to Phari. Many people believed that this was due to Kentrul Rinpoche’s blessings. People from all over gained such ardent trust and respect in him that they not only began to partake in the activities of the monasteries, but also to make countless donations and offerings to support the maintenance of the Phari monasteries and Sangha under his guidance.
As Kentrul Rinpoche eventually offered up all of Sampocheling to Gyutö Monastery, and Rizong Butok was already a branch of Gaden Shartse, the many offerings and contributions made to Kentrul Rinpoche’s institutions also went towards the larger mother monasteries. In every instance, Kentrul Rinpoche was known for offering everything he received back to the monasteries, keeping nothing for himself. This alone earned him the ardent life-long respect of people everywhere, who recognised this immense devotion to his spiritual home and teachers and the completely selfless wish to benefit the Dharma. There were many wealthy people around Phari and as a result of this trust, whenever someone passed away, they would offer their ornaments, precious items and jewellery such as necklaces, to the monastery. It was their trust in Kentrul Rinpoche to use all his funds for the Dharma that attracted a lot of Dharma sponsorship.
At the same time, continued financial and physical support from the lay communities made it possible for Kentrul Rinpoche to always develop the spiritual and physical wealth of these monastic institutions. The monasteries under his helm were always built to a pristine perfection, featuring many enormous statues of the most important deities of the lineage. By creating statues, building places of worship, and developing the monastic community and practice, Kentrul Rinpoche brought the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha – every aspect of the journey to enlightenment – to the people of Phari.
For that, people saw quickly that Kentrul Rinpoche had only the interests of the people at heart and that he had dedicated his whole life to the betterment of others. Though Phari was small and distant from the centres of spiritual activity in Lhasa, Kentrul Rinpoche’s fame had spread to many far corners of Tibet. After stabilising the Dharma in Phari, Kentrul Rinpoche made a request to return to Lhasa. Happy with his contribution to the Dharma, Trijang Rinpoche instructed him to stay on in Phari. Devoted to his root Guru until the very end, Kentrul Rinpoche followed Trijang Rinpoche’s instruction and remained in this region until the day he entered clear light. Almost 60 years later, his memory still lives on among monks in India who continue to share these stories with world.
Protector of the Lineage
Kentrul Rinpoche was known for his devotion to Dorje Shugden and the special connection he created between the laypeople of Phari with this Dharma Protector. Amongst his many other notable works, Kentrul Rinpoche formed a Gompa and community in Phari called Lama Chopa, to protect Dorje Shugden and Lama Tsongkapa’s lineage. Kentrul Rinpoche was also known for gathering a group of laypeople to conduct Dorje Shugden pujas each month to propitiate the Dharma Protector.
The relationship between Lama and Protector was no ordinary one. In fact, it was said that their relationship was so close that Dorje Shugden was Kentrul Rinpoche’s “right hand man”, working closely with the Lama to fulfill the needs and wishes of the laypeople of Phari. Kentrul Rinpoche would often consult Dorje Shugden via the Oracle in Rizong Butok Monastery for advice. During the trance, Dorje Shugden would address the congregation in song and Kentrul Rinpoche, being the only person who understood what the Protector said, would write down his instructions. The Oracle also took trance of Kache Marpo and Namkar Barzin, who spoke in Mongolian, a language which Kentrul Rinpoche understood.
In this lifetime, Dorje Shugden continues his close relationship with Kentrul Rinpoche who took rebirth as Tsem Rinpoche
This would not be the only oracle at Rizong Butok that Kentrul Rinpoche consulted. So willing were the community to assist him in his works that Kentrul Rinpoche also had the assistance of three or four other oracles who resided at Rizong Butok at separate times. Two of them, including the Choyang Oracle and Lhakpa Dondrup (a monk of Dungkar Monastery), also took trance of Dorje Shugden. A fourth oracle would take trance of a powerful mountain deity. Known as Langpu Tsenga, the deity in trance would spit out silver coins which were then used by Kentrul Rinpoche to provide financial assistance for his students.
Kentrul Rinpoche’s devotion to Dorje Shugden was unparalleled, and he was directly responsible for the establishment and spreading of Dorje Shugden’s practice in Phari. Especially pleased by Kentrul Rinpoche’s immense works to benefit others and to spread Tsongkhapa’s teachings widely, it is said Dorje Shugden regarded and respected Kentrul Rinpoche as his main Guru. It is a closeness that has continued into this life where even today, monks continue to comment on the remarkably close relationship between Tsem Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden.
