Mount Kailash and more
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
This is Mount Kailash in Tibet bordering with India and Nepal. This peak is considered a very holy place in the Heruka and Vajra Yogini tantras. This is one of the 24 holy places where Heruka and Vajra Yogini energy abides very strongly. So we can receive their blessings by visiting this place or even seeing it.
Heruka and Vajra Yogini have 24 very powerful energy centers in our planet that when we do our practices there, Dakinis and guardians of their tantra will come to bless us. Or if we are not there, when we do Heruka or Vajra Yogini’s practice, these special Dakinis and beings will instantly come from the 24 holy places to bless us especially on the 10th and 25th of each Lunar month. They bless our channels, winds, drops and chakras so that our meditations on Heruka and or Vajra Yogini will gain faster results towards attainments and enlightenment. The Dakinis and Dakas of the Heruka/Vajra Yogini mandala abide in these 24 power spots.
H.H. Kyabe Zong Rinpoche use to go and circumambulate this mountain and only recite the 8 line praise to Heruka and 8 line Praise to Vajra Yogini while doing so. He would recite only that when circumambulating. This is a very sacred spot.
Enjoy and be blessed with this holy picture. May everyone have a chance to visit and pay homage to Heruka and Vajra Yogini.
Tsem Rinpoche

This is the personal thangka of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche the tutor to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Very sacred thangka. It would hang in the private home of Trijang Rinpoche. Very blessed to see this. Would be wonderful if you keep a copy of this. Since Trijang Rinpoche himself is considered an emanation of Vajra Yogini. Click on image to enlarge.

This thangka of Shri Heruka (Chakrasamvara) is on the altar of another very high lama so this is very blessed. I wanted my friends to be blessed by viewing these holy objects kept by high lamas with pure samaya and dedicated practice. When a practitioner is very sincere and dedicated in their practice, it is believed their Buddha images are ‘alive’ and full of blessings. Click on image to enlarge.
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Mount Kailash also known as Mount Meru in Buddhists text. For over centuries different religions of different faith this pyramid-shaped snow-capped mountain Mount Kailash has captivated many on the mystifying secrets. There are many mysteries that are enveloped around the peak in Kailash Ranges for centuries. Mount Kailash is one such place on earth that has been universally accepted as divine. This unique snow-capped mountain has attracted thousands of pilgrims from Tibet, India and around the world yearly. No one ever climb or trekking this sacred mountain for fear of disturbing the sanctity of the mountain and disturbing the divine energy that resides there. It is considered a forbidden act due to its unique religious significance. At just 6,638 meters the mountain is far from being one of the highest mountains in Tibet. Merely by looking at it is a blessing for anyone even it’s a distance away. That’s the beauty of it as the place is devoid of human existence. At just 6,638 meters the mountain is far from being one of the highest mountains in Tibet. Merely by looking at it is a blessing for anyone even it’s a distance away.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
I’m blessed to read and to sight Mount Kailash through this article. Thank you so much for the sharing. I do understand not much people would be able to complete their pilgrimage journey up to the peak. Some say that only those who have the purest of hearts and good intention can reach and to fulfill their vows and also happened to be luckiest.
Knowing Mt Kailash is a sacred and venerated pilgrimage site for Buddhists and Hindus. There have been so many faiths, yet one common factor runs through all these beliefs , that the purity and piousness of the Mount Kailash and the region has spiritual and healing powers. It is known for its religious values, adventurous nature, blended with sights of spell-bound natural beauty. The sheer spiritual energy that flows through the mystic place actually stirs the innermost depths of people, whether religious minded or not, thereby cleansing their souls in some way or another-
I enjoyed reading, gaining and discovering further knowledge through this sharing. Thank you so much Rinpoche. Hoping to have a chance to visit and pay homage to Heruka and Vajra Yogini.
