Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche: The true story of Madam Wong | 詹仁波切的奇迹:黄女士的真实故事

Madam Wong when she was hospitalised
Being Rinpoche’s personal attendant means that I am able to witness real Dharma in action, both on and off the throne. I consider myself extremely fortunate, and at the same time it is also a great challenge to instil Dharma in my life 24/7.
Over the years I have witnessed many cases of how Rinpoche helped many people in both worldly and supramundane ways, so I decided to have these stories told in comic form for the wider audience. It is my wish that through these stories many will be inspired to achieve the state of compassion and attainments like Tsem Rinpoche, so that many more sentient beings can be helped.
Pastor Loh Seng Piow
胜彪讲法师 上
- STORY 1: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32543
- STORY 2: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32654
- STORY 3: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32701
- STORY 4: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=32791
- STORY 5: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=33669
- STORY 6: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34288
- STORY 7: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34438
- STORY 8: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34599
- STORY 9: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=34928
- STORY 10: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=35710
- STORY 11: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=36173
- STORY 12: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=37202
- STORY 13: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=40216
- STORY 14: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=43007
- STORY 15: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=56434
- STORY 16: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=118568
- STORY 17: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=188840
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Thank you Pastor Loh Seng Piow for the sharing miracles story of how Fat monk’s mother recovered from her sickness. As confirmed by Doctor she have only 3 months to live. Fat monk asked Rinpoche for advice. Following as told by Rinpoche , Fat monk and family members did exactly with trust and faith , in no time his mother got well. Thanks to Rinpoche advice….its a miracle.
Having fully trust and faith in Rinpoche ,Fat monk’s mother was well again, after been diagnosed with cancerious tumour at the liver.
Following instructions given by Rinpoche, his mother recited mantras and Fat monk did a series of pujas as told,his mother recovered then.
Amazing……Miracles do happen.
Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor Loh Seng Piow for sharing.
Thank you Pastor Loh Seng Piow for the sharing. We should have 100% faith on our Guru and following our guru’s instructions is the golden key to success on the path to enlightenment. Thank you Rinpoche
Fatmonk’s mother is among many whose live had been saved by Tsem Rinpoche. Life is precious because we have a human existence, it is rare and precious because through a human life and through meeting and engaging in practice this life becomes a wish fulfilling gem for whatever existence we wish to go to in our next life.
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing this amazing story. Rinpoche helped many people in many ways. We must have faith in our Guru, Dharma Protector and following Rinpoche’s instructions 100%. Also by doing Dharma work and practices will help us to overcome our obstacles and have good results.
Blessings will arise when Guru devotion is present. Miracles happen when students-guru relationship is strong. It is amazing.
[…] STORY 3: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-tru… […]
wow, this story is amazing and it is so happy because she survived after being given 3 months to live! Rinpoche always helps us and we must always help him because of all the advise, teachings and love he has given us. thank you for sharing this
So touching how Rinpoche is able to do this. I will never question Rinpoche’s power. I am always happy to be able to read these stories, they are always so nice and just so amazing to read for my self. Sometimes i actually cannot believe the things i read here.
I am drawn to be a follower of his Holiness Rinpoche. After reading many miracles performed, I wish to connect deeper with HE Rinpoche.
[…] STORY 3: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] STORY 3: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/personal-attendant/the-miracles-of-tsem-rinpoche-true-… […]
[…] Attendant) Rinpoche taking care of student who was illThe Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 4)The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 3)The Miracles of Tsem Rinpoche (True Story 2)(Personal Attendant) What was Rinpoche doing around 3 to […]
This shows miracles do happen. This true story shows us clearly that by having faith in one’s Guru and his instructions can only bring benefit.
One can only change his/her karma by changing him/herself and not the Buddhas or the Rinpoches. Frankly speaking, if Fatmonk hadn’t followed Rinpoche’s instruction, one cannot imagine what will happen to his mother.
Miracles can happen when the right ingredients are there> IN this case faith in the lama and following lama’s instructions to the T.
