New Zealand TV reports Thupten Rinpoche’s death meditation
Or view the video on TVNZ website: Part 1 Part 2
This is the latest New Zealand TV station’s news report on Thupten Rinpoche’s death meditation. Thupten Rinpoche is a lama from Sera Je Monastery, and went to teach in Dhargyey Buddhist Centre, New Zealand since 1996 until his recent death in May 2011.
Venerable Thupten Rinpoche is a incarnate lama and an early disciple of the Centre’s founder the late Venerable Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey.
He was invited to the Centre by Geshe Dhargyey himself, in order to continue the transmission of Buddhist teachings in Dunedin. You can see in this video, Thupten Rinpoche has entered Thukdam (death meditation).
We have the gross mind, subtle mind and very subtle mind. For conversation sake, we have gross and subtle mind. Gross mind arises from the subtle mind. At the time of death, the gross mind dissolves into subtle mind. The subtle mind abides at the heart region. Ordinary people have no control over this mind, how long it stays or when it leaves the body. In advanced meditation practices (Vajra Yogini, Heruka, Guyasamaja, Yamantaka, Cittamani Tara, and other tantric paths), one practices to ‘control’ the movement of your mind within your body. When you gain control over this mind, you can abide, stay, leave your body at will.
When the physical body ‘dies’, the mind still can abide within the body. If the mind abides within the heart region, there will be no decay, unpleasant smells, rigamortis, hardening of the skin and the other signs of death. In fact you will look like you are in a deep sleep. A person can stay in this meditation (mind staying within the body) for days, weeks, even months. It is up to the practitioner as they have control. The body never starts deteriorating as in normal process of death as long as the mind resides in the body even if the heart and breathing has fully stopped.
It is very important that we practice the fundamental steps in Dharma in the beginning. Then familiarize ourselves with the intermediary prerequisites (Three Principal Paths), then enter the most sacred practice of Tantra. Within Tantra, embrace one yidam such as Vajra Yogini and go all the way with the practice. If you go all the way with the practice surrendering attachments, projections, excuses, laziness and dry scholarly talk, you will gain great attainments. Controlling one’s death is just one of the ‘small’ benefits. One can experience many realizations that directly help you to cease suffering although you abide in a place filled with suffering (which is anywhere in samsara).
This Ven Thupten Rinpoche in today’s modern day and age shows clearly that tantra is relevant, has results and alive. Tantra is definitely powerful and works for those who engage in the practice.
Our lives are so short. Our dreams, likes, hopes, anger, fears, gains, wants, loved ones, mindsets all do not matter one iota at the time of death. Death and what happens afterwards (future lives) will be much longer than the life we have now. To use the time we have to gain something for just this life will be a wasted chance to gain something so much more.

Funeral stupa in which the sacred body of Thupten Rinpoche was finally cremated after he left his meditation.
Reincarnation exists whether people accept or not. Something doesn’t become untrue just because many do not believe. Reincarnation and past life regression are becoming mainstream even without religion/Buddhism. Many people who have no exposure to Buddhism can recall previous lives all over the world in many countries. The Tantras by the Buddha states clearly the method to control one’s reincarnated destinations…a worthy goal to work on and gain. So it is important while we have the chance to practice dharma and to go all the way.
Accepting a Supreme Being, and by that acceptance alone will not liberate or deliver us no matter how enticing that may sound. We must do our homework. If just accepting a Supreme Being takes us out of all miseries in this and future lives, for the millions of years we have been on this earth, humans have worshipped a plethora of Supreme Beings yet our human conditions exists. Over time Supreme Beings have changed, their practices, methods of worship and belief systems have dramatically changed. Each era, each culture, each time period has professed the best Supreme Beings and the best method, yet we are still all here. That clearly shows, on acceptance of Supreme Beings would not be enough. If Supreme Beings have the full power over our destinies, then in their compassion they should liberate us. Not even a Buddha can liberate us without us engaging in the methods. Do not focus on the pleasures of this life alone, as they are fleeting, immaterial and very impermanent. Attain something more. Engage in the complete practice of Dharma bereft of dry scholarly words/debate and non-sensical excuses to cover laziness. Laziness is not used here as criticism but it arises from lack of knowledge, study, and application. Take a yidam and humbly/quietly go all the way with your yidam…I wish you luck. I really do.
