Rescued Cats and Dogs Only
Seeing abandoned or abused animals on the street, especially in the city, always breaks my heart. It is very difficult for them to be in places that are dense with humans because most people do not want to have anything to do with them. Sometimes people do not just shoo them away or shout at them to get rid of them. Some even go so far as to beat them, abuse them, torture them or even kill them. Many animals were in that situation and many are still suffering on the streets everyday. These poor animals have no means to defend themselves nor do they have anyone to defend them. Although many animal welfare groups are out there trying their best to make the situation better for these street animals, there is only so much one can do if society does not change its mindset to be kind and compassionate to the animals around them.
Animals are sentient beings too and the karma of hurting another being will eventually come back. In the same way, it is very beneficial to help animals by providing them with food and if possible, a loving home. When I was living in Howell, New Jersey, I had a small dog, Princey, that I took care of and loved very much. Unfortunately I was just a young boy then and I could only do so much for one dog. Fortunately, now I am blessed with the opportunity to help many more animals who are abandoned or abused.
I will always encourage feeding stray animals because they deserve to have a full stomach too. There are soup kitchens for people who have it tough, so why not a meal prepared with love and care for the stray animals? And, apart from hunger, they can also experience the negative emotions that we do like fear, distrust and loneliness. This can be observed in the way street animals react to people compared to well treated dogs in homes.
As Buddhists, we work hard to avoid being reborn in the lower realms but more importantly, when we are blessed with the ability to alleviate the suffering of sentient beings that are in these situations, we should act swiftly because the opportunity will not last forever. Life is impermanent and death is certain. We are all only one breath away from death, and for all we know the next breath we take will be our last in this life, and we do not know what rebirth we will take in the next… possibly as an animal.
The article below shares some wonderful news which I am very happy to see. The more people actively adopt animals who are no longer ‘appealing’ their previous owners, the less animals will be suffering on the streets. After all, every cute puppy bought from a pet store is one less home for a suffering dog. And no matter how old an animal is, they are still sentient beings who feel pain and hunger but who can also love and cherish their carers.
I look forward to reading about more animal welfare movements like this in the future. It brings me great joy to know that cities like Phoenix have made the commitment and effort to help more of these poor animals off the street and give them a light at the end of the tunnel.
Tsem Rinpoche
Never hurt or damage animals. Let them be happy too.
Animal Lovers Rejoice: US Court Upholds Law Forcing Phoenix Pet Stores to Sell Rescue Cats and Dogs

Pet stores in Arizona will now have to sell re-settled shelter animals. (AAP)
A US court has upheld a law forcing Phoenix pet stores to only sell rescue animals, giving homeless cats and dogs a better chance at a second life.
Stores in Phoenix now cannot source animals to sell from commercial breeders.
The decision, which was passed by Phoenix City Council in December 2013 to tackle the rising amount of homeless animals in the area, has since been upheld in the courts to the delight of animal welfare activists.
The Humane Society of the United States senior vice president Jonathan Lovvorn has welcomed the decision by Arizona’s largest city and state capital.
“Not only does this type of regulation crack down on the puppy mill industry, but it also reduces local pet overpopulation and euthanasia rates in shelters by driving the market toward the adoption of homeless animals and purchases from only responsible breeders”, he said.
“More than 70 localities across the country have passed these types of ordinances and now four federal courts have determined that the laws are constitutional.”
The Arizona Republic reports the ordinance was challenged by Phoenix pet store owners Frank and Vicki Mineo, who argued they only used regulated breeders and the new law would put them out of business.
However the decision was upheld by U.S. District Judge David G. Campbell.
Phoenix City Councillor Thelda Williams told the newspaper she had received many emails of gratitude from local residents and rescue organisations.
“I’m just delighted that the city of Phoenix won,” she said.
“This means more protection for puppy lovers and the puppies themselves. We have so many dogs in Arizona that need homes; we don’t need to import them.”
Phoenix joins 59 other cities in the US to implement a similar policy to increase rescue adoptions.
© ninemsn 2015
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This is a great move from Phoenix City Council in implementing this new law to pet stores that they can only sell rescue animals. This of course has given homeless cats and dogs a better chance at a second life. This will also stop the breeding business and avoid all the unethical treatment given to animals. Well done to Phoenix City Council
This is excellent news. The Phoenix City Council had done everyone a great service in Dec 2013, when they declare pet shops within the city can only sell rescued animals. It literally stops the commercial breeder from significantly reducing their productivity, a great relief to the puppies mills, at the same time, giving a chance for abandoned and unwanted animals an opportunity to find a new lease of life. Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this good news.
Great news indeed! A court has upheld a law that the pet stores in the city of Phoenix, Arizona, in the US can only sell rescue animals. This is a cause for rejoicing for animal lovers, as this means that homeless animals have a greater second chance of finding homes. End result is there will be less homeless stray dogs in Phoenix,Arizona!
