Look what China’s doing!
This is such a heart warming news. It’s rare to come across news like this that involves a whole nation which might spill over into other nations and then become the global norm. Knowing that China, the country with the largest population in the world is implementing dietary guidelines to reduce meat consumption by 50% for it’s 1.3 billion citizens is truly wonderful. Just imagine, if the trend of vegetarianism or if everyone began consuming less meat in their diet becomes global effort, we can literally save our planet just by changing what we put on our dinner plate!
I am incredibly happy and optimistic to read about this initiative spearheaded officially by China. There are so many benefits that can be derived from lessening meat consumption, most notably that less animals have to suffer the fate in slaughter houses, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, prevention of morbid diseases, and even reduce the burden on healthcare.
While these plans are still at it’s infancy and the positive effects may only be evident over the years, by raising awareness through education and initiating strong campaigns to promote this new healthier lifestyle China may potentially be one of the few countries that implement guidelines for their citizens to solve global issues such as global warming.
Do read the article and watch the two short videos below. I am glad to see China is doing more and going on a positive direction, bringing positive results on a global scale. May China’s effort in implementing this new dietary guidelines meet with incredible success, and influence other nations to follow suit. China is becoming a global leader as this powerful dragon awakens.
Tsem Rinpoche
China’s plan to cut meat consumption by 50% cheered by climate campaigners
New dietary guidelines could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1bn tonnes by 2030, and could lessen country’s problems with obesity and diabetes

China now consumes 28% of the world’s meat, including half of its pork. Photograph: Wong Campion/Reuters
The Chinese government has outlined a plan to reduce its citizens’ meat consumption by 50%, in a move that climate campaigners hope will provide major heft in the effort to avoid runaway global warming.
New dietary guidelines drawn up by China’s health ministry recommend that the nation’s 1.3 billion population should consume between 40g to 75g of meat per person each day. The measures, released once every 10 years, are designed to improve public health but could also provide a significant cut to greenhouse gas emissions.
The Chinese Communist party has found unusual allies among Hollywood celebrities, with actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and director James Cameron involved in a series of new public information adverts encouraging Chinese people to consume less animal flesh to help the environment.
Should the new guidelines be followed, carbon dioxide equivalent emissions from China’s livestock industry would be reduced by 1bn tonnes by 2030, from a projected 1.8bn tonnes in that year.
Globally, 14.5% of planet-warming emissions emanate from the keeping and eating of cows, chickens, pigs and other animals – more than the emissions from the entire transport sector. Livestock emit methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas, while land clearing and fertilizers release large quantities of carbon.
“Through this kind of lifestyle change, it is expected that the livestock industry will transform and carbon emissions will be reduced,” said Li Junfeng, director general of China’s National Center on Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation.
“Tackling climate change involves scientific judgement, political decisions, entrepreneurial support, but at last, it still relies on involvement of the general public to change the consumption behavior in China. Every single one of us has to believe in the low-carbon concept and slowly adapt to it.”
Meat has gone from rare treat to a regular staple for many Chinese people. In 1982, the average Chinese person ate just 13kg of meat a year and beef was nicknamed “millionaire’s meat” due to its scarcity.
The emergence of China as a global economic power has radically altered the diets of a newly wealthy population. The average Chinese person now eats 63kg of meat a year, with a further 30kg of meat per person expected to be added by 2030 if nothing is done to disrupt this trend. The new guidelines would reduce this to 14kg to 27kg a year.
China now consumes 28% of the world’s meat, including half of its pork. However, China still lags behind more than a dozen other countries in per capita meat consumption, with the average American or Australian consuming twice as much meat per person compared to China.
According to a new report by WildAid, the predicted increase in China’s meat consumption would add an extra 233m tonnes of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere each year, as well as put increased strain on the country’s water supply, which is already blighted by polluted and denuded rivers and groundwater.
The report warns that unchecked Chinese meat consumption will also degrade its arable land and worsen the country’s problems with obesity and diabetes. An estimated 100 million Chinese people have diabetes, more than any other country.
