His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Precious Teaching Collection
His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (1905-1984) was a highly attained master of the Gelug tradition and a disciple of His Holiness the 3rd Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche (1901-1981), junior tutor of the 14th Dalai Lama. He was a renowned teacher, famous for his analytical mind and mastery in philosophical debate. He was also a well-known powerful Tantric practitioner.
This article contains a collection of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s precious teachings that are made available for the benefit of our readers. Do visit this blog post from time to time for updates.
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Brief Biography
Early Life
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was born in 1905 in Nangsang Village in the Kham Province of Eastern Tibet.
Both his parents, Jampa (father) and Sonam Yangdzom (mother), came from a strong spiritual lineage. His father and both his grandfathers were Nyingma Tantric practitioners. Through controlled rebirth, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s previous incarnations were born in the Zong-go family twice through Zongtrul Phuntsok Chopel and Zongtrul Tenpa Chopel.
Since he was a child, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche had shown special abilities to perform various miracles; one being invoking a female naga goddess at a nearby lake from his village.

Gaden Monastery in Tibet
In 1916, the 11-year-old Kyabje Zong Rinpoche enrolled into the prestigious Gaden Shartse Monastery, one of the great Gelug monasteries in Tibet.
It was here that he met with the then 14-year-old Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche who helped him with the elementary dialectics. Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche would later become Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s main teacher and junior tutor of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
Despite his status as a reincarnated Lama, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche did not have a benefactor and lived an incredibly simple life. Instead of using a table, he used an empty tea box supported by bricks to read his scriptures. He survived on a very simple diet, seemingly uninterested in food or drink. He looked like any other monk from the remote province of Kham, in his shabby robes, often loose and torn from the physicality of the debate ground.
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche received his full ordination vows from His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama (1876-1933) at the Potala Palace. At Gaden, he was completely focused on his studies. He studied the Sutras of the Vinaya, Abidharma, Madhyamika and Prajnaparamita, and had impeccable knowledge of the arts, science and rituals.

His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama
Endowed with a sharp mind, he studied effortlessly and soon became a renowned scholar among the three great Gelug monasteries in Tibet – Gaden, Sera, and Drepung, as a master of philosophical debate who possessed an extraordinary memory.
In 1928, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche debated in front of His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama. He astounded many with his sharp oratory skills and intelligence. On a debate on the first verse of 7th-century Indian logician Acharya Dharmakirti’s Pramanavarttika, the famous Geshe “Amdo” Sherab Gyatso admirably remarked, “There would not be a worthier debate on this subject even if Dharmakirti himself were here in person!”
After graduating with the highest honours of the Geshe Lharampa degree at age 25, he advanced his studies at Gyuto Tantric College and completed with outstanding results.
In 1937, the Regent of Tibet, Reting Rinpoche Tubten Jampel Yeshe Gyeltsen (1911-1947) appointed Kyabje Zong Rinpoche as the Abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery, a position that he held for 10 years.
During his successful tenure, he set exemplary scholarship and monastic discipline, and improved the monastery’s administrative structure and living standards of the monks.
In 1946, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche resigned from his position as Abbot and went on a long pilgrimage to Tsari in southeastern Tibet. During his long travels, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was associated with many miraculous events such as subduing spirits, encountering local deities and curing ailments.
His name spread all over the country of being a powerful Tantric practitioner. He also gave many teachings and tantric initiations such as Hayagriva, Heruka, Guhyasamaja, Yamantaka, Vajrayogini, Mahakali, Green Tara, White Tara, Vaishravani.
Life in Exile
After the Tibetan uprising in 1959, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche sought asylum in India after repeated appeals from his many disciples who feared for his safety. He joined the Tibetan refugee community in Buxa, Assam where he taught and preserved the Buddha’s teachings. During his time in exile, at the request of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche took on the role as the Director of the Tibetan Schools Teacher Training Program in Mussoorie, where he supervised 58 scholars of all major tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
In 1967, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was appointed as the first Principal of the new Central Institute of Tibetan Higher Studies in Sarnath, Varanasi. In 1971, he resigned from his position in Sarnath and moved to the newly established Gaden Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka.
