Reaching Out in Bentong | 关注文冬
Dear all,
Last night it rained heavily in Bentong and surrounding areas, causing a major landslide on Karak Highway and fallen trees at many spots and flood on the old Bentong road (Bentong to Gombak).
The police, government officers (especially JKR), volunteer workers such as RELA, highway employees, and road workers were on duty around town/on highway/ on the Old Bentong Road to manage & direct the traffic and clear the road under heavy downpour.
They have been in the hard cold rain for hours. Rinpoche has noticed this. They were still smiling and pleasant doing their duties. Some did not have raincoats and just the hard cold rain pelting down on their heads and they were soaked.
Rinpoche felt moved by their dedication and attitude, and called up Pam, Khoo and Nicholas together with Pastor Seng Piow and Pastor Shin to deliver hot coffee and snacks for them around town.
We started delivering around 10pm and finished around 2am. All together we packed 55 cup of hot coffee from Old Town White Coffee and snacks from 7-11 which cost around RM450.
This is our way to tell them we appreciate their work very much, especially working under rough weather. They were surprised and very happy when receiving the much needed hot drinks and most of them have heard of Kechara it seems.
Our effort last night initiated by Rinpoche is to show our local community & people that Kechara is here to stay, and that we support and get involve to help when such unfortunate events/disaster happen in our town Bentong. Many were very appreciative, thanking us and waving at us when we drove past them again last night on our way back to Kechara Forest Retreat.
Thank you
Dear Nicholas,
Thank you for a wonderful update re last night.
I would like to add that His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche joined us for the whole event. He went with us to order the hot coffees at Old Town White Coffee and bought snacks at 7-11. Tsem Rinpoche also joined us to personally deliver food to everyone and guide us along the way. We started around 10pm last night (November 11, 2015) and we completed at 2am.
We had to go a few rounds to buy coffee and snacks as we ran out. We were allowed to drive in restricted areas by Police and authorized road works people as we were delivering goodwill coffee and snacks on behalf of Kechara.
The policemen, road workers and recipients were all very friendly, happy and surprised. I don’t think anyone has ever done this before.
Tsem Rinpoche’s care and concern for our community helps to foster even warmer relations with our fellow towns people during a time of need.
Our team last night of Nicholas, Khoo, Pamela, Pastor Shin and myself together with Tsem Rinpoche really felt honored for driving in the flooded/tree fallen areas to deliver goodwill because Rinpoche saw how much work and effort the authorities were putting in as the heavy rain pelted on their heads. Rinpoche was very moved to see road workers without umbrellas or raincoats getting soaked in the rain for hours and yet when Rinpoche rolled down the window to speak to them about travel routes, they smiled and were polite. Seeing their smile on their wet faces and hard work, Tsem Rinpoche was moved to bring them drinks and snacks. This is the important point, they worked very hard and still smiled in the rain…this moved Rinpoche very much..Here are videos of Rinpoche recorded two videos of last night.
Tsem Rinpoche expressed he wishes to do much more of this in the future and be ready to serve the community.
Pastor Seng Piow
罗胜彪讲法师 启
大家 好,
昨天晚上文冬及周边地区下起了大雨,造成加叻大道 (Karak Highway) 和老文冬路(文冬至鹅麦)许多地点树木倒下, 土崩和洪水。
他们在数个小时的大雨下工作。仁波切已经注意到了这一点。他们仍然面带微笑,愉快地尽自己的职责工作。有些没有雨衣,冰冷的滂沱大雨往头上一直落下, 他们全身都湿透了。
仁波切被他们的敬业精神和态度感动了,指示叶小美, 邱豪皓,杨力明与罗胜彪讲法师和陈稚鑫讲法师给这些在文冬镇周围的工作者提供热咖啡和小吃。
我们晚上10点左右开始行动, 派送至凌晨2点左右。我们从Old Town 白咖啡一共打包了55杯热咖啡和在7-11大包了一些小吃, 总共消费大约RM450。
当我们分发饮料和小吃时,我们告诉大家,我们是来自文冬的克切拉团体。这是我们向他们表达谢意的一种方式, 让他们知道我们非常赞赏他们的工作,特别是在如此恶劣的天气和环境下工作。接到热饮时,他们感到很惊讶,也很高兴。
仁波切发起的行动,是我们让当地社区的人们知道克切拉长期入驻文冬,我们支持并会在我们的文冬城发生如此不幸事件/灾难时伸出援手。许多人非常感激我们,当我们在返回禅修林路上再次路过工作人员时, 他们都朝我们挥手。
Berikutan hujan lebat yang berlanjutan sejak petang semalam di kawasan sekitar Bentong, Pahang pada 11 hari bulan November, kejadian tanah runtuh telah berlaku di Lebuhraya KL-Kuantan (Karak) berhampiran Bukit Tinggi. Manakala di jalan lama KL-Bentong, pokok tertumbang di tengah jalan raya juga telah menyebabkan laluan terhalang. Selepas kejadian ini berlaku, pihak berkuasa tempatan dan sukarelawan seperti Majlis Perbandaran Bentong, Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Daerah Bentong, Polis Daerah Bentong, RELA, dan lain-lain bertindak serta-merta untuk memulihkan laluan dan menjalankan kerja pembersihan.
Tsem Rinpoche pada ketika itu sedang dalam perjalanan dari Kechara Forest Retreat ke Kuala Lumpur dan Tsem Rinpoche melihat pihak-pihak disebut di atas yang terlibat dalam kerja pemulihan dan pembersihan tetap berkerja keras dan mengurus trafik dengan senyuman walaupun berkerja dalam keadaan basah kuyup kerana hujan. Mereka masih mampu menjawab soalan kami tentang keadaan trafik dengan penuh kesabaran ketika kerja pembersihan dijalankan. Tsem Rinpoche amat terharu dengan usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang disebut atas, lalu membuat keputusan untuk menghantar kopi panas dan makanan ringan kepada petugas dan pekerja yang terlibat. Bersama beberapa ahli Kechara Forest Retreat, Rinpoche membeli kira-kira 50 kopi panas dari Old Town White Coffee dengan roti/ biskut dari 7 Eleven berhampiran dan kembali ke tempat kejadian untuk mengedarkan makanan dan minuman sebagai tanda penghargaan dari pihak kami. Petugas dan pekerja turut gembira menerima makanan dan minuman daripada kami.
Tsem Rinpoche dan pihak Kechara Forest Retreat sekali lagi ingin mengucapkan terima kasih dan memberi penghargaan dan sokongan kepada Majlis Perbandaran Bentong, Jabatan Kerja Raya(JKR) Daerah Bentong, Polis Daerah Bentong, RELA, dan lain-lain pihak yang bekerja keras siang dan malam untuk memulihkan laluan di sekitar Bentong. Syabas dan usaha anda amat dihargai.
Kawan-kawan sekalian,
Pada 11 hari bulan November, Bentong dan tempat berhampirannya telah dilanda hujan lebat dan hujan lebat tersebut telah menyebabkan tanah runtuh serius berlaku di lebuhraya Karak dan pokok tumbang menghalang laluan di beberapa lokasi di jalan lama KL-Bentong (Bentong ke Gombak).
Pihak polis daerah Bentong, pihak berkuasa tempatan (terutamanya pihak JKR daerah Bentong), sukarelawan seperti RELA, petugas lebuhraya, dan pekerja jalan raya bertugas bawah hujan lebat di sekitar bandar Bentong dan jalan lama KL-Bentong untuk mengurus trafik dan menjalankan kerja-kerja pembersihan laluan.
Mereka dibasahi titisan hujan sejuk selama beberapa jam. Namun begitu, mereka tetap menjalankan tugas masing-masing dengan senyuman atas muka. Ada beberapa pekerja yang seluruh badannya dibasah hujan kerana tidak mempunyai baju hujan. Tsem Rinpoche melihat keadaan ini dalam matanya.
Tsem Rinpoche amat terharu dengan dedikasi dan sikap mereka, lalu menelefon Pam, Khoo, Nicholas, serta Pastor Seng Piow dan Pastor Shin untuk menghantar kopi panas dan makanan ringgan kepada mereka di sekitar bandar.
Bermula dari pukul 10 malam dan berakhir pada pukul 2 pagi, kami telah menghantar 55 cawan kopi panas dari Old Town White Coffee dan makanan ringan dari 7-11. Jumlah kos adalah RM450.
Ini adalah cara kami untuk memberi penghargaan terhadap usaha mereka, terutamanya apabila mereka bekerja bawah cuaca buruk. Mereka terperanjat tapi gembira menerima minuman panas yang amat diperlukan pada ketika it. Rasanya kebanyakan daripada mereka pernah dengar nama Kechara.
