Comparisons of the Dorje Shugden Ban With Historic Persecutions
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
We respect and admire His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso for his constant effort to spread the Dharma and benefit millions of people. However, in 1996, the Dalai Lama made a controversial statement about Dorje Shugden that essentially degrades an enlightened deity as a mere worldly spirit and a damaging practice that encourages sectarianism. In addition, the Dalai Lama alluded to the fact that the Dorje Shugden practice might have adversely affected Tibetan independence efforts and worse, shortened His Holiness’ life. This statement was confusing because the Dalai Lama himself was a Dorje Shugden practitioner for over 30 years and had composed a prayer acknowledging the deity’s precious qualities. What is more, the Dalai Lama received this precious practice from his own root teacher, His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche.
Following the Dalai Lama’s declaration, a wave of negative reaction swelled against Dorje Shugden practitioners and it has sustained ever since. Nearly 20 years later, Dorje Shugden practitioners continue to suffer violent and vulgar persecution for their refusal to give up the practice.
Although recently, in September 2016, the Dalai Lama has refuted his previous statements and said that Dorje Shugden is not harmful to his life, the persecution of Shugden practitioners by the Tibetan leadership and self-proclaimed followers of the Dalai Lama continues. Please watch the video below:
“God is harming! Naga is harming!
For example, Gyalpo Shugden. I have put him [Dorje Shugden] in a position where he is a recipient of my compassion. Besides, I do not nor have I ever had any feeling that Gyalpo Shugden will harm me. Do you understand?
No matter how pitiful or wretched we are, however if we practise the Bodhicitta, love and compassion, no god or ghost can harm us.
In fact, if one were an honest to goodness protector on the side of virtue then it would not matter. The ones who have attained the ten stages of saintly perfection (ས་བཅུ། / sa bcu) like Palden Lhamo and Gonpo [Mahakala] who are almighty… ”
[Then the Dalai Lama turns and addresses someone else about an irrelevant topic][So if the Dalai Lama cannot be harmed by Shugden and not one can be harmed by Shugden especially if they practice love and compassion, then why is there 20 years of so much literature, speeches, talks, videos against Dorje Shugden? In the beginning the Dalai Lama said Shugden is a danger to his long life and Tibet’s fight for freedom. Shugden harms the Dalai Lama and harms Tibet. By worshiping Shugden you hurt the Dalai Lama’s life and endanger the cause of Tibet’s freedom. Now this year the Dalai Lama is saying the exact opposite. So why persecute Dorje Shugden and his followers then all these years? Why have the ban? Wouldn’t it have been better if nothing was said against Dorje Shugden in the first place and all harmony and unity was kept intact?]
Hence, in light of the ongoing and continued persecution they suffer, this article analyses the many similarities between the experiences of Dorje Shugden practitioners against similar historical narratives. By these comparisons, we can see that through persistent peaceful efforts in creating public awareness, we can reach our objectives to clear Dorje Shugden’s name and eliminate discrimination toward Dorje Shugden practitioners.
The Background of Dorje Shugden Ban
Prior to 1996, Dorje Shugden practice was widespread within the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and there was no hint of discrimination against its believers. Unlike the situation today, Shugden practitioners were allowed to hold positions within the CTA and participate in social events. In short, the Dorje Shugden prayers and rituals were an accepted part of Tibetan society and not subjected to state surveillance and religious discrimination.
In 1996, the Dalai Lama openly declared Dorje Shugden to be a worldly spirit. Since then, many of the Dalai Lama’s followers have discriminated against Dorje Shugden practitioners who have been progressively marginalised. From the time of the statement, they have no longer been able to hold positions within departments and bodies related to the CTA. Dorje Shugden practitioners have been refused entry into certain public premises (e.g., shops, restaurants, monasteries, etc.) and it has become taboo to be friends with Shugden believers or even to have any form of association with them. Even family ties are not spared.
In June 1996, the Tibetan Government-in-Exile’s Parliament passed a resolution regarding Dorje Shugden practice:
On September 17, 1997 the Tibetan Government-in-Exile’s Parliament passed another resolution that negatively affected Dorje Shugden practitioners:
Another resolution passed on March 17, 2014 that reaffirms resolutions previously passed in 1996, 1997 and 2008:
As we can see in the images above, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile repeatedly imposed policies aimed at forcing the cessation of the Dorje Shugden practice and in the process breached the rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners.
The Shugden community are in fact ordinary Tibetans engaging in an age-old spiritual practice that the bulk of the Gelug community have engaged in as well. The CTA’s actions against them grossly contradicted The Charter of the Tibetans in Exile which was supposed to encapsulate the Tibetan leadership’s promise of freedom to the people, a promise the CTA officially denied to a part of their community through the Dorje Shugden ban. The Charter was drafted by the Constitution Redrafting Committee, ironically set up by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and submitted to the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile for implementation. The Parliament, in turn, adopted the Charter on June 14, 1991. The Charter, based on the spirit of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, guarantees equality before the law and enjoyment of rights and freedom without discrimination on the basis of sex, religion, race, language and social origin to all Tibetans. In addition, the Charter guarantees “All religious denominations are equal before the law”.
For the CTA to pass official resolutions designed to eliminate a religious practice, contravenes the Tibetan Charter it is supposed to uphold and flies in the face of its own credibility. Instead of defending the Tibetan people’s rights to practise their respective beliefs, it spreads misinformation and propaganda reinforcing false assertions that it knows will incite the public due to their loyalty to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
A good example of discrimination against Dorje Shugden practitioners by the CTA is the length the Health Department goes to, to make sure Shugden practitioners do not gain employment with bodies under its governance.
Further Parliamentary resolutions were passed accusing Dorje Shugden practitioners of being supported or paid by the Chinese government to sabotage the Tibetan cause. These accusations have never been substantiated.
As a result, this discrimination caused a division between Dorje Shugden and non-Dorje Shugden supporters. The strong bond between the Tibetan people and their collective political commitments for their home country was henceforth drowned by waves of suspicion, hostilities and segregation within Tibetan communities throughout Asia, Europe and America.
According to a TIME magazine article titled The Dalai Lama’s Buddhist Foes by David Van Biema, “What pushes the current allegations into a potential human rights matter is the contention that those who won’t take the oaths (i.e. a signed documents to state that the person is not a Dorje Shugden follower) are denied monastery I.D. cards that the Tibetan Government in Exile allegedly requires to process visa requests through to the Indian government. (Most of the Tibetan diaspora lives in India.)”
On May 20, 2014, the CTA published a hit list titled List of Dolgyal followers who protested against the Dalai Lama in the United States and Europe on their official website. This itself is abusive and it is questionable the way a supposedly democratic government uses an official platform to persecute its own citizens unfairly. The hit list contains the full names, pictures and personal details of 20 Tibetans who were lawfully permitted to protest the Dalai Lama’s religious ban in Europe and the United States. The list was published with the intention to provoke the Dalai Lama’s loyalists to act aggressively against the Shugden community whose only crime was to exercise their basic human rights.
The discrimination that Dorje Shugden practitioners are experiencing today have similarities to other historic bigotry and prejudices such as the African American Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the Women’s Suffrage Movement and The Spanish Inquisition.
Go to the Civil Rights Movement >>
Civil Rights Movement
Historical Background
Slavery in the United States was abolished in 1865 following a bloody civil war, which was eventually won by the North. The American Congress and the States voted to change the Constitution in order to make slavery illegal. On the one hand, the abolition of slavery appeared to be a matter of mere formality and physical abuses toward the slaves lessened and their family members could not simply be taken away without their consent anymore following the constitutional amendments.
And yet, it failed to stop white Americans from continuing in the old ways to intimidate and coerce the black people to do their bidding as if they were still slaves. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) was established in 1865 to undermine the effort to abolish slavery. The KKK frequently carried out persecutory expeditions throughout the countryside, beating up and murdering many black people and white sympathisers. In addition, no white judge or jury in the South would impose capital punishment on any white man for the crime of murdering a black person. On the other hand, black people accused of crimes continued to be summarily lynched and punished without proper trial.
Workers’ unions controlled by white management saw to it that the black people did not get jobs. White employers often assigned the worst manual labour to black workers and paid them lower wages compared to their white counterparts.
In the now-famous case, Plessy vs. Fergusson, Hommer Plessy, a man of mixed race was indicted for sitting in certain communal facilities reserved for whites. The U.S. Supreme Court found that the blacks were ‘separate but equal’ which in essence improved the status of the blacks but only superficially. In his dissenting decision, Justice John Marshall Harlan protested that the decision was an expression of white supremacy; he predicted that segregation would “stimulate aggressions… ‘arouse race hate’ and ‘perpetuate a feeling of distrust between (the) races. The segregation between whites and blacks were so tense, even the jails were segregated.”
