New Zealand Officially Recognizes All Animals as Sentient Beings
2500 years ago, the Buddha revealed to us the six types of sentient beings present in samsara. They are graded in accordance with their quality of life in relations to the level of their suffering and their ability to engage in Dharma practice. Throughout the years, we have seen many of the truths supported and taught by the Buddha are slowly being discovered by science, such as the concept of reincarnation. In some cases, we see the Buddha’s teachings accepted in the form of morale conscience within a society, such as this amendment on New Zealand’s Animal Welfare Bill, recognizing all animals as sentient beings.
This change of status for animals in New Zealand is a great start to change people’s perception towards animals, which are generally viewed as inferior beings. If we look back into history, how many beings have been viewed and classified as inferior for exploitation, torture and entertainment?
Take for example the time when slavery was legal. How many people were treated like animals and traded like commodities, just because they were born into conditions that they had no control over? And how have things improved throughout the years since slavery was abolished? We can assume that such positive trend would apply similarly to the animals in New Zealand, now that they are recognized as sentient beings.
I am very happy to hear about this news and thought I’d share with everyone. Now that New Zealand has set an example, may many more leaders around the world follow in their footsteps, taking the initiative to improve the welfare of animals in their respective countries.
Tsem Rinpoche
New Zealand Has Officially Recognized ALL Animals As Sentient Beings – This Is HUGE
New Zealand has set an incredible precedent by legally ruling on what nature lovers already know to be true: that animals are sentient and have feelings in the same way that we do.
This marks an incredibly shift in public perception, where previously only some animals were given the benefit of protection.
The Animal Welfare Bill that passed last month will prosecute people in animal cruelty cases and ban animal research and testing. All hunting and capture of wild animals will be illegal.
“To say that animals are sentient is to state explicitly that they can experience both positive and negative emotions, including pain and distress,” said Dr Virginia Williams, chair of the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee. “The explicitness is what is new and marks another step along the animal welfare journey.”
“Expectations on animal welfare have been rapidly changing, and practices that were once commonplace for pets and farm stock are no longer acceptable or tolerated,” said Dr. Steve Merchant, president of the New Zealand Veterinary Association. “The bill brings legislation in line with our nation’s changing attitude on the status of animals in society.”
Hopefully the world will follow their lead!
For more interesting information:
- The Animals, Vegetarianism and Environment category on my blog
- A Beginning-less Universe?
- Earthlings
- Britain Should Stop Trying to Pretend That Its Empire Was Benevolent
- James Jameson – Disturbing
- New Animal Welfare Bill for 2015 Passed in Malaysia!
- I Love Animals!
- Animal Liberation
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This is such a wonderful news that New Zealand has made it illegal to use animals for research and test and to hunt wildlife animals. Anyone who is found abusing the animals will be prosecuted. The law is passed on the basis that the animals have negative and positive emotions just like the human being.
Similar to the human being, the animals don’t want to have pain and suffering, they want to be happy too. Have you seen how an animal screams and howls when they are sent to a slaughterhouse? Their eyes are filled with fear and they cry. When a baby calf is separated from its mother, the mother also cries. How the human being feels, they feel the same too.
It doesn’t make sense to think animals don’t have feelings and they are ‘created’ for human consumption. This is just an excuse to justify meat eating. We can survive on the plant-based diet, why do we have to inflict pain and suffering on the animals to satisfy our taste buds?
Watch this video to learn more about animal cruelty.
Three cheers to New Zealand for an unprecedented amendment in its Animal Welfare Bill recognizing all animals as sentient beings. This means recognising that animals, like humans, can experience both positive and negative emotions, even distress and pain. This Bill must surely change people’s perception towards animals to not view animals as inferior beings for exploitation, torture, abuse and entertainment.
The New Zealand Animal Welfare Bill will prosecute people in animal cruelty cases and ban animal research and testing. All hunting and capture of wild animals will be illegal. This is great news for animals in New Zealand.
As Charles Darwin says ” There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.”
The great Gandhi also has this to say:”The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.
May the rest of the world follow the lead of New Zealand . May all animals see a better life for themselves everywhere in the world as Man progresses in his thinking by becoming more humane.