Later Life and Passing
Although he had retired from official positions, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche continued to engage in his practice and gave highly inspiring teachings. Years passed and his fame spread abroad as interest in Tibetan Buddhism grew in the West.
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche made three overseas trips. The first of these trips was in 1974 at the request from Lama Thubten Yeshe, and the last in 1983. His teachings have brought him to England, Canada, Spain, France, the United States, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Austria.
In June 1984, after a long tour abroad, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche returned to Gaden Shartse Monastery. Soon after, he manifested illness. Several weeks later, his health seemed to have recovered which was the source of relief for those who cared for him.
Shortly after 9 am on November 15, 1984, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche went into his sitting room, saying that he would like to sit in an upright position. When one of his students entered the room a few minutes later, he discovered that Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, still seated, had gone into clear light. He was 79 years old.
Some of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s relics were enshrined in a stupa which still stands to this day at the Gaden Shartse Monastery in Mundgod, India.
Click here to learn more about Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Precious Teaching Collection
- Table of Content
- Cittamani Tara
- Chod
- Dorje Shugden
- Guhyasamaja
- Tsongkhapa
- Heruka & Vajrayogini
- Lama Chopa
- Lamrim
- Mahamudra
- Yamantaka
- Padmasambava
- Others

His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche (second from left) with his root teacher, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche (third from right)
Cittamani Tara
- Cittamani Tara (1 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara (2 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara (3 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara (4 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 1)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 2)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 3)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 4)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 5)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 6)
Click here to go to Cittamani Tara section
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains and Performs the Chod Ritual
- Ensa Ear-Whispered Chod Melodies by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Rinpoche
- Chanting Chod Tsog & Story of Pilgrimage in Tibet
- Chod Practice
- Chod Commentary
- Chod Initiation
Click here to go to Chod section
Dorje Shugden
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains Dorje Shugden Initiation and Benefits (with English Subtitles)
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Speaks on the History & Lineage of Dorje Shugden (with English Subtitles)
- पवित्र क्याब्जे जोंग रिन्पोछेद्वारा दोर्जे शुग्देन दिक्षा र लाभहरुको व्याख्या
- पवित्र क्याब्जे जोंग रिन्पोछे दोर्जे शुग्देनको इतिहास र सम्प्रदायबारे बोल्नुहुन्छ
- Su Santidad Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explica la Iniciación y los Beneficios de Dorje Shugden
- Su Santidad Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Habla Sobre la Historia y el Linaje de Dorje Shugden
- キャブジェ・ツォン・リンポチェ、ドルジェ・シュクデンのイニシエーションとご利益を語る。
- キャブジェ・ツォン・リンポチェ、ドルジェ・シュクデンの歴史と系譜を語る。
- 至尊嘉杰宋仁波切开示多杰雄登托命灌顶及其利益
- 至尊嘉杰宋仁波切开示多杰雄登护法的历史和传承
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Chanting Prayers to Dorje Shugden
- Wrathful Dorje Shugden Ritual at Zong Labrang’s Temple During Tibetan New Year (1985)
Click here to go to Dorje Shugden section
- Guhyasamaja (Akshobya) – The Preparatory Ceremony
Click here to go to Guhyasamaja section
- Teaching on Guru Yoga
- Gaden Lhagyama by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
- Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (1 of 3)
- Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (2 of 3)
- Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (3 of 3)
- Prophecy Regarding Je Tsongkhapa
- Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 1)
- Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 2)
- Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 3) & Guru Devotion
- Generating the Merit Field (Part 1)
- Generating the Merit Field (Part 2) & Guru Yoga
- Seven Limb & Practices on Confession
- Six Preparatory Practices, Refuge & Invocation
- Seven Limb Practice – Requesting the Merit Field to Remain & Prostrations (Part 1)
- Seven Limb Practice – Requesting the Merit Field to Remain & Prostrations (Part 2)
- Prostrations & Offerings (Part 1)
- Prostrations & Offerings (Part 2)
- Confession of Non-Virtues
- Rejoicing in Virtues (Part 1)
- Rejoicing in Virtues (Part 2)
- Requesting to Turn the Wheel of Dharma & Requesting the Guru to Remain for a Long Time
- Dedication of Merit & Mandala Offering
Click here to go to Tsongkhapa section
Heruka & Vajrayogini
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (1 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (2 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (3 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (4 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (5 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (6 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (7 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (8 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (9 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (10 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (11 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (12 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (13 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (14 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (15 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (16 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (17 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (18 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (19 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (20 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (21 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (22 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (23 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (24 