Dear Rinpoche,
I’ve just finished watching a short documentary about a pilgrimage tour by a small European group to Mount Kailash. They shared their experiences and the video was done delicately. It was a scenic journey up to Tibet and eventually to Mount Kailash. They even stopped by the famous Ganden Monastery, Sera, Tashi Lhunpo in Shigatse and a few other places. Love seeing Mount Kailash, a true beauty of a snow-capped mountain. The description about this special mountain by Rinpoche making it more sacred and blessed even seeing it. Thank you Rinpoche
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful and holy place and picture of Mount Kailash. I love the blessed and holy images of Vajrayogini and Heruka (Chakrasamvara) too. Feel very peaceful and blessed to see these holy pictures._/\_
I am part descended from this part of the world. I knew I had Nepalese heritage, but I also felt I have Tibetan and I am sure my guide is Tibetan. I have just got goosebumps from this blog, thank you so much for writing it. I feel this lifetime is about the resolution of quite a lot of karmic lines, and I’m only just beginning to understand how this is to be done. Any advice gratefully received. I’m 44 with poor joint function, so I feel I need to visit this place in meditations and perhaps lucid dreaming…
This is a amazing discovery. Mount Kailash is really a holy place for trantric practitioner to pay a visit so it will help us gain attainment in shortest period.The two thangka are really beautiful and I feel blessed once I first look at the thangka, especially Heruka Thangka. I hope in future I can any pilgrimage to this mountain.
Thanks Rinpoche for kindness to share this article to us.
With folded hands,
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing.
Its such a beautiful mountain by looking at the images. Not easy for anyone to go there somehow H.H. Kyabe Zong Rinpoch did it during that time.One can receive their blessings by visiting this place or even seeing it.Those Holy Thangkas of of Shri Heruka (Chakrasamvara and Vajra Yogin are really beautiful too.May all be blessed by looking at it.
Thanks again .
Hello Rinpoche, hope you are well. I had a dream about Mount Kailas-in golden color- in which I was worshiping Shiv-Parvathi with great happiness and suddenly storm came, but nothing happened to me and I continued prayers,can u please tell what this dream means?
Hello Rinpoche, hope you are well. I had a dream about Mount Kailas-in golden color- in which I was worshiping Shiv-Parvathi with great happiness and suddenly storm came, but nothign happened to me and I continued prayers,can u please tell what this dream means?
I’ve always been attracted to mountains. As we hike higher, the temperature drops, the vegetation change, sometimes we get to literally pass through clouds. Growing up in Malaysia the weather is hot all year round. When I was still studying before I had the opportunity to travel to colder countries, climbing mountains were the only natural experience of cooler and colder weather. I thought it was fascinating and I still do.
A while ago, I came across this author Drunvalo Melchizedek who wrote about the kundalini of the Earth. It brought my attention to Mt Kailash and I tried to find all the information online about Kailash. There are many religious, spiritual and sacred writings about Mt Kailash but these are a few “stories” I found interesting and intriguing:
1. Legend has it that the last person to have reached the summit is the Milarepa
2. It is said that one circumambulation around the sacred mountain will purify all the bad karma of one’s current lifetime; 108 revolutions will remove the sins of all one’s lifetimes and bring salvation from reincarnation (moksa).
3. When the Dalai Lama flee to India from Tibet, the kundalini of the Earth—its crown chakra seated in Mount Kailash in Tibet—shifted with him.
4. Russian scientists concluded that Kailash is a complex of the complex of pyramids, the so-called “City of the Gods“ and was built by the representatives of advanced civilization.
Ji Mata Ji
Om Mani Padmi hum.
Thank your Rinpoche for sharing the very blessed image of Vajra Yogini from personal thangka from His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche as well as the Shri Heruka (Chakrasamvara) image from the thangka of the high lama.
Thank you for sharing with us how does Heruka and Vajra Yogini blessed us when we do Heruka and Vajra Yogini’s practices.
Hope that we can continue doing the Dharma work and practicing Dharma so that we can accumulate enough merit to visit Mt Kailash and circumambulate the mountain.
