Journey to Shar Gaden Monastery (2019): Making offerings to the sangha

Kecharians with His Eminence Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende, the abbot emeritus and other Shar Gaden monks who assisted them greatly during their stay
In mid-March, a small group of Kecharians journeyed to Shar Gaden Monastery in Mundgod, South India with an exciting mission ahead of them. They were on their way to represent His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara in making an offering to all 650 monks of the monastery. The trip was a smooth one, an uneventful four-hour flight to Bangalore’s Kempegowda International Airport where they were warmly received by Shar Gaden monks, followed by a 10-hour drive to Mundgod in the monastery’s vehicles.

Ooi Beng Kooi, His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche’s changtso (manager) updating Kensur Rinpoche on Kechara’s latest works
The next few days were spent rekindling old connections and making new ones. The Kecharians kicked off the trip with an audience with the esteemed abbot emeritus of Shar Gaden Monastery, His Eminence Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende who has been extremely supportive of Tsem Rinpoche’s work for many years now. Representing Tsem Rinpoche, Ooi Beng Kooi updated Kensur Rinpoche on the latest works in Kechara that had taken place since his last visit to Malaysia. This included the latest release of Tsem Rinpoche’s biography, The Promise, which had been updated to include more about Tsem Rinpoche’s relationship with Dorje Shugden.
Kensur Rinpoche was extremely happy to see the group and gifted everyone with a small Shakyamuni statue, flowers and a khata (traditional silk scarf). When the Kecharians arrived, Kensur Rinpoche had just completed three days of ordaining monks and conferring upon them the gelong vows of a fully ordained monk (as opposed to getsul, or novice monk, vows). The monks had each been presented with a Shakyamuni statue, flowers and khata; to mark what Kensur Rinpoche saw as the auspicious timing of the Kecharian group’s arrival, he wished to gift the same to them.
The team was also granted an audience with His Eminence Domo Geshe Chocktrul Rinpoche. It had been a number of years since they had last seen Domo Geshe Rinpoche who, now about 17 years old, listened thoughtfully as Beng Kooi explained some of Kechara’s latest productions. Beng Kooi showed Domo Geshe Rinpoche postcards created from the Rimé thangkas and different Dorje Shugden styles that Tsem Rinpoche had conceptualised, as well as a comic book about the benefits of Dorje Shugden practice which had been published just before the trip.
These same items, and more, were presented and explained to Gen Phende, the new changtso (manager) of Trijang Ladrang, whom the team were connecting with for the first time. Gen Phende had been appointed to the position after the passing of the beloved late Gen Chonzey, a devoted student of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche. During the meeting, Gen Phende shared that he has known Tsem Rinpoche for many years; back in the 1990s, when Gen Phende was trying to learn English, he and another monk approached Tsem Rinpoche for help. Although Tsem Rinpoche was very busy, Gen Phende said that Rinpoche agreed to help them and instructed them to learn the alphabet first. Gen Phende said no sooner had he mastered his ABCs and how to write addresses, that Tsem Rinpoche moved to Malaysia, putting an end to his English education.
The Kecharian team also met Gen Kunga, an old friend who serves as the changtso of His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa Jetsun Lungrik Namgyal, as well as the monastery’s current umze (leader chanter), who was a member of Shar Gaden Monastery’s previous changtsokhang (administration).
The changtsokhang are the monastery’s representatives who are elected into the position by the Sangha community. For everything that was accomplished on this trip to South India, the fact is it would not have been possible without the assistance of the new administration. It was this new changtsokhang which arranged for the entire monastery to do a puja, and it was their suggestion to dedicate an all-day Dukkar puja to Tsem Rinpoche and his students. Gen Gelek Dorje, the main changtso, explained they had chosen Dukkar because it is extremely effective in clearing obstacles towards the accomplishment of our secular and spiritual goals.

JP and Li Kim making offerings of kuyong (token monetary offering) and a portrait of His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were also offered to all of the monks, who did an all-day recitation of Dukkar puja in gratitude for the offering
At this puja, the Kecharians had the opportunity to offer breakfast, lunch and dinner to all 650 monks of Shar Gaden Monastery, sponsored by Tsem Rinpoche, Kechara and its members. Each monk was also offered a kuyong (token monetary offering) as well as a portrait of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. The puja was even attended by Kensur Rinpoche, who kindly accepted our invitation for him to join the puja in spite of his busy schedule.

