Louis Tse does something incredible!
Dear friends around the world,
Please spare some time to watch these videos below, enrich your day and be inspired. Do take the time out to share with young people also. You can watch the full video when you have the time later, it will make a very big difference in your life for the better.
There is a rare group of people who, when things are difficult and times are tough for themselves, they use that as an opportunity to make sure other people don’t find themselves in the same situation. This type of people really inspire me because they think beyond themselves and instead of just looking at how other people are suffering, they actually do something to take the suffering away. This special quality of wishing and doing something so that others do not suffer is what is known as compassion.
On The Streets (Short Video)
Watch this short touching video.
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So I wanted to share with you all the story of this inspiring young man, Louis Tse. When he was doing his college PhD in Mechanical Engineering, he looked around and saw so many homeless college students. He felt he couldn’t just leave it like that so he used his own rent money to start up a shelter for other people, and he lived in his car. Can you imagine this young man, 27 years old, purposely made himself homeless so he could give other people the chance to have a roof over their heads?
People like Louis are rare because even though they are in their own tough situations, they can think for others. They can even put themselves in a situation where they suffer for others, so that other people will benefit. I can understand people like him because I know what it is like to be homeless, to have no hope, always be thinking about how you’re going to get out of this terrible situation, and I have also seen people around me who sacrifice their personal comforts in order to benefit others.
Some people work so hard, have so little and achieve so much. Some people have so much and achieve so little. So there are many different types of people in this world, but Louis himself is a very powerful young person! These are the types of documentaries and stories we must watch more and share with young people always, so they can grow up to have qualities of benefit to society. It’s not enough to send our kids to school and to be educated, we must also educate them to be good, kind citizens who think about others too. So it is very, very good to share these types of videos with our young people and our children.
I really appreciate Ms. Lisa Biagiotti doing this investigation. I find her way of asking the most delicate questions very beautifully presented. She has good speaking skills as well as very disarming in her approach and I can feel her warmth. Her documentary here really touched me deeply. I am hoping by blogging this and ‘borrowing’ the video, I can bring much more awareness to Louis Tse’s cause, donations of any sort to his shelter. This shelter created by Louis and Luke Shaw is very needed and let’s hope this type of shelter will spread all over the USA and other countries. I also want people to understand there is homelessness in Los Angeles and it’s not all glitz and glitter. Besides the movie stars and producers, there are real everyday people with real sufferings. I used to live in Los Angeles in my teen years and it was not easy.
Tsem Rinpoche
The Full Video
This is the full video. The earlier clip above is taken from 0:00 – 2:10 (minutes) of this documentary, and then from 23:25 – 32:00.
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P.S. One year later, Louis Tse has graduated and is working in NASA’s Jet Propulsion laboratory. He has opened his homeless shelter, Bruin Shelter, now known as Students for Students (S4S), a student-run shelter for students experiencing homelessness in the greater Los Angeles area. Remember he was living in his car and washing at public toilets because he did not have enough money to pay rent for a room. During the day, he worked towards opening a shelter for other young people who cannot afford to have their own apartments and at night he worked in a lab towards his PhD. He didn’t let his parents know because he didn’t want to worry them. Now in 2017 he has graduated and he has a website for the shelter too, http://www.bruinshelter.org/.
Students start Bruin Shelter for Westwood homeless population
By Kuhelika Ghosh Source: Daily Bruin Published: January 7, 2016 1:04 am

Louis Tse (left) and Luke Shaw (right), both doctorates in mechanical engineering, are working to create a student-run shelter at a church near campus by next fall. (Tehya Faulk/Daily Bruin)
Louis Tse didn’t always live out of his car.
Nine months ago, he forfeited his Westwood apartment to fund a shelter for those who are not homeless by choice. Tse said he is using his rent money to help create a student-run shelter for people aged 18 to 24. The shelter will be located in a local church a few blocks from campus.
Tse partnered with fellow doctoral student Luke Shaw to start the nonprofit student organization called Bruin Shelter. He added he plans to apply to the Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement office next week to be an official organization.