The Great Disappointment
As Kentrul Thubten Lamsang ’s fame grew, the Chinese government too tried to become close to him and curry his favour. If they had intended to win over the region, he would have been their ticket in. They began giving several awards to him, and even offered 1,000 silver coins and a high “salary” to him every month.
However, because Kentrul Thubten Lamsang’s status became so high, like that of a King of Phari, some officials began to feel threatened. This was the beginning of events leading to the Cultural Revolution and it is believed that Kentrul Thubten Lamsang foresaw the gravity of the situation, although no one knew at the time. Though the revolutionary movements appeared outwardly peaceful and friendly, he knew of their real intentions to eventually remove, capture and even jail and torture him.
He even knew, through clear clairvoyance, of what was happening in other, far parts of the country, such as the destruction of the major monasteries like Gaden. Many of the monks were surprised at how much he had known and anticipated as no one else in their area knew what had been happening.
The stupas of His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (left) and His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (right) in Gaden Monastery, India today. Had the cremation gone according to plan, a similar reliquary would have been constructed for Kentrul Thubten Lamsang’s relics.
In order to keep the peace between the people and nations, Kentrul Thubten Lamsang went quietly into a retreat and entered clear light. He passed away peacefully at the peak of his health, at 63 years of age. There was no cause for his death – no illness or any trauma to his body. He had willed himself to die, out of great disappointment and sadness for what had been happening around him.
Unfortunately, though his many thousands of students had wanted to mummify his body and encase him in a stupa – which would become an object of prayer and worship. However, the officials came before they could complete the process and they had no choice but to simply cremate his body.
Following his death – and probably because of the turbulence which arose with the Cultural Revolution – not much more was heard about this well-loved master. Then one day in the early 1980s, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche returned to his monastery from a trip to the United States and said that he had found the incarnation of this most respected Master of Phari, Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche, in that crazy, wild city of Los Angeles…
A Personal Perspective
Rinpoche feels that it was Trijang Rinpoche’s clairvoyance that led him to instruct Kentrul Rinpoche to remain in Phari. Trijang Rinpoche foresaw that Kentrul Rinpoche’s earlier passing would help pave the way for the next generation of lamas to propagate the lineage.
Trijang Rinpoche knew that the Tibetan lamas would face many challenges reestablishing Tibetan Buddhism in a world unfamiliar with the tradition. They were arriving in exile at a senior age and once the older generation of lamas passed on, there would be a vacuum of knowledge before their incarnations returned, grew up and came of age to teach.
Having remained in Tibet, Kentrul Rinpoche entered clear light 20 years before other lamas like H.H. Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. He would therefore return and reach adulthood just as they entered clear light and took rebirth.
Thus, being 20 years older than the reincarnations of Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche, Tsem Rinpoche feels extremely strongly that his current incarnation’s role is to create an environment for these lamas’ works to come to fruition easily, so that Lama Tsongkhapa’s tradition can firmly take root in people’s minds everywhere.
With this in mind, Rinpoche enthusiastically and constantly promotes their lineage, teachings and works to everyone he connects with. Rinpoche speaks tirelessly about their qualities, deeds and attainments, to inspire people’s faith in them. In this way, when the current generation of Gelug lineage lamas come of age to teach, the world will already know their names and will approach them with an established faith.
It is therefore clear to see that from lifetime to lifetime, impeccable and incomparable guru devotion will always be the defining character of Rinpoche’s line of incarnations.
A Visual Comparison of H.E. Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang and H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s Lives
In offering a side-by-side comparison of this information, it becomes obvious how reincarnation really does exist and that imprints do continue from one life on to the next. If imprints did not exist, then the similarities between Kentrul Rinpoche’s work and Tsem Rinpoche’s current activities would not be so close, to the point of being exactly the same. Hence, especially in the case of laypeople like ourselves, the importance of imprints becomes ever clearer when it comes to doing Dharma work in our current lives, to create the causes so that we can continue doing so in the future.
Click HERE to download the chart below in PDF format, and HERE to download the biography of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche in ebook format.
For more interesting information:
- The Promise – Tsem Rinpoche’s inspiring biography now in ebook format!