Making traditional offerings of body, speech and mind to His Eminence Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende
To this day, although Kensur Rinpoche has stepped down as the abbot, he continues to be deeply involved in monastic affairs, offering advice to the new changtsokhang when they have new ideas or projects, and when they are faced with unfamiliar situations. Highly respected by the monks, Kensur Rinpoche teaches constantly, passing on his wealth of knowledge and experience to a new generation; as a teacher who was directly educated by the greats like His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche, Kensur Rinpoche hails from a generation of traditionally-trained senior monks that is growing smaller in number as the years go by. Masters of his scholarship, learning and qualities are becoming increasingly rare and so his teachings are invaluable to the younger generation. His presence in the Dukkar puja, and the opportunity to make offerings directly to him, was indeed appreciated by everyone.

Gen Gelek Dorje (the main changtso of Shar Gaden Monastery) assists Li Kim in making body, speech and mind offerings to the throne of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche
As per tradition, Beng Kooi, Phng Li Kim and JP Thong entered the gompa (prayer hall) and offered three prostrations to the Sangha community. With Gen Gelek’s assistance, they then made traditional offerings of body, speech and mind to the thrones of His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, His Holiness the 101st Gaden Tripa and to Kensur Rinpoche. After the body, speech and mind offerings were made, Beng Kooi, Li Kim and JP offered the kuyong and portrait of Tsem Rinpoche to every single monk, while the younger monks made a mad dash for the monastery kitchen, returning with buckets of bread, pails full of dhal and pots of tea.
As a mark of respect, the first portion of food and tea was offered to Kensur Rinpoche before the remaining monks were served, in order of seniority. This was the lunch offering; that day, the breakfast offering had already taken place and later in the evening, dinner was also going to be offered by Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara. For the Kecharians there, the events in the gompa were definitely a familiar sight; for over three decades, Rinpoche has supported the Sangha and monastery, after receiving an instruction from Dorje Shugden to always do so. As a result of this instruction, Rinpoche has extended extensive assistance to the monastery, raising funds for their many projects and making countless offerings.

This photograph was taken decades ago in Tsem Rinpoche’s house (Tsem Ladrang) in Gaden Shartse Monastery. The photograph captures just one of countless occasions when the Dalai Lama’s representative (donjo) in Mundgod would visit Tsem Rinpoche in an official capacity, representing the Tibetan government to request for Rinpoche’s assistance in various projects and fundraising initiatives for the Tibetan monasteries and lay community. To respect the fact the donjo represents His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a small carpet would be placed beneath the donjo’s feet.
For many years, Rinpoche raised millions of rupees to assist not just the monasteries, but also the lay Tibetan community. Very frequently, the funds were raised at the request of the Dalai Lama’s representative in Mundgod (donjo) who would personally visit Tsem Rinpoche in Gaden Shartse Monastery. It was not a social call; the donjo would come in an official capacity, representing His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government to request Rinpoche’s assistance in various projects and fundraising initiatives.
Through the funds he raised, Rinpoche supported hospitals, old folks’ homes, nunneries, installed water pumps, sponsored important milk-giving buffaloes and cows, repaired schools, renovated monks’ houses, had food delivered to the poor, helped to stock up clinics, sponsored Tibetan villagers and families, and even Indian schools. In some cases, Tsem Rinpoche even raised the funds to build entire houses for some monks. Rinpoche sponsored many monks’ medical treatments and their ongoing medication, and found many monks the personal sponsorship they needed. All of this is in addition to the statues, food and robes that Rinpoche offered to and sponsored for the monasteries.
Oftentimes, Rinpoche would go to the recipients’ homes himself, especially the lay people, and personally deliver cooking ingredients, clothes, etc. Many monks remember Rinpoche going to the Tibetan government’s old folks’ homes and delivering soft foods requested by the residents, going so far as to mash the food and hand-feed those unable to sit up and eat for themselves. All of this was going on even before the split in 2008, when Gaden Shartse Monastery was still whole and not divided into Shar Gaden Monastery (who practise Dorje Shugden) and Gaden Shartse Monastery (who do not). Of course, once the Dorje Shugden ban was implemented, all of the help that the Dorje Shugden-practising lama Tsem Rinpoche extended to the Tibetan community was conveniently ignored and never spoken about again, much less were there any discussions about returning any of the aid. What does it say about a leadership that they would willingly accept financial assistance from someone they discriminate against? It is a poor reflection of the leadership when a person’s monetary contributions are acceptable and ‘clean’ while the contributor themselves is not accepted and considered ‘unclean’ solely for their practice of Dorje Shugden.

