100,000 Butterlamp Offering Retreat | 十万盏酥油灯供养闭关
“It is very important to practice the offering of butterlamps. Try to complete a minimum of 100,000. It is very good for your realizations on the sutra path. It is excellent for results on the tantric path.” ~ Tsem Rinpoche
His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche has advised on many occasions that it is very beneficial to engage in a retreat of offering 100,000 butterlamps. Such a retreat allows the practitioner to develop deeper wisdom, increase realizations and make a connection with the deity to whom the butterlamps are offered.
Recently, Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat created a butterlamp offering facility in the hope of offering many practitioners the opportunity to engage in this meritorious undertaking.
The Benefits of Light Offerings
The second chapter of Heruka Chakrasamvara’s root tantra advises that, “If you want sublime realisations, offer hundreds of lights.”
In addition, by making light offerings one gains the following benefits:
- You become a light in the world.
- You achieve (when born human) the clairvoyance of the pure flesh eye.
- You achieve the devas’ eye.
- You receive the wisdom of knowing what is virtue and what is non-virtue.
- You are able to eliminate the darkness of ignorance; the concept of inherent existence.
- You receive the illumination of wisdom; even in samsara, you never experience darkness.
- You receive much wealth and enjoyment.
- You are reborn in the deva or human realm.
- You quickly become liberated.
- You quickly attain Enlightenment.
Engaging in Your Own Butterlamp Offering Retreat
Traditionally, a butterlamp offering retreat involves cleaning, preparing and lighting a minimum of 100,000 light offerings along with the requisite prayers. As butterlamps were made of butter or ghee set around a hand-made cotton wick in olden times, the preparation work was immense.
Fortunately, Rinpoche has devised another method for engaging in this retreat, one that is specially tailored to suit busy, modern lifestyles.
The Traditional Retreat
The procedure is as follows:
Wash your hands and clean your mouth.
Sweep and clean the working area very well. As the retreat is an offering to the Three Jewels, the area should be as clean, tidy and beautiful as possible, as the deities will be invoked to that place during the retreat and prayers.
Clean the butterlamp holders very well and prepare the butterlamps. This may include rolling the candle wicks, melting the ghee, pouring it into the butterlamp holders and waiting for it to set.
Having placed all the butterlamps on the altar, purify with incense while reciting OM AH HUM. It is important to purify all offerings in this manner. If offerings are not purified, we may experience strong obstacles to our Dharma practice or disturbing spirit interferences.
Recite prayers such as
- Lama Chopa up until just before the Tsok offering section. Instead of doing a tsok offering, the butterlamps are lit instead).
- Light Offering Prayer by Lama Atisha.
Light the butterlamps while reciting Lama Tsongkhapa’s migtsema mantra.
After lighting all the butterlamps, purify them with incense once again and recite OM AH HUM.
Recite concluding prayers such as:
- “Reviewing the Stages of the Path” until the dedication verses of Lama Chopa.
Recite dedication prayers.
An Alternative, Modern Butterlamp Retreat
As advised by Rinpoche, sincere practitioners who are too busy to engage in a traditional butterlamp retreat can sponsor a retreat or hire people to do the physical preparations instead of doing it themselves.
This benefits both parties:
- The person who sponsors the full cost of the retreat benefits because he directs the money he earns from hard work and effort towards the virtuous act of making offerings.
- The person who physically prepares, makes and lights the butterlamps also benefits because he is doing work in relations to the Three Jewels. Instead of earning money in an ordinary job, he is engaging in good Dharma work instead.

The butterlamp retreat facility at Tsem Ladrang, Kechara Forest Retreat
If we wish to sponsor a butterlamp retreat, the money we put towards it should come from a clean source i.e. we should not have obtained the money through negative means, such as from a slaughter-house business, drug trafficking, robbery, etc). We should offer the money with a good, strong motivation that we may gain wisdom, skilful means and attainments that can benefit others through the retreat.
Butterlamp Retreat Tips
When engaging in a 100,000 butterlamp retreat, we can offer as many butterlamps as we wish each day, the more the better! However, we should not skip even one day of making the offerings. If we are physically unable to do so due to travel or sickness, we should offer at least one butterlamp a day, with the prayers, to maintain the continuity. If we miss even one day, we have to start the retreat all over again from the beginning!
