Neerja Bhanot – A Selfless Heroine
Senior flight attendant Neerja was among the 380 passengers and crew aboard. 360 of them lived to tell the world of her calm courage and supreme sacrifice. The terrorists could have done anything to her, but Neerja, daughter of a Mumbai journalist Harish Bhanot, showed no fear.
Even as she was dying, she was saving lives.
– Remembering Neerja Bhanot and Pan Am Flight 73 to New York by Raja Murthy, Asia Times News and Features, India.
You may not know the name Neerja Bhanot but she is one of India’s most famous citizens. She was just 22 years old when she was killed while saving 379 passengers and crew from the hijacking of Pan Am Flight 73. Posthumously, she became the youngest recipient of India’s highest peacetime military award for bravery, the Ashok Chakra.
Ms Neerja was born on September 7, 1963 in Chandigarh, India. According to her father, the journalist Harish Bhanot, “Neerja was a very sensitive, deeply affectionate and an extremely decent person who believed in sharing with her people all her joys but not the jolts. She had well defined principles and there was little room for compromise in that area.” At the time of her death, she was a senior flight purser for Pan Am Airlines and based in Mumbai, India.
The Hijack
On September 5, 1986, four terrorists boarded her America-bound flight which was departing from Karachi, Pakistan and they took over the plane. After the terrorists boarded the plane, Neerja alerted the cockpit crew. Because the plane was still on the tarmac, the three-member American cockpit crew (pilot, co-pilot and flight engineer) evacuated the aircraft through an overhead hatch in the cockpit, as per their training so that the aircraft could not be forcibly flown. Without the cockpit crew, the plane was effectively grounded. At this point, Neerja became the most senior cabin crew member remaining aboard so she took charge.
She hid the passports of 41 American citizens so they could not be distinguished from non-Americans and be made into targets. She hid some of the passports under seats, and the rest she disposed of down the rubbish chute. After 17 hours of negotiations, the hijackers opened fire on passengers and set off explosives, at which point Ms Neerja opened an emergency exit to let the passengers out. Although she could have been the first to jump out when she opened the door, she decided not to and sent all of the passengers first. She was fatally shot while using her own body to shield a group of three children while getting them off the plane. One of the children grew up to become an airline pilot inspired by her. He said everyday he is alive is because of her. You can hear the last recording of her voice below.
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A biopic has just been released about this brave young girl, starring Ms Sonam Kapoor. It has received positive reviews and I encourage everyone to go and watch it. One of the reasons I enjoy reading biographies of successful people and selfless people is because I like to see how they think. There is something in the way that they have been raised and the way that they think that has led them to be successful, so when I read about them I can observe and learn these traits too. So although I am very sad about the death of this brave young woman, I find it inspiring that she put others before herself, to the point she was able to sacrifice even her own life. Ms Neerja could have easily saved herself and let everyone else suffer, but she selflessly did not. She stood her ground and was responsible to her duties even in the face of certain death. She chose compassion over cowardice and for that reason saved 379 lives. Incredible.
Most of us will never find ourselves in a high-pressure situation, facing life or death the way Neerja did. We might never know what Neerja was thinking or feeling during those terrible hours of the hijacking, but we do know that she chose to respond to a terrifying situation with exceptional grace, courage, and grit. Her mother said according to the astrologist when she was born, he said she will become a light of the world.
I like to bring you stories of unselfish, kind and compassionate people whose deeds live on forever in our hearts.
Tsem Rinpoche
Neerja’s Life: A Brief Biography (1963 – 1986)
Neerja Bhanot was born on September 7, 1963 in Chandigarh, India. Her father was Harish Bhanot, a Mumbai based journalist and her mother was Rama Bhanot. She attended her early education at Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School. When her family moved to Mumbai, she continued her studies at Bombay Scottish School before graduating from St. Xavier’s College.
When she was living in Mumbai, she was spotted by a talent agent and later work as a model with a promising career. Many people remember her promoting various product brands, from toothpaste to baby food, in newspapers, magazines and television.