Usaha kami pada malam ini adalah daripada ilham Tsem Rinpoche, untuk menghantar mesej kepada komuniti Bentong, bahawa Kechara akan tetap berada di sini dan kita akan memberi sokongan dan melibatkan diri untuk menghulur bantuan apabila kejadian malang dan bencana berlaku. Kebanyakan daripada petugas dan pekerja menghargai usaha kami dan mengucapkan terima kasih, ada yang melambai pada kami apabila kami beredar dan pulang ke Kechara Forest Retreat.
Saudara Nicholas,
Terima kasih kerana berkongsi pengalaman tentang malam semalam.
Saya ingin menambah bahawa Tsem Rinpoche juga hadir bersama kami untuk seluruh aktiviti semalam. Tsem Rinpoche dan kami membeli kopi panas di Old Town White Coffee dan juga makanan ringan di 7 Eleven. Tsem Rinpoche juga hadir sendiri untuk menghantar makanan kepada petugas-petugas di sepanjang jalan. Aktiviti kami bermula di sekitar jam 10 malam semalam (November 11, 2015) dan tamat lebih kurang pada 2 pagi.
Kami terpaksa pergi balik beberapa kali untuk membeli kopi dan makanan ringan kerana tidak cukup bekalan. Kami dibenarkan untuk memandu di kawasan larangan buat sementara waktu oleh polis dan pihak berkuasa untuk menghantar kopi panas dan makanan ringan bagi pihak Kechara.
Anggota polis, pekerja jalan raya dan petugas lain yang menerima makanan semua sangat peramah, gembira dan agak terkejut dengan kehadiran kami. Saya rasa mereka tidak terfikir ada sesiapa yang akan berbuat demikian.
Keprihatinan Tsem Rinpoche terhadap kommuniti akan membantu dalam usaha memupuk hubungan lebih erat dengan penduduk bandar Bentong di saat-saat memerlukan.
Ahli-ahli dari Kechara yang hadir semalam adalah Nicholas, Khoo, Pamela, Pastor Shin dan saya, bersama dengan H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. Kami amat bangga kerana kami diizinkan untuk memandu ke dalam kawasan banjir dan pokok tumbang dengan niat baik untuk menghantar kopi panas and makanan ringan. Rinpoche sendiri menjadi saksi kepada betapa tekun petugas-petugas bekerja keras di bawah hujan. Rinpoche sangat terharu melihat pekerja lebuhraya bekerja dalam keadaan basah kuyup tanpa payung dan baju hujan sehingga berjam-jam. Apabila Rinpoche menurunkan tingkap kereta untuk bertanya tentang jalan alternatif, petugas-petugas tersebut masih lagi senyum dan menjawab dengan amat sopan. Melihat kesenyuman di muka mereka yang basah dan betapa banyak kerja-kerja pemulihan yang perlu dilakukan, Tsem Rinpoche tersentuh hati dan ingin membeli makanan ringan dan minuman panas untuk mereka. Apa yang tertonjol dan paling penting ialah walaupun bekerja keras di bawah hujan, mereka masih memberikan senyum. Ini amat menyentuh hati Rinpoche. Di bawah adalah video yang dirakam Rinpoche semalam.
Kejadian semalam akan membantu Kechara di kawasan ini buat masa akan datang. Tsem Rinpoche berkata bahawa beliau akan terus berusaha pada masa akan datang dan selalu bersedia untuk memberi khidmat kepada masyarakat.
Disini disertakan gambar dari semalam.
Jikalau anda ingin bersosial media, anda boleh berbuat demikian secara bertimbang rasa.
Pastor Seng Piow
Tsem Rinpoche with our Kechara team buying snacks at 7-11 for the people working in the rain. We were allowed access to closed roads to deliver snacks and drinks. We thank the officials very much
Tsem Rinpoche bersama ahli-ahli Kechara membeli makanan ringan dari kedai serbaguna 7-11 untuk pekerja jalan yang bekerja di dalam hujan. Kami amat berterima kasih kepada pegawai sekalian
Very friendly RELA volunteer receiving food and drink
Seorang pekerja amal RELA menerima makanan dan minuman daripada kami
The workers are happy to receive snacks and warm coffee while working through the night. There are dedicated Kechara people who live nearby and or reside in Kechara Forest Retreat who make themselves available to help whenever Tsem Rinpoche request them to help. This is very helpful.
Pekerja sangat gembira menerima makanan ringan dan kopi panas sambal bekerja ke larut malam.
Ada ahli-ahli Kechara yang tinggal berdekatan atau di Kechara Forest Retreat yang amat sedia membantu apabila Tsem Rinpoche meminta bantuan. Perkara ini sangat baik
Very friendly Bentong official
Pegawai Bentong yang amat mesra
Very hardworking and friendly Bentong officials who were there to fix the road in the middle of the night. What a great privilege to meet the highway people last night working hard to clear the roads after the landslide for the public. We thank you!
Pegawai Bentong yang tekun dan mesra bekerja membaiki jalan di tengah malam. Kami amat gembira bertemu dengan pekerja di lebuhraya semalam yang bekerja keras membersihkan jalan selepas tanah runtuh. Kami amat berterima kasih!
Passing out snacks and warm coffee
Memberi makanan ringan dan kopi panas
Great workers from Bentong working to clear the roads. We at Kechara and Tsem Rinpoche thank them very much for their hard work. They were smiling although the work was hard.
Pekerja yang amat baik dari Bentong bekerja keras untuk membersihkan jalan. Kami di Kechara bersama Tsem Rinpoche amat berterima kasih kepada mereka atas sumbangan mereka. Mereka masih bersenyum asalkan kerja itu sangat keras.
Buying more hot coffee for the workers. Here are Kecharians packing hot coffee to deliver in the rain happily.
Membeli lagi banyak kopi untuk pekerja-pekerja. Ahli Kechara membungkus kopi panas untuk diberikan kepada pekerja dengan gembira.
Giving snack and hot coffee to friendly highway officials
Memberi makanan ringan dan kopi panas kepada pekerja lebuhraya yang mesra
Giving snack and hot coffee to friendly highway officials
Memberi makanan ringan dan kopi panas kepada pekerja lebuhraya yang mesra
Hardworking Bentong highway staff at rainy night
Pekerja lebuhraya di Bentong yang tekun bekerja di tengah malam yang berhujan
Friendly and hardworking police officers guiding the traffic. Our Kecharians spontaneously followed Tsem Rinpoche to deliver some care and respect to these highway heroes.
Ahli polis yang mesra dan tekun menunjukkan aliran trafik. Ahli Kechara kami mengikut Tsem Rinpoche memberi kehormatan dan salam kepada hero lebuhraya.
Friendly and hardworking police officers guiding the traffic
Ahli polis yang mesra dan tekun menunjukkan aliran trafik
Friendly and hardworking police officers guiding the traffic. Our Kechara team distributing some kind words and snacks to the hardworking Police force and highway personal of Bentong where Kechara Forest Retreat is.
Ahli polis yang mesra dan tekun menunjukkan aliran trafik. Ahli Kechara kami memberi salam dan mankanan ringan kepada ahli polis yang bekerja keras dan pekerja lebuhraya Bentong di tempat Kechara Forest Retreat
Friendly and hardworking police officers guiding the traffic
Ahli polis yang mesra dan tekun menunjukkan aliran trafik
Friendly and hardworking police officers guiding the traffic. Tsem Rinpoche and Kechara said they were honored to offer some warm drinks to the Bentong police and highway workers as they were standing there the whole night in the rain
Pegawai polis dan rajin menjalakan tugas pengurusan lalu lintas. Tsem Rinpoche dan Kechara amat berbesar hati untuk menghulurkan minuman panas kepada polis Bentong dan pekerja lebuhraya kerana mereka bertugas sepanjang malam di bawah hujan
Roadcare staff receiving snacks and hot coffee
Kakitangan Roadcare menerima makanan ringan dan kopi panas
Roadcare staff receiving snacks and hot coffee
Kakitangan Roadcare menerima makanan ringan dan kopi panas
Many places along the road had fallen trees like this, many hardworking Bentong staff were working through the night to clear the road. Tsem Rinpoche walked with our volunteers along the road to deliver hot coffee and snacks to the workers and officials that will be up the whole night clearing
Keadaan pokok tumbang sebegini telah berlaku di beberapa kawasan . Ramai petugas Bentong bekerja sepanjang malam untuk membersihkan jalan raya. Tsem Rinpoche berjalan dengan sukarelawan kami di sepanjang jalan untuk menghantar kopi panas dan makanan ringan kepada pekerja-pekerja dan pegawai-pegawai yang akan menjalankan tugas sepanjang malam
Passing out snack and drinks to hardworking staff who worked through the night to clear the road
Mengedarkan makanan ringan dan minuman kepada kakitangan yang rajin bekerja sepanjang malam untuk membersihkan jalan raya
Passing out snack and drinks to hardworking staff who worked through the night to clear the road
Mengedarkan makanan ringan dan minuman kepada kakitangan yang rajin bekerja sepanjang malam untuk membersihkan jalan raya
RELA volunteers controlling traffic beyond midnight, kudos!