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- Ra Lotsawa Dorje Drakpa: Master of the Vajrabhairava Tantra
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- Thonmi Sambhota – The Inventor of the Tibetan Script
- Trisong Detsen, the Great Dharma King of Tibet
- Mahasiddha Naropa: The Indomitable Disciple
- Great Disciples of Atisha: Khuton Choje and Pandita Akaramati
- Lotsawa Loden Sherab – the Great Translator
- Khyungpo Neljor – The Yogin of the Garuda Clan
- The Vinaya Holder Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen
- Sonam Yeshe Wangpo
- Shakyashri Bhadra: The Last Abbot of Nalanda
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- Great Savant of Tibet: Buton Rinchen Drub
- Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyeltsen
- Tsarchen Losal Gyatso: Lineage Holder of Vajrayogini’s Tantra
- Who is Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen?
- Emperor Kangxi | 康熙皇帝
- Gedun Nyedrak: An Abbot of Gaden
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s Biography
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Interesting read of Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche, one of our Guru previous life. He was one of the most important disciples of Kyabje Trijang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. Kentrul Rinpoche had spent many years in remote areas like Phari on the Tibet-India border. Where he worked tirelessly to improve the condition of local monasteries and built large Buddha statues. He even built a three-storey statue of Maitreya Buddha. Highly respected by many locals and remembered by monks of the monastery for his work. Kentrul Rinpoche was also known for performing extensive pujas for people of the area. Kentrul Rinpoche will always be remembered as the lama who remained devoted to his teacher until his final moments. He went out of his way to help the sufferings, in desperate situations. His is a legacy that is timeless and beyond compare. Both Kentrul Rinpoche and our Guru Tsem Rinpoche’s activities did exhibit an unquenchable thirst and curiosity for Dharma, Guru devotion . Both have the similarities after-all. Interesting read, shared by Pastor Jean Ai on Tsem Rinpoche ‘s previous reincarnation.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Great sharing Pastor Jean Ai on Tsem Rinpoche ‘s previous reincarnation. Reincarnation do exist after all reading this beautiful post tells us more and understand better. Both Kentrul Thubten Lamsang and Tsem Rinpoche has so many similarities as such in Guru devotion, in promoting Dharma and spreading Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching as promised to their Guru and so forth.
We are so fortunate to have meet Rinpoche in this life , learning and practicing Dharma. Rinpoche had worked tirelessly for the benefit of all of us and many more to come. May Rinpoche’s teaching spread to the ten directions.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Jean Ai for this wonderful write-up.
1984 Los Angeles-Left to right: Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, monk assistant to Zong Rinpoche and the 18-year-old Tsem Rinpoche prior to ordination. Read more-
A poem inspired by seeing a picture of my teacher, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche…
In the sport of correct views,
all that is correct is just a view,
without permanence or substance.
As long as we hold onto views,
our sufferings are gathered
to be experienced without end.
Without the strong methods of emptiness
and compassion, bereft of merit,
we sink deeper without respite.
To arise from this samsara is but
a dreamscape on the deluded mind.
Therefore seek the guru, who confers the yidam,
hold your vows and fixate on liberation
free of new creations. Free of new experiences as
there are none.
~ Tsem Rinpoche
Composed in Tsem Ladrang, Kuala Lumpur on July 7, 2014
Interesting read so so…….Tsem Rinpoche ‘s previous reincarnation was Kentrul Thubten Lamseng. Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang was one of the most important disciples of Kyabje Trijang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso. Reincarnation do exists as confirmed in many cases . Both Kentrul Rinpoche and Tsem Rinpoche have many similarities in so many ways. As such Guru Devotion, spreading Dharma , building of Kechara Forest Retreat , building of Big statues and so forth to benefit more people. Following Guru’s advice coming to Malaysia to a place unheard of to spread Buddhism teachings . We are very fortunate to have Rinpoche in Malaysia and able to learn Dharma. A beautiful write up of a Great Lama where many of us will benefit reading it.
Thank You Rinpoche and Pastor Jean Ai for sharing this information.
I was walking past a second hand shop on Western Ave selling old things. They had a Japanese-style clay Buddha which was beige in colour on the floor, holding the door open. I thought the shopkeeper would collect a lot of negative karma without knowing if he kept such a holy item on the floor as a doorstop. So I went in to talk to him, but he didn’t look like he wanted to talk or that he even cared. So I asked him the price and he said US$5. I purchased it so he did not collect more negative karma. I was 17 years old and that was in 1982.