The tenkhang (Protector chapel) where the Choyang Dulzin Oracle of Gaden took countless trances of Dorje Shugden to give teachings and advice. The tenkhang used to belong to Gaden Shartse Monastery. After the split of the monastery in 2008, guardianship of the tenkhang was transferred to the newly-formed Shar Gaden Monastery who kept up their practice of Dorje Shugden.
But back then, before Gaden Shartse Monastery split into two monasteries, one of the places Rinpoche frequently visited and prayed at was the tenkhang, or Protector chapel of Dorje Shugden. On this trip, Kecharians also had the precious opportunity to visit the tenkhang, to pay homage to the holy clay Dorje Shugden statue that was handmade by His Holinesses Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. The tenkhang is where the Oracle of Gaden, Choyang Dulzin Kuten, took countless trances of Dorje Shugden to tirelessly give Dharma teachings and dispense invaluable advice to the benefit of hundreds of thousands of sentient beings. The tenkhang used to be a part of Gaden Shartse Monastery until the monastery split in 2008 as a result of the unethical ban on Dorje Shugden. At this point, guardianship of the chapel was transferred from Gaden Shartse Monastery to the then-newly formed Shar Gaden Monastery.
The 2008 split also saw the removal of the sacred Dorje Shugden statue from Gaden Lachi, and its subsequent installation in the upper floor of the tenkhang. Gaden Lachi is the combined prayer hall where all the monks from Gaden Shartse and Gaden Jangtse Monasteries gather together to attend pujas, teachings and other events involving both colleges. What is incredible is that for decades, the statue was inside Gaden Lachi and therefore for decades, thousands of monks prostrated to Dorje Shugden whenever they entered Gaden Lachi. Once the practice was banned however, it was suddenly no longer acceptable to keep the statue inside Gaden Lachi. If Dorje Shugden is a so-called evil spirit, as claimed by the Tibetan leadership, then what happened to the thousands of monks who prostrated for years to this statue? Did they all break their refuge vows in doing so? It is ludicrous to suggest that amongst the thousands of monks, there was not a single person who had the clairvoyance to see what the Tibetan leadership claims is Dorje Shugden’s true nature. This example is just one of many instances that demonstrate how illogical it is for the Tibetan leadership to accuse Dorje Shugden of being a so-called evil spirit.
Well, the Kecharians had no issues prostrating to the statue! In fact, they even grabbed the opportunity to make abundant pearl offerings onto the holy image. Sponsored by some very kind individuals, the pearls had been carried from Malaysia to be offered onto Dorje Shugden to generate merit. The monks kindly opened up the normally-closed altar so that Li Kim, JP and Beng Kooi could climb up to make the offering. A short puja was then performed to dedicate the merits to Rinpoche and to the sponsors.
In between meetings, there was also the monastic compound to explore. For some of them, it was their first time back in Gaden after the split and what they found was a pretty bewildering situation. Gaden Shartse Monastery is literally walking distance from Shar Gaden Monastery, with just one wall separating the two institutions. You can have one foot on Shar Gaden Monastery soil and the other foot simultaneously on Gaden Shartse Monastery land; it is not at all difficult to walk past multiple buildings belonging to Gaden Shartse Monastery, before stumbling across a single Shar Gaden Monastery property. Along the main road, it is hard to distinguish if a monk belongs to Gaden Shartse Monastery or Shar Gaden Monastery; with both wearing the exact same maroon robes, going to their classes, debates or pujas, there is no discernible difference save the fact one practises Dorje Shugden, and the other does not.
It really gave a sense of how painful the events of 2008 must have been, for lifelong friendships and student-teacher relationships to be torn apart as a result of the Dorje Shugden ban imposed by the Tibetan leadership. It was a sombre reminder of the devastating consequences when politics are allowed to interfere in religion and spirituality. How happy and idyllic it must have been before 1996, when everyone had the freedom to do whatever practices their gurus gave them, without any interference, worry or fear that they might be blacklisted or discriminated against for their beliefs.
Being aware of this meant the trip ended on a slightly bittersweet note. For us, it is very nice to go on pilgrimage to a place where many pure monks are still living, learning and practising. But for the people actually living there, subjected to the diktats of their leadership, their lives are marred by the knowledge that at any time, trouble can once again come from the Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala, North India. So as long as the Dorje Shugden ban is in place, they can never practise in peace, totally free from distractions. Until the Dorje Shugden ban is lifted and the most obvious rift – the split between Shar Gaden and Shartse Monasteries – is healed, this will always be the case. The split between Shartse and Shar Gaden Monasteries is all the more ugly because it is, in reality, a split between blood brothers and well, how can any Sangha family be at peace when brothers are forced into opposing corners by their leadership? So for the people of Shartse and Shar Gaden Monasteries, there is no peace.
