Bill Clinton adopts Buddhist Meditation | 克林顿选择佛教禅修法
Chill Bill: Clinton turns to the art of Buddhist meditation to relax
By Daily Mail Reporter | PUBLISHED: 3 August 2012
Former American president Bill Clinton has taken his exercise regime to spiritual heights – by learning the art of Buddhist meditation to help him relax.
The politician, 65, has recently taken up a healthier life-style including becoming vegan after a string of heart problems over the years.
And in his latest bid to improve his well-being, the Democrat has hired his own personal Buddhist monk to help him learn how to meditate properly.
Radaronline quoted a source as saying: ‘Ever since his heart scare, Bill has looked for ways to help him relax.
‘He has a hectic life, he travels a lot on business as an ambassador for the U.S. and needs something to keep him sane.’
Meditation offers him that, he has a *mantra that he likes to chant and after every session he feels transformed and full of positive energy.
‘It’s definitely doing him the world of good – he feels fitter and stronger than ever.’

Old practice: Buddhist monks have been perfecting the art of meditation for thousands of years.
In February 2004, Clinton was rushed to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in New York City after complaining of chest pains.
He needed to have two coronary stents implanted in his heart and a few months later in September underwent quadruple bypass surgery.
In 2010 he then had a clogged artery reopened – his second heart op in just five years – and announced he was giving up his diet of American fast food such as burgers, fries and deep-fried chicken to go vegan.
His strict diet consists of lots of fresh vegetables and fruit but he admits he still occasionally eats fish.
Note: Buddhism is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States.
*Mantras are sacred words as spoken by the Buddha which has vast benefits for the mind and body when chanted consistently. See more, here.
《每日邮报》报道 | 2012年8月3日

注: 佛教是在美国发展的最为迅速的宗教之一,现在美国前总统克林顿也选择念诵心咒。
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Wonderful approach by former US president Bill Clinton to take up meditation as he knew the many benefits of it. After gone through few heart problems and surgeries, he has taken his exercise routine to learn Buddhist meditation. He even hired his own personal Buddhist monk to teach him how to meditate properly. Since then he has changed his lifestyle becoming vegan and he has been studying and practicing some forms of Buddhism too . He saw mindfulness as a cure to the stress of modern life and inspired few politicians to join him .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this news.
Meditation has so many great benefits. One of it is to find peace out of this hectic and cluttered modern lifestyle. Many people had been taking up meditation as part of their routine lives to cope with the stress that they have. It is nice to see that even a political leader in the Western had recognised it’s benefits after his heart scare.
With meditation we can develop alot good qualities too such as mindfulness and compassion if we meditate on it well.
Bill Clinton is a intelligent man but even he needed a life-changing experience to realise that Buddhist practices can benefit him.
I’m sure there are countless such examples but this is a high-profile one that we should learn from: don’t wait for a personal disaster, embrace Buddhism now, practice Dharma today, start living a physically and spiritually healthy life!
Sean in Shanghai
I am sure Mr Clinton made the right choice by adopting the Buddhist way of life and meditation. A demanding lifestyle and health problems will take its toll on him if left unchecked. I hope Mr Clinton will find peace and joy in his life from now on.
[…] Meditation is highly beneficial which is why so many celebrities and industry experts do it. It redu…thor: KC […]
It comes as a surprise to me at first when I read the title of this blog, but then when I think about again, this may not really be that special anyway as Buddhism has spread its wings to many parts of our world, including the western societies.
The feeling that I have from reading this article is that among so many possible solutions in the world, it seems that what really will help us are those that are invisible and yet supreme in its power – a belief in something.
Of course, I am not denying the power of medicine and science.
We can use sleeping pills when we have insomnia, but we all know that in long term it becomes drugs and it does not solve the root of the problem. What really will help is to get the root out, and to dig inside our hearts, to make ourselves understand better, to let go, to forgive, all these will help us, although they may take a longer time, but they help us to uproot the negativities in a more fundamental way.
