Benefits and Miraculous Signs of Lama Tsongkhapa’s statues
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
As a student within the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, it is important for us to learn as much as we can about the founder of our lineage, Lama Tsongkhapa. Here are some short stories and facts to share with you to build your knowledge as well as confidence in the practice you engage in on a daily basis.
The Miracles of Lama Tsongkhapa
In the Root Tantra of Manjushri, Buddha Shakyamuni made a prediction about how Manjushri would later emanate as Lama Tsongkhapa:
After I pass away, and my pure doctrine is absent,
You will appear as an ordinary being,
Performing the deeds of a Buddha
And establishing the Joyful Land (Tushita), the great Protector
In the Land of the Snows (Tibet).
As Buddha predicted, Lama Tsongkhapa took birth in Tibet, the Land of Snows, where he lived from 1357 to 1419. During his lifetime, Lama Tsongkhapa established the pure Buddhadharma throughout Tibet without revealing many miracle powers openly but quietly clear miracles were observed by his close students. It is said that if Lama Tsongkhapa had displayed miracle powers and other forms of clairvoyance always openly, we would not have received much benefit from his actions today. Instead Lama Tsongkhapa compassionately showed us, through setting a pure example (morality) and teaching the Dharma – primarily the Lam Rim, Lojong and Mahamudra, how to enter an unmistaken spiritual path, how to practice the path comfortably and smoothly, and how we can eventually attain Enlightenment. Miracles by Lama Tsongkhapa are beautiful and inspirational. But stories on miracles will not bring us to enlightenment. Therefore Lama Tsongkhapa did not stress on miracles but the teachings of Lord Buddha to transform the mind, bring it to reality and to enlightenment. Because Lama Tsongkhapa focused on the practices, writings and teaching of Buddha, this is left to us today and if we study his teachings, we will definitely gain great knowledge and a complete practice to enlightenment. Lama Tsonghkapa’s true miraculous activity was to leave us over 18 volumes of writings from his knowledge and attainments. If we study this, we can gain high attainments.
Although Lama Tsongkhapa never displayed any miraculous deeds openly, after he entered parinirvana legends arose of miraculous signs appearing around statues crafted in his likeness all over Tibet. In fact, there are eight particularly famous statues that have shown incredible signs to sincere practitioners. Lama Tsongkhapa’s images have shown many healing and miraculous signs.
1. Je She Par Ma (The Venerable One who Disappeared with a Smile)
This statue was made by a sincere and humble practitioner who failed to find a statue of Lama Tsongkhapa for his retreat, so he ended up making a small statue to place on his altar. Every day, he treated the statue as if it was Lama Tsongkhapa, making offerings, prostrations and engaging in his meditations. One day upon arising from his meditation, he noticed the statue slowly melting into light. As he watched, he saw the statue suddenly smile as it rose into the air, then completely disappeared. He was surprised by the experience and for a long time he contemplated and eventually decided to tell his Guru about the incident. When his Guru heard the story, the Guru was extremely happy and told him to replicate the statue, which he did.
2. Je Nga Dra Ma (The Venerable One who is a Better Likeness)
3. Je Shen Pan Ma (The Venerable One who is More Beneficial to Others)
These two statues were made by two statue makers who were engaged in a friendly contest of measuring one’s craftsmanship. After they had completed crafting their best Tsongkhapa statue, they took it to a high Lama to determine who was the better craftsman. While the Lama was examining the statues, one of the statues spoke, “I am a better likeness”, then the other one said, “But I am more beneficial to others”. This was how these two statues eventually received their names.