American sports culture was also prone to segregation until the mid-20th Century. Racial segregation in basketball lasted until 1950 when the NBA became racially integrated. To make matters worse, many states also banned interracial marriage. In 1967, Mildred and Richard Loving were sentenced to a year in prison in Virginia for engaging in an interracial marriage. Their marriage violated the state’s anti-miscegenation statute, the Racial Integrity Act of 1924, which prohibited marriage between people classified as white and people classified as “coloured” (persons of African or Native American ancestry). Eventually, in 1967, the Supreme Court invalidated the laws prohibiting interracial marriage in the United States.
Prior to the 1960s there were also many signs and boards installed to prohibit black people from entering restaurants, convenient stores and other public places.
Rosa Parks
There were attempts to improve the status of black people before the 1950s. For example, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was set up in 1909 but it was not until the 1950s and 1960s that the Civil Rights Movement, led by Dr Martin Luther King Jr., seriously challenged the culture of white race supremacy.
The following is the list of several brave men and women who took up the struggle and inspired the fight for racial equality for the African Americans:
- In 1954, Rev. Brown won the right to send his child to a white school.
- In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white person, inspiring the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
- In 1957, nine black students, with military protection, went to a white school in Little Rock, Arkansas.
- In 1963, after sit-in campaigns in the restaurants, Freedom Rides on interstate busses and bloody civil rights marches, a quarter of a million people marched to the Lincoln Memorial to hear Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s now-famous “I have a dream” speech.
An excerpt from the famous speech:
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today.
The courage of a handful men and women changed the lives of so many, and African Americans finally gained legal equality. In 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court declared all forms of segregation as being unconstitutional and in 1970, the legal framework that had supported segregation was dismantled. The decision related to the case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas in 1954 that formally outlawed segregation in public schools. Then the Fair Housing Act of 1968 administered and enforced by the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity prohibited discrimination in the sale and rental of housing on the basis of race, colour, national origin, religion, sex, familial status and disability. Formal racial discrimination became illegal in school systems, businesses, the American military, other civil services and the government.
African Americans Today
Since the success of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, African Americans have made tremendous progress. The largest cities, including New York, Chicago and Los Angeles have had black mayors. Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice held the position of Secretary of State and in 2009, Barack Obama became the first African American President of the United States.
The Civil Rights Movement was borne out of the initiatives of ordinary people. They did not hold high positions or massive wealth in the society. What they had in common was a strong sense of justice for all of humanity. They refused to be considered as lesser people and harnessed the power of the people to make sure their message was heard.
Historical Similarities with Dorje Shugden Ban
No | What happened then | What is happening today to DS practitioners |
1. | The KKK frequently carried out persecutory expeditions to beat and murder many African Americans and white sympathisers. | The CTA and many self-proclaimed followers of the Dalai Lama often harass Dorje Shugden practitioners either verbally or physically. For example, the 84-year old Gen Chonze la was beaten by masked and armed men at Trijang Ladrang. Many DS practitioners have received death threats and were subsequently forced to flee their homes in fear for their lives. |
2. | Prior to the 1960s, there were also many signs and boards installed to prohibit black people from entering restaurants, convenient stores and other public places. | Within the Tibetan-in-exile community in India, there are stores, monasteries and other public places that deny entry and service to Dorje Shugden practitioners. Hospitals have signs outside denying medical treatment for Dorje Shugden practitioners. |
3. | African Americans and whites are punished for forming family units. For example in 1967, Mildred and Richard Loving were sentenced to a year in prison in Virginia for engaging in an interracial marriage. | There is an abundance of documented evidence – videos, images, testimonies – especially within the Tibetan community in exile where family relations are severed just because their members choose to practise Dorje Shugden. |
Gender Segregation to Vote: Women Suffrage Movement in the United States
The women’s suffrage movement was aimed at legalising a woman’s right to vote in public elections. Women in Finland, Iceland, Sweden and some western U.S. states only gained limited voting rights in the late 19th Century.
Before the American Civil War, women were expected to stay home and take care of domestic matters. For economic reasons however, by the late 19th Century, many families allowed their female members to work outside.
Between one and five American women held employment outside their household chores by the turn of the century and 25% of those women worked in manufacturing. However, they only got paid half the wages compared to their male counterparts because it was assumed that these working women were single and only had to provide for themselves, whereas men needed to provide for their whole family. Many uneducated women at that time worked on farms doing domestic tasks or went to cities to look for jobs as maids or dishwashers.
In the 19th Century, the United States experienced rapid economic recovery that led to more sophisticated job openings for women. The economic expansion created a bigger need for more educated women due to the higher demand for female teachers to teach the future generation. As industrial factories started to expand all around the United States, so did job opportunities for women. The women established groups to educate themselves in employable skills such as reading and writing. These groups in turn discussed the possibility for women to possess the rights to hold properties, speak their minds, seek higher education and be treated equally and most controversially, to have the right to vote (suffrage). However, during its inception period, many people thought the idea of women’s suffrage was too perilous and controversial. Therefore, not many dared to fight for such supposedly obscure requests.
Despite having no political rights, women were still actively involved in the abolitionist movement. Frustrated by their political handicap, in May 1838, the Anti-Slavery Convention of Women created a big controversy because many conservative men and women thought that women should not make political statements. Those conservative men and women created angry mobs and burned down the convention building. The opposition continued at the World Anti-Slavery Conference in 1840, as women were not allowed to sit with men and debate over the issues because of their gender. There was a misconception about the reason for the women’s suffrage movement. Many thought the women were trying to be more superior than men. On contrary, the women only wanted to gain equal rights as their male counterparts.
In the 1800s, women organised, petitioned and picketed to win the right to vote. Some pursued a strategy of passing suffrage acts in each state; others challenged male-only voting laws in the courts. Another strategy used to gain the right for women to vote was more militant in nature. The militant suffragists used tactics such as parades, silent vigils and hunger strikes. The supporters of women suffrage movements often met fierce resistance. The opponents heckled, jailed and sometimes physically abused them.
By 1916, almost all of the major suffrage organisations gathered and focused their mission on one goal: a constitutional amendment. After decades of fighting for their right to vote, on May 21, 1919, the House of Representatives passed the amendment and two weeks later, the Senate followed. When Tennessee became the 36th state to ratify the amendment on August 18, 1920, the amendment passed its final hurdle for obtaining the agreement of 75% of the states. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby certified the ratification on August 26, 1920, thus changing the face of the American election demographic forever.
The U.S. Constitution: Women’s Right to Vote (1920). Click on image to enlarge.
Historical Similarities with Dorje Shugden Ban
No | What happened then | What is happening today to Dorje Shugden practitioners |
1. | Despite having no political rights, women were still actively involved in the abolitionist movement. Frustrated by their political disability, in May 1838, the Anti-Slavery Convention of Women, started a big controversy because many conservative men and women thought that women should not make political statements. | The CTA denies Shugden practitioners their basic rights, for example the Green Book which they need in order to vote in the Tibetan elections.
They are similarly denied other forms of ID, for example the monastic identity card needed to process visa requests through the Indian government. Thus they are denied freedom of movement and the right to travel freely. Dorje Shugden practitioners are denied employment within the Tibetan leadership, for example in the Department of Health. |
The Catholic Inquisition
The Inquisition was a group of institutions within the judicial system of the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy. Heresy is defined as the wilful and persistent rejection of any article of faith by a baptised member of the church.
The Inquisition was established in 12th Century France to handle religious sectarianism, in particular against the Cathars and the Waldensians. The Inquisitors were generally chosen from members of the Dominican Order, to replace the earlier practice of using local clergy as judges. The Dominican Order, or the Order of Preachers, is a mendicant Catholic religious order founded by the Spanish priest Saint Dominic de Guzman in France, approved by Pope Honorius III on December 22, 1216. The order was founded to preach the Gospel and to oppose heresy. It has produced many leading theologians and philosophers of their day, including those who have been elected as Bishop of Rome such as Pope Innocent V, Pope Benedict XI, Pope St. Pius V and Pope Benedict XXI.
In the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance, the concept and scope of the Inquisition was significantly expanded in response to the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation. As a result, its geographic scope was expanded to other European countries, resulting in the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions. For the purposes of highlighting the discrimination and religious persecutions faced by Jews and Muslims during the Inquisition period, this article will focus on the Spanish Inquisition.
The Spanish Inquisition
The coat of arms of the Spanish Inquisition
The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, more commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition, was established by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile in 1480. The Spanish Inquisition was supposedly established to fight heresy. In reality, it was a strategy to consolidate power in the monarchy of the newly-unified Spain using the papacy as an instrument of its means. It had a powerful and oppressive grip over all manner of operations in Spain, and her colonies and territories including the Canary Islands, the Spanish Netherlands, the Kingdom of Naples and all Spanish possessions in North, Central and South America.
