10,000-year-old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens and UFOs
Dear friends,
As most of you know, I have always been very interested in supernatural and extraterrestrial subjects and whenever I come across articles like this, it excites me to blog about it so that more people can be educated about these mysterious beings.
We are not alone. I hope you enjoy the article as much as I did.
Tsem Rinpoche
10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs found in Chhattisgarh
Rashmi Drolia, TNN | Jul 15, 2014, 08.32PM IST

One of the ancient rock paintings carved on caves at Charama in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district. (TOI photo by Amit Bhardwaj)
CHARAMA (Chhattisgarh): Chhattisgarh state department of archaeology and culture plans to seek help from Nasa and Isro for research on 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in Charama region in Kanker district in tribal Bastar region.
According to archaeologist JR Bhagat, these paintings have depicted aliens like those shown in Hollywood and Bollywood flicks. Located about 130km from Raipur, the caves come under village Chandeli and Gotitola.
“The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn’t have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject,” Bhagat told TOI.

One of the ancient rock paintings carved on caves at Charama in Chhattisgarh’s Kanker district. (TOI photo by Amit Bhardwaj)
There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about “rohela people” — the small sized ones — who used to land from the sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons of the village who never returned.
“The paintings are done in natural colours that have hardly faded despite the years. The strangely carved figures are seen holding weapon-like objects and do not have clear features. Specially, the nose and mouth are missing. In a few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits. We can’t refute the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men but humans usually fancy such things,” the archaeologist said.

(TOI photo by Amit Bhardwaj)
He added that it is a co-incidence that such ancient images appear to have sharp resemblance to UFOs shown in alien movies. “The fan-like antenna and three legs of vehicle’s stand clearly show a similarity to UFO type craft,” he said.
Other archaeologists would also be consulted for further verification.

(TOI photo by Amit Bhardwaj)
[Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/10000-year-old-rock-paintings-depicting-aliens-and-UFOs-found-in-Chhattisgarh/articleshow/38435091.cms]
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Incredible a 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs were discovered by researchers and scientists. Charama is a city in the Kanker district, of Chhattisgarh state, central India, where the latest ancient painting was found. It’s a treasure trove for rock art. The scientists considered it to be the earliest known narrative artworks. In the decades since, archaeologists have discovered even older rock art depictions of animals and stylized symbols. The depiction of these animal–human figures, suggests that early humans had the ability to conceive of things that do not exist in the natural world. According to archaeologist those rock paintings looks more like aliens and UFOs. Looking at those pictures in post is amazing suggested that UFO and aliens had visited earth long ago.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting sharing.
Previously, I wouldn’t believing this if it’s not because of Rinpoche and throughlearning more about Buddhism.
I have different angle in about UFOs or Aliens. Instead of thinking that they invaded Earth, perhaps we were once cohibited together? Because last time, human were more virtuous and hence, there’s possibility that they existed and visited the human population often, as there’s no thought of harming the other party or whatsoever? Just a random thought.
Thank you Rinpoche
We are not alone. It`s possible that`s true. These being may have or are on this very planet. We are unable to say this is true maybe in the future. This is very interesting. There maybe hundreds or millions of life out in the galaxy we are in. thank you for sharing.
This more evidence of extra terrestrials that have visited our planet since the beginning of time. Ancient aliens theorist will be so excited about this.
Could the rock painting be another proof of there are beings living in another planets apart from human on Earth? May be the research so far not able to prove it yet, but there has been many evidence proved there are other living beings in this universe apart from human. Either the other beings are technologically more advance than human on Earth, therefore they are able to come to Earth?
The topic of aliens is interesting. One of the footage about aliens visiting Earth is the 1994 mass UFO sighting in Ziimbabwe, where 60 children witnessed non-humans emerge from UFO…Video on Zimbabwe UFO mass sighting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVgq9gejdkE
Wow! This is just amazing. It shows that aliens did walk on earth before. It is just a situation that we are not aware of. Some of us might even be the off springs of these aliens that we do not know about. It is said that Paracas Skulls are how the skulls of the aliens. When we look at some of the people around us these days, they too have a similar shape of skull.
