The Dalai Lama says no need to discriminate against Dorje Shugden!

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama during his teaching session on Wesak 2021
For Buddhists of all traditions, Wesak Day is the most significant day of the year. It is the day that Buddha Shakyamuni chose to manifest three holy deeds – the day he took rebirth, the day he became enlightened and the day he passed into clear light. On this day known by Tibetans as Saga Dawa, Buddhists often look to occupy their time with virtuous deeds. Whether it’s by making offerings, reciting prayers, engaging in retreats or receiving Dharma teachings, for this reason monasteries and temples all over the world will organise activities to facilitate these merit-making practices. It is also common for teachers to give discourses on this holy day.
There was therefore never any doubt that on such an auspicious occasion, His Holiness the Dalai Lama would be requested to and would accept requests to turn the wheel of Dharma. But who knew that Wesak Day 2021 would mark the beginning of religious freedom and liberation for millions of Dorje Shugden practitioners all over the world for on May 26, 2021, as His Holiness faced an expectant audience hanging on to his every word, His Holiness chose to use the teaching to address a topic which has caused much division, strife, and segregation throughout the Tibetan Buddhist community worldwide.

The largest Dorje Shugden statue in the world is in Kechara Forest Retreat. Click on image to enlarge.
In 1996, His Holiness the Dalai Lama issued an outright ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden. In the succeeding years, His Holiness provided an ever-changing series of reasons to justify the ban and as a result, this led to widespread, institutionalised persecution of Shugden practitioners which was not only sanctioned but encouraged by the Tibetan leadership.
His Holiness occupies a unique position in history. Not only is he the enlightened spiritual leader of millions, but His Holiness is also a masterful politician, his statecraft having been refined over decades of political campaigning and stewardship. Thus, for an accomplished statesperson of his experience, His Holiness is not known to be careless with his speech; it is universally assumed, in fact, that everything he utters and does is with intention.
It has therefore not gone unnoticed that on Wesak Day, His Holiness chose not only to acknowledge that he banned the practice of Dorje Shugden, something which he has denied doing in the past, but also signalled that he is softening his previous hardline approach towards the practice.
VIDEO: The Dalai Lama softens his approach towards Dorje Shugden (Wesak Day 2021)
His Holiness’ choice of words on the day are significant. Most notably, His Holiness referred to Dorje Shugden by name, instead of the derogatory term “Dolgyal” which has previously been used as a slur to falsely assert that Dorje Shugden is a spirit. His Holiness also used Wesak Day to talk about practising compassion and patience towards those who practise Dorje Shugden, a new and markedly softer approach than his previous demands for Shugden practitioners to be expelled from the monasteries.
Then, as though to dispel any doubts that he might have possibly misspoken, a mere one week after the Wesak Day teaching, while giving a discourse on Lama Tsongkhapa’s Destiny Fulfilled to Tibetan youth on June 2, 2021, His Holiness once again strongly and clearly reiterated that he had previously banned the practice, but was now changing his mind about it. His Holiness even unequivocally mentioned that there is no reason or need to discriminate against the practice of Dorje Shugden, or to reject it. He even went so far as to say that the reasons previously given were ‘little’ and insufficient to justify discriminating against Dorje Shugden.
This unexpected statement by His Holiness was left out by the English translator, but can be clearly heard in the original Tibetan version and in the Chinese translation. The message was, nevertheless, clearly received by the Tibetan youth for whom the second teaching was addressed to. If the Tibetan establishment are perhaps unwilling or unable to change their ways, then it may be His Holiness’ hope that future generations of Tibetans will uphold His Holiness’ wishes for religious freedom and acceptance amongst all Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhists.
VIDEO: The Dalai Lama says no need to discriminate against Dorje Shugden (June 2, 2021)
This is not the first time that His Holiness has changed his mind on significant issues. In recent times, His Holiness has also changed his mind about the Panchen Lama issue, clearly stating that it is possible for two Panchen Lamas to simultaneously exist. His Holiness even provided the logical basis for his assertion, giving examples of other incarnation lineages where two incarnations of the same lama have existed at the same time. In doing this, His Holiness offered legitimacy to the Chinese-recognised Panchen Lama, an act which would have been unthinkable in years past.