Research released by the thinktank Chatham House in 2014 forecast that China alone is expected to eat 20m tonnes more of meat and dairy a year by 2020 and warned that “dietary change is essential” if global warming is to not exceed the 2C limit eventually imposed at the climate accord in Paris last year.
A separate report by scientists at the Oxford Martin School this year found that the widespread adoption of vegetarianism around the world could bring down greenhouse gas emissions by nearly two-thirds.
“China’s move to cut meat consumption in half would not only have a huge impact on public health, it is a massive leadership step towards drastically reducing carbon emissions and reaching the goals set out in the Paris agreement,” said James Cameron.
“Animal agriculture emits more than all transportation combined. Reducing demand for animal-based foods is essential if we are to limit global warming to 2C as agreed at COP21.”
Despite the Chinese government’s new commitment to reducing meat consumption, it may be difficult to convince the country’s rising middle classes to cut down. There are also strong cultural traditions attached to the eating of many animals, especially pigs. The Chinese character for “home” depicts a pig underneath the roof of a house.
Recently, Chinese companies have been buying farms in the United States and Australia to provide feed for the country’s dairy and beef industries.
In late 2013 a Chinese company, Shenghui, purchased the largest US pork producer, Smithfield Foods, to help keep up with demand.
“China’s consumption of meat is skyrocketing,” said Jeremy Haft, an adjunct professor at Georgetown University in Washington, DC and author of a 2015 book, “Unmade in China: The Hidden Truth about China’s Economic Miracle.”
“China’s demand for meat will continue to grow and support hundreds of thousands of jobs in the US meat industry,” he added. “From a climate perspective, the methane will still be created, but will be shifted to the United States.”
[Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/20/chinas-meat-consumption-climate-change?]
‘Less Meat, Less Heat’ – Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron campaign for the environment
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Infographic – Less Meat, Less Heat
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Wonderful news ……the Chinese government has introduced a plan to encourage and reduce its citizens’ meat consumption by 50%, It’s a great move that China has done in the effort to avoid runaway global warming and for health reasons. The climate campaigners has been hoping for it. New dietary guidelines by the Chinese health officials have recommend and advise individuals to limit their meat consumption. As more evidence of chronic diseases such as heart attack, strokes ,hypertension and so forth are related to meat consumption. And for most to maintain a healthy life styles. They also implement dietary guidelines encouraging the general public to consume plenty of cereals, tubers, whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits as well. The Chinese government also put up billboards in attempt to reduce meat consumption by highlighting health risks associated with consuming meat. What we eat contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions and every one of us is responsible. People nowadays are reducing their meat consumption and opting for vegan and plant-based protein to improve their health . Hopefully more countries will follow China reducing the meat consumption. In a way more animals could be save in the slaughter house. And for the future generations to come .
Thank you for this wonderful news .
Great move by China. Many think that only by eating meat we would have enough nutrients for our body. But many do not understand that plant based food does provides equivalent minerals and nutrients. I think it is the perception and habit that we human must eat meat everyday. Sincerely hope the initiative taken by China government will reduce meat consumption which directly will reduce contribution to global warming and less suffering on the animals.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the article. It is indeed very heart warming to hear this news. China, with 1.3 billion population, every single person in China reduce 1kg of meat everyday, there’ll be 1.3 billion kg of meat reduce everyday. China can put up more reminder ads like the one Arnold Schwarzenegger did, to remind or to educate their citizen the disadvantages of eating too much meat.
I was quite an anti-vegetarian person before I join Kechara. It was because my own perception that if I don’t eat meat, it can’t fulfill my empty stomach. That means I will feel hungry in a very short time. But after joining Kechara, started eating vegetarian food with my wife more often, and i find that it’s actually not hard to not eating meat. It was only my perception of eating meat. It was not a need. Time went on, I even took vegetarian vow. I find that it’s more healthy instead. It’s all only our perception of eating meat.
Bravo China! Hopefully more and more countries will follow. So that less animals are killed and served on human dining table. And, more lives are saved. Thank you again Rinpoche _/\_
China does not do anything if there is no benefit to their country and people. Many parts of China which are industrialized faces pollution to the environment, degradation of quality of life, even mortality in certain cases.