Throughout her modeling career, Neerja was the face of several brands in the 1980s, from Binaca to baby food. (Image: Courtesy of the Bhanot family)
Neerja was known as an independent young lady. Therefore, her decision to accept a marriage arranged by her father to a man based in Sharjah surprised many of her friends. She agreed to go along with the marriage because she respected her father. Unfortunately, her marriage was unhappy and short-lived. Her husband harassed her for her dowry and forced her to cut all ties with her family. In addition, her husband did not treat her very well. Several months after her marriage, she traveled to Mumbai to complete a modeling assignment. Neerja used this occasion to convey to her father her intention to end her marriage. Her family agreed and supported her decision.
In 1986, Neerja was a promising 22-year old beautiful woman with a promising modeling career. Although she was an independent young lady, she agreed to a marriage arranged by her father to a man based in Sharjah. (Image: Courtesy of the Bhanot family)
After her marriage ended, Neerja applied for a position as a flight attendant with Pan Am Airlines. At the time, Pan Am liked to hire Indian crew to cater to its Asian clientele. She was among the top 80 candidates selected for the job and was sent to Miami, USA, to receive her training as a flight attendant. Within a year of flying with Pan Am, Neerja was promoted as a Head Purser – the Senior Most Cabin Manager.
She continued to work at Pan Am Airlines until that fateful day on September 5, 1986, when Pan Am flight 73 was high jacked by members of the Abu Nidal terrorist group. When the cock-pit crew escaped the aircraft according to protocol during a hostage situation, Neerja as the most senior member of the cabin crew took charge of the dire situation. She hid the passports of American citizens, effectively protecting their identity from the terrorists. Throughout the harrowing ordeal, survivors recall her kindness and calm courage which provided passengers and crew with strength against their fear. After 17 long hours, the terrorists began to open fire on the passengers and set off explosives. Neerja fearlessly opened an emergency exit, to let the passengers and her fellow crew out to safety. She put the lives of others before her own. She was fatally shot by the terrorists while sending a group of three children off the plane before her.
Not long after her marriage ended, Neerja obtained a job in Pan Am. At the time, Pan Am had decided to have an all-India crew to cater to its Asian clientele. (Image: Courtesy of the Bhanot family)
Rather than anguish over the memory of her death, both Neerja’s family and the surviors focus on the person she was, how she acted, and how kind and loving she was. This is how Neerja was in life and how she should be remembered, a testament to her true heroic spirit.
Neerja’s brother Anish however refuses to let memories of Neerja’s death haunt him. Instead he remembers his 23 year old sister for the lively person that she was. He recalls, “I was 30 when this incident happened but I don’t like to recall it or even think about it. I remember her as the fun-loving, a complete music freak and a joyful person. She had an uncontrollable laugh. This incident was an exception in her life. Her life was not like that. Her life was fun-loving and great,” he says as he chokes up.
A Father Reminisces
Neerja’s father, Harish Bhanot, a journalist by profession has written a moving tribute to Neerja. This was first published in The Hindustan Times on October 5, 1986, shortly after Neerja’s death.
Neerja, the vivacious and valiant senior flight purser of Pan Am was felled by hijackers bullets during the Pan Am holdup at Karachi airport on September 5 1986 – barely 25 hours before her birthday. A year ago, she had written to me, “I will do you proud” and the brave girl has kept her word.
Of late, Neerja was doing a lot of modelling. She had returned from Frankfurt on Tuesday (September 2) morning. She spent all of Wednesday shooting. On Thursday, she had yet another prestigious assignment. She reported for shooting at 9 a.m. and returned home only around 8 p.m. The hard day did not tell on her, she bounced about saying that she had the “most satisfying shooting day ever with Director Ayesha Sayani”, whom she described as a highly talented professional. She had a light dinner and went to sleep after telling her mother to wake her up 90 minutes before the pick-up call from Pan Am. Her mother was keen that she should telephone Pan Am to get excused because she had a hard day. But a highly duty conscious Neerja did not oblige her mother.
