Blessing Eye Problems
Opening Eye Chenrezig (Migchey Chenrezig)
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Dear friends,
Due to the ultimate source of our karma ripening, we can experience many problems arising from environment, people, surroundings, food, sound, water, etc. They can afflict us and bring discomfort or problems, disturbing our quality of life. Within the Tantra taught by Buddha Shakyamuni, there are many practices that can avert many problems we may experience, some of the practices must be done with initiation, visualizing ourselves as the deity thereby purifying wrong perception. There are practices we do not need to visualize ourselves as the deity. And also both.
There are many hundreds of forms of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig. Chenrezig can manifest to help us heal, overcome obstacles, increase good qualities, gain wisdom, purify karma, and ultimately to reach full enlightenment. The great masters of Tibet, India, Nepal, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Kashmir, China, Korea and Japan have relied upon many forms of Chenrezig, and have obtain great benefits and blessings.
This form of Chenrezig I am sharing with all of you, is especially to heal the defects, problems, and disturbances specifically to our eyes. Out of the five senses, the eye is extremely important, therefore when it has problems, it can be worrying. This practice I am recommending here, you do not require initiation.
You may do this practice even if your eye is healthy or if they are afflicted. If your eyes are healthy, through this practice you can gain the special eye of wisdom that can penetrate Buddha’s teachings deeply. And samsara’s deception are seen by you clearly. You gain the eye of wisdom that penetrates the true existence of phenomena as elucidated by Tsongkhapa and Nagarjuna. You gain the eye of penetrative insight into ultimate mode of existence which is Emptiness. In fact this practice helps us to gain attainments to uncover “seeing” samsara for what it really is. Supreme wisdom.
If your eyes have illness, this can help to heal in conjunction with seeing the doctor and taking the medicine required. You can recite the mantra any time of the day or night daily, anywhere until healing is occurred. Sometimes you may receive dreams of your eyes being washed, cleaning your clothes, room, or a sangha washing an item, climbing a mountain, seeing the sun or moon rise, or vomiting. These are some indications in your dream that purification and healing are taken place. Even if you don’t have these dreams, it is ok as this practice blesses your eyes, increases your wisdom, and ultimately leads to Enlightenment.
Tsem Rinpoche
1. Sit comfortably on a chair or cushion
2. Take refuge, trusting that Chenrezig is a perfect refuge
Namo Guru-beh
Namo Buddha-ya
Namo Dharma-ya
Namo Sangha-ya
3. Recite the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation
4. Praise to Avalokiteshvara
I prostrate to Lord Avalokiteshvara,
With the eye of Compassion looking at all living beings,
Not affected by any defects, white in color,
Adorned with an Enlightened Being.
5. Mantra
tayatha om-huyoo-huyoo hoodoo-hoodoo kili-kili tsakyoo-ma ye-three ru-three na-yey soha (2x)
om saley-saley moom-saley koonrik soha (21x) (Main mantra)
om mani peme hung (2x)
Blow on ring fingers and rub on opposite eyes
6. Prayers of Request
O Guru Avalokiteshvara, embodiment of all Three Objects of Refuge,
I earnestly beseech You, with great enthusiasm
from the depths of my heart,
Please purify all the defects of my eyes,
Whatever has come either through previous karma
or through immediate circumstances.
Bless me to obtain the Wisdom Eye like that of the Supreme Lord
By purifying all these defects.
(Recite seven times, with very strong faith and confidence)
7. Dedication
Through the merit of this practice,
May I quickly attain the state of Lord Avalokiteshvara,
and lead all living beings, without exception,
to the state of Enlightenment.
You can listen to the recitation of the mantras here:
If you do not have time you can simply go directly to the mantra and recite as many as possible daily with confidence
If you have a shrine, make offerings to this form of Avalokiteshvara such as water, incense, or flowers. If you don’t it is also ok.
This practice can be done by anyone of any lineage and background even if you don’t call yourself a Buddhist. Chenrezig’s blessings are not subject to our definitions and radiate like the sun onto all.
During the mantra recitation, visualize from the front hands of Chenrezig, light flowing down onto one’s eyes and blessing them of all defects. Feel warmth and “movement” in your eye area as part of the healing process. This practice has no dangers or negative side effects, it is a gentle, simple, and easy practice. I have extracted the information and compiled here for modern practitioners based on the text by Losang Chokyi Wangchuk.
Huge statue of this form of Avalokitesvara in Mongolia.
Tibetan name: Migchey Chenrezig
English name: Opening Eye Kuan Yin or Chenrezig
Two hands are in front of the heart in the mudra of ‘opening your eyes’. The other two is a vase to wash the defects from your eyes and a mirror to see with wisdom into reality (Emptiness). He is standing up and white in color with peaceful face.

