Delivering love and care at midnight! | 将爱送上

300 – 400 homes, stalks and shops were damaged. 约有三至四百户人家遭受暴风雨的殃及。Antara 300 – 400 rumah rosak.
On the evening of July 13, 2016 it was raining heavily and the wind was battering the whole of Bentong town. When the rain eased at around 6pm, the Kechara House Puja Team comprising Pastor Yek Yee, Tea Yap, Dr Chris Chong, and Frederick Law, drove out from Kechara Forest Retreat to Bentong. Their main intention was to support the local government and residents who might need help after experiencing the torrential rain. This type of unusual weather might be due to the change in the earth’s climate which has caused normal weather patterns to shift. This has led to intense storms in some parts of the world such as Malaysia, and droughts in other parts.
As students of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, inspired by his kindness and care, the Puja Team members wanted to do something for those in the areas where help was needed. This mirrors Rinpoche’s own action on November 11, 2015 when it rained so heavily in Bentong and the surrounding areas, that there was a major landslide on the Karak Highway. Fallen trees strewed the ground at many spots and there was even a flood on the Old Bentong Road.
The police, government officers from JKR, volunteer workers from RELA, highway employees and road workers were on duty around Bentong, on the highway and the Old Bentong Road to manage and direct traffic and clear the roads under the heavy downpour. Rinpoche was moved by their hard work and smiling faces despite the physical discomforts of the rain. While motorists kept dry in their cars, these workers were braving the torrential downpour to ease other people’s journeys. Thus Rinpoche together with Pamela Yap, Khoo Hou Haw, Nicholas Yu and Pastor Shin delivered hot food, coffee and snacks to them. They began delivering the food and drinks around 10pm and finished at around 2am. Rinpoche wanted to the local community to know that Kechara supports them and is here to help them when such unfortunate events or disasters occur in the area.

Kechara deliver food and hot drinks to Telekom Malaysia staff. 克切拉为电讯局员工送上食物和热饮。Kechara House menghantar makanan panas, milo panas kepada kakitangan TM yang bertugas.
Following Rinpoche’s example and applying the Buddhist teachings of compassion and care for others, the Kechara House Puja Team drove around Bentong during the most recent thunderstorm to see where they could be of assistance. When they turned onto Jalan Chamang they stopped upon seeing some Telekom Malaysia (TM) staff along the side of the road, trying to reconnect the Internet in the area. At the same time, they also found that the Civil Defence (JPAM) office’s metal tent had collapsed and around 10 people were working to fix the problem. Having asked about what happened, they were told that due to the heavy rain and strong winds the day before, the structure was destroyed.
The head of this department, Mohd Zulkhairi bin Adek Awang, also known as Zul, is a very young, outspoken and energetic leader. Zul told the group that though their official tent structure had collapsed, he and his teams gave priority to the people who were affected in the area. According to Zul, between 300 – 400 homes were damaged due to the storm and his teams had been busy helping people in the area for the past two days. They had only just got around to repairing their metal tent.

Zul, the head of this Civil Defence (JPAM) department, is a very young, outspoken and energetic leader. 民防部主管本末哈默朱哈利是一位年轻和充满活力的领袖。Ketua unit, Mohd Zulkhairi bin Adek Awang, adalah pemimpin yang muda dan bertenaga.
Zul showed Pastor Yek Yee and the group a list of 115 houses whose occupants had requested them for help. The list included the owners’ names, addresses, contact details and the type of damage that was inflicted on their property. He told them he had been trying to get the message out to people for more help and hopefully more people would come to help. Zul also mentioned that Kechara Forest Retreat could form a small and professionally-trained rescue team that could help in this type of situations, working hand-in-hand with official government bodies.

Pastor Yek Yee talking Zul to understand more about JPAM’s operations and how Kechara might be able to assist. 月谊讲法师和朱谈话,了解更多民防部的活动以及克切拉如何能够帮助更多。Pastor Yek Yee bercakap dengan Zul, cuba mendapati tahu JPAM pula tugas.
On behalf of Kechara House, the group bought 25 packets of fried rice, 20 loaves of bread, 20 packets of hot drinks and some soft drinks for the Civil Defence team and the TM staff. Given that they were working under harsh conditions they were grateful for the food and drinks and consumed them immediately. The Kecharians wanted to show their appreciation towards these people who were working hard to help those in need. Zul mentioned that even though his teams worked around the clock for the public, he received complaints that their rescue actions were a little slow. Zul said that sometimes it disheartened him to receive such criticism because despite their best efforts, he and his teams were not appreciated by the public. Still, he continued to carry out his responsibilities to serve the public dutifully. He was grateful that the Kecharian group had come to show them support and appreciation for the work they do for the people in the area.