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (25 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (26 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (27 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (28 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (29 of 29)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (1 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (2 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (3 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (4 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (5 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (6 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (7 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (8 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (9 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (10 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (11 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (12 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (13 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (14 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (15 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (16 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (17 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (18 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (19 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (20 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (21 of 21)
Click here to go to Heruka & Vajrayogini section
Lama Chopa
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (1 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (2 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (3 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (4 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (5 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (6 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (7 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (8 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (1 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (2 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (3 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (4 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (5 of 5)
Click here to go to Lama Chopa section
- Death, Rebirth & Intermediate
- Emptiness & Advice
- The Basis of the Spiritual Path
- The Principles of the Spiritual Path (1 of 2)
- The Principles of the Spiritual Path (2 of 2)
- Part I: Reliance on One’s Guru and Developing Sincere Faith in Him Is of Utmost Importance
- Part II: We Should Meditate on the Sufferings of the Lower Realms as If We Ourselves Have Been Reborn There
- Part III: There Are Many Causes of Death
- Part IV: There Is No Real Happiness in Samsara
- Part V: A Continuation in the Explanation of the Seven Fold Cause and Effect Method of Developing Bodhicitta
Click here to go to Lamrim section
- Mahamudra Commentary (1 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (2 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (3 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (4 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (5 of 5)
Click here to go to Mahamudra section.
- Yamantaka Commentary (1 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (2 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (3 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (4 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (5 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (6 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (7 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (8 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (9 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (10 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (11 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (12 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (13 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (14 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (15 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (16 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (17 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (18 of 18)
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Commentary on the Sadhana of 13-Deity Yamantaka
- 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (1 of 3)
- 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (2 of 3)
- 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (3 of 3)
Click here to go to Yamantaka section
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 1)
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 2)
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 3)
Click here to go to Padmasambhava section
- Talk About Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo
- Venerable Lama Yeshe’s Cremation
- Naro Choduk by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
- Developing Compassion in Santa Cruz, California
- General Teaching in Hotchkiss, Colorado
- General Teaching at TDL Los Angeles, California
- Heart Sutra – Short Commentary
- Three Principle Paths
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on the Six Yoga of Naropa
- The Teaching on Mudra by Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Click here to go to Others section
Cittamani Tara Teaching List
- Cittamani Tara (1 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara (2 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara (3 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara (4 of 4)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 1)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 2)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 3)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 4)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 5)
- Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 6)
1. Cittamani Tara (1 of 4)
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2. Cittamani Tara (2 of 4)
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3. Cittamani Tara (3 of 4)
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4. Cittamani Tara (4 of 4)
Or view the video on the server at:
5. Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 1)
6. Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 2)
7. Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 3)
8. Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 4)
9. Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 5)