These paintings are definitely not by chance. It must be entities that did this. The way that the drawings are drawn shows that these beings do not look like humans. There must be other entities in the universe. It cannot be that Earth is the only planet that can hold life form. I believe that there are many more places that will be suitable to carry life form.
Just take for an example, there are pictures that in Mars there is an image of a Buddha statue. With that, how is it possible that Earth is the only place to hold life form? If it is untrue, why are there people that are interested in aliens and UFOs? It is just fascinating to have another proof of existence of intelligence of another planet.
For those that have yet to see the post on Buddha on Mars, you can see it here as well:
Personally, I do believe that we are not the only inhabitants in this universe. Somehow, when the size of the universe is taken into account, it seems rather limiting to deny the existence of other life forms when the odds of extraterrestrial life existing somewhere are fairly good. Thus, such paintings go to show the possibility them having visited Earth in the past – if they’re not here right now.
Interestingly, most of the depictions of aliens are in a humanoid form which seemingly correspond with the general depiction of aliens painted by Hollywood. This is fascinating to me as I always wondered how such extraterrestrial lifeforms would look like. Considering the possibility of the make-up of their planets being so different, from ours – the components of the planet, the atmospheric conditions , the different evolution of DNAs and the level of intelligence at play, there really is no telling how they would look like and would likely remain an enigma, unless you encounter one in the flesh.
Very interesting findings. I believe aliens must have been in the earth and therefore the drawing and carving in the early days. I just find it amazing that the paintings are so similar to our description of aliens in movie. This is a strong evidence that there are other living beings other than earth.
I’m sure this finding will give more leads to scientist to find out more about this mystery beings.
Once again, another proof of aliens that had been on earth. It is just so amazing that there is evidence of intelligence apart from the human intelligence that existed on earth.
I just wonder where these beings are now. Have they integrated with us humans and made earth their homes or how is the situation. Just interesting to know what is going with them right now. Like how do they survive here or have they gone back to their own planets.
i believe aliens have visited earth long time ago, and have co-existed with human in some of our society. There are plenty of evidence that the aliens was here on earth, and perhaps some of the great architecture on earth like the Great Pyramid was build using alien’s technology.
My interest in aliens and UFOs began as a young child of the 70s with sci-fi like Space 1999 and Star Wars. While I do not need more evidence to convince me of the existence of UFOs and aliens, this article is certainly a good reminder that all beings are interconnected as seen in the ancient murals dating more than 10,000 years.
But what is of interest for me is that while men have evolved from pre-historic cavemen to modern day men of technology, am wondering if the alien life forms too have evolved and changed. Or are these extraterrestrials so advanced that they have no higher level to advance to?
Thank you for this interesting read, Rinpoche.
Thanks Rinpoche and team sharing this interesting article.
This finding on the walls indicating that there are such creatures existed way before the Sci-fi TV series we watch. For me, it says clearly that Aliens and UFO are not merely the creation of our imagination.
I believe that there are creatures out there that we human yet to have any knowledge to find out, and maybe those creatures are the future us.
Thank you.
It is very possible that alien had visited earth during ancient time. There are many ancient architectures built that still cannot be explain because they required knowledge and technology that is far more advanced than human even compare to our current world. One of them is the Ajanta Caves which the whole buddhist temple was built in a granite cliff in one piece. It was featured in the documentary “Ancient Alien” with the theory of the temple was built with the help of extraterrestrials.
This is interesting and has high percentage that it’s real! Why? Because people were recording it down, etc the 10,000 years old rock painting. As I know, human kind were recording their technologies and stories, on various materials, from the cave walls, animal skins, raw metals, and more! Like us, we recorded our technologies in this era too, by different methods!
May the experts would able to explore more about the others sentient beings.
Another evidence shown to us that we are not alone in the universe. Buddha has mentioned that there are others worlds exist but not everyone of us can see them and for us it is of little use. The most important for us is we need to understand our own world, this world is suffering, ensnared by craving and enveloped by old age.