For Kechara, Rinpoche has advised to use a central image of Vajrayogini. We visualise that all the lineage lamas, Yidams, Buddhas, Dharma Protectors, dakas and dakinis dissolve into Vajrayogini as we recite prayers and make the offerings.
We should think that we are making offerings not just to a statue of Vajrayogini, but to all the Enlightened Beings. In this way, we make a direct connection to the enlightened body, speech and mind of these Beings, thus creating the karmic cause for us to get closer and achieve these same highly exalted, attained states.
Whichever method of retreat we choose to engage in, we should do it with full faith in the Three Jewels.
Begin Your Retreat Now
If you would like to start your butterlamp retreat by sponsoring butterlamp offerings at Tsem Ladrang in Kechara Forest Retreat, please contact vybutterlamp@gmail.com or 012-9983503. Payments can be made online and via cheque as follows:
Online Payment
Beneficiary: Persatuan Penganut Buddha Rumah Kechara
Bank Name: CIMB Bank
Bank Acc No: 8007-750-136
Payee Subject: VY Candle Retreat
By Cheque
Beneficiary Name: Kechara House

The butterlamps at Tsem Ladrang
酥油灯供养是一个很重要的修持。修行者应尽量完成至少十万盏酥油灯供养,因为这有助您在显宗修持上获得觉悟,在密续修持上取得成果。~ 詹杜固仁波切
- 照世如灯:你会如同一盏明灯照亮这个世界。
- 肉眼不坏:生为人身时,你将证得净眼通。
- 得于天眼:你将证得天眼通。
- 善恶智能:你将会获得可以分辨善法与恶法的智慧。
- 灭除大暗:你能够去除无明所造成的黑暗,即是自性有的概念。
- 得智慧明:你将会获得智慧之光的笼罩;即使生于娑婆世界,你也不会沦于黑暗。
- 具大福报:你将会获得大量财富和快乐。
- 命终生天:你将投生到天道或人道。
- 速证涅磐:你将很快地从娑婆世界中解脱。
- 速得证悟:你将很快达到证悟。
幸运的是, 仁波切提出了另一种善巧的方式,特别适合忙碌的现代人进行此项闭关。
- 念诵上师荟供祈愿文直至荟供环节(我们可以点燃酥油灯来取代荟供品)。
- 阿底峡尊者的《供灯祈愿文》。
- “熏修圆满道次第”至上师荟供回向文
- 全面赞助闭关者可以获得好处,因为他愿意将自己辛苦和努力赚来的金钱用于赞助这项殊胜的供养。
- 亲自准备、制作并点燃酥油灯的一方也会获得好处,因为他所做的工作与三宝有关。与其从事世俗工作赚取收入,他选择从事更有意义的佛法事业。

有意透过赞助克切拉禅修林詹拉章酥油灯供养来展开个人酥油灯供养闭关者,请发电邮到 vybutterlamp@gmail.com 或致电 012-9983503。你可透过银行转账或支票付款,详情如下:
银行户口名字:Persatuan Penganut Buddha Rumah Kechara
银行名称:CIMB Bank
项目名称:VY Candle Retreat
透过支票付款,抬头请写Kechara House。
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the tsemrinpoche.com blog team
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such a beneficial practice of Butterlamp Offering Retreat. Good opportunity too for us to engage with the 100,000 butterlamps offering at Kechara Forest Retreat as well. Reading this post have increase my knowledge and to understand more about it. It is very important to have correct motivation when we make offerings.
Thank you Rinpoche for not only sharing the Benefits of Butterlamp Offering Retreat but also created a butterlamp facility in Tsem Ladrang, KFR for practititioners, the opportunity to engage in this meritorious undertaking.
Thank you Rinpoche for always so considerate to the modern people lifestyle…. This is a very good platform for us to have the retreat and collect merits and get the blessings.
感恩仁波切的分享 !
感谢仁波切提供了各种管道让我们在这一世能够累积更多的功德和净化业障。 灯供 ~ 能够让我们累积更多的功德, 祛除我们的无明, 愚痴, 无知。大量的供灯, 对想要修行更高的层次上也有很大的帮助。
感谢仁波切提供金刚瑜伽母灯供闭关, 让我们拥有这机会在殊胜的金刚瑜伽母前做供灯闭关, 不间断的供灯予佛母金刚金刚瑜伽母,暨此累积功德 !
