Intimate advice for us

Choji Lah is the 7th in line of the famous Panglung oracles of Tibet. His father was the 6th Oracle and famous in Tibet. Choji lah takes powerful trances of Dorje Shugden, Setrap, Kache Marpo and a few other esteemed Dharma protectors. Choji lah is here in Kechara Forest Retreat happily smiling and enjoying the greens. We loved having him here and respect him very much.
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Dorje Shugden in our latest private 2nd trance in Kechara Forest Retreat said clearly that working for dharma is very good. Working for Kechara is very good. He mentioned in Tibetan that when we work for ‘this organization‘ (referring to Kechara), we will fulfill the needs of others and automatically fulfill our own needs without even thinking about it. This of course would apply to other monasteries and dharma centres too but he was referring to Kechara specifically. Others may think differently about working in the dharma and how meaningful it is, but no ordinary being’s wisdom can compare to the wisdom and foresight of Dorje Shugden for sure. I am not going to be swayed another person or peer who says working for others’ benefit in dharma has no meaning because most of these ordinary beings may mean well but they do not have unobstructed wisdom. Ordinary beings, although well-intentioned, may not have the knowledge and understanding of the workings of cause and effect to say much except say enjoy your life and indulge. Most advice from ordinary beings lead to further problems and sufferings. I will always trust Buddha’s Dharma and Dorje Shugden over any friend or ‘friends’ or ordinary beings, as caring as they can be. Buddha’s teachings are infallible and Dorje Shugden’s advice is always something that benefits us long term. We can trust dharma and Dorje Shugden.
Dorje Shugden said when negative situations happen to us, we should not be derailed but instead think, “Now this has happened and I have experienced the karma and it’s purified.” When we experience something, that karma is finished or finishing. The experience is the result of the karma. Once experienced, that karma is finished in general. So in fact we should rejoice the karma is finishing. This is the correct way to look at negative happenings in our lives. It’s better to look at that as finishing, than lament and be derailed.
Dorje Shugden said if we have problems or sickness, don’t just complain or be in pain and leave it as it is, but do purification practices. All pain, both mental and physical, arise from causes. Those causes are karma and karma is from us. Since karma is created by us, therefore it must be experienced by us eventually. But the GOOD news is that karma is not stagnant and therefore it can be changed, purified, ‘reversed’ or transformed when we apply the appropriate means. Since karma is something intangible to most ordinary beings (although we can feel its effects), it has to be purified by intangible methods sometimes. Just talking to someone, drinking, holidaying, sleeping or going for medical treatments may not fully take away the problem as the deep-seeded cause is karmic. We of course can go for the company of positive friends, hospitals and treatments but those will be symptomatic since the karma has opened. What we really need is to ‘attack’ the true cause which is karma by purification methods (kanshag, Vajrasattva, prostrations, retreats, Dorje Namjom, Black Manjushri, 35 Confessional Buddhas, circumambulation, building dharma buildings, Heart Sutra).
Purification does not mean we are bad. IT just means we need to purify many actions done from ignorance that have opened, or are still dormant that can cause us sufferings. Therefore applying spiritual methods such as purification practices are very important and if we are consistent, we will see a difference in our situation as Dorje Shugden promised. In fact that is what our perfected Lord Buddha said. This is really for us to go all the way and trust karma. Karma can be changed so our situation can be changed; we can trust this. A tree is known by its fruit. Dorje Shugden’s advice shows you he is an awakened Protector. This advice is excellent and it pinpoints clearly that Dorje Shugden’s advice is always in accordance to Buddha who he has allegiance to. Working for dharma to benefit others is good and no amount of counter-debate can win over this truth. No matter how smart any sentient being may be with the skill of debate, it can never match the wisdom of a fully enlightened perfected Buddha’s wisdom and truth. If Dorje Shugden says working for dharma is good, then it is good. If Dorje Shugden quotes Lord Buddha’s teachings on karma, you know we can definitely rely on that and change our situations and we should do purification practices.

Choji lah while here in Kechara compassionately performed many various rituals and pujas at the instruction of Dorje Shugden for the growth of Kechara. We are so grateful and honored.
We all make mistakes and act out of ignorance, anger, hatred, jealousy and greed. That is our current state of mind but it is not permanent. We are not bad because of it, as it can be removed. Our negative actions do not need to be us. However these actions are stored as karma and they multiply everyday, so we should not sweep those actions under the rug and ignore them. They are like a time bomb and get bigger and bigger until we purify them, or until they ripen and we experience them. Just because no one speaks about it and we are silent ourselves, does not mean they will not ripen or the karma is nil. The karma will open. We experience the ripening of karma daily, weekly, monthly, yearly as we have suffered from so many problems coming from the ten directions. God, the universe, nature, the enemies we created cannot take away our problems, nor can they give them in the ultimate sense. If something as God or universe can take them away, why don’t they? Because they cannot but we can. We can through purification practices as taught by the perfect Buddha. We should engage in purification as taught by Dorje Shugden. Then many doubts in our mind clears, dharma becomes clearer, engaging in virtuous activities become easier. Doing work for others and engaging in actions that benefit others become clearer. In fact when we clear our negative karma away by purification, doing virtuous works becomes easier. We feel lighter and happier.