Oh well, perhaps I need to learn meditation.
最近心烦意乱时,我也学会做观想。我观想佛菩萨充满加持力的白光射向我,我将嗔怒和烦恼化成黑气,再让黑气从鼻孔内排出来。当然这比较偏向宗教的层面。无论如何,只要能使人的念头转变,从不好的念头转向好的念头,任何宗教都不是问题。 🙂
I find it very good for Bill Clinton to have taken up the time to practice Buddhist Meditations. I have always believed that Meditation is the best Medication. I do hope that Bill Clinton’s heart problems will cease. I believe firmly that it will cease as he continues to live this healthy lifestyle of veganism and meditation.
Good to know that his health is getting better after all the surgeries. Its sad to know people only change when it’s too late. Mr Clinton is making a smart move by adapting and changing his eating lifestyle. Nowadays, people go vegan not because of religion but for a healthier lifestyle. May many more realize the importance…
When a life-changing or threatening event occurs, people tend to pause and take stock of their lives. Rinpoche is constantly asking us to take stock NOW before it’s too late. For Bill Clinton, i’m happy to hear that he is vegetarian and is now learning about Buddhist meditation. If only more people would look into Buddhist philosophy as a guide to leading a richer and more fulfilling life. Through famous people like Bill Clinton, hopefully more people will be inspired to follow his footsteps.
When great leaders choose a spiritual path, it is inspiring for others to follow suit. Upon realizing that something higher exists within and without, they change their ways and perceptions and hopefully will use their skills to lead others to Enlightenment. Have a great journey, Mr. Clinton. _/\_
We are glad that that Clinton found a remedy to put his mind at ease and a lifestyle to help him live a happier life.
Aren’t we fortunate to learn all this practice first hand from this Blog!
Thank you Rinpoche.
Buddhism is definitely not operate from superstitious as mentioned by many people, or anything that are unreality.
Today, there are more and more people understand and accepting Buddhism as a healing practice, Buddhism heals not only our body, but also our mind. It is so important that we understand that Buddhism is part of our life, what we are learning in this world comes from Buddha, it is with us since birth already, it’s only that we need to discover it and start to apply it in our life.
another fact that it shows here is being vegan, “don’t eat meat” is not about religious, it is simply for health issue, there are so many benefits by being a vegetarian, sad is, many people refuse top see the truth.
When Kechara Forest Retreat is ready it will provide an ideal place for people to practice meditation and chanting of mantras. In Kechara World Peace Centre, small huts for meditative retreats will be available to the public for holistic healing and relaxation for the mind and body. These two pet projects of Rinpoche would be dedicated to people in Malaysia and abroad who seek a place to re-energize and invigorate. Meditation and chanting mantras are a great method to relieve the stress in our daily lives.
About meditation, read
More and more world leaders, politicians, business people are following or adopting Buddhism philosophies, meditation method and way of life.
Buddhism teachings on benefiting others, loving kindness, letting go and so on might not seem fitting in to the mainstream values.
However, in the era of globalism, with the tension between people intensified, and the growth of economy, our world becomes more and more uncaring and indifferent.
I guess we need something to balance our mind, to bring peace to our mind; to narrow the gap between outer wealth and inner wealth.
And compassion, peace and equanimity practicing by Buddhism is the antidote. We need the wisdom to resolve the contradictions and confusion.
Peace of mind, freedom from all kinds of fear/sufferings and meaning of life, are always the pursuits of human being and other beings; and Buddhism offers the answers we look for upside down, here and there. Ancient but modern.
Buddha’s teaching can be adopted by anyone from anywhere and from any background. It doesnt matter someone is from a different level of society or from a specific or even problematic history, the teachings benefits everyone. To me it can be so universal because Buddhism is not seen as a “religion” to me but more of the art of living. I have not chanted any other mantra besides OM MANI PEDME HUM previously and now, i realize there is so much more to be chant and to be learnt out there. I hope through this, more will be aware of the benefits and learn the “art of living” so that they can lead a better and happier life.
