Activities in One day
Today and like most days in Kechara there are multiple activities happening in the various depts. We are always very busy bringing art, dhama, food, help, and learning to interested people. I am proud of my team and I salute them. See what they are doing today in the various depts please.
Let me show you what I mean:
In Kechara Saraswati Arts Dept (KSA), Eric Choong teaches people how to make beaded items. Beaded mala-rosary bag complete!
In Kechara House Gompa (KH1),Liaison Sharon conducting a wonderful class to eager people on the whole spectrum of Setrap. For example, origins, practice, lineage, benefits, etc. Sharon Speaks very well and is a GREAT WRITER!! She is the one who wrote for our Setrap Box Set which is Very Popular so she is very qualified to speak on Setrap. Must invite her to speak more. The wonderful Dr Lanse of KMP translated Sharon’s talk into Chinese for the audience…great!!!
At MPH bookstore, Kechara Media & Publications (KMP) had a book reading session for the public today for ‘No Way But Up’ and ‘Call Me Paris’ books.
David (left) and Paris (right) did the readings on their popular books. Allan (centre) joins them after the read.
In Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK), people are doing their motivational reading before going out to distribute food to the homeless.
In Kechara Tsem Ladrang, out station students/friends came to take a tour of the Tsem Ladrang Dept and to pay homage to the beautiful private altar. Below viewing the large turtles at Tsem Ladrang.
In Kuantan, we have started a Kechara Study Chapter. They liked our items from the outlets so much, they have taking consignment of our beautiful products and started a small sales corner.
This is all in a day’s events at Kechara!
Tsem Rinpoche
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
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There were a lot of responses to Rinpoche on this blog already a few months ago. During that time many activities have already started. Everybody who are not fulltime staffs are already busy volunteering to help with the many activities of the various Kechara departments. Then come the months after when more activities were created. The addition of Kechara care department expanding and moving to their new premises in Sunway Mas from Ladrang. Then KMP also moved. All the other departments also moved at the same time. Even KPSS2 outlet was moving to a shoplot in the next street. Now the latest activity KIM is getting ready to move to their new premises in Sunway Mas. At the same time KH is also getting ready to move to the newly renovated Gompa of 4 shoplots a few doors away from KH2. Since there are so much activities to do. Many volunteers have join Kechara as fulltime staff.
If you want to join in our Kechara activities any time.You just name it. We will be able to recommend you any activities in just a few minutes. To start with we have Sunday Manjushri class for adults where senior exzperienced students or volunteers will share dharma talks with you. And for the kids we have children Manjushri Kids class conducted by devoted teachers like Alex Tan, Ling and Gim lee. Activities are also held outdoors in KMP promoting books written by our Rinpoche or our young authors like David Lai and Jamie Khoo. If you are interested in arts and crafts Kechara Saraswati Arts has painting, beading, earring making, sewing and rolling mantras. For outstation students there are mini tours which will take you to our outlets and Rinpoche’s house and aviary. There are many activities in other dedpartments too. Please enquire from Kechara House Administration. They will be glad to help you.
It was one of those lucky Sundays that I happened to be in k h and have the opportunity to attend afternoon class.One of the activities held in one of kh depts. It was Sharon saw’s talk on Dharma Protector Setrap in kh 1. She is a very good speaker, very knowledgable and her talk was very interesting. She explained in great details about who is Setrap, lineage and practice and many benefits you can get by doing Setrap Protector practice, He is very Powerful can help us to remove obstacles and increase our spiritual path. He protects Gaden Monastery and Kechara House.
I like Setrap box set very much many people bought it for Setrap pujas very handy. It was a hit in KP outlets. Thanks to Sharon for her talents and effort for creating such a beautiful box set.
The activities of a Buddha is limitless and is shown here to be possible with the fact that Rinpoche can just be in his room and run the entire organization with so many activities going on.
Such is the power of an enlightened Being’s inspiration. Such is the glory of the Buddha’s teachings which penetrates like the rays of the sun pervading all directions and warms the hearts of the cold and destitute, bringing them back into life.