10. Cittamani Tara Commentary (Part 6)
Chod Teaching List
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains and Performs the Chod Ritual
- Ensa Ear-Whispered Chod Melodies by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Rinpoche
- Chanting Chod Tsog & Story of Pilgrimage in Tibet
- Chod Practice
- Chod Commentary
- Chod Initiation
11. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains and Performs the Chod Ritual
Or view the video on the server at:
12. Ensa Ear-Whispered Chod Melodies by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Rinpoche
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13. Chanting Chod Tsog & Story of Pilgrimage in Tibet
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14. Chod Practice
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15. Chod Commentary
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16. Chod Initiation
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Dorje Shugden’s Teaching List
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains Dorje Shugden Initiation and Benefits (with English Subtitles)
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Speaks on the History & Lineage of Dorje Shugden (with English Subtitles)
- पवित्र क्याब्जे जोंग रिन्पोछेद्वारा दोर्जे शुग्देन दिक्षा र लाभहरुको व्याख्या
- पवित्र क्याब्जे जोंग रिन्पोछे दोर्जे शुग्देनको इतिहास र सम्प्रदायबारे बोल्नुहुन्छ
- Su Santidad Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explica la Iniciación y los Beneficios de Dorje Shugden
- Su Santidad Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Habla Sobre la Historia y el Linaje de Dorje Shugden
- キャブジェ・ツォン・リンポチェ、ドルジェ・シュクデンのイニシエーションとご利益を語る。
- キャブジェ・ツォン・リンポチェ、ドルジェ・シュクデンの歴史と系譜を語る。
- 至尊嘉杰宋仁波切开示多杰雄登托命灌顶及其利益
- 至尊嘉杰宋仁波切开示多杰雄登护法的历史和传承
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Chanting Prayers to Dorje Shugden
- Wrathful Dorje Shugden Ritual at Zong Labrang’s Temple During Tibetan New Year (1985)
17. His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains Dorje Shugden Initiation and Benefits (with English Subtitles)
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18. His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Speaks on the History & Lineage of Dorje Shugden (with English Subtitles)
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19. पवित्र क्याब्जे जोंग रिन्पोछेद्वारा दोर्जे शुग्देन दिक्षा र लाभहरुको व्याख्या
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20. पवित्र क्याब्जे जोंग रिन्पोछे दोर्जे शुग्देनको इतिहास र सम्प्रदायबारे बोल्नुहुन्छ
Or view the video on the server at:
21. Su Santidad Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explica la Iniciación y los Beneficios de Dorje Shugden
Or view the video on the server at:
22. Su Santidad Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Habla Sobre la Historia y el Linaje de Dorje Shugden
Or view the video on the server at:
23. キャブジェ・ツォン・リンポチェ、ドルジェ・シュクデンのイニシエーションとご利益を語る
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24. キャブジェ・ツォン・リンポチェ、ドルジェ・シュクデンの歴史と系譜を語る
Or view the video on the server at:
25. 至尊嘉杰宋仁波切开示多杰雄登托命灌顶及其利益
Or view the video on the server at:
26. 至尊嘉杰宋仁波切开示多杰雄登护法的历史和传承
Or view the video on the server at:
27. His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Chanting Prayers to Dorje Shugden
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28. Wrathful Dorje Shugden Ritual at Zong Labrang’s Temple
During Tibetan New Year (1985)
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29. Guhyasamaja (Akshobya) – The Preparatory Ceremony
Or view the video on the server at:
https://video.tsemtulku.com/videos/59KyabjeZongRinpocheGuhyasamajaAkshobyaThe PreparatoryCeremony.mp4
Tsongkhapa Teaching List
- Teaching on Guru Yoga
- Gaden Lhagyama by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
- Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (1 of 3)
- Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (2 of 3)
- Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (3 of 3)
- Prophecy Regarding Je Tsongkhapa
- Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 1)
- Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 2)
- Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 3) & Guru Devotion
- Generating the Merit Field (Part 1)
- Generating the Merit Field (Part 2) & Guru Yoga
- Seven Limb & Practices on Confession
- Six Preparatory Practices, Refuge & Invocation
- Seven Limb Practice – Requesting the Merit Field to Remain & Prostrations (Part 1)
- Seven Limb Practice – Requesting the Merit Field to Remain & Prostrations (Part 2)
- Prostrations & Offerings (Part 1)
- Prostrations & Offerings (Part 2)
- Confession of Non-Virtues
- Rejoicing in Virtues (Part 1)
- Rejoicing in Virtues (Part 2)
- Requesting to Turn the Wheel of Dharma & Requesting the Guru to Remain for a Long Time
- Dedication of Merit & Mandala Offering
30. Teaching on Guru Yoga
Or view the video on the server at:
31. Gaden Lhagyama by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
32. Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (1 of 3)
Or view the video on the server at:
33. Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (2 of 3)
Or view the video on the server at:
34. Commentary of The Hundreds Deities of the Land of Joy & Migtsema (3 of 3)
Or view the video on the server at:
35. Prophecy Regarding Je Tsongkhapa
Or view the video on the server at:
36. Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 1)
Or view the video on the server at:
37. Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 2)
Or view the video on the server at:
38. Short Biography of Je Tsongkhapa (Part 3) & Guru Devotion
Or view the video on the server at:
39. Generating the Merit Field (Part 1)
Or view the video on the server at:
40. Generating the Merit Field (Part 2) & Guru Yoga
Or view the video on the server at:
41. Seven Limb & Practices on Confession
Or view the video on the server at:
42. Six Preparatory Practices, Refuge & Invocation
Or view the video on the server at:
43. Seven Limb Practice – Requesting the Merit Field to Remain & Prostrations (Part 1)
Or view the video on the server at:
44. Seven Limb Practice – Requesting the Merit Field to Remain & Prostrations (Part 2)
Or view the video on the server at:
45. Prostrations & Offerings (Part 1)
Or view the video on the server at:
46. Prostrations & Offerings (Part 2)
Or view the video on the server at:
47. Confession of Non-Virtues
Or view the video on the server at:
48. Rejoicing in Virtues (Part 1)
Or view the video on the server at:
49. Rejoicing in Virtues (Part 2)