In turn, on this specific occasion of July 13, 2016, Kechara is very happy that we had the opportunity to assist members of the civil service during this freak weather incident. Kechara Forest Retreat is situated in Bentong and we feel very much a part of the community here and would like to be of assistance as much as possible in times of need. All beings on earth are like one family and we have the duty to look after each other. We live in a world that is increasingly interdependent; our welfare and happiness is intrinsically linked to the welfare and happiness of others, and the optimum result could be accomplished if all sectors – government and private – were to work together to alleviate the suffering of victims of disasters and calamities, whether natural or man-made. On our part, as a member of the Bentong community, the public can be rest assured that Kechara will always look for ways to work hand in hand with the local authorities to serve the community here.

Civil Defence teams repairing their metal tent. 民防部的队员在修补着铁棚。Kakitangan JPAM membaiki khemah yang rosak.
当时文冬各政府部门的职员包括消防局、民防部、志工、高速大道和公路员工们都为了 疏通因土崩而困在其中的民众,而冒着雨水和大风吹袭地在高速中工作。慈悲的仁波切连同Pamela Yap, Khoo Hou Haw, Nicholas Yu, Pastor Shin和胜彪讲法师,带了温热的食物和饮料送给在现场冒雨工作的职工和志愿者们。仁波切和他的数名弟子从晚上十时至凌晨二时才完成。通过身体力行的善举,仁波切要向当地的社区表示,在发生天灾时,克切拉団体会随时都会凖备就绪地去协助在灾场受难的民众。

Kechara deliver foods and hot drinks to TM staff. 克切拉成员送食物和热饮给电讯局员工。Kakitangan dari Kechara memberikan makanan dan minuman kepada kakitangan TM.
依随着上师的教诲,并将慈悲和关爱应用在实际状况中,祈愿堂的法会成员在大雨之后,驾着车子到处巡视,以便可以给予帮助需要的人。当他们把车子转进遑芒路时,看到电讯局的职员正在路旁进行维修工作,他们尝试在驳接 线路。在同时间,他们也发现民防部的八至十名职工在忙碌着拆开和修补被大暴风雨吹倒的铁棚。询问之下,才知道这个铁棚是日前被大风雨吹倒的,整个棚架形成凹陷下去。
朱对月谊讲法师和其组员展示一个很完整的灾民名单,清楚地记录了115户人家等着需要援助。在此名单裡记录了灾民屋主的全名、地址、 联络号码和屋子毁坏的部份。朱对他们说,他尽所能地将这些讯息传送出去,为了就是希望有更多的人给予他们协助。

Kechara bought 25 packets of fried rice, 20 loaves of bread, 20 packets of hot drinks and some soft drinks for the Civil Defence team and the TM staff. 克切拉成员购买了25包炒饭、20包小甜面包、20包热饮料和数罐汽水送给民防部和电讯局的职工和志愿者食用,感谢他们无私的付出。 Kakitangan Kechara kemudiannya telah membeli 25 bungkus nasi goreng, 20 buku roti, 20 paket minuman panas dan beberapa minuman ringan untuk pasukan Pertahanan Awam dan kakitangan TM.
Dedikasi dihargai

Civil Defence teams repairing their metal tent. 民防部的队员在修补着铁棚。Kakitangan JPAM membaiki khemah yang rosak.
Pada petang 13 Julai 2016, hujan lebat dan angin melanda seluruh bandar Bentong. Apabila hujan reda sekitar 6pm kakitangan ‘Puja House’ (PH) yang terdiri daripada Pastor Yek Yee, Teh Yap, Dr Chris Chong, dan Frederic Law, memandu dari Kechara Forest Retreat, Jalan Chamang menghala ke bandar Bentong. Tujuan utama mereka adalah untuk menyokong kerajaan tempatan dan penduduk yang mungkin memerlukan bantuan setelah mengalami hujan lebat. Cuaca yang luar biasa masa kini mungkin disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim bumi yang menyebabkan peralihan keadaan cuaca. Akibatnya adalah kejadian ribut mendadak di beberapa bahagian dunia, termasuk Malaysia dan kemarau di bahagian-bahagian yang lain.