Yes! Emanate and emanate, come and see for yourself, we need more people!!!! come join us and be part of our exciting activities!
It is amazing how Kechara has grown since I first joined slightly less than a year ago… in departments, in members, in activities, in everything possible! How wonderful it is to have one organisation with the consideration to provide different interests for just about anyone. Through the various departments in Kechara, many more people will have a chance to connect to a higher purpose through an activity that attracts them. While we are currently at 13 departments on the last count… here’s a little something more to get excited over – there are more planned in the pipeline! For instance, have you heard about the Animal Sanctuary?!
You won’t be boring and have nothing to do in Kechara,although we have almost 100 talented people work full times here,but we still need volunteers and part timer to help out in 13 departments,as you can see fr the pics,everyone carried their own duty,Rinpoche wanted to spread dharma to everyone and each departments have thier purposes to help Rinpoche to reach out to more people and bring in new people to Kechara.You will never feel tired and alone if you work for Kechara,at the end of the day,when you think of what you do is benefit others,it is the true happiness we looking for all this while !
This is the clear sign that Kechara is BIG and active! All the time! Simultaneously there will be members doing their various dept’s activities during the whole day and its exciting to see this when we have KWPC manisfested with the 13 depts’ running full force together there! I have always heard people say about Kechara is that “Kechara never sleeps”.
This will eventually create more awareness to our organisation and inspire a lot of more new people to come and contribute their part thus promote Dharma and good conduct among Malaysians. All depts of Kechara is conceived by Rinpoche. It is designed in a view of bringing spirituality to people via expressing their interest. That is why more and more people are coming to join Kechara because there’s just many choices of interest that you can join to get involved. Hail Kecharians!
Today Kechara House (KH) is bustling with activities almost every day with pujas and other activities unlike five six years ago. Now Kechara organization has grown so much so now that we have 13 departments. Each department with its planned activities to benefit many people in many ways to suit the different talents and skills each one has. Why? Not all likes to go to centre or temple to pray and meditate or to study. That is why we have so many departments and we are different from other Buddhist organisation. Now these are our platform for us to practise, improve and improvise for the manifestation of our retreat centre, Kechara World Peace Centre, an alternative learning, healing, arts, the largest Tsongkhapa in the world and more.
“It is always fun, meaningful and good environment to work in any department of KH. KH is unique, modern and very today. KH departments offer us a real future, merits, dharma, meaningful work and purpose. The KH departments are loving, caring and kind like a parent. Its departments are also kind to teach us how to be a better person through many unconventional means. KH makes us FACE OURSELVES AND BECOME BETTER…..DON’T LOSE THIS PRECIOUS OPPORTUNITY TO WORK AND VOLUNTEER IN KH FOR DHARMA…..”(Excerpt from one of many Rinpoche’s smses).
Kudus Kecharian! Yes, it is true today and almost everyday simultaneously different activities happening at the same in different departments in Kechara. We are always on our toes. We cannot afford to rest on laurels for we are expanding very fast. We need stamina for this marathon race to Kechara World Peace Centre. Kecharian are always busy and are involved in bringing art, dharma, food, assistance, education, counseling, care, love to people who are interested. This is the big vision that Rinpoche has for Kechara organisation; to benefit people in many ways to suit each and every individual’s mental disposition to bring them to enlightenment. How wonderful!
Terima Kasih Rinpoche!
12 Depts and in this blog post…a flurry of activities
Such a hive of activity…all to keep the snakes, roosters and pigs in us at bay and in time retire all of them to the zoo!
Interesting that the human realm is activity oriented, as if without it, we are so listless, so we need to do something in order to be worth something…
And the Dharma comes in many forms for the sake of accommodating all of these varied personalities, levels of understanding and etc..
Who would have ever thought that at Kechara, with Rinpoche’s vision and mission, it would blossom into an array of mindset activities catering as much and as best as possible to all who walked through its doors…
Truly Amazing…
Oh my! If I was an obsessed volunteer and wanted to do participate in every activity I’d have a pretty hectic day!