I escorted my new Buddha home and washed it lightly and wiped it. I placed it on my altar and was happy with the Buddha. I would do my meditations, prayers, sadhanas, mantras and prostrations in front of this shrine daily. When I left for India in 1987, I could not bring this Buddha along and gave it to a friend. It was a nice size and I made offerings to this Buddha for many years in Los Angeles. In front of the Buddha I placed His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s photo. I remember I was so relieved that the price was affordable. But US$5 that time was still expensive for me but worth it I thought. But I was happy to have brought the Buddha home. Tsem Rinpoche
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
Undoubtedly a highly realised being…read somewhere his close connection with Tilopa and in a book which re-accounts Vajrayogini telling Naropa to look for her brother Tilopa to learn the sense of dharma rather than just understanding the words of dharma I m convinced Tsem Tulku Rinpoche is also very closely related to Vajrayogini…
Thank you for Pastor Jean Ai ‘s sharing on Tsem Rinpoche ‘s previous reincarnation. This is truly life evidence reincarnation did exist. What we are doing now will reflect our next even future life. If we spent our current life with spiritual practice, definitely it will link us back to Dharma in next life, just like Tsem Tulku Rinpoche what he doing now is exactly the “continue ” of previous life actions such as built up temples, funds raised for monastery, care for homeless and ensure the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa is carry on.. etc.
May we able create the good cause to follow Tsem Tulku Rinpoche ‘s teaching for many lifetimes until we enlightened.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for this wonderful sharing. The Dharma learning points that I understand are:
1) Imprints that we create will be carried over into our next life. Imprints that we have created previous lives will influence our current life. Therefore, it is very important that we create the right Dharma imprints in this life so that in our future lives, we can be in Dharma without much obstacles, be near to our Guru, and have the right atmosphere, resources and support to continue our Dharma journey
2) Our Guru and all attained Lamas within Mahayana path are ever so compassionate that they return life after life after life to teach and bring us closer and closer to achieving Enlightenment so that when we become enlightened, we continue to help and benefit others.
3) Our Guru’s mind-stream have others on top of their agenda always. Everything that he does, is only for the benefit of others and for the flourishing of Dharma far and wide.
4) Lamas who come back will have the same mind stream and they will carry on with Dharma work skillfully.
5) Guru devotion is the main key to main transformation and unwavering and faithful reliance on a Protector is essential in our Dharma journey, not only to bring ourselves out of samsara but also in bringing others to the Dharma path.
6) Dorje Shugden and Kentrul Rinpoche and Tsem Rinpoche are so close, akin to a piece of the flesh of the heart. If our Guru demonstrates to us such closeness, we should also unquestioningly be so faithful and loyal to DS and Guru always.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
Yours humbly
Lum Kok Luen
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Jean Ai for this story about our guru . Is how amazing is about incarnation whatever happen to us in our previous life it will continue in this current life look at what happen Rinpoche previous life who has strong guru devotion and strong imprint of Dharma , the Dharma seed is so strong that even Rinpche has to go through so much to connect back to Dharma he still never give up, that is so incredible and we as his student should never give up on the path and Dharma that impart to us by our guru.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for this great article on Kentrul Thubten Lamseng, the
immediate previous incarnation of Tsem Rinpoche.The similarities between the two
are most remarkable.This just shows how the same mindstream receives the imprints
of the previous life to display the same tendencies in this life.
Among other things, especially strong is their faith and reliance on Dorje Shugden,
their Guru Devotion and their unquenchable thirst for the Dharma from a young age, that
manifested in their all-consuming passion for it. Both were sent by their Gurus to
remote places to build up or revive the Dharma in these places.Following their Guru’s
instruction, Kentral Thubten was sent to Phari and Tsem Rinpoche to Malaysia.
Proliferate the Dharma they did with great zeal and enthusiasm.
Dorje Shugden was regarded as the “right-hand man” of Kentrul Thubten . Thus was the
extraordinary close relationship of Guru and Protector in serving the people. This
extraordinary relationship has continued to today between Tsem Rinpoche and Dorje
Their devotion to their Gurus is most touching to read about and to observe.Kentrul
Thubten’s relationship to his Guru, Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, was so close a relationship
that it was described as “a piece of flesh from the heart”. As beautiful and touching
is Tsem Rinpoche’s closeness to his Guru Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Amazing is the strong
karmic link. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was the close friend of Tsem Rinpoche’s previous
life incarnation!