Sebagai pelajar H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, yang pentingkan nilai-nilai kebaikan dan penjagaan antara satu sama lain, kakitangan PH pada malam semalam ingin memberi pertolongan kepada mereka yang mermerlukan bantuan di sekitar bandar Bentong. Ini mengingatkan kita pada tindakan mulia Tsem Rinpoche yang menghulur bantuan segera pada tanggal 11 November 2015, apabila hujan turun lebat menyebabkan bandar Bentong dan kawasan sekitarnya mengalami banjit kilat, dan mengakibatkan kejadian tanah runtuh teruk menghalangi Lebuhraya Karak.
Pada kejadian tahun lalu, pihak polis, pegawai kerajaan dari JKR, pekerja sukarelawan dari RELA, pekerja lebuhraya bertugas sekitar bandar Bentong, di lebuh raya dan jalan lama Bentong mengurus dan mengawal lalu lintas dan membersihkan jalan-jalan di bawah hujan lebat. Tsem Rinpoche pada masa itu, bersama-sama dengan Pamela Yap, Khoo Hou Haw, Nicholas Yu, dan Pastor Shin menghantar makanan panas, kopi dan makanan ringan kepada pegawai pegawai yang bertugas tungkus lumus membantu mermulihkan kejadian bencana tahun 2015 itu. Mereka mula memberikan makanan dan minuman sepanjang malam dari pukul 10:00 malam hingga sekitar 2:00 pagi. ( Melalui tindakannya, Tsem Rinpoche menunjukkan kepada masyarakat setempat yang Kechara menyokong mereka dan sentiasa sedia membantu mereka apabila peristiwa atau bencana malang melanda.
Mengikuti contoh ini dan mengguna ajaran Buddha yang utamakan belas kasihan dan menjaga orang lain, kakitangan PH memandu di sekitar Bentong mencari mereka yang mungkin memerlukan bantuan. Ketika memasuki Jalan Chamang, mereka berhenti apabila melihat beberapa kakitangan TM di sepanjang tepi jalan berusaha menyambung semula internet di kawasan itu. Pada masa yang sama, mereka juga mendapati bahawa khemah pejabat Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (JPAM) juga turut runtuh dan sekitar lapan hingga sepuluh orang sedang berusaha untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Setelah bertanya tentang apa yang berlaku, mereka diberitahu bahawa struktur besi khemah telah dimusnahkan, akibat dari hujan lebat dan angin kencang hari sebelum ini.
Ketua unit, Mohd Zulkhairi bin Adek Awang, yang juga dikenali sebagai Zul, adalah pemimpin yang muda, mudah mesra dan bertenaga. Zul memberitahu walaupun struktur khemah rasmi mereka telah runtuh, beliau dan pasukan beliau memberi keutamaan kepada rakyat yang terjejas dan megalami kesusahan di kawasan itu. Menurut Zul, antara 300 – 400 rumah rosak dan pasukan beliau telah sibuk membantu penduduk di kawasan itu sejak dua hari lalu. Mereka baru sahaja mendapat sedikit masa untuk membaiki khemah mereka sendiri yang rosak.
Zul tunjuk kepada Pastor Yek Yee dan rakan-rakannya senarai 115 rumah-rumah yang penghuninya telah meminta bantuan. Senarai tersebut mengandungi nama-nama pemilik, alamat, nombor telefon dan jenis kerosakan harta benda yang telah dialami mereka. Dia memberitahu mereka bahawa dia telah cuba meminta bantuan orang ramai dan berharapkan lebih ramai orang akan datang untuk membantu. Zul juga mencadangkan Kechara Forest Retreat membentuk pasukan penyelamat kecil, profesional dan yang terlatih untuk berkerjasama dengan kakitangan kerajaan tempatan apabila kejadian kejadian malang seperti ini berlaku.
Kakitangan Puja House kemudiannya telah membeli 25 bungkus nasi goreng, 20 buku roti, 20 paket minuman panas dan beberapa minuman ringan untuk pasukan Pertahanan Awam dan kakitangan TM. Memandangkan mereka bekerja dalam keadaan yang teruk, mereka berterimakasih dapat mengnikmati makanan dan minuman panas. Dalam melakukan ini, kakitangan PH menunjukkan rasa hormat dan penghargaan terhadap orang-orang yang bekerja keras untuk membantu mereka yang memerlukan bantuan. Zul menyebut bahawa walaupun pasukannya bekerja sepanjang masa untuk orang ramai, beliau telah menerima aduan bahawa tindakan menyelamatkan mereka telah mengambil masa yang lama. Kritik-kritik itu membuat Zul berasa kecewa kerana walaupun mereka telah berusaha membuat yang terbaik, beliau dan pasukan beliau tidak dihargai oleh orang ramai. Beliau benar-benar bersyukur kerana kumpulan Kechara yang telah keluar untuk memberi bantuan, menyokong dan memberi penghargaan kepada mereka membuat kerja-kerja membantu orang ramai di kawasan Bentong.