The Spanish Inquisition was a religion-based political tool intended to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam to Catholicism. The King and Queen issued royal decrees in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain.
Jews were expelled from Spain after the last Muslim bastion, Granada, fell in 1492. Afterwards, both Jews and Muslims were expelled from Portugal in 1497 or were forced to convert to Christianity. After holding mass forced religious conversions, the Spanish Inquisition primarily targeted forced converts from Judaism. These new converts fell under suspicion of either continuing to practise their old religions or of having fallen back into it.
The Spanish Inquisitions held several major advantages for the Spanish Kingdom, such as:
- increasing the crown’s political authority
- weakening the opposition
- suppressing converts (Jews who converted to Catholicism) and Moriscos (former Muslims who converted to Christianity) in Spain or Portugal by using mass [forced] conversions
- profiting from the confiscation of property belonging to convicted heretics
- reducing social tensions and protecting the kingdom from the danger of a fifth column (acts of sabotage, disinformation or espionage executed within defence lines by secret sympathisers collaborating with an external force)
Spain in the 13th Century was not a prosperous country due to continuous warfare with Italy, and the conquest of Granada that had drained Spain’s resources. Therefore, seizing the wealth and power of the Jewish community through the Inquisition was a golden opportunity for both the monarchy and the government to restore its influence, power and refill their treasury. The Spanish government also used the Inquisition to create a pure and unified Spanish-Christian race by controlling the Jewish population.
The Spanish Inquisition had a devastatingly effective way for identifying converts who still practised their old beliefs known as the Edict of Grace. Following Sunday Mass, the Inquisitor would proceed to read the edict that explained possible heresies and encourage the congregation to come forward to confess. Those who confessed would be pardoned or graced with forgiveness (hence the term Edict of Grace). After being pardoned, they were encouraged to give up the names of people who allegedly committed heresies. Denunciations of the guilty parties were anonymous, making it challenging for the defendants to know the identity of their accusers. As a result, false denunciations occurred frequently, motivated by genuine concern, rivalries or even jealousies.
Following the denunciation, the case would be examined by the calificadores (qualifiers) to prove whether heresy truly existed, followed by detention of the accused. The detention was in fact paid for by the victims of the Inquisition, through the confiscation their properties. To make things worse, the defendants were not informed of the charge for months or even years.
Torture was also used to obtain ‘valid’ confessions under duress. The Inquisitors were also seen as being above the law and often abused their power to falsely accused people of non-conformity then confiscate their valuables using the threat of imprisonment. During the Spanish Inquisition, there were approximately 150,000 cases of persecutions by the Inquisitors that resulted in the execution of 3,000 to 5,000 defendants.
The Inquisition was finally abolished in 1834 by a Royal Decree signed by the regent Maria Christina of the Two Sicilies, Ferdinand’s VII’s liberal widow during the minority of Isabella II and with the approval of the President of the Cabinet Francisco Martinez de la Rosa.
Historical Similarities with Dorje Shugden Ban
No | What happened then | What is happening today to Dorje Shugden practitioners |
1. | The Spanish Inquisition was a religion-based political tool intended to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam to Catholicism. The King and Queen issued royal decrees in 1492 and 1502 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave Spain. | The CTA and several monasteries administration have issued various policies that discourage Dorje Shugden practice. Monks who refused to give up the practice were expelled from their monasteries. |
2. | Those who refused to conform faced torture and imprisonment. The property of Jews and Muslims were confiscated. People were encouraged to inform on one another, resulting in denunciations of innocent people. There was a pervasive atmosphere of mistrust and suspicion. | The Tibetan leadership and monastic authorities have encouraged identification of Dorje Shugden practitioners, for example by providing badges to non-Dorje Shugden practitioners to mark them as clean so it would be clear to everyone who should be discriminated against.
The ban was enforced through peer pressure, for example the ‘vote-stick’ referendum in Gaden and Sera Monasteries. In front of everyone, monks were forced to chose their Dorje Shugden practice. Those who refused to give it up, it was implied that they were against the Dalai Lama and were henceforth marked by everyone as deserving of discrimination and abuse. People would be rewarded with positions and a good reputation (leading to greater fund-raising opportunities with Western donors) for informing on secret Dorje Shugden practitioners. |
Government policies like those issued to suppress African Americans prior to the 1960s (race discrimination), women’s rights in Europe and the United States (gender discrimination), and Jews and Muslims during the Spanish Inquisition (religious discrimination) affected the lives of many people and created a lot of suffering. The ongoing persecution of Dorje Shugden believers by the Tibetan leadership bears much resemblance to these historic tyrannies. However, many of the victims of these unfair policies refused to be undermined and despite the obstacles, fought for equality and the abolition of unfair government policies. Although the battle was heavily weighted against their favour, their efforts were not in vain and they succeeded in creating a legacy of fairness and equality. Even today, the amendment to the American Constitution related to women’s right to vote continues to be used as a basis by women all over the world to gain equality in their respective countries.
In the case of the Civil Right Movement, although the government had abolished slavery, they did not state that African Americans would hold the same equal rights as their white counterparts. Such segregation compelled a handful of courageous people such as Rosa Parks and Dr Martin Luther King Jr. to raise the stakes in their fight for equality. Up until the Supreme Court declared all forms of segregation to be unconstitutional, African Americans were treated as inferior. In the end, as history shows, their movement to abolish legalised segregation between whites and non-whites was successful.
Similarly, Dorje Shugden practitioners need to create awareness of their experience in order to make a difference and eliminate the discrimination toward Dorje Shugden practitioners.
The Spanish Inquisition is perhaps the most easily relatable example for Dorje Shugden practitioners because of its nature as faith-based discrimination. It is important to note that while segregation faced by Dorje Shugden practitioners appears to be relatively milder, the damages faced by Shugden practitioners are just as devastating. Similarly, the fear of being discovered as a secret Dorje Shugden practitioner is no less real.
During the Spanish Inquisition, the Inquisitors came to the House of God on Sunday and read the Edict of Grace. It led conversos to confess to committing heresy and after being forgiven, they were made or encouraged to report on their conversos friends and families. Dorje Shugden monks in Gelugpa monasteries faced a similar situation when they were forced to choose whether or not they would give up their belief. Those who refused to saw their pictures and personal details published on posters placed around the Tibetan settlements in India and on the CTA official website. In addition, monks have to swear oaths that they are not Dorje Shugden followers to obtain monastery identity cards, without which they are crippled. Without these cards, they do not belong to any monastic institution and are unable to access monastic housing, food and health care, not to mention teachings and practices. They are prohibited from exercising their basic rights such as travel because they cannot obtain visas without a monastery and government endorsement. The persecutions therefore extend profusely to all layers of government and community.
Religious segregation is defined as the separation of people according to their religions. The term has been applied to cases of religion-based segregation occurring as a social phenomenon, as well as to segregation arising from laws, whether explicit or implicit. In the case of the CTA, these laws and efforts have clearly been explicit. The CTA has, over the years, repeatedly stated that there is no ban to Dorje Shugden practice, and instead their policies are merely suggestions to not follow the practice of Dorje Shugden. However, the various Resolutions and strong official statements released by the CTA regarding Dorje Shugden clearly show a specific purpose, which is the eradication of Dorje Shugden worshippers. It is strange for a government like the CTA to be actively promoting segregation against their own people and in the process, destroy the unity of an already-small community. By doing so, their true purpose as a government body to protect its citizens without prejudice has not been realised by any measure.
The Dalai Lama on Dorje Shugden Practice in 2008
This is what the Dalai Lama said about Dorje Shugden practitioners in 2008 in Drepung Monastery, South India. Eight years later, in September 2016, His Holiness the Dalai Lama compassionately showed a change in approach to the Dorje Shugden situation, and we are grateful for this. We hope that the Dalai Lama’s previous approach towards Dorje Shugden, as captured in the video below, will soon and swiftly be a part of history and eventually, nothing more than a distant, albeit painful, memory.
For more interesting information:
- Never Seen Before Footage of Dorje Shugden Oracles
- Our Lama vs the Dalai Lama – The Underlying Reasons For the Ban
- The Buddhist Divide – An Unholy Campaign Against Religious Freedom
- Is This True Religious Freedom?
- Badge of Shame
- China Officially Supports Dorje Shugden
- Will the Dalai Lama Agree With This?
- Why is she putting the Dalai Lama Down?
- The 14th Dalai Lama’s prayer to Dorje Shugden
- Dalai Lama Says We Can Practise Dorje Shugden Finally!