Thus do we see how compassionate beings work to benefit all beings, coming back again to bring the dharma to them , no matter how challenging the circumstances may be.
The young H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and Kentrul Thubten Lamsang.
This pic is so neat! Thanks Choong.
H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche is very devoted to his root guru, H.H. Zong Rinpoche.
Thank you pastor Elena, for a well written and amazing article. I love reading about the past incarnations of HH Tsem Rinpoche and hope to have a greater understanding of his mission in this lifetime. And now I know I’m not crazy, because I am incredibly impressed with your guru and Kechara even though I’ve never met or seen him in person. Watching Rinpoches videos on youtube and reading this website literally connects me to a magical world which(thanks to you) is now more substantiated and stronger by learning of his history. I’m in the USA where reincarnation is not commonly understood or part of the culture. And unless you know you are talking to Buddhists it’s not socially acceptable to bring up in conversation. Luckily that’s changing but slowly. Needless to say this website is of great value.
While reading the above article not only do I see reincarnation at work in real time(our time) and further benefit from the teaching, then add the absolute magic of the dharma protector Dorje Shugden. Thinking of HH Tsem Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden as they work together often moves me to tears. I love it! A magical unified force come to life! The sheer power of it is incomprehensible to me.
Please know all your efforts and hard work are greatly
Rinpoche has sought out to live a life to the best interest of others. Even in His previous life, he has willed himself to death earlier so that Rinpoche can support young reincarnated HIgh Lamas and carry the lineage forward, without break. In the dedication song recited by Rinpoche, I realized how important it is to be a lineage holder (by study, contemplation and meditation) so that the teachings of Buddha and in this case especially Lama Tsongkhapa’s continue to exist. It is so important making sure Dharma is alive and being practice. Knowing Dharma but not practicing it is akin having a diamond but do not know how to use it. May I be able to fight my own delusions even if it will take a very long time. This reminds me of Magadha Sangmo, who was a lay practitioner and was in a barbaric land as well. “Magadha’s story is that of pure devotion towards the Dharma that in turn made the Dharma available to countless people.”
Really grateful having to meet Rinpoche in this life and I be able to meet Rinpoche in all my future lifetimes.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Kentrul Thubten Lamsang has so many similarities with Tsem Rinpoche. Some of it are :-
1) Both have strong Guru Devotion.
– Both go to remote places to spread the dharma where the foundation is weak or of little interest. Both fulfilled their Guru’s promised to spread dharma far and wide.
2) Both built big retreat places, big statues and monasteries. In Malaysia we have the holy place Kechara Forest Retreat by Tsem Rinpoche to benefit all sentient beings.
3) Both have great devotion to the dharma Protector Dorje Shugden and both help to spread Tsongkhapa’s teaching widely.
It is therefore clear to see that from lifetime to lifetime, impeccable and incomparable guru devotion will always be the defining character of Rinpoche’s line of incarnations.
I’m fortunate that we have Kechara Forest Retreat here in Malaysia and this is my Spiritual Home.
Jill Yam
Dear Rinpoche and PJA,
Thank you very much for this informative and detailed sharing.
This will definitely build more confidence and understanding in anyone (especially a newbie like myself) who wish to learn and be active in dharma with this knowiedge of our Guru’s lineage and reincarnations.
With folded hands
Thank you
It is without doubt that reincarnation exists. Kentrul Rinpoche and Tsem Rinpoche are very similar in so many ways. What we focus on strongly in our previous life affects our current life.
Tsem Rinpoche like Kentrul Rinpoche goes out of his way to take care of lay people, help the poor all the time, give money to his students to help them pay off their loan, have strong guru devotion, build life size Buddha statues, teach dharma in areas that are spiritually “barbaric”, have a very strong connection with Dorje Shugden, and build and rebuild monasteries/dharma institutions.
Rinpoche works tirelessly to bring dharma to the masses and creates suitable conditions for his students to study and practice the dharma. Many people’s lives are changed for the better because of Tsem Rinpoche.
This is an extremely informative post where I can learn about His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s precious life through one of the (then) surviving student, Geshe Ngawang. His Eminence’s previous life was Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche, who was the incarnation of Gedun Nyedrak – 72nd Abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery.