Sesungguhnya, Kechara House amat menghargai sumbangan pekerja-pekerja kerajaan kita. Kechara Forest Retreat terletak di Bentong dan kami berasa sebagai sebahagian daripada masyarakat tempatan Bentong. Kami ingin membantu sebanyak mungkin apabila ada keperluan oleh masyarakat tempatan Bentong.
Semua insan di bumi ini, kita semua adalah seperti satu keluarga besar dan kita mempunyai tugas untuk menjaga antara satu sama lain. Kita hidup dalam dunia yang semakin saling bergantung; kebajikan dan kebahagiaan kita bergantung kepada orang lain. Oleh itu, semua sektor, kerajaan dan swasta, perlu bekerjasama untuk mengurangkan penderitaan mangsa bencana, sama ada bencana semula jadi atau buatan manusia. Pada pendapat kami, Kerajaan Bentong, penduduk Bentong dan Pertubuhan Kechara mempunyai sesuatu yang sama dan kita boleh menjalin hubungan yang bermakna berdasarkan penjagaan dan kebaikan untuk semua. Marilah kita bekerjasama dengan cara yang bermakna untuk mengmanfaatkan penduduk negara dan khususnya untuk masyarakat tempatan Bentong.
For more interesting information/更多资讯/Untuk maklumat lanjut:
- Reaching Out in Bentong
- The Kechara Soup Kitchen category on my blog
- ‘Beat the Haze’ with Kechara!
- 3,000kg of rice for Bentong & YB Dato’ Sri Dr Liow Tiong Lai
- Donating Dog Food to Various Animal NGOs
- Rinpoche saving doggy at 3am on the highway
- Rinpoche buying lottery?
- Kindness and coffee for a fundraiser (posted by admin)
- Rinpoche’s Giving – A roof for those without a shelter
- Would you have noticed them in 3 seconds?
- What Tsem Rinpoche did in L.A…
- What did Tsem Rinpoche do in New York City’s cold winter night?
- Yayasan Kechara Indonesia (YKI)
- See what Kechara is doing in Shanghai!
- Why Malaysia?
- Auspicious Mongolian Omen
- The Gyenze Chapel – Increasing Form of Dorje Shugden
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I see what Puja Team has done is a simple gesture yet leaves a powerful impact on others and Kechara’s future.
It is nice to make people (Civil Defense Team & TM staff) feel appreciated for what they do especially when they usually go unappreciated for their work and dedication.
The idea of Kechara Forest Retreat forming a small and professionally-trained rescue team that could help in this type of situations, working hand-in-hand with official government bodies will strengthen our relationships with the local bodies and at the same time is able to potentially grow into something bigger .. maybe like Tzu Chi in their rescue mission! Exciting!
Every success starts from somewhere and this could be one of it!
That would be an awesome ideal to live up to. Apparently the Medical Teams for Tzu Chi in Malaysia is the other only team to serve for internationally alongside the Taiwanese. Malaysia Boleh spirit.
In the Lamrim and other buddhist texts, in the development of our bodhimind, we need to consider that many people benefit can help us so we can live out lives better. Another example would be for a plate of mixed rice we get at the shops, the ingredients of that plate of rice, came from the work of many people who brought it to us, most of which we will never meet in our lives ever. Although they may have done it also for their livelihood, still we have them to thank for making it easier for us to enjoy the food. By considering about those we never ever see, like roadsweepers who work in those odd hours before we awaken, this helps us to develop a compassion for others that is strong, stable and able to appreciate other people’s difficulties.
I have feel that the local goverment work very hard. They need our support, appreciation and care as well. We should show our support and care whenever we can.
Like what many have said, the students that truly internalise the teachings from the Guru will transform and be the better person that they can be. Through Pastor Yek Yee and her teams actions show that they have internalised teachings from Rinpoche. They are not only stopping at the level of understanding. They have also brought forth what they learnt through their actions.