I have included a short biography of Thupten Rinpoche. May his rebirth return swiftly to continue his benefits to others.
Tsem Rinpoche
Short Biography
He arrived at the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre on 7 March 1996, to become the Centre’s new teacher. A couple of weeks later, at our request, he told his story to Losang Dawa, who wrote it down. Like all great lamas, Thupten Rinpoche is very humble and his own story reveals his greatness only indirectly. So in order to find out a little more about his background and achievements, Ven. Sönam Tenzin interviewed him once again, pressing him to talk about the great teachers, teachings and initiations he has had.
The following is the result of these two interviews. Thupten Rinpoche’s own account of his life as told to Losang Dawa is presented in standard print. The additional information gleaned by Sönam Tenzin is in italics.
“I was born to a small family at Tsethang, in the Lhoka or southern region of Tibet, on the 4th day of the 6th month in 1941. At three, I was recognised by Phurchog Jamgön Dorje Chang, an emanation of Maitreya Buddha, as an incarnate lama of Samdrub Monastery of Dzakhog, Trehor district in eastern Tibet.”
At this early age Thupten Rinpoche received a long life initiation and pre-novice ordination from Jamgön Dorje Chang.
“At four, I and my family were taken to the Samdrub monastery. At the monastery I was nurtured and looked after by my kind guru, Rinchen Tsetan, who taught me reading, writing and other aspects of my training.”
“At six I was ordained as a novice monk by refuge-protector, the venerable Geshe Jampa Khedrub, the then ex-abbot of the Trehor Dhargyey Monastery. He gave me the name Jampa Thupten.”
Among the many initiations and teachings Thupten Rinpoche received from this remarkable teacher are the great initiations of Guhya-samaja, Heruka and Vajrabhairava and the Lam. Rim commentary. He also received the Putri Barwa initiation from the Sershul Monastery lama, Pöntsang Tulku.
“At around 16, I went to Lhasa, the Tibetan capital city, to enter Sera Mahayana Monastery to pursue higher learning in Buddhist philosophy and practice. It was there that I met my refuge- protector, the incomparably kind late venerable guru, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, who until his passing away into the state of peace, like a loving parent caring for their only child, warmly held me in his compassion and cared for my material and spiritual needs.”
Thus Gen Rinpoche became Thupten Rinpoche’s tutor in 1957. While at Sera Monastery Thupten Rinpoche received many initiations and teachings from great lamas. From Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, teachings on Lam.Rim, initiations of Guhya-samaja, Heruka, Vajra-bhairava and Kun.Rig, a commentary to Gan.dän, and more. From Lhatsün Dorje Chang, initiations of White Tara, the Thirteen Golden Dharmas of the Sakya tradition, Mahakala and Vaishravana etc. From Lop Tengyal Rinpoche, Avalokitesvara and Tara initiations and from Gen Yeshe Wangdü, teachings on logic and debate.
“Following the brutal occupation of Tibet by Communist China, we fled Tibet in February 1959 to bring our kind guru to safety. We travelled for ten months, enduring immense hardships and often facing close encounters with our pursuers. We finally reached safety in India in December that year.”
“At first we lived in Northeast India, at places like Kalimpong. Once fairly settled, I started taking lessons in Tibetan grammar and poetry, and in English. Side-by-side I had the great fortune of receiving lam.rim teachings and commentarial teachings on various treatises of Buddhist thought and philosophy from Gen Rinpoche.”
“In 1961, I received full ordination as a bhikksu from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.”
“In 1964, under instructions from His Holiness, a training college was started to train Tibetan lamas and Geshes as teachers for the Tibetan schools in India. I was selected for a two-year course in which we studied Tibetan grammar, poetry, secular as well as religious history, and Buddhist philosophy both intensively and extensively. In addition, we were also taught geography, world history, rudimentary science and psychology. At the end of the course I was awarded the First Class teaching degree.”