My own mother had colon cancer several years ago and had a resection. No chemo was given and all seemed to be fine. On one of her follow up scans, her oncologist detected lesions in her lungs mainly, and her spleen. They were suspected to be secondaries, ie that would mean stage 4. The Dr. said she won’t live past 9 months max. and to expect that she would progressively deteriorate and be in extreme pain and discomfort. We had to make a decision on whether to put her through cycles of chemo or let things be. Afterall, she was already a ripe old age of 92. We consulted Rinpoche regarding the decision and the answer was, whatever Mum wished, and to do Menhla pujas and dedicate the merits of the puja and my own practice to her. Mum never went through any chemo at all. She has no symptoms other than a persistent cough and she has a good appetite and is up and about, still stubbronly going out on her own in Singapore, taking the bus and MRT, goes for yoga and church and has frequent tete-a-tetes with her old cronies. It has been about 1 1/2 years since the death sentence. I know the time will come when we will have to bid her goodbye and it might be soon. She is almost a century old, not common these days! Death is certain and the moment we’re born, we begin to die. The only thing I wish for her is to have peace and not have too much pain and suffering and when the time comes, let it be a swift process and may she then be reborn in conditions conducive for dharma practice, that she may have the merits to find a real guru and begin practice. I will continue to dedicate merits of pujas and my practice to her on this end as well as to Rinpoche’s long life, good health and continued turning of the dharma wheel. I know this was no coincidence and I am grateful to Rinpoche that he has benefitted my mum who does not even know it. May I practice more deligently to repay the kindness.
My elder brother suffered from 4th stage of colon cancer in 2008 and doctor said it has spread to the bone, i consulted Rinpoche for advice, he told me to light 5000 candles,did 4 setrap and 4 menlha pujas before my brother went for the operation and subsequently the operation turned out well and successful and he’s ok now. Thank you Rinpoche for saving and extending my brother’s life.
This indeed is not simply a miracle, but a cure by pure faith, deep belief and trust in the Guru’s power, good purification actions, and most important of all, a good credit balance of karmic collections at hand and under a powerful specialised guru’s guidance to create the good causes for her recovery. May we in all our lives have the infinity never be parted from such a perfect master and enjoy the glory of dharma. Om mani padme hum.
It is rare to come across a solution that can save a life. Not even money can buy. And it is rare to come across someone who cares about your life as well as your close ones. It is even rarer to come across someone who dedicates his life to save sentient beings… tirelessly.
It is the great fortune that Fat Monk has and of his dharma work, it not only save his mother and now the mum is helping others too.
When you follow your lama’s instructions, blessings will come! Guru devotion is a key factor for miracles like this to happen. I really like these web comics. Not to alarm anyone but there is a spelling error in the first page bottom panel. Doctor is misspelled as Dotor. Thanks! I really look forward to more of these illustrated stories. Hopefully it will become a book by KMP 😀
Like many other students of Rinpoche, this true story is among the many who had benefited from the compassion of Rinpoche. Those who had received such benefits had trusted and gone all the way with the instructions from Rinpoche. Practicing Guru devotion like keeping promises one made to the guru, going all the way consistently and never giving up are among the other ingredients necessary to see fruition and benefits especially in gaining more knowledge and understanding of dharma.
We are so fortunate to be blessed by a Living Buddha.
Appreciates Seng Piow’s great efforts for the illustrated real life story of GURU
From Fat monk story we can know that if we have complete faith to our Lama, miracle did happen !All advice reveied from our Lama is valuable, we need to follow 100 % with whole hearted, truely and sincerelity.
对医生又信心之余,最重要的是对上师有一百巴仙的信任与上师依止心。护法是随时候命给予协助消除障碍与帮助。当然Fat Monk所累积的功德福报足以令他母亲的状况有良好的改善,这个改善是从死亡边缘救回来。
仁波切的慈悲是是衍生到身边的家人,仁波切总是无微不至的照顾学生,助理,随从等等,仁波切从来没有放弃对上师的承诺,所以我们才可以有机会接触佛法,接触护法让我们在面对困难是快速的解决问题,让我们在困难期遇上对的人,对的解决方案,就好象Fat Monk的事件一样,没有任何的物质比得上合家团圆来的幸福,
wow what a miracle! This story clearly shows that we can not go wrong if we follow the Guru’s instructions perfectly. We may have the karma to experience something, but we are still able to control our karma and change the end result. This real life example shows that by doing Dharma work and practices, we are able to improve our karma.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this story. It strengthens my faith to Lord Setrap and Rinpoche
From this article I learn that it is very important to have full trust in our Guru and to follow through the advice given by our Guru all the way. I am so happy that aunty have recovered from her illness. May she continue to have good health to enable her to do more dharma work. This true story serves to reinforce my faith in my Guru and to steer myself to do more to benefit others.