This quarter, the pair is focusing on recruiting student volunteers to fundraise, purchase materials for the shelter and organize events, such as one at which they handed out blankets to homeless people, he said. There are 10 individuals currently serving on the shelter’s advisory board, including UCLA Assistant Vice Chancellor Mick Deluca.

Founders of Bruin Shelter, Shaw (left) and Tse (right), will focus this quarter to recruit student members to fundraise, purchase materials for the shelter and organize events. (Tehya Faulk/Daily Bruin)
Tse and Shaw, who are both pursuing doctorates in mechanical engineering at UCLA, volunteered for many years, but homelessness was the most jarring issue Tse encountered, he said. In September, Los Angeles County officials declared a state of emergency on homelessness. Last year, the Westwood Community Council counted 32 homeless people in the UCLA area.
“UCLA could be the perfect place to create shelter for the homeless,” Shaw said. “It has a medical school of its own and is a resource-rich ecosystem.”
The Bruin Shelter will cost about $25,000 annually to fund and a private donor will cover the costs for its first year, Tse said. He added he hopes UCLA can later contribute to the funding and operation costs through grants and alumni donations. UCLA spokesperson Rebecca Kendall said the university cannot comment on the Bruin Shelter until it becomes a registered student group.
Tse said he hopes to serve six to eight homeless individuals when the shelter opens in the fall, before expanding to serve as many as possible. He added he thinks homeless individuals on the West Coast tend to avoid shelters because they’re known for physical and verbal abuse.
Tse said he hopes students will volunteer to work with the shelter so homeless individuals can interact with people of their own age.
Shaw and Tse have reached out to the UCLA student-run Mobile Clinic Project to ask about collaboration activities, he added. They also hope to partner with the UCLA School of Dentistry, UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services, dance and music groups and tutors to offer those who live in the shelter more than just food and beds.
“They are just like us, but more vulnerable,” Tse said. “We are economically privileged, so it’s our duty to help them.”
Source: http://dailybruin.com/2016/01/07/students-start-bruin-shelter-for-westwood-homeless-population/
Success! They got the shelter up!
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College is so expensive, this 27-year-old rocket scientist created a homeless shelter for students
By Melia Robinson Source: Business Insider US Published: April 4, 2017

Volunteers at the student-run homeless shelter Students for Students, formerly known as the Bruin Shelter, pose for a photo. Facebook/Bruin Shelter
Louis Tse, 27, lived in his car to save money while completing his doctoral studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.
A duffel bag holding bottled water and non-perishable foods served as his kitchen. Family photos hung on the backseat windows. At night, Tse parked wherever he found an open WiFi network so he could do homework.
“For young people who are experiencing homelessness, they could go to the nearest youth shelter, which is a two-hour drive away in Hollywood – or rough it out. That’s the path of least resistance,” Tse, now a thermal engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, tells Business Insider. He declined to comment on his current living situation.
In October 2016, Tse and former classmate Luke Shaw opened up a student-run shelter for students who are experiencing homelessness because of the sky-high costs of higher education. Students for Students, formerly known as the Bruin Shelter, provides them with a safe and supportive place to eat, sleep, socialize, and study during the academic year.

Temporary residents at Students for Students sleep in bunk beds in the loft of a refurbished church space. Facebook/Bruin Shelter
The shelter has nine beds and welcomes college students from the Los Angeles area (a majority come from UCLA, because of its proximity to campus). Unlike traditional shelters, which use a lottery-based system to fill beds, Students for Students interviews applicants and offers a place to stay for up to six months. Breakfast and dinner are served family-style every day.
There are 60 student-volunteers who keep the shelter running day and night. Case managers from the UCLA Department of Social Welfare come by to help residents locate more permanent housing and tap into city programs that subsidize rent for homeless individuals. Medical and dental students from the university provide routine check-ups. Counseling is also available.

Breakfast and dinner are served family-style every day at Students for Students. Facebook/Bruin Shelter
Tse says that having a home base goes a long way for a young person juggling school, a job, and a life. The city’s resource-starved shelters take in people of all ages, some of whom are combatting severe mental illnesses; it’s hard for struggling college students to fit in there.