In 2011, H.H. Gaden Tripa Lungrik Namgyal Rinpoche, the 101st throneholder of the Gelugpa lineage, met with the Chinese-backed Panchen Lama in Tibet. He already knew back then that this Panchen Lama is someone worthy of homage and respect. After all, the Gaden Tripa is the supreme head of the Gelugpa school of Buddhism.
It is not a straightforward matter for His Holiness to change his mind. The reality is that His Holiness’ word is law – everything he says, does and opines upon is immediately picked up and broadcast all over the world. The expression “because the Dalai Lama said so” forms the fundamental basis of countless people’s decisions and so to change his mind too suddenly or too frequently would send millions of Buddhists and Tibetans into turmoil, as evidenced when he first banned Dorje Shugden in 1996.

It was H.E. Tsem Rinpoche’s deepest wish to heal the divide that centred on the practice of Dorje Shugden. Click on image to enlarge.
For this reason, His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche had always maintained that any change in the Dorje Shugden situation would be a gradual one, because it is not easy for His Holiness to do an abrupt about-face on his decisions. Hence this latest development only serves to reinforce what Tsem Rinpoche had always believed, that the change will come gradually and slowly, arising from His Holiness’ compassion and best efforts to ensure that people’s spirituality remains intact.
For the millions of Shugden worshippers worldwide, to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama offer a more conciliatory approach towards the practice of Dorje Shugden twice within the span of a week, is a stunning development. It cannot be emphasised enough how deeply appreciated it is that His Holiness is now encouraging people to stop discriminating against the practice of Dorje Shugden; for Shugdenpas everywhere, it is a moment that they have been yearning for for the past 25 years after having suffered attack upon attack for their religious beliefs.
We thank His Holiness for upholding the universal values of religious freedom, and invite everyone to join His Holiness in this movement towards peace, harmony and acceptance of others’ differences.
VIDEO: H.H. the Dalai Lama’s Wesak 2021 teaching
(full version with English translation)
VIDEO: H.H. the Dalai Lama’s teaching on
Je Tsongkhapa’s Destiny Fulfilled – June 2, 2021
(full version with English translation)
For more interesting information:
- Dorje Shugden – The Protector of Our Time
- Great Masters Speak about Tsem Rinpoche
- The Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Tubten Gyatso
- Dorje Shugden: My side of the story | 多杰雄登:我这方面的说法
- Dalai Lama’s sudden change of mind about China-backed Panchen Lama
- Dalai Lama, China & Dorje Shugden | 达赖尊者、中国和多杰雄登
- The Buddhist Divide – An Unholy Campaign against Religious Freedom
- Dorje Shugden people
- The Truth About Who Saved the 14th Dalai Lama
- Badge of Shame
- Who is Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen?
- Dorje Shugden Retreat: A powerful practice to fulfill wishes
- Largest Dorje Shugden in the world
- Panglung Ritroe – The Rising House of Power
- Beginner’s Introduction to Dorje Shugden
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so i will say one last thing which is that everything is the mind right so technically me saying practice dorje shugden don’t practice dorje shugden practice dorje shugden while may be helpful it ultimately it all empty right so it means nothing after writing the last post i realized even if i were not to practice dorje shugden after saying i was not going to and then changing my mind still i could not practice dorje shugden and it wouldn’t matter so then that is not proof that dorje shugden is bad it is just that it is all our own misconceptions and preconceived notions and it all comes from the mind so what i take refuge in is not dorje shugden it is emptiness. i feel like if i can not believe in dorje shugden after believing in him and then not believing in him anymore that that proves that i don’t need to practice him if that makes any sense this is the only way i can figure out how to approach this subject because everybody makes such of a mess about it now the dalai lama is saying different things who knows what to believe even if you were dorje shugden maybe you would not want to help anyone anymore maybe so we say one bad thing about dorje shugden though then it is over for us so i feel like the ones protecting dorje shugden have some alterior motive for whatever reason i think just from my basic feelings about it it does not come from a kind place i am not saying don’t practice dorje shugden and if you want to do that then that is okay and selling all the statues and everything and getting people hooked on it is good yet i feel like i am not sold a hundred percent on it if you use reasoning and logic behind it it doesn’t make that much sense to me to practice it when i can kind of prove to myself with logic and reasoning it is not necessary to the extent where i am fooling myself at least that is. i have invested so much time and effort into dorje shugden though it is a shame it is all because i stopped taking my medication and then i wanted to find a way out yet now i look back and see i could have just kept taking my medication and would not have this problem with dorje shugden. i actually quit practicing vajrayogini and believing in god for a while yet then now i was practicing dorje shugden as my answer to everything when i had already attained enlightenment anyway and then got stuck with the practice and i am suppose to be thankful and everything i know i understand i am thankful and it is the closest thing i have to practice but i feel like