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Dorje Shugden has been declared as a worldly spirit by the Dalai Lama since 1996. Dorje Shugden practitioners who works for CTA have no longer can hold their positions within the departments. Besides that, they also not allowed to enter into some public places. This make me thought of one of the restaurant in Malaysia before, they do not welcome customer who are members of the ruling party. They put a sign outside their restaurant. Honestly I did not like the ruling party too, but I was hesitate about the implement of this policy by the restaurant. It feels something not right, it does not feel good.
What happened in the US this recently, the killing of George Floyd, has brings up the issue about the Black and the White again. Thank you Rinpoche for integrate these resources, it helps me understand how those movement evolve in the past. I see how every sectors of America slowly prone to racial segregation until the mid-20th Century. They even banned interracial marriage.
There are a lot world leaders that I admire and many of them are black. They have inspire me so much, i’m so encouraged by their strong sense of justice for all of humanity. They stand for what they truly belief and fight for it, they refused to be considered as lesser people and harnessed the power of the people.
It feel really bad when I look at The Spanish Inquisition. It is sad to see people lust for power in religion too. The Inquisition was aim to combat heresy of the church. During the ban of Dorje Shugden, people would be rewarded if they informing on secret Dorje Shugden practitioners, this is so horrible. We segregate because we have different perspective, we are not allow to have own identity, we judge others for being different. All the damages faced by these “lesser people” are overwhelming, the pain they faced are equal. I hope the Tibetan leaderships has enough for this, and this issue may evolve like the others comparison stories in this article as soon as possible.
In this world, different types discrimination is indeed ubiquitous, and it may happen around us every minute and every second. But is it possible that we will not let it happen? The answer is possible.
Since 1996, Dorje Shugden practitioners have been criticized and discriminated by non- Dorje Shugden practitioners. The reason why they suffer such unfair treatment is only because they practice Dorje Shugden. Why is this happening? Due to the Dalai Lama’s public negative comments on Dorje Shugden and the prohibition of Dorje Shugden, since that the practitioners of Dorje Shugden began to be banned from entering many places or even serving in the Tibetan government. Is the practitioners of Dorje Shugden going to suffer such an embarrassing treatment?
As a pure practitioner, in the Buddha’s teachings we learn, we are all taught to live in harmony regardless of race, color, religion, etc. So what does it mean that as a great Tibetan leader, he criticizes Dorje Shugden and prohibited the interaction between Dorje Shugden practitioners and non- Dorje Shugden practitioners so openly? As a result of the implementation of the ban, there are huge divergence between the Dorje Shugden practitioners and non Dorje Shugden practitioners, just because of the different belief.
The leadership of Tibet has always accused the practitioners of practicing Dorje Shugden in order to harm Tibet, hurt H.H the Dalai Lama and obtain benefits from China. Here, I have a question to all practitioners for advice. In the Buddha’s teachings we have learned, there is a teaching from it was mention that as long as we taking refuge to the Three Jewel, we will not get suffer from evil and spirits. So, why are you afraid that Dorje Shugden will hurt the practitioners now? Isn’t that quite different from what we have learned from those teachings? Or you are not get the teachings corrrecly? Or that the Buddha’s teachings were wrong? No no no! Buddha’s teaching is absolutely right! What I want to ask is, can anyone provide substantive evidence for these allegations? Therefore, we must review our own behavior.
There are many examples in this article. They have all suffered from discrimination, but in the end, they can get fair treatment. Why do the practitioners of Dorje Shugden’s ascent still have to suffer such injustice? Can the Tibetan leadership discuss this matter with the practitioners of Dorje Shugden and find a win-win solution? I am convinced that many people will be very happy if we can find a solution to the problem. Many teachers, students, families and friends, because of the ban of Dorje Shugden’s belief, began to go their own ways after the implementation of the injunction. If we can make Dorje Shugden’s practitioners and non Dorje Shugden’s practitioners live in harmony and return to the happy relationship before the injunction, then I believe that this will also produce great merit. Thank you!
Human history is rife with many examples of discrimination, discrimination is often done by one group of people to another group of people to exert power and authority over them. It is important we are aware that, the Dorje Shugden practice was subject to such a discrimination unfairly. The CTA had been using this issue to maximize their power and influence over Tibetans and tibetan polictics. One thing CTA should remember, all this politicking will eventually come to end, with not much benefit for the CTA.
Beautiful billboard just came up in our hometown of Bentong where Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) in Malaysia is located. All of us in Bentong are warm, simple and very friendly people. Our beautiful billboard depicts Dorje Shugden statue in KFR and Dorje Shugden is a hero (pahlawan) and a powerful being from Tibet. He is highly respected for giving great inspirations and blessings from his life story.~Tsem Rinpoche- See more beautiful pictures-
这个美丽的布告板刚在我们的家乡——文冬安装好。文冬是克切拉禅修林的所在地。我们文冬人热情、朴实和友善。我们美丽的布告板描绘着禅修林里的多杰雄登像,而多杰雄登是位英雄,也是一位来自西藏强大的守护者。从他的生平我们得知他因赐人加持和灵感而备受尊崇。詹仁波切- 点击链接查看更多图片:
Discrimination happens everywhere and the latest religious discrimination I would say is the Dorje Shugden practice. The Tibetan leadership even claim that they are a democracy but how could a democracy government punish their people for their personal choice of spirituality. Reasoning from Tibetan leadership is illogical and if we study the background or history of this protector practice, it has been practice for 300yrs ago and even His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama also practicing. How could a protector practice which has been practiced and benefited so many people and suddenly becomes an evil spirit? So many great masters have been practicing and they are attained master that able to control their rebirth.
It’s sad that to see the Tibetan leadership at this modern time still want to impose discrimination just like those days. The effect of such discrimination is only suffering. Tibetan leadership should stop this cruelty act. At this modern era, we should look for peace, harmony, and unity. Without this no way, we can live with each other. Tibetan leadership should stop all sorts of discrimination and focus on the right path which is how to fulfill His Holiness wishes and the promises to bring the Tibetan back to their homeland.
No leaders would take away religious freedom and human rights from their people. This is a mutual act for everyone to live together.
Back in 1996, H H Dalai Lama had made a controversial statement about Dorje Shugden that have caused much disharmony, sufferings among Tibetan Buddhism practitioners . The Tibetans were divided into two , families torn apart just as they do not agree and accept the practice of Dorje Shugden. The African Americans of black people and slavery , the women in Finland, Iceland, Sweden and some western U.S. states, slavery are some of the historical similarities with Dorje Shugden ban where they suffered badly such as physical abuses, denied services to hospitals, restaurants , schools and so forth having many signs and boards installed to prohibit them from entering. Those who refused to follow their order or to give up their practice were conform faced torture, imprisonment discrimination and abuse. Tibetans in exile, wicca, pagans and so forth are denied their rights of religious freedom. Everyone should have their own rights to choose what we believe and practice. The Dalai Lama have said that Dorje Shugden cannot harm him , as proven Dorje Shugden is not evil. It is recognised to be an emanation of the bodhisattva Manjushri and a dharma protector. They (CTA ) should stopped and should not be involved in religion. Allow religious freedom for the sake of all, and future generations to come. Peace and harmony must be maintained, for the growth of a nation.
Thank you Velentina for this well researched article to bring more awareness and knowledge for many of us and these abroad.
Discrimination happens in most of the countries, between races, religions, genders, nationalities, and the list goes on, whenever there are people, even till to date, there are still discrimination between people to people. So much disharmony created to our living society, this is very unnecessary, i mean, who like to live in a disharmony place?
Dorje Shugden issue is definitely a very good example, CTA claimed that Dorje Shugden is the caused for Tibetan separation, but looking at CTA’s action for the past 20 years, I wonder who is the one who cause separation.
CTA issued 1 resolution after resolution to encourage their people to stop DS practitioners from attending public events, to disassociate with DS practitioners, to discourage DS practitioners to attend Dalai Lama’s talk, etc. They claimed that DS practitioners were paid by the Chinese government to defame Dalai Lama, but logical thinking, looking at the amount of DS practitioners around the world, how much do you think the Chinese government have to pay every month?
CTA also claimed DS practitioners were paid for the propaganda of baseless accusation towards Dalai Lama, but as a DS practitioners myself, I never say a single negative word towards Dalai Lama, and in fact, I have to face ‘unknown’ people to call me chinese dogs, chinese spy, being cursed, and many more, when I tried to speak to them, to request for further proof claiming myself being paid by the chinese government to defame Dalai Lama, they just ignore and continue name calling. Well, I really wonder who is the one being paid to defame and abuse others.