Or view the video on the server at:
50. Requesting to Turn the Wheel of Dharma & Requesting the Guru to Remain for a Long Time
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51. Dedication of Merit & Mandala Offering
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Heruka & Vajrayogini Teaching List
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (1 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (2 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (3 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (4 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (5 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (6 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (7 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (8 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (9 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (10 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (11 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (12 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (13 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (14 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (15 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (16 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (17 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (18 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (19 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (20 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (21 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (22 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (23 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (24 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (25 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (26 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (27 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (28 of 29)
- Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (29 of 29)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (1 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (2 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (3 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (4 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (5 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (6 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (7 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (8 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (9 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (10 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (11 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (12 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (13 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (14 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (15 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (16 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (17 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (18 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (19 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (20 of 21)
- Vajrayogini Commentary (21 of 21)
52. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (1 of 29)
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53. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (2 of 29)
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54. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (3 of 29)
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55. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (4 of 29)
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56. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (5 of 29)
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57. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (6 of 29)
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58. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (7 of 29)
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59. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (8 of 29)
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60. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (9 of 29)
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61. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (10 of 29)
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62. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (11 of 29)
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63. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (12 of 29)
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64. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (13 of 29)
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65. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (14 of 29)
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66. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (15 of 29)
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67. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (16 of 29)
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68. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (17 of 29)
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69. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (18 of 29)
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70. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (19 of 29)
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71. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (20 of 29)
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72. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (21 of 29)
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73. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (22 of 29)
74. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (23 of 29)
75. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (24 of 29)
76. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (25 of 29)
77. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (26 of 29)
78. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (27 of 29)
79. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (28 of 29)
80. Heruka Body Mandala Commentary (29 of 29)
81. Vajrayogini Commentary (1 of 21)
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82. Vajrayogini Commentary (2 of 21)
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83. Vajrayogini Commentary (3 of 21)
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84. Vajrayogini Commentary (4 of 21)