at this point it makes no sense i can’t logically continue to practice it when it makes no sense to me i believe what does make sense is emptiness though and to realize that which i have so i think that is the ultimate refuge. and like i said if you practice dorje shugden and sell statues etc. and get people hooked on it im not saying anything is wrong with that. yet fof myself i feel like at this point i am done. lol i cannot keep doing this i feel like at this point if i keep doing this i am just hurting myself it makes no sense to me. i am not telling anyone else what to do or not to do just for myself though you can read through these posts and tell me if you were me what would you say? no deragatory remarks though please i only go through this process because it is the only way i can see where my mind is at with the practice by writing it down and then observing where i am at with my practice. it seems to me though that maybe i don’t need dorje shugden anymore. and tsem rinpoche has mentioned this that there is a point where you don’t need dorje shugden anymore. so maybe that is where i am at at this point. we did not listen to the dalai lama before when he was saying not to practice dorje shugden yet we are listenining to him now that his stance has changed what an expert salesman the dalai lama is getting you to do what he wants you to without you having to actually well never mind maybe i have said too much but i think we need to think for ourselves people and not judge others where their level may be whether they are dorje shugden practitioners or not we don’t judge anyone do we…not really we constantly judge others all day long basically thats all we do. and when i am faced with a decision where i have to judge others i cannot yet what i can do is judge my own actions and see if they make any sense to me using my limited capacity of understanding based on what i have been taught by my teachers which is substantial and thankfully allows me to see my own proof on this subject which is what i have said already in this post it makes no sense for me to practice dorje shugden it would seem logically from this little experiment one might say i just find it interesting that a religion as big as buddhism has such a schism and no one can figure out what to do and i am like let me put myself in the middle of it and see what i can do and this is what i have been most interested in since i was seventeen and searching for a guru in this tradition so i have found some closure yet if that is what it takes then i could say that that is a horrible failure if that is all my study and devotion have got me and probably there would be those of you who would agree yet i feel like you have to be sure about a religion before you adopt it and this was the main thing that was on my mind before i was afraid to practice dorje shugden because of what the dalai lama said yet now i see he has changed his stance and it still doesn’t matter what he says because it still now does not even make any sense to practice dorje shugden i wonder what if anything is there that does make any sense and i know this may be on some of your minds too what is the point of buddhism and if there is an answer that covers all of those questions emptiness would be the answer not the two bad choices trick of the devil. the devil loves nothing more for you than to have to decide between two bad choices your whole life. practice dorje shugden or not practice dorje shugden. yet if you were to be hard pressed and demanded a better choice from the devil than that im sure you would find that there is one. it comes down to the idea that everything is empty and it only exists because of seeds you planted by how you treated others in the past whether you helped them or hurt them. so truthfully it is not that dorje shugden is bad or good to practice. logically it is easy to understand the fallacy in this argument that there is no argument to practice dorje shugden. it is the two bad choices trick of the devil. both are bad choices. what you must do is plant the seeds by helping others. not practice dorje shugden or not not practice dorje shugden. this alone will not get you what you want ultimately. from the devil. he has something better up his sleeve yet because he has been tricking us our whole lives it is sometimes hard to see. then we take sides and we think we are right yet the whole time the only one who is winning is the devil. just look at the world the way it is. eat sleep work die and look forward to a new appliance occasionally is what most people do and the devil is happy. if dorje shugden were truly evil he could help us more because truth be told we are looking for an answer to the problems of the world which are created by the devil who is responsible for it having to choose dorje shugden or not to practice dorje shugden is just one of them. yet if you want to know how to beat the devil at his own game you must choose a better option and that is option c plant the seeds. then it doesn’t matter what you do practice dorje shugden not practice dorje shugden it will work out either way because you are working directly from the level of ultimate reality which is responsible for creating everything in existence including dorje shugden and the mistaken notion that there is a choice whether it be bad or good to practice it or not doesn’t matter. that is the two bad choices trick of the devil. practice it or don’t. it doesn’t matter. what does matter though is that you plant the seeds for it whatever it is that you do. and the only requirement is not to plant a seed that harms others and to want to help them. if your practice of dorje shugden is in line with these tenets then i don’t see why you can’t. plant a seed. planting a seed