When CTA started issuing the resolution to discriminate DS practitioners, they have already pushing towards the path of separation, it has never been DS or the practitioners, it has never been Dalai Lama or any great masters, it was all sponsored, planned, and execute by CTA, When Dalai Lama first announce the discouragement to practice Dorje Shugden 20 years ago, CTA has acted so swiftly with the Thunder speed to issue the resolution against DS practitioners and executed it so well, but how come 20 years later when Dalai Lama said we are free to practice DS as DS wont shorten his life and harm the unity of Tibetans, CTA has no single action to lift the ban? Since CTA has been using Dalai Lama’s name to impose and execute the ban, they are showing to be so loyal to Dalai Lama, so why now they don’t follow what Dalai Lama said?
So what is CTA’s real intention? for the benefit of the Tibetans or for their own benefit?
Mantras are sacred verbalized words that invoke the protection and blessings of the deity to whom the mantra is ascribed. Mantras are also the manifestations of Buddhas in the form of ‘sounds’, hence the various mantras of Dorje Shugden contain the essence of the Protector.
Dorje Shugden’s main mantra 多杰雄登主要咒语
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for peace 平和咒语
For gaining attainments through the energy of Peaceful Shugden, peace of environment and mind, harmony in one’s abode and dwelling area, and calming of disasters
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for health 福寿安康咒语
For long life, increasing life, healing of disease and protection from diseases
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for increase 增长咒语
For gaining great merits and increase of all necessary needs, both material and spiritual
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for control 控制咒语
Of worldly deities, negative people and nagas and for influencing friends towards the positive
Dorje Shugden’s mantra to grant protection 庇护咒语
Visualize that you are in the Protector’s mandala, fully protected from outside interferences. Recite when in danger or for dangerous situations, for protection while travelling or when residing in dangerous/hostile places
Dear friends,
Tibet has produced many powerful meditations, rituals and guidelines to help us gain spiritual protection, gain wisdom and higher states of consciousness. In general Tibet has produced many powerful methods for the growth of our spiritual evolution. Dorje Shugden is an angel, a saint, a powerful spiritual protector-warrior who originated 350 years ago when a highly awakened Tibetan Lama fulfilled his vows to become a special being to grant protection, wisdom, material needs, safety when travelling (normal and astral travel) and spiritual awakening. Both the Great 5th Dalai Lama and the current His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama composed short yet effective prayers to invoke upon the power and blessings of this special saint and protector. One can recite either one of the prayers that you feel suits you, anytime or even daily. When you feel a special need for help, you can recite either prayer anytime. When you are feeling down, afraid or just need a blessing, you can recite them. After reciting either invocation, it is good to chant the mantra of Dorje Shugden: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.
You do not have to be a Buddhist or practitioner of any religion to invoke upon the blessings and protection of this special enlightened and awakened angel Dorje Shugden. He helps all without discrimination or bias as he is filled with compassion and love. Divinity has no boundaries, they help all who call upon them.
Enclosed are the prayers in English, Chinese and Tibetan.
May you be safe, protected and blessed.
Tsem Rinpoche
More on the Great 5th Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden –
More on H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden –
Chapel (Trode Khangsar) built by the Great 5th Dalai Lama dedicated to Dorje Shugden in Lhasa –
西藏产生了许多有助于我们得到精神庇佑、取得智慧和更高层次之觉悟的强大禅修法、仪式和教诲。总括来说,西藏产生了许多有助于我们在修行上取得提升的强有力方法。多杰雄登是一个天使,一位圣人和一名护法战士。他的崛起始于350年前,当一位高度觉悟的西藏高僧履行本身的承诺,化身为特别的护法,赐予我们守护、智慧、物质需要、出入平安(平日外游和神游时)和灵修上的觉醒。任何人都可以随时随地在任何时候念诵适合自己的祈愿文。当你需要特别的帮助时,你可以随时念诵任何一篇祈愿文。当你感到沮丧、恐惧或仅是需要加持时,你也可以持诵这些祈愿文。在念诵任何祈请文后,你应该接着念诵多杰雄登的心咒:嗡 班杂 维格 毗札那 娑哈 Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha。
更多关于第五世达赖尊者和多杰雄登护法的内容 —
更多关于第十四世达赖尊者和多杰雄登护法的内容 —
Divination (‘mo’) Text by Dorje Shugden
This is an important divination (‘mo’) text composed by Dorje Shugden himself. Dorje Shugden took trance of the Choyang Dulzin oracle lama, the senior oracle of Gaden Shartse Monastery, and instantly on the spot composed this text within two hours.
The divination text contains information on how to use dice to do divination for the future and is known to be highly accurate. When practitioners use this text, they will be in direct contact with Dorje Shugden to get answers to questions about the future. It is for those who have good samaya with Dorje Shugden and are free of the eight worldly dharmas to be of benefit to others in divining the future.
Tsem Rinpoche
Be blessed with these rare videos featuring explanation and advice about Dorje Shugden practice by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche in his own voice. The teaching was requested by Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the earliest masters who taught Tibetan Buddhism in the West.
Video 1: H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains Dorje Shugden Initiation and Benefits (With English Subtitles)
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was an erudite scholar, ritual master and practitioner of the highest degree from Tibet. At the request of Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the pioneers who taught Tibetan Buddhism in America, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche gives clear explanation and advice about the life-entrustment initiation of Dorje Shugden and how to go about the practice and get the maximum benefits in this video.
Video 2: H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche speaks on the History and Lineage of Dorje Shugden (With English Subtitles)
In this video, an erudite scholar, ritual master and practitioner of the highest degree from Tibet, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche talks about the incarnation lineage of Dorje Shugden and how the practice arose, with examples of Dorje Shugden’s previous lives that reveal his powerful spiritual attainments and contributions. This very rare teaching was given at the request of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s student, Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the pioneers who taught Buddhism in the West to many disciples since the 1970s.
For more information:
His Holiness the 10th Panchen Lama
Tibetans commonly refer to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and His Holiness 10th Panchen Lama as the “sun and moon” of Tibetan Buddhism. They are the center of Tibetan Buddhist civilization, which draws to its sphere of influence millions of non-Tibetan practitioners. The Panchen Lama’s incarnation line began with the 16th abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen (1570 – 1662). He was bestowed the title of Panchen Lama by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama after being declared as an emanation of Amitabha.
After being given the title, his three previous incarnations were posthumously also bestowed the title, making Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen the 4th Panchen Lama. He became a teacher to many Tibetans, Bhutanese and Mongolian religious figures, including His Holiness the 4th and 5th Dalai Lamas, and the 1st Jetsun Dampa of Mongolia. A prolific author, Chokyi Gyeltsen is credited with over a hundred compositions, including a number of commentaries and ritual texts that remain central in the Gelukpa tradition today. Along with his role as a teacher of the Dharma, the Panchen Lamas are usually responsible for the recognition of the rebirths of the Dalai Lamas, and vice versa.
The 10th Panchen Lama, Lobsang Trinley Lhundrub Chokyi Gyeltsen (19 February 1938 – 28 January 1989) continued both the spiritual and political roles of his predecessors. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, his contemporary, was even heard to say and echo the Panchen Lama’s own words that the Dalai Lama would safeguard Tibet from the outside while the Panchen Lama would safeguard Tibet from the inside, as he never left Tibet after the political troubles of 1959. He was truly loved by the Tibetans, all the way until his passing. When he taught, thousands of people would attend, not only from his own Gelug lineage, but masters and practitioners from all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.
At his sprawling monastery of Tashi Lhunpo, he has a special chapel specifically dedicated to Dorje Shugden, where prayers and rituals are performed on a daily basis. In his great omniscience the Panchen Lama held Dorje Shugden as the principal Dharma protector of the monastery. He also personally propitiated Dorje Shugden among other Dharma protectors, and even wrote extensive prayers and rituals to Dorje Shugden. These rituals and prayers are contained within his ‘sung bum’ or collected works, which are provided here. As such a great lama, with an erudite and clear understanding of the Buddhist scriptures, a teacher to millions in both Tibet and China, from an established incarnation line and an emanation of the Buddha Amitabha, he could not be mistaken about his practice of Dorje Shugden.
His Holiness 10th Panchen Lama is known for his composition of commentaries and practice texts that are still in use by contemporary Buddhist practitioners both in Tibet and across the world. One of these is a powerful ritual composition propitiating the compassionate Dorje Shugden.
Upon the request by Acharya Lobsang Jangchub to compose a shorter version of the prayer (sadhana) for the exhortation of activities of Dorje Shugden, Panchen Lama immediately composed an abbreviate form of Dorje Shugden’s Kangsol. This text is entitled “Manjunatha’s (Tsongkapa) Lineage protector Dorje Shugden and five forms wrathful propitiations and confessional prayers and fulfilment of activities rites” or “Melodious sound of Accomplishment of the Four Activities” for short. Once the prayers were completed, he had signs and strong feelings that Dorje Shugden has been working hard to protect the Buddhadharma in general and the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa specifically.
