Buddha in Mars?
A Buddha statue in Mars? Is this for real?
Buddhists know that there are other worlds, lifeforms and sentient beings out there in the universe. Planet Earth is not the only hospitable planet and we are not the only beings to exist in the whole universe.
In Buddhism, there are six realms of existence: the God Realm, the Demi-God Realm, the Human Realm, the Animal Realm, the Realm of Hungry Spirits and the Hell Realm. So, if spirits can exist, why not extraterrestrials? Even with something as ‘simple’ as lifeforms in existence on our own planet Earth, scientists still discover new animal species that were previously unheard of, and this happens almost on a yearly basis! So, there is a definite possibility that there are sentient beings out there in the unexplored reaches of the universe that we do not know about.
Read this short article that I came across and let me know what you think – is it genuine news or is this a hoax?
Tsem Rinpoche
Gigantic Buddha Statue on Mars ‘Proves Intelligent Life Existed There’
A gigantic Buddha statue seen on Mars ‘proves that intelligent life once existed there,’ according to UFO hunters.
Not only that, but the Martians seem to have been well down the path to Nirvana – and may be able to teach us a thing or two about inner peace.
Expert alien sleuth Scott C Warning of UFO Sightings Daily says, ‘This photo alone should be enough to convince the United Nations that intelligent life once existed on Mars, but NASA doesn’t want anyone to know the truth, because they will be asked to share the info and technology that they have found.’
‘This shows a face and head turned to its right, with breasts and a plump stomach, shoulders. Very remarkable detail in this photo.’
The Eastern religious figure was found by YouTuber Paranormal Crucible – and showcased by the tireless UFO Sightings Daily, which has showcased weird women, space crabs.
Source: http://metro.co.uk/2015/10/14/gigantic-buddha-statue-on-mars-proves-intelligent-life-existed-there-5439222/
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As Buddha once said we are not alone. Hence it wont be surprised a giant Buddha like statue has been spotted on the planet Mars. A recent image captured by NASA’s team involved in researching on aliens, claimed to have seen a giant statue of Gautam Buddha on Mars. The image was brought to wide attention and enthusiasts call Mars ‘Buddha’ statue a ‘remarkable . Interesting .
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. I think this article is a true story. Anything can happen or any being can be born in anywhere in the Universe not necessarily on the Earth. We ourselves are unable to confirm whether this article is a hoax or not as we wouldn’t know what happen in the past lives.
With folded palms,
A Buddha Statue on Mars?
Not quite sure whether it is hoax or for real. The universe is so vast, having other life forms is possible. Buddha may appeared differently, perhaps in different disposition that suit with the living conditions there. In Sutras, it did mention many places with different life forms, different than humans. Besides, back on earth here, it is said that the ocean is so vast, where just a few percentage of it being explored. How about Mars then? Sharing here a good article about a boy who claimed to be from Mars. Thank you Rinpoche.
The universe is so vast and neverending who is to say there are no other life forms apart from humans, probability supports of life beyond planet earth than no life beyond earth.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this post. Although the picture posted in the above has a bit of resemblances of a human figure, I believe that it is just a coincidence of shadows and rock formation. The existence of extraterrestrial lifeforms had been a question that made us ponder for quite a long time after acknowledgement of space and other planets by mankind thanks to technology advancement. Even the Buddha himself had said that there are many realms and worlds out there and earth is not the only one with beings on it.
However, I think that mankind should spend more time and resources on maintaining and making earth a better place to live. Considering the amount of resources that is being poured into developing outer space technology, we could had saved millions of children from poverty. Why are we turning a blind eye towards the existing problems that we have on earth while we try to find who knows what on the other planets?
Some claimed that this sighting is a case of “pareidolia,” the quirk of the human brain that makes us see human faces where none exist, because in the past, there were pictures resembling floating spoon, Bigfoot, and rats on the Red Planet.
There was a similar picture taken by a rover in 2008 (see pic attached) that was thought to be a Pharoah and a spaceship. Unfortunately, there’s no evidence of alien technology found on Mars so far but just angular rock shapes . Hence, I think this structure reported in the news is definitely not a Buddha statue.
Having said that, I believe that intelligent life exist out there, although we have not found/ connected with them yet.
The observable universe is about 28 billion parsecs (91 billion light-years) in diameter at the present time. Because we cannot observe space beyond the edge of the observable universe, it is unknown whether the size of the Universe is finite or infinite. The Buddha also explained about the world system previously and said, “Monks, as far as sun and moon revolve and illuminate all directions by their radiance, so far does the thousand-fold world system extend. And in that thousand-fold world system, there are thousand moons, a thousand suns, inhabited planets…”. The sheer multitude of this provides a multitude of opportunities for intelligent life to exist out there.
Recently, a star named KIC 8462852 that is 1480 light-years away has something big circling around it, and it’s not a planet. Hopefully we will hear some good news.
Wow! A Buddha statue on Mars is really unexpected.
I don’t think it is a hoax as and the idea that Buddha is on Mars is beautiful.
There are many things on earth that we don’t know much about.
Learning on reincarnation, karma and our connection to everything is most important to make good choices and use our time well.
To know that on Mars was intelligent life to built the Buddha statue is a sign that everything is impermanent. Our life can be easily destroyed and is only short-lived. We don’t care enough for our planet and the environment, using up the resources for materialistic goals with no deeper purpose.
This is a good reminder to think about what is important in the end.
Thank You very much,
Pastor Antoinette
Through the image of Buddha’s existence it really show that other beings exist in our universe. It not only show that there is other intelligence, but also they are fortunate enough to have spirituality in their lives.