What Zul mentioned is very true that people do not appreciate the efforts of him and his team. I rejoice that through the actions of Pastor Yek Yee and her team have given some emotional relieve to Zul’s team. I would just like to take this opportunity to say that without people like Zul and his team that risks their lives, be out in dangerous situations, we will not be able to enjoy what we have so peacefully.
This is not just what Buddhism have taught us, but it is beautiful actions of what one can do for another while we live on earth.
What a great gesture for showing love and care to the officers during such a bad weather. Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and her team for the wonderful work. The kindness and compassion that Rinpoche has taught us, We apply it and make it into actions. Bravo!!
It is said that the actions of the students reflects what the Guru really represents. It is very clear in this case the the actions of the students in acting out of compassion and care for the community reflects the qualities of the Guru.
The Guru, H.E Tsem Tulku Rinpoche always acts in a compassionate way, at all times; when teaching, scolding, chiding, playing and working. All for the good of the students. Core to these is the simple values of loving kindness and compassion; i.e. wanting happiness for other and alleviating sufferings, regardless of race,religion and creed.
Thank the Guru and the Puja Team for showing and really meaning the practice of love and compassion.
I love reading this article. It is all about how Tsem Rinpoche has trained his close students to be always ready whenever there is a need to serve others. It is not easy for officers to be in the heat of such moments. Being in the shoes during times like this can be dangerous as they themselves are expose to the danger of such rough weathers. And it is very sad sometimes that the public don’t even thank them for their service as majority of us has the thinking that it is their job. They too have families, and etc like any one of us, and their service is to enable the public to be safe from disaster like such.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and team for you ever readiness to serve these officers. And most of all thank you for your dedication and walking the talk.
Very heartwarming to see lovely and hardworking Kecharians demonstrated the teaching of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. We see Rinpoche’s loving kindness through these virtuous actions. Thank you Kecharians.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us the good work of Kecharians.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
It’s indeed heartwarming to see Pastor Yek Yee and some Kecharians responding to the plight of the government workers during such trying times. It is reflective of the so many years of tutelage, guidance and love from Rinpoche’s teaching that we witness events now culminating in efforts being extended without being asked and doing it effortlessly and wholeheartedly.
Kecharian Pastors are our hopes of our many future generations to come and we pray that this compassionate duty, care and love can be emulated by all regardless of race, creed or color. I would like to take this opportunity with my palms closed together in front of my heart humbly bow and pay homage to Rinpoche for your selfless, caring, compassionate love towards all of mankind. And it is our fervent hope that Rinpoche would continually guide us and we wish you a very, very long life and pray that you would continue your stay here with us in Malaysia.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and Puja House members. Pastor Yek Yee and her team have warmed the heart of those people that need to word round the clock to help others. With this kind of bad weather, most of us will be staying at home. How many of us would have thought of delivering food to those that need to work to clear the mess by the heavy rain. A simple act, can make a big difference. This is a story that we need to share with others to remind them to be kind and caring with others. The world will be a better place if all of us do so.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee for being the beacon of light by emulating out Guru and inspiring many more people along the way to do the same. In your act of kindness and thoughtfulness, you pass on the light of hope, happiness, peace, and harmony to others, and slowly this is how we pass it on to the society and eventually the entire nation and perhaps one day even the world. And it all started from one act of kindness that came from of Guru, who showed us this kindness. How fortunate we are to have a genuine Guru to shine on all our dark corners and bring light where it is needed in us. I see this act as so…
How many of us often complain when we experience a disaster or interruption in our lives? Do we ever think about those who decided to take on the measly pay cheque with little to none recognition or even acknowledgement of their selfless occupation.
So yes we often forget to be grateful to those who are the ones be at fore front to not only assist us but to also listen and bare with out complains and high demands as they try to assist, rescue and deal with the aftermath. Yes Rinpoche definitely made us see this side of the situation, to notice and remember the kindness of those who brave such selfless work to care for the welfare of others. Otherwise I believe we would still be complaining right now.
Hence, thank you Pastor Yek Yee and KH Puja team to continue spreading our Guru’s kindnness and teachings through your actions which I, we should all emulate as well. Much appreciation to Civil Defence team and the TM staff for your courageous, selfless work.
This work of kindness is much needed in this world now, we may not know how much we may help and positively impact every person. This also could lead to chain effect on the person to do kindness to others and so forth. Kudos to the Kechara Puja Team. Thanks for sharing this article.
