Janguli | 穰麌梨童女
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Dear friends around the world,
The Buddhas’ compassion can manifest as animate and inanimate objects. The purpose of a Buddha to emanate is to bring benefit to others both big and ‘small’. This special emanation as Janguli is very interesting and fascinates me very much. I thought I would share some information of this special Female Buddha with everyone as it’s rare. If we live in the forest or jungle, we should take precautions against various dangerous animals, snakes, insects and so on and not just rely on mantras and sutras. Mantras, practices and sutras do have benefits but karma is the actual boss of everything. We must watch our body, speech and mind for not creating more negative karma and further habituating previous negative traits. I would like to have a statue of this great being in Kechara Forest Retreat in the future.

Janguli and Dorje Shugden. Click on image to enlarge or for more high resolution thangka downloads click here.
Practicing Goddess Janguli can protect us from harm if our karma has not opened for a particular harm. We should think may all beings be free from great anger, karma and the results of anger. May I be free from anger and it’s results because anger is like a hateful snake. Snakes frighten everyone and can harm even large animals not to mention humans. Like that, anger can harm our long term happiness, dreams and aspirations. Anger can destroy friendships, good relationships and good situations. Anger is symbolized by the snake which does harm and frightens our good opportunities away. If we adopt Goddess Janguli into our practice, we are asking for protection against snakes but the actual protection we are asking is dissolving our anger and it’s harmful effects. Anger is the root cause for destruction of merits and causes us to stay in samsara longer. To quell and calm our anger is good for those who are both religious and secular. Anger is our biggest enemy and creates great danger for destruction of inner and outer peace. Therefore practices that eliminate anger such as Lam Rim, Shantideva’s writings, Wheel of Sharp Weapons, Janguli are very important. Eliminating anger and it’s traces is a worthwhile practice to engage in by adopting various dharma teachings. Freedom from the snake of anger is freedom from self created problems that can be avoided.
May Goddess Janguli bless our minds to be calm, tolerant, compassionate and free from the snake of anger.
Tsem Rinpoche
Snakes are one of humankind’s most terrified animals within the animal kingdom. These serpentine friends of the animal kingdom are cringed at upon sight when we meet them and will run for protection. The Buddha having practiced for three countless aeons in Samsara had understood the dangers of certain places and beings in Samsara and offers His followers an antidote to all these dangers. For protection against snakes, the Buddha spoke of the Mantra of Janguli, a goddess who protects against snake bites and poisons related to snakes. Although snakes are very haughty in nature, they can be overcome by the power of compassion. If we see closely, the nature of Janguli is actually Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion manifesting in the form of a Vidya, an incantation lady, a mantra deva who delivers sacred words of power to protect and bestow realizations onto those on the path to Buddhahood.

Janguli in the Drukpa Kagyu tradition
Vidyas, what are they?
Vidyas are a class of devas/fairies who are attained beings from the recitation of mantras, dharanis and other mystical incantations. They sometimes couple their mantra recitations with specific herbs and medicines to speed up their realizations and to fulfil the wishes of other practitioners as well. Some of these Vidyas are enlightened emanations of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas themselves while the mundane ones are celestial beings who have not achieved insight of emptiness. Vidyas are very skilled in delivering mantras and sacred medicines in order to fulfil the needs and wishes of practitioners who have the karmas to receive them and excel their practice.
Janguli, the goddess who dispels poison
Janguli is a Vidya who is an emanation of the great compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. The Buddha spoke about her being an emanation of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara and transmitted some mantras for snake protection to the Buddha when the Buddha was a Bodhisattva in the northern Himalayan region. In that story, the Buddha referred to Janguli as a young girl, mystical and who had the power of mantra. The girl the Bodhisattva saw was very special, she wore ornaments linked to death – snakes, poisonous flowers, poisonous creepers. Even her glance was poisonous.
