Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche: The true story of Steven | 詹仁波切的奇迹:史提芬的真实故事

Steven and his sister Angel
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7.
Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attainments like Tsem Rinpoche, so that many more sentient beings can be helped.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow
胜彪讲法师 上
- STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32543
- STORY 2: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32654
- STORY 3: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32701
- STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32791
- STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=33669
- STORY 6: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34288
- STORY 7: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34438
- STORY 8: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34599
- STORY 9: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34928
- STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=35710
- STORY 11: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=36173
- STORY 12: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=37202
- STORY 13: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=40216
- STORY 14: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=43007
- STORY 15: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=56434
- STORY 16: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=118568
- STORY 17: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=188840
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Thank you for sharing this amazing miracle. This is indeed an inspiring story for those who are stuck in an unfavourable condition and needed help. Rinpoche is forever compassionate to hear us out and help us whenever we have problems.
This story is a powerful example of how we can change our karma by collecting merits and changing our behaviour. Rinpoche can help us but we have to put our own effort as well. It is through our own effort that we can change our karma. Angel’s brother have faith in Rinpoche and he completed the assignment that was given by Rinpoche.
Hence, he collected a tremendous amount of merit that helped him to recover from his sickness. When we are facing obstacles in our life, we have to have faith in our Guru and Protector as they will never abandon us. It is up to us to put in the effort for them to help us.
Wow…another interesting miracles of how Setrap and Rinpoche has helped Steven to recovery after an accident. By having trust, faith ,following instructions and reciting mantras has changed Stevan life.It was through Angel, Steven got to know Rinpoche.
Glad to know that now Steven is well,happy and openness.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing this miracles true stories.
The miraculous power of Protectors’ practice can heal and shield us from negative karma from ripening. Through the blessings of our Guru, coupled with strong faith and trust, the practices will take effect swiftly and effectively. Rejoice to Steven Lee. May he be guided by the Three Jewels always. Thank you, Pastor Seng Piow for sharing the true story with us.
This is miracle. Thanks Setrap and Rinpoche for saving his life. I believe Setrap and Rinpocje not only can save someone’s life but also soul, we should recite Setrap’s mantra when we facing any difficulty.
It is always a pleasure to see what faith towards our Guru, Rinpoche can do for us.
Of course, we are not asking for miracles in times of bleakness, but definitely for the higher achievements, which is enlightenment in the long term.
Believe in Rinpoche, believe in Dharma.
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for all for the sharing. Thank you Rinpoche and Setrap for your kindness and always be with us.
This is a very touching story, thank you Seng Piow for these illustration story. Last week I got into a car accident & caused my wrist bone fracture. I was so scared & shaking when doctor tells me I have to go for an operation. One thing I feel so blessed is….kechara’s pastors are indeed so compassionate (folded hand) & all my kecharian friends are so caring. I visualize Lord Setrap & Rinpoche while chanting setrap mantra until I’ve been general anesthetic. When I woke up, I feel nothing happen before whereby normally people will suffer nausea after anesthesia. I truly believe when we have total faith & trust in Rinpoche & Lord Setrap, it will help us to overcome our obstacle. I wish to thanks Rinpoche, Pastor Henry, Pastor Adeline, Pastor Gim Lee, Victor Choi, Ash Ng & all my dharma brothers & sisters for the prayers when I was in critical illness. (Folded Hand)
在克切拉佛教中心,我们每个星期都会有金甲衣护法法会。如果我们细心的聆听, 真的会听到许多特别的故事。信奉佛教,千万不要迷信。我们这里有佛法班,我们一起来共修,一起学习。佛法知识可以让我们转化我们的思想观念。 仁波切与诸位的讲法师会与我们分享与带领着我们。
It is another illustration that as long as we have 100% faith on Guru and Lord Setrap .Rejoice for Steven for sharing with Kecharian to benefits others.We are very blessed to have Lord Setrap and Rinpoche in Kechara.
[…] STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
Steven is indeed very fortunate to have met with Rinpoche and receive his advice during the most critical period of his life. Through having great faith in Rinpoche and his miraculous ability to intervene in the about to ripen karma. Due to Rinpoche’s kindness, we are able to make connections and propitiate Dharmapala Setrap in Malaysia. Thank you Rinpoche!
[…] STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
i am so happy that he lived through this, all with Rinpoche and Setrap’s help. i have been commenting on these stories a lot now and Rinpoche always helps. we all love him. thank you fro sharing this
[…] The Tenth story: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/persona cl-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
[…] STORY 10: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
Thank you Rinpoche for giving instructions to my uncle, if my family didn’t met Rinpoche, my uncle won’t be alive today. I don’t know to repay Rinpoche. I love my uncle very much and I don’t want to lose him. Although the left side of his body is half paralyzed but the point is that he is still alive. Thank you very much Rinpoche
I love this story. how complete faith in our Guru and Protector.he help me too and i trust him so much .i love setrap and my kind guru .
This is a beautiful account of faith Angel has on Rinpoche. Angel has a sincere wish to have her brother to get well from the accident. I have thought she must be heartbroken after becoming aware of the internal disease after his brother was admitted into hospital for a full body check because of the accident. In reality it was because of the accident that which his brother internal disease was discovered by the doctors. Because of following Rinpoche’s advice his brother’s condition became better and the cancerous disease disappeared and he recovered from his accident injury. At end both of them become close together. 🙂
I have read the story of Steven Lee before, and now read this pictorial story, I found it’s really nice and fantastic to have it in this pictorial format, it helps to approach more, not only children but many more adults as well.
