Teachings on Lam Rim Retreat-June 2011
Jul 1, 2011
Part 1 (27 June 2011)
Part 2 (29 June 2011)
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Dear friends,
Recently I gave teachings on the day of the LAM RIM RECITATION RETREAT began and two days later I made a surprise visit to the retreatants and also gave a talk.
Here are the talks as requested by people. I am speaking about imprints, the lineage of Lam Rim, how reciting or practicing Lam Rim will benefit us tremendously, why do we recite texts, how do they work on us in positive way.
Tsem Rinpoche

Well Kechara House did it!!! We achieved the Lam Rim recitation Marathon and was awarded the certificate from Malaysia’s Book of Records!! Everyone worked so hard from beginning to end. Congratulations to Kechara!!
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Dear Rinpoche,
These few days I was listening to these two videos plus another about Lamrim linenage here https://youtu.be/E27dhArWv3E . Thank you for teaching us about imprints in the form of sound, visual and thought. The way we should recite it, the motivation, attitude and the dress code. Also, when we recite, we will bless the environment, the walls and the surrounding areas too.We should plant these imprints as much as possible although we might not appreciate it now, just like how we were forced to brush teeth even though we didn’t know the benefits. Thinking back, I am grateful that I’ve attended Lamrim recitation in KH once with my daughters + my mum (that one was a coincidence as we thought there will be weekly Medicine Buddha Puja). My mum is a Christian and she is literally illiterate and hardly read anything other than newspapers. I am very very glad ? I’ve brought her along. Then last year on 4/12/2017, I’ve started to read Lamrim again and ended in the mid of January. I was basically forcing myself to read because it’s been long overdue since I’ve read Lamrim once years ago. If I were to listen to these teachings again, perhaps I can appreciate it more when reading it.
Thank you Rinpoche for these teachings and I believe I will listen to it again in future.
So many people attended the retreat! More bedtime stories please!
[…] 6.Teachings on the Lamrim Retreat (https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/teachings-on-lam-rim-retreat.html) 7.The Mind and Lama Tsongkhapa […]
Thank you Rinpoche for giving this teaching on Lamrin. I love this video I have download the video in my phone so that I can listen to it as an when I like a lot of information need to contemplate .
Thank you Rinpoche for giving us the teaching, well done on Kecharians for achieving the malaysian record.
[…] Teachings on Lam Rim Retreat-June 2011 […]
[…] CET ENSEIGNEMENT PEUT ETRE VU SUR LE BLOG DE TSEM TULKU RINPOCHE. CLIQUEZ SUR LE LIEN SUIVANT: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/teachings-on-lam-rim-retreat.html […]
[…] ET LE BLOG DE TSEM TULKU RINPOCHE OU RINPOCHE NOUS PARLE DU LAMRIM ET DE COMMENT CETTE RETRAITE FONCTIONNE: http://blog.tsemtulku.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/teachings-on-lam-rim-retreat.html […]
Hi Rinpoche,
Recently I received the complete Oral Transmission for this Lamrim text, and after seeing this video I have decided to recite it and meditate on it. Thank you!
Thank you Rinpoche for the teaching. Hearing Rinpoche’s talk enhanced some of my understanding and memory of the Lamrim.
We are certainly very fortunate. Not only are Kecharians guided to initiate an event as auspicious as this Lamrim retreat but we are also blessed with Rinpoche’s teachings and explanations on the Lamrim.
Congratulations to Kechara House and Kecharians to setting new records and bringing Dharma education to a new level in the 21st century.
Yoke Fui: “Keep an eye on Kechara activity, it is not just an activity. It’ll be an Eye opening experience if you add dharma into your life..” hehe.
I do hope our friends overseas can join us in the next Lamrim recitation , Kechara has to achieve 8000 Lamrim recitations so plenty to go around. 🙂
It is so so beneficial , to recite the Lamrim it blesses our environment and the beings therein.
Thank you KIM and all that involved for putting these videos together. However, Video 2 seemed not clear from approx. 0:50:55 – 0:54:35.
What a powerful teaching especially the reminder on the more subtle elements, such as the correct motivation in order to generate real merit. It is so vital to be mindful of what thoughts go on inside our head.
The audio went a bit berserk between 51.58 and 55.00. Or maybe it is just me not having enough merit to hear Rinpoche advice during those few minutes.
Nevertheless, thank you for the teaching Rinpoche.
Are the part 2 videos made private for some reasons ?
There is no private videos..all are posted. TR
Thanks!! Big big infinite thanks for these talks!!
I stayed til 2 am to listen to the first part, and today I will continue.
Brilliant, with a bit of irony, as always, but in the end very beneficial.
Thank you, Rinpoche!
How fortunate for those of us who have the merit to be present.We received the blessings of the Lamrim lineage Gurus all the way back to Sakyamuni Buddha.This is how Buddhas and Bodhisattvas continue their activities to benefit us all by manifesting as lineage teachers and Gurus to transmit and teach us the Dharma in a form most beenficial to us so that we can relate and understand the teaching.
May Rinpoche live long and remain to guide us until we are delivered from the prison of samsara.
Everyone must listen and remember this talk given with so much effort by Rinpoche. This is a very beneficial talk. Thank You Rinpoche
Wow, I hope I can be on the list for the Tsongkhapa blessing (very sorry, I am a lousy distracted Dharma vessel, I can’t hold vows/precepts well, hence not fit for the initiation)! That’s the only Dharma blessing I need in my life. I hope I can be on your list. Please announce the good news once your guru has approved your request. Thanks!! Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! 🙂
Dear Lama
Thank you so much for sharing your teaching on the web. My sincere thanks to the KIM department that make this possible.
Warm regards
Thank you so much Rinpoche for the dharma talk and to the Kechara workers who shot, edited, and posted it.