Pan Am informed that the pickup time will be 1.15 a.m. (Sept 5). Her mother had to knock the door really hard to wake up Neerja. She had the usual cold bath. While she was getting ready, we talked. I asked her, how many friends had she invited to her birthday on Sept. 7. She replied, “None” because she would be returning only on Sunday morning. She wished the birthday party to be just a family affair.
I learnt of the Pan Am plane hijacking at Karachi, at a press conference. I felt uneasy. As I reached my own office, I had a telephone call from Mr. Irfan Khan of Hindustan Lever. He advised me to be with him, mainly because his office had better facilities to get the latest information from Karachi.
What happened at Karachi airport? As the terrorists rushed up the letter to “capture” the aircraft, Neerja dashed to inform the captain in the cockpit. A terrorist, however, caught her by her handy ponytail but she was able to shout the “hijack code”. Another flight attendant who got her code conveyed it to the cockpit.
Obviously, the cabin crew, including the two pursers, did not know the action the cockpit crew takes on hearing the hijack code. It is now known that the 3 member cockpit crew – pilot, co-pilot and flight engineer – slipped away, leaving the aircraft, 400 passengers and the 13 member cabin-crew at the mercy of an emotionally surcharged 4 member team of burly terrorists. Since Neerja was the cabin-crew leader, she took over the “command”, as soon as she found that the three seniors (cockpit crew) had deserted them.
Neerja’s notes say that she had to follow up the hijacking warning with 6 steps. In the Karachi situation, she was required to “communicate” with the hijackers. Her smiles, even in deep distress, won a response. She looked after the passengers, within permissible limits. Her smiles were taken as an assurance by the passengers and crew members that the worst was over.
The power generator was running out of fuel and voltage was falling. Then “something” happened. Neerja was standing close to the leader of the terrorists. The light had become very dim. Suddenly, guns began vomiting fire within the aircraft. Neerja jumped to the emergency exit and threw it open.
According to Mrs. Malti Krishnaswamy and other eyewitnesses, Neerja was caught by the leader of the terrorists and shot point blank. In the dead body I saw bullets had hit her in the abdomen, on the shoulder near the neck and in the arm. When she opened the emergency exit, she could have herself been the first to slide down the chute. But she was the “captain”, who believed that she had to be the last person to quit – alive or dead.
The terrorists guns became silent only after spitting out the last bullet. The cabin crew got together on the tarmac and found the “leader” missing. Two crew members ran back to the aircraft to find a profusely bleeding Neerja at her post of duty. The shock of being hit by bullets did not stop her heart-beat. She had been bleeding, from at Least two bullet wounds, for nearly 15 minutes. But she was in her full senses and told her 2 colleagues to take care of her bullet-hit arm. With a little assistance, she slid down the chute to be received at the other end by another member of the crew. She was helped to walk to the ambulance. But she became a martyr before any medical assistance could help her to survive.
In the normal course of events, Neerja would have been back in Bombay on Sunday, September 7, her birthday. But instead of that we collected her coffin from the airport. She, who died so that others could live, was cremated the following day at 11 a.m. amidst chanting of her favourite mantras as we said “Goodbye darling, please keep coming.” The young model has set a model for her class the world over.
Neerja was a fruit of our long prayers for a daughter. We had two sons and were longing for a daughter. It was Sept. 7, 1962 at Chandigarh – where I was posted at that time. The maternity ward matron rang up to inform me that we had been blessed with a baby-girl. I was very happy to hear this and gave her a “double thanks”. She thought I had got her wrong and so she repeated “It is a daughter”. I explained to her the daughter had already 2 brothers and that is why it was an occasion for “double thanks”. Neerja was a “no problem” child, right from day one. She was a “no nonsense” girl right from the start. She went to Sacred Heart School (Chandigarh). Her family name was “Lado” and I do not think I had called her Neerja more than a score of times in her 23 years.
We came to Bombay in March 1974. She was a student of sixth standard. I took her to Bombay Scottish High School for admission. Everybody had told me that admission would be impossible. But one look at her and that great principal gave a lie to canards that entry into the school was linked with the size of “donation”.