“In 1967 I began my teaching career and taught for 28 years, until 10 August 1995. During that time I worked my way through as a Primary School Teacher, Tenth Grade Teacher and Post-graduate Teacher.”
Thupten Rinpoche taught Buddhist history, philosophy and practice, and all aspects of Tibetan language, including grammar and poetic composition.
Over these years in India he also received many initiations and teachings. From Gen Rinpoche, Lam.Rim, Drang.nge Lekshay Nyingpo, Bodhisattvacaryavatara twice, explanatory-transmissions of the Five Treatises of Buddhist philosophy, the commentary to Gan.dän and more.
From Kyabje Ling Rinpoche, initiation and commentary to the Vajrabhairava Ekavira practice twice, Lama Chöpa commentary, etc.
From Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche, more teachings on Lam.Rim, initiations and commentaries to the practices of Heruka body mandala and Vajrayogini, and numerous Jenang.
From His Holiness the Dalai Lama, many teachings and initiations of Guhyasamaja, Heruka, Vajrabhairava, Avalokitesvara, and Hayagriva (Tamdrin Yang.sang).
From Kensur Dorje Chang (Geshe Ugyän Tsetän) Vajrabhairava Ekavira initiations, commentary to the two stages of Guhyasamaja practice, and explanation of the “collected activities” of Sera Monastery’s yidam, Tamdrin Yang.sang.
During these years he (Thupten Rinpoche) also performed retreats of practices such as Vajrabhairava (Yamantaka) and Vajrayogini.
Then: “At the wish of the Dhargyey Buddhist Centre, and in particular of the late Gen Rinpoche, I came to Dunedin, taking an early voluntary retirement from the Indian central government service. I have been here now for nearly two weeks.” (end March 1996)
Venerable Thupten Rinpoche: A biography
Venerable Thupten Rinpoche is a incarnate lama and an early disciple of the Centre’s founder the late Venerable Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey. He was invited to the Centre by Geshe Dhargyey himself, in order to continue the transmission of Buddhist teachings in Dunedin. You can see in this video, Thupten Rinpoche has entered Thukdam (death meditation). We have the gross mind, subtle mind and very subtle mind. For conversation sake, we have gross and subtle mind.
Gross mind arises from the subtle mind. At the time of death, the gross mind dissolves into subtle mind. The subtle mind abides at the heart region. Ordinary people have no control over this mind, how long it stays or when it leaves the body. In advanced meditation practices (Vajra Yogini, Heruka, Guyasamaja, Yamantaka, Cittamani Tara, and other tantric paths), one practices to `control’ the movement of your mind within your body. When you gain control over this mind, you can abide, stay, leave your body at will. When the physical body `dies’, the mind still can abide within the body. If the mind abides within the heart region, there will be no decay, unpleasant smells, rigamortis, hardening of the skin and the other signs of death. In fact you will look like you are in a deep sleep. A person can stay in this meditation (mind staying within the body) for days, weeks, even months. It is up to the practitioner as they have control.
The body never starts deteriorating as in normal process of death as long as the mind resides in the body even if the heart and breathing has fully stopped. It is very important that we practice the fundamental steps in Dharma in the beginning. Then familiarize ourselves with the intermediary prerequisites (Three Principal Paths), then enter the most sacred practice of Tantra. Within Tantra, embrace one yidam such as Vajra Yogini and go all the way with the practice. If you go all the way with the practice surrendering attachments, projections, excuses, laziness and dry scholarly talk, you will gain great attainments. Controlling one’s death is just one of the `small’ benefits.
One can experience many realizations that directly help you to cease suffering although you abide in a place filled with suffering (which is anywhere in samsara). This Ven Thupten Rinpoche in today’s modern day and age shows clearly that tantra is relevant, has results and alive. Tantra is definitely powerful and works for those who engage in the practice. His passing displayed his complete mastery of Buddhism. He maintained his mind within his body for 18 days after being certified as medically dead. The most obvious signs being the body colour and skin tone remaining unchanged and lack of decomposition.
At this early age Thupten Rinpoche received a long life initiation and pre-novice ordination from Jamgön Dorje Chang.