4. Je Ku Thim Ma (The Venerable One who Dissolved into the Body)
This statue used to belong to Nyungna Lama, a devoted practitioner of Lama Tsongkhapa’s Guru Yoga. Everyday, he would regard this statue as Lama Tsongkhapa in the flesh and would go for refuge and dissolve Lama Tsongkhapa into his heart. Due to his sincerity and consistent practice, he developed a very pure heart and attained the special experience of concentration. It reached a point whereupon, while visualizing Lama Tsongkhapa dissolving into his heart, he felt that his statue had actually dissolved into him. Upon arising from his meditations, he found that his statue which was on his altar had completely vanished. After this, he attained much realizations. The news of this occurrence spread and the statue maker became famous for this incident. The craftsman later created another Lama Tsongkhapa statue, similar to the one that Nyungna Lama had owned.
5. Je Nam Pur Ma (The Venerable One who Rose into Space)
This particular statue belonged to a monastery where countless devotees would come to make offerings and prayers daily. There was one particularly sincere practitioner who would often see the statue rise into space and then return to the altar.
6. Je Tsong Poen Gelek Ma (The Venerable Chief Merchant Gelek)
This statue had been blessed by Lama Tsongkhapa himself, and it used to belong to one of Lama Tsongkhapa’s devoted students. One day, out of jealousy, a person stole the blessed statue and threw it into a river. The statue was thought to be lost forever until one day, a merchant by the name of Gelek noticed a bright rainbow appearing out of the river. He thought that it was an unusual sign and decided to spend the night nearby to investigate further the following day.
When he set out early the next morning to where he had previously seen the rainbow, he was surprised to find that the rainbow was still there! Convinced that there must be something special and auspicious present, he decided to dive into the icy river despite warnings from the local villagers on the dangers of the river. When he reached the bottom of the river, he found the statue of Lama Tsongkhapa, brightly radiating colorful rainbow lights. When he surfaced, onlookers were astonished that he had survived the dive and were even more surprised to see him holding onto the precious statue of Lama Tsongkhapa.
7. Je Tso Dog Ma (The Venerable One who Pacifies Conflicts)
There was a time when Eastern Tibet was plagued by a prolonged civil war. The local people, devastated by their losses and wanting the war to end decided to seek advice from a Lama, who was renowned as a great meditator. He instructed them to construct a large Lama Tsongkhapa statue and make continuous offerings and requests to the statue for the war to end. Determined to end the war, the villagers constructed the statue and did as the Lama had advised them. Not long after, the war ended and peace prevailed throughout the region.
8. Je Ling Pur Ma (The Venerable One Gone to Another Land)
This statue received its name after the much revered image mysteriously vanished from its monastery in Tibet. Various attained practitioners realized that it had taken its presence to a land far away, possibly in another dimension where the ground was laced with diamonds and where the beings that resided there had languages and customs unknown in this world. They also noted that the statue was benefiting the people of that land.
These are just a few accounts of the miracles related to Lama Tsongkhapa. In fact, there have been many more miracles experienced by various people throughout the centuries. This is Lama Tsongkhapa’s compassionate and wisdom-filled way to guide and show practitioners that the Dharma expounded by him, if practiced sincerely, can bring us to Enlightenment.
The Benefits of Lama Tsongkhapa’s Practice
The practice of Lama Tsongkhapa’s Gaden Lhagyama in the Gelugpa lineage originated directly from Buddha Shakyamuni’s time. Lama Tsongkhapa, who received blessings directly from Manjushri, passed the lineage to Je Sherab Senge, and through him the instruction flourished throughout Tibet over time. Because these Lamas came from a region called “Se” in Tibet, thus our lineage is called the “Segyu Lineage”.
There are many benefits of practicing Lama Tsongkhapa’s Guru Yoga, and like any other practice, when done the proper way, we can harness its full potential. When we practice the Gaden Lhagyama, we should visualize our root Guru as being one with Lama Tsongkhapa, offer the seven limb prayers and the mandala offering, make requests through recitation of the Migtsema mantra, and engage in the visualizations in a meditative state.