Neerja was a very sensitive, deeply affectionate and an extremely decent person who believed in sharing with her people all her joys but not the jolts. She had well defined principles and there was little room for compromise in that area. Of the 23 years of her life, she had lived 22 years and 10 months under bracing sunshine. The two month long ugly patch was a dowry cloud. Following her ad-based arranged marriage in March 1985, she had gone to the Gulf to join her husband to set up a happy home. But the marriage went sour within two months. She was starved off finance and food in a foreign land and the bright girl lost five kg of weight in two months. She had to borrow money from the husband even to make a telephone call.
Before the marriage, it was made clear that it would be a dowry less marriage. But when she reached the “ordained home” she was told that even a “very poor man gives something to his daughter in marriage”. She came back to Bombay to honour a modelling contract. An ugly letter followed, listing terms for her return, which no person with self-respect could accept. The letter listed a straight formula: accept the humiliating terms without a whimper and return at your own cost or “we will separate”. The worst was that the letter asked her as to what was she? “You are just a graduate”. The young girl could not pocket this. She applied for a flight attendant’s job with Pam Am. There were nearly 10,000 applications but Neerja Harish easily found place among the top 80. Some of her close friends in Pan Am knew of her marriage mishap. They say that Neerja had been clearly stating that if one day something happened to her, please see that even “his” shadow did not fall on her dead body. The girl with sinews of steel accepted the challenge “what are you” and has told “what she was”.
The Pan Am job was a great success from day one. She went to Miami for training as a flight attendant but she returned home as a Purser. Nothing can, possibly, state her Pan Am stature better than a letter received from her instructor (at Miami), Mr. Keith D. Smith saying: “The courageous manner in which she lived was very evident in the courageous manner in which she died. Shielding 3 small children from danger was a bold, daring and brave act that so dignified Neerja’s personality. She was a wonderful human being. All those who were concerned with her Miami training, including the ‘local mother’, have expressed similar assessment of Neerja.”
From the Survivors
Below are what some survivors said about the incident:
“I still remember, exactly after 17 hours of them hijacking the flight, the fuel ran out. Due to this, the generator of the plane went off, leading to darkness. After the lights went off, the terrorists panicked and started firing aggressively at us. They also started throwing grenades. I saw many people die in front of my eyes…”
– Nayan Pancholi, a survivor of the hijacking of Flight 73.
“I was going to jump out but she (Neerja) said it was a wing exit and it would be too long a fall for me. She directed me to the rear exit and I got out. She was fantastic, the only real hero in the incident.
I still can’t believe she did that. If they had found that out, they would have killed her immediately, I’m sure.
The flight attendant smiled throughout the incident despite the fear surrounding her. Her calm courage irritated the hijackers, and they often pointed guns at her. But she smilingly went about serving sandwiches and coffee to passengers and whispering comforting words.
– Sekhar Mitra, an Asian-American, in an interview with Cinncinati Enquirer
“The undaunted Neerja continuously remained on her feet serving coffee, sandwiches and provided for every need of the entrapped passengers that was conceivable under the circumstances; at the same time, she would whisper comforting words in their ears.
My savior Neerja had the presence and the nerve to steal through the pandemonium of the screaming injured and dying men, women and children to make a dash for the emergency door. Though fragile, Neeraja, by sheer zest, it seems, single-handedly opened the chute.”
– Hussain, a survivor, in an interview with The Star
See more survivors talking about the incident in a recent News9 discussion:
Or view the video on the server at:
Awards and Tributes
Rama Bhanot, Neerja’s mother accepting the Ashoka Chakra on behalf of her daughter. The Ashoka Chakra is the highest peace time military award for courageous action or self-sacrifice away from the battlefield. Neerja was the youngest recipient to receive this award.
Neerja Bhanot was honoured by appearing on an Indian postal Stamp, together with the Ashoka Chakra medal, which she was posthumously awarded.