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85. Vajrayogini Commentary (5 of 21)
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86. Vajrayogini Commentary (6 of 21)
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87. Vajrayogini Commentary (7 of 21)
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88. Vajrayogini Commentary (8 of 21)
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89. Vajrayogini Commentary (9 of 21)
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90. Vajrayogini Commentary (10 of 21)
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91. Vajrayogini Commentary (11 of 21)
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92. Vajrayogini Commentary (12 of 21)
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93. Vajrayogini Commentary (13 of 21)
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94. Vajrayogini Commentary (14 of 21)
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95. Vajrayogini Commentary (15 of 21)
96. Vajrayogini Commentary (16 of 21)
97. Vajrayogini Commentary (17 of 21)
98. Vajrayogini Commentary (18 of 21)
99. Vajrayogini Commentary (19 of 21)
100. Vajrayogini Commentary (20 of 21)
101. Vajrayogini Commentary (21 of 21)
Lama Chopa Teaching List
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (1 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (2 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (3 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (4 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (5 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (6 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (7 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (8 of 8)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (1 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (2 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (3 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (4 of 5)
- Lama Chopa Commentary (5 of 5)
102. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (1 of 8)
Or view the video on the server at:
103. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (2 of 8)
Or view the video on the server at:
104. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (3 of 8)
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105. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (4 of 8)
Or view the video on the server at:
106. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (5 of 8)
Or view the video on the server at:
107. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (6 of 8)
Or view the video on the server at:
108. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (7 of 8)
Or view the video on the server at:
109. Lama Chopa Commentary, Yucca Valley, California (1981) (8 of 8)
110. Lama Chopa Commentary (1 of 5)
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111. Lama Chopa Commentary (2 of 5)
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112. Lama Chopa Commentary (3 of 5)
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113. Lama Chopa Commentary (4 of 5)
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114. Lama Chopa Commentary (5 of 5)
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Lamrim Teaching List
- Death, Rebirth & Intermediate
- Emptiness & Advice
- The Basis of the Spiritual Path
- The Principles of the Spiritual Path (1 of 2)
- The Principles of the Spiritual Path (2 of 2)
- Part I: Reliance on One’s Guru and Developing Sincere Faith in Him Is of Utmost Importance
- Part II: We Should Meditate on the Sufferings of the Lower Realms as If We Ourselves Have Been Reborn There
- Part III: There Are Many Causes of Death
- Part IV: There Is No Real Happiness in Samsara
- Part V: A Continuation in the Explanation of the Seven Fold Cause and Effect Method of Developing Bodhicitta
115. Death, Rebirth & Intermediate
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116. Emptiness & Advice
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117. The Basis of the Spiritual Path
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118. The Principles of the Spiritual Path (1 of 2)
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119. The Principles of the Spiritual Path (2 of 2)
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120. Part I: Reliance on One’s Guru and Developing Sincere Faith in Him Is of Utmost Importance
Or view the video on the server at:
121. Part II: We Should Meditate on the Sufferings of the Lower Realms as If We Ourselves Have Been Reborn There
Or view the video on the server at:
122. Part III: There Are Many Causes of Death
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123. Part IV: There Is No Real Happiness in Samsara
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124. Part V: A Continuation in the Explanation of the Seven Fold Cause and Effect Method of Developing Bodhicitta
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Mahamudra Teaching List
- Mahamudra Commentary (1 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (2 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (3 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (4 of 5)
- Mahamudra Commentary (5 of 5)
125. Mahamudra Commentary (1 of 5)
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126. Mahamudra Commentary (2 of 5)
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127. Mahamudra Commentary (3 of 5)
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128. Mahamudra Commentary (4 of 5)
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129. Mahamudra Commentary (5 of 5)
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Yamantaka Teaching List
- Yamantaka Commentary (1 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (2 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (3 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (4 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (5 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (6 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (7 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (8 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (9 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (10 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (11 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (12 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (13 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (14 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (15 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (16 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (17 of 18)