Mirroring the abilities of one of his earlier incarnations, Khedrub Je, a disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa and master of both sutra and tantra, the Panchen Lama used his compositional skill and poetic prowess to create a masterful sadhana. Worthy of note is a praise in which the first letter of each verse is a Tibetan vowel. Such compositions are rarely seen, and have historically only been used when propitiating senior Dharma protectors such as Palden Lhamo and Kalarupa.
The Panchen Lama also stated that while composing the Dorje Shugden sadhana (prayers) he was filled with a sense of happiness and bliss. He ends the composition with not only his official title but his ordination name, Tenzin Trinley Jigme Choje Wangchuk, endorsing the validity of his work. He composed the sadhana in his own Tashi Lhunpo monastery while in the Hall of Clear Light and Bliss.
See the Panchen Lama’s writings and download:
For the first time available, Dorje Shugden and his entourage of 32 asssistants of his mandala.
Dorje Shugden is a powerful protector deity who is also an emanation of Manjushri, a wisdom bestowing Buddha. Therefore, he has great ability to help us to progress further on the spiritual path. He does this by helping us to overcome obstacles and problems for the modern individual.
Due to his enlightened nature, Dorje Shugden is able to manifest 32 deities and within the same abode resides Setrap and Kache Marpo:-
1. 5 Dorje Shugden families or emanations. They consists of the following:-
– Dulzin Dorje Shugden, which performs activities to eliminate inner and outer obstacles.
– Shize, which performs activities to pacify all illnesses and disease.
– Gyenze, which performs activities to increase all desirable material and spiritual wealth.
– Wangze, which performs activities to control difficult people and circumstances.
– Trakze, which performs activities to wrathfully eliminate all insurmountable obstacles and life-threatening situations.
2. 9 Mothers. They represent protection of the five senses and developing control of the four elements. These are all attributes that signify their ability to assist tantric practitioners with their higher meditations.
3. 8 Guiding Monks. They represent the Eight Great Bodhisattvas (Avalokitesvara, Manjushri, Vajrapani, Samantabhadra, Maitreya, Kshitigarbha, Akashagarbha, Sarva-nivarana-viskambini) and they bring about the growth of the Dharma, through the Sangha, Dharma practitioners and Dharma establishments.
4. 10 Youthful & Wrathful Attendants. They represent the ten wrathful attendants to avert inner and outer obstacles. They are beings who are from Mongolia, China, Kashmir, India, Bengali, etc.
5. Setrap. He is a senior Dharma Protector from India and an emanation of Amitabha Buddha. He had enthroned Dorje Shugden as an authentic Dharma Protector. Therefore, he also resides within the same mandala of Dorje Shugden.
6. Kache Marpo. He is not an emanation of Dorje Shugden but he is still an enlightened Dharma Protector in his own right. He was originally known as Tsiu Marpo of Samye Monastery. However, he has placed himself under the service of Dorje Shugden as his chief minister, performing many activities in order to protect and benefit practitioners. Therefore, he stands guard at the main entrance of Dorje Shugden’s mandala. He often takes trance of qualified mediums to speak.
7. Namkar Barzin. He is the reincarnation of an old Mongolian monk and when he passed away in Phari area of Tibet, his spirit was placed as a powerful assistant of Dorje Shugden. He guards and protects buildings and great institutions especially those that benefit others. He rides on a mythical Gyaling animal that resembles a goat but with scales.
These sacred images are available on *Vajrasecrets. They are made of high quality alloy and are one of a kind. They are based on the lineage of His Holiness Panchen Rinpoche’s monastery, Tashilhunpo in Shigatse, Tibet. In fact, the iconography of these statues are based on detailed photographs taken by H. E. Tsem Rinpoche during a trip to Tashilhunpo’s protector chapel. These are based exactly as the 10th Panchen Lama’s personal collection.
Dorje Shugden mandala:
Dorje Shugden’s benefit and practice:
Dorje Shugden’s origins:
Dorje Shugden chapel in His Holiness Panchen Rinpoche’s Tashilhunpo Monastery in Tibet:
*Stand not included
Amazing post!!!!!
Dear friends, For months we have been working on this BEAUTIFUL and meaningful mural in Kathmandu, Nepal. Please click here to enjoy the many stunning pictures of this mural:
Tsem Rinpoche
Sakya tradition’s thangka of Dorje Shugden sitting on a throne within his palace with his four emanations and high Sakya Lamas nearby. Tsem Rinpoche
Antique Pelden Lhamo thangka with sacred Dorje Shugden at the bottom right. Can see Tsongkapa and Guru Rinpoche on the top also. Beautiful and holy.
It is a very good article to draw, references to other forms of oppression, that has happened in the past. We cannot be having double standards, in terms of defining what discrimination is. Sad to note that even with such a declaration, Shugden Lamas are still abused and vulgarities thrown at them on public platforms. Are we seeing that the followers of Dalai Lama are so blinded with hate that they are prepared to disparage the Dalai Lama’s words. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for this interesting research and write up ?
In this video, a nice couple is being targeted and attacked just because they are pagan faith. They are Wiccan and the nice lady is a practising elemental witch, but they are being perceived to be bad people and hurting children, although none of that is true and they are being attacked for their faith. This is also another example of what Dorje Shugden people go through especially in Dharamsala, India because the Tibetan Leadership has put a notice on their official site stating that Shugden practitioners are bad and demon worshippers which is completely untrue. Hence, daily Shugden practitioners are being persecuted and if you are not there in Dharamsala, you get online abuse like what H.E. Tsem Rinpoche receives daily as well as myself and other Kecharians who are openly practising what our Guru gave us.
Is this kind of discrimination and violence acceptable in this day and age when there is religious freedom? Why are these people allowed to do this crime? Why is the Tibetan Leadership acting like a dictatorship and attacking others of a different faith? They do it indirectly and encourage this hatred because they do nothing, say nothing and have a page talking against Shugden on their official website. That is a clear indication there is a ban and discrimination against Shugden people.
I’ve just attached a video here on a lady reading about “the Persecution of Women in Witchcraft”. It is stated that in the early 16th century there was a mass execution of witchcraft. In the year 1515 in Geneva Switzerland, they burned 500 witches at the stake.In 1526, 1000 witches in Italy were executed. In 1571 witch hunt spreads across France.In total it is estimated from 1500 – 1600, there were 50 – 80,000 suspected witches executed.
Religious persecution in any way is wrong, look at how many lives were taken because people decide to discriminate on others and persecute them just because they do not follow your belief system. This is exactly what Dorje Shugden practitioners are facing today as well when the Tibetan leadership keeps on harping and silently encouraging their people to discriminate and ostracised Shugden practitioners which we can see from all the above online abuse. Is this okay in this 21st century, is this what H.H. the Dalai Lama advocates – religious tolerance? I think not.
In this video is a police officer being discriminated for his Wiccan religion and he is going to sue the state because he was told it was mandatory for him to attend a Christian gathering. There is supposed to be freedom of religion, so why is it okay for a group of people to force other people to join, pray and believe their religion? And what gives them the authority to tell people what to believe or not to believe in? This is a dictatorship type of leadership, not a democratic one at all. And this is exactly the same question I would like to ask the Tibetan Leadership and those who come on our social media wall to abuse us and call us names and vulgarities because we practice Dorje Shugden. Watch what the guy says in the video.
Everyone has rights to practise what they like. Those who practise witchcraft has their rights to practise but they are not allowed to voice out their concerns, fearing to be treated differently just like most Dorje Shugden people.
Taken away the rights to purchase items for witchcraft is the same as burning the witch for practising their religion. It is just a manifestation of different types of witch hunt and banning the sale of certain items is the same as stopping them from practising a certain ritual that is the same as taking their rights away. This scenario is the same as what Dorje Shugden people face also.
This is another proof of discrimination that is similar to Dorje Shugden people. The witchcraft people do not get to purchase their religious practise items online because there is no law that protects their rights on what they can purchase and what not they cannot.
Despite the founding fathers’ effort to give Americans religious freedom, the Wiccans and Pagans are denied their right, such as to have Chaplains to perform ceremonies, receiving books and materials and so on in prison. It is not fair and this is the kind of discrimination Dorje Shugden practitioners faces. Tibetans in exile are supposed to be ruled under democracy, but they are denied their rights of religious freedom. This is not fair.
This is another example of religious discrimination. Wicca was accused to be related to Satan, which is not true. Wiccans are being rejected from being able to participate in the governmental system as they are not a member of the mainstream Judeo-Christian religion.Similarly, Dorje Shugden is accused to be a demon/ evil spirit, and that Shugden practitioners are not allowed to participate in the system – they cannot work in governmental jobs, they are denied travel documents, they are not denied medical treatment, and the members of the public are advised to not be associated with them.