“At four, I and my family were taken to the Samdrub monastery. At the monastery I was nurtured and looked after by my kind guru, Rinchen Tsetan, who taught me reading, writing and other aspects of my training.”
“At six I was ordained as a novice monk by refuge-protector, the venerable Geshe Jampa Khedrub, the then ex-abbot of the Trehor Dhargyey Monastery. He gave me the name Jampa Thupten.”
Among the many initiations and teachings Thupten Rinpoche received from this remarkable teacher are the great initiations of Guhya-samaja, Heruka and Vajrabhairava and the Lam. Rim commentary. He also received the Putri Barwa initiation from the Sershul Monastery lama, Pöntsang Tulku.
“At around 16, I went to Lhasa, the Tibetan capital city, to enter Sera Mahayana Monastery to pursue higher learning in Buddhist philosophy and practice. It was there that I met my refuge- protector, the incomparably kind late venerable guru, Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey, who until his passing away into the state of peace, like a loving parent caring for their only child, warmly held me in his compassion and cared for my material and spiritual needs.”
Thus Gen Rinpoche became Thupten Rinpoche’s tutor in 1957. While at Sera Monastery Thupten Rinpoche received many initiations and teachings from great lamas. From Kyabje Trijang Dorje Chang, teachings on Lam.Rim, initiations of Guhya-samaja, Heruka, Vajra-bhairava and Kun.Rig, a commentary to Gan.dän, and more. From Lhatsün Dorje Chang, initiations of White Tara, the Thirteen Golden Dharmas of the Sakya tradition, Mahakala and Vaishravana etc. From Lop Tengyal Rinpoche, Avalokitesvara and Tara initiations and from Gen Yeshe Wangdü, teachings on logic and debate.
“Following the brutal occupation of Tibet by Communist China, we fled Tibet in February 1959 to bring our kind guru to safety. We travelled for ten months, enduring immense hardships and often facing close encounters with our pursuers. We finally reached safety in India in December that year.”
Nectar for the Ear
True Words that Clearly Show How to Level the Eight Worldly Dharma’s
and How to Deal with Crises following the Four Inevitable EndsA poem by Venerable J. Thupten Rinpoche
© Copyright Thupten Tulku & Dhargyey Buddhist Centre, 1997.By nature embodying all Conquerors my refuge,
O Venerable Jampa Gyenchok, my spiritual father
Kind in three ways, I your subject will honour
As crown ornament the dust particles on your toes.Dharma in general is just a matter of attitude:
Joy or sadness if unrestrained in one’s mind
Will bring additional self-created suffering;
Of this I have a few words of truth to share:Through the Eight Worldly Dharmas’ biased likes and dislikes
All pleasure and sorrow in one’s life
Become excessive feelings of pleasure and sorrow;
To correct these one could think in this way:When peace and joy grow in body and mind
It is the fruit of virtues in previous lives.
Think: Is there any point feeling inflated and proud?
Suffering will definitely arise at the end of joy.When unwell in body and mind
It is the fruit of bad actions in previous lives.
Think: What good will depression and despondency be?
For suffering too is unstable and will definitely change.When you find whatever you’ve wanted —
Like articles of material luxury —
Think: Excessive delight rarely helps:
All these too are ephemeral and illusory.When you don’t find what you’ve wanted
Think deeply: Is there any point feeling desolate and sad?
For what’s gained in life must be discarded at death.
Instead remain in contentment, the supreme wealth,Though the complimentary words of friends
Are pleasant to the ears, they are only sounds.
Think: Why feel so joyous unnecessarily?
For they are like echoes in an empty land.When you hear what’s unpleasant,
Hate and anger will only harm you.
Think: ‘Pleasant and unpleasant’ are just the bias of desire:
[What’s heard] is like a flute in a dream.When your fame and power and influence increase and
Others singing your greatness elevate and praise you
Realize this as the deceptive craft of sycophants —
Think: this is like a Lorelei’s trap.When you are criticized and disparaged
Think: being high and low, rich and poor are not stable;
Praise and criticism also are like this —
They are like passing showers in summertime.Thus realize that these Eight Worldly Dharmas
Are not only contrary to spiritual life:
If joy and sadness are unrestrained
They will cause additional suffering even in everyday life.The Four Inevitable Ends of Compounded Phenomena
Remain unalterable by any means
So what use is it to grieve and be miserable?