“Knowing that you have a stable place to stay helps you be more stable,” Tse says.
A striking number of college students in the US are living without permanent housing. A recent study from the University of Wisconsin surveyed 33,000 students across 70 US community colleges. Of these students, about half were “housing insecure,” meaning they bounce between homes often or cannot afford the cost of living. A staggering 14% of students were homeless.
In California, one in three community college students face some level of housing insecurity. The problem extends to four-year universities as well, as Tse saw firsthand.

People wake up on downtown Los Angeles’ Skid Row. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters
Tse and Shaw were inspired to build their organization by a similar shelter for young adults at Harvard University. They won a $20,000 grant from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and asked for donations – ranging from food, clothes, blankets, and toiletries – from the community. Last fall, they opened the doors of a refurbished church space to students.
They expect to serve 18 to 27 individuals per academic semester.
In its first semester, Students for Students welcomed a student who grew up in the foster care system and fell through the cracks of a scholarship program that assists fostered youth with college costs. Months later, shelter volunteers saw the student walk at graduation.
“We’re all in school because we value education and we know that getting a diploma is necessary if you’re to open doors for yourself in life,” Tse says. “That’s the mission that drives us. There are students who are facing a variety of life circumstances, and we want to help them get to that point.”
Source: http://www.businessinsider.my/ucla-shelter-college-student-homelessness-2017-4/
Homelessness in Los Angeles
Officials dealing with homelessness and political leaders pointed to steadily rising housing costs and stagnant incomes as the underlying causes for an increase in the homeless population.
The Homeless Services Authority pointed to economic stress on renters in the Los Angeles area. More than 2 million households in the L.A. and Orange Counties have housing costs that exceed 30% of the average income, according to data from Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies.
According to the nonprofit California Housing Partnership Corp., median rent, adjusted for inflation, increased more than 30% from 2000 to 2015, while the median income remained flat.
Skid Row, Los Angeles
Skid Row is an area of Downtown Los Angeles. As of the 2000 census, the population of the district was 17,740. Skid Row was defined in a decision in Jones v. City of Los Angeles as the area east of Main Street, south of Third Street, west of Alameda Street, and north of Seventh Street. Skid Row contains one of the largest stable populations (between 5,000 and 8,000) of homeless people in the United States.
- http://www.bruinshelter.org
- http://dailybruin.com/2016/01/07/students-start-bruin-shelter-for-westwood-homeless-population/
- http://www.businessinsider.my/ucla-shelter-college-student-homelessness-2017-4/
For more interesting information:
- Why I Conceived of Kechara Soup Kitchen or KSK
- He has the best job in the world!
- Young, Single and What About It?
- H.E. the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s Biography
- An 8 Year Old Boy With A Mission
- Kechara Soup Kitchen going strong!
- Kechara Soup Kitchen helps to reunite a homeless with her sister-in-law
- We Are Our Parents?
- Homelessness in Malaysia
- Tsem Ladrang USA
- Malaysian International Gourmet Festival (MIGF) Feeds Homeless
- Kalmyk’s 60th year in the United States
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What an inspiring young man that willing to sacrifice his own comfort to provide shelter for the students. Louis Tse just like any other student in UCLA but his compassion heart make him take extra miles beside just being sorry but to make a change for these unfortunate students to have a place to stay.. Homeless can be found every, in USA some of the homeless are even in their university time. Inspiring young man, Louis Tse while studying , noticed many homeless college students. What he did was incredible. Louis Tse lived in his car to save money while completing his doctoral studies at the University of California so as he could help and give other people the chance to have a home. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for such an inspiring article. 🙏👍😘
Well….it seem like homelessness is a problem that continues to exist, even in the world’s richest countries. Lack of affordable housing, divorce, lawful eviction, negative cash flow, post traumatic stress disorder, mental illness, physical disability, having no family or supportive relatives are some of the causes of homeless. Homeless can be found every, in USA some of the homeless are even in their university time. Inspiring young man, Louis Tse while studying , noticed many homeless college students. What he did was incredible. Louis Tse lived in his car to save money while completing his doctoral studies at the University of California so as he could help and give other people the chance to have a home. He and his friend Luke Shaw shared the vision of creating a safe haven for the homeless. He went to the extend to recruiting student volunteers to fundraise, purchase materials for the shelter and organize events. Inspiring read.