This video shows how Christians in Nigeria face enormous persecution, similar to what Dorje Shugden people are facing.Just like what Bishop Mike Moses said in the video, they are being persecuted “in your own country, your own community”, and that’s worse than being persecuted by others.
Pagan man talks about freedom of religion choices
Religious freedom should be applicable to all including Pagan practitioners and atheists
This man’s dilemma is similar to what Dorje Shugden practitioners are experiencing. Even if the Dalai Lama has discouraged Dorje Shugden practice, those who choose to retain their practice should still have the right to do so without being penalized, without being discriminated, abused, attacked and harassed day in day out. Religious Freedom is every human’s right and should be respected, when the Tibetan Leadership stay silent when Shugden practitioners are being attacked, it is clear they condone it. So how can Tibetan Leadership claim to be democratic when they are not and how can they point the finger and blame others for human rights abuse when they do so themselves with their very own people? Illogical, injustice and unacceptable in this day and age!
Oklahoma Pagan suffer Discrimination
A lady witch suffers discrimination after being found out that she is a witch.
This is similar to what Dorje Shugden practitioners are experiencing in Tibetan settlements. Once they are found out that they are a Dorje Shugden practitioner, they would be a target for discrimination (e.g., denied service in the public places), some even target attacked. And if you are not in Dharamsala, you will be targeted and attacked online with vulgarities and all kinds of derogatory slurs.
Messianic Jews Persecuted
In 2005, a large number of protestors crashed the Messianic Jews Christmas eve celebration and told them to go back to Gaza.
Any form of discrimination is wrong and should be discouraged and stopped. How can we discriminate people base on their religion, just because we dislike their religion? This is pure prejudice and hatred, so how can this be considered good and right for those executing such persecution? And this is exactly the same mentality the Tibetan Leadership has and encourage their people to attack Shugden practitioners. This is the kind of hatred that cause division, war, and suffering. How can one religion claim to be better than the other in the name of “God”? How can this be considered compassion?
Great message every Tibetan especially must read!
It gave me great joy to read this comment by ‘Suzy in Hawaii’ that she left on Tsem Rinpoche’s YouTube channel-( After 2 decades of persecution and maltreatment by those who seek to destroy a holy practice, it is a pleasure to see the truth prevailing and more and more people like Suzy realizing the goodness and benefit of Dorje Shugden.
It is a very good article to draw, references to other forms of oppression, that has happened in the past. We cannot be having double standards, in terms of defining what discrimination is.
Thank you for all the work you have done, Valentina.
Thank you Ms Valentina Suhendra for the sharing on the Dorje Shugden Ban initiated by The current Dalai Lama.We certainly hope that the recent gesture by the Dalai Lama to lift the ban was motivated by his wisdom and inherit compassion.By doing so ,may the Buddhist community which is divided by this ban could reconsile with immediet effect.
We understand that during the imposed ban,a lot of innocent practitioner are being treated in an gravely unfair manner.Out of compassion ,the Buddhist community should not look back now on the suffering and torment of the past .But take a step forward to bravely practice what they believe would greatly benefit them in their spiritual or dharma practice which will lead them to the true path.
Place your trust in Dorje Shugden,may your dharmic obstacle be cleared if practice with true faith and sincerity.
Discrimination again anyone is very bad because everyone has our own right to choose what we believe and how we look no one suppose to judge anyone and in this case down to hurting that person this very inhuman . No one deserve to be hurt and take away any of their right this is unacceptable is like Dorje Shugden practitioners we just want to practice what we think is good for us we do not deserve to be judge or discriminated b anyone this is our choice of practice so I hope the Dorje Shugden ban can lift as soon as possible so that everyone live in peace.
Very good research done on these article by Valentina .I read it with interest and know better.Dorje Shugden ban was created based on the baseless information and false rumours that the practice was evil and will harm the Dalai Lama.Many of the Dorje Shugden practitioners suffered and religious disharmony due to it.The Women’s Suffrage Movement and the Spanish Inquisition is similar to the Dorje Shugden practitioners whereby they are too and faced discrimination. And recently the Dalai Lama said that Dorje Shugden cannot harm him .The Dalai Lama’s previous approach towards Dorje Shugden will soon be over and be part of the history then.I do hope the Dalai Lama will soon officially lift the ban.
Thank you Valentina for sharing this interesting article.
Dear Samfoonhei
Thank you for your comment and interest in the article. I am glad that you enjoy reading it and learnt from the historical similarities between the Spanish inquisition and women suffragette movements vs the Shugden ban.
But you can see that with perseverance and continuous effort, people will understand more about the issue and the injustice behind the discrimination. Therefore, we have to continuously build awareness about the suffering of DS practitioners with the motivation that the ban will be lifted one day very soon.
Thank you Velentina for this will detail article..
Hi Stephen Ho,
Valentina has done well to research the information and presented in an article. She has only this much time as a person in a day. It is thanks to her the readers can gain much knowledge.
You can follow her example and write those topics you have listed since you seems to be aware and informed of such happenings? We can learn much from the history and benefit more people through writing by highlighting the lessons that can be learned.
Also why don’t give a thank you message to encourage her more? As a writer won’t you prefer encouragement and giving suggestions?
It would be good that everyone can share and gain wisdom on these historic happenings from multiple persons.
You can even submit your article here.
One of the many highlights of discrimination and persecution in Tibetan history :
“History shows that the present crisis is rooted in the past. For centuries, the Gelugpa lineage of the Dalai Lamas and the Karma Kagyu lineage of the Gyalwa Karmapas have been locked in a struggle.
The CONFLICT started as early as the fifteenth century, at the time of the Seventh Karmapa and Fourth Shamarpa. This coincided with a period during which the Tibetan government was controlled by the Kagyupas. HOSTILITIES peaked in 1638 when the Fifth Dalai Lama invited the Mongolian army under Goshir Khan to INVADE Tibet. The Gelugpa and Mongol alliance was subsequently responsible for the DEATH by DECAPITATION of VIRTUALLY ALL ABBOTS from one THOUSAND Karma Kagyu monasteries. All these monasteries were CONVERTED to the Gelugpa order by FORCE . The Tenth Karmapa’s camp came under attack and over SEVEN THOUSAND of his MONKS were SLAUGHTERED. Only Karmapa and his attendant managed to escape. The Karmapa was FORCED to stay in EXILE for the next forty years.”
“An Open letter to His Holiness the Dalai Lama”
by H.H. Luehrs (Chairman)
For and on behalf of all delegates to the International Karma Kagyu Conference
Dear Stephen Ho,
I am learning and enjoying from your posts.
But what are you trying to say? The Gelugpa government under the Dalai Lama is harmful?
Are you against Gelugpa and pro Karma Kagyu?
I am not on either side, but wondering what message you are trying to convey with your comments?
Yes it sure feels like we’re the black slaves here and the funny thing is even AFTER His Holiness said that Dorje Shugden cannot harm him, how could it if we go along the logic athat he is after all Chenrezig, the anti-Shugden crowd still cannot accept and is still in denial. So much so this is the reaction we get, even more so now like you said in the article.
I truly find that amazing that a group of people still wants and wished for us to remain shunned and discriminated. I guess their denial shows that they would have to eat their words is just too much for their ego. At the end of the day it isn’t the Dalai Lama they are protecting… it is more their own egos. This is so unfortunate because prior to the ban Tibetans were a bunch of happy, peaceful, harmonious bunch. What this ban has created is segregation of something that was once good, which is the difference from the black slavery in America and Spanish inquisition examples given here.
And I really liked what Pavara said which is so true regarding the ban on Dorje Shugden… “What makes the situation worse is the fact that the Dorje Shugden ban was created from baseless rumours that are totally false.”
The picture are just very very few of the vulgarities Shugden people are being spat on social media daily.
The Tibetans themselves practiced discrimination and persecution because of religious sectarianism mixed with politics in its history long before the current Dorje Shugden controversy. Why use examples from the USA/West when it such things have been happening in Tibet itself for a very long time ???
“ “Orientalism” and Aspects of Violence in the Tibetan Tradition” :
Dear Stephen
I believe my comment below has answered your question :).