Instead contemplate this seriously in advance:From the moment life, a mind-body relation is formed
In the mother’s womb due to karma and delusion,
Since the inevitable end of birth is death
Think: this as like the state of a butter lamp.Food, clothing and shelter, material riches
Though there’s not one item one doesn’t want,
Since the inevitable end of collection is exhaustion
Think: this as like the honey hoarded by bees.Though through cherishing mind one wants never to be parted from
Spiritual mentors, relations, retinue and retainers,
Since the inevitable end of meeting is parting
Think: we are all like visitors to a market fair.Although one may desire the prominence of power
From prestige and social position in this life,
Since the inevitable end of rising is falling
Think: this is like the vulture soaring high in the sky.To not limit one’s sadness about compounded phenomena’s
Four ends that cannot be averted
Is to bring additional suffering created by self —
Hence observe this preview of actual events.May this well-meant advice imbued with words of Dharma
Level attitudes distorted by the Eight Worldly Dharmas;
May this increase the power of mind that accords with Dharma
And transform the mind until it is Dharma.From the origin of suffering that turns without end
Have arisen sufferings related with the Four Ends;
Meditating on the Noble Path that ends
Suffering, may all achieve true cessation without extreme ends.Colophon: This piece of advice called “True Words: Nectar for the Ear” was written in order to help remove additional suffering that many people today have experienced and are experiencing due to excessive happiness and sadness whenever they experience happiness and sadness, by showing how to level the Eight Worldly Dharmas and how to deal mentally with the Four Inevitable Ends, by the lazy practitioner of Dharma, Thupten Tulku, on the thirtieth day of the fourth lunar month 1997, in my apartment, the Joyous Grove of Kechari, at Dhargyey Buddhist Centre in New Zealand.
Translated from the Tibetan by Losang Dawa with Ven. Sönam Chokyi.
May this be virtuous and beneficial to all.
(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the photos or information. I am sharing them here to express my great admiration for Thupten Rinpoche and wish to bring more awareness of this great master. I am not profiting from its use.)
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The New Zealand TV reported Venerable Thupten Rinpoche’s death meditation. His passing is a complete mastery of Buddhism to the outside world. Scientist and doctors could not explained but in Buddhism it could. Meditation on death awareness is one of the oldest practices in all Buddhist traditions. Venerable Thupten Rinpoche is a highly regarded incarnate lama has entered death meditation . In Buddhism reincarnation exists. Meditating on death and dying helps motivate Dharma practice. Life is too short and death is uncertain. When we have the chance to practice dharma , we are to go all the way. In today modern age Venerable Thupten Rinpoche has shows us clearly that Tantra is definitely powerful and works for those who engage in the practice.
We are fortunate able to watch this rare video. Its truly amazed watching it.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this articles. This is another case that make eyes and mind open to facing death. Death is not a matter we don’t think or we don’t want it happen and we can avoide it with power or monies. Some how there is one day will be our turn. I just amazed Thupten Rinpoche had done 6 times meditation a day. Layman like us must even need more. We should look into this matter seriously.
That’s a really very informative post. This shows the potency if the tantra practice and if done with diligence, the results are very tangible and quick to attain even in today’s time
It is such a blessing for ordinary beings like us to hear of, know of and be in the presence of Great Lamas. Great Lamas essentially will teach us the way to enlightenment in any method or form that will be both suitable and available for us.
In this article the passing into clear light of Thupten Rinpoche in New Zealand is a great Dharma teaching to us to learn of Death meditation as illustrated by our Guru.
Thank you Rinpoche.