This law also disallows pet stores to get their supply of pets from commercial breeders. By driving the market towards adoption of strays and towards purchase of animals from only breeders who are responsible, the result will also be the reduction of production by unethical puppy mills and also reduction in euthanasia of unwanted pets and strays in shelters. All told, animals will be better looked after and not be simply disposed of.
However, over and above all this, people’s mindset towards animals must change! Animals must be regarded as sentient beings, who have feelings like humans. They also want to live and to be free of suffering.They also want love, like us!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article. Thank you for reminding us that, as Buddhists, we have a responsibility to reduce the suffering of sentient beings. Whenever the precious opportunity arises, for instance, for us to help feed homeless animals and reduce/relief their pain and suffering, we should never waste it!
May more states and countries adopt such regulations.
Gandhi once said that how a nation treats its animals is a reflection of the level of the societies mind. As we claim to be developed and modern countries and communities, let’s act like one. Be kind to those who do not have a voice and provide for those that are helpless. Many abused and abandoned animals need a home. So, the next time you go get a pet, chose on the basis of benefiting another and not to find a trophy pet to boost the ego.
I have seen few days ago my friend’s rescued dog have spend time with him, and now rescued dog spend most of it waiting for him to come home each day.
It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them… Always be kind to animals as Rinpoche said they can’t talk or ask for anything but they have feelings like us…
This law is amazing and it is so kind of the court in Phoenix to do this. It gives the animals another chance to get another shot at life, it is extremely compassionate for them to do this because these animals are lives too and they too deserve a home.
In fact, selling mutts and rescued animals prove to be healthier. I know this in the case of dogs, pure breeds and the cute dogs that they sell at pet stores are actually inbred to produce more dogs for the massive demand. To maintain that mix of dog, they have to force family members to mate to get disease riddled dogs that have many problems and discomforts.
So yes, this is wonderful news. Not only does it stop that cruel practice of selling “pure” breed animals, but is will save so many more animals and take them off the street to get another chance at the life that they have and that they deserve too. I hope this practice carries on and spreads far and wide. Spread the chances, awareness and knowledge.
Animals have feeling too. I wish more can be done for these stray dogs here. It also breaks my heart to see so many abandon and strays on the street but there is not much I can do about it except to feed them.
I have adopted a dog 2 years ago and I am glad I did that. They can give you so much joy and comfort and now she is a part of my family.
Wish everyone will adopt a dog and give them a good and loving home cos it will mean so much to them.
I’m extremely happy to know that the US government encourages this. Every single living being including the animals deserve a chance to live. Personally, I think that they are here for a reason, not for us to abuse them, to eat them, or to do all sorts of bad things towards them but for us to learn how to be kind and tolerant, to take care of every single living being. Why must there be a double standard way of looking at things? What is the difference between normal dogs as compared to what we called “branded” dogs? Why should we even label them? Labelling is supposed to make our life easier in the sense that we know who and what, but if the labelling creates division, discrimination and segregation etc, it doesn’t teach us anything, we perceive things wrongly and further create harm directly and indirectly. All living beings should be treated with equality and respect, if we can’t even be fair and kind towards those that are alive, then we should ask ourselves what is the real purpose for being a human being?
Taking care of animals is no easy feat. It is a thankless job alright, but luckily society is having different views on animals and their welfare now, due perhaps to activists’ feelings for animals rights. Thousands of animal sanctuaries are being set up by the compassionates around the world, begging and appealing for animals needs – such action is of no dignity lost, but confidence gain with works fruitioning. Most important, is that something is being done for the poor helpless animals. We don’t need to trouble everyone for the needs, but just a few right compassionate goood samaritans that are willing to help out and donate! Good dharma always teaches us to bring to mindfulness and compassion to what we feel in our hearts and mind. For us humans, we have to use our human rebirths in the most spiritual and beneficial way to help out to the best we can, and not to waste time playing on samsara games! Om Mani Padme Hung.
It is certainly good that the US court has upheld the law which prevents the selling of dogs and cats from puppy mills.
Most of the time puppy mills mistreat the dogs, they are giving birth at an abnormal rate which can cause some dysfunctions in the dogs body.
In other cases once the dogs are unable to breed they are either put to sleep or abandoned, but sometimes they are sold to pet shops.
When most people see stray dogs they will shoo them away in a gentle manner, but sometimes they are beaten.
Most restaurants (Those that are outdoors) will beat the dogs so that they will refrain from going into their premises, this i have seen in a restaurant on the way to KFR, once when we asked one of the manager why a dog had a wound on its leg, he [the manager] simply said that the dog had a fight, but it was really obvious that the wound could not have been caused by a fight. That’s the way most restaurant managers and owners treat strays.
Hopefully soon enough Malaysia will have a law that prevents the selling of pets from puppy mills.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful news with us, I hope the authorities in our country can impose law to control the breeder and make awareness to those pet shop owner about helping the stray dogs and cats especially the kitten and puppy because they really deserve a home .
Responsible… all pets lovers and owners….
It’s good to hear that there are caring and responsible people in government. Thank you, Rinpoche for highlighting this article. Hopefully, this approach will be adopted more widely.