Cause Celebre: Celebrities with a cause
Well, some of you might think that these celebrities are little extreme, but at least, they are real. They are true to themselves and their beliefs. They make no apology for doing what they can in saving other life forms on this planet.
There are many famous vegetarians across the globe. I am just sharing the few who have caught my attention, because they truly “walk the talk”. It is not for show. It is their lifestyle and who they are.
Please watch and take the message to heart.
Tsem Rinpoche
In today’s world, people seem to stop at nothing to get themselves famous – whether it is for five minutes or slightly longer. There is never a shortage of an eager audience either, because today’s society lives vicariously through celebrities. Who will not stop to look at Angeline Jolie, or Johnny Depp and even follow them around, if you could? Pick anyone off the street and they will most likely have a celebrity that they like. For some celebrities, their fame has crossed all borders and this is when you can tell that someone is really very famous.
So, what is the true value of fame? How would one measure its value? Perhaps the most obvious way to assess the value of fame is in seeing how it has influenced or affected something or someone.
Now, if any Tom, Dick or Harry tells you that eating meat is not good for you, chances are you will not even bother to pause and listen. You might think that Tom is a raving lunatic or suspect that Harry is an irritating salesperson trying to sell you something that you don’t ever want.
However, if it was Brad Pitt or Julia Roberts telling you that eating vegetables is better for you, chances are you would stop and really pay attention. Why? Because it is not just anyone, it is Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts! Like it or not, this is reality and this is how people think.
When Alicia Silverstone went nude into a swimming pool to promote vegetarianism recently for Peta’s advertisements, their website in fact crashed a couple of times. There were so many viewers the minute the video went online. The majority of the people just probably wanted to see what the hype was all about. But what’s important to note here is that the millions of viewers got to learn something useful as well. And this is the value that celebrities bring to a cause, because their fame allows them to do so.
Who: Celebrities
What: Worthy Causes
Weapon of Choice: FAME
There are many ways to send a message across, but it has been proven that the fastest and most effective way is using a celebrity. A celebrity, due to the magnitude of their fame, propels the cause to a much wider audience. The more famous that celebrity is, then the larger the audience will be. Their fame can even bring those worthy causes across the globe. What’s more, the message conveyed will be amplified by a hundred or thousand fold. Never underestimate the impact and influence of fame. It can work wonders.
I call “fame” a weapon because, it can be used as a very powerful tool for both good and bad. When used to channel good, it can help humanity in a multitude of ways – that a normal being like you and me can only dream of. And the downside is, when used for self-serving purposes, fame can be very destructive and even cruel. Hence, whether it is used for good or bad, – the results will reveal.
In this post, I would like to highlight a few celebrities who actually use their fame for a good cause. Some of them did not even seem to mind getting into trouble for it. These celebrities are not hired to become an ambassador for the cause, nor did they just turn up for the cause to be included in the photo shoots. No, these celebrities take their causes very seriously. Even when the cameras have stopped rolling and the paparazzi has left, they are still holding up the banners of their causes and fighting. These are celebrities who have their causes engraved into their hearts. They are a breed apart.
First on the list is the effervescent and colourful – Ms. PINK…
Pink is a long time supporter of PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) and a strong advocate of animal rights. She has always used her music videos to promote social issues and animal abuse. In one of her latest music videos, “Raise Your Glass” – she draws our attention to the brutality of bullfighting and milking cows by reversing the roles.
For example, in the video, Pink presents a scenario whereby the matador gets plunged with swords instead of the bulls. It is not surprising to find that the video is directed by another supporter of PETA, Dave Meyers, who is also a vegan. Dave is the one who directed the famous Alicia Silverstone’s video.

Or view the video on the server at:
Chrissie Hynde
Chrissie has been a long time supporter of animal rights. When asked in a BBC Radio 4 show if she had turned towards vegetarianism because she did not agree that an animal should be slaughtered for food, this was her reply –
“Yes, it’s a principle and also you don’t need it, so why would you want to kill something if you don’t have to? It’s a very simple principle.”