Good for President Bill Clinton to engage himself into Buddhism. Meditation and Mantra do bring positive energy to calm our mind. When the mind is calm, it can think wisely, the body will accommodate better too.
Ever since his heart scare, he realized that he needed to change his diet to vegan. He has been stop killing, meditate and chanting mantra, all these are bring harmony, peacefulness and relax to him.
No matter who u r, where u from, what u do, learning and practicing Dharma will benefit u a lot. If we may be vegetarian or less meat eater when practice Dharma, we will shoot 2 birds with 1 stone.
Thanks Rinpoche for the sharing…
I have met a few of my friends from the West. A lot of them are not Buddhist but they have taken methods from Buddhism to improve their life. It is amazing that Buddha was born in Nepal, enlightened and passed away in India…his teachings spread to the Indo China, China/Tibet. And then spread further to the West.
I am very happy for my friends as most of them are happier. And they do not need to be a Buddhist but most important, they believe in the methods.
And of course, it does help when celebrities like Bill Clinton and etc embraces Buddhism. After all they do have the power of influence.
Rejoice for Bill. With his great influence, we hope he is able to contribute positively back to the society.
Bill Clinton adopts Buddhist Meditation, I will not surprised because the Asian well life traditional method is very effective for our physically and mentally problem. I would like to congratulation he can find something good in his age. Bill Clinton is a celebrity, but he only gain inner peace and peace of soul through meditation. Rejoice for Mr Bill Clinton.
Old age , sickness and near death experiences have certainly made Bill Clinton re-think his lifestyle . The vegan diet will be great for his body and the Buddhist meditation will help transform his mind . With a Guru to guide him , I do hope that he will learn the Dharma to gain more wisdom and compassion for the benefit of many . After all he is a man of high intelligence and influence . Many will be motivated to follow his footsteps .
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing this information. i think I have experience the same thing as President Clinton. I just survived through my 2nd heart attack. Now, I eat 80% veggie for my meal. I can feel that one of my legs is in coffin now. I realized life is so fragile and unpredictable, I need to do more Dharma work as time waits for nobody.
So not only has former US president Bill Clinton become a vegan, he has also begun the practice of Buddhist meditation with a Buddhist monk as a personal guide. Not only that. He also chants a Buddhist mantra that leaves him feeling relaxed and calm afterwards.
Hopefully, Mr Clinton will progress to gain insights into the benefits of love and care and compassion for others, which are the hallmarks of spirituality in general and Buddhism in particular.
Congrate Bill Clinton to have choose become vegetarian, it glad that the mantra can let him felt more calm and full of energy.Mantra did have its power and energy which benefit me also.hopefully more and more people can learn dharma and tranform themself.
It is good to know that Bill Clinton has adopted a new lifestyle by becoming a vegan and practicing meditation after a sting of heart problems. A stressful life and an unhealthy diet is one of the killer disease which caused heart attacks. I am glad he realized the benefits of Buddhist mantras and meditations.
In this hectic world where most people are chasing for money and power, there needs a time of silence to reflect. What better way than Buddhist meditation and who better to lead as example than Mr. Ex-President, Bill Clinton, who was once the most powerful man in the world!
I’m not surprised by Bill Clinton’s to make decision to meditate and become vegetarian. once someone was fall on the health problem or lost direction, it seeking something to support or rely. meditation is a very good practice which to calm our mind and release tension or stress, Mr Bill clinton’s , you are make the right decision ! Thank you Rinpoche to share the info to us. Rejoice .
I think it’s interesting that his choice to turn to Buddhist methods is tied in very much to his health, and in finding healthier methods of living. The thing about Buddhism is that even if we don’t wish to follow it as a religion, so many aspects of it can be adopted purely for the betterment of our life / lifestyle.
So being vegan is not necessarily a Buddhist thing, but that particular choice can be very much tied into the practice of compassion and contemplating on the suffering of animals and abstaining from that. The meditations might be used initially as a relaxation method, but they also train awareness and teach us discipline and focus. So there are benefits throughout the practices that are not necessarily just about religion, but about a way of living.
