40,000 Monks at Serthar Buddhist Institute!!
Dear students and friends,
Take a look at the pictures below of Serthar Buddhist Institute in China! Spiritual aspirants actually built their houses around the monastery where they learn and practice Dharma. The monastery has attracted so many people that it has became as large as a town! To date, there are over 40,000 Buddhist monks, nuns and lay practitioners that live around this monastery… all Dharma practitioners. How wonderful!
What’s amazing is that despite the monastery being located in a very secluded area, thousands of people would visit the monastery every year either as pilgrims or visitors. The 13-24 hour road trip from Chengdu is not a deterrent as the destination is worth traveling to. I love it when like-minded people come together and carry out virtuous activities like those in Serthar county.
It’s so beautiful to see a spiritual society forming around the monastery… this is what I hope Kechara Forest Retreat will be like one day… where hundreds thousands of people find their spiritual home and do their powerful retreats. How do you feel about this? Would you like to belong to a spiritual society like Serthar county? And to KFR?
Tsem Rinpoche
Little boxes on the hillside… home to 40,000 Buddhist monks: The stunning makeshift town that has sprung up around a Tibetan monastery
- The remote settlement located in the Larung Valley, Serthar County of Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in China
- The thousands of tiny homes sprawled up the mountainside form one of the world’s largest Buddhist institutes
Nestled amid the rolling mountains, deep within the Larung Gar Valley, thousands of tiny wooden homes form one of the world’s largest Buddhist institutes.
The remote but sprawling settlement is found at elevations of 12,500ft and is home to over 40,000 monks, nuns and religious students.
It is located in the Larung Valley, Serthar County of Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in China.

The sprawling hillside settlement of Larung Gar, home to Serthar Buddhist Institute, in the traditional Tibetan region of Kham

The thousands of tiny homes sprawl up a mountainside forming one of the world’s largest Buddhist Institutes

The remote settlement is found at elevations of 12,500ft and is home to over 40,000 monks, nuns and religious students

The homes are predominantly made out of wood. Each one is built so close to the next that they all begin to merge into rows of homes
It is said to have sprung up from a handful of settlers into the sprawling town that now occupies vast areas of hilly terrain.
At the focal point is a giant Buddhist monastery – the Serthar Buddhist Institute – with a huge wall separating the monks from the nuns.
The homes are predominantly made out of wood. Each one is built so close to the next that they all begin to merge into rows of homes.

Located in a valley, the town allegedly sprung up from a handful of settlers into the sprawling town that now occupies vast areas of hilly terrain

The tiny homes are predominantly made out of wood and are almost identical to each other

At the focal point is a giant monastery – with a huge wall separating the monks from the nuns

The sprawling settlement of homes are a beautiful sight. The photographer said the makeshift town is ‘a very welcoming place as long as you do not disturb the peaceful atmosphere’
But the one to three roomed dwellings do not have their own toilets – instead communal ones have been built for the 40,000 plus residents.
Japanese photographer Shinya Itahana, 33, visited the Larung Gar Valley a number of times to capture the eye-catching town in both summer and winter.
He said: ‘It is a very welcoming place as long as you do not disturb the peaceful atmosphere. It has become a bit of a tourist attraction – not just with pilgrims but some foreigners too.’
Reaching the picturesque hillside town is not an easy task, with the nearest large city, Chengdu, being located around 400 miles away.
The journey by car can take around 13 – 15 hours. Shinya added: ‘During the winter months it can take longer, around a day, because the road conditions are so poor.’
But that has not stopped people flooding to the Buddhist institute to study Tibetan Buddhism.

