Everything can be repaired | 一切都可以修复

Be respectful to our gurus daily. Ask for their blessings in our prayers daily. Show our appreciation to our gurus by transforming our minds to be better and better. This is the best offering to our loving gurus who took time to love us, teach us and share their knowledge with us. Keep our bond with our guru clean and honest by being clean and honest always. 在日常生活中,我们应该时刻恭敬我们的上师。我们在进行每日依轨和持诵祈愿文时祈求上师加持我们。我们应当通过心识的转化来展现我们对上师的无比感恩。这是对花了时间来爱我们,教导我们,与我们分享他们的知识的挚爱上师们最好的供养。我们应该与我们的上师们保持清净三昧也和师徒关系。
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Breaking samaya to the guru is very serious setback for our spiritual practice, for the growth of our mind and in general our overall peace. As the days pass by it will seem like nothing is happening, but we will see our attachments grow, anger grows and our distance to the dharma grows. We will be happy to engage in deeds that have no ultimate meaning and justify it and feel comfortable. We will fall back to the ways of how we were before meeting the dharma and feel comfortable. We will scourge our teachers and practice and start engaging in more actions that accumulate negative karma. Karma exists independent of our belief in it. We start enjoying what is negative and all that we hold sacred is not seen as sacred because the negative karma grows stronger.
Being rude to the guru, speaking impolitely, showing unpleasant demeanor, challenging our guru with bad intent, ignoring our guru, tricking our guru, using our guru for financial or emotional gain, using all types of excuses to avoid and then finally breaking off are really going off track as spoken by the Pandit Ashvagosha in Gurupancasika text. As the guru has given you initiation, oral transmissions, countless hours of teachings, love, care and even financial help, we should remember this and regret our negative actions and have loyalty and be grateful. Being grateful is a human quality worth cultivating. No one in this world will be able to give you both secular and spiritual benefit but only the guru. Besides the guru, only some secular benefits will be derived but the question is will it be really beneficial? We can complain to friends or peers or family how we ‘suffered’ and of course they will agree because they do not know what you have done nor understand the full situation of what you have done or your laziness to practice. Getting support of the ignorant is like getting a blind person to agree a painting is beautiful with stunning colors. You can get their full support and company, but in the end, they will see your nature and mind and abandon you too. Support from people ignorant of what you have done will backfire in the future. Doing purification is highly important. If we have damaged the samaya (relationship) with our guru, we should first and foremost confess and stop the damaging actions. Then we should not hide our actions to look good and have face in front of our guru and other dharma students and friends. Why would you choose face over your guru and dharma and your attainments. Face vs attainments? Should there even be a versus? We should then engage in prostration retreats, long Vajrasattva retreats till we receive correct dreams indicating purification. Samaya Vajra pujas and practice is very important. After completing these 500k each, then one should take the empowerment of Yamantaka if possible and go into a long and distant (silent) retreat and take a vow of silence. Do not ask for financial support for any of these from anyone to cut one’s grasping. Yamantaka can purify the karmas that are so heavy they seem like they cannot be purified according to H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. It is important. Always keep our promises to our gurus at all costs. Because the advice given to us is for our benefit although we cannot see it now immediately.
We should restore our tantric commitments, purify them, confess them and be silent and do strong and serious Yamantaka practice. Perhaps we were allowed Yamantaka practice because our gurus knew we would break commitments and we would need it later. The guru works in mysterious ways.
If not able to get Yamantaka then we should do the practice of 35 Confessional Buddhas at least one million, Vajrasattva one million and Samaya Vajra one million. We should take a vow of silence from negative talks. Which means for the rest of our lives we never utter one negative word about others or any situation and only allowed to speak in positive manners. This trains our mind to be stable and calm. When our speech is rampantly negative, then it feeds the anger and delusions in our mind. We take vows to control certain negative actions to stop feeding the anger and delusions in our mind. Vows are not imprisonment but designed to stop feeding our delusions, anger and negativity. Also it is more pleasant to be around people who don’t lie and speak negatively always.
The amount of damage when we break our samaya with our loving guru is like burning thousands of collections of Kangyur texts and destroying the Bodhgaya stupa. Without the guru, there is no Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. We should serve, honor and propitiate the Guru always in mind by transformation and in body by humility. We should seek the blessings of our guru in our prayers daily as Naropa served Tilopa and Milarepa served Marpa and ‘Headless’ sisters served Krysnacarya.