- Yamantaka Commentary (18 of 18)
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Commentary on the Sadhana of 13-Deity Yamantaka
- 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (1 of 3)
- 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (2 of 3)
- 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (3 of 3)
130. Yamantaka Commentary (1 of 18)
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131. Yamantaka Commentary (2 of 18)
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132. Yamantaka Commentary (3 of 18)
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133. Yamantaka Commentary (4 of 18)
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134. Yamantaka Commentary (5 of 18)
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135. Yamantaka Commentary (6 of 18)
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136. Yamantaka Commentary (7 of 18)
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137. Yamantaka Commentary (8 of 18)
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138. Yamantaka Commentary (9 of 18)
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139. Yamantaka Commentary (10 of 18)
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140. Yamantaka Commentary (11 of 18)
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141. Yamantaka Commentary (12 of 18)
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142. Yamantaka Commentary (13 of 18)
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143. Yamantaka Commentary (14 of 18)
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144. Yamantaka Commentary (15 of 18)
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145. Yamantaka Commentary (16 of 18)
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146. Yamantaka Commentary (17 of 18)
Or view the video on the server at:
147. Yamantaka Commentary (18 of 18)
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148. His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Commentary
on the Sadhana of 13-Deity Yamantaka
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149. 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (1 of 3)
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150. 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (2 of 3)
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151. 13-Deity Yamantaka Sadhana Commentary (3 of 3)
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Padmasambava Teaching List
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 1)
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 2)
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 3)
152. H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened
Or view the video on the server at:
153. H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 1)
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154. H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 2)
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155. H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on Guru Padmasambhava as Being Enlightened (Part 3)
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Others Teaching List
- Talk About Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo
- Venerable Lama Yeshe’s Cremation
- Naro Choduk by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
- Developing Compassion in Santa Cruz, California
- General Teaching in Hotchkiss, Colorado
- General Teaching at TDL Los Angeles, California
- Heart Sutra – Short Commentary
- Three Principle Paths
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on the Six Yoga of Naropa
- The Teaching on Mudra by Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
156. Talk About Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche Dechen Nyingpo
Or view the video on the server at:
157. Venerable Lama Yeshe’s Cremation
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158. Naro Choduk by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
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159. Developing Compassion in Santa Cruz, California
Or view the video on the server at:
160. General Teaching in Hotchkiss, Colorado
Or view the video on the server at:
161. General Teaching at TDL Los Angeles, California
Or view the video on the server at:
162. Heart Sutra – Short Commentary
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163. Three Principle Paths
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164. H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Discourse on the Six Yoga of Naropa
165. The Teaching on Mudra by Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
For more interesting information:
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s profound advice reaches many
- His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche explains and performs Chöd
- Zong Lobzang Tsondru Tubten Gyeltsen
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche on the Heruka Body Mandala
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Advice on Dorje Shugden’s Practice
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s Commentary on Guhyasamaja
- 13-Deity Yamantaka by H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
- 6 Yogas of Naropa by H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
- HH Kyabje Zong Rinpoche teaches Gaden Lhagyama
- H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s biography
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Cuts My Hair
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s rare teachings
- Kyabje Zong Rinpoche: Birth, Death & Bardo
- Lamrim Teachings by HH Kyabje Zong Rinpoche
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Came across this wonderful post of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’ precious teaching collections . Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was a highly attained master of the Gelug tradition. He was famous as a sharp analyst and master of philosophical debate, as well as a powerful Tantric practitioner. He had impeccable knowledge of all rituals, art and science. After retiring , Kyabje Zong travelled intensively to the West and embarked on a highly inspiring teaching tour to many countries such as US, Canada , Europe countries and so forth. At the time of writing this havn’t not watch and read all yet. I have bookmarked this post and will read it time from time to understand better. All i can say it rare and precious collections.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.