Neerja has been recognised with awards from multiple countries for her bravery:
- Ashoka Chakra, India (the youngest recipient of this award, which is the most prestigious gallantry award in India for bravery during peace time).
- Flight Safety Foundation Heroism Award, USA.
- Justice for Crimes Award, United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.
- Special Courage Award, United States Department of Justice.
- Ministry of Civil Aviation Award, India.
- Tamgha-e-Insaaniyat (awarded for showing incredible human kindness), Pakistan.
After her death, her parents set up a trust in her name, known as the Neerja Bhanot Pan Am Trust. The trust presents two awards every year:
- The first is named the Neerja Bhanot Award. It is awarded to an Indian woman who, when faced with social injustice such issues surrounding dowry or desertion, perseveres and then helps other women in similar social distress.
- The second is award honours a crew member of an airline, anywhere in the world, who acts beyond the call of duty.
Both awards include a sum of INR 150,000 (approximately US$2,200 / RM9,200), a trophy and a citation. Therefore, even after her death, her name continues to live on and inspire others in various acts of bravery.
Subhashini Vasanth (left) being awarded The Neerja Bhanot Award 2015 by Sonam Kapoor (right), who plays Neerja in the recent biopic. Subhashini Vasanth won the award for her work with the widows of soldiers killed in combat.
A life-size statue honouring Neerja Bhanot, sculpted by artist Surjeet Singh (right), in the Bathinda district of Pubjab, India.
Trailer for the movie ‘Neerja’
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Truly a selfless heroine indeed Neerja Bhanot an Indian senior flight attendant who died while saving 340 passengers on Pan Am Flight 73. The plane was hijacked by terrorists dressed as security guards during a stopover in Karachi, Pakistan. She died heroically helping cockpit crews escape in order to ground the plane so it could not be flown. Amazingly her quick action she hid passports of passengers so the hijackers could not determine passenger nationalities. She also managed to open the emergency door assisting a number of passengers to escape from the plane. But sadly as the hijackers opened fire on passengers and crew, Neerja Bhanot lost her life shielding the three children from bullets. Her bravery, courage and noble qualities , she was awarded awards for her selfless act and a film entitled “Neerja” was released, portraying her herioc life. A trust fund was set up in memory of this amazing woman. Even till today the Neerja Bhanot Pan Am Trust fund continues to do great work.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring story of a selfless heroine.
Neerja Bhanot an Indian flight attendant was truly a selfless heroine. As the head purser for the airline she had saved passengers on the fateful flight Pan Am Flight 73. The plane had been hijacked by terrorists during a stopover in Karachi, Pakistan. There were 380 passengers and 13 crew on board the aircraft. All but 22 survived, and much of the credit goes to Neerja quick action, who died near the end of the standoff. She was brave and selfless, died heroically remembered by many till today. She received India’s highest civilian award and a special courage award by the US Department for her bravery. Her bravery were then made into a film entitled “Neerja” was released, portraying her heroic life. Interesting read.
Thank you for this sharing.
An extremely inspiring story, Neerja battle her life, her braveness is extraordinary and proven to be pure and sincere. Her actions and thoughts are amazing, her dramatic protection aren’t imaginable.
A great woman, a great role model for the industries and her braveness will be a lesson for many women in the world. Besides reading this article, I even watched the brave woman
through action movie in Hindi. Very interesting, scary, violence and touching, but Neerja handled and tackled smartly.
Hope her soul will rest in peace. Namaste India for the everlasting award given
Neerja Bhanot was a model and senior purser for the Pan American World Airways who was killed from heavily armed terrorists while saving passengers on board the hijacked Pan Am Flight 73. She was killed while shielding three children from the terrorists. She was one brave and inspiring lady who displayed great presence of mind in alerting the cockpit crew who managed to escape. If not for that more people would be killed . For her courage and bravery she was posthumously awarded India’s highest peacetime military award and from multiple countries. Despite her death many people still remembered her as one brave heroine and inspired many people.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this brave and inspiring lady.