In September 2016, His Holiness, The Dalai Lama compassionately showed a change in approach to the Dorje Shugden situation, and we are grateful for this. We hope the Dalai Lama’s previous approach towards Dorje Shugden as captured in the video, will soon swiftly be part of history and eventually nothing more than a distant, albeit painful memory. Our successive involvements may sometimes offer temporary relief, but, in sober truth lasting satisfaction from what turns out to be mere flickers may make us realise that this has become a realisation of succes of goodness! Yes, by this forced “Buddhist-divide” through an unholy campaign of persecutional action against religious freedom of those who practice Dorje Shugden through:
(1) Expulsion from monasteries. (2) Forbidden possesion of I.D. documentary yellow pass (Likened a passport,) including tibetan monks (3) Discriminatory treatment, forbidding entry of Dorje Shugden practitioners into public places like schools, temples etc., (4) Forcing employees to give up their practices of Dorje Shugden in order to keep their jobs. As His Eminence, The 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche had said in answer to the advice, “How to help end this Ban” the answer was:- “Logically, don’t wait for the light, be the light”, as it is ultimately about Humanity and our innate nature to know right or wrong, as our integrity and dignity to do the right thing! Be the voice for those who are silence, “as Rinpoche has also uttered”. Dorje Shugden is an enlightened being, whose purpose is to help all sentient beings in an often chaotic and complicated situatuion, or world. Many have suffered to perservere for his practice for generations to come. Please steadfastly support and preserve the fundamental rights and honour of all human beings.
I notice that the article by Valentina Suhendra carried examples of historical persecution ONLY from the USA/West and NOTHING of similar things from the East. Attacking the USA/West and ignoring similar things in the East while glorifying the East (especially China) has been the obvious pattern throughout all the articles on this website so far.
Would Tsem Rinpoche and his disciples even consider being objective for once and cover all of the following items on the list I made immediately after reading that article ?
**** CHINA *****
( a )
“Four Buddhist Persecutions in China”
The Four Buddhist Persecutions in China was the wholesale suppression of Buddhism carried out on four occasions from the 5th through the 10th century by four Chinese emperors.
( b )
“Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution”
The Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution initiated by Tang Emperor Wuzong reached its height in the year 845 AD. Among its purposes were to appropriate war funds and to cleanse China of foreign influences. As such, the persecution was directed not only towards Buddhism but also towards other foreign religions, such as Zoroastrianism, Nestorian Christianity and Manichaeism. Only the native Chinese ideologies of Confucianism and Taoism survived the upheaval relatively unaffected.
( a )
“Cultural Revolution”
The Cultural Revolution, formally the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, was a sociopolitical movement that took place in the People’s Republic of China from 1966 until 1976. Set into motion by Mao Zedong, then Chairman of the Communist Party of China, its stated goal was to preserve ‘true’ Communist ideology in the country by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society, and to re-impose Maoist thought as the dominant ideology within the Party. The Revolution marked the return of Mao Zedong to a position of power after the Great Leap Forward. The movement paralyzed China politically and negatively affected the country’s economy and society to a significant degree.
( b )
“Human rights in Tibet”
( c )
“Persecution of Falun Gong”
( d )
Regarding the 2001 destruction of Serthar Institute :
“Destruction of Serthar Institute : A special report”
( e )
“China arrests Christians who opposed removals of crosses”
******** INDIA **********
“The biggest holocaust in World History…whitewashed from history”
The genocide suffered by the Hindus of India at the hands of Arab, Turkish, Mughal and Afghan occupying forces for a period of 800 years is as yet formally unrecognised by the World.
******* Tibet *******
“ “Orientalism” and Aspects of Violence in the Tibetan Tradition “
( The Tibetans themselves used violence against each other in history , often because of religious sectarianism).
I wonder if Tsem Rinpoche and his disciples will even consider being objective enough for once to cover all of those fine examples of discrimination and persecution in the East, namely, China (ancient and modern), India (ancient) and Tibet (ancient) I have gathered and listed instead of highlighting similar things in USA/Western history only as they have done so far.
Dear Stephen Ho
Thank you for your comment. I chose the topics of race discrimination in the US, Women Suffragette movement, and the Spanish inquisition due to the similarities between those events and what the Shugden practitioners are currently experiencing as you can see in the article the similarities have been described in the table format. There is no intention to glorify the east and nothing in the article that claim that that there are no discrimination in the east.
I acknowledges that things have not always been smooth in the East and there were and are still discrimination in the eastern countries including India and China. Perhaps since you are so interested in this topic, you yourself can write articles highlighting the historical comparison of Shugden discrimination and the discrimination in the eastern countries if not in this domain, in other space. I am sure it will be an interesting read :).
Is history repeating itself in a different guise? Take religious persecution for instance. Where before it was all the hate, discrimination against and persecution of groups like the Jews and Muslims by the Catholics of France, Spain and Portugal. Now it’s the persecution against and discrimination of Shugden practitioners by the anti Shugden camp, and that includes CTA and their stalwarts.
It took a long time for the prejudice against women suffragettes to be recognized and given the right to vote. But they used peaceful means like petitioning and picketing to fight their cause.
What is different between the different historical groups being persecuted and discriminated against and the current Shugden practitioners, is that for Shugden practitioners, we are supposed to be living in the post “enlightenment” age. In these modern times of liberation and equal rights, it is most regressive to practice discrimination. Even as the Dalai Lama has said that we can practice Dorje Shugden, the anti Shugden group seems to be not ready to ‘comply’ and agree to reconciliation. Nonetheless, it is still the peaceful means of urging peaceful negotiations that will work.
In my opinion I think that the Dorje Shugden is just as cruel as the slave trade and the spanish inquisition. What makes the situation worse is the fact that the Dorje Shugden ban was created from baseless rumours that are totally false.
Hundreds upon hundreds of monks, Lamas, Gheshe’s and Tulku’s have practiced Dorje Shugden, but instead of gaining bad luck and shortened lives they end up living longer and more joyful lives.
I really hope that everyone will stop looking down on Dorje Shugden and start looking up to him as a highly accomplished Dharma Protector.
Dear Pavara
Thank you for your comment. I believe you mean Dorje Shugden “BAN” is just as cruel as the slave trade or the Spanish inquisition. I agree with you that the Dorje Shugden ban was created based on the baseless and false rumour. However, the Spanish inquisition and the race discrimination were also based on false rumours. The race discrimination in the old United States were based on the belief that the African Americans were inferior than their white counterparts and the Spanish inquisition was based on the belief that Roman Catholic belief was superior than other religion.
Actually if we just practice equanimity to all beings, all these discrimination would not have happened. But what we can see from the article is with the perseverance and awareness building, the discrimination against Shugden practitioners will be ended soon. and therefore we must focus our effort towards it.
For centuries, unfair treatment, discrimination and bigotry have taken all forms and shapes, be it based on religious beliefs, race, gender, sexual preference, social status. It is the inability to accept a different point of view. It goes further to say that if your view is not the same as mine, you must be wrong, as I am right. Not only can I not tolerate your different view, I will take it one step further, I hate and will harm you for that. This is so wrong and creates so much discord and destruction in the fabric of society. This is certainly not what the Buddha or any religion taught.
Even after the Dalai Lama made the pronouncement that Dorje Shugden cannot harm him and we can practice, those people who were persecuting the practitioners up till now, still cannot adapt and change their viewpoint.
Hate can become so strong that it is so pervasive and blinds a person to the extent that the ego cannot accept that perhaps the self may have been wrong all this while and maybe it’s time to change and expand or take the opposite viewpoint. As long as this ego cannot back down, at shop level, the discrimination and harm can continue.
With folded hands, I pray that the Dalai Lama will make a strong stand and initiate the lifting of the ban officially as worldwide, followers and sympathizers look up to him for guidance and direction.
The Dorje Shugden Ban is indeed similar if not worse than historical persecutions like the Spanish Inquisitions, conditions leading to the Civil Right Movement and Slavery leading to the American Civil War. All these stems from some form of discrimination i.e. one is better than the other; a form of self protection; a form of fear and a form of stupidity and ultimately selfishness and protection of this selfishness.
The results are sufferings on a massive society wide scale lasting ten of years and sometimes continue to be experienced for generations even though the original problem has been repealed! For example, even though slavery was made illegal after the Civil War, segregation still persisted; and even after segregation was made illegal, racist organisations continue to exist.
Hence, I feel sadly that the effect of the Dorje Shugden ban will continue to be felt for ten of years even though the Dalai Lama has said that the practice does not harm him. I feel that it is never about the Dalai Lama or what He said.
Any form of oppression will come with the same repressive actions, discrimination and physical harm to the people who have conviction to the cause which is under oppression.
The similar persecution efforts throughout history shows the same ways of repressive and unfair treatment.
However, this is the 21st century and execution of primitive methods to subdue the human kind is definitely unacceptable as there are laws that are against such acts.
Therefore in the case of the Ban on Dorje Shugden what is the recourse, can the CTA be held responsible and which international court can hear this case? Without alternatives, we Dorje Shugden are happy to know of the public declaration by the Dalai Lama that we can worship Dorje Shugden.
Sad to note that even with such a declaration, Shugden Lamas are still abused and vulgarities thrown at them on public platforms.
Are we seeing that the followers of Dalai Lama are so blinded with hate that they are prepared to disparage the Dalai Lama’s words.