Homage to my one guru who is the synthesis of all teachings of the Buddha presented to me. I scatter flower garlands on the feet of my guru and offer him my spiritual practice. I offer my life to my guru that no harm comes to him but it befalls me instead. May I in this and all lives never be separated from the sublime path of bodhicitta, renunciation and correct view of sunyata. I will never choose wrong advice, friends, peers, money, fame, name, wrong view, ego, hatred and laziness over my most kind guru who has tolerated me for so long. I choose my guru, Buddha, Dharma and Sangha always. I offer my crown to the feet of my guru always. May all beings with broken samaya, anger and wrong view gain peace, practice and purification. Don’t waste time ever contemplating how to repair damage with my guru, or should I or shouldn’t I. We should never procrastinate because everyday is a day wasted. Never think how embarrassing this would be because the very fact you are deciding to choose face over guru/spirituality tells you that you should conquer the need for face already. Overcome the need to look good as it does not benefit but distances you from more good things and your guru. In general it’s more beneficial to have good relationships with everyone. One should not cheat, lie, take advantage, throw tantrums from being discovered by anyone from one’s negative deeds. It is a more peaceful life when we don’t damage others and therefore we don’t have to deal with pain we have done to others and hide or pretend nothing has happened. Be honest and real with everyone. Nice speech and shiny words and seductive talk will work for a while but our actions cannot be hidden forever.
I remain steadfast to my guru and not my anger, delusions and ego. I remain loyal to my guru always and a ‘show’ of that is my practice of mind transformation as taught by Geshe Langri Tangpa daily. I will always be humble and make offerings to my guru as Dromtonpa to his guru Atisha. I offer my service to my guru always tirelessly because the works of my guru reaches many to benefit them who cannot find a physical guru. In this way I will progress higher in my practices and then I pray my guru will bless me to ascend in the rainbow body to Kechara Paradise where I will continue my practice till enlightenment and then return to benefit and not rest in the bliss of nirvana.
Tsem Rinpoche