We should not complain about anything or spread rumours, or influence others negatively against dharma or dharma work. Why? Because what can you do for them if you take them away from dharma work? Most of us are in dire straits or constantly suffering in one way or another and don’t have our own lives together. Many are not really even happy. So when you influence others away, you take people away from a remedy. You don’t need to decide for them, let them decide if this remedy is good for them or not. If you don’t like dharma work or transforming the mind, that is the karma you created. What results that leads to will determine if the karma is good or bad. The old adage is money, wealth, power, beauty and friends never bring lasting happiness. If you continue to contradict this, then you contradict the truth of life or existence as taught by the compassionate Buddha 2,500 years ago and as Dorje Shugden shared with us recently.
Kechara is a place of healing, knowledge, hope, prayers, positive results, practice based on pure lineage protected by the samaya to our guru and dharma protectors. Many people have found direction, hope, wisdom, help and blessings within Kechara. Many have found a goal and the meaning of life within Kechara and our teachings. We get so many letters and messages from people on how Kechara has touched their lives. We are humbled by this and at the same time encouraged. Dorje Shugden said if we follow the dharma, do purification practices, do our dharma works, then we will see a positive change in our situation. He said today humans (us) and Gods (himself) can meet due to very good causes created by both. We can speak together and share the dharma together which is good. We can meet again and again in the future he promised, but we should do our dharma work fearlessly. He asked us to think big, wide, far and not be afraid. We should develop Kechara further to be of even more benefit to many more. Dorje Shugden said to work hard and make Kechara grow further and we can make it even more beneficial. Work on it and be committed. This is advice from our protector directly. We don’t need to doubt at all and just go all the way. Dorje Shugden said in trance of his renowned oracle monk that what is most important is applying Buddha’s teachings daily, tackling our points we need to work on and have a gradual daily change in our mind to more positive thinking. This change is gradual and not immediate. Don’t pressure oneself, but apply the teachings of mind training and daily make a change within ourselves. When we make this change, we change our world, our conditioning, our thinking, our environment and those around us. He said to trust the Buddha and the Dharma all the way. With Dorje Shugden as our ally, we need not be afraid but we should go all the way.

Dorje Shugden gave us much advice and very valuable instructions which I am sharing here
Dorje Shugden gave us much advice and very valuable instructions which I am sharing here
The oracle monk (Choji lah) was told by Dorje Shugden to visit us, encourage us and bless us. Choji lah the oracle of Dorje Shugden’s visit to Kechara was unplanned by us; he was sent by Dorje Shugden. Choji lah just called us and said he is visiting! While Choji lah was here, we were able to meet Dorje Shugden directly via his powerful and authentic trances. Dorje Shugden offered us the above advice and many other advice to benefit us. Choji lah, on the advice of Dorje Shugden, also did many pujas and rituals to help Kechara to grow. Choji lah is a simple and very easy monk who has been the oracle of Dorje Shugden for over the last 30 years. He was trained and certified as an authentic oracle by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche personally. Also Kyabje Domo Geshe Rinpoche helped in the training. Choji lah’s father was one of the most famous Dorje Shugden oracles in Tibet also. It is lineal in their family. The current Choji lah is the 7th in line of the Panglung oracles. We were very honored with Choji lah’s visit. We were amazed and grateful to Dorje Shugden’s guidance, advice and love. I am very much indebted to Choji lah and especially Dorje Shugden’s advice, protection and blessings on our spiritual journey to Buddha-hood.
Tsem Rinpoche
P.S. In retrospect to the above, I would like to welcome one of our student’s mother to Kechara today and welcome her volunteering. This student’s mom is here in Kechara and she is starting to open up to Kechara volunteering. She is here to cook for other volunteers and spend time. She is not too religious per se, but she is a giving lady who has a generous heart. She wants to be here for a few days to cook for volunteers instead of traveling and ‘enjoying’. Her last trip with a group overseas opened her heart, thoughts and mind to the meaning of life. She witnessed someone in her group collapse suddenly and later died while holidaying. This made a powerful impression. Even holidaying cannot protect from the ultimate. This made her think what is the purpose of our fragile life, where even while holidaying someone can just die with no apparent causes…all the money, travel, ‘enjoying’ just ends in sudden passing. How much time have we used up for ‘pleasures’ that gets us nowhere except it becomes a ‘interesting’ conversation to weave for others? When children work for dharma and they show a transformation, it can make their parents sit up and observe and investigate what made their children grow. When children, at the initial protestations of parents, work for dharma and may not have support, if the child transforms sufficiently, the parents are the first to notice due to many years of intimate contact, love and relationship. The parents may start investigating and even join the dharma, or at least respect what the children are doing. In this way we bring the dharma to our parents due to winning our inner battles one day at a time. This can apply to all relatives and friends around us too. Same applies when parents are in dharma, and the parents change and transform. This inspires the children to perhaps explore more. If you only spout dharma but don’t practice, then it will be hard to influence children because children are smart and their intelligence grows as they mature, and they can compare what they see at home with their parents to other adults as they grow. So whatever excuses with our children we may have that ‘may’ work now, may not later.