Our Guru H. E. The 25th Tsem Rinpoche having been experienced what is like been homeless before , founded Kechara Soup Kitchen in Malaysia so as giving the homeless a chance to have foods . Being homeless is bad enough and with no food is even worst.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
It’s indeed an inspiring article. After reading, it provokes me to examine my values, needs, attitudes, and experiences. Why do I want to intervene in the lives of others? Through the self-exploration, i believe it helps to avoid the pitfalls of continually giving to others yet finding little personal satisfaction from given efforts. Thank you.
I ready rejoice read this article of Louise Tse selfless action creating the shelther for the home less people. Being homeless before still thinking helping other students out from the street. Louise Tse compassion seeing other suffer and offer his help and raise fund starting the shelther provide more space for homeless people have temporary home.
Kechara Soup Kitchen fonder by H.E.Tsem Rinpoche at Malaysia has grown temandous helping thousand of homeless people provided food to make make sure homeless people not suffer from hunger. H.E.Tsem Rinpoche also suffer to be homeless when his teeneger time. It inspiring many voleenter and bring care to the society . Is important to show care and love for those who need help and give them support and not hurting others. In this way we can create more peaceful and harmony envoirament living together by helping each other.
Louse Tse , a 27 years old university student in California recognises the problem of homelessness in school. He himself has nothing but due to his selflessness and determination and passion of helping others. What inspired me was he saved whatever he has, even slept in his car for 2 years to save money, in order for him to start a student shelter to help other students.
He reminded me of my Guru H. E. The 25th Tsem Rinpoche who constantly, passionately and selflessly helping others. Rinpoche always shared and even given away whatever he has to help others since very young age and 10 years ago Rinpoche found Kechara Soup Kitchen, today we are serving thousands of people and hundreds of families, helping them in many ways. Being homeless and no food is scary. Rinpoche experienced this in his very young age. Rinpoche grown becoming a monk and he promiesed not to let others suffer.
Many people worked very hard for themselves but no many thinking of others and willing so sacrifies to help others. Life is never easy but isn’t it beautiful if everyone help a little, love a little more, give a little of what you have or share when u can. I wished Louise all the best and the students that he helped appreciate what they got and continue to help others need help.
Louis Tse shows us an example of how we should look around us and create something for others that is needed and that helps them. He gave up his own appartment to live in his car when he discovered that many students had no place to stay while for studying at university.
When we open our eyes and see the situations of others, who are in need, we should ask ourselves: How can I help? What can I do to improve this situation. Louis and his friends show us a really good example on how to go beyond our confort zone and do something that changes others life.
Skid Row is an example of how many people are homeless in the US (5000 to 8000 people in Skid Row). I did not know about Skid Row before reading this article, but I will find out more about it.
This is a documentary that should be shown to teenagers to inspire them to see what is going on around them and how they can help to improve it for the better.
How wonderful would it be, if every one of us on Earth could give a little bit more of caring, consideration, effort and time to all the problem on Earth.. all the problem could have just resolved and everyone one on Earth could just live in peace and harmony. At the end of the day, everyone of us is the main cause of every single problem on Earth, without human being, it would be a better place to live on.
The selfishness and greediness of human kind are the sharpest weapons and they are killing everyone including the one who holds them. I wish people could put down their weapons and be grateful of we have earned from the Earth.
At the age of 27, Louis Tse is truly compassionate and selfless. He sacrifice his own comfortable and convenience and bring benefits to those who are less fortunate. Due to different culture, we know that many families in the western countries would send their children to college and just pay for their children tuition fee, then the children have to think of their own way to find income for the rest like accommodation and expenses. This could be one of the reasons that lead to students homelessness. Not everybody can do what Louis does. To step out of his own comfort zone, and to work more and harder to benefit others. This is really a Bodhisattva doing.