has nothing to do with dorje shugden practice. not does it have anything not to do with dorje shugden practice. it is ultimately something that will help yourself as you can only usually plant a seed for yourself. you can plant a seed for whatever you want and get it a hundred percent of the time. can you say that dorje shugden will give you whatever you want a hundred percent of the time. that is only because you have not planted the seeds for it. it is possible to charge your mantras with seeds so they will work better so when you are asking dorje shugden for something using his mantra it will come to you quicker…based on the form of dorje shugden you are propitiating. how do you do that? you need another person with which to plant a seed. and you must first decide what you want. say it is money. then you find someone else that wants the same thing as you. it is another person remember not dorje shugden. if you haven’t found them yet keep looking they are around. then you invite them to starbucks and you explain to them your predicament that you need to help them and that is the only way you are going to get any help and you want to meet with them in another two weeks to track your progress. then at the end of the day before you go to bed think of the good things you did to help others that day. so this puts water on the seeds and they grow even while you sleep. so you don’t need to practice dorje shugden you don’t need to not practice dorje shugden and why see no one said there was a third option i am though it is option c plant the seeds. so then you can avoid this whole question alltogether. helping others must become a way of life. you need to be looking for opportunities to help others and plant as many seeds as much as you can all day long and use this system and it is all you will need. you don’t need to practice dorje shugden even not saying that you cant and charge the mantras with good seeds though they will work better. so even if you do practice dorje shugden i still encourage you to try to use this system and at least dedicate a percentage of your time to giving it a try and see if it helps i am sure you are going to say you are not interested in it helping your dorje shugden practice you are interested in it helping your life helping others which is what the buddha is telling us. there is no magical mantra to get rid of our enemies or god who is going to do it for us because if they could the world would not be the way it is right now. god would have already done something about it. in fact you are the creator. everything in this world is our creation. from the seeds we planted by how we treated others in the past whether we helped them or hurt them and it is up to us to plant better seeds if we want to see it change anytime soon. otherwise we become one of the two bad choices trick of the devil. who wants to rely on you when you are a god and you can’t even clean up the world. when our world starts to get better we will rely less on these gods perhaps because god can’t stop you from planting a seed. do not let dorje shugden practice distract you from what you really want in life and getting it because don’t forget the dorje shugden problem is one of the two bad choices trick of the devil and the devil loves nothing more than for people to have to choose between two bad choices their whole life. could it be that you are following dorje shugden but actually who you are following is the devil and his two bad choices trick? just a thought. don’t feel bad though most people are. if its not dorje shugden its something else. if our seeds were perfect we would live in a perfect world so clearly that is proof that we are not perfect and neither are our seeds. the good news is that as we stop planting so many bad seeds and start planting better ones we can make the world a better place and then things like disputes over dharma protectors will no longer exist. because we will not have planted the seeds for them to. so of course for all dorje shugden practitioners and anti dorje shugden practioners i am sending you positive energy either way because i want to win you know of course it doesn’t matter to me when i go to heaven though you never know who is right so it is good to support both sides. just in case. that way i can have something to say to god if i go to heaven and something to say to the devil if i go to hell. i am just covering all my bases. lets just say that is where most people are headed so lets hope its heaven either way and we can plant enough good seeds that whether we are a dorje shugden practitioner or not will not effect our next rebirth and make it a worse one at least. that is kind of what we are hoping for as buddhists. and that does not matter if you are a dorje shugden practitioner or not that is for us all. so let us as buddhists come together and rejoice over this positive news of his holiness the dalai lama and dedicate it to our future positive rebirth. om mani padme hum hrih