RELA志工夜半三更仍在指挥交通, 赞!
Sukarelawan RELA mengawal lalu lintas hingga larut malam, syabas!
RELA volunteers controlling traffic beyond midnight, kudos!
RELA志工夜半三更仍在指挥交通, 赞!
Sukarelawan RELA mengawal lalu lintas hingga larut malam, syabas!
RELA volunteers controlling traffic beyond midnight, kudos!
RELA志工夜半三更仍在指挥交通, 赞!
Sukarelawan RELA mengawal lalu lintas hingga larut malam, syabas!
Video of rain and flood at Bentong on Nov 11, 2015
Video hujan dan banjir di kawasan Bentong pada Nov 11, 2015
Video of mud flow that affected Karak Highway along the Genting Sempah – Bentong stretch on Nov 11, 2015
Or view the video on the server at:
These are some pictures of the landslide which is being cleared now on Karak Highway
Gambar-gambar kawasan kejadian di Lebuhraya Karak dimana pembaik pulih sedang dijalankan
Because of the heavy rains, there was a major landslide on November 11, 2015 along our Karak Highway. The authorities such as police, RELA, Bentong TNB and other depts have been working overtime. Even the press were parked there on-site to report up-to-date news. The highways after two days are still closed but the authorities are working very hard to clear the debris, make repairs and get everything back to normal. They have been up for days and nights and we are very appreciative of their efforts. Because of the landslide, it has disrupted the traffic for thousands of cars who cannot get home, school or to work. Taking alternative routes causes extra 4-5 hours in travelling time. I messaged the wonderful Ms Su Ming and her sincere team to please bring food and drinks to them and they sprung into action immediately! Thank you!
We thank the authorities and highway volunteers very much so Kechara has gone out today with 120 packets of food and drinks to the authorities.
Our team today consist of:
1. William Chua
2. Chuah Su Ming
3. Karen Chong
4. Wee Sock Wan
5. Jerry Sito
6. Wylfred Ng
7. Valentina Suhendra
8. Vinnie Tan
9. Billy Ng
10. Carmen Koo
Our hardworking and caring Kechara team got up early to arrange the food and drive out to public restricted areas to deliver the food with the help of the friendly police. We like to thank our police force for helping us to get to potentially dangerous areas to send some appreciation with our food. The extremely dangerous areas, the food was passed on to them via the officials there. We thank the officials for their cooperation in our efforts and all their works.
Please see the following pictures of the food and drinks delivered to our hardworking authorities this day November 13, 2015.
I thank my fellow Kechara people for their hard work and I thank humbly our authorities for working so hard.
Tsem Rinpoche
1 伟南
2 诗明
3 君慧
4 淑婉
5 帼耀
6 明川
7 Valentina Suhendra
8 馨蔚
9 世优
10 嘉文
詹杜固仁波切 合十
Disebabkan oleh hujan lebat baru baru ini, kejadian tanah runtuh telah berlaku di Lebuhraya Karak pada 11hb November 2015. Sejak daripada itu, pihak-pihak berkuasa seperti polis, RELA dan TNB Bentong telah berkerja tanpa henti untuk memulihkan keadaan. Pihak media juga bersedia di kawasan tanah runtuh untuk melaporkan berita terbaru. Pada masa sekarang, lebuhraya masih ditutup walaupun dua hari telah berlalu selepas kejadian tanah runtuh. Pihak berkuasa masih lagi berkerja bertungkus lumus untuk membersih dan membaik pulih jalan raya. Kami berasa amat berterima kasih dan menghargai usaha mereka bekerja tanpa mengira waktu untuk membaik pulih lebuhraya.
Kejadian tanah runtuh tersebut telah menyebabkan trafik tergendala. Ramai telah terjejas dan menghadapi kesukaran untuk pulang rumah, pergi berkerja atau ke sekolah. Sebahagian orang terpaksa mengguna jalan alternatif yang mengambil masa 4 atau 5 jam lebih dari waktu perjalanan asal untuk sampai ke destinasi mereka untuk membawa makanan dan minuman kepada pihak-pihak yang berkerja untuk memulihkan lebuhraya. Cik Su Ming dan rakannya bertindak serta-merta untuk menghantar makanan dan minuman kepada pihak berkuasa.
Usaha dari kami, pihak Kechara telah menghantar 120 bungkus makanan dan minuman untuk menyampaikan penghargaan kami kepada pihak berkuasa dan sukarelawan yang bekerja untuk memulihkan lebuhraya.
Pasukan kami terdiri daripada 10 orang muda iaitu:
1. William Chua
2. Chuah Su Ming
3. Karen Chong
4. Wee Sock Wan
5. Jerry Sito
6. Wylfred Ng
7. Valentina Suhendra
8. Vinnie Tan
9. Billy Ng
10. Carmen Koo
Pasukan dari Kechara yang rajin dan berhemah telah menyediakan makanan sejak awal pagi tadi dan menuju ke kawasan kejadian dengan bantuan dari pihak polis yang mesra membantu. Kami berasa amat berterima kasih kepada anggota polis yang membantu kami untuk menghantar makanan ke kawasan yang berisiko tinggi. Manakala pihak berkuasa telah membantu kami untuk menghantar makanan kepada pekerja yang berkerja di kawasan yang amat merbahaya. Kami berasa amat berterima kasih kepada pihak berkuasa yang berkerjasama dengan kami untuk menjayakan usaha kami.
Sila merujuk kepada gambar berikut untuk mengetahui lebih banyak tentang usaha kami untuk menghantar makanan kepada pihak berkuasa pada hari ini, bertarikh 13hb November 2015.
Saya berterima kasih kepada ahli Kechara, dan juga pihak berkuasa yang berkerja keras untuk memulihkan lebuhraya.
Yang ikhlas,
Tsem Rinpoche
Our Kechara team have arrived near the area where repairs are being done
Ahli-ahli Kechara tiba di kawasan kejadian tanah runtuh
Delicious packets of halal food ready to be distributed
Makanan halal sedia untuk diedarkan kepada mereka yang bertugas
A drink, halal rice and a packet of biscuits to each person
Minuman botol, Nasi Goreng dan biskut yang akan diedarkan kepada mereka yang sedang menjalankan kerja-kerja membaiki jalan di kawasan tanah runtuh
Su Ming who is always ready to give a helping hand with our helpful police force working overtime to keep the public safe
Su Ming yang sentiasa bersedia menghulurkan bantuan dan juga pihak polis yang berkerja lebih masa untuk memastikan keselamatan rakyat
Our hardworking police force keeping the public safe while roadworks continue. They were very helpful and we thank them
Anggota Polis yang bekerja keras dan mesra untuk menjaga keselamatan rakyat semasa lebuhraya masih dibaiki. Kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada anggota polis atas bantuan mereka
Delivering the food
Makanan dihantar oleh ahli Kechara
“As part of Kechara’s initiative today, we were able to get onto the Karak Highway to distribute hot food, drinks and biscuits to the hardworking workers on site, as well as the police, and officials of local authorities and government staffs.
We gave out 120 packets of a mixture of Chinese and Kampung fried rice which were kindly prepared by a halal restaurant. There were also 72 bottles of ice cold 100plus, 60 bottles of water and 120 packets of biscuits.
They were happy with receiving the food and were very friendly.”~Carmen Koo
“Atas inisiatif Kechara hari ini, kami dapat sampai ke Lebuhraya Karak untuk mengedarkan makanan panas, minuman dan biskut kepada pekerja-pekerja yang bekerja keras di tempat kejadian, dan juga kepada pihak polis, pegawai-pegawai pihak berkuasa tempatan dan juga kakitangan kerajaan.
Kami memberi 120 bungkus campuran nasi goreng Cina dan Kampung yang disediakan oleh sebuah restoran halal. 72 botol 100 Plus sejuk, 60 botol air dan 120 paket biskut juga diedarkan.