It is a wonderful miral law.But I wonder the practice side of this law.Are New Zeland citizens transforming to vegetarians?What is the situation about animal farming for meat suply to humans
Hi Jarel -NZ is traditionally a farming/seafood eating nation – but I can say that now as many different cultures bring their food here and awareness around animal cruelty shifts that things are changing – though yes – there is still a large way to go though because so much of the economy is tied up in these industries! Many people can’t imagine how the land would be used if animals weren’t farmed on it.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. It is indeed a good news and wonderful that New Zealand start to recognize animals are sentient beings! In that case, there will be less lab testing using animals. Animals have feelings too. They feel scared, they will call for help, they will feel the pain, they are fear of death like many human beings. There have rebirth, there were humans too. Hopefully more and more countries follow what New Zealand did so that more and more animals will be saved and treated nicely. _/\_
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. This is indeed a good news for everyone especially the animals that were abusively hurt by scientist and killed by hunters. I think other countries should follow New Zealand’s foodsteps in preventing animals being killed.
With folded palms,
New Zealand just became one of my top countries for me, if I ever want to visit any country this would be one of them.
NZ being a country that relies on agriculture and animal farming, this is a significant step and forward towards animal rights and welfare.
Buddhism is said to be universal, not confined to any country or particular nation. If it be permitted to say so, it is, as described “Supernationalism”. As Buddhists around the world, we all have experienced and know sufferings and ways in which we can all find happiness. But, for such “horrific things happening to animals all for the sake of human tradition, cultural belief of simply for monetary gains,” as what Shakila Rajendra has explored, should not be allowed to be kept under the radar as said! As our great Gandi has said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Compassionate New Zealand has taken its great start and lead to change people’s perception and feelings towards animals, in discarding its veil of how the animals were viewed and classified, “as inferior for exploitation, torture and entertainment,” inclusive of being eaten up too! As Rinpoche said, “Just because they were born into conditions that they had no control, they were traded like commodities! Just as New Zealand has taken the lead in this great humane precedent to treat all animals as sentient beings which have the same feelings like we do, hopefully, the WORLD will follow this Lead! For the benefit of all beings, May beings everywhere who suffer torment in their minds and bodies have, by virtue, of merits, joy and happiness in boundless measures.” Om Mani Padme Hung.
It is a great news as well as surprising news for me to hear that New Zealand has officially recognized ALL animals as sentient beings. Many Buddhist countries in this world have yet to do it but New Zealand, a non-Buddhist country, is the first to announce this. A big thumb up to New Zealand!
May many more other countries, be it Buddhist or non Buddhist countries, will follow the foot steps of New Zealand, because to be kind to animal is not restricted to any religions. Just like what Gandhi said “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Being kind to animals is the trend now!
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for this great news.
The animals finally is recognize like human status in New Zealand. They even have laws to prohibit the animals from being harm.
How many industries in today’s world have cause animal to be hurt badly these days. Although animal do not talk in human language, they have their way of communication with us. They deserved the rights like us.
In Buddhism point of views, we could be rebirth as an animal next life. Do we want to end up to be tested in lab? To be in the circus and torture until we can entertain the guests. Do we want to be killed and serve on the plate just for a meal? It is really scary when these could be happened to us. Thus, stopping animal abuse, no more lab test is actually saving us from our future. Let’s support the New Zealand government’s wise decision.
Thank you Rinpoche
With folded hand,
I am very happy to read this news. I think this is a great move, it encourages many to respect animals, improve animal welfare and eat less meat. And other countries will slowly follow New Zealand’s step. I believe the world will be slowly changing to a world is good with more people become vegetarians. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this good news.
New Zealand is not a Buddhist country but able to view animals as sentient beings which able to feel pain is really an important move and as Rinpoche said will be bringing changes to countries other than New Zealand to follow suit, to view animals differently thus improving animals’ welfare. Even from scientific ways to view animals or as an advanced state that respect all, animals can easily viewed as sentient beings with feeling.
The passed of the animal welfare bill shows that New Zealand is an advanced society which treats animals as equal beings, not some commodities to be traded, to be tortued, to used in lab for testing or to provide entertainment for human. This is indeed a happy news.
This is a great step forward for animal lovers and animal rights. Gandhi was right about how our treatment of animals reflects on us as human beings and Buddha was definitely right about animals being sentient beings who are capable of feeling hurt and pain.
All countries should adopt this bill because it serves no one and no government to allow animal cruelty and torture to go unpunished. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The recognition of animals as sentient being in a legislation is indeed a huge milestone. Animals can undoubtedly feel pain and distress, and anyone who has ever been in close contact with them will know that they unique personalities and quirks.
But it appears that the protection afforded is not as wide as thought and unfortunately is not the case where “All hunting and capture of wild animals will be illegal.” There are clear exceptions in the act dictating that it is not unlawful to hunt or fish and even hunting and fishing done inside the country’s safari parks too is legal. (For those who are interest, the exceptions are in section 30B and 30C and available at
This is likely due to hunting is major economic input in New Zealand. In fact, the official tourism website for New Zealand even promote hunting as a tourism pursuit, marketing its European-introduced game species as an attraction to draw hunters.