If our children listen to us even as adults, it is because while growing up they have seen the good qualities in parents and they hold on to that and respect that. If our children don’t respect us, it can be bad influence of friends, their own karmas or we didn’t parent them in ways that influenced them positively or some combination of this. Many times but not all of the times, our children reflect their upbringing and therefore who their parents really were. If as adults we are only interested in materialistic things, travel, food, branded items, etc., maybe that is what they were exposed to while growing up. That came from the parents. You grow up to be what you are exposed to and what you are used to. If you never have to work while growing up but still get abundant toys, holidays, nice clothes, good schools, bills are paid, trips, frequent dinners out then you will grow up wanting the same without the work perhaps. But as adults you will suffer if you don’t get the same things you were used to while growing up. I am not blaming anyone, but these are just some thoughts. Any shred of influence we may have on our grown-up children will be the good qualities they observed in us while growing up. They will hold on to that. Sometimes just paying for their room, school, food and trips may not be enough to have them respect us when they are adults. Good, kind, human qualities within us is what will matter to them. Parents must show results. For many kids, not having results but just providing good food and a house is not enough. Food and a house are expected of parents. Remember – sometimes kids can be smarter than their parents and vice versa of course. The best way to influence our children sooner or later is to create changes within ourselves that they can see and be inspired by. After all who do we love more, ourselves or our children? This is the ‘test’.
The point is if we consistently do dharma, transform and apply it within ourselves, then we are trusting the dharma in action. Therefore Dorje Shugden is protecting us. How? We are protected by knowledge and when we apply this wisdom, we avoid more sufferings and in this way dharma and Dorje Shugden has protected us.
(Everything in life/samsara we have ‘trusted’ or relied on has failed us in one way or another, including our anger, laziness, expectations and comfort zones. Wealth, name, branded items, luxuries all have faded and will continue to fade. They can’t buy us the respect we yearn for anyways. Now TRUST DORJE SHUGDEN all the way by working for others. Getting sick for others even when we ‘overwork’ is okay and be happy for it. Focus out to others. Do this until it is not difficult to do and it is spontaneous from you. Then we know we are progressing. Do this daily. Feed others, comfort others, take on the work, be a good example, speak logically, have integrity and do our best for others always. Then our protector will be pleased with us and our spiritual practice will bear results. We will be fulfilled, happy and at peace. We will bring purpose to our lives and the lives of many others. Trust Dorje Shugden in action. Destroy comfort zones. He told me this, to do more. Trust him. We can do more and we will. ~Tsem Rinpoche)

Over 700 attended the day Dorje Shugden took trance of Choji lah and gave us his holy advice

Our protector in full trance of Choji lah and giving us a dharma talk

Our Dorje Shugden in full trance compassionately blessed each person one by one. It was a very powerful and memorable moment for many.
For more interesting information:
- The Dorje Shugden category on my blog
- Dorje Shugden: My side of the story
- Dorje Shugden Teaching videos
- Main Assistants of the Dharma King
- Kawang Prayers to Dorje Shugden
- Why hide and attack a monk?
- Thank You For The Positivity (posted by admin)
- 700 Meet a Buddha
- Kechara Forest Retreat
- Dharma work, attitude & TDL
- Kechara’s 13 departments on my blog
- Discovering Yourself: A Teaching on Karma & Mindstream
- Vajrasattva and Prostrations Practice
- Tsem Tulku Rinpoche teaches PROSTRATION (1 of 2)
- Dorje Shugden Retreat: A powerful practice to fulfill wishes
- A Black Manjushri Sadhana: Self-Healing Meditation and Exercises
- 35 Confessional Buddhas: The Mahayana Sutra of the Three Superior Heaps
- Debate with Rinpoche!
- Donate to Kechara Forest Retreat
- Eight verses to happiness and acceptance
- His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang
- Being there for kids the right way…
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Although time has passes so fast, I being aiy this article to be very powerful and aupicous.
This intimate advice from Dorje Shugden for us which we should not ignored . Whatever the present moments contains, accept it as if we have chosen it nor matter what it is. Always work happily with it and not against it with stress. This dharma work will miraculously transform our whole lives. Have a positive mind, working for dharma and working for Kechara is very good. Dharma practice call upon us to see what is really true, stepping out of delusion and comfort zone. To serve others , bringing happiness to others all the way through. For most have trust in Dharma and Kechara. Well where there is Dharma, there is no karma. I am fortunate to have Dharma , learning and practicing Dharma . Learning Dharma has indeed makes a difference in my lives.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these important advice.
Good and nice article. It is very important to do dharma work and it is even better doing dharma work in Kechara where it is according to the right way and proper understanding. We can trust Dorje Shugden as he is and awakened protector and his advise will benefit us.
I truly agree with what Protector has said about when we work for others in Kechara, we will fulfil our own needs and desire. Through that we are living our lives in a more meaningful way that allows us to enjoy ourselves and feel happier unknowingly. When we use ourselves to serve others, we feel and can relate to the joy when we see the faces on others.
Thanks a lot
Divination (‘mo’) Text by Dorje Shugden
This is an important divination (‘mo’) text composed by Dorje Shugden himself. Dorje Shugden took trance of the Choyang Dulzin oracle lama, the senior oracle of Gaden Shartse Monastery, and instantly on the spot composed this text within two hours.
The divination text contains information on how to use dice to do divination for the future and is known to be highly accurate. When practitioners use this text, they will be in direct contact with Dorje Shugden to get answers to questions about the future. It is for those who have good samaya with Dorje Shugden and are free of the eight worldly dharmas to be of benefit to others in divining the future.