Mereka gembira menerima makanan dan sangat mesra. “~ Carmen Koo
William, Vinnie and Su Ming with the helpful authorities. We thank them
William, Vinnie dan Su Ming dengan pegawai-pegawai yang sedia membantu. Kami amat berterima kasih kepada pegawai tersebut
Billy and Jerry giving food to the TNB technicians who are really working overtime
Billy dan Jerry memberi makanan kepada pekerja TNB yang berkerja lebih masa
Wylfred and Billy giving food to the core working team. The people who are doing the physical work for the main landslide area
Wylfred dan Billy memberi makanan kepada pekerja barisan hadapan yang melaksanakan kerja membaik pulih di kawasan tanah runtuh
Wylfred and Billy giving food to the core working team. The people who are doing the physical work for the main landslide area
Wylfred dan Billy memberi makanan kepada pekerja barisan hadapan yang melaksanakan kerja membaik pulih di kawasan tanah runtuh
Wylfred and Billy giving food to the core working team. The people who are doing the physical work for the main landslide area
Wylfred dan Billy memberi makanan kepada pekerja barisan hadapan yang melaksanakan kerja membaik pulih di kawasan tanah runtuh
Valentina and Sock Wan on site
Valentina 和淑婉来到现场
Valentina dan Sock Wan di kawasan kejadian
These men in orange have been up all night and day doing work to clear the landslide
Pekerja berbaju oren telah berkerja untuk memulihkan lebuhraya tanpa mengira waktu
We thank the TV reporters from TV3 who are camped out there to give updates to the nation
Kami berasa amat berterima kasih kepada pemberita dari TV3 yang berkhemah di kawasan kejadian untuk melaporkan berita terbaru kepada rakyat seluruh negara
At the tent organising food
Mengatur makanan di khemah
Can see Jerry and Wylfred and Vinnie here passing food, drinks and snacks as the repairs take place in the background
Kelihatan kerja kerja pembaik pulih sedang dijalankan di belakang sementara Jerry, Wylfred dan Vinnie memberi makanan, minuman dan makanan ringan
Our team from Kechara sit down for a simple lunch after the food delivery today. Thank you team!
Top row left to right: Carmen Koo, Sock Wan Wee, William Chua, Jerry Sito, Wylfred Ng, Billy Ng, Vinnie Tan
Bottom row left to right: Valentina Suhendra, Su Ming and Karen Chong
Ahli-ahli Kechara yang bermakan tengahari selepas menghantar makanan hari ini
Barisan belakang dari kiri: Carmen Koo, Sock Wan Wee, William Chua, Jerry Sito, Wylfred Ng, Billy Ng, Vinnie Tan
Barisan hadapan dari kiri: Valentina Suhendra, Su Ming and Karen Chong
Workers carrying our food to the more dangerous areas of the landslide where the public are not permitted for safety reasons
Pekerja yang membawa makanan ke kawasan tanah runtuh yang berisiko tinggi. Kawasan tersebut ditutup disebabkan faktor keselamatan
The highway is closed off due to repairs
Lebuhraya ditutup untuk dibaik pulih
We at Kechara always wish our best to our fellow citizens and we will endeavor to support whenever we can. We thank the authorities for their quick response to this disaster that has affected thousands. We send our good wishes always.
Tsem Rinpoche
Kami di Kechara sentiasa mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk seluruh masyarakat dan kami akan sentiasa berusaha untuk memberi sokongan sebaik mungkin. Kami berterima kasih kepada pihak berkuasa yang bertindak pantas menghadapi bencana ini yang menyebabkan ramai orang terjejas. Kami mengucapkan salam sejahtera selalu.
Tsem Rinpoche
Just a thought:
From meditational/yidam retreats (merit/purifications), sadhanas daily (altering projections), holding our vows (discipline/ethics/integrity), pushing past comfort zones till it’s natural (consistency due to discipline) and working on our minds to focus on positive ‘projections’ daily will give rise to a mind that spontaneously overcomes laziness, miserliness, hatred and pain to focus out and help others. Helping others when encumbered with me, me, me attitude is VERY DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE. When by sadhana, retreats, reflections, holding vows and simply pushing oneself out of the comfort zones DAILY, then helping others and focusing out becomes spontaneous, easy and without difficulties. This is a better direction to go then narcissism or poor me attitudes or attitudes that project barriers and limits on ourselves that don’t exist. What was seen as effort and work become easy as breathing when we practice daily…that is the beauty. We can wake up each day practicing towards a better self then reinforcing a unhealthy self. Our narcissistic focus on ourselves is replaced with altruistic concern/action for others. Even if we are not happy fully, we make others happy. Whereas prior to this we ourselves are not happy and we make everyone around us unhappy too. This is not hard and the FIRST step is daily reaching beyond our comfort zones till we are not reaching beyond anymore, but we step into it. Comfort zones are trained and reinforced through the years. Just stop the training and reinforcements. Be serious about this…..
Tsem Rinpoche
Please support us so that we can continue to bring you more Dharma:
If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the blog team
We really appreciate , workers and volunteers that on duty and act fast to manage the traffic and clearing the road on time . Everyone of them were working under rain and always happy .. We must respect the official and government
It’s was really a great honoured and opportunity to be with Tsem Rinpoche who initiated to give hot drinks and snacks for those hardworking people. Rinpoche has doing this for many many years to reach out to people who needed help..
When disaster happens, there are many workers from different authorities working together to fix the situation. Many a times, the team working on site are “forgotten”, and sometimes they are scolded by the public for matters which are not of their fault.
I can see that many blame the authorities on social media, that they didn’t do their job in acting in time to direct traffic, etc. However, they are just working based on the direction from the top, and it is really not their fault. Just ask ourselves, given a choice, would we prefer to sleep comfortably at home? Or work under the heavy monsoon rain, to clear the road and direct traffic?
What H.E. The 25th Tsem Rinpoche instructed His students, bring appreciation to workers whom usually forget. It is really heart warming this act of kindness is carried out!
Rinpoche always taught us compassion through action. Rinpoche’s care for those hardworking people..We at Kechara always wish our best to our fellow citizens and we will endeavor to support whenever we can. We thank the authorities for their quick response to this disaster that has affected thousands..
Thank you Rinpoche and Kechara team for always be there when in need.
Your actions has inspire us to always care and be ready to help those in needs no matter who they are, their background religion or race.
All the road workers, policemen and volunteers have to work under the rain, in difficult situation and for long hours just so to clear the road for everyone’s convenient. We should always be grateful and show our appreciation for their hard work and commitment. The thought and action is so important as we always tend to think that it is their job and hence do not take much care.
We as part of the society should be responsible and help reduce the burden in times like this. Rinpoche’ action and kindness showed to all the workers that they are not alone and we being part of the community acknowledge their dedication.
Thanks again for sharing this blog which is a good reminder for all of us.
Rinpoche’s loving kindness and actions always inspire me, give me a motivation to continue my spiritual practice. Many of us can perform a good speech, fantastic idea, beautiful words and etc when communicating with others in our daily life. But how many of us can walk the talk? By following Rinpoche’s blog I learn a lot. With hand folded, thank you Tsem Rinpoche.
Saya memang terharu apabila melihat Rinpoche yang begitu mengambil berat terhadap pasukan penyelamat dan pasukan kawalan di Bentong pada malam tragedi itu. Rinpoche yang bersifat baik hari tanpa mengira warna kulit, agama, bahasa dan latar belakang setiap ahli dalam pasukan penyelamat dan pasukan kawalan. Justerunya, saya juga berasa amat bangga dengan pelajar-pelajar Rinpoche yang sanggup mengorbankan masa dan tenaga tanpa mengenal penat dan waktu dengan rela hati menghantar makanan dan minuman untuk pasukan penyelamat dan pengawal. Kita sepatutnya mencontohi tindakan Rinpoche dan pelajar-pelajar beliau iaitu sentiasa sedia menyediakan bantuan kepada pihak yang memerlukan. Di samping itu, kita perlulah saling menyayangi antara satu sama lain tanpa mengira agama, latar belakang dan warna kulit begitu juga dengan segala makhluk hidup di persekitaran kita. Akhirnya, kita sepatutnya peka terhadap apa yang berlaku di persekitaran kita agar keharmonian dapat kekal selama-lamanya.Bak kata pepatah “yang baik dijadikan teladan, yang buruk dijadikan sempadan”.
often, we thinks that someone should keep the public road clean and clear the path for us. We have paid taxes, hence someone should do it for us. This is not the case when Rinpoche saw the police man and government authorities working under the rain clearing landslide hoping the highway will resume operation asap. This group of hard working people is usually neglected by most of us. A simple cup of hot coffee will really make their day happy and let them felt appreciated. It is really touching, we can practise kindness and compassion anywhere anytime, especially to people we don’t know.
Rinpoche’s efforts are always inspirational for me. Whenever i read about the things Rinpoche does for others, i ask myself ‘what am i doing for others? what can i do for other?’. Rinpoche is really an icon of compassion. Nobody else would have given out food and drinks like this to these people. In fact, most people wouldn’t even realise that these people need food and drinks, or that they are out in the cold rain. Most people would just carry on with their lives, thank goodness Rinpoche is not like this.