Kentrul Rinpoche was recognised by the junior tutor of the 14th Dalai Lama, H.H. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. He was well-known for reviving Dharma and restoring monasteries in remote places of Tibet where Dharma was weak and dissipating. The followings are the monasteries where Kentrul Rinpoche had done great things:
– Dadokhang Monastery in remote Phari
– Sampocheling monastery in south Phari
– Rizong Butok Monastery, an affiliate of Gaden Shartse Monastery
Kentrul Rinpoche’s deeds in those barren land of Buddhism were resoundingly similar with the deeds of our Tsem Rinpoche; i.e. bringing Dharma to places where there is hardly Dharma, building large Buddha statues, creating Dharma community and institution, relating Dharma to lay people as well as the immaculate Guru Devotion. The close friendship between Kentrul Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche was also apparent between His Eminence and Zong Rinpoche.
Thank You Rinpoche and Pastor Jean Ai for sharing this information. We are so lucky to have Rinpoche who is so kind to return lifetime after lifetime to spread the dharma and plant the seeds for us to be near dharma. I pray that I will be near Rinpoche for all my future lifetimes.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for sharing this interesting article and for us to get to know Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang who is H.E Tsem Rinpoche’s previous incarnation.
Points I learned from this article:
1) The imprint that has been done in Tsem Rinpoches’s previous life continues today. He continues to strive very hard to bring the bemefit of dharma to people.
2) The Guru Devotion is so strong even after different life time. Rinpoche always follow his Guru’s instruction.
3) The similarity of both Kentrul Rinpoche and Tsem Rinpoche in their passion to build big Buddha statues, monastery, so it can benefit more peopel.
4) The relationship between lama and protector are very strong. Kentrul Rinpoche’s devotion to Dorje Shugden was unparalleled. The same for Tsem Rinpoche, which we witnessed especially during the trance of Doje Shugden in KFR.
We are very blessed to have Rinpoche in Malaysia and that we are able to learn dharma. Thank you Rinpoche for your great effort in blessing this land.
Dear Rinpoche and PJA
Thank you for this beautiful article about Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang – H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s incarnation. It is true was what written in the article that past life imprints to benefit others the ability to make Dharma grow in the places where Dharma resources were scarce are prominent characteristics of Rinpoche in the previous and current lives.
Both in this and previous lives, Rinpoche let go of his personal wishes and carry out the instructions of his guru to stay in certain places in order to benefit others. Because of his strong guru devotion, many people including myself can encountered and learn pure Dharma.
10 years ago, although I was very much attracted to Buddhism and Buddhist teachings, I was not interested to attend any of the Dharma centres in Jakarta – my city. But after I heard about Tsem Rinpoche’s teachings, I gladly took refuge vows with Rinpoche although I have to travel back and forth to Malaysia. I think it is my good karma to have affinity with real Guru and pure Dharma teachings.
I sincerely thank Rinpoche for coming to this region and enable many people including myself to meet Dharma.
It is inspiring to always read/listen to biographies of highly attained masters, what more that it is of my own Guru. This post made me understand Rinpoche better as it helped connected the dots… so now we know why Rinpoche is so close to Trijang Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden, how they are all intertwined.
Now I know where it all comes from and why Rinpoche is such a visionary, always thinking “big”, building big Dharma institutions (like KFR), why Rinpoche loves creating huge Buddha statues, and how skilful Rinpoche is with lay people. Rinpoche is always so creative and innovative in spreading Dharma to the lay, and just like in the past, creating Dharma community and activities, selflessly helping the lay and his students, and most importantly Rinpoche’s impeccable Guru devotion which even in this life we can witness how Rinpoche would always follow Rinpoche’s guru instructions and remain loyal.
The similarities are so amazing and that was what stuck out for me. The deeds, the qualities, the skills, everything is so similar with the Rinpoche we know today.
From this story you know “imprints” definitely do exist and what Rinpoche did in his previous life, he is doing the same again in this life! How extremely fortunate we are to have cross path with such a great highly attained compassionate Lama that changes history. And like before Rinpoche continues to spread Dorje Shugden’s practice widely!
Thanks for this wonderful post Pastor Jean Ai. This info should definitely be included into H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s past and present lives bio.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for well written article. I am very happy that because of your hard work I can know much more better of our Guru previous life.