Tsem Rinpoche
The advice is pure dharma and spot on for people who are considering or working in dharma. This is exactly what we need to hear and contemplate on. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this piece of advice from Dorje Shugden during the private trance. ??
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these important advice, blessing and very valuable instructions given by Dorje Shugden through the oracle at Kechara Forest Rereat. Dorje Shugden’s advices will benefits us in long term when we trust in the Powerful Protector fully. Applying the teachings daily and go all the way out we can transform our mind and apply it within ourselves to be more positive in life, by working for others.
Thanks again with folded hands Rinpoche
Being able to meet H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden is a very unique experience in my life. Unique because of the karmic connection we have from the pass and to be able to continue again in this life is amazing. It was the promise from a Guru for his student from His previous life.
Dharma work is unique too. It is not a work. It is an offerings to the Guru and the three jewels. When we do it with the correct attitude, we create lots of joy in our mind, purify our karma and collect merits. But if Dharma work is done with wrong motivation and agenda, naturally we create lots of negative thoughts and wrong view in our mind. At the end we create the karma to leave the Guru and Dharma. Hence it’s important to always check our mind, ask ourselves, why are we here? Get it right before it is too late.
The main purpose of Dharma work is to bring Dharma to others and transform our mind and become a better person, we bring Dharma and happiness to our family and friends.
1. 多参与佛法工作
~ 满足他人的需求也是直接的满足自己的需求 。简单说帮助他人的同时,其实是在帮助我们自己。
2. 当不好的事情发生在我们的身上,不要有负面的想法,反而要觉得我们必须经历这一切来净化我们所造下的恶业。经验其实就是业果。
~ 要相信因果。尽量去净化我们的黑和中性业力。中性业力可能现在不会发生,但如果没有累积足够功德来净化之前所造下的业力,这是非常有潜能变成黑业。
~ 所谓:“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”。因果循环,也是如此。
3. 当我们有问题或生病时,不要只是抱怨和诉苦,然后搁置一边。
~ 所有身体或精神的痛都是我们之前所造下的因。
~ 要想尽办法来净化恶业,包括酬供、金刚萨垛百字明咒、 大礼拜、闭关 、多杰南炯、黑文殊菩萨、35佛忏、绕佛塔/佛像 、建设弘扬佛法的地方、心经 等。
4. 相信多杰雄登护法的劝告
~ 因为他是随着佛陀的教诲
~ 实践净化恶业 – 有帮助于我们拥有清晰的思路、清楚了解佛法知识、长做善事等,可以让我们活的更开心与轻松。
5. 不去议论任何谣言或任何负面影响于佛法或佛法事业
~ 不影响他人
~ 让他人自己做决定
6. 克切拉可以被称为一间‘治疗中心’、可以让人们学习、有正面的结果、希望、祈福与修行依据纯正的传承与清净的三味耶的上师与护法。
~ 曾经有很多人写信与留言 提到克切拉和上师的教诲可以帮助解决他们在生活日常上的问题
7. 护法的劝告
~ 如果我们学习佛法、净化恶业和做佛法事业,我们是可以看到有正面的改善和进步于生活状况。
8. 相信护法所说的一切
~ 我们的遇见不是偶然的。做佛法事业要想远一点,想大一点,不用害怕。相信佛陀,相信佛法,继续走下去。
I’m feeling grateful that we have Tsem Tulku Rinpoche in Malaysia, we have Tsem Tulku Rinpoche who found Kechara, and we have Choji Lah, the 7th in line of famous Panglung oracles of Tibet, to visit Kechara because of Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and the great motives behind all Dharma works that have been inspired by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and well managing by Kecharians. Moreover, we are all blessed to receive Dharma teachings and wise advises directly from the Powerful Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden.
“When we experience something, that karma is finished or finishing. The experience is the result of the karma.” Indeed, we as human being should remain positive toward any event that happens on us,even it’s negative . They are the results from our productions, either from previous lives or current life. It’s acceptable to behave negatively at first when we are facing problems, however, once we have noticed it, we should react quickly and be the one to control our body and mind, never let them hop around. Furthermore, actions should take immediately or as soon as possible to counter our negative karma, we should not wait until it’s too late to regret.
There are tons of different religion in this world and Buddhism has been one of the religions which have the most followers. Followers of Buddhism have been practicing since 2500 years ago and it is still running well around the world. We know, every religion is teaching good, therefore, we should respect the others followers of various religions and also our own brothers and sisters who are practicing Buddhism. Never stop one from learning good, and never talk bad about good teachings. Lastly, we should be the medium to deliver things that we have learned/experienced which will bring benefits to our love ones, and people who need it.
Parents are the one who possess the most intimate relationship with their children, and also act as their tutors of life. When they are still small, parents are always the one who are teaching them the ways they should behave at different situations. However, at times, children could reverse the roles and teach the parents something, when some of the parents are just too busy or stressed up. For instance, parents strive to give the best to their children, at times they might forget about taking care of themselves, at this time their children might ask them not to smoke or tell them not to do any things that would hurt another sentient being. Because these children have received Dharma teachings. Everything we do will cause chain effect, we must not underestimate those tiny and unimportant stuffs we do as they might influence another sentient beings either positively or negatively.