I hope Clinton finds much peace and that his health improves! Perhaps he should add in a couple of sessions of serkym and Menlha pujas too!
Bill Clinton, 65, the former U.S.A President, has joined the line of Celebrity of Buddhists in learning the art of meditation to help him relax and to de-stress. He has turned vegan too, after a string of heart problems, though at times he admitted occassionally to eating fish. As an Ambassador for the U.S., his life is thoroughly hectic, travelling a lot on business and meditation will definitely made him feel fitter and stronger than ever. Buddhism is obviously one of the fastest growing religion in the United States. Thanks for sharing the great news, Rinpoche, its certainly exciting and interesting!
I wonder what makes most people in the West choose Buddhism, as it says in the blogpost that it is one of the fastest growing religion in the United States. It definitely can’t be a fad.. I guess more educated people are seeing that the truth Buddha taught 2,500 years ago, still stands today. Since proven, why not follow what has shown results.
Great the Bill Clinton is seeking meditation from a Buddhist monk to help calm him down. Funny how Rinpoche’s blog promotes Meditation and Vegetarianism, and Bill Clinton has only recently gotten interested in these subjects since his health took a turn.
Thank you for this article, Rinpoche.
Wow, the Clintons are really taking on Buddhism. I remember Rinpoche shared an image of Hillary Clinton paying respect to Lord Buddha’s image in Thailand. May more powerful figures arise to crate greater awareness on the benefits of Buddhism in generating peace and happiness in our ever degenerating world.
I rejoice that the western world recognizes the benefit and power of pure Buddhadharma. I pray that the presence of Buddhism will return strongly amongst the Asian society.
Yes Buddhism is the only religion/philosophy that can keep up to date with science & yet maintains its growth;nothing superstitious about it;Buddha had said*Ehi Passiko* which literally means come & see for yourself;Sadhu3!
More and more people notice the power of meditation and self healing. The art of meditation has been adopted by the buddhist thousand years ago, and now is finally flourishing in the west and benefiting thousand. There are many other famous celebrity which has been practicing meditation, and benefiting for decades:-
Celebrities have been espousing the benefits of meditation for decades:-
Gwyneth Paltrow,Tina Turner, Steven Seagal, Orlando Bloom, Rivers Cuomo, Gisele Bundchen, Richard Gere, David Lynch, Russell Simmons, Herbie Hancock, Sting, George Harrison and more.
More and more people find the proven benefits of engaging into serious Buddhism practise and turning to healthy eating in vegan. We see more prominent people especially in the west joining this Rinpoche and that Rinpoche. It shows one thing, they see the benefits in Buddhism and may they find peace in their spiritual practice.
I truly believe stress is the main killer disease. Calm mind coupled with vegetarian diet helps to keep us healthy and extend lives. Hence if we wish to have longevity we should practise meditation and go meatless. This is a proven track.
Good for him.I wonder which mantra Mr Clinton is chanting.
How wonderful that former President Clinton has adopted a new life style for a better mind and body.
Life is just getting more and more stressful. Rejoice for the former American President Bill Clinton to take up Buddhist meditation to help his health but Buddhism is more than just healing his current physical health situation but as he practices more and understand the real happiness he could be one of the many in the west to promote this great method that able to benefit many to gain eternal peace and happiness.
Becoming vegan/vegetarian indeed is a great way to take care of our health and of course it does benefit our spiritual practices too in realizing compassion. There are so many variety of vegetarian food now a day that we can easily find out there.
Check this out:
Its no surprise that President Bill Clinton has sought refuge in Buddhism after his health scare. Too many of us take life for granted, until we are fortunate enough to experience serious problems, be it health, financial, relationship etc.