In the sutra, it says that she is the antidote to every poison there is in the world, be it a snake bite or poison from a plant. Janguli’s mantra when recited and its written form worn around the neck would render that person harmless. A snake who bites a person under the care and protection of Janguli would split like that of a basil plant.

Excerpt from Janguli Sutra
Sacred incantations of Janguli
Janguli is famed for her mantras of protection against snakes. It is said that if you recite this mantra WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF A SNAKE.
According to the sutra, this mantra can be recited for protection from snakes for seven years but there is a danger if we recite in the presence of a snake as it would kill the snake if this is recited in the presence of any snakes.
Over the centuries, this incantation has been used in many Buddhist countries to keep snakes at bay. Within the Chinese Mahayana tradition, it is said that when this mantra is recited 7, 21 or 49 times and onto a small container of water, this water can be administered onto those whom have been bitten by snakes as a potent antidote.

Another form of Janguli
Iconography of Janguli
Janguli is depicted as a 16 year old girl with a green body. She has one face and 4 arms, on her head there are 7 snakes which she is closely associated with. Her right hands holds upright into the air, a trishula trident which represents the piercing truth of the infallible Three Jewels and a snake. Her left hand hold a peacock’s feather which symbolizes her ability to administer antidotes to snake poisons and snake bites. Her other left hand is in the gesture of granting boons, representing that she is ever ready to give protection and antidote to those plagued by snakes. There are other versions of her with yellow or white bodies, carrying different implements of protection which are also available in different traditions.

Janguli Vidya (Drukpa Kagyu lineage)
As snakes are part of sentient beings in samsara, they are also worthy of compassion and love. Due to their disposition in samsara, snakes are born into a form where they are bound to give harm to others in one way or another, but this does not exempt them from the need of compassion. The snakes are very attracted to Avalokiteshvara in general due to the immense compassion He shows to sentient beings. Compassion is the key to overcoming venomous creatures and dangerous situations as it touches the innate being within these creatures as everyone has the Buddha nature within which is left dormant. By cultivating compassion, we are able to overcome our own difficulties and those of others in times of need. Janguli is a Buddha goddess who provides protection and antidote to poison from her immense compassion for all sentient beings.

Chinese depiction of Janguli
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其实我觉得这个咒语非常有用。 只需要念诵一次就可以七得到七年防蛇的守护。
有其是一些需要在野外工作的人们, 可以得到保护。
以我自己为例, 我家乡很多人都从事农业活动, 家里也靠近郊外。 也不时会有蛇潜入家里。 为了保护自己不免会需要杀生, 杀死这些蛇。
有了这个法门和咒语就可以不必担心这些蛇类会伤害我们, 我们也可以避免杀害这些蛇。 实在是一举两得。
Goddess Janguli is a emanation of Buddha of compassion who dispels poison.Its good to know of this Goddess and its conography of it,which i do not know at all till i read this article.
Practicing Goddess Janguli can protect us from harm As explained by Rinpoche ….Anger is our biggest enemy and creates great danger for destruction of inner and outer peace. Yes anger can do more harm, practice Dharma and engage in various dharma teachings to be free from anger.Wonderful if we recite Janguli mantras we are protected from snakes provided without the presence of the snakes.
Thank you Rinpoche for these profound teaching.
May Goddess Janguli bless us to be compassionate and free from the snake of anger.
Reading the iconography reminds me of the Greek mythology of Medusa with head full of snakes and a glance that can turn humans to stone. The origins of Medusa was a very sad tale of jealousy, loss and being wronged,and the subsequent casting out of the temple by Athena, a far cry from the goddess Janguli.
The seven snakes over her head also reminds me of the iconography Nagarjuna. In Nagrajuna’s case, the snakes were to represent that he had obtained the prajna paramita sutra from the Nagas. Here the snakes represent the anger present in humans and the poison of the klesha to be reduced or removed.