The ancient alien mural found has told us clearly whether human being choose to believe or not they are others being existing within this planet. Mankind should concious others being exiting and not just simply harming others. If the alien has visiting earth 10,000 years ago with their technology and knowledge. Then human being are falling way behind compare with alien technology and skill. With this challenge, human being must humble and find ways to learn move skill and continue improve our technology.
The Galaxy is huge, there is every possibility for any beings in any forms with any technologies exist in some corner in this very galaxy.
Since young I’ve seen many TV programs that shows the unidentified beings, mystery creatures and get very interested about these findings, who are they, how they look like, do they feel like we human feel, do they talk, hows their life, hows their planet look like, etc etc, all sorts of questions.
Imagine 10,000 years ago, there are already beings visited this planet, how advance their technology is. In this huge galaxy, we are just a little tiny human that is as small as a dust in the world, and yet, we put up our ego so high that became as big as the galaxy, but yet, when we dies, everything gone to waste and it became meaningless.
Oh ya, one more thing, I always say olden things will always last longer than the latest technology, this prove that it is true, painting lasted 10 thousand years, I doubt our painting can last that long, it would be faded by then.. 🙂
Wow! 10,000 year old mural? What about those Dorje Shugden mural that we created now all over the world? Will they last for 10,000 years too? Will people who born in 10,000 years later found Dorje Shugden mural, and think that He is a Buddha? may be they will think He’s an alien? Interesting.
We have found a lot of things that we cannot explain but they exist. it really depends on the Karma of the people at that time. just like some people have merits to see the Buddha but some people due to too much of negative karma that they collected, they see good things as bad, and bad things as good. Again their accumulated karma lead to how they project what they see. If they see Dorje Shugden as UFO hence that’s due to their ignorance. If they see Dorje Shugden as a Buddha and start worshiping Him, then they gain blessings and probably open up their seeds and imprints to meet the Dharma.
I’m an avid believer of aliens and UFOs. I don’t really need any further convincing when it comes to the existence of aliens and UFOs but specifically on this article regarding the 10,000 year old rock paintings in Chhattisgarh I have my doubts due to the lack of more detailed information.
To me the mysteries are not about whether they exist but who are they, where do they come from, what are their intentions? Can we co-exist with these aliens? Why have they chose to remain “hidden”?
Considering mankind history with war, racism, discrimination, struggle for power; perhaps we should not be too excited about encountering aliens from other planets due to the many complications and politics that may arise. Living in harmony is hard enough among ourselves on Earth, throw in a few other planets and an intergalactic federation/alliance like in Star Trek or Star Wars may not be too far fetched.
How would all this impact religion? Would it change mankind’s perspective on our origin? Would it make us question spirituality as we perceive to know today? I wonder which one will come to be first – mankind open encounter with aliens from another planet or sentient AI living among us….
This article make me think of Pyramid ( EGYPT ), at that time how’s peoples from EGYPT build Pyramid, without any machines help. Helps from Aliens ( beings out of 6 realms )? Yes.. until today i am still thought of Pyramids in EGYPT are build-ed by Aliens.
So i strongly believe UFOs and Aliens ( Beings out of 6 realms ) are existed more than 10,000 years ago.
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this article
Eric kksiow _/\_
My interest in UFO, extraterrestrials and alien life forms started after I watched the popular TV series Star Trek in the 70s with lead actors William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Also I’m fascinated by unexplained phenomena and undiscovered creatures on Earth. I believe these life forms exist yet to be discovered or rediscovered.
Ancient cave paintings depicting possible UFOs and extraterrestrials have been found all over the globe. Just like there are many ancient pyramids built all over the world by different civilisations at different times that had no contact with each other, these cave paintings share the same anomaly.
We definitely are not alone and I strongly believe these intelligent being had been visited us before long time ago and we they may have been part of our human evolution in term of spiritual and technology.
This is really interesting! And I am amazed that the paintings lasted so long. What is interesting is the part where it is mentioned that the ‘aliens’ back then look like the ones we see on TV.
Still wondering if we will ever have the chance to see them and coexist together just like in the movie Star Trek. Hehe…
Although, the people back then drew it, too bad there was no written stories about those encounters. Only paintings.