Taking refuge or believing does not solve our problems and suffering. As What Rinpoche said perfect ‘God’s and Supreme Beings have come and gone yet we are still mired in our problems and sufferings
Yes, it was indeed an excellent video! The interview was not only lovely and supportive, but according to buddhism, it was said that every human being has the potential to achieve profound and lasting happiness and satisfaction. And it was also said that according to tantric teachings of buddhism, which have flourished in Tibet for more than a thousand years, this remarkable transformation can be realised very quickly if we utilized all aspects of our human energy, whether good or bad – especially the energy of our desires. It is said that through the proper practice of tantra all of our energies, including the subtle yet very powerful energies we are not ordinarily aware of, are harnessed to accomplish the greatest of all transformations. This is our evolution from an ordinary, limited and deluded person trapped within the shell of petty ego into a fully evoled, totalled conscious being of unlimited compassion and insight! With dedicated practice, under an expertised guru, we can eventually fulfil our deepest yearnings.
Thank you for posting and sharing this with us Rinpoche. I enjoyed reading it and I am sure that a lot of others did too. It was a very interesting article and I hope Rinpoche will share more things like this in the future for us to read and for me to comment on 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful teaching in your blog. To meditate on death, it actually helps us to detach ourselves from being too attached to worldly concerns. It also helps us to accept the thought that death is certain and the impermenance of our surroundings.
As you have always stressed that we need to meditate on death and be afraid of being born in lower realms. With that in mind, we will practice harder to collect merits rather than creating karma. It will be a good reminder for us that we may die anytime during the day or tomorrow. Hence we will not be too attach to our delusions and material gains. Instead, we will be more humble and to cherish everything that we have now. Thank you for sharing this article in your blog about the importance of death meditation every single day and to go all the way.
Normally, western media would not really care about these things so it is absolutely amazing to hear that they would showcase such a pivotal part of Tibetan buddhist culture. Thank you for sharing this, Rinpoche.
It is so amazing that even in death, Thupten Rinpoche is teaching us the Dharma and how we can achieve control over our next rebirth. In his death, Thupten Rinpoche is encouraging us to practise the Dharma and that at the end of this short life, we need to do our best to gain attainments for our next life.
The point that is running through my thoughts right now is that I may not make it to be in such a state, therefore what I have realised is to do my best to purify as much of my negativities and karma and prepare for death which is not only inevitable but unpredictable, never know WHEN?. Every moment that I breathe may i have the courage and merits to do work that benefit others.
It is very clear that there is another life after we die. Whatever pain we are going through now or enjoyment we are experiencing now will not stay forever. Develop good qualities, good virtues now is more important than chasing material things, we will not be able to bring them with me when we die. Developing good virtues will give us the peace of mind.
In this modern days & age, since most people would only believe in what they see, through his love & compassion, Thupten Rinpoche has skillfully & clearly demonstrate to the world what is death meditation about. His video coverage has shown the results & attainments of his practices in Buddhism that is some what contradict & beyond scientific proof.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this thought provoking & extra ordinary video.
I have heard of death meditation in the past but I was utterly glued to the documentary. Mind blowing stuff! Thank you for yet another fantastic post, Rinpoche. Love this one!
I have never heard of anyone being able to take full control of the deaths until I met Rinpoche and Rinpoche started explaining to us why and how it happens! Now with so many countless accounts of highly attained Lamas passing in to clear light in full control of their bodies, some smelling like perfume even and in the meditation position just shows what a sincere high practitioner can do. They do it not to boast but to prove to us that we are in control and we can be if we put in the effort to practice not just in this life but life after life. They show us that real spiritual attainments is possible. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have control at the time of death is what strikes me when I hear of such stories. And not just control of your body but more the mind, and they can control when, where they are going to even take rebirth! Amazing!!!
So if something so great can be achieved, a peaceful happy mind is certainly we can achieve at least for the rest of our remaining years in this life. Yes Rinpoche, if we have found the qualified Guru and meet the Dharma… we certainly must not waste any more time and go all the way. It is time to choose our Guru over our “attachments” for the Guru is the one that will teach us the path to controlling our mind and to achieve true liberation. Time is truly short! Perhaps I know this even more so because I have come face to face with death 3 times and I realised, the last thought one should have is most important.