China would have done their research and numbers, they know the side effect of the consumption of meat. Chinese people are always very attached to their food, and to enjoy a meal that has all manner of seafood and meats is a luxury, so the Chinese although attached to their way of life and food, has chosen the hard road for the benefit of all.
It’s really encouraging news to read about. We all know that many people become vegetarians due to health or religious reason. But we hardly know that cutting down the meat consumption in livestock would help save land and water resources and would also reduce the emission of greenhouse gas.
China’s consumption of meat is skyrocketing due to the rising of upper and middle classes. China has to depend on the imported meat supply and this leads to some challenges in food industries. From past incidents, we noticed that some unscrupulous businessmen will do some unethical tricks just to increase the demand or maximize the profit when supply can’t meet the demand. Therefore if meat consumption is not cut down, lots of challenges will surface, not only health issues e.g. heart disease, obesity, diabetes; environmental issues of more greenhouse gas emission; but also social issue like adding melamine to milk.
This diet guideline is definitely a great commitment by China government, and should be emulated by more leaders globally to create more awareness. Let us all eat less meat, create less heat, less gas, less animals suffer and less health issues.
I am really happy to hear that China is implementing a guideline for it’s citizens on meat consumption. China accounts for more than 1 seventh of the world’s population, that means that if China could convince its people to reduce their meat intake it could help the environment a lot.
I hope that the people in China will follow the guidelines and hopefully help the environment.
This is amazing and the best example to share with friends. China sees the damage meat can do to people and they are trying to show them healthier ways of living with less meat. This is also very good because a substantial amount of animals will be reduced from the yearly amount of deaths for the meat industry.
I hope that other countries can do this and see that this is the right move to save more lives and help improve lives in the name of a better diet and in the name of better health. I like this article and I support it.
中国是全世界人口最多的国家之一,再加上国家迅速的发展和进步,人民生活 逐渐的舒适,对吃,喝,玩,乐,层次要求更高,所以政府对这方面更加关注和做好准备,未雨绸缪的铺路,以便预防面临食物危机的到来。
This is a very good news indeed! China is one of the biggest countries in the world, it is very good that they are setting up such example to inspire other countries to follow their footsteps. Animals are sentient beings and they definitely do not want to be hurt or abused, nor do they wish to be slaughtered and eaten. All animals should be treated with equality and respect.
Imagine the impact of a whole nation going for less meat which might spill over into other nations and then become the global norm! China, the country with the largest population in the world, is announcing the implementation of dietary guidelines to reduce meat consumption by 50% for its 1.3 billion citizens !Just think of this -we can save the planet by changing what’s on our dinner plate!
If successfully implemented, the immediate impact would be to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lessen the country’s problems with obesity and diabetes!
In a separate report by scientists at the Oxford Martin School this year, it was found that the widespread adoption of vegetarianism around the world could bring down greenhouse gas emissions by nearly two-thirds!
China’s plans might hit a snag though : it may be difficult to convince the country’s rising middle classes to cut down on meat consumption. Also, China’s populace has strong cultural traditions attached to the eating of many animals, especially pigs .
Nonetheless, this is good news!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this great news. It definitely beneficial for such a big country like China to reduce meat consumption because it will greatly affect the consumption of meat then it will lead to more environment friendly and help to resolve the global warming issue, by doing so hopefully create more awareness on others nation about the set back of meat consumption so that the future generation can be more plant base diet.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing.
This is definitely a great news to the environment. Being the highest meat consumption country in the world, such a step will benefit many in the long run.
Education plays an important role to cultivate people to this compassion living style where being a vegetarian not only good for the environment but also for our own health.
Strategic marketing plans do have big impacts especially with the endorsements by celebrities who already have a big number of fans. Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Cameron are great spokesperson for this noble message.