No sooner had the trip started that the team found themselves homeward bound, spiritually invigorated by the pilgrimage and feeling like their mission had been accomplished. As the cars left the monastery gates, the sonorous chanting of the Shar Gaden monks filled the air. It so happened that the monks were doing their dakhang, or monthly puja to Dorje Shugden. Was it a happy coincidence, or a sign from Dorje Shugden to show how pleased he was that Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara continue to support the Sangha? Either way, it was indeed an auspicious ending to an overall happy and successful trip.
The Writers Team
Journey to Shar Gaden Monastery (2019):
Making offerings to the Sangha
Or view the video on the server at:
More photographs from the trip
Phng Li Kim and Venerable Geshe Kelsang
(དགེ་བཤེས་བསྐལ་བཟང་ལགས།) show us Shar Gaden Monastery’s
tenkhang Dorje Shugden chapel (2019; English and བོད་སྐད།)
(English – 00:00) Author and celebrity host Phng Li Kim visits Shar Gaden Monastery’s Dorje Shugden tenkhang (Protector chapel) and gives a brief explanation about the background and significance of the tenkhang.
(བོད་སྐད། 05:03) དགེ་བཤེས་བསྐལ་བཟང་ལགས་ཀྱིས་ང་ཚོ་ལ་ཤར་དགའ་ལྡན་ནང་ཡོད་པའི་རྡོ་རྗེ་ཤུགས་ལྡན་གྱི་རྟེན་ཁང་འགྲེལ་བཤད་བྱེད་ཅིང་རྟེན་ཁང་༼སྲུང་མ་ཁང་།༽ གི་འགྲེལ་བཤད་དང་རྒྱབ་ལྗོངས་མདོར་བསྡུས་རྒྱག་བཞིན་པ།
Or view the video on the server at:
For more interesting information:
- Offerings to the Sangha in India
- Making Offerings to Shar Gaden Monastery
- Most Venerable Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende Visits Tsem Rinpoche
- Assisting Khensur Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Phende
- 52 Years of Generosity
- How Tibetan leadership treats a sponsor (jindak)
- The Amazing Life of Choyang Dulzin Kuten Lama
- The Promise – Tsem Rinpoche’s inspiring biography now in ebook format!
- Never Seen Before Footage of Dorje Shugden Oracles | 从未曝光的多杰雄登神谕片段
- Dorje Shugden Retreat: A powerful practice to fulfill wishes
- The Buddhist Divide – An Unholy Campaign against Religious Freedom
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If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
Everyone of us has an unforgettable different experience, a different destination and itineraries. The journey to Shar Gaden Monastery back in 2019, making offerings to the sangha , by the Kecharians hold special moments and memories. They were on behalf of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara in making an offering to all 650 monks of the monastery. On this fruitful trip the Kecharians had the honour to catch a glimpse of the normally-covered holy statue of Dorje Shugden . Awesome this holy statue of Dorje Shugden was handmade by HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and HH Kyabje Zong Rinpoche.The team was also granted an audience with H E Domo Geshe Chocktrul Rinpoche. Having the opportunity to make offerings to the monks was indeed meritorious. Rejoice to them. Looking at those beautiful pictures paints a thousands words. Thank you Rinpoche and team for this sharing. Merely looking at it is a blessing especially the Holy Statue of Dorje Shugden.
On behalf of H E the 25th Tsem Rinpoche, Kecharian had made offerings to all 650 monks to Shar Gaden Monastery back in 2019. Making offerings to the sanghas in monastery is an incredible thing , we create unbelievable merit both by the action of generosity towards the Sangha and also by sharing in the merit which the monks and nuns generated through their spiritual practice. We also showed our respect to the spiritual values that the Sangha symbolized. That’s wonderful indeed for the group of Kecharian from Kechara having the amazing opportunity to make offerings to the monks. Rejoice.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing with beautiful pictures and giving us precious teachings why we should make offerings to the Sanghas.
It’s a great experience where a small group of Kechatians of a live time going on a meritorious journey to Shar Gaden Monastery in Mundgod, South India . On behalf of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara in making an offerings to all 650 monks of the monastery. Wow…..that’s really wonderful , looking through at those beautiful pictures tell us a thousands words.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful sharing.
Dearest Rinpoche
Thank you for this article that includes a piece on H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche.
I have sent an email to H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche asking him about the female Dharmapala Shangmo Dorje Putri.
He made her a Dharmapala in 1902 and placed her into Kache Marpo’s retinue.