And they also mentioned about people being taken, just like those who said that they were taken by aliens in the USA. Weird but interesting!
It is an amazing discovery that so much evidence can be seen about aliens and UFOs. Reality is much more interesting than science fiction it seems.
But then again where does science fiction get its inspiration. There is much to be discovered.
Thank you for sharing these interesting paintings
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this amazing finding of record of UFO in the prehistoric times. As the Buddha had said, we are not alone. There are tens and thousands of world system in existence. That makes us very small and insignificant. Yet, People still think they are the most important people in the world due to ego.
Chris Chong
It is very hard to many people to draw a conclusion that aliens visited earth though there are rock painting and other evidences. Many researchers have deemed a lot of these findings inconclusive. Even the ‘astronaut’ suits of the Hopi Indians of South America was deemed inconclusive.
But, according to Buddhism and the Buddha there are more universes than we can count. The bottom line is to keep an open mind. But, I do admit that I do love a good read on aliens.
Thank you, Rinpoche for sharing this article about aliens. May Rinpoche’s wishes manifest smoothly and swiftly.
Happy to see this discover as it gives us another record to show that we are not alone. To me, it is very interesting to see that evidence of the existence of aliens/ extra-terrestrial beings seemed to be pointing at a certain clue, where most, if not all of the aliens/ extra-terrestrial beings have one head, two arms and two legs. I am sure it is not a coincidence in any way. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article.
I believe in this universe there are a lot more other form of beings like us exist and we should respect all of them. There are so much evidences and researches on aliens but are not disclosed to the public. I really interested about these special beings hehehe… Thanks for sharing Rinpoche.
These pictures are really interesting, and they sure look like ET and spaceships.
I am really into this theory of Planet X (Nibiru) and ancient aliens. Some has argued that Planet X “came” in contact with earth some 10 thousands years ago, and there are more and more evidences and findings that support this theory. Tsem Rinpoche has a few articles on Nibiru (one of them is here https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/science-mysteries/where-do-we-really-come-from.html).
There are quite a lot of unresolved mysteries in the world, such as the pyramids, etc, and many theories/model have been proposed trying to explain these mysteries, but I find the most convincing theory is this Planet X theory. I hope the science world can openly discuss this theory and not treat it like something “alternative”.
Every depiction of those Aliens or beings from outside world has been similar. This shows the close possibility of the existence of other beings like us.
This is very exciting to read, Rinpoche. We are not alone and there are out there like us who are beyond our capability to see or know about them.
Thank you Rinpoche
Thank you Rinpoche for the astounding find.
We are constantly finding out more locations or sites and people that had seen aliens.
With the growth of technology, information is readily available and we can learn or find more info about the existence of life outside planet Earth.
I believe what we watch on documentaries or movies or dramas.. must be based on some facts or truths that were uncovered and made to look like they were imagined.
Lord Buddha already confirms the existence of life outside us.
Thank you.
Very interesting article….glad to know and have some knowledge of the 10,000-year-old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens and UFOs.So Aliens and UFOs do exist after .We are lucky to have a chance to see these ancient paintings if not because of the archaeologist JR Bhagat .Is it a co-incidence that Hollywood and Bollywood flicks do have these paintings looks alike aliens.
It really interesting to read and i do enjoyed it.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing.
Long time ago I read that the proof that ghost exist is that since ancient times when the world is not so well connected; when cultures and civilisations co-existed at the same times without any communications what so ever, ghost were sighted and stories documented independently; just like these same civilisations see the sun and the moon.
In a similar way, ancient civilisations disconnected with each other sighted and documented sighting of Aliens and UFOs. This to me, at least proofs Aliens and UFOs exists.
Thank You Rinpoche for opening our minds.
Interesting cave paintings of aliens. I find it consistent with many other ancient depictions from around the world on aliens descending from the sky to aid prehistoric society.
It is very likely that aliens spurred prehistoric society to develop technology and other know-how. The evidence is compelling as it is a consistent theme in many ancient artforms. It is no surprise that prehistoric society would view them as divinities descending from the sky and possessing technological wonders that seemed divine to the simple mind of an ancient society.