To think that the Buddha spoke of her being an emanation of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara and transmitted some mantras for snake protection to the Buddha. If the Buddha had walked this earth in history, then Janguli must have been real too, at that point in time.
It is quite interesting to note that Janguli’s mantra is used to dispel and avoid the poison of the physical snake as well the spiritual snake. Nonetheless, it is a good practice to know as human encroach onto domains formerly occupied by the wildlife.WE have to respect the animals’ right to be there and yet we have to protect ourselves.
I remember growing up, I used to chop firewood and store them in a wood shack. Many a time, i have avoided being bitten by snakes hiding between the wood piles and thus have cultivated a crazy fear of them.
At first, looking at the image of Janguli, I almost couldn’t look at it and had this cold fear in me. I wish I had known of the dharma back then as well as this practice of Janguli. Maybe, then I wouldn’t have this phobia.
Thank you, Rinpoche for this wonderful teaching.
snake venom can often be used as medicine – isn’t nature amazing!?
A truly valuable resource for people working in jungles and can encounter our serpentine friends.What a perfect being to have in statue form at Kechara Forest Retreat. I hope this comes to manifest one day soon, and that she blesses and heals beings who come into contact with her.Thank You Rinpoche for the protection and this teaching on the potent antidote to outer and inner poison that
cause harm to us. _/\_
excellent! Please tell us about Golden Tara aka Vasudhara
I found her practice very effective even though I’d not received her initiation, I’ve received Green Tara and White Tara initiation, when I was sick with an infection the doctors told me would take 4 weeks to recover, I did lots and lots of Parnashavari practice (without initiation) and recovered in half the time!
(I still took the prescribed medicine, avoided alcohol and tobacco, had a healthy diet, plenty fresh air and exercise, continued my regular practices) and played her mantra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ajOEwyHhag
& found Mahamayuri meditation very effective when i felt like my mind was polluted
so happy so many practices exist and happy to share them with others wishing others to benefit from them too
A truly valuable resource for people working in jungles and can encounter our serpentine friends. Thank you for the protection Rinpoche.
How do we know Janguli is authentic? And how was she described?
– We know she is authentic because the Buddha spoke about her being an emanation of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.
– When the Buddha was a Bodhisattva in the northern Himalayan region, Janguli transmitted some mantras for snake protection to the Buddha.
– In that story, the Buddha referred to Janguli as a young girl, mystical and who had the power of mantra. The Bodhisattva girl was very special, she wore every attribute akin to death – snakes, poisonous flowers, poisonous creepers and poisonous glance as well.
As in his aspiring text of “Janguli”, we have been cautioned by Rinpoche that if we are living in a forest or jungle, infested by wild beast and fierce animals, such as poisonous snakes, insects and so on, we must take extreme precaution. In today’s time of degenerate conditions, likewise today’s human world is like a wild jungle. In the dreadful jungle of this blatantly degenerate age, beings engage joyfully in unwholesome actions, whose delusions and obsessions make the dreadful forest more wild and dangerous than the poisonous snakes and fierce angersome animals. Simultaneously, we as human beings are roaming around in today’s world uncontrollably in rounds of existence with no freedom of birth. We are being thrown here and there into sufferings, being chased by karma since beginningless time without freedom. We have been bound to endless cyclic existence with its many obstacles. What’s the cause? All because of our unbroken familarity with delusions, obsessions and results of anger, just like a hateful snake. As cautioned, anger can not only harm our long term happiness, dreams and aspirations, but also destroy friendships and frightens away our golden opportunities too! For those who are religious and secular, it would be ideal and good for them to quell and calm anger. Practices to eliminate such vicious habits can also be obtained from Lamrin, Shantideva, wheel of sharp weapons and Janguli teachings too. May all be auspicious that we may pass our days and nights with Buddhas’ holy Dharma and delight in the glory of our perfection. Om Mani Padme Hung.