Thank you for sharing the images with us Rinpoche. The thangkas are beautiful and the mountain is fantastic! I would love to go there someday, it seems like a very peaceful environment for tourists 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing, so fortunate able to see this two Thangkas and this holy place. I wish that one day i will visit Mount Kailash. _/\_
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us this amazing images.
Dear Rinpoche,
This experience will be with me forever. When for my Pilgrimage on Aug/2013 to Mount Kailash and lake Manasarovar.
The mountain have transformation energy. Amazing the spiritual of the precious Jewel of snows mountain at the center planet.
Dear RInpoche
this article is awesome and the Holy tangkas are beautiful.
I would like to also like to share the importance of Mount Kailash for the Hindus and Indians in General. in the ancient Hindu scriptures Mount Kailash is regarded as the holy abode of Lord SHIVA and His holy consort Mother SAKTHI(Parvathi), All Shaivite Hindus aspire to Be born or to reach Kailash (KAILASAM in Tamil Language) after their death to reside eternally with LORD SHIVA and merge with HIM (MOKSHA). In many ancient Scriptures ,hymns and Poems in sanskrit and ancient Tamil , Mount kailash is mentioned as the Ultimate Goal for Shaivite Hindus and It is the Ultimate place where all devas and and Gods visit to pay homage to LORD SHIVA and MOTHER SAKTHI. Mordern day Hindu saints such as Swami Nyananda Giri use to frequent mount kailash to do PARIKRAMAS (Circumambulation) around the Holy mountain . Namo Buddhya
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this holy picture.really felt blessed when view this picture. Hopefully we have the fortunate to go to this place personally.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you so much for sharing these holy Buddha images so that we are blessed.
I wish very much that one day I will have the merits to visit the holy Mount Kailash. It is considered as the representation of Mount Meru on earth, i.e. universe’s highest peak.
Thanks Rinpoche kindness to benefit us through these holy images above, is truly blessed when we take a look on it…
The Heruka and Vajra Yogini are so sacred hence in details that rarely seem before…
It is through Rinpoche’s blog that we are able to view many holy and beautiful pictures and be blessed by them. Thank you for sharing these thangkas of sacred Vajra Yogini and Sri Heruka!
It is indeed very thoughtful and kind of Rinpoche to show us these two very holy, sacred and beautiful thangkas of Vajra Yogini, and that of shri Heruka (Chakrasamvara) belonging to his Holiness Trijang Rinpoche and another high Lama respectively. Practicioners who are very dedicated in their practice when veiwing these holy objects kept by the Lamas, will be greatly blessed, as their buddha images are “alive” and full of blessings. Let us pray hard that these blessings will give us all a good chance to be able to visit and pay homage to Vajra Yogini and shri Heruka at mount Kailash. Thank you once again Rinpoche for your usual deep concern and loving care!!!
Dear Rinpoche,
Being able to have the chance to see these thangka of Vajrayoghini and the thangka of Heruka is simply a great blessing.
Thank you for taking time out from Rinpoche’s busy schedule so that myself as well as the people who view this blog post and be blessed by viewing the thangkhas.
Thank you for the short but meaningful explanation about Mount Kailash as well as about the two Holy Thangkhas.
Thank you Rinpoche for always providing us blessings and protections through the sacred images of Buddha. I would share this posting to all my friends in Facebook.
Thank you Rinpoche for this article on the sacred Mount Kailash. It is so holy that even to gaze at the image, one could be blessed. The two thangkas are beautiful and we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to be able to see them.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article on Mount Kailash. It would be one of the top holy sites to do a pilgrimage to receive blessings from Heruka and Vajrayogini.
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing these blessed images with us. These images are so holy and beautiful, i wish I could one day see the originals 😛
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you very much through using your blog to give us blessings with these images.
Dear Rinpoche thank you for sharing these beautiful thangka I love both of these bless thangka , will print out the thangka and frame it up .