Rob Lowe Face-To-Face with Bigfoot
Dear friends around the world,
Rob Lowe is a famous actor and celebrity from Hollywood who has starred in such films as St Elmo’s Fire and also the very popular hit TV series The West Wing. Recently he and his sons did a series called The Lowe Files which is something like an X Files series. The family investigates strange happenings, occurrences, mysterious creatures, supernatural lore, unsolved mysteries and the like. Between the three of them, Rob Lowe has previously said that they have varying levels of skepticism. While Rob Lowe is more ready to believe in supernatural phenomenon, his sons profess to be more grounded and skeptical than their father.
But with a show that focuses on such topics, of course it was only a matter of time that they covered Bigfoot. I was pleasantly surprised to see this episode because not many people, especially famous people, want to be associated with this genre of investigation. Let’s be honest – society thinks that people who investigate things like poltergeists and Bigfoot are generally regarded as a little different and quirky. So for someone who is famous to openly investigate, talk about and be interested in Bigfoot, is good for the field of investigation which is known as cryptozoology.
Whenever celebrities talk about cryptozoology subjects like Bigfoot, it helps to raise awareness and increase societal acceptance of this type of thinking and investigation. It also encourages other people to start thinking outside the realm of possibilities, and indirectly broaden their thinking and perspective. Anyway take a short break and enjoy this account from Rob Lowe and his sons about their experience hunting for Bigfoot.
Tsem Rinpoche
‘I thought I was going to be killed’
Rob Lowe tells of the terrifying moment he came face-to-face with Bigfoot while making a docuseries about the beast – but admits the story makes him sound like a ‘Hollywood kook’
- Lowe claims he met the ‘wood ape’ – a local name for the beast – in the Ozarks
- He said it charged his group of heavily armed ex-military trackers in the woods
- The Parks & Rec star was left cowering on the floor in fear, he claimed
- It came as he was filming The Lowe Files, his new paranormal docuseries
- In it, he and his sons investigate poltergeists, aliens – and Bigfoot
By James Wilkinson For
PUBLISHED: 12:46 BST, 29 June 2017 | UPDATED: 18:24 BST, 29 June 2017
Rob Lowe says a hairy encounter in the Ozarks left him fearing for his life after he encountered the mythical ‘Bigfoot’ – or one of its relatives.
Lowe, 53, said he was filming his new A&E documentary series The Lowe Files when an encounter with a so-called ‘wood ape’ left him ‘lying on the ground thinking I was going to be killed.’
‘I’m fully aware that I sound like a crazy Hollywood kook right now,’ the Parks Recreation star admitted to Entertainment Weekly as he recalled the encounter.

Ape escape: Rob Lowe (center) says he met a Bigfoot-like creature while filming his new paranormal documentary series with sons and Matthew (left) and John Owen (right)

Monkey business? Lowe claims he met the ‘wood ape’ in the Ozarks and that his show, The Lowe Files has ‘no BS’. Pictured: A famous file photo allegedly of Bigfoot
Lowe said the bizarre meeting occurred on the Ozark Mountains, which stretch between Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma.
He was in the woods there filming for his new show, in which he and his two sons Matthew, 23, and John Owen, 21, explore mysterious phenomena across the country – in this case legends about a ‘wood ape’.
‘A wood ape is the local vernacular for a Sasquatch or a Bigfoot,’ Lowe said. ‘This is what I love about our show. We have fun with all of this.
‘We hit the bullseye between true believer and skeptic in a fun way. [The locals] talk to you about the wood ape in all seriousness.’
‘If you call it a Bigfoot or a Sasquatch, they roll their eyes… as if that makes it less outrageous.’
But things went awry when the wood ape came looking for them in return, he said.

