Helping older students | 帮助年长的弟子

Everything was piled in the car porch, ready for the lorry to remove
Having had the fortune of meeting Rinpoche when she was just 11 years old, the ‘Growing up with Rinpoche’ series captures Pastor Jean Ai’s growth under Rinpoche’s guidance. In this series, she recounts some of Rinpoche’s myriad Dharma activities to benefit sentient beings.
Rinpoche has many older students, some of whom live alone without assistance. Living alone in such a manner can make it difficult for them to manage day-to-day activities, especially if they are weaker due to illness or still working to provide for themselves at a senior age.
Many years ago, Rinpoche heard of an older student who was engaging in practice, working full-time and living alone. Rinpoche was touched by her sincerity and wanted to do something for her to encourage her practice. Having heard about her living environment, Rinpoche said it was not healthy, both physical and mentally, to live in such a cluttered space. So out of concern for her well-being, Rinpoche sent some students to her house to help her to clear up.
They spent the weekend removing heavy boxes and furniture which had accumulated over the years, that she had wanted to remove but could not due to the weight and amount of items. The students cleared out the house then gave it a thorough cleaning, both inside the house and in the car porch. They arranged for a lorry to come and remove all of the unwanted clutter. Then they helped her to assemble all of the new furniture which Rinpoche sponsored. At the end of the day, she was left with a lower maintenance lifestyle which would leave her more time to take care of the other aspects of her life, including her practice.
This is not the first time Rinpoche has extended such skilful help to a student, which Rinpoche has done consistently over many years. The lama’s care is very broad, and encompasses all aspects of our lives!

Living alone for many years meant a lot of items had accumulated. This photo was taken before everything was removed and the cleaning began

After the items had been moved out and the cleaning had begun

Scrub, scrub, scrub!
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Rinpoche is always thinking about some ways to help his students and all sentient beings. This student is very lucky to have receive the help from Rinpoche.
When we do dharma with sincerely, it will make out Guru happy and it is the best way to repay the kindness that we received from our Guru.
Rinpoche is always consistent in his compassion and help he extends to others, always.
It is nice that Rinpoche takes cares and helps his students, old or young :-), but as it was said, this happened “many years ago”. Why do you post something that happened last time now? I mean, I understand if it was a few months ago and you want to post it on the blog, but this event happened “many years ago”. Why post it this year, then?
I ask this question not to be rude, but sincerely because I am curious. I apologise if my question came out sounding rude or obnoxious. _/|\_
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for the sharing.Rinpoches’ sincere thoughts and action is a good example for us to follow as he truly cares for others.
His genuine compassion and generosity for others are truly remarkable.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the priceless Dharma Knowledge with us and leading us towards the correct path.
I thank Rinpoche sincerely for Rinpoche’s kindness to all constantly. I believe without Rinpoche’s influence on us, we would never be able to focus out. We would be that selfish brat that we are forever. At least for me.
Without Rinpoche’s influence on us, I believe that many of us would be just so concentrated on ourselves, we would never be able to see pass things that might be going on around us, but we will fail to realise or even see the problems of it because we are just too comfortable about our lives that we would not want to help others at all.
I believe that if I did not have Rinpoche’s teachings in my life, I would be very self centred, never once would I stop and think of others. Accumulating all that negative karma along the way.
Thank you Rinpoche for always teaching us to focus out instead of feeding that ego of ours.
I love the fact that Rinpoche is taking care of older students. Thank you Rinpoche for being kind and set a good example for all of us
Thank You Pastor Jean Ai to share with us the compassion and kindness of Tsem Rinpoche to His students well being and spiritual practice. Not only does Rinpoche sent student to help clear the house, but also sponsor new furniture to replace the old one for more convenience. something we have alot to learn and practice.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai. Never knew that Rinpoche’s loves and cares extended this far. I believe there were more than this. Living alone is never easy, what’s more in this case, an elderly student. This reminds me of my mom.
A heartfelt thanks to Rinpoche for showing us that we can do more, not only helping others financially. Thanks again with folded hands.
Dear Jacinta,
Yes, Rinpoche’s love and care extends beyond what we see upfront. There are many things behind the scenes, that Rinpoche does quietly for all sentient beings, stemming from the root of compassion.
There has been times, where Rinpoche will physically, along with some students, go to the homes of other students to see whether they are living okay and well, visit students when they’re sick with delicious home cooked meals, cook for students who have massive meetings, take students to the doctor, doing pujas quietly for all, even for those who have hurt Rinpoche very much, arranging for pujas for those who need it, sending gifts all around the world to support people on their spiritual journey, tirelessly give advice and help freely, feed the animals and those who need food, help the homeless, give care to strangers on the street, save animals, help financially, sponsor the sangha in the monastery, and the list goes on…
Rinpoche will create as many imprints of enlightenment for us within our mindstreams so that it can be triggered in future/our future lives, and we may be on the path to practicing the Dharma again.
Dear Rinpoche,
This sharing put us to think deeply on compassion and understand it better.
We really need to look into ourselves and we need you to share especially in this degenerate times where most of us are busy making money.
With folded hands, thank you very much
Judy Chen
Dearest Rinpoche,
Your compassion and kindness shines through and through. Please do not stop until samsara’s end. On Mani Padme Hung. __/\__
Thank you for caring about all of us so deeply, dearest holy Lama Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. Your compassion is reflected like a mirror by all those, you touch. Don’t ever stop please. We need you so badly with us on this earth. Please stay.