May more people understand the benefits of eating less meat, and let vegetarian be the mainstream diet soon 🙂
Great effort and initiative by China especially with the population on 1.3 billion. The amount of meat reduction with the goal of 50% is huge number. Perhaps China has recognize they are the big boys, their influence and it will be them to set pace or example to the world and perhaps they are also trying to win the world vote, whatever it is , the initiative is definitely a welcome effort. I believe with this effort , agricultural is the way. Hope that the agricultural technology will be sufficiently advanced to support, exploring new ways to mass produce ( ie Horizontal Farms etc) , economically viable for the masses and yet meet the taste buds and health benefit.
Having say that, Agriculture is the focus. If we make meat alternative more readily available, economic and not to mention equally tasty. The move towards 50% is definitely possible, not only to China but to the world. Of course with a dash of “Dharma education on sentient being non killing” sauce would even tilt it even more.
China ‘s move really amazing. Many animals will be safe from slaughter house. Animals are not born to be killed. Animal flesh shouldn’t serve as our daily meal .As a Buddhist, we belief on karma so we don’t kill and serve animals flesh as our daily foods. Implematation of dietary guidelines will reduce meat consumption dramatically. This is really a good start to be vegetarians.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing.
With folded hands
Dear Rinpoche,
This is certainly an amazing news. China had the highest population in the entire world compared to other countries. If a humongous country like China decided to cut down on its meat consumption, it is a really big thing. Imagine the number of animals saved from being slaughtered. It will certainly influence other smaller countries to follow the trend because China is rising up to be the powerhouse of Asia.
Less demand on meat means less need to farm new animals. Less animals means less methane gas and less forest needed to be cut down to built farms. This is very good for the planet as well as the animals.
Chris Chong
Oh wow! China is not only becoming the global leader in trade and politics but also fast becoming one in terms of healthy living. If its 1.3billion citizens were to follow the guidelines given, the impact of the 50% reduction in meat consumption can really be incredible. Less animals sufferings, less burden on healthcare, less burden on the world created by the greenhouse effect and most of all less karma created. Being a world leader, other countries will take note of the benefits China reaps from less meat consumption and follow their example, leading to the more compassionate society in the future. May this be the step towards a more mindful and kind society in China.
New Zealand had already passed the bill in their constitution to be kind to sentient beings. May many more countries follow in the footsteps of New Zealand and China.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful news with us. Absolutely heartening to read!
Of the many government incentives which have been carried out to date, (e.g. the recommendations by UK government for citizens consume less dairy, recommendations of a new set of dietary guidelines suggesting citizens consume less meat by Netherlands, America’s issuance of federal report outlining the benefits of adopting a plant-based diet for health and environmental concerns), this one from the Chinese government takes the cake for having the most far-reaching impact if really executed properly. Apparently, proper adherence to such new set of dietary guidelines from the Chinese Government to its citizens can result in a drop of 50% the overall consumption of meat in the country. In fact, according to a report, if these guidelines are taken seriously by the Chinese population, they would have the potential to reduce China’s greenhouse gas emissions related to meat consumption by an amount that is equal to 1.5% of all global emissions. And this is in addition to the health benefits that comes with adhering to such dietary guideline. Definitely a step in the right direction by China and may it in turn inspire many others to follow (similar) suit.
I am really happy to hear that China is taking a step towards reducing the consumption of meat. Meat does not only harm the environment it can also harm humans! It has been proven that meat contains things that can be harmful to everyone. What’s more, the remaining parts of the animals that can’t be used or eaten is disposed into rivers harming more lives.
We are always talking about global warming and the meat industry plays a large part in global warming. Thus one of the first steps to halt global warming is to stop the meat industry.
China is setting a good example and the world should follow the footsteps of China.
China is being potrayed as a powerful awakened dragon. It is likely to becoming a global Leader in promoting healthier lifestyle, by implementing guidelines for its citizens on a positive direction by consuming less animal flesh. This is to help the environment and to benefit one’s health too! An estimated 100 million chinese people have diabetes, more than any other country in the World. Uncheck, consumption of more meat by the chinese people, will further worsen China’s health peoblems with its existence of high obesity and diabeties counts! China’s move to cut meat consumption by half would not only help to reduce huge impact on public’s health, but also drastically contain carbon emissions as imposed by the climatic Accord in Paris. As George Bernard Shaw has said, “We are the living graves of murdered beasts, slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.” Therefore, to end such senseless killings and savage cruelty, best is for all to go “VEGETARIANISM.” OM MANI PADME HUNG.