Yes! Truly we have a living Buddha with us. I personally had the same experience. I was diagnosed cancer too, but with rinpoche instruction, things just work out in miracle.Have 100% percent faith and sincerely serve our guru, he highness is always there and protector is always there to protect us
Wow ! this really wonderful story and inspire with all Kecharian, if you believe 100% with Rinpoche and Lord Setrap , you will definitely will get blessing from living Buddha like them. we are so fortune to have lama in Malaysia. Thank you Rinpoche !
I would like to thank you Seng Piow to sharing with the true story to us. I am looking forward to more illustrated stories !
Thank you Seng Piow for sharing this true story through comic way.
This sharing shows me that it is important to have faith and follow the instruction of our Guru.Miracle can be happen if we have 100% faith in our Guru and follow his instruction all the way,NO DOUBT!!!I am glad she recovered from her illness with Rinpoche’s guidance and blessings.
When we seek our Lama’s help in times of trouble, we must follow his advice and instructions with complete faith. After our problem is solved, we must be grateful and repay our Guru’s kindness. The best offering we can make to our Guru is to practice the Dharma and transform our mind. Rinpoche is ever so compassionate and has helped countless people over the years.
Fat monk’s faith in Rinpoche by following Rinpoche’s instructions saved his mother’s life.Rinpoche who has compassion and wisdom benefits those in need.Following the Guru’s instructions brings happiness and blessings.Mrs Wong,may you always be in good health and be protected by Setrap.
Thank you Rinpoche for saving another life.
it’s truly an absolute blessing to have Rinpoche in our lives, to guide us, teach us, and care for us.
When we ask for help from Buddha, we must listen and follow through all the way, if not, why even ask ? It’s very good karma that Fat Monk’s mother is able to consult Rinpoche and to follow all the instructions diligently , hence she is healed !
A wonderful wonderful miracle !
With faith in our Lama and our Dharma Protector and following Rinpoche’s instructions 100%, we will be able to overcome our obstacles and have good results.
It is so fortunate that Fat Monk’s mother have karmic connection with Rinpoche to be able to receive Rinpoche’s advice and guidance. I am glad that she is cured and healthy now.
When one has faith, miracles do happen.
This true story of the miraculous healing of Fat Monk’s mother of cancer in her liver demonstrates once again how important it is that we have 100% faith in, and trust of, our Guru, and that we must follow all His instructions completely and with joyous effort. Our Guru is the source of all our happiness and all our spiritual attainments. He is our Spiritual Guide and Protector in this life and all future lives, if we create the cause for this to happen.
We must always remember the kindness of our Guru and repay His kindness. Mrs Wong remembers and is presently doing Dharma work with us.
We are so lucky and are grateful that we have met Rinpoche, and through dharma we have opportunity to clear our obstacles and benefits more people around us. Thank you Seng Piow for another nice illustrated story to share here.
This is truly an amazing REAL LIFE story. I was staying with FM and his mother for awhile. She told me she does her prayers daily without ever a break. She completely trust Rinpoche. I guess this is why she is okay now and is ever so healthy. It is amazing when you trust your Guru completely, the blessings from the Buddhas will be the results. An inspiring story to exemplified.
FM’s mother never forgets Rinpoche’s instruction to her to do her commitments. Rinpoche has many times told us “if you see your Lama as a friend, hence you will get the benefit as a friend. If you see your Lama as a teacher/an Enlightened being, hence you will get the blessing of one.” X
Aunty Wong always volunteered at KSA ss2 rolling mantras..cos she understands the benefits of doing dharma work…Rejoice for her total recovery, with the blessings and guidance from Rinpoche.A miracle that reminds us that a there is always hope and don’t give up so easily.Guru is ever ready to show the way…May we always lift up the victory banner.
Wow…this is totally a miracle and amazing Rinpoche.
Although we should not focus on miracles, miracles do happen when we have faith in our Guru and protector and follow our Guru’s instruction and guidance. Mainly, it is from the blessings from our Guru and merits created when we follow the instruction that purify our negative karma and create the positive conditions for positive karma to ripen.
Thank you Bro Seng Piow for sharing these stories to us via attracting and easy to understand comics. Hope more people will be able to inspire from the stories and plants the seeds of enlightenment.
Fat Monk’s mother is always jovial. I bump into her around the market place, where she would go to meet her friends for exercise and a morning walk. She is never without a smile. And she keeps remembering the kindness of Rinpoche.
Mind transformation is the key in Buddhism, but at our level, sometimes miracles are required to remind us that there are higher beings than us.