犯三昧耶戒对我们的修行、心灵的成长和整体的平和来说是一个非常严重的挫折。当犯三昧耶戒时, 随着日子一天天过去,似乎像什么也没发生过,但我们会看到我们的执著、愤怒、及和佛法的距离日益增长。我们将很乐意地进行不具有终极意义的事情,对进行这些事情进行辩解,并感到自在。我们将回落到未接触佛法前的我们,并感到自在。我们会评击我们的上师和法门,并开始参与积累更多恶业的行为。无论我们相信与否,因果报应独立于我们对它的信念。我们开始享受造恶业,我们之前视为神圣的, 现在已经不被视为神圣,因为我们的恶业变得更加强大。
对上师无理、说话不客气、呈现出令人不快的言行举止、含不良意图地挑战我们的上师、无视我们的大师、欺骗我们的大师、利用我们上师来得到财务或情感上的利益、使用各种借口避免,最后如马鸣菩萨所著的【事师五十颂】文本里提到的一样与上师决裂。由于上师给你灌顶、口传、无数个小时的教导、爱、关怀、甚至经济上的帮助,我们应该记住这一点,对我们的负面行为感到惭愧,对上师忠诚和感激。感恩是一个值得培养的素质。没有人在这个世界上就能够为你同时带来的世俗和灵修上的利益,只有你的上师。除了上师,我们可以从他人得到一些世俗的利益,但问题是,终究是不是真的有益?我们可以向朋友、同伴或家人抱怨我们的 ‘遭遇’,当然他们会同意,因为他们不知道你做了什么,也不明白你做了什么或者对你懒于修行的情况没有完全的了解。获得无知人们的支持就像是得到一个盲人同意一幅图画的色彩多惊艳美丽一样。你可以得到他们的大力支持和陪伴,但最终,他们会看到你的本性和心识而离开你。得到不了解自己过去所作所为的人们的支持,这将会在未来适得其反。净化恶业的法门是非常重要的。如果我们破坏了与上师的三昧耶(关系),我们首先应该忏悔,并停止破坏性的行动。接着我们不应该隐藏我们的行动,或想要在上师和其他佛法弟子和朋友们的面前保持面子。为什么我们会选择面子而不是上师、佛法和成就呢。拿面子和成就相比?真的该有如此的对吗?我们接着应该进行大礼拜闭关,金刚萨垛闭关,直到我们得到预示我们净化成功的梦。三昧耶金刚的法会和法门的修行也是非常重要。完成这些礼拜和修行50万遍后,我们应该接受大威德金刚法门的灌顶,如果有能力的话,进入一个漫长而遥远(静音)的闭关,并采取禁语。不要寻求任何财务上的任何支助,从而削减我们的执著。根据至尊宋仁波切所开示,大威德金刚能净化看起来无法被净化的沉重恶业。这是非常重要的。我们应该不惜一切代价地保持我们对上师们的承诺。因为上师给我们的劝告是为了我们的利益,虽然我们不是能马上了解。
破坏与上师的三昧耶就像是燃烧数千本珍藏的甘珠尔文或破坏菩提伽耶佛塔一样。如果没有上师,就没有佛、法、僧。我们应该在心里伺服、敬崇、祈请上师加持,并以心识的转化和具体的谦卑来表现。我们应该每天祈请我们的上师加持,就如那洛巴依止帝洛巴,以及密勒日巴依止玛尔巴和无头姐妹依止其上师Krysnacarya一样 。
顶礼我的上师— 佛陀所有教诲的合成所化现。我撒花环在我上师的脚上,并供养他我所有的修行。我一我的生命供养于我的上师,愿对他的任何伤害降临我。愿我从此以后不会脱离菩提心、出离心和空性正见。我永远不会违背我善良及容忍了我这么久的上师而选择错误的劝告、朋友、同事、金钱、名誉、声誉、错误的观点、自我、仇恨、和懒惰。我始终选择我的上师、佛、法、僧。恒常稽首顶礼至尊大恩师足前。愿犯三昧耶戒、愤怒和拥有邪见的众生获得安宁、修行和净化。不要浪费时间不断地盘算着该如何补缺与上师的三昧耶,或者应该或不应该,我们永远不应该拖延,因为每天都是在蹉跎岁月。千万不要觉得多么地尴尬,因为当你决定选择面子而不是上师或修行时,这明确地告诉你,你应该征服需要面子这回事。克服面子和保持声誉的需要,因为它不仅不能让你受益,也使你和对你有益的一切和上师的距离越来越远。在一般情况,与大家建立良好的关系比面子更重要。人们不应该欺骗、说谎、利用、以及被揭发后的消极行为。我们不伤害他人, 从而不需要面对对他人造成的伤害疼痛,也无须隐藏或假装什么都没发生过,这种生活更为宁静。我们应该诚实和以真实的一面面对他人。甜言蜜语、美丽的话语和诱人的谈吐在过了一段时间后将会被人发现。
我对我上师的依止坚定,而不是我的愤怒、颠倒妄想和自我。我忠于我的上师, 而这展现于我日常生活中实践格西朗日塘巴尊者所教导的心识转变。我将永远谦虚,并献供于我的上师, 犹如种敦巴依止他的上师阿底峡。我将我的殷勤不知疲倦地献给我的上师, 因为我的上师的佛法事业将利益众生,特别是对于未能遇到上师的人们。这样一来,我的修行会继续精进,我也祈愿我的上师会加持我以虹光成就往生克切拉天堂,在那而我会继续我的修行,直到证悟,然后归来利益众生。
For more interesting information:
- The Zong Rinpoche category on my blog
- Brief Commentary on 50 Verses of Guru Devotion
- Complete Commentary on 50 Verses of Guru Devotion
- Advice to a Yamantaka Initiate
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s biography
- 35 Confessional Buddha
- Eight verses to happiness and acceptance
- Tisarana and Purification of Mind
- An offering of 100,000!!!
- Vajrasattva and Prostrations Practice
- For those who hold vows
- Why Visit Holy Pilgrimages?