It really takes a high level of awareness to realise these peoples needs. And i feel like Rinpoche does have this level of awareness. But it takes more than awareness to take action. Rinpoche was determined and went out of this way to personally deliver the food and drinks to these peoples. Rinpoche could have easily asked others to deliver the food and drinks for him, but no, Rinpoche did it himself. This shows real kindness.
Imagine if all the people in the world were like Rinpoche. Imagine how peaceful the world would be then. Too bad it will never be like that. But that shouldn’t stop us from trying to achieve that. I hope Rinpoches actions in this blog post has inspired others like how it has inspired me.
Thank you for the updates.
Rinpoche is always so kind and giving.
I had that when the landslide occurred, Rinpoche was actually going for a treatment for his terrible back ache. Because of the incident, Rinpoche returned to Bentong and decided to pack food and hot drinks for those hard working government officials and volunteers, ignoring his own pain.
Such acts can only be seen coming from Rinpoche as his love and compassion isn’t something we lay people can comprehend. I have witnessed on many accounts great acts by Rinpoche.
Being around such a great Guru teaches us to think out and bigger in times of crises or disasters, teaches us compassion and equality, and importantly… it is always not about us, but the community we live in.
Thank you.
I was very fortunate to have been there when Rinpoche wanted the Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) team to go distribute hot coffee and snacks. Wonderful to be able to do something and to show appreciation for those who work hard for the society and welfare of others.
One thing being around the Guru is that your mind/ action/ activity is always geared towards that of serving others because the Guru always abides in that type of attitude and thinking. Rinpoche was on the way to Kuala Lumpur when the road closure happened. Rinpoche himself was “trapped” for nearly 2 hours in the rain/ traffic, but instead of complaining or blaming anyone or anything, Rinpoche was just being present and observe what was happening.
Rinpoche has gastric issue, so the attendants always pack some snacks like biscuits etc when Rinpoche travels. When we met up with Rinpoche, I found out that Rinpoche has given away all his snacks to the workers/ officers on duty on the highway before turning back to Bentong town to meet us and get more supplies to give away to more workers/ officers. Those who have been around Rinpoche for a while will know that Rinpoche always make sure no one is hungry, and that any being (including animals) around Rinpoche will always benefit, at the very least, go away with a full stomach
Bodhisattvas works solely for the benefit of others without wanting anything in return. A lot of time, Rinpoche will help people “anonymously”. However, as Kechara is new and establishing ourself in this community, it is important to build a good relationship with our neighbour’s and fellow Bentong folks. Hence, Rinpoche reminded us to share with the workers and officers who we are, where we are from, so that they know that Kechara is here to stay and that we will do our best to support the local community, especially in the time of need.
I’m glad that the second group of Kecharians went out to distribute more food and drinks to the workers & officers, especially those who have been working on the actual landslide site and surrounding area. We sometimes take things for granted, especially the kindness of others, in this case, the workers and officers who worked day and night, extra- overtime to fix/ clear the roads, and to stay on duty on certain spots to direct traffic and to inform the public with a smile that the road was blocked. It is my Guru’s kindness that I was reminded to show gratitude to these people, and I am glad that with a small token in the form of hot coffee and a little snacks, these hardworking people know that they are being appreciated.
When disaster strike, we tend to want to know when the repairs will be done…When we can get on with life-as-usual.
Not for Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. He sees those who are forgotten and unseen.
During the Karak Highway landslide, rinpoche saw the hard working heroes who tried to redirect people to safety under the rain and in the darkness.
Personally going to get hot drinks and food to offer some warmth and kindness to them.
This is inspiration in action in simple humanly scenarios.
Thank you Rinpoche and Kechara Forest Retreat team!
还记得去年烟霾来到我们马来半岛的时候, 仁波切也有带着学生还有 Kechara Soup Kitchen 到吉隆玻市区去拍口罩。
A small gesture goes a long way to appreciate the hardworking people whose job is to serve the public and quickly clear the inconveniences. A way to say thank you and appreciate them.
Five things that I learned from the blog post:
• I learned that Rinpoche is interested in the welfare of everyone – not only his students
• The volunteers and people who work hard must be cared for, not only the victims
• Compassion has no barrier of race and backgrounds
• People in general are kindhearted
• Rinpoche set an example for me to help those in need.
Supporting others who are less fortunate and those who work tirelessly for others are actions of compassion which ate much needed nowadays. There are many unsung heros who work quietly behind the scenes and are often not noticed or taken for granted.
If we believe in compassion, we should also give them moral support and show them our gratitude. Tsem Rinpoche lead a few of his students to show his appreciation to all the people who worked tirelessly throughout the night after the massive landslide. Without all their hard work and dedication, the highway would not be open by now.
All of us play a part on this planet. Regardless of our differences, it’s best to embrace the differences and coexist in peace and harmony. Showing appreciation and gratitude is one of the best ways to promote this.
Sering kali apabila bencana alam melanda, kita akan terkejut dan tidak tahu macam mana hendak menerima berita buruk sebegini. Kakitangan awam macam pegawai lebuhraya dan anggota polis amat prihati dalam membantu mengawal keadaan tanah runtuh di lebuhraya karak. Kerja mereka yang tidak ada waktu kerja tetap ini amat mengharukan saya dan membanggakan saya sebagai warganegara Malaysia.
Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua pekerja dan pegawai yang terlibat membantu meringankan beban dan membersihkan kesan tanah runtuh di Lebuhraya Karak buat kami.
Mengikut jejak langkah tok Guru kami Yang Mulia Tsem Rinpoche, kita berbangga dapat memberikan makanan ringan dan minuman bersama semangat kepada wira wira bencana alam ini.
Rinpoche always lead by example and in time of this natural disaster, Rinpoche again taught us compassion through action. Rinpoche’s care for those hardworking government workers braving the rain to clear the landslide is very heartwarming. Thank you, Rinpoche and those involved for bringing food, hot drinks and cheers to those hardworking unsung heroes.
Dear Nicholas and Pastor Seng Piow,
Thank you for sharing this warmth article in Rinpoche’s blog.
Rinpoche show care and love to people despite their religion, skin color etc. The workers working hard chasing the time to release the roadblock, they have no one even care for their welfare. People are only concern on when the road will be released. These are the group of people we often neglected.
Rinpoche show us the true Bodhisattva- foods are carefully select (warm food and hot drinks), and Rinpoche provide for the workers and reporters without hoping on any return.
With Rinpoche’s action, this got we to think more to other, they silently do their work and help maintain the environment to be clean. E.g the people who clean the rubbish, the people who cut the road side glass, who build the LRT . They did their work silently and many time, not only people neglected them but also look down on them. But, without them, who will do for us. I thanks them from bottom of my heart and offer my prayer for their safety and well-beings always.
Other than that,
Kecharian – Su Ming and team working very fast and effective. They have carried out Rinpoche’s instruction well and do it with integrity. It is important to work hard, integrity so that Rinpoche’s work which is to benefit the sentient beings will be carry out with effective and fast.
Thank you again Rinpoche , Nicholas, Pastor Seng Piow , Su Ming and team
With Folded hand,
Thank you Rinpoche for your kindness, compassion and your understanding of the difficult situation faced by the local authorities, officers and workers to clear up the road under the cold rain during the land slide incident. The warmth and care given by Rinpoche can be felt by all of us through the pictures shared out in this posting. The warm coffee and halal food offered to the government officers and workers there can instill the kindness, generosity and care into their mind stream, that can be further spread out to their families, friends and colleagues when they are back to their normal routines. A more caring society can eventually lead to world peace, which we need the most at this point of time.
Many thanks to Kecharians who have gone around the places to buy warm coffee and snacks for distribution at the affected land slides area. While most of us were staying at home comfortably, they have to drive around at night, walked for multiple steps on the muddy road and staying up late until 2 am. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
With folded hands,
kin hoe
This blog post just reminds me that Rinpoche continues to do good with Kechara and the people around him for the people around him and other people as well. He sets the right example and always cares for others and sees things others do not see in things and people. He will continue to spread the Dharma and the right things in this world and I am very lucky to have met him in my lifetime.
I have learned that those people that seem invisible and help us so much. The people that are in the background helping us with jobs that we do not think is very highly rated, those people are very important too, just like us. They are people too, if I can be a vegetarian for equality for lives, I can see why these people are just like us and how they feel and have livelihoods too. Just like us.
Thank you for sharing this Rinpoche and I hope that you can continue to benefit more and more lives in this world. Thank you Rinpoche for touching our lives with the Dharma. Thank you Rinpoche.