alrighty for the third time i am going to say that after i made the post just earlier this morning about no longer practicing dorje shugden i experienced the same feelings i usually do when i say i am going to quit this time though because i have been creating a lot of merit and dorje shugdens blessings have been so evident in my life after i started to experience some suffering and realized even when i would no longer practice dorje shugden anymore he did not leave me i felt a moment of intense pain and i was willing at that point to do whatever it takes despite what may come from dorje shugden practice i don’t see how it can be any worse practicing it then not practicing it considering how much crap ive gone through so i was willing at that point to recommit myself to dorje shugden despite whatever hardship i would have to undergo it cant be worse than not practicing dorje shugden i realized in my moment of intense anguish and physical pain so i thought at that point i didn’t care what anybody thought i had to look out for my own self interest at that point and side with dorje shugden so call it what you will but i call it self preservation because i truly believe that dorje shugden is the only thing that will help and i am willing to go through anything to keep that practice so to me that proves that the practice is good so if you will not take anyone elses testimony because he or she says this or that none of them are saying what i am so please listen to me when i say that it is better to practice dorje shugden and no matter what you have to go through it can’t be worse than not practicing dorje shugden once you understand this you will have a new will to practice this is to me like in the story of white mahakala when he has been working so hard for sentient beings for so long and his head breaks into a thousand pieces as chenreziq and he is put back together by amitabha as white mahakala because he has to double his efforts to help them and not give up it is the same for me my practice of dorje shugden is the same when i decided not to practice it my head broke into a thousand pieces and i realized i had to keep practicing it because no matter what i had to go through it was not any worse than giving up my practice of dorje shugden because that was the only thing that will help me that makes sense to me and i cannot go against myself so this is the promise i made to dorje shugden i cannot even only in word say i will give up dorje shugden because as soon as i do my head breaks into a thousand pieces and only when i am recommitting to dorje shugden is it put back together again and i am able to be able to do anything…this is not a punishment this is a blessing i would not say even self preservation it is truly the power of dorje shugden that is how you know the practice is the only thing that helps and maybe it is because the dalai lama knows this that he banned it because truly i think it is the only practice i need i could go without anything else even and would be fine yet if i were to give it up it would be like loosing my own eyes or something that is how dear it is to me so now i know this i must recommit my efforts and try even harder in keeping my practice and not worry about the medication as i will now solely commit myself to dorje shugden alone and if that is all i practice i am fine with that for now as i believe this is the most powerful practice and without it truly i am not helping myself much less anyone else without it i am powerless basically to be able to do anything i want so i must say that i have to keep my practice at all costs at this point now i see how important it is i cannot give it up it is as tsem rinpoche has said i must practice it till the day i die and it doesn’t matter what i think yet this now proves it thank you tsem rinpoche
i am giving up dorje shugden practice and taking my medicine (because after reading through the advice given by lama zopa rinpoche) after he passed away i think i am willing to give up dorje shugden practice and as tsem rinpoche has said if you choose to there is no ill effects yet i am not happy about it a hundred percent but i am at the point in my career where i feel it is better to respect his holinesses wishes on it even if that means i must make a mutual compromise i would rather respect his holinesses wishes even if that means i must make a mutual compromise i am willing to do so based on my understanding of what lama zopa rinpoche has given for advice regarding the subject and making this decision on my my own also in regards to the medication to take it for the benefit of all sentient beings and do whatever i want. like i said i am not happy necessarily about giving up my dorje shugden practice but am willing to swallow my pride and in respect for his holinesses wishes as far as for tibet is concerned i will give up my dorje shugden practice following his holinesses wishes and what lama zopa rinpoche has said in his online advice after passing away i must honor his holinesses wishes and fulfill the wishes of lama zopa i believe who is definitely the buddha and not practice dorje shugden anymore and take my medicine for the benefit of all sentient beings and do whatever i want which is also okay. like i said i am not happy about this perse and i am not telling anyone else to give it up yet i am only doing what i think is right which has no harmful results which is following rinpoches advice after passing away which is not to practice dorje shugden and listen and respect his holiness decision and swallow my pride and be the bigger man as i think as tsem rinpoche has said if you decide not to practice it there will be no harm in giving up the practice. if all these horrible things have happened to me recently because of dorje shugden i am at least now able to give the practice up and see that lama zopa is right and i am better off listening to his holinesses advice and not practicing it from now on and that is my commitment to his holiness who i believe to be chenreziq and i have samaya with so i must do what is right and i think this is the right thing to do i apologize for all whom i have confused over the years with going back and forth yet at this point i think i have to make up my mind and therefore to fulfill the wishes of lama zopa rinpoche and to the best of my understanding to fulfill his holiness the dalai lamas wishes i will no longer practice dorje shugden. like i said i am not happy about this perse yet i feel like it is the greater karma to not practice dorje shugden