Buddhist methods truly work, regardless of how far it has been since the Buddha turned the wheel of dharma. And this great master has proven to all of us that Buddha’s teachings is still alive among the practitioners of today.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this inspiring video.
Thought of sharing a similar incident of the 16th Karmapa’s death. Wonder if his 2 dogs were really dogs or emanations… or they were dogs and the Karmapa did transference of consciousness on them.
In 1980-81 the Karmapa began his last world tour, giving teachings, interviews and empowerments in South East Asia, Greece, England and the United States. Rangjung Rigpei Dorjé died on November 5, 1981 in the United States in a hospital in Zion, Illinois. Doctors and nurses at the hospital remarked on his kindness and how he seemed more concerned with their welfare than his own.[6] One doctor was also struck by the Karmapa’s refusal of pain medication and the absence of any signs of feeling the profound pain that most patients in his condition report.[6] Upon his death, against hospital procedure but in keeping with Tibetan tradition and with special permission from the State of Illinois, his body was left in the hospital for three days and his heart remained warm during this time.[2][6][7] Chief of staff Radulfo Sanchez had no medical explanation for this.[8]
During the seven weeks between his death and his cremation, the Karmapa’s body spontaneously shrank to the size of a small child. He was cremated in Rumtek. His two dogs died on the day of his cremation even though they were healthy.[9] During the cremation a triple circular rainbow appeared above the monastery in a clear blue sky.[6] Many photographs exist of this remarkable phenomenon. While his body burnt, an object rolled from the flames to the edge of the stupa to Lopon Chechu Rinpoche. This object was quickly recovered and proved to be the Karmapa’s eyes, tongue and heart.[citation needed] This was taken[by whom?] to indicate that the body, speech and mind have come together to be saved as relics for the future and is common in only the highest of accomplished Buddhist yogis – exactly the same thing is said to have occurred during the cremation of Gampopa and the Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi.[10],_16th_Karmapa_Lama
Thank you Rinpoche for posting this. U alwais inspire me to think positive. Hugs to u.
Dear Rinpoche, Thank you for this teaching. It was timely for me 🙂
A few years ago when I was at Palyul Summer Retreat, established by HH Penor Rinpoche, there was a notice posted on the community notice board, which was an extract from a newsletter from the Sangha of Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche. It was an article about one of Rinpoche’s students who Rinpoche said had accomplished at her time of passing. The student was a westerner who had come to the Path as his student in middle age, but embraced it fully with her heart. She used to write contemplations on pieces of paper and stick them in her pocket, to pull out and read as she went through her day. She was a lay person. When she lay dying, her daughter was sitting with her and said gently something like “It’s OK mom, you can let go”, as we do with people who we feel are hanging on to life. Her mother opened her eyes and said something like, “Don’t interrupt me, I am meditating”. Rinpoche confirmed she had accomplished at her passing.
My sincere apologies that I cannot remember the accurate details of this occurrence, nor find them by google. But it stuck in my mind.
Also one of Jetsunma’s nuns, through her devotion and commitment to practice, was liberated last year. Here is the story
One of my favorite teachings from Jetsunma, that I saw on video in Australia when I first connected with the Path, was “Guru Yoga is a Story about You”. She reminds us that she was re-born in NYC as a western woman, so that we can see that accomplishment is possible for everyone. We so often wish we were born in Tibet, or into families and cultures where Buddhism is revered and taken as a given, like drawing each breath. Or some people may say we need to be a man to accomplish. We think because of these things that accomplishment is out of our reach. And yet, through the blessings of great Teachers who are the bridge from culture to culture, providing opportunities in ways that are familiar to us and with which we can engage (like poop scooping! lol), anything is possible. It is our minds and fears that create the invisible, non-existent barriers that begin with the words “If only…..”. Thank you Rinpoche for being one of those great Teachers who offer methods for accomplishment that include both traditional practice as well as other means for compassion and wisdom to flourish in our hearts and the world.
Dear Ani Kunzang Lah,
Can you play the video ok from you are? Did the video download fast enough so you can watch the video ?