Semnyi Ngalso Chenrezig. Click on image to enlarge or click here for more beautiful thangkas.
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Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing of how to bless our eyes. As this modern world more people are using hand-phones, laptops and so forth in long terms , our eyes tends to have eyes problems. With this practice it might helps us in a way as it blesses our eyes, increases wisdom. I needed it as age catching up. Most common eye conditions leading to loss of vision or blindness are cataracts, diabetes-related retinopathy, glaucoma and so forth.
In the present-day many people suffers from eye problems .These disorders are usually overcome using powerful glasses and lenses, However using powerful glasses can worsen eye problems.
This is really a great article for all of us. I am blessed to come across of these practice and teaching, hope to start soon and overcome my eye problem. Thank you so much for the sharing.
Wonderful practice for anyone having eye problems or a healthy eye . Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this practice with us. Simple explanation of how it works.Well this practice blesses our eyes, increases wisdom, and ultimately leads to Enlightenment.
It’s amazing that there are many hundreds of forms of Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig.
My dad had minor stroke last 2 week, currently his eyes is having double vision . Surpringsly I found this article, wow! It’s a mantra specific for eyes healing. Thank you for sharing this Rinpoche, I need to give it a try and be patience. Hope my dad’s eye sight will recover soon.
Recently, I’ve developed eye problems and it is a relief to know there is a practice to purify and heal the defects. Thank you Rinpoche for this practice.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this Chenrizig mantra to bless our eyes. A much needed practise especially now that we are using laptops and mobile phone on long hours in a day.
If I really facing eye problem or disease, sure I recite it as much as possible……at the same time, will follow medicine from doctor as well.
I have been having trouble driving at night recently and I was told by Alice about this practice. In addition, I’ve recently read a couple of reviews on the effectiveness from various people who have done this practice on Facebook. Although I have just acquired glasses, I am certain this practice will be able complement and aid in improving my eyesight and the best part a clearer inner vision.
What I love about Tibetan Buddhism are the two prong healing methods to supplement our outer and inner self at the same time.
It is amazing that these two days, I had felt a slight blurring of eye sight. Not sure why but then I found this article by accidental clicking on it. Rinpoche is always so caring of us that he shows his concern for those of us with bad eye sight with this prayers to improve our eye sight. But the deeper meaning into the prayers, it is to help us gain the attainments of insight into the reality of things that we have the clarity to understand the situations. As such we may be able to help ourselves or others by countering samsara with the right methods. What Malaysians love, a bargain…prayers to regain eyesight and gain the higher attainments of penetrative insight. Wow! Thank you Rinpoche for your compassion and care in sharing this prayers with us. _()_
ive got eyesight problem, by chanting this mantra can i recover it? thankyou
Dear Edwin,
Welcome to This practice has been effacacious for many who had engaged in reciting the mantra consistently, I hope it will do the same for you.
Having said that, if you have a serious eye problem, please do consult a doctor. Practices are not substitutes for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a doctor or health care professional. Most of the time, practices and treatments complement each other to remove our illnesses.
Dear Tsem Tulku Rinpoche,
I think it was fate for me to come across your teaching of Migchey Chenrezig. I have some eye problems and will now start with mantras and prayers. With your blessings I hope I will recover soon and I hope to spread this mantras to others with eye problems.
Thank you for the simple and clear explanations & teachings.
Yours ever grateful,
Thanks for Rinpoche’s sharing , it was beneficial to share especially who have eye’s problem .May we gain the blessing through the practice to have the eye of wisdom that penetrates the true existence of phenomena .
Thanks Rinpoche for the sharing.
This practice is so special that can heal our eye problem.
I love Chenrezig too.
之前有朋友眼睛不舒服, 因此介绍他以上的方式,结果效果很好,他直说太神奇了,说怎样都要答谢我, 我拒绝了他的好意。我说你只要把这个良方送给又需要的人就是最好的答谢了。
Thank you Rinpoche, may this practice benefit the multitudes who may have some eye problems or defects!
Dear Rinpoche, thank you so much for sharing this teaching and mantra for blessing eye problems. I don’t have eye problems yet but when I am older I probably will. So, I will use it then. I can also dedicate it to some of my relatives who do have eye problems. Avaloketishvara is great for healing.
In this modern times, most of us spent a lot of time in front of computer screens which is not healthy for our eyes. This prayers is very good for us to practice as it not only heals our eyes, we are able to gain attainments and achieve supreme wisdom.
Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this priceless prayers.
Thank you Rinpoche sharing this simple practice to bless eye problems. Most of the time we are focus on computer, hand phone or TV ,we need practice it to have healthy eyes.