When a sincere practitioner practices in this manner, they will surely experience the full benefits of Lama Tsongkhapa’s practice. Here are the benefits to list just a few:
- Pacifies negative karma
- Pacifies obstacles
- Increases merits
- Increases life span
- Increases Dharma realizations
- Increases compassion, wisdom and spiritual power
- Protects from spirits
- Protects from untimely death
- Creates rain for crops
- Controls the weather
- Cures the “drib” disease, which is caused by certain classes of spirits
- Avoids harm from weapons
- Cures wind or “lung” diseases
- Cures physical and mental disabilities
- Protects from harm such as robbers
- Pacifies obstacles to growing crops such as insects
- Protects while travelling.
- One will not go hungry, and will obtain food
Of all these benefits, the most important is the ability to increase our wisdom. Wisdom is the antidote to ignorance, which is the root of all our suffering. Therefore to obtain the omniscient wisdom of the Buddha should be one’s highest spiritual aspiration. Almost all of Buddha’s perfect teachings in his scriptural texts were intended, either directly or indirectly, for His disciples to attain wisdom.
In the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra, the Buddha’s teachings on Emptiness which is the highest perfection of wisdom, is the essence of this great sutra. Lama Tsongkhapa has also described the wisdom of Emptiness as being “like a lamp dispelling the darkness of ignorance”. Seeing how the Buddha and countless great masters have stressed the urgency and importance of obtaining wisdom, we too should work towards attaining great wisdom which we can gain through the practice of Lama Tsongkhapa’s Gaden Lhagyama.
Throughout my years of teaching, I have come across many who consider Lama Tsongkhapa’s Gaden Lhagyama to be a minor practice. They think they would be better off receiving practices such as Tantra. This is a huge misconception and I want to share a story in hopes that this ignorance is dispelled.
Many years back when I first entered Gaden Shartse Monastery, I met an old monk. He was always happy, a sincere practitioner and very attained. Being young and new to the monastery, I had a deep interest in knowing how he could attain such a peaceful state. So I asked the senior monk about his practice, to which he replied “Gaden Lhagyama”. That caught me off guard. I was surprised because… honestly I was expecting a different answer. But that was what he said – Gaden Lhagyama.
The senior monk then proceeded to tell me how he used to be very fickle-minded about being in Dharma, and how he was always depressed due to the difficult conditions in the monastery. He had entertained thoughts of leaving, but deep down he knew Dharma was good for him. So one day, he decided to seek the advice of his teacher who told him to make Gaden Lhagyama his main practice. He did so and he saw a huge change in his mind which allowed him to continue being a monk in the monastery and live peacefully and happily. His teacher told him to focus on the Migtseyma mantra of Tsongkhapa in Gaden Lhagyama and his mind will become better. Sure enough it did. He told me to always do Migtseyma and always trust this practice as it brought him great benefits.
Another story that is often shared is how highly the practice of Gaden Lhagyama was regarded by His Holiness the 6th Panchen Lama, Palden Yeshe. It is said that a Mongolian minister once visited the Panchen Lama to request for a small practice. The Panchen Lama then asked him what type of practice he wanted, and the minister replied that he would like to receive the Migtsema practice. Upon hearing that, the Panchen Lama was surprised and said “How can you say that the practice of Migtsema is a small practice? There is no greater practice than this as it contains the meaning of all the Buddha’s 84,000 teachings!”
This is the greatness of Lama Tsongkhapa’s practice, and we should remember this daily when we engage in his practice. I wish all of you well, and may all auspiciousness be with you.
Tsem Rinpoche

This is the foot print of Lord Tsongkapa. He imprinted his foot in stone as a sign of his tantric achievements.

A unique Byzantine style depiction of Lama Tsongkhapa with his two heart disciples, Khedrup Je and Gyaltsab Je. This depiction of the three great practitioners is known in Tibetan as Je Yab Se Sum. Click to enlarge and download the high resolution version.

Five Visions of Lama Tsongkhapa. Click on image to enlarge or click here for more beautiful thangkas.