Nowadays, even the encyclopaedia, science theories and poem are presented in comic/manga/manhwa format, with adventures and novel story line. It does attracts many more who previously do not interested to read the ‘dry” and “boring” knowledge.
Faith and prayers can go a very long way to help someone in a tight situation. Steven also had the karma to recover so when he did the practices it was effective for him.
Thank you Seng Piow for all this true story in comics. Great job and everyone can read and understand clearly even kid’s ^^, ^^, Thank you Rinpoche for helping everyone, always ^^, ^^, Thank You ^^, xxx
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing another true story to us. Rejoice to Steven that he have speedy recovery with his 100% faith to Rinpoche and Lord Setrap.May Steven and his family always be protected by the 3 jewels.
Thanks Seng Piow for sharing this true story, many of us need to hear and see testimonials then only believe and do the practice or advise but it maybe a little bit late. If we can giving 100% faith in our Guru and protector, u will start EARLIER and get the result FASTER…
Rejoice for Steven for sharing with Kecharian to benefits others…
Thank you Seng Piow for posting the wonderful illustration story of my brother. I pray that, may the stories of all illustrations which has posted will benefit and touch many people’s lives all over the world.
Sincerely thanks to my dearest Lama HE Tsem Tulku Rinpoche for His endless love and care towards me, my brother and my love ones. Without Rinpoche, my brother and I has left this world.
When I think back how Rinpoche helped Steven, it beyond my imagination. During that moment, what I knew was only cried. Rinpoche cuddled me and said ‘ I don’t want to see you cry Angel, I will make sure your brother alright!’ After that, Rinpoche advised me what to do…and I followed His instructions all the way. After six months, true enough my brother was overcome his sickness and he is well today.
I trust Rinpoche 101 percent…His has helped Henry, me and my family members to overcome so much obstacles since day one I came to know Him. Rinpoche has never never asked me to repay Him, what He wants from me is to have mind transformation, with that I will gain inner and outer happiness.
Rinpoche’s compassion and kindness are beyond our thoughts. Whenever Rinpoche gives us advice, it might sounds difficult or unbelievable. Don’t hesitate, just trust Rinpoche fully and follow the instructions given all the way….you will definitely overcome the obstacles.
Thank You Rinpoche again, I will do my best to repay Rinpoche’s kindness by continue to benefit others.
love, angel
Steven’s miraculous recovery from his faith as well as his sister Angel’s faith in Rinpoche makes an incredible story. Like David suggested, it is great the Seng Peow shared these stories by compiling these illustrations into a comic book. People can relate well with these real life stories. Thank you for sharing, Seng Peow.
Faith and trust in our Guru and Protector will help us overcome our inner and outer obstacles. I visited Steven in hospital years back when he was sick and dying but through following Rinpoche’s advice, he has recovered and is still alive!
Another wonderful story where Rinpoche helped someone who is in need and have total faith in protector Setrap. These stories really gives us a deeper understanding on the power of Setrap. This is evidence that Setrap is ready to help if you have total faith in him.
Thank you for the true story!
So did Steven live because of the doctors’ medicines or because of reciting mantras?
Could he have survived if he had only done one part of it (ie depended ONLY on medications – or – depended ONLY on mantras)?
I love this story. It is another illustration that as long as we have strong faith on Guru and Lord Setrap, we will be always in good hands, everything will be taken care of. We should do more Setrap Puja.
I agree with David Lai, that is to share these wonderful real life stories with the world, of how Setrap and Tsem Rinpoche have benefited others including ourselves.
This is the dharma teachings that anyone can find in organizations like Kechara. We learn the Lamrim (lam-rim), we can participate in events, we can listen to dharma taught by a qualified Lama, we have pleasant environment suitable for our practise and support from the Sangha, the Pastors. What more do we need?
We are very blessed to have Setrap and Rinpoche in Kechara.
Angel’s love and devotion to her brother, Steven helped him turn into a new leaf and a new life for him and his family. I rejoice in Angel’s faith for she helped another being.
It is really a great idea that Seng Piow came out with these illustrations that tells the story of how Rinpoche’s advice has helped these people’s lives. It is inspiring and at the same time, it is highly accessible to the masses.
I think it is wonderful that Seng Piow is sharing these stories with us now otherwise the stories would only be circulated within a few people. I have no doubt with Setrap’s blessings and protection but I don’t think everybody has the knowledge and experience to have that faith. Hence, I think these stories would be instrumental in inspiring faith in many people especially for the new Kecharians.
I think it would be a great idea when these stories are completed, they were to be made into a comic book for children and adults alike.
Wow, another beautiful illustration of how complete faith in our Guru and Protector will help us overcome our obstacles may it be small or big, as in the case of Steven. Even if the outcome may not be as favourable as Steven’s, at the very least, we would have gained some merits for our future rebirths.
Thanks Seng Piow for all this beautiful illustrated experiences.
You are absolutey right Sofi. My aunty who was diagnosed with final stage breast cancer 20 years ago outlived her healthy siblings. And she is still alive and kicking as I write this. She did all the medical treatments prescribed by her doctor, adopted a holistic lifestyle and followed Rinpoche’s advice to her to a tee till today. Her faith in Rinpoche is unwavering.