Rinpoche, I will try it tonight after 11 pm! On Satellite connection you are only allowed so much bandwidth every 24 hours. If you use more, you are penalised for 24 hours and they make the internet speed very slow. I saw the video is 15 minutes long, so I know that will get me into trouble he he he. After 11 you get some free download time!
I watched the first little bit as the newscaster was speaking, then it started to buffer. I will let you know tomorrow!
Dear Anila, Please watch the video. It is very very very nice. EVERYONE MUST WATCH THE VIDEO…VERY WELL NARRATED..SHORT AND NICE. And let me know after you’ve seen the whole thing…TR
Rinpoche, what an excellent video. It was lovely that the interview was supportive of the possibility that Thubten Rinpoche was in a death meditation. It was not imbued with scepticism or projecting the idea as crazy. Very nice to see that on western TV station! If only we could se aside our internal, personal scepticisms!
I had no problems with the download. It buffered maybe 5 times during the entire 15 minutes, but not for long, and it caused no distraction.
Thank you for encouraging us to watch this video.
Dear Ani Kunzang, Thanks for letting me know. I know the video program although short is very good. TR
Thank you so much for sharing these inspiring stories. I couldn’t find video unfortunately. Could you put link in again? I read about Jetsunma years ago… inspiring…
This is so inspiring and your encouragement to overcome our laziness is so apt! I wonder how long it will be before we see a westerner achieve clear light death meditation? I wish there were more opportunities within dharma centres to receive this type of support. It was interesting to read that the death meditation is done daily by tantric practioners if not more. I feel that for many of us who are trying to gain realisations during our meditations see our death as another opportunity. What support is there for practitioners at the time of death? I have heard that Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche said that New Zealand has a beautiful and clean environment for practicing.
Dear Molly, His Holiness the Dalai Lama mentioned he practices the actual death meditation six times a day!!! He really has control over his body, death and rebirths. Yes in tantra, when you do the long and complete sadhana of any higher yoga tantric deity, you will ‘go through’ the death process to train to gain mastery daily and during retreat four times a day minimum….
Yes New Zealand from all the pictures I’ve seen is absolutely stunning. I would like to quietly visit one day.
Would you please go all the way with your practice (if you’re not already) and be the ‘first’ Westerner to enter clear light death meditation. But show it before your death.. Don’t wait for others. Their entering into clear light will do little for you and me. May I request you to do it please…
I wish you so much luck. Tsem Rinpoche
Generous words… many thanks… aspirations at this stage and thank you for yours. Crazy monkey mind. Twenty three years of being a single mother to my two beautiful children. I’m now letting them go and want to practice. Hope to come to Kechara for your birthday and celbrate with Vajra Yogini. How are you enjoying the amazing statue. I have been practicing the Vajra Yogini warior yoga posture. Biglove big Guru!
Dear Rinpoche,thanks for posting all these wonderful posts full of compassion and knowledge. It is such a pleasure to read about the Dharma.I wish I were in Malasya so that I could study more and be your student!! I do feel Buddhist teachings very close to my heart like if I have had been part of it since childhood,even though I was not brought up with the Buddhist teachings.Thanks so much for your compassion and for sharing your wisdom!!
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche.
The West really seems to disregard the “phenomenon” of clear light death meditations, which is very strange because it contradicts or challenges many scientific beliefs. One would think there would be many articles on it, but this is the most elaborate news coverage I’ve personally seen.
I wish in the video they explained more, so Thupten Rinpoche isn’t seen as a spectacle or a “zombie”. The time of death seems to be one of the greatest opportunities to realize emptiness, and out of great compassion for other beings Thupten Rinpoche trained rigorously for the meditation and completed it. This must have been WHILE he was spending every living moment helping others, giving teachings, holding his vows.
Thank you Rinpoche for posting this. I hope that all of us gather enough merit to practice the tantric path with your kind guidance. Much love Yee Ling
Since death is part of the path, why would we not practice death meditation.
Ven Thupten Rinpoche primarily did Yamantaka and Vajra Yogini practices during his life. We can see these tantric paths are very effective. Go all the way and don’t waste another day or year…time cannot be replaced…chances are easily lost. TR