Some of the thousands of monks gather outside the settlement of Larung Gar. It is home to Serthar Buddhist Institute
Tibetan monks gather during a lecture at the Institute. Hundreds of people flooded to the Buddhist institute to study Tibetan Buddhism
Reaching the picturesque hillside town is not an easy task, with the nearest large city, Chengdu, being located around 400 miles away. But that has not deterred the crowds from making the pilgrimage
Tibetan monks, armed with cans and umbrellas, collect water from a communal well
A typical street scene at the settlement. The one to three roomed dwellings do not have their own toilets – instead communal ones have been built for the 40,000 plus residents
Video of Serthar
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Amazing to see so many houses built so near each other and all having the same objectives that is to be near to the monastery. Beautiful Serthar Buddhist Institute full of 40,000 Monks. A township of Buddhist monks. Despite the journey to the monastery is not easy yet there is so many monks and nuns, lay practitioners and even tourist from all over the world going to the monastery to learn Dharma and to practice Dharma together. It would be really wonderful if KFF could be similar to this in the future.?Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for this very interesting sharing ????
Scrolling through old post and the pictures of crowded monasteries attracted me to reread this post again. Amazing ……high in a treeless valley in in Sichuan, China lies the largest Tibetan Buddhist school in the world. This institute consists of a few main buildings and tens of thousands of small dormitories built on the surrounding hillsides. Could imagine there’s about 40,000 monks and nuns coming from different schools of Tibetan Buddhism . Hopefully Kechara Forest Retreat will be like one day.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Incredible, a township of Buddhist monks. Amazing to see so many houses built so near each other and all having the same objectives that is to be near to the monastery. It may not be an easy place to stay as it is on a mountain where resources and transportation are very limited. Just inspire us to continue to seek and practise dharma, no matter how much hardship we may encounter .
Wow, amazing and beautiful Serthar Buddhist Institute full of 40,000 Monks.Despite the journey to the monastery is not easy yet there is so many monks and nuns, lay practitioners and even tourist from all over the world going to the monastery to learn Dharma and to practice Dharma together.Glad to see all these wonderful pictures of devotees and the video too. Do hope KFR to be one institute of learning too whereby more people from far and near will come together to practice and learn Dharma.
From what i understand seeing now the surrounding of this Buddhist Institute would not be the same as before ,many,many dwellings have been demolished by the Chinese government recently.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these wonderful pictures of this monastery.
The pace of demolition at one of Tibet’s biggest Buddhist institutions at Serthar County in Eastern Tibet is feared to be far graver than earlier expected with more than 600 structures leveled since the Chinese government led operations began last Wednesday.
Monastic leaders at the Larung Gar Buddhist Academy have urged the institute’s monks and nuns not to protest or resist the destruction of their homes, and the work is proceeding so far without interference. In the past six days, an estimated 600 dwellings have been torn down, with no sign that this will stop any time soon.
This is not the first time that this is happening. In 2001, over 8,000 students were evicted forcibly from the institute and approximately 2,000 dwellings of monks and nuns were demolished that year. Hopefully this is a case of addressing overcrowding and China will keep to its word to do this in order to reduce the population to no more than 5,000 residents by Sept 30 2017. Many NGOs are keeping an eye on the demolition as this has drawn international attention.
For 2nd time in 15 years, Tibetan Buddhist academy in China faces demolition order
China to reduce Larung Gar’s strength to 5,000
Destruction of Serthar Institute : A special report
It was founded by late Serta Khenpo Jigmey Phuntsok, a very learned Rinpochey revered by many thousands of his Tibetan and Chinese followers all around. Khenpo passed away mysteriously in Chengdu Chinese hospital and many of these monks and nuns dwellings are forcefully destroyed by Chinese army later on, I don’t think this is a present image of Serta lung in Golok Serta. The autocrat regime in China had ill feelings when spirituality flourishes and shines like radiant sun.
The pictures itself is picturesque and really inspires me to do the same at KFR. I think for lay practitioners like us it is a good move to stay near monastery if we are serious about our Dharma path. Being physically near to monastery makes our learning and practicing more focused and actually secluded ourselves from unnecessary distractions.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures of this monastery. I love it and I think many would come to KFR just like to this monastery. I think such a community already exists with our Dharma houses, departments and so forth and many have already working dedicatedly in KFR. Many already find it exciting to come to KFR and especially to stay in Dukkar apartments and join in the activities in and around Wisdom Hall. Lovely.