Neerja is truly an inspriring woman to respect and proud of. A selfless person who is able to sacrifice herself to save so many lives. Really Salute!This reflects the level of her compassionate mind like a modern day Tara the Savioress. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such inspiring stories like this with us.
This story makes one proud to be part of the human race, the part of humanity that inspires others to shine and to be the best one can be in the face of adversity. This is the second time I have read her story the second article has a lot of information to it and illuminates the kind of the courage and person she was to others in times of great danger.
India and the rest of the world, has had many unfortunate incidents that involving women, and I hope her story will make men in general, feel inspired by this young lady who put others above herself. She was and is a modern day Tara the Savioress.
Its always so nice to read stories like this. Stories about amazing people doing amazing things. Helping others, making lives better. And in this case, saving lives. Neerja Bhanot will forever be in my mind and one to be followed. One to be taken as an example and one to be looked up upon. She gave her life for others. There is nothing more you could give to anyone.
However, despite all her heroic and intelligent actions as stated in this article, such as hiding the American passports, there was one thing that stood out for me. When she protected those 3 children and paid the price for it. She shielded those children from then gunman and saved their lives. This to me was the turning point which made her such an icon to remember.
It’s a nice story, which is also very sad ! She was so young and she did safe the live of so many people, instead of saving her own life. Very inspiring !
This is truly inspiring. Ms. Neerja put others before herself to the extent that it cost her her own life. Under such a crisis situation, she acted with calm and fortitude, not losing sight of her commitment to her job and the people under her care. She was entirely at their service and took responsibility even for their lives. This reflects the level of her compassionate mind.
It is not often that we encounter people who would have the courage to step in where there is trouble. More so when it meant risking your own life. Yet, we see Neerja selflessly putting herself on the line to save others from possible death in the face of danger. With her calmness, courage and wisdom, she not only managed to outwit the terrorists enough to be able to result in many passengers surviving the ordeal, she also became the source of hope and comfort to many the passengers during that difficult time. Even to the very end, she was focussed on the welfare of others and gave up her life to protect a group of 3 children by using her own body to shield a group of three children while getting them off the plane. Her exemplary kindness, selflessness and compassion shines through. Despite her tragic end, Neerja continues to be an inspiration and will be always be revered as an example of how to live. Thank you for sharing the story of such an incredible person.
Neerja is selfless, she puts others as her priorities and ensuring all passenger is safe. She is courages, smart, and calm in the dangerous situation, she never ran or hide for the attackeer, instead she brave the situation and help all 200 pasangers to safety.
Not easy for a person to deal with such situation, but Neerja she keep calm and very clear of what she need to do to ensure the passanger are safe.
It is really amazing how one lady can save over 300 lives. Although plagued by a sour marriage Neerja did not allow that to affect her life. Instead Neerja decided to prove her worth by applying for a job at Pan Am.
Even though Neerja was in the very presence of heavily armed terrorist, she was still smiling, that just shows that even thought there may be some people promoting fear she still does her best to give the passengers some comfort and assurance that they will somehow get out of the plane safely. Neerja was the very cabin crew who opened the exit door, even though she opened the door she did not exit first. She assisted everyone out and before she even got out she was fatally shot as she shielded several children’s from death.
Neerja deserves a spot in history for her heroic life saving deed which brought the end of her life.
对比今日社会所报道的谋杀,抢劫,吸毒等等负面报道,Neerja 这篇报道才是最值得公开于当今社会学习的借镜。
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing Neerja’s story.
The young, pretty and brave lady willing to sacrifice her life to save others inspired me deeply. May Neerja’s story continue inspire and bring more love to people.
Humbly with hand folded,
Ng Jesvin
She is a real heroine and make her family proud. Her selfless touches everyone hearts. Imagine what she has gone through during the terrifying moment but she remains clam and saved so many lives. She will remembered and loved!
Imagine when we are in great fear on that situation, most people will save themselves first before saving others but she did the other way round. She sacrificed herself to responsible on her task and profession. How amazing! She is an angel to the survival…..