- 28 Amazing Verses
- 84 Mahasiddhas
- The Wheel of Sharp Weapons
- Gratitude makes us happier
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When we have a teacher who gives us the Dharma we are very, very fortunate. To learn Dharma from a teacher is so precious because we all have experienced an advice from our parents, friends, at school and we know there is a huge difference. The Guru can see how our habituations hinder our progress not only in this life but for many lifes, until enlightenment. The Guru will help us to overcome our faults and attachments so that we can improve our mind, let go of our negative emotions and become of benefit to others.Thank you very Rinpoche and blog team sharing this profound teaching to show way for those who break their samaya with the guru. Everything is possible if we believe and trust in our guru to lead us for the better path. May i never be separated from the guru this life and future until achieve enlightenment.???
Wonderful advice …… extensive advice on how to practice guru devotion, including seeing our Guru as Buddha, offering service and pleasing the Guru. It is important to have a clean and unbroken samaya with our Guru. The best offering to offer to our Guru is by transforming our mind to be a better person and always appreciation for what we have learn and done for us along the journey.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this.
This is very true that without the guru, there is no Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. Guru is the only one who is really concern about our future lives and trying to break through all of our preconception and help us to overcome our obstacles and ego. We should treat our guru no different than the Buddha and this is clearly indicated in 50 Versus of Guru Devotion. We should seek the blessings of our guru and devoted by serving the best to our guru as Dromtopa, a layman who is very devoted to serve his guru well until his guru entered the clear light.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this profound teaching on the purification, if we have damaged the samaya with our guru. Thank you Wah Ying shared about the guru devotion of Dromtopa.
Dear Rinpoche,
It is always fortunate for us as Rinpoche has mentioned ways to mend the broken samaya. However, it is also very unfortunate for us (especially me) to even realized if one has broken samaya? When our Body, Speech and Mind were not aligned at the point of keeping promises, such as promising to do certain things with a simple nod and yet forgetting it the very next day, will this leads to disaster? Hence, from what I can gather from this article is, it is always good to do purification whenever we can such as doing Vajrasattva especially before we sleep. Also apply the four opponent powers. Besides, do not be too proud that we are being initiated into a practice such as Yamantaka. It might be as a counter for future vow transgressing foreseen by a Guru/Lama. Anyway, better be initiated than not though (lol).
Thank you Rinpoche for this advice.
Thank you Rinpoche for the teaching. This is a very serious practice. Guru samaya come above everything if we serious about our spiritual path. With a fully enlightened mind like Rinpoche, holding pure guru samaya is just so natural. Rinpoche set the best example for us to follow.
In order to achieve good samaya with our guru we must first have a state of mind of being grateful to our guru. Our guru has done so much for us. Rinpoche’s care, love, nurture, everything that we are having now, doing now and the blessings that out guru to our families, our problems, we should have at least some sense of gratefulness to some one who cared for us so dearly. We got to always remember our guru’s kindness. Hence i believe purification practices is very important in our daily sadhana.
Whoever had read about this article, I am sure in our mind thinking of how could one repair the broken samaya like millions of . Good thing never come easy in our lives, same as holding our samaya pure with our guru. As long as we let go of our ego, still have the chance to serve our guru, to be near him, seek for our guru’s blessings everyday to transform our mind, with effort we can become better and ultimately become so natural in our lives just like how Rinpoche hold his samaya towards his gurus.
Life is short. Hence, there is no reason for us to hold onto secular goals if we finally meet Buddhism and a genuine guru who is willinh to teach and transform us tirelessly.
Everyday, continuously, we collect negative karmas and there is extremely little good deeds that we do that it can never overtake the fast and furious negative ones. By this reason, we could gradually be separated from the Guru,Buddha & Dharma, and we ll go back into where we climb up from. I don’t think there is any good reason to go back into the secular world, because what I see is money, sex, ego, anger, selfishness, end of story
It would be difficult at times for us to follow the guru’s instructions because we have so used to the lifestyle and mdes that we have been trained in the secular world. However, if we do not give up and we stand firm, nothing is impossible and we will be grateful when we see the results.
Breaking samaya with our guru is extremely dangerous, it lead us to further degeneration without warning and the worse thing is we won’t realized because it just happened so naturally and we will automatically fine tune our mind into enjoying the samsaric activities again.
Guru devotion is very important, because our guru is the source to our enlightenment, without a guru, enlightenment is not possible, hence it is very important to keep our samaya very clean with our guru.