It is both amazing and scary for this find. Amazing as we are not the only “Buddhists” in the universe. Scary as it indirectly shows how much government bodies hide information from all citizens in the world. It only shows that the information that we know off are all staged for us to find out and learn about. What we all know are only part of the “syllabus” that governments are giving us.
I just cannot help but to think what other things are there that the governing bodies are hiding from us that might be of benefit or harm to all of us.
I always believe that other forms of living being do exist in other planets. Simple is that if we can exist and so called ourselves as “human forms” so do others. Uncountable forms are exist in our planet so do at their planets. A lot a lot of things are beyond our knowledge but does not means that it is not exist. I always curious about it. Hope to have such wisdom to know more in future.
This short article provokes our thoughts in two ways. Does intelligent life exist in Mars? I am inclined to say that it is debatable given that we have no concrete evidence to support. In my observation, intelligent life on earth are not programmed to accept other species other than themselves. Having said so, I, myself is an avid fan of extraterrestrial beings in existence; and I believe they existed way way back before human beings. Hence, in my mind, it is a matter of time for concrete evidence to surface and support the fact that intelligent life existed in other planets. And it is upto human beings at that point in time to learn to accept the fact.
The other interesting point that came to mind was “how extraterrestrial beings practice Buddhism?” For example, the intelligent life on Mars, it would be very interesting to find out how they practice Buddhism.
I understand that not all life forms that exist have the capacity to learn and practice Buddha Dharma. Hence knowing that we are born on earth in perfect conditions and near a qualified Guru is truly truly fortunate.
Thank you so much, Rinpoche, for sharing this thought provoking article with us.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Dear Rinpoche
Thanks for sharing this eye opening articles. Yeah, if we believe spirit exist, why not Alien?
I do believe in their existent.
MARS is believe to be earth’s twin sister. The eco system is once similar with us. Maybe something has happened and causes the MARS no longer suitable to live in.
But, these do not come to my mind- Buddhism. MARS have religion! But, after some thought, why not? Buddha is everywhere is every form to benefits the sentient beings.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article
I have always believed that aliens or what people refer to as extraterrestrials exist in this world, or in any other worlds in this case. There are a lot of things that can’t be seen by the naked eye, there are also a lot of things that are still yet to be proven through science. But just because we can’t prove it or see it, it doesn’t mean that these aliens do not exist, just like Bigfoot.
The pyramids are one of the great examples, logically speaking, no one has come up with such an advanced technology back in the time when they were built, so obviously it’s not built by men. Although me may not have proves, but again believing in all these is just like believing in a religion or having a faith, you don’t have to see it to believe in it.
It makes so much sense that if ghosts exist, why not extra-terrestrial beings? Perhaps most evidence are being covered up by governments or perhaps these beings are in another form that can’t be seen by our naked eyes. Whatever form they are, humans can’t be the only living being in the entire universe. It doesn’t make sense at all.
I believe that this topic is not widely spoken about and promoted on mainstream media because it would implicate the credibility of many religions that are God or Creator based. How would these beings fit into the story of Adam and Eve? It would create much havoc to many people’s belief system.
I believe intelligent life forms exist outside of planet Earth. Perhaps our communication technology is still not advanced yet to make contact, or perhaps these extraterrestrials have contacted humans but certain governments had them covered up for whatever reasons. Just like there could be intelligent life forms in our watery space, the deep abyss of our oceans, which until now scientists have not fully explored.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing such an interesting article writing about gigantic Buddha statue being observed on Mars planet. There are many Buddhas existed before Buddha Shakyamuni and there will be many Buddhas to appear after Buddha Shakyamuni as well.
Hence, it is possible the gigantic Buddha statue in Mars is genuine and real as this is not a coincidence but supported and matched with Buddha’s doctrine.
With folded hands,
kin hoe
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for such a nice article. We all know that life definitely exist outside Earth, we just do not have the privilege to encounter them.
I cannot verify the truth about this article.. But I definitely believe “the truth is out there”…
Is a great find nonetheless! 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for the wonderful sharing.
I am not sure it is a genius or hoax news but I do think extraterrestrials exist as there are other worlds, lifeforms and sentient beings in the universe. We cannot see them because we do not have the karmic connection with them.
Thank you
Pee Bee Chong
This reminds me of the movie Mission to Mars. In the movie there was no mention of Buddha but the “humanoid” structure they encountered looks like a Buddha face. Movies are sometimes pure fiction but most of the time these fictions are based on real people, real event, real experiences, just modified. I believe Mission to Mars was based on the face On Mars captured by NASA 20 over years ago.
Though there wasn’t much details in regards to this face on Mars captured by NASA, it’s interesting that in the movie Mission to Mars, the humanoid face clearly resembled Buddha statue face. Now another figure seen in a photo from NASA’s Curiosity Rover on Mars that many believe resembles a Buddha statue. Too much of a coincidence?
A quote from the movie Contact.
Young Ellie: Dad, do you think there’s people on other planets?
Ted Arroway: I don’t know, Sparks. But I guess I’d say if it is just us… seems like an awful waste of space.
Thank you rinpoche for sharing such wonderful news that broadens our horizons of the mind and possibilities. I have actually seen this and the first thing that came to my mind was Tara. I am wondering if this is the first extraterrestrial Buddha Tara. After all, the Buddha did say Tara was from a distant time and possibly a distant planet as well.
Anyway, what I like about this is that a scientific discovery like this is somehow totally acceptable with the Buddha’s doctrine and thinking. After all, the Buddha spoke about other worlds and dimension but he spoke within the linguistic framework of his time and according to the framework of cultural norms as well.
This is all very interesting and I do hope one day, Buddhism and science can meet and prove each other in a grand and public way so more people will be convinced and will want to adopt its teachings.