If Shangmo Dojre Putri is a full member of Dorje Shugden’s retinue that would make two Dharmapalas H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche has placed into Dorje Shugden’s retinue.
Thank you Rinpoche for your article in 2016 about Shangmo Dorje Shugden.
I pray for your long life and continued success with this website.
Your servant.
Beautiful billboard just came up in our hometown of Bentong where Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) in Malaysia is located. All of us in Bentong are warm, simple and very friendly people. Our beautiful billboard depicts Dorje Shugden statue in KFR and Dorje Shugden is a hero (pahlawan) and a powerful being from Tibet. He is highly respected for giving great inspirations and blessings from his life story.~Tsem Rinpoche- See more beautiful pictures-
这个美丽的布告板刚在我们的家乡——文冬安装好。文冬是克切拉禅修林的所在地。我们文冬人热情、朴实和友善。我们美丽的布告板描绘着禅修林里的多杰雄登像,而多杰雄登是位英雄,也是一位来自西藏强大的守护者。从他的生平我们得知他因赐人加持和灵感而备受尊崇。詹仁波切- 点击链接查看更多图片:
In the history, even till today, whenever politics involved into a religion, things will get ugly and it will become worst still if Politics are taking charge of a religion.
People who want to enter into their spiritual practice is because they want to eliminate the sufferings, they want liberation and to go to the path of enlightenment. But when politics involved, they will get distracted and creating more and more sufferings for themselves and to others, like being harmed, being killed, etc. Religion is for being kind and compassion, but politic is all about benefiting our own and nothing else. Both of this is contradict, it should not even involve each other.
Personally I find this quite ridiculous, when we do our own practice in our own premise, it doesn’t disturb anyone, it doesn’t harm anyone, but then, we have to fight for our right to continue our practice which it does not involved anyone beside ourselves. Hopefully this ban can be lifted soonest, then the monks from Shar Gaden and Gaden Shartze can be friends again, they don’t have to suffer from separation anymore.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the videos, it reminded me so much of my trip to Gaden Monastery previously, is was such a great experience visiting the Monastery, and very very fortunate to be able to make offerings to the sangha community.
Offering to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha is an unbelievable act which we could create unbelievable merits. Rejoice to the small group of Kecharians . It’s a life time affairs, if not for the group of Kecharians going to make offerings to the sangha at Shar Gaden Monastery in Mundgod, South India ,we would not have a chance to see the Holy statue of Dorje Shugden handmade by His Holiness Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche. Those Kecharians are so fortunate able to catch a glimpse of Holy statue which is normally-covered . They were given the opportunity to offer pearls which were sponsored by Tsem Rinpoche, and other kind sponsors. Wow they even offer breakfast, lunch and dinner to all 650 monks of Shar Gaden Monastery. Rejoice. They did offered a token monetary offering to each monk as well as a portrait of His Eminence the 25th Tsem Rinpoche. Wonderful ……the Kecharians have also an audience with H E Kensur Rinpoche Lobsang Phende, H E Domo Geshe Chocktrul Rinpoche and meeting the new changtso of Trijang Ladrang Gen Phende.
Thank you Rinpoche and writers team for sharing such a beautiful experience in Mundgod, South India.
Rejoice. Happy to see this.
Very happy to see this.
Peace to all.
May Rinpoche live long and continue to benefit all living beings.
Making offerings and helping the monasteries are what Tsem Rinpoche loves to do. Over the years, Tsem Rinpoche has made a lot of offerings and raised a lot of funds for the monasteries. Tsem Rinpoche always asks the students to support the Sangha community and monasteries. He is creating an opportunity for the students to collect merits.
When Tsem Rinpoche was still in Gaden Shartse Monastery, under the instruction of Lati Rinpoche, he came to Malaysia to raise funds for the construction of the monk’s quarter. When Tsem Rinpoche successful raised the funds and offered the money to the monasteries, Lati Rinpoche was so touched that he cried. This was just one of the many things Tsem Rinpoche has helped to raised funds for.
This is so wonderful that Tsem Rinpoche and the student made offerings again to the monastery. Monks in Shar Gaden were very happy to see the representative of Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara, it must be that Tsem Rinpoche has helped the monastery a lot and they are very appreciative to Tsem Rinpoche and the students. It is very meritorious for us to make offerings to the Sangha community as we are helping with the preservation and spreading of Buddha Dharma. In addition, we can also collect a tremendous amount of merits that are necessary for our spiritual practice.
So wonderful to see all the photos of H.E. Domo Geshe Rinpoche.