Rinpoche always put others before himself, Rinpoche never cease to care for anyone including animals. Rinpoche’s compassion, kindness, generosity and wanting to serve others is spontaneous and never dwindle. Thank you Rinpoche for this precious life lessons. Thank you KFR & Gift Team for your fast respond to Rinpoche’s call. Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for this wonderful write up and pictures.
A big thank you to The Highway authorities, RELA, Police, JKR & TNB who have been working very hard in the rain to clear the landslide debris and major repairs. Your selfless commitments and sacrifices to ensure public safety is great appreciated and admired.
With folded hands,
Lilyn Tan
Thank you Rinpoche for showing us the example on how to focus out and to care for others.
Thank you with folded hands
Pee Bee Chong
Thank you Rinpoche and the teams action immediately to show cares to others. It is really inspiring as make me think that we do can help in whatever situation to show cares, concern and the kindness to others is without any agenda regardless of races and religion.
How Rinpoche teaches us compassion is by doing it himself. This has happened many times not just to the people Rinpoche knows but also unsung heroes like these.
I also used to think the workers ‘should’ do it because they are paid to do it, nothing amazing about that. But what Rinpoche has highlighted to us is that these people even though work under a very unfavourable condition, they are still working wholeheartedly without complaining. Who does not like to be appreciated? By showing a little bit of appreciation, it will definitely brighten up people’s life, bring out the positive energy and bring people in the community closer and also safer.
The next time when you see a garbage car passes by your house, just say thank you to them ;p
Sensing the urgency of the rain and landslide situation, Tsem Rinpoche does not waste time but got up instantly to find ways to help immediately.
Thank you
Thank you Rinpoche and Representatives of Kechara. Proud of you all. ♤
Thank you for the pictures and updates. Today, a group of Tsem Rinpoche’s students went to distribute food and drinks again to the policemen and workers on duty at the area affected by the landslide. I’m very touched by their compassion and I’m sure the highway authorities and workers also appreciate very much their kind gesture. When there are natural disasters and during difficult times, people should show care and concern for others. This will break down a lot of barriers and create a kind and caring society.
An action in reality truly speaks louder than a thousand words. That’s what our Guru of wisdom and compassion is showing us kecharians to see and learn. Thank you Rinpoche, for a meaningful lesson well learnt by us all. Deeply grateful and happy to have such caring Guru like you!
The police, government officers (especially from the Public Works Department), volunteer workers such as RELA, highway employees, and road workers … This is the group of people , be they the police or the Public Works Department officers as well as the high way employees and road workers , whom we rarely pay attention to . Instead, more often than not, they are the subjects of our criticism and even unkind remarks.
Last night in pelting rain and in the cold , without umbrellas, they were controlling traffic or clearing away the fallen trees or the debris left by the huge landslide. They did all this and they still wore a smile on their faces and continued to be pleasant and polite to everyone.
When he saw all this, Tsem Rinpoche was touched to the core of his being. He quickly rounded up a team of caring Kecharians. Together they got hot drinks and food and went back to them and distributed this to them, bringing much needed cheer to them.
Tsem Rinpoche always has this dynamic way of showing compassion in action, and of bringing out the best in people who saw and read about this and were, in turn, touched to the point of bringing tears and a warm sensation to their hearts, as well as the welling of a determination to emulate him..
Thank you Rinpoche, for your fine example. Thank you for galvanising a group of Kecharians to work hand in hand with you to bring cheer to these unsung heroes.
Rinpoche always show gratitude and appreciation to people who work selflessly for the communities.Last night Rinpoche went out with some of His students to the massive landslide areas in Bentong, He saw the traffic officers, workers from various government departments and volunteers working so hard under heavy rain, they all went and bought foods and hot drinks for all the workers, all the workers received their snacks with a smile on their faces and a little surprise too. To me i always feel that Rinpoche is very compassionate towards people who have to work in harsh condition. Thank you for sharing this post to remind us to be kind and caring to all regardless of race and religions.
Dear Rinpoche,
This blog post is very inspiring. This clearly shows that compassion knows no boundaries.
Such action such as delivering food and drinks as an act of appreciation to the workers who worked tirelessly throught the night at a natural disaster scene is very rare in Malaysian. I’m sure many Malaysian would like to do the same but did not maybe because they are afraid of what others will think of them. I know I would think the same way.
Rinpoche’s action shows that we need to come out of our comfort zone to show compassion to those who needed it. We need to focus less on ‘I’ and think about others more.
Thank you Rinpoche for such a valuable lesson.
With folded hands,
Compassion Conquers All. And H. E. The 25th Tsem Rinpoche led by example.
While most are not aware of what’s happening along Karak Highway and some may be in the comfort of their home, Rinpoche and few of his students just sprung into action to help those workers working there under the rain.
Hot drinks and food was distributed to them and in sure it touches their hearts.
Rinpoche himself walk around and gave food to them till early in the morning.
Thank you Rinpoche for the kindness shown.
山泥傾瀉,破壞力非常大,所幸沒有造成人員傷亡。謝謝仁波切和弟子們給漏夜進行救災工作的所有單位人員,獻上關懷,熱咖啡☕️和食物,雪中送炭的舉動,我非常感動。師父常常說別把’我’看得非常大,這樣會讓自己帶來很多不快樂。反之應該把心打開,幫助和關心週邊的人,用快樂和愛心幫助他們。謝謝師父的慈悲,以身作則把愛心散播給努力救災的所有人。這是我要學習,讓後實踐的事。 Chon Kong
Dear Rinpoche : 感恩上师的提醒与慈爱,的确,凡是人都有情性(一些人除外)我本身也是如此,所以要有内心的另一个我 (意識?)来督促我。就像每日仪轨,有时累了,夜了。就想偷懒不做,但内在的我会提醒説:不可以!結果就做了,就如上师您所说,我们不督促自己的话,就会一直想停留在那个舒适地带,跨不出去.長久如此,就是原地踏步,是安全,舒适,但不能给自己短短的人生带来助益,也可能也没有去利益他人。当無常来臨的那一刻,也许会有遗憾!感恩上师,弟子会銘记於心。
Doing something for the people in our community is only common courtesy and simple gratitude. These are the people whose jobs are to keep us safe and the system running smoothly and frankly, they don’t earn a lot of money doing this. So, I am very glad to read this post. I am moved to see that as people scrambled to get out of the ground zero, the rain and sludge, Rinpoche was leading a team of Kecharians into it. I am very sure those working hard to clean up the landslide and control traffic appreciate the effort. Many looked pleasantly surprised.
However, it should be noted that it is one of Tsem Rinpoche’s character trait to notice the people many do not see or even of they did, would not give a second thought to – our domestic help, the foreign workers, the security guards, the council workers, the road cleaners, the homeless and the poor.
I also occurred to me that as residents of Kechara Forest Retreat, we should no longer think of ourselves as merely visiting Bentong because of KFR. We should really think of Bentong as our home now. Bentong has been very kind to us all.
Thank you very much for your tremendous show of kindness and gratitude Rinpoche and the Kecharians who were there with Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing and the kind act yesterday in Bentong. Giving food and drinks to other people may be something very small, but to the receiver, it gives them a huge impact.
Rinpoche always show us how to be a kind people, now whenever I’m on the street, when seeing someone come asking for money, I will also buy some food for them because most of the time they look hungry and their hand is shivering, a packet of rice means a lot to them, this is something I will not do previously.
Normally during incident like this, people will immediately move away and stay far away to keep themselves safe, but Rinpoche and team go out to serve food and drinks to the people, same as others, I do wish I’m there too yesterday. But I also shall keep this in mind that in future, whenever there are situation like this, I shall not stay away but to go in to help, not to do what they do, but at least serve them food or drinks for them to rejuvenate so they can continue to work to help others like what Rinpoche and team do yesterday.
Thank you Rinpoche
Dear Rinpoche,
Terima kasih Rinpoche untuk tindakan yang baik dan berbagi di Bentong semalam. Memberikan makanan dan minuman bagi orang lain mungkin adalah sesuatu yang sangat kecil, tetapi bagi yang menerima, mereka memiliki makna yang amat besar.
Rinpoche selalu menunjukan kepada kami bagaimana menjadi orang yang baik, sekarang, bilamana saya di luar, dan melihat seseorang meminta wang, saya juga akan membelikan mereka makanan. Karena kebanyakan dari mereka terlihat lapar dan tangan mereka bergetar, sebungkus nasi bermakna besar bagi mereka. Ini adalah hal yang tidak akan saya lakukan sebelumnya.