要了解更多供灯的好处, 请继续游览 :
希望大家踊跃参与金刚瑜伽母灯供闭关, 机会难逢, 可遇不可求 !
愿上师健康, 长寿, 常转法轮, 吉祥如意 !
Excellent opportunity, hope I can gather enough resources to do such a butterlamp retreat, and it is a wonderful way to collect much merits for spiritual growth.
Offering lights can really further our realisations and helps us to have a deep understanding about the buddha dharma.
Thank you Rinpoche for guiding and providing us the opportunity to engage with the 100,000 butterlamps offering retreat in Tsem Ladrang at Kechara Forest Retreat. Upon learning and understanding the benefits of lights offering, we should not wait but plan ahead to start and engage on this meritorious retreat, which can benefit many sentient beings including ourselves with pure motivations.
From my personal experience, there was a time where my mind was very awake, alert and able to stay focus with clear understanding on the Dharma topics discussion in a group chat after I had offered a number of lights to Buddha at one time. Lights offering has helped me to dispel the confusion, selfishness and laziness in my mind. I do hope and pray that I can continue to earn money to continuously offer lights, support my Dharma activities and dedicate for the growth of Dharma.
May all the lights offered up to the Buddhas dispel the darkness and eradicate the delusions and illusions from all sentient beings.
Thank you with folded hands,
kin hoe
Thank you, Rinpoche, for always finding ways for the modern and busy people to do Dharma and practice. Butterlamp offering is an important preliminary practice to help us eradicate our stinginess since we will use the money to offer up to the Buddha instead of buying things to enjoy ourselves and perpetuate attachment. We will also make a strong connection with the Buddha we make the offering to; in this case, through the kindness of Rinpoche, we will be making a connection with Vajrayogini. Sponsor the retreat to collect merits and blessings of Vajrayogini and Rinpoche, so that our mind will transform swiftly and gravitate towards seeking wisdom and realization that will liberate us and everyone from samsara.
Very informative sharing on Butterlamp Offerings Retreat.As mentioned above, offering candle or lights to Three Jewels have so many benefits and some are good to our trantric practice. Due to compassion of Rinpoche, he did advise how we can sponsored money to make butterlamp offerings to Buddha in order to collect merits. Click on the link http://www.vajrasecrets.com/ladrang-light-offering-fund if anyone interested to do butterlamps offering in Rinpoche Ladrang.
Thanks Rinpoche for giving us this opportunity to collect merits in this meritorious offerings.
Thank you Rinpoche for your kindness, compassion and always considered the ways that we can engage in dharma and collect merits. Sponsor a retreat or hire people to do the physical preparations of butterlamp offering is a very good idea and practice especially for those practitioners who are very busy and unable to do it themselves. This providing a very good opportunity for us to spend money in spiritual activities instead of mundane activities that will bring more suffering to us. Nevertheless, we have to take note that the sponsorship money must be obtained from a clean source i.e. not from non-virtuous actions.
With these explanation,i hope more people will get a better view and understanding of Butterlamp offerings retreat.there is so many wonderful benefits for both sides. The person who sponsors and the person who prepares, makes and lights the butterlamps .We are so fortunate able to participate in these meritorious light offering at KFR.I have shared with my friend about this Butterlamp offering retreat.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing very informative .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article about butterlamp offering retreat. Offering butterlamp has it benefits and one should do it on a regular basis. Thank you again to Rinpoche for giving us opportunity to engage on butterlamp retreat by having it in Tsem Ladrang.
With folded palms,
There are so many benefits of doing light offering. Thank you Rinpoche and Kechara for providing us a platform and opportunity for us to make offering to Buddha. Also very glad that Kechara team offer help to those who can’t travel due to various reasons to make light offering.
Butterlamp offering retreat is one of the 5 preliminary practices that a student should be completing before being qualified for higher initiations. It in itself, is a powerful purification and merit generating practice that would be very beneficial for any practitioner to complete, especially if the motivation is a pure one.
Even on a daily basis, light offering is part of the 8 sensory offerings that we have on our altars and we also offer light when someone is very ill or has just passed away.