Thank You for sharing Rinpoche, the mantra can really benefit a lot of people who have eye problems. Instead of going thru some minor eye surgeries, people who take the practise seriously AND practise it sincerely, may get the cure.
To be honest when I first heard this teaching when Rinpoche did this recording, I was surprised! It seems like there is almost an antidote to everything in Vajrayana Buddhism. The compassionate Buddhas sure thought a lot so many problem we samsaric miserable being will encounter and how they can help us!
Not only is this practice great in aiding your eye problems, it also blesses the patient to gain the “wisdom eye”. This eye Rinpoche said is the ability to see through samsara and its deceptions, to be able to see things as they really are and not from our deluded projected expectations and labels. So besides just getting your eye sight improved, you also get a priceless blessing or special gift!
Wow! I love this Chenrezig. I love the statue, the meaning and how beneficial he is towards achieving deeper insight into the nature of our reality. I think a lot of people (including myself) practice Dharma and basically go through the motions with little or no insight into the true cause of their sufferings. Over time, due to a lack of merit and insight, we grow disillusioned with people, circumstances and our practice and we might even quit the Dharma. That’s really scary and so such practices if done with correction motivation can help to deepen our perception, understanding and practice of the Dharma. This is what is sorely needed because distractions are so powerful and they can sometimes overpower our merits and practice. I think this practice is indeed a powerful thing.
This was so good and nice teachings, that now only I knows have this practice to blessing eyes. So I can blessing my doggies at home for them good looking things.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this nice teachings.
Wow, thank you Rinpoche for taking the time to explain to us carefully and share with us this teaching on blessing eye problems. It is a very interesting practice that helps benefit us in many ways. I really like the huge statue of Avalokitesvara in Mongolia, it is truly magnificent and beautiful in so many ways. I hope this practice would benefit many people.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank You so must for this blessing. I have always got eyes problems and have migraine at dusk usually. I will do this practice to alleviate the eyes problems and also to increase wisdom to benefit others.
Thanks again.
With Folded Hands.
The great Compassionate One, the Lord who hears the suffering of the world and come to their aid in his many wondrous manifestations have appeared in a form to heal our eyes. It is so awesome to know that the manifestations of Enlightenment can do so much.
Hence, whenever we have fear in the Dharma or lack faith, think Chenesig and how brave he is in displaying his various manifestations to help the world!
We spend so much of our time in front of our mobile phones and the computer scree; at the end of the day, our eyes are tired and stressed out, sometimes requiring medical treatment.
This practice would help in healing of our eyes.
Thank You Rinpoche for this post.
Thank you rinpoche…
Thank you Rinpoche for recommending this simple and easy practice to heel our afflicted eyes. Through this profound practice we can gain the special eye of wisdom that can penetrate Buddha’s teaching deeply and also helps us to gain attainments to uncover seeing samsara for what it really is. Supreme wisdom.
Since i have dry eyes and poor vision i am going to start reciting this mantra daily to improve my eye sight.
Thank you very much for this teaching and practice. how important and beneficial this blog site is thank you agen.
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing to us, the prayer is short, simple and profound. Thank You for always care of us.
Best Regards : Eric kksiow
Thank you Rinpoche for your continuous blessing with many teachings and simplify the methods to help us in many ways. I wish everyone who has come across this practice and teaching will have many blessings to our eyes and remove all the obstacles along our Dharma journey.
Thank you, Rinpoche for the powerful mantras on this post. I rejoice that my eye problem of which I informed Rinpoche will now benefit so many.
I also thank Rinpoche for sponsoring the Medicine Buddha pujas at SK for quite recovery of my eye problem.
Yesterday, I went to see Doctor Pall Singh of the Hussein Onn eye hospital and he found that there is a tear in the retina of my left eye, which if not attended to, will result in blindness.
Dr Singh put a huge lens into my eyes to check for defects and it was quite an uncomfortable procedure and on finding the tear, he recommends that I have a laser treatment to prevent further deterioration of my condition. After such an uncomfortable check up, I was quite resistant to do the treatment immediately. However, knowing that Rinpoche is compassionately and lovingly behind me, I agreed.
During the laser procedure, I visualise Dr Singh as my protector and Rinpoche by my side and like a miracle, the whole process went smoothly and I felt no discomfort.
I am continuing my mantras for full recovery and today I am at work. Thank you, my Precious and Wonderful Guru for always caring for us. Doctors are great but to eliminate FEAR there is nothing more empowering than trusting my Guru. Much Much appreciation.