That being said, the existence of such act do represent that significant progress that has taken place. Notwithstanding certain exceptions, with this act, there are more accountability imposed on owners or person in charge of animals towards the welfare of animals and more regulation in respect of conducts not permissible in relation animals (including process pertaining to use of animals in research, testing, and teaching). In addition, the establishment of a National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee and a National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee which primarily focus on the issue of codes of welfare including the development and approval of codes of ethical conduct also serves to give hope that more positive changes will be effected in time.
On the one hand, I’m really glad that New Zealand government recognizes animals as sentient. This is in accord with the Buddha’s teachings that animals are sentient beings as they are in one of the six realms. Though they are in the lower realms, they are still sentient. SO, there will be prosecution of those found to torture animals.
But, where does the sheep and cows and chickens and fishes i.e. farm animals destined for the dining table which are a major source of income for the country, come in? Are they are covered under the The Animal Welfare Bill? How humane will the slaughter of the animals be?
It will be interesting how they will resolve this seemingly divergent practice. Bur, there is always a hope that they may turn vegetarian yet.
It is good to see that New Zealand recognizes animals as Sentient Beings. All animals are just like us they feel pain,love,hate…. In fact they are just like us, the only thing that makes them different is the fact that they can’t voice out their problems. For us humans if we get abused or if someone gets killed the police will come and investigate and prosecute those that are guilty, for animals hundreds get murdered per day and yet no one bothers, in fact most of us don’t know that a being died for our Mcdonald’s.
Hopefully soon enough all the other countries will follow New Zealand’s footsteps to stop the mass murder of animals.
This is a long overdue development and a massive one as well.
Laws shape the thinking of the society it governs and when the shaping process is given enough time, then the thoughts it shapes become a norm, a habit and what opposes it, unnatural. And so, for me this is huge and bears witness to the progressive thinking of the people and government of New Zealand.
I would be very interested to see how this new Bill impacts on the livestock and meat industry of the country. I wonder how we can recognise animals to be as sentient as human beings are, and then proceed to regulate how they can be tortured, have pain inflicted upon them and then murdered. This is something the NZ will have to deal with but I am sure that having taking this giant leap, taking care of the details will be process.
Jerry Sito
The harmonious co-existence with animals was something fundamental and core within ancient traditions and customs as the human race was aware of its reliance on these beings for survival. Even the killing of animal for food was done with gratitude and respect. For example, in the veda records, it is scripted that before slaughtering an animal for its meat, the killer says to the animal that in this life I take your life, in the future, you will take my life. Mankind was clearly aware of this cycle of life.
It is through industrialization that the pace of life intensified and population growth caused a drastic imbalance in the correlation between demand and supply, which contributed to the inhuman treatment of animals. This resulted in many social ills from deterioration of physical health to environmental hazards to a loss of a human consciousness that is contributing to mental illness becoming the world’s number 2 killer (as reported by World Health Organization).
It is wonderful that conscious nations are making effort to reconnect us to our nature to live in harmony and sustainably with our environment.
Wow, this is really 1 of the greatest news to have in 2016, the animals can now be treated equally in New Zealand.
It is very true that animals feel, they feel scared, pain, sick, lonely, sad, etc, etc. All that we human feel, they have it too, so we also should treat them the same as human.
With New Zealand taking the lead, I hope more and more countries will also follow and give the fair treatment to animals.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such great news. Hope this great act taken by New Zealand will create the necessary awareness to the others.
It is really wonderful news to hear that New Zealand has officially recognized all animals as sentient beings. This is a really big step forward towards putting a stop to unnecessary abuse towards animals.
Animals are sentient beings who have feelings just like us, when we hurt them they will feel pain.
What I personally like and am happy about is with the passing of this Animal Welfare Bill, research, testing and experiments on animals are now banned.
This is a really positive step taken by New Zealand and hopefully more countries will follow suit!
“To say that animals are sentient is to state explicitly that they can experience both positive and negative emotions, including pain and distress,” said Dr Virginia Williams, chair of the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee of New Zealand.
It is wonderful and rejoicing news indeed that New Zealand officially recognizes all animals as sentient.May more countries show similar awareness of animals as equal in their rights to be protected from all harm and abuse. May they like New Zealand also recognize all animals as sentient beings.