Homelessness occurs in every country. Although every country deal with homelessness with different method, but one thing in common, whether it’s in L.A or Malaysia, it’s nobody become homeless by choice. And, the number of homeless is increasing every year. Giving the clients one pack of hot food per day can’t feed their hungry stomach in 24 hours a day. But through giving them this set of food, it break the ice and building the bridge in between us and the client. We also know that what usually clients told us is like an iceberg, they only expose 20% of the truth. So, by slowly building up trust, we know where we can help the client in a specific way. Our ultimate goal is to get clients of the street. Get them to a shelter, and some we help them to get their feet back into the society. It’s not an easy task to do, may Kechara Soup Kitchen able to help as many homeless as possible to get off the street. ???
Louis Tse could have just moved on from his unfortunate past of being a homeless student and move onto becoming successful for the rest of his life. He did not just do that but he decided to sell off his house and use the money to set up a new shelter for the very people who suffered the same path like him. Homelessness is a worrying sign in the United States and something drastic had to definitely be done to address this global issue. I liken Louis Tse as same as our very own founder, H.E. The 25th Tsem Rinpoche who was a homeless before in America for 2 weeks and would later on do “something” for the homeless when His Eminence was better by creating Kechara Soup Kitchen which have already benefitting so so many people who is in need.
Quality like Louis is very rare nowadays, he is just beyond being kind, giving up his money for rental and stay in the car to create shelter to the students, at the age of 27, it is suppose to be the age who is either focus fully in building his career or going out to enjoy with friends, but he is holding up the responsibilities to take care of the students welfare so that they can concentrate in studying without hassles.
Reading this reminded me of how Kechara Soup Kitchen started in Malaysia, Rinpoche has sleep on the street before, he understand the difficulties and pain for sleeping in the streets, hence, when he has the abilities and support, he created a Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) to take care of the homeless in Malaysia so that at least they have a full stomach before going to sleep, and the aim of KSK is to bring the homeless off the street.
“Hunger knows no barriers”, this is the slogan of KSK, meaning that no matter what race you are, what gender, religion, age you are, an empty stomach is an empty stomach, there is no difference. Hunger knows no barriers also means no matter what background you have, what is their history, what have they done, or what story they have, KSK will still feed them, because everyone deserve a chance to change, and before able to change, they need to sustain, so KSK is there to feed them and to help them to start a new life.
Thank you Louis for the selfless contributions that benefited so many people, story like Louis Tse really will inspire many people, this is 1 great article that we should share with others always.
This young man is selfless and compassionate, not many people will do what he’s doing. His story and the rest of the homeless people in this video is the stark truth, homelessness is a problem not only in USA but all over the world.
Tonight in Kechara Forest Retreat, we had the team from Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) present in our blog discussion and they shared many interesting facts and stories of homelessness in Malaysia. KSK not only serve food but also provide other services to the homeless like medical aid and medicine by volunteer doctors, haircut, hand-me-down, eye glasses, applying for lost document replacement, job placement, reconnecting homeless people to their family, distributing
surplus food (in collaboration with Tesco Malaysia) to poor families. Hundreds of homeless people and the poor in Malaysia are benefitting from the services provided by KSK every month to the less fortunate society, all thanks to the generosity, love and compassion of the founder, His Eminence The 25th Tsem Rinpoche of Kechara.
It’s touching when you see such kind people show much concern and compassion to others. I do admired selfless heart like Louis Tze where he put all his afford and contribution to help others despite of himself. His motivation gain much respect and bring alot sense of security to others fellow students in the university. A man with big heart of compassion that set best example to the community.
What an inspiring young man that willing to sacrifice his own comfort to provide shelter for the students. Louis Tse just like any other student in UCLA but his compassion heart make him take extra miles beside just being sorry but to make a change for these unfortunate students to have a place to stay.