So much similarities of the works of the H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche this life and his previous life as Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang. It is hard not to believe that reincarnations exist.
The reincarnation with the motivation to spread the Dharma, take the suffering and bring happiness to us, guide us, train our mind from lifetime after lifetime, keep doing the same, never give up anyone of us.
I am very fortunate I can meet Rinpoche this life. Thank you very much.
Thank you Pastor for this write up about Kentrul Thubten Lamsang. It explains a lot about the current reincarnation, H.E the 25th Tsem Rinpoche who displays great wisdom and compassion in resolving both secular and spiritual matters for students today.
In the blog we have many stories and testimonials from Tsem Rinpoche’s students that show Rinpoche’s skillfulness in guiding students to arrive at conclusions that are beneficial secularly and spiritually. Although this method of giving consideration to both inner and outer wealth is becoming very common, Tsem Rinpoche seem to take lead in this “area of specialty”. For example, Rinpoche started using the Internet to turn the wheel of Dharma ahead of many, making him the neon Lama of the 21st century. Probably because of imprint from the lifetime of Kentrul Thubten Lamsang.
I am very grateful for this article to allow us to better know the background of Rinpoche and better understand the significance of Rinpoche’s actions and visions.
Dear Pastor Jean Ai,
Thank you for such a beautiful write up of H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche’s previous lives. It is very important that many know about His incredible deeds be it in the previous life or in this current life.
When I read, it just makes me feel like I am watching Tsem Rinpoche current life’s ‘works’.
From coming to ‘barbaric’ place to spread Dharma as asked by His Guru, creating beautiful Kechara, building Kechara Forest Retreat in ‘remote’ area, tremendous care for everyone whether its His students or strangers, kind, loving but most of all, His never-ending great Guru devotion (which I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears). And another striking fact is that, both reincarnations relied strongly on Dorje Shugden to spread Dharma far and wide to benefit many!
May we never be separated from H.E Tsem Rinpoche always and may He continue to guide and lead us on the right path to liberation.
First of all, thank you Pastor Jean Ai for sharing this interesting and well written article. It serve as the fundamental platform for a newbie like me, who wants to learn more about Dharma and also Tsem Rinpoche. Thank you!
The similarities of dharma teachings and dharma deeds by Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang and Tsem Rinpoche are so strong that it is hard not to believe that reincarnations exist. And not only they exist but controlled reincarnations that return lifetime after lifetime with the sole motivation to benefit others. Great article, Pastor Jean Ai, thank you.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for writing this wonderful account of Kentrul Thubten Lamsang’s life. Many will benefit from reading this short bio and faith in our Lama increases.
It is amazing to read the many similarities of the past and the present incarnation, our beloved Guru H.E. Tsem Rinpoche now. I especially found this point fascinating “it was said that their relationship was so close that Dorje Shugden was Kentrul Rinpoche’s “right hand man”, working closely with the Lama to fulfill the needs and wishes of the laypeople of Phari”…. and “it is said Dorje Shugden regarded and respected Kentrul Rinpoche as his main Guru.” This closeness can still be witnessed by many of us today.
This just goes to prove that enlightened beings are enlightened.
Hence there is no way anyone would ever be able to stop them from returning, spreading the Dharma and benefiting others… no matter who tries to burry, twist and change history. Definitely this part of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s life needs to be added, recorded in Rinpoche full bio for many to learn the history of such revolutionary masters of Buddhism and receive blessings.
Dear Pastor Jean Ai,
Thank you for this wonderful read that is well-written and informative.I find it interesting to read about previous incarnations of highly attained masters and how similar their lives are. They come back lifetime after lifetime with the sole purpose of preserving and propagating the Buddhadharma.
It is fascinating to note how in one lifetime the especially close friendship can manifest as a student-teacher relationship in the next. It not only proves that reincarnation exists but also how one’s karmic connections and imprints play such important factors of shaping who we are today and how we are are all somehow interconnected.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for this wonderful article.
Indeed we can see that what Tsem Rinpoche doing now is similar with Rinpoche’s previous incarnation Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang. Rinpoche values and qualities were just brought down from previous life and the continuity can be obviously witness at this current time. This really explain on ‘Imprint’.
Rinpoche’s great Guru devotion in previous life reflected in the Guru disciple relationship at this life. When we have great samaya we will meet the Guru/great master again for the betterment of spiritual practice and advancement.
