Kindness and coffee for a fundraiser
We were at Whole Foods Market buying items for offerings. Rinpoche likes Whole Foods because it sells organic groceries which are kind to the earth and help people to lead a more compassionate lifestyle. With a wide range of vegetarian and vegan items, the store also provides Rinpoche with the opportunity to get interesting items for making offerings. Rinpoche always encourages us to make abundant offerings, especially of things we ourselves enjoy, because we need to generate a great amount of merit to support our spiritual practice. This is a topic Rinpoche has spoken frequently about in the past, for example in this teaching:

The coffee in the red cup for the gentleman who is holding the pastry in his left hand
As we were having lunch, Rinpoche spotted an elderly gentleman out in the cold soliciting donations for homeless veterans. Rinpoche watched him for a while, and saw he was greeting every single person with a smile and a very pleasant manner. Touched by his dedication to the less fortunate, Rinpoche immediately asked us to buy a hot coffee and pastry for him. We went outside and Rinpoche gave him the drink and pastry, and had a nice conversation with him. That is when we found out he is in his early 70s! The man said he had been fundraising for 2.5 years now, ever since his younger brother (who was a veteran) passed away in the hospital. After speaking for a little while, Rinpoche made a donation to the charity and bought some Christmas items from him. The man thanked him profusely and said Rinpoche was the nicest person he has ever met.
Whenever we are out and about with Rinpoche, it is never just a simple outing or shopping trip. Rinpoche’s eyes and attention are always focused on who he can help 🙂
– Pastor Jean Ai
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I have heard many times from Rinpoche’s closest student about how Rinpoche constantly helping others whenever and wherever Rinpoche goes to. Rinpoche is selfless. He is a genuine monk who has a purity of heart. Rinpoche is a good example showing us that practicing dharma is to bring loves and hopes to others.
Life is always with ups and downs. Some people may be able to deal better than the others, but still kind words are needed as comfort and motivation in some point. Therefore, be kind and never underestimate the impact of a small act because it can help someone to stay strong moving forward.
Thank you for sharing Pastor Jean Ai ..a short and beautiful post of Rinpoche act of kindness.Rinpoche has always taught us to be kind and compassionate to those in need. Rinpoche and the kind gentleman is a example and inspiring to all of us.
Thanks for sharing the two photos as well.
There is something powerful and magnificent about the unselfish quality, and I find it in this man who is raising funds for homeless veterans. Thank you Rinpoche for unearthing a person who works and smiles quietly for others.
Demonstration of unconditional kindness and love all the time by Rinpoche.
I know that this may sound cliche but it’s the truth, Rinpoche is a living Buddha. Rinpoche is always very aware of His surroundings, and when Rinpoche sees someone who’s in need, be it a human or an animal, Rinpoche would always try His best to help him/her/it. This gentleman here is very kind, he’s using his time and life to do something beneficial for others, I really admire people like him, people like him are selfless, kind, we can hardly find people with such good qualities. And this man was right, Rinpoche is the nicest person we have ever met. I believe that he will always remember this day. This is one of the most sweetest article I have ever read in years.
Thank you for the sharing . We should always be ready and do our best to help those in need , just like the simple action by Rinpoche,we can made so much difference .
Just reading about this has brightened up my day. I believe that helping others makes one happy. We should emulate Rinpoche more and more.
Rinpoche is kind to everyone always. He cares so much about people around Him and even strangers. When I was volunteering in Ladrang’s kitchen, Rinpoche always make sure all of us means everyone working in Ladrang included the electrician are well fed. Ladrang’s kitchen is a place that 24 hours in action. Heheh.. Who ever visited Ladrang, Rinpoche will ask the kitchen to prepare food and drink ready before the guests arrived. Kechara Soup Kitchen that are feeding more than 2000 sets of food every week in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was inspired by Rinpoche – currently run by Dato Ruby.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai share with us this inspiring update, Rinpoche has always show us the true Dharma wherever he go Rinpoche always give us an example how to be able to benefits others we as his student should take his advice seriously doing our best to benefits others , because this is the reason why we are here.
Rinpoche teaches us focus out, selfless mind. Always benefit others.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for these photos.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank you for the sharing Pastor Jean Ai.We could not deny Rinpoche sense of compassion and generosity. Very often we come to know his sincere gesture of giving without any agenda,solely to bring some joy and happiness to those less fortunate.
We should follow Rinpoche example to place our dharma knowledge into practice.For all those that could afford ,The joy of giving is much more satisfying than those receiving on the long run.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for sharing. Rinpoche always show us Rinpoche’s life with character, kindness and generosity. Rinpoche always bring happiness and hope to everyone around Rinpoche. We should not forget the little things that make people happy.
It’s Christmas and even though Rinpoche and all of us don’t really celebrate, it doesn’t stop Rinpoche from being kind to those who need someone to brighten their day.
Whether in the U.S or Malaysia, Rinpoche never fails to help those who need some help/money/food to help them get through their day.
It really makes me happy to see that against all the uproar against petty issues around the world, people like Rinpoche are out there to help people like this man here with his donation campaign.
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for sharing this heartwarming story!
Rinpoche has always taught us to be compassionate and be of benefit to others. Rinpoche is a living example for us to follow. Thank you, Pastor Jean Ai, for sharing this lovely acts with us. Love the photos!
I wish this man continue to be blessed with good health and continue pursue his charity work. Thanks Rinpoche for showing us the example of how we should be sensitive to those who are in need of care and help.
This is so true… wherever and whenever, Rinpoche constantly looks out for other to help 🙂
Thank you Pastor Jean Ai for the sharing. Rinpoche always walks the talk and leads by example to show us how be kind and selflessness.
Love this!
Love the 2nd photo!
H.E.Tsem Rinpoche’s kindness cannot be compared or measured! We were always taught to be kind-hearted and work always for the benefit of others so that we will create great merit.Thank you for sharing Pastor Jean Ai.
It is always about others, the wish to benefit others. May those who will and have seen this post will be able to follow the footsteps of Rinpoche, selflessness and compassion in action. Thanks Pastor Jean Ai for sharing this.
I really like the second photo.
Rinpoche has always being so kind and though. It might be just a cup of coffee but Rinpoche’s kindness itself makes a world of difference to this gentlman’s day . Let this be an example for us to follow. It feels good to make someone happy.