A true selfless person doesn’t give up easily. He’s concurrently doing his PHD and at the same time working very hard to materialise the shelter project for the students. A great example of a big heart young man that show us with great determination to serve others is worth it when you see the result is benefiting others. In this case for Louis and Luke the most happiest thing is to see those students that stay in the shelter able to graduate from their course.
Louis Tse really inspired me a lot? 27 years old who’s quit his job ( working in NASA’s Jet Propulsion laboratory ). And help the homeless in LA. Same as many people who work full time in Kechara. Ours life not just eat, sleep, work, fun and waiting for the time of death coming. Ours life should be more meaningful. To benefit others, help others out of suffering situations.
Ps : We don’t know when the time of death coming and why don’t we make ours life more meaningful to benefit others?
Such amazing people! To be able to sacrifice to give others so that others can be comfortable and ‘happier’. I cannot imagine giving up a comfortable home for the sake of others, yet. But this inspiring story taught me how we can learn to become a ‘better’ person everyday through inspiring stories. Some may take a small step in the beginning but well, it is better than nothing.
For Louis and Luke to take such big steps show how kind and thoughtful they are. So young yet so thoughtful, for others.
And those on Skid Row are really pitiful. Not only they are homeless, they get into problems eg.drugs and they fall deeper into not being able to help themselves. The interviewer did a great documentary for many to see and share with other people. Things that many other do not prefer to see. Thank you!
Dear friends,
This meme is powerful. Who you hang around with and the types of attitude they have is who you will be influenced by many times and who you will become in the future. Look at your friends and the people that always surround you to know who you will become.
Tsem Rinpoche
What makes a person extra special and rare is the compassion. Louis Tse is just a regular post graduate student pursuing his studies in the hopes of getting a well career. However, being compassionate, he chose to be homeless and used his rent money to help homeless students get shelter.
Many people can only feel bad and empathize. But Louis’ compassion compelled him to make a difference in his peers’ lives regardless of his own wellbeing. This level of selflessness is always awe-inspiring because it resonates in us that we do have the potential to do the same; to be selfless.
What Rinpoche wrote is true. If we expose the younger generation to these inspiring stories and even get them to volunteer consistently, they will grow up being familiar with an environment of giving. Then being selfless doesn’t become so far fetched.
A very inspiring story of Louis Tse, a UCLA student who started up a homeless shelter for students in LA. Nowadays, smartphones, PCs, have become the necessities in our lives and we get so fixated on all these tech gadgets till we are so isolated from one another. We gradually forget about paying attention to our surroundings, forget about connecting and interacting, and let alone caring for others.
It’s so amazing that Louis could sacrifice himself and initiate the help for students who are homeless. He understands how tormenting it’s for students who can’t afford the high rental as they have to save for tuition fees. He empathized their suffering and took the effort to start the shelter, and raise fund for it. Louis has really set an extraordinary example for the younger generation not only to lend a helping hand, but had demonstrated how to plan and convert the help into a long term project to benefit more people. His great heart and passion in reaching out to others not only fulfill his own purpose but also enrich the lives of many others.
I thank Louise Tse and his partner Luke Shaw for being so thoughful and compassionate. They are putting others first before themselves even though Louis himself did experience homelessness and living in a car. This is really a true Bodhisattva. Sometime when we come to think of it, what harm can it do to us to suffer and sacrifice a bit for the benefit of others. Students become homeless because they have no money to pay for rental. But if just because of this reason they quit school and work then it is sad and wasted. By helping them to go through this hard times they might come back to help others who are also in the same situation. Their schools should put in some effort to help their students too. As for authorities, they should help to keep the place or area from any fights or harm. Louis and Luke’s idea is trully inspiring. I hope their shelter will get the funds and help that they need to keep it running for the homeless students.
With folded palms,
Very impressed with Louise and his friends, who troubles themselves so they can help others.
It is quite shocking to me to see there are so many homeless in USA. Some of them are already homeless even in their university time.
Thank you people like Louis and Lisa who tirelessly work hard for the benefit of others. It remind me of H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche who founded Kechara Soup Kitchen in Malaysia.