Many people always blame their guru for not helping them when they are facing difficulties, but problem is when they keep breaking their samaya with the guru, they created the barrier to stop the guru / Protector for reaching them, not because he doesn’t want to help, but it is their karma created to go through the suffering.
That’s why we have to keep our samaya clean no matter what happened.
In life,finding the right guru guiding us in spiritual practice until achieving enlightenment. Is very important always have good samaya with guru for the growth of our mind and in general our overall peace.
To repaired broken samaya,we can engage purification practice like Vajrasattva , 35 confession Buddha daily.For tantric practitioner will be good engage in Yamantaka practice for restore our tantric commitments, purify them, confess them and be silent and do strong and serious Yamantaka practice. Perhaps we were allowed Yamantaka practice because our gurus knew we would break commitments and we would need it later. The guru works in mysterious ways.
Thank you rinpoche sharing this article to show way for those who breaking their samaya with the guru. Everything is possible , if we believed our guru and trust our guru to lead us for the better path. May i never separated from the guru this life and future until achieve enlightenment.
The most precious thing is not gold or diamonds but what is most precious is to hear the Dharma, to be guided towards a better life and towards enlightenment. So many people in Samsara wake up every day to work or school, but how we use the day, the opportunities and challenges we meet, depends on the Dharma we have received and we apply.
When we have a teacher who gives us the Dharma we are very, very fortunate. To learn Dharma from a teacher is so precious because we all have experienced an advice from our parents, friends, at school and we know there is a huge difference. The Guru can see how our habituations hinder our progress not only in this life but for many lifes, until enlightenment. The Guru will help us to overcome our faults and attachments so that we can improve our mind, let go of our negative emotions and become of benefit to others.
Our Guru even gives up the means to repair our broken promises so that we can overcome challenges and let go of habituations that hurt us long term. Our Guru always aims for the maximum benefit so that we will be safe in the future.
Thank you Rinpoche for always caring deeply for us. May we always improve and do what our Guru has kindly given to us and repair anything that we did not fulfil.
Pastor Antoinette
根据文章的逻辑,修行者如对上師俱足信心,且守護三昧耶戒清淨,我们無論修什麼法都很容易得到成就, 因为上师的佛法事业都是利益众生和成就佛道。所以说,如果我们犯三昧耶戒,很明显就是我们只是为自己,这对我们的修行是无帮助的,我认为每个人每天多少都有犯三昧耶戒, 所以净化恶业的法门是非常重要的,每天都必须修。
First of all, i would like to Thanks to KFR team who discuss in this topic, it’s make me remind of ( Gurus for Hire, Enlightenment for Sale – https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/gurus-for-hire-enlightenment-for-sale.html ).
Unlearn & Relearn again :
It’s bring me back to my memory for many years back ago ( 2010 – 2011 i think ), i spent 3 days to read this book ( Gurus for Hire, Enlightenment for Sale ), how’s important we must have a good Samaya with our Guru, never ever break a promise to our guru and etc…
Appreciate that so much..!! Thank You
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this article and it means a lot to me. To me, everything like completely new.I have studied the importance Guru Devotion.
A Guru job is to teach and guide his student to the right path of enlightenment. A Guru will like a family members to us who tirelessly advice,guide,teach and giving us love without expectation for return of favor.
Humbly with folded palms,
Dear Rinpoche, thank you for the wonderful truth on Guru Devotion.
Nothing is more important than choosing the Guru over samsaric matters which will only bring more pain and unhappiness. My guru, only taught me to be a better person and ask my mind transformation. This transformation does not cost me a dime, but my time and devotion to my practice.
We should never ill treat our Guru in any way, as it is very bad especially if we want to pursue higher attainments and the worst, drive our Guru away from us. Our Guru, only want to benefit us in order for us to excel in our spiritual path, so why do we ill treat our precious Guru?
May we always have the fortune to serve Rinpoche in all lives and never be separated till Enlightenment.
Good samaya is very important in our spiritual practice. What we learn is from our Guru kindness and compassion and the blessing from the lineage that he has learned and gain that pass down to us. Once we break our samaya it’s just like burning a bridge that connect us to our Guru and as well as the blessing from the practices.