It is inspiring and heartwarming to see Pastor Yek Yee and Kechara team giving food and hot drink that warm the hearts of a lot of workers and people who contribute to the society quietly.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee & team for contributions to the society & community!
Members who live in a community have social responsibility, that includes engagement of each person towards the community where he/she lives that can be expressed as an interest towards what’s happening in the community, and in the active participation in the solving of some of the local problems. Everyone of us can play a role in different ways, for example by taking part in cleaning of the street on which we live, by taking part in organisation of an event, by rendering social services to the underprivileged and so on.
The effort on the evening of July 13 by Pastor Yek Yee and the Kechara House Puja Team, as well as the team on November 11, 2015 show that Kecharians are active members of the community. We show our care and appreciation not only through words, but actions.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and Kechara House Puja Team who took time away from their busy schedule to support the local government and residents who might need help after experiencing the torrential rain.
Thank you also to Kechara House for sponsoring the hot food, bread, and drinks for the Civil Defence team and the TM staff who were working under harsh conditions to restore the situation.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee for going out to support those who work hard in harsh situations. The department of Civil Defence, Police, Telekom Malaysia, volunteers and many more have a list of 300 to 400 homes to bring relief to. Storm, rain and at nighttime makes their work dangerous and difficult.
I rejoice that Pastor Yek Yee and her team, inspired by the example of H.E. Tsem Rinpoche, brought them food, snacks and hot drinks.
Instead of looking at what happened to us, we should focus out and bring relief to others. This is dharma in action. Thank you!
Pastor Yek Yee and team have always tried their best to care for and assist those in need, thank you very much for always being so supportive. Pastor Yek Yee is truly a good leader, the works she and her team are doing is a reflection of what H.E the 25th Tsem Rinpoche has always been teaching, which is to be selfless and always be ready and happy to help. Kudos to Pastor Yek Yee and team!
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and team for your continuous hard work to serve the community in all ways possible. You take care of them spiritually with the pujas, prayers and blessings, and now you take care of them physically too. The people who work under Pastor Yek Yee are fortunate to be guided by such a kind, caring person who, through her work, is a reflection of Rinpoche, his qualities and all of the teachings he has given her.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful message to us.
I always keep in my mind what Rinpoche teaching us that most important thing when we are action is from our ” heart “. We must have a good motivation and always try to think how to benefit others.
PastorYek Yee Kok make a very good example to us . She is kind and compassion and do her jobs without complaint.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and teams sent warmth, care and appriciation to the Civil Defence Team and TM staff.
Hope more and more people will join in Kechara and together benefit others.
More info about pastors, pls visit :
This is a very good experience for me. When we see the damages and the hardworking people that trying to fix the mess, we can feel that those people are really sincere to help to clear the mess left by the storm. They could had waited until the next day or later on to fix the damages, however they are seen at the very first moment the weather had cleared up. All they want to do is to serve the public and help those who needed help. This is the spirit of selflessness and generosity. This is what Rinpoche wanted us to cultivate in us
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and Puja House members. Pastor Yek Yee and her team have warmed the heart of those people that need to word round the clock to help others. With this kind of bad weather, most of us will be staying at home. How many of us would have thought of delivering food to those that need to work to clear the mess by the heavy rain. A simple act, can make a big difference. This is a story that we need to share with others to remind them to be kind and caring with others. The world will be a better place if all of us do so.
Thanks for Pastor Yek Yee and team distribute necessary food and drinks to workers and volunteers . The care and support is beyond religious , races,background . ..Tsem Tulku Rinpoche always guide and show us to share kindness to other , don’t underestimate the small actions that you given,the care and love that people received is totally different .
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article
Applying Dharma into practice with compassion and care for others Pastor Yek Yee and the Puja team were happy that they are given an opportunity to assist members of the civil service during this freak weather incident. They bought fried rice, loaves of bread, hot drinks and soft drinks for the Civil Defence Team and TM staff as a token of appreciation towards these people who were working so hard to help those in need.
Pastor Yek Yee never fail to help those in need no matter how busy she and the puja team is and a leadership by good example.
We are all in one family and interdependent of each other. We should show our kindness, gratitute and extend our help to those needy.
Thank you Pastor Yek Yee and Puja team for the care extended.
Wow Kudo to PYY and team who went out of their way to deliver food for the workers and volunteers who were helping during the aftermath of a bad weather. I was in Bentong myself and I know for sure the wind and the rain were very heavy.