We will definitely go through life with lots of ups and downs. When we are down, we should not be afraid to ask for help, and when we are in our ups, we should also not forget to contribute back to the society.
Louis is very kind and compassion. He let go of his comfort place to be a homeless so that he can help other homeless too. Louis has showed us that not only rich people can help others, even a homeless can help others homeless too and he is very successful in doing it.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this story. May Louis’s story inspire more people to be able to let go of their attachments and be able to benefit others.
Wonderful and inspiring story of this selfless young man ..Louis Tse, age 27. So much of compassion of a kind sole giving up his comfortable home to those homeless.Its incredible…he then stayed in a car and work his way up to finished his studies and now working for NASA. With his friend Shaw they founded the student-run shelter which benefited those student whom are homelessnes.due to the high coast of living. He understand the students well as they are facing a variety of life circumstances and he wanted to help them.
Hope there will be more people be inspired by Louis and Shaw ‘s account to help those students.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such an inspiring post.
Someone like Louis Tse acts out of a conscience and kindness that seems to come naturally. If we find this amazing, then it only shows how much we, as part of our own larger community, have become desensitised to the sufferings of others, and how the notion of giving of ourselves to benefit others has become alien to most of us.
Not taking anything away from this noble human being, Louis Tse is catching the world’s attention because of his kindness not because of the doctorate in Engineering. This reminds me very much of Tsem Rinpoche’s constant reminder, which is, when we are no longer, it is the work that arose out of our compassion and Dharma practice that will remain. Everything else will be forgotten soon enough.
I am very proud that in Kechara we have our own people like Louis Tse who have given up brilliant and lucrative careers to serve the Dharma; people who daily breathe in the pains of others and breathe out solutions and enlivening breaths. Dharma as taught by our Guru and has a way of changing our perspectives and making something special out of ordinary lives. The question is whether we will follow and abide by what we already know to be right.
Louis Tse did not wait and delay his great work until he graduates, or stabilise his career or achieve financial ‘security’ before he used his life to help others. He just did it and that’s the most inspiring part of this story.
“Suffering for others”. Louis Tse gave up his apartment to be homeless, living in his car, in order that he could use the rent money to have a “home” for others. This is so selfless and generous beyond imagination.
Yet he could concentrate and graduate as a PHD. And now looking into expanding his Bruin Shelter to a bigger scale. From a small step to start a big goal.
This reminds me of the early days when HE 25th Tsem Rinpoche started Kechara Soup Kitchen. With a few students and not much money, Rinpoche would buy packets of food to distribute and create a relationship with the homeless in Kuala Lumpur.
With perseverance and determination to serve many homeless in Kuala Lumpur, KSK has now expanded to Johore, Penang and Perak. It is Rinpoche’s vision of compassion for all sentient beings that KSK is now able to serve so many.
Your Eminence,
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful work of a young man who have the opportunity to excel in his career but chose to use whatever resources that he has to help others – in this case homeless college/ university students.
When I was in the US back in the late 80’s, the concept of homeless or home insecurity didn’t exist, or perhaps it did (I was in Oregon at that time), but perhaps the numbers were so small that it didn’t catch anyone’s attention. The most active organization where I studied was a local church that ran a free lunch kitchen catering exclusively for foreign students ( I also went there for lunch at times, LOL).
I am very surprised and shocked the statistics published on the homeless college students just within a small section of the entire United States. I am sure that if a national census were conducted, the total homeless college students will be rather staggering and would trigger a policy decision from the Trump administration.
This sharing highlights another important point in our Dharma journey. For able bodied people like us who most probably have sufficient resources to take care of ourselves and our family, there are others who are out on the street who would be worried sick of their next meal and how are they going to get the money to buy a decent next meal to keep themselves and their families going.
May the Three Jewels protect Louis and Luke and through sharing their work, may it inspire others to create similar help programs for the pure benefit of others so eventually, our world becomes a better place to live in harmony and love for one another.
Thank you
Lum Kok Luen