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Lama Tsongkhapa is a Buddha of our times and as an enlightened being, has the same realizations as all of the Buddhas. His practice is very powerful and is considered, by millions, to be a great sage. The Guru Yoga of Lama Tsongkhapa is such a short, profound and concise practice but is very deep and has vast, innumerable benefits. When we meditate the Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga practice by listening, reflecting, and meditating we makes it easier for us to develop compassion. There are many benefits of practicing Lama Tsongkhapa’s Guru Yoga, the most important is the ability to increase our wisdom. A short, powerful and beneficial practice ideal for busy people like us with little time to meditate . We are indeed very fortunate having the opportunity to practice the guru yoga of the great holy being Lama Tsongkhapa. To have to thank our Guru for bringing this practice to Malaysia. Interesting article.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing and explaining this powerful practice.
Revisit this blog again as the miracles stories of Lama Tsongkhapa Statues truly interesting. We are fortunate to have met our Lama Tsem Rinpoche learning all the wonderful teachings of Lama Tsongkhapa. Its such a beneficial teachings and practicing it with so many amazing benefits for us all. Reading this post have me increased my knowledge. Looking at the rare foot print of Lama Tsongkapa which is a sign of his tantric achievements is indeed a blessing for us. The practice of Migtsema is amazing and powerful as it contains the meaning of all the Buddha’s 84,000 teachings.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Chanting Migtsema has always raise my sense of love and compassion, I feel connected to this mantra. Tsongkhapa brought Buddha’s teachings to reality and left it to us today, so we can practice to be enlightenment. This is his compassionate to the world and it will never end.
All these stories about Tsongkhapa statues are wonderful and meaningful. Reading it calm me down. I should visualize more on my Tsongkhapa’s altar.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us these wonderful stories of Lama Tsongkhapa . We are fortunate to have met with Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching in this life through Rinpoche. As a student within the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, we should know and learn more about the founder of our lineage. By reading the stories of Lama Tsongkhapa and the benefits of practicing Lama Tsongkhapa have increased my knowledge. Wow… the famous Migtsema verse contains all the Buddha’s 84,000 teachings as explained by Rinpoche. Of all benefits by practicing Lama Tsongkhapa the most important is the ability to increase our wisdom.
Looking at the foot print of Lord Tsongkapa which he imprinted in the stone as a sign of his tantric achievements is indeed a blessing. A very rare picture.
Thanks again Rinpoche with folded hands.
During Buddha Shakyamuni’s time, a boy offered a crystal mala to Buddha Shakyamuni. Buddha Shakyamuni made a prediction that in future, this boy would appear in the Land of the Snows (Tibet) to revive Buddhism. Buddha Shakyamuni also instructed his disciple Maudgalyayana to bury a conch shell in the snow mountain where in future this boy (Tsongkhapa) would build a monastery. This conch shell was unearthed when Tsongkhapa built the Gaden Monastery.
When Tsongkhapa’s mother was pregnant with him, she had auspicious dreams and signs. She dreamt of Manjushri telling her a special being will come inside her womb, she dreamt of monks coming to make offerings. When Tsongkhapa was born in the year 1357, his mother suffered no pain, there were rainbows and beautiful singing of the celestial beings. At the spot where Tsongkhapa’s placenta was buried, Kumbun Monastery was built and many high lamas still visit this holy place until today.
Tsongkhapa exhibited extraordinary qualities when he was very young. He received his novice ordination vows at the age of 7, he could write and read by just observing his teacher. When he recited Manjushri’s mantra, the letter of his mantra would magically appear on the wall of his room. Tsongkhapa studied with many teachers from different lineages, later he founded Gelug lineage that stresses the importance of holding vows and commitments, and adhering to discipline.
By reciting the mantra of Lama Tsongkhapa, we are invoking the blessings from 3 Buddhas, i.e., Manjushri (for wisdom), Chenrezig (for compassion), Vajrapani (for skillful mean).