Biasanya pada kejadian seperti ini, orang lain akan segera menjauhkan diri dan menjaga keselamatan mereka, tetapi Rinpoche dan pembantu pergi untuk memberikan makanan kepada orang lain. Sama seperti yang lain, saya juga berharap saya ada di sana semalam, tetapi saya juga akan selalu mengingat hal ini di masa yang akan datang. Bilamana ada situasi seperti ini, saya tidak akan menjauhkan diri tetapi pergi untuk menolong, bukannya untuk meniru apa yang mereka lakukan, tetapi setidaknya memberikan mereka makanan dan minuman untuk menyegarkan kembali sehingga mereka boleh terus menolong orang lain seperti yang dilakukan Rinpoche dan pembantu semalam.
Terima kasih Rinpoche.
There were some students of HE the 25th Tsem Rinpoche who were stuck at this landslide traffic congestion and unable to reach home to Kechara Forest Retreat.
Rinpoche was very worried for their safety and while continuously questioning and calling them to ensure they are fine, it is so very amazing that Rinpoche still has the big heart and capacity to think of all the rescue workers at the landslide site to go in the heavy rain to buy food and drinks.
From the happy faces, the food and drinks were very welcomed, but more than that the rescue workers of this unfortunate incident were very happy to realise that some one cared enough to show appreciation to their work, in the rain and wet and cold conditions.
I rejoice for the workers and very grateful that Rinpoche showed this wonderful act of appreciation which is kindness at its best form, for us, His students to learn from.
身为仁波切的弟子,我每次都被仁波切这种无时无刻都在等候服务众生的精神,而感动得不能自己。对我而言,仁波切这种无微不至、不求回报的精神;就是来自他那源源不绝、踏实且真摰的爱! 这也是给予曾问过我以上问题的人的一个绝响的答案。
Rinpoche’s immediate compassion and generosity is boundless! His love for all Beings has no limits. We can’t run out of love as this is what Rinpoche represents. Thank you Rinpoche ! Thank you to the wonderful and hardworking Kechara team .
The mudslide that occurred last night is really unfortunate and it is not something we all expected to happen.
It is really good for Pastor Seng Piow, Pastor Shin together with Pam, Khoo and Nicholas and along with Rinpoche to buy hot drinks and snacks for the policemen, RELA workers and all the other workers who were working through the night and under the cold rain clearing up the mud, debris and fallen trees along the Karak Highway as well as the trunk road.
It is good for us as a Dharma center to extend a helping hand towards the people who are working to clear the roads for us road users to use as it promotes religious harmony and to let the workers know that we as road users appreciate their hard work and efforts.
Thank you Nicholas and Pastor Seng Piow for sharing!
Some people have to do are jobs which nobody really wants to do but someone had to do it. Rinpoche always reminds us this so that we are grateful for what we have and at the same time see the difficulties other face.
While most of us only look at our problems and complications this land slide caused (well, I couldn’t go back to PJ as intended and had to cancel meetings and arranged for my cat and sister’s cats to be fed), Rinpoche always look at the situation the other way round which is always what people are feeling and going through. There is no ME ME ME factor and this had been proven countless times over and over again.
Irregardless who, Tsem Rinpoche will always show immense care and generosity to anyone which nobody even gave a thought to.
It can be as simple as buying food and hot drinks to make someone’s day a little better.
Seeing the smiles on the faces of the policemen, highway workers and volunteers, when they received the drinks and snacks from H.E. Tsem Rinpoche and his students, really warms my heart. The smiles indicated that they were happy because their hard work was appreciated! At times like these, when there is a natural disaster, we, the general public, must show our gratitude to those whose duty it is to ensure that we are safe. Rinpoche has shown us the way. This is true community spirit.
It was a relief to learn that no one was hurt during the incident, I’m glad to know that the officials took actions immediately to control the situation, and made it easier for the publics who were stuck in the traffics. It is very heartwarming to see the policemen, workers and volunteers etc working together hand in hand in the rain. we may say that this is their job but you know what, we all have out own “jobs”, and the choice to perform it wholeheartedly or not is in our hands. These officials have definitely went way beyond their jobs and responsibility to take care of the public, I appreciate and admire their hard work very much.
Kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalam operasi penyelamatan dan pembersihan, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas usaha dan kerjasama yang dipaparkan.
A great compassion from Rinpoche and Kechara team. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing true compassion not only to the needy but to those on duty. Rinpoche is always so detailed to the needs of others . Thank you Rinpoche.
Thank you for sharing the news of the events of yesterday. Humans are quite strange ‘creatures’. Under normal conditions, they will go about their own business but when natural disasters occur, they will come together to help. It shows humanity is not lost and if one digs deeper, one will find humanity always.
Kechara under the guidance of His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche is truly amazing in reaching out to the emergency services who were swift to the rescue call. They are trained in situations like this so it was best they are lef to salvage the situations but very often people have to concerns for them or their feelings and Kechara was terrific to hand out hot drinks and snacks to keep the emergency services warm and energised and motivated.
Caring is free and one should always care.
One world, one race, one religion – Earth/Humans/Kindness…
Dear Rinpoche,
When I heard that the government officers who direct the heavy traffic are without raincoat under the night and replied smiling when asked for direction, I thought they are quite selfless. They joined the public service to serve and benefit the people. We have heard a lot of bad press and criticism against public servants but there are many good people doing their job beyond what is expected of them. It is very touching.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing the messages and the audio messages as well. It is really inspiring. Where would anyone be thinking of the officers and workers who had to do “overtime” and risking their lives helping in the affected places.
I guess the officers and government servants were even spurred on to work even harder to clear up those roads after food and drinks were sent to them. It is not much about the food but the thoughts of appreciation that they rarely get that will spur them on.
In doing so, others were also inspired to contribute their part by starting to flock the convenient stores to do the same. Not only that, in the process i think Rinpoche’s kindness have the knock on effect that will make them (the officers or volunteers) to do the same in times like this in future. It is like a teaching itself for those involved and the ones affected by the unforeseen tragedy.
Thank you Rinpoche so much! Hope this kind gesture will spread far and wide and people who sees this will do the same. Then the world will be a better place
Thank you Pastor Seng Piow for posting about the relief effort performed by Rinpoche and team. It is very nice of them to care for the government officials, road workers and volunteers. Usually, others will only care about the victims, but Rinpoche also care about the workers who were working hard to clear the road.
Thank you Rinpoche for showing us an act of compassion and caring again and again. I think is not easy for all these workers has to work the whole night to clear the road so with this aprraciation act by Rinpoche actually we Keachra do care about what going around us this is really a true spiritual practice.
Sometimes we need to show APPRECIATION to those out there in the rain, in the dark, in the mud, and during emergencies such as this landslide. The authorities and workers whose work can be dangerous, they risk their lives for being out there for us, selflessly serving the public. They are humans too and we sometimes overlook this and forget as hurriedly rush off to our next destination.
So what is the definition of ”Compassion in Action”? It would be such spontaneous acts like these initiated by H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche who has always consistently do and encourages us to do… to show care, kindness and appreciation.
When Rinpoche saw these workers, it moved Rinpoche and immediately Rinpoche has a thought “what if it was Rinpoche standing out there in the rain? How would Rinpoche feel…” Definitely Rinpoche or anyone would easily fall sick. They were all wet, yet they were smiling and they answered nicely when they were asked regarding the situation. This touched Rinpoche very much which initiated Rinpoche to get a few people in KFR to help in buying hot drinks and snacks for the workers.
It is a great blessing to be able to be of service to others and in times of need like this, to take action beyond our comfort zones, to benefit someone, so show human kindness especially to those we so often forget. This is what being human is all about.
Thank you to the Bentong authorities, and all who were involved in helping with the landslide last night and I believe who are probably still working hard now to clear the area. You are appreciated!
Such compassionate acts does not just benefit those receiving it but the ones giving it too for “true” happiness is about making others happy and in return we are happy too “without” expecting it.
Thank you Rinpoche and the kind KFR team who immediately went out last night with Rinpoche to show humane kindness to the authorities. And I am sure we will do more. Whatever Rinpoche does is always to benefit others now and into the future.
So glad that there has been no fatalities from this landslide.
It truly warms my heart to see how caring and thoughtful my Guru and my Dharma siblings are at times like this when no one would even stop and think about these men in blue and those who were working feverishly in the cold rain (many without raincoats!), at such an ungodly hour. Bet many would grumble at the traffic jam and inconvenience.
This is a testimony of how Kecharians give back to the community by serving those who are serving our community.
Thank you for this post, Pastor Seng Piow. And thank you, Rinpoche for continuously showing us how we can use the 23 hours off the meditation cushion meaningfully.
Sering kali kita tidak memberi kredit kepada pekerja-pekerja kerajaan, tetapi kita perlu sekali murah hati dengan pujian kami seperti mana kami selalu murah hati dengan aduan kami.