And only then, do we realise there is more to life and seek answers in spirituality…
And nowadays we see more and more people especially from the West, seeking answers and a better quality of life in Buddhism, which has all the answers…
Many people turn to meditation due to the benefits of it. A calmer sense of self and clearer mind who does not what that. It has been used at prisons as well. If meditation can help hard core prisoners why not a President!
Wow….great to know about this news 🙂
Rejoice for the Former President Bill Clinton.
Methods don’t belong to anyone just like ideas. If it has beneficial properties, and after investigation by verifying that others have benefited from it we can apply it on us without guilt. To label something as bad or tainted without check is prejudgement. We are punishing ourselves the opportunities to discover and learn new things by our own silly close-mindedness.
Certainly for health if you have spent so much money, if there is something else that doesn’t cost as much but already adopted by many, it wouldn’t matter. We can die any day. Meditation requires discipline and perseverance. You need those more than money. 🙂
明白佛陀的语, 可以让我们远离迷惑。 得到生活的满足。
This is kindda cool, but also kindda weird: “the Democrat has hired his own personal Buddhist monk to help him learn how to meditate properly.” – I wish the author had attempted to learn some terminology. The sentence “sponsored a Buddhist monk” seems very contradictory…how do you hire a monk? (haha read Gurus for Hire, Enlightenment for Sale 😉 )
But I’m glad someone as perceptive and intelligent as Clinton understands the benefits of meditation. It’s not some weird kooky discipline limited to the hippies!
like a personal trainer?! LOL which I guess is what a spiritual teacher is to us (in a crude comparison). knocks out all those kinks we have to work on and gets us back into shape, at all levels!
True…I was also taken aback by hiring a monk.. My imagination then linked to way Jamie wrote about personal trainer… A monk in trainers… How rude of me…
The good news is that former President Clinton is making changes to live better and hopefully longer. Sad part is that he had to nearly lose his life before he would change. And how many of us need to be near death to change? And will we have the merits to survive the near death experience? Do good and change NOW while we are in tact.
[…] From Progressive News Source-… […]
Very interesting, thank you Rinpoche, and also thank you for linking the video about the Old Testament and God possibly having a wife — very thought-provoking in many ways.
It is nice to see people opening up to meditation and getting the benefits, especially someone who is 65, and they say “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Bill Clinton’s recently becoming vegan, and now meditating, I would call that incredible. Some in the US might call it “being a liberal” but that’s okay.
It just proves how malleable the mind can be. A 65 year old man who works full time as an ambassador, has a whole lifetime of habituations, has all the press watching him, has everyone expecting him to be a certain way, still manages to dynamically make these changes. I mean, no offense to anyone, but he could just pop a Xanax and take some heart meds and continue eating fast food and doing his business. I hope meditation takes him to deeper levels beyond just stress relief, maybe he enters samadhi or has some realizations, and it permeates to other people.
By more and more people participating in de-stressing activity such as meditation and physical yoga, we can see there’s an urgent need to de-stress in the society especially the people who are living in the city.
From an article by Cary Barbor on Psychology Today, it says that meditation activates the sections of the brain in charge of the autonomic nervous system, which governs the functions in our bodies that we can’t control, such as digestion and blood pressure. These are also the functions that are often compromised by stress.
On the other hand, meditation is also a very good method to practice nowadays, not only it can be done as and when, it also draws people to seek the inner peace instead of seeking outer solutions that never cure the root problem. Eventually, like what Lew said, they will find studying up wisdom is important after the physical problems have settled down. Wisdom is the main core power to live a better live.
So I think meditation is the first good step to a better life, rejoice for Bill Clinton and all the participants who attend meditation.
Tsem Rinpoche has a teaching on Mantras – Holy Words of Power, Reciting mantras help to calm the mind down in just a few minutes when we maintain the focus.
It is good to hear that more and more people are taking up the time proven Buddhism practice to tame the mind, but if we have studied Lamrim before, then we must know taming the mind is just a small portion. What is important is, what are we dong to do the the tamed mind and the healthy body.
Through many of the teachings found in this blog, all the well being of our mind and body should be use for the benefit of all other sentient beings…