What stood out most in this article about Janguli is that even the most angersome being can be subdued by immense compassion. Anger is the most poisonous as it can lead to total destruction of oneself and others.
Wars are fought and millions die as a result of one’s anger. How many times have we said something we regret out of anger? How many times have made choices out of anger and they were not the best choices?
The key here is that there is always an antidote to all the negativities. Nothing is permanent. We just need to find the right antidote coupled with consistency and perseverance.
Goddess Janguli is a Vidya who is an emanation of the great compassionate Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. She existed in Buddha’s previous life as a young girl with mystical power of the mantra. Vidyas mean a class of devas/fairies who are attained beings; while some of them are enlightened emanations of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas bot others could be mundane celestial beings who have not achieved insight of emptiness.
Goddess Janguli is depicted in the sutra as the antidote to every poison in the world, especially poison by snake. Janguli’s mantra when recited and its written form worn around the neck would render that person harmless from poison. A snake who bites a person under the care and protection of Janguli would split like that of a basil plant. While it is amazing how Goddess Janguli’s mantra can cure or prevent poison, it is imperative to understand that snake actually represent our inner emotions.
“Snakes frighten everyone and can harm even large animals not to mention humans. Like that, anger can harm our long term happiness, dreams and aspirations. Anger can destroy friendships, good relationships and good situations. Anger is symbolized by the snake which does harm and frightens our good opportunities away.”
Thus in the real sense, Janguli practice is dissolving our anger and it’s harmful effects. Anger is the root cause for destruction of merits and causes us to stay in samsara longer.
Thank You Rinpoche for this teaching on the potent antidote to outer and inner poison that cause harm to us.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing. Janguli , Avalokiteshvara emanation.This bodhisattva is seldom hear about it.she is to help us protect from being hurt by snake.Snakes are attract to Janguli because of her compassion. Compassion conquer everythings. The snake here is our anger.Anger is the major obstacles in enlighten path. We must practice to be boddhicitta to overcome many things.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us about Janguli who is a emanation of Buddha of compassion. That is something about how amazing is Buddha is they are in any way trying to help us living being by all their emanation is to benefits us and show us the way of compassion and wanting us to get out of our own delusion that keep us in this uncontrol state of rebirth .
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this amazing article on Goddess Janguli. From this post, I learnt that the compassion of the Buddhas are limitless. They can emanate many different forms to aid us in our problems and obstacles according to their nature. Chenrezig, the buddha of compassion had specifically emanated in this form, Goddess Janguli to help with the people who are exposed to the risk of poisons and venomous snakes.
However, a buddha can also emanate in mundane forms such as men, women, or even insane beings that can help us. But due to our obscuration, we view them as normal beings and therefore cannot receive their help. This can be seen clearly as an example from the story of Asanga and Maitreya Buddha. Asanga was a great indian pandit that did extensive meditation on Maitreya to see him. Maitreya was always there but Asanga cant see him because of his karmic obscuration. When Asanga finally purified his karmic obscuration, he saw the true nature of the dog that he saw, which is indeed Maitreya Buddha.
Dear Rinpoche
Thank you for this information about Goddess Janguli and her nature as Avalokiteshvara. For those who live in the forrest, protection from snakes can be very important. I like the explanation that protection from snakes also means protection from anger as anger destroy friendship, relationships, and burn good karma. For me, that is the most important lesson in the article.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this, and helping spread awareness of this unique being who is part of Tara’s entourage. What a perfect being to have in statue form at Kechara Forest Retreat. I hope this comes to manifest one day soon, and that she blesses and heals beings who come into contact with her. She is extremely rare to encounter,next too none of her depictions survive. It is sad her practice died off in India, and although spread to Nepal, Tibet, and China, it never established a firm foot hold, and it has been in decline for many centuries. I hope she blesses the Jungles of Malaysia, and from there spread around the world. May she come back from the brink of obscurity, and continue to benefit others for centuries to come. 🙂