It’s nice to see the diverse activities Kechara covers. I think that it’s nice how the Setrap talk appeals to the adults and the craft appeals to the kids…where they weere making mala bags which they can use later on to carry to the Setrap talk! 🙂 How beautiful, starting Dharma from young with fun things and slowly…gradually taking on more intellectually-based teachings 🙂
Seems like Kechara’s growing and spreading the Dharma in all of Malaysia….Penang family visits the Ladrang and Kuantan has a study group. Fun Fun!!
I really want to join the Manjushri Kid’s class even though they’re all little ones! Perhaps Kechara could have a Young Adult Manjushri Class with art & craft! 🙂
The many activities in Kechara and all departments arose from Rinpoche hard work and vision. Rinpoche wanted to also provide many activities for the many types of people and minds who will be coming to Kechara. To suit the variety of people’s minds and inclinations. I recall one time during an audience with Rinpoche, Kechara was having the problem of having insufficient volunteers and everytime we relied upon the same people over and over again and it was draining on those who were around then. Rinpoche mentioned that the more activities we have the chances of getting more volunteers is much greater and wallah, now Kechara is starting to reap the results of having many departments.
I echoed what Bengkooi has said. “You name it, Kechara has it!! (Or we will have it pretty soon”. I like this line very much.
Back 3 years ago, Rinpoche has given members of Kechara House to do a 10 million Mitzsema mantra recitation retreat. He prophesized that when we completed the retreat, our organization will grow heaps and bounds. It took us some one and half year to accomplish the collective counts of 10 million mantra. We even have numerous overnight marathon recitations. Sure enough, not too soon after the retreat has been accomplished, departments after departments were born. More people came to our organization through all these departments and we are seeing more and more joining full time in Dharma. Do you know that up to today, we have over 90 full time staff?
From one tiny humble store, kechara paradise in SS2 in 1990
to now 13 well run departments with over 90 permanent staff! Kechara Boleh!!
You name it, Kechara has it!! (Or they will have it pretty soon!)
Seriously, Kechara offers something for everyone, whatever your taste and fancy. We’ve got art, craft, travel, food, shopping, community service, animal care, books, film, editing, writing, cooking, social media, museum, prayers, charity work, kids programmes, educational classes, animal liberation, recycling activities, gift wrapping, flower arranging, sewing, painting… the list is ENDLESS!
Not many Buddhist centres are able to offer this type of variety but Kechara can. And it all started from the vision of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, who started the Kechara organisation in 2000 with the founding of Kechara Paradise SS2
Through the various departments of Kechara, many people will have a chance to connect to a higher purpose through an activity that attracts them. And who knows where it will lead from there…
: With the various departments in Kechara, there is so much that one can do, or the whole family can do. We can learn new skills with KSA, or do community work with KSK, or enrich our knowledge with our Lamrim and Manjushri classes in KH, or we can even visit the Aviary and Tortoises in our Guru’s Official Residence, Tsem Ladrang. There are already 13 departments in Kechara now. You can find out more in There is definitely something for everyone. It is so fabulous how different people can come together and feel a real sense of belonging in Kechara. Friendships forged in Kechara may just last beyond this lifetime. Kechara is place where everyone can feel at home. I HEART Kechara.
Kechara Organization various departments have grown tremendously over the past 2 years. Each department is buzzing with their own activity almost every day. Kechara organization has created different needs for people to find a space for their spiritual path and learn dharma knowledge.
Each department has their unique way enroll different type of people interest come into Kechara Organization. Rinpoche has said to us many outside people are observing what we are doing. If we do our job well at each department, we can benefit them. Rinpoche wish and effect by setting various departments show the result many people are buzzing at different activity in one day.
And don’t forget the people who were at Kechara House all day reciting the Lamrim as part of the pujas for our new gompa!
I need to learn how to emanate quick – there are so many things going on at Kechara and I want to attend ALL of the activities! Yes i wanted to go to the MPH book read today!!!
Kechara House is buzing with events and activities, it is so exciting!
never a dull moment in Kechara! Makes you wonder really, what on earth we were doing with our lives before dharma…. !
There’s so many exciting activities every day in Kechara it’s amazing, and it will just keep growing and growing 😀