* Apabila terdapatnya api, siapakah anda pangil?
* Apabila anda terlibat dalam kemalangan, siapakah yang datang membantu dan membersihkan jalan raya?
* Apabila anda memasuki hospital, siapakah yang merawat anda?
* Apabila anda tersesat di sebuah gunung, siapakah yang pergi menyelamatkan anda?
* Apabila anak anda hilang, siapakah yang tergesa-gesa mencari mereka?
Pada masa anda dan keluarga anda mengalami kesusahan dalam hidup, barulah kami mengenali and mengiktiraf nilai perkerja kerajaan kita. Pekerja awam Malaysia yang sentiasa tidak dikenali oleh orang ramai, melatih diri dan berkerja keras untuk rakyat dan negara. Khidmat mereka sepatutnya dihargai oleh orang ramai.
Walaupun sering kali terdapat orang mengkritik dengan negatif sekali, tidak sekalipun mereka menunjuk kemarahan, kekecewaan ataupun mengadu. Sebaliknya, mereka terpaksa senyum apabila dipanggil untuk membantu, kerana kerja mereka adalah untuk membantu rakyat dan negara.
Bukan semua orang mampu mendapat bantuan peribadi, dan kita harus selalu mengingati bahawa perkerja kerajaan kami perlu membantu bukan sahaja anda, tetapi kebanyakan rakyat in negara kita. Tidak perlu saya berkata bahawa servis sektor awam di Malaysia memberi saya pengalaman yang amat baik sekali di hopital dan batuan profesional di balai polis.
Adakah kadang-kala kita mendapati pekerja awam kurang ajar? Mestilah.
Adakah kadang-kala mereka mengambil masa lama untuk melayan kami? Mestilah.
Adakah kadang-kala mereka membuat kesilapan? Mestilah.
Tetapi kenapa perkara tersebut boleh berlaku? Kerana mereka adalah manusia juga. Mereka boleh jadi penat, kecewa dan perlu berehat juga. Bukankan kami perlu berehat juga?
Di masa depan, apabila anda perlu mendapat bantuan dari pekerja awan, tolong mengingati bahawa anda adalah satu orang, tetapi mereka perlu servis beribu-ribu permintaan dan aduan dari rakyat setiap hari.
Saya harap lebih rakyat akan bersuara dan berterima kasih atas kebaikan dan usaha pekerja awam kita di Malaysia.
* 火灾的时候,你会给谁打电话?
* 遇到车祸时,是谁提供你帮助?清除道路上的残局的人又是谁?
* 在医院里,是谁为你缝针?
* 当你迷路和受困在山上时,是谁前来拯救你?
* 你的孩子失踪时,是谁协助寻找他们?
他们有时会显得无礼吗?是的。他们往往用很长的时间来完成一件事吗?是的。他们有时也会犯错吗?是的。为什么?因为他们也都是人,他们有时候也会感到疲累,有时也会不耐烦,也想要休息一会。我们不都是这样吗?所以,当你下一次再面对政府公务员时,请记得他们每天都要处理成千上万的请求和投诉。他们只是一个人,而我们则是 许多人。
People don’t often give enough credit to our government workers and civil servants, but we should be as easy with our compliments as we are with our complaints.
* When there is a fire, who do you call?
* When you get into an accident, who comes to your aid? Who clears the roads?
* When you go to the hospital, who stitches you up?
* When you’re stuck on a mountain and lost, who goes to rescue you?
* When your child is missing, who goes to look for them?
It is when you and your family are in trouble that our government and civil workers show their worth. They train and work day in, day out to serve the rakyat, and it is good for us to recognise and honour that, human to human.
And all this time, they cannot talk or fight back against all the negative press and responses they receive. They cannot show their anger or frustration, and they are never allowed to complain. They just smile and get on with their jobs, because their job is helping you.
Not everyone cannot afford private care and assistance, and we have to remember that these men and women serve the majority of the population who DEPEND on them. In fact, some of my best experiences in Malaysia has been in the public sector; I have received very good, very patient care from public hospitals, and very understanding and professional interactions with the police.
Are they rude sometimes? Yes. Do things take a long time sometimes? Yes. Do they make mistakes sometimes? Yes. Why? Because they are human and sometimes, they get tired, they get frustrated, they want to take a break too. Don’t we all? Next time you deal with a government worker, please remember they have to deal with thousands of requests and complaints every single day. They are one and we are many.
I hope more and more people speak out and recognise the kindness and hard work of our civil servants. They deserve our thanks too.
Thank You Rinpoche and team who had went out at night to distribute the hot coffee and snacks for the officers and workers at Bentong. This is geat example of Rinpoch and Kechara compassion in action.
Thank You Nicholas for the update of last night event.
Thank You,
Frederick law
Compassion people they never look there self pain , they feel pain for other.Thank you Rinpoche and the Kechara teams for showing love care for public.And thank you for using real action to teach us Dharma.Thank you again for our real hero Tsem Rinpoche and teams.
Thank you Nicholas for the updates and Pastor Seng Piow for the photos of Rinpoche and the “care team” in action. The first thought that came to mind was of Rinpoche’s story of his mother and him helping drivers stranded in the snow, by giving them hot soup and care. Rinpoche had always been a leading example to us of putting his compassionate thought into actions of compassion.
Rinpoche’s teaching of getting out of our comfort zone of “me, me, me” is so fitting at this time, with the example of bringing some relief and care into the lives of the police, government officers (especially JKR), volunteer workers such as RELA, highway employees, and road workers. They are often taken for granted but they are the people helping the lives of other people, usually under harsh conditions.
May we be the fulfilment of Rinpoche’s wishes to be the leader in caring for the communities! With folded hands, Sofi
Although no one is injured or life is lost in this landslide epsiode, the authorities, recovery and resuce teams on the grounds have much work to do to cleanup the road to be safe for public use again. As in any natural disasters they stay outdoor over the night to do their work. Who lookout after them?
Thank you Rinpoche and the Kechara teams for showing up that the public needs to show appreciation and gratitude to these brave man and woman who risk their safety to maintain the traffic order and at the same time restore the public road. We rely and dependant on each other to survive especially disasters.
Compassion in Action!!!
Rinpoche sets an example to all of us again during the unfortunate event which happened yesterday evening after a heavy downpour which cause a major landslide near Bentong by distributing hot drinks and some snacks to the officials and workers who work tirelessly making sure the road users to have a safe journey.
Thank You, Rinpoche and team for distributing the hot drinks and food to officers and workers who were soaking wet guiding/ working under the rain.
With Folded Hands & Love,
Adrian Chow
It’s luckily no one get hurt in this landslide and flood. Rinpoche is always cares and lend a hand to those who need in time of need; whether they are strangers or friends or small animals.
Yesterday’s spontaneous action of help led by Rinpoche and His students just another compassionate act by Rinpoche all these years. He is a Guru compassion in action, for sure.
Our society will be a better place to live in when we care each other and appreciate each other. I can see the happy faces of the on duty officials; as well as happy faces of Kecharians who giving out warm coffee with love.
When the landslide hit, I can imagine most people were in their cars pissed off, annoyed, irritated that their travel plans were delayed. Rinpoche’s reaction was totally different…
Gathering a group of students, Rinpoche’s first reaction was how he can help the civil workers working in a heavy downpour. Some were without raincoats, and soaked through. Yet, they were patient, they smiled and they were polite when answering questions over and over again from everyone wondering when the roads would be clear.
People are often quick to criticise our civil workers, and equally quick to forget they are people. When a disaster strikes, they are the ones risking their lives to make ours less dangerous, all while facing complaints that they aren’t working fast enough, etc. Yes, it’s their job to do all of this but could you do their job?
And ladies and gentlemen, this is the kind of teacher we have. In the 50 Stanzas of Guru Devotion, it says in Verse 7 that a teacher should be compassionate and disciplined. The teacher should not be angersome, vicious, arrogant, possessive or boast of his knowledge. Thank you H.E. Tsem Tulku Rinpoche for bringing this teaching to life _/|\_
Thank You Rinpoche ,I am truly touched by Rinpoche swift act of kindness.
Rinpoche’s always walk in front of us , using real action to teach us Dharma
teaching us compassion and let us know what is the true care , use our action to start care , love and kindness to everyone
Thank you Rinpoche , i would like to follow what Rinpoche’s teaching us , always be alert and take care and be kindness to every one
with folded hand
Jerry sito
Thanks Nicholas for the details updates and Pastor Seng Piow for the heart warming pictures attached.
Big thanks to Rinpoche, Pamela, Pastor Shin, Khoo ect also to bring to hot drinks and snacks to them. They truly appreciate with their surprise and happy face