We are truly fortunate to be able to meet a great and genuine Guru like Tsem Rinpoche that has been continously turning the wheel of dharma from life after life for only one purpose which is to benefit people.
Thank you Pastor Khong Jean Ai for sharing this important information about our guru. Indeed Rinpoche has always be so compassion to his student and we are the lucky one who can connect with him may all of us in Kechara will be continue our Dharma journey with Rinpoche life time after life time.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for this fascinating and extremely well written article on Rinpoche’s previous incarnation. I loved it and read it again and again, as knowing about Kentrul Rinpoche is akin to reading about Tsem Rinpoche himself. It highlights the continuation of one’s work into the next life and illustrates Tsem Rinpoche’s meeting with Zong Rinpoche to unlikely be just an accidental coincidence.
Thank you for writing this, in my mind, this article has clarified and put together the pieces of Rinpoche’s work and purpose here in Malaysia and around the world and how Rinpoche continues to help many lifetime after lifetime.
Dear Pastor Jean Ai,
This is indeed a wonderful account of Kentrul Thubten Lamsang’s life. It is the most extensive I have ever read of his life and I am glad that you wrote it down in this article here. It is much needed for admirers, students and friends of Rinpoche to read up and understand what Rinpoche is all about. There’s a pattern or a direction in which Rinpoche is establishing from a previous life to this life.
I just found this interesting, “…it is said Dorje Shugden regarded and respected Kentrul Rinpoche as his main Guru.” I guess, that would mean that Dorje Shugden via the oracle was recommending and promoting Thubten Lamsang as a lama that one can rely and take refuge in. It would be interesting to see Dorje Shugden take trance of the oracle to receive teachings.
Dear Pastor Elena Khong Jean Ai,
Thank you for writing and sharing the article of our Guru’s previous reincarnation, Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche. All the great Dharma works carried out and completed by Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche are remarkable and full of compassion to benefit the local people in the region of Phari at that time.
There are a lot of similarities from both Kentrul Thubten Lamsang Rinpoche and our kind Guru, Tsem Rinpoche as both Lamas have carried out a large scale of Dharma activities with endless kindness and compassion that benefit many sentient beings.
We in Malaysia are very blessed and fortunate to have a highly reincarnated Lama, Tsem Rinpoche who has advised, focused and guided the construction of Kechara Forest Retreat and all the Kechara departments, that can bring many Dharma teachings and abundance of blessings to the local folks to gain peace and ultimate happiness through Dharma practice.
May Kechara Forest Retreat continues to grow and spread the Dharma to all directions until the end of samsara.
With folded hands,
kin hoe
Dear Pastor Elena Khong Jean Ai,
Thank you for this tremendously well written article, that had my attention right from the beginning.
There is so much similarities and resemblance of the works and activities of Tsem Rinpoche in this current life, and in his previous as Kentrul Rinpoche Thubten Lamsang, it is like Rinpoche just picked up where he left off from his previous life. Everything that Kentrul Rinpoche did, Rinpoche is doing now, everything that Rinpoche was inclined to previously, it is the same now too. From devotion to the gurus, to community work, to the care, compassion, generosity and kindness towards all sentient beings, it is carried on.
What struck me also is the close relationship between Kentrul Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche, as well as the relationship between Tsem Rinpohe and the 2 erudite lamas. In Kentrul Rinpoche’s life, both Kentrul Rinpoche and Zong Rinpoche were disciples of Trijang Rinpoche. In this life as Tsem Rinpoche, Zong Rinpoche became Rinpoche’s teacher. Between lamas, there is no ego, no pride – They continuously return to samsara, work together to propagate the doctrine of Buddha.
Kentrul Rinpoche’s deeds is remarkable, just as is Tsem Rinpoche’s. We are so lucky to have someone so highly qualified and attained like Tsem Rinpoche with us in this life, to continue bringing the BuddhaDharma to all of us.
Thank you for this nice article. It would be great if a stupa could be built for Kentrul Thubten Lamsang next to the stupas of Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche in Gaden Monastery. There should also be a book on the life and work of Kentrul Rinpoche. The legacy of this remarkable master must be remembered.
Dear Pastor,
It is very moving story and reminds me of great masters who worked just for the sake of sentient beings. All His qualities are seen in Our Guru Tsem Rinpoche. How fortunate to meet such Guru. Thank you for the story Lah. _()_