Hynde turned vegetarian in 1969, age 18. In 1983, she met Linda McCartney, who encouraged her to be more public about her vegetarianism. They remained close friends until Linda’s death in 1998. It was also Hynde who organised a memorial concert in London to mark Linda McCartney’s passing.
To exemplify how passionate Hynde is about vegetarianism, she even opened her own vegan restaurant in her hometown of Akron, Ohio in 2007. It is called “The VegiTerranean“. The restaurant, which opened in November of 2007, serves fusion Italian-vegetarian food. It has been named as one of the eight best vegetarian restaurants in the USA by PETA. Now, who would have thought that a vegan restaurant would really work in a small Ohio town? I guess, it does help when the owner is someone famous.
However, even Chrissie’s fame did not spare her from being arrested. There was a report of an incident that took place in New York at GAP in the year 2000, where Chrissie and other PETA supporters slashed leather clothing in protest of the company’s importation of leather goods. This time Chrissie was carted off by the police. And this is not the only time that Ms. Hynde had tangled with the law in her bid to save animals.
Sir Paul McCartney
“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.”
Those are Sir Paul’s famous words and he needs no introduction. Paul is a legend and I am not even referring to his time with The Beatles. I am talking about his devoted work against animal cruelty. Apparently, it was a fishing trip that turned Paul into a vegetarian.
“Many years ago, I was fishing, and as I was reeling in the poor fish, I realized, ‘I am killing him — all for the passing pleasure it brings me.And something inside me clicked. I realized as I watched him fight for breath, that his life was as important to him as mine is to me.”
The real change took place when Paul and his late wife, Linda, fixed up their farm in Scotland. They started looking after their own animals and began to understand them. They found that they could not kill and eat the animals that they were caring for. Their passionate advocacy even led Linda to market a range of vegetarian products under her own label. Paul went onto narrate a powerful documentary for PETA entitled, Glass Walls. I had blogged about this film in a previous post. You can read about it here.
“When Linda and I brought our family up not eating meat, the original reason was our deep love of animals. Once we got the idea that many cultures’ cuisines contained meat-free dishes, we began to explore various options and soon found ourselves with a huge repertoire of healthy, and most importantly, great tasting food.”
Paul and Linda’s vegetarian way of life has certainly influenced their daughter, Stella McCartney, who is the most high profile designer for vegan fashion. Vegan fashion is clothing and accessories made from cruelty-free sources, that means, no animal products were used in making the garments and gear, and no animal was harmed. In fact, Stella has made high fashion with compassion into a trend that looks good and saves animals.
“Then what happens is that you really get into it and start becoming activist because you realise that what you’re doing is helping to save these poor animals from getting shunted into a slaughterhouse. And so the spiritual side of your life changes.” Paul McCartney
Benji Madden
Famous for being the back-up vocalist and guitarist of the band that he co-founded with his twin brother, Joel. But what some may not know is that Benji is also a vegetarian and would not hesitate to speak up for animals’ rights. Benji and Joel have both worked with PETA and even donated an exclusive track from their album to PETA.
Benji and his bandmates never pass up the chance to help animals by doing things like taking part in demonstrations against KFC along with their tour routes, and inviting PETA along on the Honda Civic Tour to show videos and pass out stickers to all their loyal fans.
In their efforts to promote vegetarianism, the twin brothers also created special vegan and veggie burritos for a Denny’s All Nighter in Los Angeles. The burritos are available in Denny’s Allnighter Rockstar Menu.
Would you have guessed that underneath all those tattoos and body-piercing lies a man who has a soft spot for animals and can cook as well?