Tsongkhapa Mantra
I always thought that statue is just a simple representation of Buddha’s images. From this many stories, I have learned that the statue is not just simple Buddha’s images, it is also the “real Buddha” body. Thus, to pray to statue, is not just praying to a statue but Buddha himself. Lama Tsongkhapa through many miracle sign, showing to people that even His statue can be very bless and help people to be successful in spiritual path. Lama Tsongkhapa is so powerful.
I like the story of Je Nga Dra Ma and Je Shen Pan Ma statues. From the story I further learned that there is no good or bad on the statues. Every statues is a blessing from Lama Tsongkhapa.
By reading the stories of Lama Tsongkhapa’s statues and also the benefits of practicing Lama Tsongkhapa I gain more faith in Lama Tsongkhapa. . We are so lucky to have known Lama Tsongkhapa through Rinpoche
Thank you Rinpoche for introducing Lama Tsongkhapa to us.
This is something very motivating and inspiring. I’m a strong believer of miracles. I always believe that miracles do happen. And this write up really inspires me more about Lama Tsongkhapa practise. Thank you very much Rinpoche and writers for sharing these very inspiring wisdom about Lord Tsongkhapa _/\_
It makes me more confident in practicing Lama Tsongkhapa..numerous benefits that can be gained and beneficial to sentient beings today…As a student, no doubt a clear and calm mind is necessary in order to face challenges in my studies, I truly believe this practice could help me on that and help to accumulate my wisdom on dealing with life…Thank you Tsem Rinpoche for this informative and benificial article and not forgetting Mr. Wai Meng who bring me here to discover the wonders of Lama Tsongkhapa’s practice
Dear Zhen Kit,
Welcome to H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s blog. Indeed Lama Tsongkhapa’s practice has countless benefits. Rinpoche used to tell us for us to be able to appreciate Lama Tsongkhapa’s image/statue and practice itself requires great merits, so rejoice in your great merits! To even hear Lama Tsongkhapa’s name and see his image is enough to accumulate great merits, imagine doing his practice daily! Wow!
On Rinpoche’s blog here, there is a treasure trove of teachings on the Great Mahasiddha and Saint Lama Tsongkhapa, our lineage Guru and Buddha. Please feel free to explore further and widen your knowledge as well as gaining great blessings from reading anything of Lama Tsongkhapa, in this blessed category – Tsongkhapa
I wish a great success in your studies and practice, do please return to the blog here and let us know how your Lama Tsongkapa practice has helped you!
Do also join in on our weekly Saturday blog chat at 11am – 12noon. Every week a particular topic is being put forth for us to read and then discuss on blog chat Q&A. This is to further increase our knowledge and Dharma understanding. Tomorrow’s topic is…
“Is Modern Technology Good or Bad for Spirituality?”
Hope to see you around Zhen Kit!
Much Care,
Wonderful to know what Lama Tsongkhapa practice and teachings can do to help us There are so many benefits of practicing as long as we practice sincerely.Of all these benefits, the most important is the ability to increase our wisdom.I will always remember this. I am glad to know and understand better ,more of this teachings. The practice of Migtsema is so powerful ,contains the meaning of all the Buddha’s 84,000 teachings as explained by Rinpoche .Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this miraculous stories of Lama Tsongkhapa and the benefits of the practice.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you Rinpoche for bringing Lama Tsongkhapa practice and teaching into our life. Lama Tsongkhapa practice is not hard to follow but can effectively calm down my mind and bring inner peace to my mind. Lama Tsongkhapa had shown us all the way and methods to engage in Dharma practice. We should follow His examples especially when doing our preliminary practices as well as engaging in retreat.
Thank you Rinpoche with folded hands,
kin hoe
In many ways Rinpoche is very much like Lama Tsongkhapa. What stood out for me is that Lama Tsongkhapa would not show his miraculous powers to others because he wanted them to focus on the dharma teachings.