ALL animals, as sentient beings, should not be threatened by any harm or abuse. They should not be used to satisfy human craving and should not continue to end up on dinner plates, after being horrendously slaughtered.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this good news, I hope that more country will enforce this laws to protect the animals who are being exploited for entertainment , commercial and as a household pets, the general people really needs law to stop them from doing such an cruelty act is has to be like how laws protect the human being if without all these laws that enforce then there will be more people commit all these crime that hurt human being.
This is indeed good news. Man has always hold his interests and gains over others. Morality is only between mans not others. New Zealandaers have taken the first positive step as human being to be much much responsible. They have done right this time to further improve the treatment of animals. Without such recognition animal lovers and rescurs are fighting an uphill battle to hold animal abusers accountable for their actions.
For the next question, if we cannot abuse animals therefore one must not even kill as well? As killing is taking life it would be prudent to say we don’t tolerate animal abuse but it is okay to kill for meat.
This is definitely a very good news 🙂
By recognising animals as sentient beings, it brings awareness to everyone that we should not abuse but instead respect their live. Animals life is precious too.
Hopefully more countries will follow suit.
This is very news for all the world too say that animals are sentient beings is to state explicitly that they can experience both positive and negative emotions, including pain and distress..New Zealand’s example every one must rejoice and do the same for their country..
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this amazing news. With NewZealand accepting animals as sentient beings, this opens up a good cause for the whole world to follow the path. With the government passing a bill that recognizes animal rights and their well being, it will educate people in the country to reconsider their views on animals. More and more people will be aware of what animals are capable of other than just lowly beings that can be abused.
In history, rulers who adept Buddhist philosophy into their ruling have greater and harmony country. The country will flourish and they will have peace. It is a good sign that New Zealand recognizes one of Buddha’s teaching.
This is truly a good beginning for a new chapter for animals. I rejoice that New Zealand is the first country in the world to recognize that animal, like us, human, are worthy of respect. By passing amendment on New Zealand’s Animal Welfare Bill, now New Zealander officially recognize all animals as sentient beings; i.e. have feelings in the same way that we, human, do. New Zealand had also passed bill on making it illegal for animal cruelty & abuse, animal research & testing, as well as all form of hunting and capture of wild animals.
Congrats to New Zealander! You have brought humane and compassion to a new level in human history.
Thank you Rinpoche for bringing this meaningful news to us. I hope more countries will follow New Zealand’s footstep, especially countries like China, South Korea, Vietnam, Spain who condone animal cruelties just to satisfy the human enjoyment or taste bud.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Certainly a great step in the protection of animals’ welfare! It will be ideal if all animals are included not merely wild animals.
It says “The Animal Welfare Bill that passed last month will prosecute people in animal cruelty cases and ban animal research and testing. All hunting and capture of wild animals will be illegal.”
There are many evidences to prove that livestock is subject to much cruelty and harm. What about livestock that is caged in farms to produce eggs, meat, milk, skins and other animal related products? Isn’t this animal cruelty? Sentient beings include livestock not just wild animals.
This is the greatest news for the year. I rejoice for New Zealand for being such a kind country to improve and benefit the animal’s welfare. I really hope more countries will follow their footsteps. Such a happy news!!!!
This is wonderful news indeed. Although buddha has said this 2500 years ago, it is a good start that New Zealand has took the step to actually enforce & legalised this matter. As the society becomes more developed & advance, we should be more acceptance & tolerance to all beings who have the equal right, freedom & shared the space we all call home.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such great news.
Yes, that is always the Buddha’s nature of our Guru, Tsem Tulku Rinpoche, whose natural tendency is always to care for the welfare of the animals and to treat them as sentient beings.”Whatever help, however small we give an animal is like an offering to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas” which I have once heard our Rinpoche taught us. Even if we can give only some small comfort or pleasure to any insect or animal, is said to be what the numberless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas cherish this most! The numberless Buddhas achieved enlightenment for all sentient beings including the insects and animals, etc. Lord Buddha Sakyamuni collected merits for three countless great eons for such beings too, and achieved enlightenment for the sake of all beings! He sacrificed everything; His wealth when born to become a King, His body and Life. As said, “He had sacrificed numberless times during countless great eons to make charity and practice the rest of the six paramitas for all sentient beings, including animals and insect beings too. In our practice, we have been advised to always remember this in our daily life that, “Anything we do to such animal beings or any sentient being, leads us to the numberless Buddhas and Boddhisatvas, to whom we always pray, to recieve blessings to actualise the Path.” So may we in our practice become like “a wish-granting jewel and tree for all beings, to help them in actualising the fulfillment of all their wishes for Happiness! Adding to our great Gandhi has said, “New Zealand is the greatness of a nation and its moral progress which can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Our great appreciation and thanks to New Zealand, a country of great Compassion, on behalf of all Animal beings of the World and Universe”. OM MANI PADME HUNG.