I really respect PYY and team for her handwork and willingness to help those in need no matter what time in the day it is. They are always ready to visit those in need or dying or do urgent puja. I sincerely grateful for their work.
Pastor Yek Yee always show us that we have to be mindful and aware of what Rinpoche has taught by example, which is to be grateful for all that we have and to have empathy for others in difficult situations.
Gratitude for the welcome the locals have extended Kechara Forest Retreat, kindness and compassion in helping those that are those helping other; what our Guru and the Buddha has taught. To Pastor Yek Yee and the puja team, there is no difference between the people of the town, the authorities, the public servants and their relatives. they are selfless in theri service to others.
Pastor Yek Yee is the epitome what Rinpoche taught and embodies.
My respect and admiration for Pastor Yek Yee and the puja team.
Usually, when things go awry in the times of natural calamity, the last thing on people’s mind is the kindness and welfare of the workers/officers who tirelessly brave the conditions to salvage the and deal with the aftermath. In fact, they are likely to bear the brunt of the public’s dissatisfactions over the damage and also the delay in the remedial actions. Since one can’t really be upset with the cause i.e. the weather, unfortunately some of the frustration over the situation are directed towards such workers/officers.
However, Rinpoche has through his actions, made all of us more aware to not take things for granted and inspired us to show gratitude under such circumstances. Thus, it is really inspirational to see such embodiment of our Guru teachings in the conduct of a group of Kecharians led by Pastor Yek Yee to deliver the love, care and appreciation accordingly to such workers and officers.
I really liked what you wrote Cindy. Yes we often forget to be grateful to those who are the ones who have to like you say bear the “brunt of the public’s dissatisfaction” on top of being the ones at the fore front to assist, rescue and deal with the aftermath. Yes Rinpoche definitely made us see this side of the situation remembering the kindness of those who brave such selfless occupation to care for the welfare of others, which we often forget. Thanks Cindy for your astute observation!
谢谢仁波切以身作则,教导我们无时无刻都要怀有慈悲和关心我们身边周遭的人。 让我们知道生活在这世界上,我们是互相依赖,互相扶持,才可以有个和谐的社会。
谢谢仁波切以身作则,教导我们无时无刻都要怀有慈悲和关心我们身边周遭的人。 让我们知道生活在这世界上,我们是互相依赖,互相扶持,才可以有个和谐的社会。
All of us are part of the community and society. Therefore, we must help and support each other and especially in event like this. Nobody expect such casualty, hence we must appreciate all the work and assistance by the relevant authorities in constructing and putting everything in order.
Thank you Kechara team for showing your kindness and care to everyone always. This is the value that we must instill, to serve those in need regardless of religion, race and colours. Instill the oneness value in all of us.
How wonderful for Pastor Yek Yee to be such a fine example of Rinpoche’s Compassion In Action. She always takes Rinpoche’s teachings and guidance to heart and then apply/practise it as her own. Over the years, one can see how she is taking on more responsibilities without a blink of any eye nor complaint as she is focused on serving Rinpoche and not her ego.
Bentong is now our home where Rinpoche and Lord Dorje Shugden had chosen for Kechara Forest Retreat to be in. It is still a very close knit community where most knows each other as they grew up together. I love being in Bentong as the people live simple lives and are easy to talk to. As part of this community, it would be nice to help each other in times of need and Pastor Yek Yee & team is leading in doing just that. Kudos to you all!
Than you Rinpoche for leading and guiding us to be kind and to build a community of care.
It was awhile ago that heavy rain downpour blocked parts of the Old Bentong Road and Tsem Rinpoche took a group of students to give whatever assistance to the rescue relief team then last year and this year’s rain fall brought similar wrecking havoc to many homes in the same area. Luckily due to strong instincts by Pastor Yek Yee and several Kechara Puja team, they went out to see if they can help out during such freak weather. Extending such help and assistance to others is a reflection of the practitioners of Rinpoche’s students, that’s to lend a helping hand to whoever who needed it anytime anywhere. It was truly motivated by selflessness and care for others without being bias or influences. Truly heroic and inspiring for others to do the same. Such community assistance breaks barriers to humanity and touches our hearts. Thank you for being selfless as example for others to follow.