and no harm will come from it as i have a hundred percent faith in lama zopa and i believe that now i must do what is for the greater good and not so bipartisan or sectarian as his holiness points out. i feel like how can lama zopa rinpoche be wrong even after death so i must keep this commitment to him and to his holiness from here on out i will not practice dorje shugden anymore swallow my pride and do the greater good which is no longer practice it anymore and take my medicine for the benefit of all sentient beings. as following the wishes of his holiness is surely the most important thing to do and also in trijang rinpoches book on dorje shugden he says the purpose of the dispute is to have more faith in his holiness so therefore maybe he is showing mistaken actions like a movie actor even though they are not mistaken because i now have more faith in his holiness the dalai lama and it is thanks to meeting lama zopa rinpoche and attending his holinesses teachings in central park and in arizona on master shantidevas guide to the bodhisattvas way of life chapter on meditation where lama christie stood up in front of everyone including his holiness and said she loved me. so out of this love i respectfully give up my practice of dorje shugden out of respect for his holinesses wishes for tibet and for me to fulfill lama zopa rinpoches wishes and also for the benefit of all sentient beings to take my medicine and do what i want. i pray for tibet and his holiness and all fpmt centers that the dharma may flourish sarva mangalam may goodness prevail
this news is great and comes at an important time because we need to not be intimidated by not practicing dorje shugden it seems the air has cleared and now there is a little more leeway when it comes to practicing dorje shugden thankfully as i was writing about it a lot before when i was having to be forced to decide between practicing it or not and not keeping my committment to the protector i had made through tsem tulku rinpoche which came at a very difficult time in my life where i had no other choice whether out of ignorance or showing mistakes i will accept yet i still gave the appearance of following the protector even though it was unmistaken and all was just the realization of the manifestation of the dharmakaya and the gurus enlightened activities which as time would show would eventually be made clear as gangchen tulku rinpoche passed away and then geshe kelsang gyatso passed away and said that tsem rinpoche was actually dorje shugden i believe it was the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me was to leave the dorje shugden practice for me thanks to tsem rinpoche and even if i don’t want to practice it i still must because this is what tsem rinpoche has wanted for me so i must comply even if his reincarnation says otherwise were he to come back yet i did not want to practice it i just wanted to recite the mantra namyo daishi hengo kongo yet that does not excuse me from my committment as i believe tsem rinpoche truly attained the level of a deva at least from what i can tell using my limited possibly special insight or what not for those who may believe in such things i do believe he had a better rebirth in at least the god realms so we may still propitiate him and therefore dorje shugden so if there are those who are still hardcore dorje shugden practitioners and you need a little encouragement and there is still this movement that is based on this practice and with full conviction i think we ought to all practice it and this is even more proof of that with what his holiness is saying now which is he made a mistake banning it probably because of something petty and if anything dorje shugden is someone to be loved i believe we ought to celebtrate dorje shugden and put up his banner on the dalai lama website and put it at the top of the page and make the whole website dedicated to dorje shugden and praising him and all the good he has done and putting a postitive spin on this from now on that is just me though and for sure it is thanks to tsem rinpoche and we ought to also have a page dedicated to him for bringing the teaching to light and show how only good things come from it and once again i have said before how even buddhas are empty from their own side so dorje shugden is not bad or good he is just a result of our own karma and how we see him depends on that and is otherwise empty there is no dorje shugden other that that so it is a sign that our karma is improving and our samaya with his holiness is getting better too because how our lama will manifest towards dorje shugden also depends on our faith in our guru too so when we see our guru as unmistaken than this is true it cannot be that his holiness the dalai lama has not made a mistake banning dorje shugden and that we were just seeing that lamas like trijang rinpoche were showing mistaken actions by propitiating him when what his holiness is saying now is the exact opposite therefore it cannot be true that trijang rinpoche is showing mistaken actions he is not mistaken for practicing dorje shugden and this is proof enough also based on what his holiness is saying which is that the practice is not harmful so we need not feel like we cannot practice it anymore. i think we ought to keep practicing it and show signs of our success with the practice and congratulate his holiness for this and continue to ask that the situation for dorje shugden practitioners improve. this is my two cents so at least we can still keep practicing and keep our committment to the guru and know that there is no conflict between his holiness and dorje shugden practitioners and we are not breaking our samaya by keeping our faith in his holiness and also our practice of dorje shugden too.