There are indeed many miracles around Rinpoche. I pray that these comics will inspire people to find out mor about Buddhism…
Rinpoche has saved so many people’s lives. This is just one of them. Rinpoche saved my brother’s life a few years ago when my brother’s brain was attacked by virus. He was coma and was in the hospital for a month. All because of Rinpoche’s compassion, I followed Rinpoche’s instructions by offerings 10,000 candles, 17 Buddha statues to be given away and whoever received the statues will recite 100,000 long life mantra for my brother, animal liberation and a lot a lot of black tea to strap. A month later, my brother was much better and ready to go home. He’s now a very healthy man. Thank you Rinpoche! _/\_
Miracle happens due to our karma combine with our faith and helped by Buddha who delayed our negative from ripening… thus we have time to purify and collect merits by engaging in virtuos actions. Without Rinpoche’s advice and guidance, we will be lost in our own worldly ways to solve our ‘problems. For cases like this believing in our Lama very crucial as it’ll save us.
Mrs Wong, mother of Fat Monk was cured of her cancer condition due to Fat Monk’s 100% faith and trust in his Lama. Tsem Rinpoche(dharma doctor) prescribed the medicine (mantra) for Mrs Wong to recite daily without fail and she did it also with faith in her Lama.
Trusting with faith in our Guru produces results and this is proven.
its amazing how rinpoche can do such miracles to help benefit other people to do dharma.
Dear Pavara, Rinpoche has helped so so many people with miraculous results. I think we can even publish a complete series of books about it. But you see, it ‘takes two to clap’. Rinpoche is powerful but the other person must also have strong faith and follow Rinpoche’s instructions well. It is like a tv station beaming out their wonderful program. If you dont tune in, you will not receive it.
With faith in our lama and protector, execute the instructions as given, we will be able to face the problems with courage, end with positive results. This is a real life example. Thank you Seng Piow for sharing another amazing story with us.
Thank you Rinpoche for bringing protector practice to us.
Fat Monk’s testimonial shows clearly that although Rinpoche is very compassionate and caring to help Mrs. Wong, we too have to play our part by believing and carrying out his instructions 100%.
This also shows us that by volunteering and contributing, we are able to extend our merits to help our family members too.
How fortunate when we have a Guru with us and the opportunity for us to collect as much merits as possible to benefit others and our family members. This is one of the great example how the student follow the instruction of the Guru and through the students merits their loved ones benefited. Our faith to or Guru should put into action and then only we are able to see the result.
In order to show our gratitude/appreciation to our Guru we should consistently do our dharma practice and consistently carry out our Guru instruction without fail. All these lead us to do a great job for benefiting others.
The quote from the page 4 really make sense for us
” Fat Monk’s mother’s Karma was able to be purified and her life was saved because Fat Monk followed Rinpoche’s instruction 100%. Fat Monk’s family was very grateful towards Rinpoche ”
– Wow so we MUST follow every instruction from Rinpoche golden mouth, what are we waiting for???
We are so fortunate to have a living Buddha with us, and always care us with fully compassion. It is an honor that we can take Refuge to Rinpoche, thanks Rinpoche with bowed down at ur feet and with fold hands _/\_
Lim – you are absolutely correct. Following our guru’s instructions is the golden key to success on the path to enlightenment. That is why in the Vajrayana tradition, Guru devotion is the most important principle to follow and observe. I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to serve Rinpoche in this life, and I have learnt through experience and observation that everything that Rinpoche advises us to do will be successful, as long as we apply effort and perseverance.
I have heard this teaching once, and I have never forgotten it … The teaching is that everything that a high lama says or does is under full perfect control. Every instruction, every action, every joke, every scolding, every passing comment, every piece of advice – no matter how seemingly trivial or unimportant – is premeditated by the Lama for the benefit of those around him. EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) is a teaching, and if we contemplate on it well, we will realize this fact for ourselves very clearly, and our faith in the Lama grows.
Lama is the source of all happiness, worldly and spiritually. Fortunately, Fat Monk’s mother has connection to Rinpoche and Fat Monk followed Rinpoche’s instruction 100%. I have witnessed how Fat Monk’s mother recovered from her illness through Rinpoche’s instruction. This is not the only case but there are many others as well whom Rinpoche had helped to extend their lives.
“Blessing comes from following the Lama’s instruction perfectly.”
This is a true life example of the above.With sincere practice and 100% faith in Rinpoche, Mrs Wong got her illness cured. She is now healthy , energetic and helps in one of Kechara’s departments.
There are many many similar cases. I look forward to more illustrated stories , Thank you again, Seng Piow.