Dorje Shugden and IQ|多杰雄登与智商
Recently a friend sent me an IQ test question for fun, and it prompted me to write this:
Back in 1990, when I was 14 years old, I took an IQ test organized by the Malaysian MENSA Society*. At the time, I scored 180, which is the highest score available. Now, decades later, I firmly believe that the cause of this IQ score (according to the MENSA Society) is due to my practice of Dorje Shugden in my previous life(s).
There are definitely many different causes for scoring well on an IQ test, but for me, it is definitely due to Dorje Shugden’s practice. This is because Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom and by practising Manjushri, one will gain seven types of wisdom:
(1) Great Wisdom (2) Clear Wisdom (3) Quick Wisdom (4) Profound Wisdom (5) Wisdom of expounding Dharma (6) Wisdom of spiritual debate (7) Wisdom of composing Dharma books.
Besides the seven types of wisdom, the “by-product” of Dorje Shugden practice is worldly intelligence and it is this category that my IQ score belongs to. Although it undoubtedly pales in comparison to the great wisdom of my guru His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche, nevertheless in daily life, worldly intelligence can still be an asset.
So we should not restrict ourselves to thinking that Dorje Shugden practice is only for religious people. Even those of us who are only interested in improving worldly or secular intelligence can engage in Dorje Shugden practice which will help tremendously. In doing this, it is like finding a huge diamond and using it as a paperweight. However, as a Buddha, Dorje Shugden will not be upset if we engage in His practice to achieve success in areas other than religion and spirituality.
People in the CTA (Central Tibetan Administration) will tell you that practising Dorje Shugden is bad. When that happens, you might want to ask them to go take an IQ test first and let’s see how they do 😉 But from my experience, using my MENSA score as proof of the results, I know that relying on Dorje Shugden definitely has a positive effect on worldly intelligence. And amongst the high lamas, there is no doubt that only the wisest, like my own guru Tsem Rinpoche, will rely on Dorje Shugden.

Besides fully embodies the seven wisdom of Manjushri practice, my guru His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche is one of the most intelligent and wisest persons in the worldly sense I have ever met
It is not my intention to show off or be boastful, but to highlight the efficacy of Dorje Shugden to everyone. Having a high IQ is like having a supercomputer in your house; whether you use it to crunch rocket science calculations, or to calculate your grocery bills, it is up to you.
If you are interested in my Dorje Shugden method of achieving a perfect IQ score, or you want to boost your child’s mental development and acuity, be it for spiritual attainments or for worldly success, DO DORJE SHUGDEN PRACTICE:
You may also PM me at and I will be more that happy to share the Dorje Shugden method with you. The best thing is this, practising Dorje Shugden (in conjunction with keeping your vows) will improve your IQ not only for this lifetime, but also for your future lifetime(s) too. It is definitely an investment worth making.
With folded hands,
Pastor Loh Seng Piow
*Mensa is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. It is a non-profit organization open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardized, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test. Link to Mensa Society:
罗胜彪 讲法师 合十
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Wisdom and Intelligence are so important in this day and age for everyone. To have success both of these are essential. Although Dorje Shugden the deity manifested only 400 years, still the lamas and teachers who are of highest lineages and wisdom. The wisdom we get from propitiating Dorje Shugden comes from a long line of realized beings so it is not surprising the people who relied on wrathful Manjushri would have great wisdom and intelligence.
感谢罗胜彪 讲法师的分享。祈愿一切有情的众生得到多杰雄登的加持,智慧增长,继续修持佛法来利益更多众生。
Dear Pastor Seng Piow,
Having such a high IQ score is definitely something to be proud of, not be boastful about. Even at the tender age 14 years, you were definitely intelligent and you attest that it is due to your previous lives of practising Dorje Shugden to have gained such high level of intelligence. Such a fabulous realisation and humility on your part.
It is the practice that you are currently doing with our Guru, H.E the 25th Tsem Rinpoche that gives you the wisdom to realise that such high score is imprint of previous lives and to be grateful to Dorje Shugden.
It is also wonderful that you wish to benefit others with this practice and have given your contact for those interested.
Thank you for your generosity and I rejoice that many will benefit from your help.
Sincerely, Datuk May
Dear Pastor Seng Piow,
Thank you for sharing with us such great testimonial and proof of how Dorje Shugden practice can calm our minds and improve our intelligence.
I do agree that diligently engaging in Tsongkapa and Dorje Shugden prayers really open up my mind. I feel i can catch on and understand things quicker, accept criticism better, more perspectives on a single issue.
With my sons, I can clearly see that one we spend more time letting him listen to Dorje Shugden mantra and having him recite, he is more obedient, less aggressive and stubborn, and definitely smarter. Of course I do love both my sons 😉
Thank you.
Thank you Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing your testimony and writing the article about Dorje Shugden and IQ for the benefits to all of us. In this degenerate age, we really need to equip ourselves with more wisdom, intelligence, IQ and EQ in order to serve as a protection shield against the negative influences and worldly temptations that can derail us from our spiritual path and trap us even deeper into samsara. Currently I have a one year old baby and I always sing the Dorje Shugden mantra in order to keep her calm and most importantly instill Dharma seeds into her mind while holding her on my arms. I can observe and realize that the practice and song of Dorje Shugden mantra is the greatest gift I have received from Rinpoche as Dorje Shugden practice is similar like a brightly lighted bulb that can dispel the darkness, especially during the dire of time. I have seen with my own eyes that by practising Dorje Shugden and carrying out Dorje Shugden puja, many obstacles can be cleared with solutions can be found in resolving the problems whether they are big or small issue.