久旱逢大雨,前几天連續下了几㘯大雨。这是好事,但也間接的造成一些破坏。針無兩头尖,这是必定的道理,12号与13号当天下的那两㘯倾盆大雨、我与一班同修在KFR 智慧殿里忙着做朵玛、以準備晚上的法会,雖然知道雨下的非常大.但在这里会感觉到非常安全与安心,因为有上师的加持及护法的庇佑。
不知道外圍已造成一些破坏,但幸亏没有什么人命伤亡.仁波切是个悲心很重的上师,他除了会伸出援手给予当地官员需要的帮忙,也会吩咐弟子提供食物与热飲.雨中送暖予卫修和救災人员。让他们知道,我们克切拉人隨时与你同在..这也 意味着在这片土地生長的我们可以不分种族,肤色可以互相帮忙与关心,可以一起去面对未来的各种困境。我想这是上师想要我们学以致用以慈悲心去利益大众,学习付出,这也是一种心䛊的训練。这是我个人的体会。
I was in Kechara Forest Retreat on the day of heavy rain and extremely strong wind. The rain and wind was really scary and it is not something I have seen before. When we went out to town, we saw trees has fallen everywhere along Jalan Chamang.
The report said that there are 155 homes/shops destroyed. However, the damage is much bigger than the report figures. I went to Kampung Perting and talked to some of the residences there. Many of them has their roof being blown off but they didn’t report and fix it themselves.
What Pastor Yek Yee, on behalf of Kechara did was something heart warming. The Civil Defence department has been working round the clock to fix damaged homes and shops. And yet they are still being complained by the people who received help. We can imagine their disappointment. We should support these local authorities, to help and appreciate their hard work. Thank you once again Pastor Yek Yee.
We are all living in the same community and hence it is only natural that we look out for each other. Really glad to see this bergotong royong spirit !! Thank you to all that have helped !! Thank you Rinpoche for always teaching us to care for others !!
The environment has been badly abused by mankind and hence we now have to face the karma of more natural disasters happening like landslides , earthquakes or even more devastating ones like tsunami’s !! We have to learn to brace ourselves with more disasters in the future by setting up relief teams, food banks, shelters, medical rescues etc
We have to lend a hand to all and support each other for the benefit of everyone.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing .
A big hand clap to Pastor Yek Yee and teams for their tireless effort to care for those workers who was there to help and restore whatever was destroyed on that day.Pastor Yek Yee is an example to all of us. KRF is so lucky to have people like Pastor Yek Yee and team to work throughout the night to help the needed.They are inspired by His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, kindness and care to help those workers and people affected by the storm.
Thanks again for sharing this article.
仁波切时常都会让身边的学生随时有机会练习慈悲心与菩提心 ,让学生去实习当别人在忍受痛苦或等待协助无助时的感受。
仁波切会要求学生们到现场去协助而不是看电视报道然后纸上谈兵。只有去到现场看着灾情所毁坏的情景,才会从心体会从心 里激发 我们的慈悲心和菩提心而不会有所犹豫。
而且也让大家知道现场 所亏坏的东西也足已 让一个小镇瘫痪上一段时间,也从中了解 一个市 区的成立并不是偶然。
眼见工作人员卖力抢修,为的就是让居 民能够恢复现状,心里是满满的感恩。法会小组的一点点心意是希望这些 为人民服务的人员得到一点支持 而不是一味受 到埋怨 让他们士气回 升。
Pastor Yek Yee is a very shiny example on compassion and she is living proof of Rinpoche’s work and mission.
Even though on that particular day her whole team is busy with pujas and tormas making she sprung into action immediately when she learnt about the damaged due to the heavy rain at Bentong. She quickly gathered her team and bought the rescue workers hot drinks and food. This is just like what Rinpoche had done when there was a landside near Bentong last year.
This is what I love about Kechara and Puja House. ~ Compassion knows no boundary.
Jill Yam
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing,
When others are in trouble and in desperate situation, providing help, even a little help to others is so warming and can brighten their hearts
Rinpoche’s kindness, “walk the talk’ and always help others with no agenda has inspired many others. Pastor Yek Yee always share it with us during our Puja House and Kechara House meeting, reminded us to be kind and have compassion for others by following the example that Rinpoche has done
Thank you
Pee Bee Chong
This is a very heart warming article. Especially when looking at Pastor Yek Yee and Puja team, beside their heavy and busy time, they carry out Rinpoche’s previous actions and continue to benefit. It is a great example of Guru Devotion and compassion towards the workers.
It is true that people will just complaint and not even think about the workers situation while they are chasing the time to help in clearing the mass after the disaster.
Thank you for the fast actions.
Best wishes,