Wow, great news indeed, and so auspiciously done on Vesak Day.
HH Dalai Lama is clear on the practice of compassion and welcoming of all Protectors.
May this great news reverberate across the communities and no more discrimination against Dorje Shugden practitioners.
This is truly living up to harmony, patience and compassion to ALL.
Most rightly said by HH The Dalai Lama. Many enlightened beings endorse the practice of DS so to allow the truth to be seen is only correct and honourable. Now to heal these disparities that circumstances have created is of utmost importance. We welcome this decision and rejoice in the holy works of great lamas like HE Tsem Rinpoche who contributed tirelessly and selflessly for the cause of dharma. 🙏
Thank you very much His Holiness Dalai Lama for saying there is no discrimination against Dorje Shugden and there is no ban on Dorje Shugden anymore! This is such an auspicious news for all Dorje Shugden practitioners. Rejoice!🌈🔥🙏😆. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this wonderful news!👍😍😘🙏🔥💖
Thank you HE Dalai Lama.
May it be peace and harmony.
Great news indeed, we have been waiting for this day to when HH Dalai Lama would made a statement regarding the Dorje Shugden. Finally on this auspicious day Wesak day where all Buddhist celebrates it, HH Dalai Lama on such an auspicious day made a unexpected statement using the teaching to address a topic which has caught many by surprised . On this Wesak Day 2021 would mark the beginning of religious freedom and liberation for millions of Dorje Shugden practitioners all over the world. The Dalai Lama has softens his approach towards Dorje Shugden, by saying there is no reason or need to discriminate against the practice of Dorje Shugden, or to reject it. The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and considered a living Buddha of compassion, a reincarnation of the bodhisattva Chenrezig. Well this is the moment all of us and the rest of Dorje Shugden ‘s practitioners have been waiting for . For the last 26 years many had suffered due the ban on the practice, disharmony, discrimination, segregation throughout the Tibetan Buddhist community worldwide.
Thank you with folded hands HH the Dalai Lama for upholding the universal values of religious freedom.
Our Guru Tsem Rinpoche always believed, that the change will come gradually and slowly, for Dalai Lama to lift the ban.
Thank you, its definitely a great news.
Best Wesak gift ever! Thank you His Holiness… our Guru never once lose hope in your holiness and this very special day 🙏🏼🌷🙏🏼💜🙏🏼🌈
His Holiness Kaybje Trijang Rinpoche cannot be wrong, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche and our beloved Guru who always told us to respect His Holiness and be patient for this kind of compassionate good news to come, cannot be wrong. Thank you for the world the truth and the Dharma we should all be practising. No one should be discriminated and hated, not even our enemies. May Dorje Shugden practitioners be able to reunite with their beloved gurus, families, brother and sister in Dharma like how it used to be and how it should. 🙏🏼🙇🏻♀️🙏🏼🙇🏻♀️🙏🏼🙇🏻♀️
Thank you HH the Dalai Lama for lifting the ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden. I am very grateful for your decision as the ostracization has created immense sufferings especially to Tibetans who practice Dorje Shugden. I hope that we can all co-exist in peace and harmony regardless of religion, gender, race and creed.