Drumming up success: Lowe (seen in the series apparently holding a ritual to summon the beast) said the ‘ape’ marched up to his heavily armed group of ex-military trackers and left him cowering on the floor in fear for his life
‘We’re 100 miles from the nearest town,’ he recalled. ‘We spent 45 minutes on the most rugged, brutal mountain trails. It’s one in the morning.
‘There are a lot of serious former military men with loaded weapons, then something starts approaching our camps that is defying their orders to stop and their warnings that [they were] armed.’
Lowe doesn’t say quite how the encounter ended – he’s saving that for the episode, which makes up the final, one-hour installment of the series.
Trailer footage shows him topless and banding a drum, apparently in a ritual to summon the beast; he promised that the series is all true, with ‘no BS’.
Other episodes include a visitation from a poltergeist that left him in no doubt about an afterlife, Lowe said.
The handsome star is accompanied by his sons, who are considerably sharper than such a goofy premise might make them appear: John Owen attended Stanford University, while Matthew went to Duke.
If it all sounds bizarre, Lowe isn’t too upset – he admits the tone of the show is a cross between Anthony Bourdain and Scooby Doo, and that he is caught between skepticism and hopful thinking.
‘I watch [shows like these] hoping to believe, because a world in which Bigfoot exists and aliens exist, to me, is more interesting and fun,’ he said.
‘That’s the spirit of our show.’
The Lowe Files starts its first season of nine episodes on August 2 on A&E.
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For more interesting information:
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Is this Evidence of Bigfoot?
- Bigfoot Hunt Is On By Land And By Air
- Bigfoot Is Real, And We Have DNA To Prove It: Researchers
- Malaysia Scientists to Hunt ‘Bigfoot’ in Rainforest
- Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!
- It’s in the scriptures they exist…
- The Search Is On For China’s Own Bigfoot
- Researchers go looking for Bigfoot
- Bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Dermal Ridges
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There is an area near Lumbini, Nepal, they have sightings of Yeti for hundreds of years. So they have signages in the area with Yeti artwork to highlight this. Interesting. TR
(Part 1 of 8)
This museum in Pokhara, Nepal has a section dedicated to Yetis (Bigfoot). Very interesting. I am including some pictures of the inside of this wonderful museum. Do enjoy. ~ Tsem Rinpoche
For more information, go to
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 2 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 3 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 4 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 5 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to
(Part 6 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to
(Part 7 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to
(Part 8 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best –
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage. ?
I used to remember him as a teen heartthrob (Do people still use this word today?) back in the 80’s. Some of my friends used to go ga-ga over him. Nice to see a more mature Rob Lowe doing this X-Files type of show. Would love to watch the Bigfoot episode.
Attached is a photo of a young Rob Lowe during his heydays as a teen sensation.
Well, i still believe that the Bigfoot is somewhere out there. But, for a person that can use the ritual to summoned big foot, this is the first time i come across. And, i also learned that big foot have another name called wood ape. From the name bigfoot to yet and sasquatch, this have shown that many natives people in a certain countries have actually saw Bigfoot, that is why there is a name for them.
I am also keen on how Rob Lowe making the paranormal film. From the short film clip, it seem interesting to watch.
Rob Lowe is quite smart to hire experienced mercenaries / hired guns to guard him and his sons. He may be not be that wise though, I do hope the Wood Apes are not hurt from that encounter.
Someone made enhanced stills of video of Rob Lowe’s encounter
Rob Lowe on the Jim Fallon show confessing he encountered a Wood Ape
Interesting someone like Rob Lowe a famous actor actually told he came face-to-face with Bigfoot was with his two sons .No proof and details given to support his encounter. Whether for publicity his coming show no one knows. He was filming his new paranormal documentary series when he said he saw it. It does not matter at least it helps to raise awareness of that Bigfoot do exist. Good in way more people will come to accept it and will further investigate its existence of Bigfoot. It also encourages people to start thinking broadly of possibilities.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing.
Dear friends,
This meme is powerful. Who you hang around with and the types of attitude they have is who you will be influenced by many times and who you will become in the future. Look at your friends and the people that always surround you to know who you will become.
Tsem Rinpoche
If this is to be a trailer it certainly keeps me in suspense to watch the episode of The Lowe Files. I want to see what they have summoned and filmed. Is it really Bigfoot?