It is scary just by looking at the statistics. China alone consume 20mn tonnes of meat and dairy a year by year 2020. The Chinese people now eat 63kg of meat a year and are expected to consume additional 30kg by 2030. As a result of the humongous demand, meat industry is joining the list of pollutant by producing 233 millions tonnes of greenhouse gases per year.
What is the impact of 233 millions tonnes of greenhouse gases per year? It needs 220 million acres of trees per year to sequester the carbon effect. On top of that, eating meat excessively also contributes to health and health care issues.
It is superbly encouraging to learn that China fully supports the reduction of meat consumption, by a whopping 50%. With the government behind this movement, abetted by spokemen from Hollywood, it can be sure that the general public will react positively to the campaign. It is a good time to open vegetarian restaurant in China so that they have more choices. And supply fresh and healthy vegetarian supplies in China. It may even be a good time to launch vegetarian recipe books / youtube using localized ingredients to educate and encourage the people further.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this news.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this article. I have learnt from the article that :
1) Globally, 14.5% of planet-warming emissions emanate from the keeping and eating of cows, chickens, pigs and other animals – more than the emissions from the entire transport sector.
2) China has spread headed the reduction in meat consumption by 50% not only reducing the greenhouse gas emission, it also reduce healthcare problem.
3) Despite the Chinese government’s new commitment to reducing meat consumption, it may be difficult to convince the country’s rising middle classes to cut down because Chinese’s culture are strong attached to eating many animals, especially pigs.
4) Widespread adoption of vegetarianism around the world could bring down greenhouse gas emissions by nearly two-thirds.
5) Even though this plan is still in the infancy and the positive effort will only be seen over the years, the campaign will certainly increase the awareness to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and thus reduce the suffering of animals.
Thank you
Pee Bee Chong
Bravo to this initiative. There are only positives to be gained and nothing to lose. Less suffering through and through.
“Animal agriculture emits more than all transportation combined. Reducing demand for animal-based foods is essential if we are to limit global warming to 2C as agreed at COP21.”
This statement is very worrying. I think many people don’t know that becoming a vegetarian is more than just a personal choice, but it in facts affects many others. I have heard someone said this once, “In the 80s, people choose vegetarian because of spiritual practice. In the 90s, it is because for health reason. But in the 2000s, it is because of environmental reasons”. This statement is making a lot of sense now.
For China, I think they are starting to feel the pinch of this meat issue, such as the meat supply, the rising of medical issues, etc. For whatever the reason, it is always glad to see this planning at the country level. Hopefully more countries will follow suit. The most exciting part of the news is that less animals will be suffering and be slaughtered.
On this topic, I do feel the country could have implemented a Meatless Monday in the whole city. That would really help reduce the meat. My daughter’s primary school has been implementing this Meatless Monday for many years, and it is generally well accepted.
I just cannot believe this is happening in China. Such a good news. I truly respect Chinese government. Saving the earth is a global responsibility. We need to preserve this beautiful planet so that our next generations can live in a better and healthier environment. Cutting down 50% of meat consumption is simply amazing ! not only for China herself but huge impact to the world. Again this is a global activity, the world should do it together. China set a very good example for other countries.
I am a vegetarian for years and very happy that H.H. 25th Tsem Rinpoche advice for becoming a vegetarian. I never once regret of being a vegetarian because I know that I am doing the right thing.
Its a wonderful thing what China is doing. For such a big country to make this step is not easy yet they are doing it. A great step moving forward. Not only for their health but also for their children and future generations.
1 of the best way to save more animals from being sent to the slaughterhouse and at the same time, cutting GHG.
I do hope that more countries will consider the same thing especially those that are consuming lots of meat. In the long run, not only that it will bring health benefits, it will also cut down unwanted diseases caused by animals.
Thank you China for this wonderful cause!