How we treat our Guru should be from the trust and gratefulness. We should repair what we have broken and continue our spiritual journey. Action is louder than speech so we should repair our broken samaya as describe in the above article and not just being sorry.
The best give to our Guru is our mind transformation that will benefit many people.
Thank you Rinpoche for your teaching on Guru Devotion. It is very important to learn the reason for maintaining a good and strong samaya with our Guru. Guru is the person who will always love and care for us with all his heart. Guru is a person who love us like a parent and will guide us to the path of enlightenment.
Therefore abandoning their teaching (breaking samaya) will bring a lot of obstacles to our spiritual growth. Should we broke our samaya, be humble, quickly apologise and make amendments. The best gift which we can offer to our Guru is to transform our mind to be better.
A very important teaching, if we ever are in a position that we have wronged our teacher. The first topic of the Lamrim before the actual Lamrim topics is the topic on Guru Devotion, hence being devoted correctly to a spiritual teacher is the essence of our progress.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this article to remind us of how important for us to maintain a clean and close samaya with our Gurus. From our Gurus, attainment comes. From our Guru, dharma knowledge comes. From our Guru, we have hope to escape from this samsara pit. We need to appreciate all the love and care given to us and the best way to repay our Guru’s kindness is mind transformation. No expensive gifts can top the gift of mind transformation.
The remedy for repairing broken samaya is so very daunting, so in the first place I would not consciously do it. But, being human and fallible, and being ignorant and dense, sometimes, I don’t even know if I have broken my samaya with my Guru. How then do I ensure that the samaya is kept clean?
Rinpochela, thank you so much for giving us, all Dharma students the antidote to repair our samaya with our Guru.
I have read the blog post a few times but some questions arose in my mind although the article is written very perfectly. Please forgive this student who’s not very bright.
1) A student to do 500k vajrasattva, prostrations and Samaya Vajra each. After which to do Yamantaka practice if possible. If not, then one is to do 1 million 35 confessional Buddha, Vajrasattva and Samaya Vajra each.
A) I may be wrong, but is it acceptable to assume the 35 confessional Buddha practice is prostration practice as well?
B) if one is not able to do Yamantaka practice because they have no initiation, the 1 million count is on top of the initial 500k, or just an additional 500k to make 1 million?
2) I have heard that Samaya Vajra practice needs special permission to practice. If this is the case, do we practice only with Rinpoche permission through request, or is there a version where we can practice without special requirements?
Much apologies for having so much question.
Dear Sarah,
With regards to your queries…
1A) The 35 confessional Buddha practice can be done in conjunction with prostrations…meaning, at each line that says…. “To the Tathagata xxxx, I prostrate”, we can also physically prostrate as well. However, prostration retreat can be done towards any Buddha. It doesn’t have to be the 35 confessionals although that is high recommended.
1B) No, that would be sneaky if one is sincere about purifying broken samaya. It would be best to do 1 million on top of the 500k retreats.
2) It would be best to get at least an oral transmission (lung) for the samayavajra mantra. Eitherwise, just reciting the mantra on one’s own is alright as well because one can easily get the mantra online. I have not heard of a samayavajra initiation though.
I am truly and forever grateful to my Guru who have so compassionately shown without any agenda to lead ignorant people like me out of samsara.
Name Guru Beh
Name Buddha Ya
Name Dharma Ya
Name Sangya Ya
Humbly yours
Lum Kok Luen
Namo Guru Beh, Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmay, Namo Sangkaya! The importance of our Guru is without any doubts or considerations. It is the only truth to the eradication of our ignorance.
It is with great gratitude and appreciation that I have the merits to have a Guru with me all the time.
It is also in my commitment to practise well and be a better person day by day as a show of gratitude to my Guru, the 25th Tsem Rinpoche.
It is not possible with all our ignorance to even begin to comprehend the Holy Dharma in totality and it is from the kindness of my Guru that I can at least learn to practise the way best prescribed by my Guru for me.
Often even though not in actions, but thoughts that we have broken our samaya with our Guru and it is indeed comforting to know that our broken samaya can be repaired and our negative karma purified from our Guru’s love and kindness.