As stated in the article, “But stories on miracles will not bring us to enlightenment. Therefore Lama Tsongkhapa did not stress on miracles but the teachings of Lord Buddha to transform the mind, bring it to reality and to enlightenment. Because Lama Tsongkhapa focused on the practices, writings and teaching of Buddha, this is left to us today and if we study his teachings, we will definitely gain great knowledge and a complete practice to enlightenment.”.
This speaks volumes of Lama Tsongkhapa as his main focus was to guide others towards enlightenment. Everything else was not important although showing miraculous powers would attract many people to him.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you so much this wonderful teachings. I really loved it. I haven been doing this as you always have instructed us to and I find very beneficial to this modern life. Long live Rinpoche _()_
What wonderful stories about sincere practitioners of lama Tsongkhapa and the signs that are shown to the practitioners. To me it is also a sign that at this time Je Tsongkhapa’s teachings are particularly suited to the beings of this time.
Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for these magical stories of Lama Tsongkhapa. Sometimes, we tend to complicate things simply because we exaggerate and enlarge our problems so much that we have the misconception that only “high”, complicated solutions would work. A TedX talk by Jon Jandai on life is really easy reveals how accessible solutions to being wealthy materially and spiritually truly are. However mankind consistently invest in making life hard because in truth this is a comfort zone.
It is very encouraging to know that the powerful yet simple and easy to practice Gaden Lhagyama is made so accessible by Rinpoche online.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this article. I am extremely lucky to have met with Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching in this life.
I had came across the story on the old monk who achieve happiness by just doing Lama Tsongkhapa’s pratice in Rinpoche’s youtube teachings a few months back. It was then I started to increase my Migtzema recitations to 1 mala each day coupled with visualization. I must say that it made quite an impact on my way of thinking and emotions as well. I am more cheerful and my thought process improved as well.
As a student within the Gelug tradition of Tiebtan Buddhism, it is our honor to learn more about Lama Tsongkhapa. Here are a few things I learnt from this article:
1. We hardly heard of many clairvoyance powers by Lama Tsongkhapa. It is not a sign that he does not have the power but rather, out of compassion, he chose not to show his miracle powers because he knew that miracle power will not lead followers to enlightenment. But the teaching of Lam Rim and Lo Jong would.
2. From the story of Je She Par Ma and Je Ku Thim Ma; the power of Lama Tsongkhapa was invoked and miracle happened when the practitioners conduct their have pure devotion, practice consistently and regarded the images as Lama Tsongkhapa in flesh.
3. In the case of Je Tsong Poen Gelek Ma, it proved to us that afflicted action (e.g. jealousy) will never be able to conceal the greatness of Lama Tsongkhapa for long.
4. One of the benefits of Lama Tsongkhapa’s practice is to increase wisdom, this is of utmost importance because wisdom cut through ignorance, which is the cause of our sufferings.
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this blogpost that show us the greatness of Lama Tsongkhapa and His practice. I will remember this daily.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Dear Rinpoche,
I must say a big “Thank You” to Rinpoche as I can attest to what have been written above especially the story of the fickle-minded monk. There are many unhappy incidents happened throughout my journey in Dharma for the past two years especially when I wanted to engage in my two previous Lama Tsongkhapa retreats… but I am glad that that I have been given a profound practice, which is the seven-limb prayers Migtsema. I can at least face my problems better than I could think! At least, I can let go more… I really treasure what I have now … Dharma.
Thank you Rinpoche for the miraculous stories of Lama Tsongkhapa statues.
除了宗喀巴大师的教诲,宗喀巴大师的佛像其实也曾经显现过一些神迹。印象最深刻的是Je Tsong Poen Gelek Ma 和 Je Tso Dog Ma。这些神迹证明了宗喀巴大师的佛像不只是不容易摧毁而且还可以庇佑当地的居民,让战争停止和尽快的恢复和平的环境。