Bio Group Just landed…

This picture was sent to me by text from James just now. Our TSEM RINPOCHE BIO RESEARCH TEAM safely landed in KLIA a short while ago.
It has been fulfilling three week trip to the USA for research into my growing up years in different parts of the USA.
My past has become our future that will culminate into something Big and Beneficial besides KWPC which is a given…my childhood sufferings MUST BE PUT TO GOOD USE TO BENEFIT OTHERS…The purpose we take on sufferings is so that it benefits others eventually…that’s why we willingly take it…
We have just begun this ENORMOUS yet fulfilling project which will have POSITIVE long term implications for your’s and many other lives…The biographical book and movie on my life we will do as a result of this research will benefit many and help fulfull our huge projects. If it is not for the benefit of others, there’s no reason to research into my life and come out with biographical book and movie.. Others may have had even more dramatic lives.
In the mean time I welcome all our our Bio Team back. What a wonderful work/dharma/pleasure trip it has been. You all worked hard and Good job everyone.
We are going to have many many many trips..with each trip we are exposed, we grow, learn and improve.
Dharma is fun. Dharma is a career and Dharma is very fulfilling. Everything else pales compared to dharma work. KECAHRA is setting a new trend that lets everyone know that DHARMA WORK IS FOR WINNERS!!! DHARMA WORK IS ADDICTIVE!! DHARMA WORK IS FULFILLING!! DHARMA WORK BENEFITS SO MANY!!
Tsem Rinpoche
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Kepada Kumpulan Pengaji Bio Yang Di Hormati , kamu telah buat satu perkara yang amat bermakna untuk faedah bagi orang yang tidak berkiatan dengan awak , awak mengorbankan masa peribadi awak untuk mengerjakan faedah untuk meraka di bawah peminpin Tsem Rinpoche ,saya harap pengaji Bio Tsem Rinpoche boleh menerbit dengan semukim cepat , terima kasih , wong kok thai
Dear Bio Group,
love, angel
Welcome back bio group. You all have worked extremely hard. Mama had told me about the trip. She said that it was very exciting to meet all of Rinpoche’s relatives.
I find it very good that the bio group went on and uncovered Rinpoche’s life. We have to learn about our Guru before we can truly take refuge in him.
A very warm welcome home !
Yes, when will you guys be ready to tell us the interesting findings from your mission?
Yoke Fui
Thanks for feeding us daily with touching accounts of our Guru’s life in the US.
I am sure the benefits from this historic journey down memory lane will be immense when a book and movie is produced from it.
The trip, book and movie will inspire many as it is a true chronicle of a living enlightened master in our midst.
Welcome home and congratulation for bringing back so many precious informations and treasures about Rinpoche’s life. What a team !
Welcome back Bio Group! You have fulfilled a research project re: Rinpoche’s Childhood. No other centres have done this sort of project as far as I know. I think it will be very interesting and exciting for people to learn asbout the Lama who is the founder of KWPC. The Lama in such a short number of years has brought Kechara to great heights with 13 Departments and having students being awarded Dato’like Dato’ Ruby Khong. It need not have to take KWPC to promote Rinpoche. Many people would think all Rinpoches must have come from and easy life and comfortable background before they are recognised. Promoting Rinpoche’s childhood would also trigger people to have compassion and kindness towards others as Rinpoche is doing now irrespective of race or religion.
Hello, my lovelies! Welcome Home!
Now, we are all eagerly awaiting for the stories you guys and gals are going to tell, write, produce and film! So very exciting!!!!