Wow, amazing Serthar Buddhist Institute full of 40,000 Monks.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing, i truly hope that KFR will be a sacred place like Serthar Buddhist Institute to let those practitioners can continue their spiritual path swiftly hence let Holy Dharma and Rinpoche teaching spread to ten directions…
It’s amazing to find such a huge spiritual community here in the Serthar Buddhist Monastery- over 40000 monks,nuns and religious students!
This Buddhist Institute of learning is very difficult to reach, even from Chengdu, the nearest town. From Chengdu, it takes 13-15 hours and longer in winter and then there is the climb to reach the monastery, which is situated at an altitude of 12,500 feet.
Despite this, this institute attracts crowds and crowds of people coming here to learn about Tibetan Buddhism. Yet, there is little wonder about this. Where else can one find such a huge community of people coming together, with one heart and one mind to pray and meditate, and preserve and spread the Dharma?
Thank you for sharing all these wonderful pictures of devotees to the Dharma. It is really inspirational to see so many monks and nuns together searching for the truth in life. One day, I think Kechara Forest Retreat will be able to achieve this, especially when the current people running the retreat are so devoted and hardworking.
Over 40,000 monks and nuns study Tibetan Buddhism at Serthar Buddhist Institute, amazing number of Buddhist. This place really nice and similar to Kechara Forest Retreat, a place for us to learn Dharma and practice Dharma. Able to benefits others all around the world. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
This is really an eye opener for me. It is incredible to see a Buddhist Institute can attract so many monks and nuns and lay practitioners to come and do the powerful retreats and virtuous activities in this Tibetan monastery.I believe that many religious students and spiritual aspirants will come and join our Kfr in the future too. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these wonderful pictures.
inspirational to see so many people dedicated to the truth.
*** The DESTRUCTION of Serthar Monastery ***
谢谢仁波切的分享。 在这个末法时期有那么大的佛教住区真的非常殊胜。
在马来西亚,出家众都没有得到尊重, 这也可能让很多想出家的人切步。
希望在仁波切和大家的努力下这个情况可以达到改善, 让这个世界在未来可以成为人间净土。
Thank You for sharing all these wonderful pictures with us Rinpoche, they are absolutely amazing! I’m very surprised that more than 40,000 of buddhist practitioners are living together in that institute. May KFR have practitioners like that, practitioners who really want to study Dharma and benefit others.
Amazing! It looks absolutely stunning from far. It’s incredible how much Buddhism has gathered so many spiritual seekers into Serthar Buddhist Institute. I’m sure Rinpoche’s KFR would one day be like this, accommodating spiritual seekers where they can learn and meditate. I’m still trying to accept the fact that 40,000 monks and nuns to date reside in Serthar Buddhist Institute, its really an unbelievable amount and its still growing. Thank you for sharing these photos with us Rinpoche. I hope Rinpoche is well.
Thank you rinpoche for sharing this amazing post. Wow, this is really amazing i would really love to have the chance to visit this place. I wonder staying at that area is fun. I would definitely learn more about dharma really wish to go there
谢谢仁波切分享这壮观的场面, 这也是仁波切的佛法宏愿。未来的克切拉禅修林(世界和平中心)的佛法事业也是要从我们大家现在开始同心协力去实行。
我相信在未来的十年或二十年,仁波切的佛法宏愿会达到,这可以从仁波切的前两位仁波切转世看到。其实他们都同一样的在施行把格鲁派的传承发扬光大。所以克切拉禅修林将会是东南亚的藏传佛教中心。我不知道我可以为佛法走几远,但我会默默的去耕耘, 希望可以看到这一天。
ALL CHANGE situation on that Sethar place too.
HHow much% chinese adds?Actualy unknown.all net is controoolRED!?
HE PANCHENLAMA case still is ill!?
china military/china karmapa/etc
not only usa india have influences
for samaja LIVEFORCEnergy//?
like FISSION with GURU
future?unknown/SOURCES japan___is very
2020. unnuked?suRE:100%?
OLIMPICgames2008 had been!TRUE/lie? abt tib
btw ilussions real preception is always gap
even if counciousness is sharp all phenomena
like MIRAGE(armin van bureen?)EMPTY but clear?some#times fewww
one suRE:tib.abt china TAKE CARE in own way.
Dear Rinpoche, hope that you are well.
Yes I would very love to be part of a spiritual society like Serthar or KFR definitely !! Being surrounded with like minded people, enable us to sincerely focus on the Dharma practice and not be distracted by miscellaneous affairs. It’s great to see there’s a Buddhist Society existed in the world. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this.
May KFR manifest swiftly and smoothly and may I be able to contribute towards the manifestation of Rinpoche’s wishes.
Carmen Lin
May Kechara Forest Retreat inspire many from around the world, lay people or sangha to make it into an institution for Buddhism as well.
I love the contrasting pictures of Larung Valley in summer and in winter. Reminds me about the fragility of life.
As far as necessary ….
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the beautiful pictures of Serthar Buddhist Institute in China with many houses built around the monastry that cater for more than 40,000 residents. The huge numbers of monks and nuns shown from the pictures at Larung Gar Valley has given us the true example that we can achieve the same result in Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) with the continuous effort and hard work from all of us. May all the Dharma works in Kechara Forest Retreat will spread further to entire world and reach to more people who are yet to hear or receive Dharma and Buddha’s teachings.