May all sentient beings never be separated from Dorje Shugden until achieving full liberation from samsara and ultimately enlightenment.
Humbly with folded hands,
kin hoe
Dear Pastor Seng Piow,
This is a very interesting and mind stimulating article to discuss about. I have a cousin sister who is a high IQ, my girlfriend with 3 other siblings and their mum who are also high IQ. There is something which I don’t quite understand. How do you know that you were a Dorje Shugden practitioner in your past lives that gives you a high IQ? Is there anyway to find out? How about people who comes from different faith and religion like my girlfriend and her family who are Catholics. Thank you very much for this great article which is something different. Do keep up the good work. And don’t worry, I understand you’re not trying to show off ???
Yes, Pastor Low Seng Piow, we absolutely do agree with you that by your using as a proof the result of your Mensa score which you have relied on Dorje Shugden, has a positive effect on worldly intellegience. Likewise, amongst the high Lamas, there is no doubt that only the wisest, like our own Guru Tsem Rinpoche will rely on Dorje Shugden! So do all of us, basing on what is being written in the Dhammapada: “The gift of Dharma excels all gifts; The taste of Dharma excels all taste; The delight in Dharma excels all delight; He who has destroyed craving overcomes all sorrows.” Likewise, we are aware that you have no intention to show off or be boastful, but its only for the purpose to highlight the efficacy of Dorje Shugden’s method of achieving a perfect IQ for benefiting or to boosting a child’s mental developing and acuity , be it for spiritual or worldly success! Thank you heartedly and so very much for your deep compassion! Please do keep up with the good work!
Dear Pastor Seng Piow,
It is very true that practice Dorje Shugden could lead to wisdom mind. After i have learned how to chant the mantra of Dorje Shugden, i find that my mind is more focus and clear. It is important to have wisdom mind for the next life, so that at least we will not fall into the animal realms. I have the thought like this, because if we fall into animal realms, it is due to ignorant.
Thank you for sharing
Yours sincerely
多杰雄登是文殊菩萨的化身,文殊菩萨慈悲地化现成种种不同形象的护法,比如:外魔阎王,多杰雄登,或是化现成强大的本尊 大威德金刚等等,都是为了帮助我们消除世俗与修行上的障碍,重点是文殊菩萨代表着诸佛菩萨的大智大慧,无论我们修持祂所化现的任何一位护法或是本尊,肯定的是能够帮助增长我们的智慧,那么为什么我们选择多杰雄登护法呢?多杰雄登护法是最接近现时代的护法,多杰雄登护法是我们这个时代的护法,祂能更加的贴近我们,祂能够消除我们现时代的种种障碍,祂能够引导我们走向正确的佛法修持道路。
I would like to reiterate what Pastor Seng Piow mentioned in this article is true. Let me share my experience. I use to be impatient and a bad temper person. But after listening to what His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche is teaching through YouTube coupled with daily chanting of Dorje Shugden mantra, I dared to say my mind transformed to have patience and wisdom to solve issue especially dealing with difficult people. Of course, this is not an overnight thing. You need to have perseverance attitude.
Fantastic IQ test …….Rejoiced Pastor you are a Mensa member and having scored such a good marking. Not easy but you did it…..proof that by practicing Dorje Shugden’s practice we can have a higher IQ. Mensa Workout is an intelligence quiz, to qualify to be a member. Dorje Shugden is an emanation of Manjushri, the Buddha of Wisdom and by practising Manjushri, one will gain seven types of wisdom. So people in the CTA (Central Tibetan Administration) said that practising Dorje Shugden is bad, which is not true at all. In fact, as proven that when we rely on Dorje Shugden , we have definitely a positive effect on having a great intelligence. And amongst the high lamas, are our own guru Tsem Rinpoche, who rely on Dorje Shugden.
Thank Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing .
hank You Pastor Loh Seng Piow for this wonderful sharing. I m glad that I am able to receive this wonderful and powerful Protector practice from our Guru, Holy H.E.Tsem Tulku Rinpoche.
My daughter was born with some complications such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), introvert, slow in speech etc. Both of my wife and me were very depressed. Do not mix with others in school. I felt very depressed and helpless. I sent her for a series of expensive therapy classes and music class, I was not even dare to cut those classes even I was jobless but tight my belt She has shown tremendous improvement now after I asked my wife to chant one round of Dorje Shugden mantra every night.Sheisstandard 3 next year. I noticed her friends are from all classes same year and even ftom a year older or younger class, they come to invite her to join them always. It is blessing of Dorje Shugden oractice.
I do wish she can be Guru’s student in future and help Guru to spread Dharma and Dorje Shudgen practice to others. Thank You Guru and Pastor Seng Piow for sharing this exciting story of impact of Dorje Shugden.
That’s an excellent testimony Soon Huat, I am glad your daughter has tremendous improvement due to Dorje Shugden practice, amazing! ??
With much appreciated for the sharing that indirectly shows the benefit of practicing Dorje Shugden. In these days, not only IQ is important but also EQ. Recently, some of the brainless people attacking Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden by posting some photos that greatly disrespect to a high Lama and an enlightened being. I do really angry with the one who did this. But as a Vajrayanist, I do always remind myself that how fortunate I am to be able to be a disciple of Manjushri in Nirmanakaya aspect. Taming my own mind does not mean to let some “social terrorist” attack the eminence Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. There is a word in Mahayana called 法难 (Fa Nan) which means the eminence three jewels are facing great difficulties caused by external conditions. In this case of the ban of Dorje Shugden, it is really a Fa Nan for all Buddhist especially the practitioner of the Gelug sect. May all Kecharian stay strong and never ever lost our faith in Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden. A truth can never be destroyed by any means related to Prajnaparamita.