Or view the video on Youtube at:
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Celebrities like Pink , Chrissie Hynde , Sir Paul McCartney, Benji Madden naming a few who had use their fame for good cause. These celebrities truly are using their impactful voices to influence millions to do good, voicing opinions on matters such as fighting against illegal fishing, created viral memes to educate people about climate change, speaking out for women’s rights , eating healthy foods and to be a vegetarian for good to save animals been slaughter and so on. These celebrities have tremendous influence, acting as role models to many young people so as adults, even with their busy schedule. They has been influential in supporting its mission of saving animals been slaughter for human consumption across the globe. Great and truly inspiring.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Great……Inspiring celebrities using their fame and influence to do more in life . Pink , Chrissie Hynde , Sir Paul McCartney, Benji Madden are some of those who are actually using their fame for a good cause . Each of them are doing their best either to be a vegetarian , helping in charities, saving animals and so forth . That’s nice , they are all towards vegetarianism and influencing others too in videos , films and speaking up for animals’ rights.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
This is fantastic! I never knew that Pink was such an avid supporter of the works of PETA and am all the more the fan now! I agree that it’s wonderful that celebrities can use their fame for the benefit of others and to achieve some positive change in the world, instead of just ‘being famous’ for the sake of….. themselves? money? fame? I remember Rinpoche advising someone recently that if you’re going to invest so much time, effort, personal space and sacrifice to do something that will place you so much in the limelight of fame, then at least let the ends of it be something beneficial and meaningful; don’t let it just be another job, or another thing to add to our already complicated samsaras.
I love what Pink has done in her videos, knowing that people are definitely going to watch her, love her music and videos, share it, replay it and possibly even take cues from it. Instead of it just being another mindless video of silly models, mindless stunts and posing, it contains a strong message within it that provokes thought and empathy. Sure, she does silly videos too that are purely for entertainment and that’s great because that’s her style. But it also means that when she does do something with a strong message like this, she also has a huge fan base that will be tuning in and an audience that might never otherwise be exposed to issues like this.
Thank you to the celebrities who use what they have for the sake of others, using their voices especially to speak on behalf of animals who cannot speak and will never have even half the voice and opportunities that we have.
It’s great that these celebrities are standing up for animals and on top of that using their fame and influence to do good. Imagine if all the celebrities focus out and involve actively in charities, the world would truly be a better place.
I think these celebrities deserve much appreciation for their support… unlike regular people like us, they are pretty much under the limelight and is often vulnerable to criticism. The very fact that everyone dont see eye to eye is itself risky for these celebrities as they may get hate letter, lose a certain fan base etc.
Really admire what they’re doing… because it is obvious they hold these causes dear to them that they do not care if they get criticized for it.
truly inspiring especially the story by Paul McCartney as he realised he was taking the life of a being as he reeled in the fish.
It is very happy to see many celebrities joined hand with charity organization to promote the benefit of being a vegetarian., charity work, helping the children, helping the poor etc. At least they are using their most powerful tools to benefit the world. I respect them for not wasted their fame for a meaningful purpose.
I like the video very much as it directly tells the public being vegetarian you feel good, healthy, beautiful and full of energy! They created the course for long life and healthy body.
Getting involved in a “cause” has become a fashion statement nowadays, ie to be seen to be involved is a necessary publicity initiative. Whatever the motivation, it goes to show the power of fame, that celebrities can lend their name to any cause and it carries weight. Well and good if the cause is noble, the message gets across and the purpose is served. But when certain NGO’s get too passionate about what they believe in and go too far, to the extent of using tactics like blackmail, violence, public humiliation and bullying, that it becomes patronising and abusive. That can’t be right.
Everything just like a tool, depends on our motivation and how are we going to use it.
These celebrities and I believe there are more, they use their fame to influence others to do something good for the public and society, in stead of complaining the world is bad, feel sad about the animals been killed, they do something for animal and they themselves be the role model.
Very inspiring Rinpoche. When I just turned vegetarian over 9 years ago, I was ashamed to admit it. Because my friends and relatives often laughed at my decisions and were betting how long will I last. These ridicule hurt me somehow. Well, 9 years later and moving on, I started to gain some respect, and the ridicule stops.
I was a bit edgy about voicing my passion on animal rights – because of being afraid to be thought crazy (maybe this is just my illusory perception), but as the examples you presented above, walking the talk is much needed. I am not the person who will scratch leather jackets in a department store. But I will try little by little by promoting vegetarianism and embed it in my lifestyle for everyone around me to see.
Much love