Hello Datuk May,
It is wonderful for you to tell us your experience, that everything went smoothly and that you are now recovering. Glad to hear you’re doing well.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for the valuable teaching. Just as we collect many negative karma through our eyes, we also can now collect much good karma and penetrative wisdom with our eyes through this practice.
Through our eyes we can clearly see suffering or instead be caught in seeing that pleasure as everlasting. See a person we can help today or see which person I want to harm today. See the animal as my lunch or dinner or see the animals as my friend and companion. I hope to see and attain that wisdom that will transform my inner self for benefit of others.
Now I know why Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara or Kuanyin is also respectfully called the Buddha of Compassion.
This mantra is so timely. Most of us spends a lot of time physically on laptops, personal computers, mobile phones with LED lights daily. This physically tires out our eyes and dries them up.
This mantra is not only beneficial in the physical sense for our eye’s health but to enable us to see “wisdom” with our non-physical eyes too. This is a good mantra to be shared with anyone, young and old. Thank you, Rinpoche and rest well.
Thank you rinpoche for sharing this teaching. Is ti okay of you do it for someones else ??? Must you fo it infront of him/her ?
Dear Rinpoche thank you very much for the teachings and practice together with the mantra. I will add on to my sadhana daily.l wish my cataract can improve and those Suffering from eye ailments be healed as well. thank you….
Thank you Tsem Tulku Rinpoche for posting all the procedure on mantra
recitation particularly on those to ward off diseases.
Dear Rinpoche, Thank you very much for this teaching and practice. Have shared with some of the attendees in the Setrap Puja, Viva Home and will remind them. One lady had cataract and other treatments done for her eyes. This practice is simple and easy to do. May all who practice have their eye problems healed and all gain wisdom through this.
Thank you Rinpoche for this powerful practice which is not only for those with eye-problems, but also for anyone of us who wish to have our “wisdom eye” opened.
When I was about to have my eye-cataracts removed from both eyes, Rinpoche gave me these mantras of Migchey Chenrezig to recite. I had smooth and successful eye-cataract removal operations for both eyes.
The power lies in this practice being not only for physical eye problems, but it is also for the developing of the eye of wisdom.
With the eye of wisdom, we gain penetrative insight into ultimate reality, that is, emptiness.
Reading this post reminds me the importance of having a Guru like Tsem Rinpoche who, human like ourselves has reached beyond selfishness,who has transcended the petty concerns of this world while still living in the world,who speaks and act from intuitive wisdom and who is truly dedicated to the welfare of others.
Thank you Rinpoche and may everyone be blessed by Chenrezig.
We are so lucky . Rinpoche have vast knowledge to teach us different methods to overcome our difficulties. I would like to practice this mantra daily, and see if i can eliminate my carelessness
My dear Rinpoche,
Thank you so much for this post.
I will share it with my mother as soon as I see her, as she has eye problems.
Dear Rinpoche, thank you for sharing this teaching. I will definitely recite Chenrezig mantra, blow on my ring finger and then transfer the blessing to my cat Hope. We saved her from the street a year ago and she had very bad flu and eye infection. She could not open her eyes and we applied ointment for her everyday for a month. When she could open her eyes, they were both very red. She is now a healthy 1+ year old but the vet thinks that she does not have a clear vision. I’m glad i’m able to do chenrezig mantra for her to help heal her eyes. With folded hands – Ashlee
How blessed we are to be able to receive this and share it with others. May many be healed through this holy mantra.
This further illustrates how important and beneficial this blog site is. To date it has 3,008,727 page views (as I type)… Truly remarkable and how lucky we all are to be able to receive teachings/blessings/prayers, etc through this most viable medium… 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for this simple but profound practice.
Our eyes is one faculty which can deceive our minds a lot. Its great to be able to achieve “Supreme wisdom ” through seeing the “truth” and not always live in delusion.
Thanks a lot. I too hv eye problems n going to start treatment that may hv risk of losing my eyesight or stroke! Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
Dear Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, thank you so much for your post on blessing the eyes! A few months ago I had a dream in which it seemed Lama Osel was washing in a mountain stream… I did not know what to make of this at all!! Now I take it as being a very encouraging sign 🙂 Thank you so much for all that you do, Best Wishes from Australia! Sascha
Thank you RInpoche for this precious teaching. A lot of us and our family have eyes problems. This is really a great teaching for all of us.
Dear Tsem Tulku Rinpoche,
Thank you so much for the teachings and explanation of one many great forms of teachings from Lord Avalokiteshvara. Another wonderful addition to my daily sadhana 🙂 As my grandmother is having some eye related problems for quite some time now, I can finally do something dedicated to her and able to share this teachings with friends & family alike who have similar symptoms.
Jack Ng