This is a wonderful news! I am extremely glad that they have made an effort to protect animal rights and to respect all animals. People have been mistreating animals because in their eyes, animals are senseless or in other words, incapable of feeling (which we know is not true!). Part of the reason is because people are uneducated about who and what animals truly are, I believe that with proper education and effort, people will slowly start to accept the fact that all animals are sentient beings. It’s just a matter of time.
New Zealand is leading a good start, they are actually setting up a very good example to the rest of the world and I am sure that it inspires or will inspire a lot more people. I truly hope that more countries/ leaders will follow their footsteps, respect all animals and treat them equally.
This is indeed HUGE. This means that the animals of New Zealand would now be treated better and with more care 🙂 This is great great great to hear and read about. I am delighted to hear this news.
By considering animals sentient beings, it puts them more or less on the same level as humans. This means that animals are treated with more respect and are offered more protection against any kind of harm.
I hope that more countries follow in the footsteps of New Zealand and state that the animals in their country are sentient beings. It would help the animals all over the world. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article with us.
Oh wow this is such good news! Bravo New Zealand!!! I’ve always loved New Zealand for the many unique things they stood up for and how they always strive to improve the quality of life in every aspect. I respect them because they are one small country that is capable of doing a lot with much humility. The people there are humble and the igneous people there, the Maoris are very well respected and powerful. But this has taken them to another level of a “Green” society.
This is really such wonderful news and step because once people recognises that animals are sentient beings too… perhaps it will change the way we treat animals and how we think eating them is not a crime when it is the same as murdering and eating a human being. So congratulations New Zealand and I hope that this will spiral and encourage more countries to follow suite.
“Sentient being” means “one who has a mind”. In Buddhism, a sentient being is any being with a mind (sentience) that is contaminated by delusions or their imprint. It also means any being still in one of the six realms of samsara, or any being who has not yet achieved Buddhahood. H.E. Tsem Rinpoche has always advocated kindness to animals as they are sentient and suffer loss and pain like us. I hope more governments will follow New Zealand’s example.
That’s a great news for animals!!
Since animals are living beings and can feel what human does (some animals are more sensitive than human in certain senses), their life value shouldn’t be treated lower than human.
One of the great implementation from this recognition is:
“The Animal Welfare Bill that passed last month will prosecute people in animal cruelty cases and ban animal research and testing. All hunting and capture of wild animals will be illegal.”
It’s so meaningful that the relationship between animals and human is kindness not cruelty.
This is a great start, may more country’s leaders follow the footsteps to further protect all animals.
This is indeed good news to have animals recognized as Sentient Beings by the Government of New Zealand. How revolutionary and may this pioneer ruling be spread to many more countries.
With this recognition of animals suffers just as much as humans, I hope that more New Zealanders will be encouraged to be vegetarians and reduce the killing of farmed animals too. If I am not wrong, New Zealand has the largest herds of farm animals and produces the greatest amount of green house effect.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this uplifting article. A show of hope in humanity. Kudos to the New Zealanders!
This is a good news to know that Animals are being classify Sentient beings, this is great step forward is protecting Animal Rights.
Animals have feeling, they feel pain, the have emotion as well, especially, but we constantly heard or see messages that dogs or cat are being tortured and kill for benefits.
I hope more countries will follow suits to treat every animal as sentient being, to respect and treat animal
Animals have always being viewed as inferior beings except for some who were given the benefit of protection. Why should this be happening as animals have feelings too. When we watch any animals being tortured we can hear their cries. They do feel pain. It is just so heart breaking to see them being exploited too. I wish all countries will follow New Zealand to officially recognised all animals as sentient beings.
The next best thing to do is to stop eating them. When the buying stops the killing stops. Let’s do our part and love all animals.
Thank you Rinpoche for the wonderful sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche sharing this good news.
Thank you New Zealand’s Animal Welfare Bill, recognizing all animals as sentient beings. All animals deserve to be treated like us as they do have feelings what we have. They are also like our friend or helper. We should respect them and care about them, and not to abuse and torture them.
When we viewing a video of animals have suffering or been killed by someone, it is very sad when hear their screaming and they struggling to escape for been killed. It is very hard if we think another way, if we are them. We also don’t want that happen to us.
Therefore, please stop abusing animals from now onward.
Thank you.