Thank you. _/|\_
Kechara represents dharma. Dorje Shugden specifically mentioned working for this organization (Kechara) is good. There is no doubt the purpose and goal of Kechara is dharma and will benefit many. Working for dharma in any monastery or dharma center is of course good.
Our karmic connections go beyond this life. Since we have the karmic connection and merit to meet H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche personally or through his teachings, to hear the advise of Dorje Shugden through the Venerable 7th Panglung Kuten, to have the karmic connection to be in Kechara at the right time during the trance ceremony, the most conducive conditions for our spiritual growth has been set for us. Hence I believe especially for those present at the trance, to support and work for Kechara is the most suitable and favorable spiritual path.
“Now this has happened and I have experienced the karma and it’s purified.” This statement is very liberating. The nature of karma is that it’s exhaustible. Just as the enjoyment of positive karma can end so can the suffering of negative karma.
Dharma teaches us how to have the correct view on the positive and negative experiences in our life. When we are able to face and accept the negative situations we encounter with the right mind and we do not react or blame, we can end that negative karma once the experiece passed. Since we do not create more negative karma from the experience, it stops there. Hence, that negative karma is purified.
Buddha taught us to do purification practices such as kanshag, Vajrasattva, prostrations, retreats, Dorje Namjom, Black Manjushri, 35 Confessional Buddhas, circumambulation, building dharma buildings, Heart Sutra, etc to counter our negative karma. On our own it is very difficult for us to control our mind, to change our views and to see a different truth. Buddha gave us all these various methods of practices to aid us in expediting the process so we can lessen our time in suffering.
Dear Rinpoche,
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for sharing this article and we are very fortunate to have Dorje Shugden coming to Malaysia and giving us dharma talk. Below are some of the things I learned :
1. It is very important to do dharma work and it is even better doing dharma work in Kechara where it is according to the right way and proper understanding. We can trust Dorje Shugden as he is and awakened protector and his advise will benefit us.
2. When we are faced with obstacles and negatives situation we should not derailed but accept it as our karma. We should not complain but instead do more purification. We have to understand that karma is created by us and therefore we have to experience and face it.
3. Our actions have created a lot of karma be it on daily, weekly or yearly basis and it keeps multiplying. Karma is not stagnant and can be changed. Hence we must not wait till it ripen to purify it. We should be consistent and work hard to purity it in various methods so we do not have to suffer from it.
4. Kechara provides us a solution where it is a place for us to practice dharma, pray and purify our action based on a pure lineage. Kechara is a place that can benefit a lot of people.
5. We should apply and practice dharma everyday so it can gradually change our mind to be positive. This change will not be immediate but gradual. We should learn to transform our mind and then our condition and environment will wholly change. We must have confidence and believe Buddha’s teaching and go all the way.
Lin Mun
Dear Rinpoche,
Even we are sick or in obstacles or problems, do not focus in our problems but continue to think of others, to practice dharma ,cultivate good heart in our spiritual journey. Face it…. overcome it… is a lesson…
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this piece of advice from Dorje Shugden during the private trance. The advice is just pure dharma and spot on for people who are considering or working in dharma. This is exactly what we need to hear and contemplate on.
When we work for dharma, we will face tons of obstacles. People around us might not be supportive and even try to pull us away from dharma. Things in our life might start to go wrong and problems will arise. However, if we have faith in our Guru and Dorje Shugden, we will be able to work our way through the hardships. We cannot be those people who have faith when everything is alright and once problem arises, we lose faith. We have go all the way and trust our Guru and Dorje Shugden. Only then, Our Guru and Dorje Shugden can assist us easily.
“Dorje Shugden said if we have problems or sickness, don’t just complain or be in pain and leave it as it is, but do purification practices. All pain, both mental and physical, arise from causes. Those causes are karma and karma is from us. Since karma is created by us, therefore it must be experienced by us eventually. But the GOOD news is that karma is not stagnant and therefore it can be changed, purified, ‘reversed’ or transformed when we apply the appropriate means.”
When we listen to Dorje Shugden’s dharma talk, it all comes from Lord Buddha’s teachings. Dorje Shugden doesn’t talk about anything else but the dharma. So when others claim and make slanderous remarks of Dorje Shugden that he is an evil spirit, I find it difficult to accept and believe. Why would an evil spirit teach the dharma and promote Buddha’s teachings all the time? He always talk about mind transformation, compassion, how to benefit others, harmony, and retreats. All the negative allegations about Dorje Shugden do not match what I see and hear.
It is very fortunate for Kechara and us to be blessed by the enlightened protector Dorje Shudgen.
The knowledge by Dorje Shudgen applied properly is wisdom that protects us from samsara. Thank you Rinpoche.
It is a great blessing when we have the enlightned protector Dorje Shugden to give his personal advice and dharma teaching. What I learn from this post:
1) When Dorje Shugden mentioned working for Kechara is very good. For an enlightened being to specifically mention Kechara which mean this organization is beneficial and the potential is much much greater in long term for our spiritual advancement. We should work harder and make Kechara grow continue to benefit more people
2) When we are in negative situation we should change our view from being negative to positive. Whatever we experienced is form the karma we created and since now it manifest we should go through it rejoicefuly as this karma is purifying or finishing.