I am forever grateful to my Root Guru.
how fortunate are we
should we prostrate
up and down every street
or should we think wisely
and do what is required
to bring about change
that will follow the
principles of the turning
of the wheel of dharma
which is reaching its second term
of eight turnings
have fun be happy
tweet only what is appropriate to the third turning of the wheel
it may include Tshonkappa and every dalai lama from bon
it may include fiereworks
lets hope the turning of the wheel of humanity
that understands the future of us is
totally reliant on you ,
Death and sickness can happen to us anytime, anywhere. Making more money the samsara way will only bring more miserable and miserliness. Getting more angry will not bring us to enlightenment. Only by Thinking the Kindness of the teacher will bring us nearer to Dharma. Given all the hardship and endurance the teacher has gone thru for us will make us humble and put us to shame. Should always think of the motivation of learning Dharma, help one self and people around us. We should always apologies for the mistake we made repairing the samaya. Don’t wait and don’t hide, cos we cant cheat our own karma.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful advice on maintaining a good relationship with our guru and also on how to purify our negative karma. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Dear Rinpoche,
I understand where Rinpoche is coming from and I am glad that this topic is explained in detail and with so much care. High Lamas, Geshes and many monks the world over have countless disciples and many do not necessarily see eye-to-eye with their lamas unfortunately. Many do not see their lamas with devotion although a lot of care, love and teachings have been poured into them by their lamas. This article is a perfect guide and reminder to check our behaviour and the way in which we regard our Gurus so as to progress along the spiritual path. What stands out for me is that there is still a spiritual solution for those with broken samaya as well. It shows that the Buddha is always compassionate and always ready to help us purify and overcome our broken samaya. It is a must read for all seeking a spiritual especially if we are pursuing a Tantric path.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post. The Guru’s role is indeed very important if one is to take a sincere and serious spiritual path. When I first learnt of Guru Devotion and reading the 50 Stanzas of Guru Devotion, I was kind of perplexed. It was only reading it several times that I realised the Buddha statues cannot speak and teach me. Even prayers cannot teach me as I am reciting like a one-way traffic “conversation”. It is the Guru who compassionately returns in human form to continue turning the Wheel of Dharma for beings like me. The Guru is especially key in today’s times when we are so distracted and “contaminated”. Plus, what is asked in Guru Devotion also shapes how we should act as human beings to one another. If we can uphold our samaya with our Guru, we indeed uphold a higher level of humanity which can be applied to every relationship we have as people. And yes I do believe that everything CAN be repaired because the Guru is compassionate but we must want to repair if not it will be an insincere exercise. I wish Rinpoche well.
It is so true that everything in this world, both the benefits from secular and spiritual spheres come from our Guru. Therefore it is important to have a clean and unbroken samaya with our Guru. Yet all the Guru is asking for is mind transformation. How fortunate we are.
Thank You Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
with folded palms, humbly,
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you very much for this teaching and reminder for us. Your kindness is so far reaching and I’m truly humbled.
May all of us be ever mindful of this advise and may no one ever break the samaya with their Guru.
Much love and care,
Lum Kok Luen
As a Vajrayana practitioner it is crucial and very important for me to keep clean samaya with my gurus. No matter how difficult the self induced obstacles that arised from ripening karma due to demerits created from my negative thoughts and deeds, I should listen to my fellow practitioners and seek my gurus’ advice for practices to negate the negative karma. For it is my gurus who feed me with knowledge and methods for me to practice on my spiritual journey. If I procrastinate longer, hoping for my gurus to beg me, or I do not want to, then I am saying to myself I am abandoning my spiritual path, and my gurus.
This article is very helpful as a reminder for people like me who choose Vajrayana Buddhism as the spiritual path to happiness and complete liberation.
Thank you so much, my beloved guru, Your Eminence Tsem Rinpoche.
With folded hands,
Pastor Henry
It was good to read again this article and discussed it with the KFR team. The new comers to the team were able to hear from the rest of us and also had their questions answered
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for sharing with us again how important of Guru Samaya in our practice and also the solutions for us to do to repair the Guru Samaya.
“No one in this world will be able to give you both secular and spiritual benefit but only the guru. ”
We are very fortunate to meet our beloved Guru, HE the 25th Tsem Rinpoche; a living Buddha in our life. I confess to Rinpoche lotus feet, i will do the purificationpractice as Rinpoche recommend to have a better Guru Samaya so i can be a better person.
Your sincerely,