With today’s world news dominated with bad news of war, political crisis, terrorist threats, etc., this article on the selflessness of Neerja Bhanot is such an inspiration and offers the true nature of compassion. She is truly beautiful and has a generous heart to match. At the point of sacrificing her life, she willingly put herself in front of gunfire to protect the 3 children. It shows how habitually she had put others ahead of herself to be able to do this, especially in times of great fear where usually self preservation would have kicked in.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this beautiful shining example of selflessness which shows what everyone’s potential could be. If everyone was to practice more giving of the self, then there would be more peace and care in this world.
The courage Neerja shown is spontaneous without a sign of hesitation which obviously arise from compassion and selflessness. She is an inspiration, to say the least. Neerja showed us our life is worthless when we focus solely on ourselves.
Our life is insignificant as compared to many others we have responsibilities to take care and guard. When we know more, we are in the position to help, guide and protect just like a senior to junior, a mother to her child. This kind of action reflects the level of our maturity and care.
I wish many will be inspired by Neerja and allow our similar qualities to shine for the benefit of others.
The story of Neerja is beautiful and inspiring. She is so young when she saved the 200 plus passengers with her calmness, courage and wisdom; and sacrificed herself to save others in the end. How many of us can do when she did when we facing the moment of life and death, or in the dire situation like that. She must be a very kind, selfless and compassion soul to do so.
From the trailer of movie it shows she got frightened when facing the terrorists, I guess she did have fear, but she choose not to let fear rules her and stand up to what is right and what should be done at that crucial moments.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank You for sharing this inspiring lifestory of Neerja Bhanot. She was a loving and caring person during her life. She also respected her father very much and followed his wish to marry a man he had chosen.
Yet, after the marriage did not went well, she took on a job and did her job well and even gave her life for the people who were under her care.
She is respected for what she did and still after so many years is not forgotten but keeps being a good example for all of us.
Such a heroine, she sacrificed her own life to save the passengers on board, her bravery and kindness is not to be forgotten. Neerja was indeed a very beautiful lady, she was gorgeous inside and out, definitely an icon worthy of respect.
I hope that this incredible story of a selfless human being will continue to inspire people around the world to stand up for something, at least start trying to help those who are in need for example, the homeless. Buy them a meal and drink whenever you come upon one, be the one who transforms.
It’s no wonder Neerja’s story has continued to linger in the Indian people’s memories to this day. Beautiful outside and more importantly, inside, Neerja was able to overcome her own instincts for self-preservation to save the lives of hundreds of others.
Although the world seems to appreciate beauty, money, fame, etc these days, ultimately the people that humanity and history remembers are those who were able to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
What a beautiful and brave young woman. I hope all the ones she helped will always ,be thankful for what she did for them and that they will live their lives to the fullest…Bless her for she was those peoples guardian angel.. What an incredible act of self sacrifice, a true inspiration.
Incredible story. Although her life was brief, she lived it to the fullest and meaningfully, saving 379 lives with her bravery.
Some people might think, if they were in the same position as her, they would do the same. But it’s not as simple as that. On that day, Neerja was put in a situation where she choose to put other’s before herself.
On a smaller scale, where our lives are not at stake, we face with this similar situation on a daily basis. How many times in a day do we act selflessly in accordance with the best interest of another person instead of thinking about ourselves? A question I believe we should answer honestly.
Neerja is truly an incredible woman, and her story continues to inspire many
Neerja Bhanot is an inspiration to me because:
1. She put the life of others ahead of her own. She let other passengers escape first even though she could have easily escape on her own.
2. She treats everyone, regardless of race or gender equally even in the face of such gruesome danger.
3. She is witty in assessing the situation and acts with courage. It is very risky to hide the passports of the American passengers under the nose of armed terrorist.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article of a brave heroine.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Neerja is truly one of a kind hero that we so seldom see these days, and she is only 22 years old! How many 22 years old girls do we know who could care less about another and are into themselves?