3) By saying so as we going through our karma there are ways that we can chnaged, purifed, reversed or transformed by doing purification practice. This is what I like about Buddhism which it never ask us to just leave by our karma but there is a way how we can improve our karma through realization and practices.
4) We should not complain, spread rumours or influece others away from dahrma. As we know Dharma is the ultimate truth for our life. What can we do for the people if we influence them away from dharma? Can we ensure them for enlightenment? No! we can’t but by encouraging them to stick with dharma then that is the guide for their liberation
5) The good qualities transformation from our dharma practice is important because from our transformation it will be notice and be it our parrents, our childrens or even friends they will be inspired and we have shown the true teaching of Dharma in our reality life how it improve ourselves to benefit others.
It’s a great honor to have the 7th Panglung Kuten to take trance for Dorje Shugden which insisting to come to Kechara to give such a precious teaching and many blessing. All this happened is from our Guru HE the 25th Tsem Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing and Chiji-lah for coming to Kechara and gave us guidance, advice, love, blessing and protection.
Please below my learnings from the sharing above
When experience unhappiness, suffering or negative situation, we should not be derailed but instead think, we have experience the karma and is finishing. We should rejoice as the karma is ripening.
No one can take away the karma from us. We must do purification practices as advised by Dorje Shudgen such as kanshag, Vajrasattva, prostrations, retreats, Dorje Namjom, Black Manjushri, 35 Confessional Buddhas, circumambulation, building dharma buildings, Heart Sutra
When we purify our karma, it is easier for us to practice dharma, our minds will be clearer and everything we do to benefit others will be easier.
We should apply the teaching given by Buddha daily and go all the way. Then gradually, we can change our mind and to be more positive.
We should not complain about anything or spread rumours, or influence others negatively against dharma or dharma work. Many people found their direction, hope and wisdom, help, blessing, goals within Kechara. We should do our dharma work fearlessly.
We should develop Kechara further to be even benefits many more.
With folded hands
Pee Bee Chong
1) To have the 7th Panglung Kuten , suddenly out of the blue, say He is coming to Kechara because Dorje Shugden said so, must mean we’re doing something really good or we’re on the right track and goes to show how important and beneficial Rinpoche/Kechara work is, and that it can bring of great benefit to the world.
How amazingly fortunate we are to have such a close connection with the oracle and Dorje Shugden that allows us to receive such precious advice. Feels like a father advising all His children. All this could not have been possible without Rinpoche.
2) It’s amazing how Dorje Shugden’s advice are always the same as what Rinpoche would say and advise us. “When we work for ‘this organization‘ (referring to Kechara), we will fulfill the needs of others and automatically fulfil our own needs without even thinking about it.” This is something Rinpoche keeps telling us to commit and go all the way and stop being afraid and letting our fears stop us.
3) When we experience negative situations, we should not be derailed let it discourage us. Instead we should rejoice that that karma has manifested, purified and finished. Wow this perspective is so very powerful and if we can think like this always when we have a bad experience, we will be able to handle so many things in a calm, positive state of mind. It’s another step closer to being attained I think. This also reminds me of the many accidents I’ve had and yet I am still alive today… and I remembered my first accident when Rinpoche told me this same advice; that I should actually rejoiced the karma has been purified.
4) Dorje Shugden reminds us again about karma and how it all comes from us, ourselves, no one else; therefore it must be experienced by us one way or another. But the good news is that it is not stagnant and if we apply the teachings and do purification practices it can be changed, purified, ‘reversed’ or transformed as nothing is ever permanent. Karma can be changed so our situation can be changed.
5) Just by reading Dorje Shugden’s advice, one can already tell what kind of Protector He is… definitely an awakened/enlightened one. All of Dorje Shugden’s advice is according to the Buddha’s teachings and nothing else. How amazingly compassionate He is to be giving us such profound direct teachings and advices, what more can we ask except to just trust and do it. Thank you Rinpoche.
We are indeed so extremely fortunate to be connected with Rinpoche and because of this connection we are able to be connected to the divine enlightened beings like Dorje Shugden.
_/\_thank u rinpochela for ur advice. You are really kind. I feel so blessed to come to know u all and it eventually leads to better understanding of the deity and the karma. Thank you a lot. May ma morning shine bright with ur teachings._/\_
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this precious advice from Dorje Shugden With your teaching I am deeply and humbly reminded to do my best for others, always. Infinite gratitude from the deepest of my heart.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us the advice given by Dorje Shugden (Chojila under trance). I was there during the trance on 21st and was in awe in the presence of our Guru Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden, later Kache Marpo. What is even more awesome is that all of us received Dharma teachings from Dorje Shugden and Kache Marpo himself. I will heed Dorje Shugden and Guru’s advice and be more compassionate, kind and loving to all sentient beings. May all the blessings be dedicated to the success of Kechara Forest Reserve.
Leonard Ooi(Penang)
It is wonderful to know that the 7th Panglung Kuten took trance of the Protector Dorje Shugden again for the 2nd time in Wisdom Hall of Kechara Forest Retreat. Dorje Shugden has given us very valuable advice on how we should approach our spiritual practice. The advice may not differ much from that of our Guru, Tsem Rinpoche, but it becomes an added blessing coming from the Buddha Dorje Shugden himself. I hope that we will all be able to continue to create causes for Dorje Shugden to continue to give us precious advice in KFR as it will benefit many !