Neerja is a true gem of a human. She reminds me of what a living walking Tara would be like. She is beautiful, intelligent, graceful and most importantly she in courageously kind and like what Rinpoche always says, kindness is always the key to one’s success. And she definitely is someone who succeeded in beating the terrorist by her simple act of courage and kindness; she rescued 379 passengers.
She could have just slipped away like the other 3 coward team mates, but she did not and she chose stay back to help these passengers who she does not even know! They are not even her family but to her they were precious human and made it her duty to help!
She is truly an incredible human being for sure. I just can’t wait to watch her movie on DVD… I hope it comes out soon!
This little account of Neerja is indeed inspiring for everyone to read. I could not but tear up as I read how courageous she was under such intense pressure that she could protect so many people.
I wondered how I would be under similar circumstances, would I have been so selfless and what this quality of selflessness would be under normal daily circumstances. What would that translate to if I were to be kind, compassionate and considerate of others on a daily basis. Nonetheless, I am truly awed and would like to watch the movie soon and be totally moved by here great deed for others. What an exceptional person!
What an amazing story of an ordinary girl who exercise a selfless courage at the end of her life and as a result save many lives.
In the course of reading this article, I am amazed that although almost 30 years have passed since the Pan Am 73 Hijacking incident, but those she saved at the critical juncture of their lives continue to remember her bravery because they are indebted to her. What I find inspiring is she viewed her life as less important than those of others.
May Neerja Bhanot’s story continue to shine and inspire others.
It is incredible for someone so young to show so much courage in the face of fear, and to act in the most of responsible and compassionate ways to save the lives of as many people as she could. The title of this article is very apt ‘A Selfless Heroine’! Her self-sacrifice really exemplifies what we would call the Boddhisatva motivation, to think of others before instead of thinking of oneself.
The survivors all agree that during the hijacking, she was their source of solace, took every means to keep them safe, even providing them with food in secret. This just goes to show that her actions were not spur of the moment, but who she really was as a person. A very inspiring person who we can all learn from.
She was just 22 years old when killed, saving 379 passengers and crew from the hijacking of Panam Flight 73, for which she posthumously received India’s highest peacetime Military award for bravery, The Ashoka Chakra. We are now in the most painful period in human history, a time when because of the vast increase in the destructive power of weapons, endless people have suffered and died by violence than ever before, many a times for nothing. In Neerja’s case, although everyone is very sad about the death and sacrifice of this brave young herione, she has greatly instilled deep inspiration and gratitude into all our minds. Yes, the merciful Neerja had the chance to save herself, but she preferred to chose “compassion” over cowardice instead, to save the 379 lives. In such high-pressurred situation, many will not be able to do what Neerja has done! In our Dharma practice, it is always said that if we let compassion and an altrustic attitude guide our lives like Neerja has done, we will be able to achieve great things! For Neerja’s selfless act of bravery and self sacrifice, may she be blessed with a swft and good rebirth. Om Mani Padme Hum.
She is considered a national heroine
WOW… this article is really intriguing! Very delighted to hear that there are such selfless people around us! These people like Neerja Bhanot herself is a very good learning example for us. A good role model for us to follow! Many of us, including myself, have always been putting ourselves in front of others instead of the other way round, the right way. So people like Neerja are those that really make us reflect upon ourselves – are we really doing things the right way? Here we are claiming that we are selfless and we are certainly not selfish, but are we really…?
We should definitely portray her as a role model we should all follow.
At Neerja’s birth her horoscope said she will be the light of the world according to her mother.
Beautiful lady, not only of the outer appearance, but more so is her soul. Kind, selfless, it is at testing times that one’s true nature surfaces, and Neerja is such an inspiration to millions of people. She stood up to terrorism, unfazed by intimidation, and the most admirable virtue is, she could sacrifice herself to protect others. How many people could so that? Most people in such situation would choose to save themselves first. Neerja embodies the quality of a Bodhisattva – compassion and selfless. I am sure Neerja has taken a very good rebirth, such meritorious could not have gone wasted. I am sure Neerja is back with us now, ready to love and protect sentient beings again.