Being a parent is the toughest and most testing challenge in life ! Thank you Rinpoche for always giving us advice on how we should have real transformations, walk the talk, in order for our children to be able to appreciate and embrace that the Dharma can bring positive changes to lives.
“Everything in life/samsara we have ‘trusted’ or relied on has failed us in one way or another, including our anger, laziness, expectations and comfort zones. Wealth, name, branded items, luxuries all have faded and will continue to fade. They can’t buy us the respect we yearn for anyways. Now TRUST DORJE SHUGDEN all the way by working for others.”
Thank you Rinpoche for this advice. With folded hands.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this valuable advice from DS, we will take this advice sincerely to our heart and as a Kecharian we feel lucky to have our guru who always guide us , remind us about about short fall it really benefits us a lot, we will continue help the organization to grow and spread the dharma to more people.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the message and advice from Dorje Shugden of the second trance session, although it is a private one. The contents of the advice is the same as what Rinpoche have been teaching us all. This have reinforced the fact that focusing out and working to benefit others would bring fulfillment and contentment to our life.
Many thanks too to Choji lah who have allowed his body to be used so that we can all meet with the Protector and get His advice.
“When the dharma brings you hardships, then however many differnet kinds of suffering you might have to undergo, like Jetsun mila and the Conquerors of the past, in the end your happiness will be unparalleled. But when wrongdoing makes you rich, then whatever pleasure you might temporarily obtain, in the end your suffering will be infinite”.
Partul Rinpoche
It was a holy and historical event that more than 700 people were able to witness the Oracle Trance and to receive direct teachings from Dorje Shugden.
I was very touched by the compassion of Dorje Shugden for giving us this profound teachings, His protection and blessings and requesting Choji la to visit us to bless and show support towards the development of Kechara Forest Retreat and helping to make it grow.
May Kechara grow and touch the lives of many to come.
When Kechara started Kechara Forest Retreat, I had hopes and dreams of Dorje Shugden coming to visit but it is way above my dreams to meet Dorje Shugden via the Oracle as renowned as the 7th Panglung Kuten.
Seeing the crowd being blessed by Dorje Shugden, every one present, brought tears of joy to my eyes. It is so beautiful to see so many people being benefitted from Blessings from this great and kind Protector of our times.
What is even more awesome is that all of us received a very profound Dharma teaching. This teaching gave each and every one present the opportunity to have received Dorje Shugden as our Guru, as explained by HE Tsem Rinpoche. Imagine so much was granted to us.
May we stay on the path of Buddhism until we gain enlightenment for the benefit of others.
Although I was not at the 2nd private trance, I am glad and thankful to Rinpoche for sharing with us the advice given by Dorje Shugden (Chojila under trance). I was there during the trance on 21st and am absolutely blessed to be in the presence of 2 Buddhas (my Guru and Dorje Shugden, later Kache Marpo) at the same time.
Having been given the opportunity to volunteer for the preparation of Wealth Box and consecration event, it certainly ring true the message “working for dharma is good”. I really enjoyed my time volunteering and feel much loss having to return to my secular work. I have learnt to be more mindful of my thoughts and actions to generate better “blessings” for the smooth completion of event (ie. reciting DS mantra, etc). Most of all, I have witness the amazing selfless dedication and hardwork of others. May all the blessings be dedicated to the success of all of Rinpoche’s projects.
I truly agree with what Protector has said about when we work for others in Kechara, we will fulfil our own needs and desire. Through that we are living our lives in a more meaningful way that allows us to enjoy ourselves and feel happier unknowingly. When we use ourselves to serve others, we feel and can relate to the joy when we see the faces on others.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us the importance of us purifying the karma that we accumulate along the way as each day passes by. Through Karma, it shows that there is definitely a link behind the things that we do, and thus, as much as possible we should always do good things.
Through Protector’s teachings, it is clear that we will not be able to change all our negative points to positive ones. Yet, we can do it bit by bit, as the change is gradual and not immediate.
Thank you Rinpoche showing us an example through the student’s mother visit to Kechara. It is through that student’s transformation that has made possible for his/her mother to be volunteering allowing her to be closer to Dharma. It shows me that it is true that only through self transformation that it will be possible to make this world a happier place to be in and to work from.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for this article. Though I was there at the private trance, I totally forgotten what Lord Dorje Shugden mentioned. Although He saying saying specifically on growth of Kechara, his teachings can be applied on my daily living too.
The last few weeks, I have been through many negativity, both at work and personal. And I have been hit hard and demoralized.. Lamenting and upset, and thrown of grid. Thankfully for this article, reminded me that I should view those negativity as that karma finishing or finished. I should look at it positively that I am experiencing it now and not later when the karma grows bigger and gets worse.
Thank you for correcting how I should view those unpleasant experiences, Rinpoche
I hope I can one day have enough merit to meet Dorje Shugden in KFR. Would be a surreal experience. Yes its true for me, through reflection and thinking about ones life it is impossible to contradict the advice and teaching of the Buddha.
Once you have heard the real truth in the teachings it is almost impossible, or at least should be impossible to live life any other way. The dharma is the ultimate truth. I need to have full faith and go all the way.
Thankyou for sharing Rinpoche 🙂
Humble of prostrations to Choji-la for making a special trip to Kechara under instructions of Bhagavan Dorje Shugden. And Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the ultimate advice from Bhagavan Dorje Shugden and also advice of being a good parent by bring Dharma to child.
Trust Dorje Shugden in action. Destroy comfort zones. He told me this, to do more. Trust him. We can do more and we will.”
These words are inspiring and with due our untrained mind that keeps lingering in the comfort zone. Its make us awake from the illusions and ensure our remaining times don’t goes wasted anymore.
For me, Tsem Rinpoche and Dorje Shugden are same in one, having Buddha qualities by bringing benefits to all sentient beings.
Thank you very much, Guru Tsem Rinpoche ! _/|\_
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing on what Dorje Shugden has advised us during the trance by Choji Lah.
I felt so touched that we are able to listen to the teaching from Dorje Shugden directly. From the teaching, i knew that i should think or act positively against the problem that we experienced.
I really thank Rinpoche and Choji La for bringing us Dorje Shugden, and benefited me personally.
Thank you
It was a amazing memorable day for me, I cannot describe how touched I was when meeting up our Guru, H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and Choji La in this event which I have been hoping for 3++ years I think.
“we will fulfill the needs of others and automatically fulfill our own needs without even thinking about it”, I particular like this phase. I was like others, I did Dharma was to fulfill my personal need/wishes, therefore, I was very selective in Dharma practice/work such as I only like doing water offering when preparing tormas for puja as it would help to bring me wealth or only did sponsor to certain ritual stuff for certain purpose etc. After being in Kechara for some time, I realized that I should not be selective in Dharma work as long as it is for Dharma, for Kechara, and for others I will do it. We will be benefited from Dharma work in one way or another, we do not need to ask for it . Nowadays when I can afford to make contribution to our center, I will not ask/be selective what project it goes to (such as for candle offering, or Medicine Budhha Hill, or Stupa etc), as long as it is for our center, for benefiting others, and for Dharma. This is how I try to cutoff my selfishness, my ego, and my BIG “I” in mind.
“But the GOOD news is that karma is not stagnant and therefore it can be changed, purified, ‘reversed’ or transformed when we apply the appropriate means.” This quote really strike me hard in my mind. I am having some “turbulence” in my career in these few years;I got retrenched 3 times in these 6 years (2 times in these 2 years). Honestly, I almost wanted to give up. However, the warm and encouragement from Guru, Protectors, Pastors, Seniors and all the Kecharians in one way another brought me back to Dharma path. Hence, I will follow the instructions (I do not take it as advice only) from Guru and Dorje Shudgen without single doubt and put them into my daily practice to cut off my bad habits as purification. I treat Kechara as my home till the day I pass away in this life.
Thank You Rinpoche and Choji La to make this event happened to benefit us. Thank You. I am looking forward for another trance from Holy Dorje Shugden and Kache Marpho.
Such wonderful and erudite advice from the kindness of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and the protector himself. Flawless advice on purification of karma. Shakyamuni Buddha would be pleased. There are no faults or wrong views with the advice given. I truly hope Kechara grows without obstacles and bring more Dharma to the world at large….maybe Canada too hehe. 🙂 I hope I can gather many merits, purify whatever karma I carry before I pass from this lifetime, Develop bodhicitta, full view of shunyata and practice lojong. Such a rare opportunity to have this precious human life, rare to encounter Buddha’s teachings, rarer to encounter Tsongkhapa’s lineage & teachings and even rarer to to receive teachings from a Lama who works tirelessly for the benefit of others, let alone getting personal advice from an attained being. Thank you Rinpoche,pastors for working tirelessly and providing a platform for all of us to learn, grow and develop are minds. Thank you from the bottem of my heart.
– “What we really need is to ‘attack’ the true cause which is karma by purification methods (kanshag, Vajrasattva, prostrations, retreats, Dorje Namjom, Black Manjushri, 35 Confessional Buddhas, circumambulation, building dharma buildings, Heart Sutra).
Purification does not mean we are bad. IT just means we need to purify many actions done from ignorance that have opened, or are still dormant that can cause us sufferings. Therefore applying spiritual methods such as purification practices are very important and if we are consistent, we will see a difference in our situation as Dorje Shugden promised.”
Wow! Such amazing pith instructions from Tsem Rinpoche and directly from the great protector himself! How fortunate we all are to be able to receive these essential and complete instructions.
Thank you Tsem Rinpoche from the bottom of my heart for making this happen and sharing it with me and so many others.
Our positive karma is truely ripening through the blessings of the Guru-Protector.
This is truly great inspiration for me.
I pray that I may be able to purify my karma as taught so perfectly by the Guru-Protector and complete the two accumulations swiftly so that in some lifetime I can be of some service and benefit to beings as Tsem Rinpoche shows through his great example.
Thank you Rinpoche and thank you Dorje Shugden.
May I always come under the protection of you both.
Even after the private trance is over I’m still in awe of the powerful and profound experience. In awe that the Great Enlightened Dorje Shugden is here in Kechara Forest Retreat through the kindness and compassion of Choli lah. The profundity of the dharma teaching and advices from the Great King is so similar to those that of His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche, who has been tirelessly teaching us the same.
It shows that Dorje Shugden’s mind and that of Tsem Rinpoche’s is one and of the same.