Tibetan leadership forces Sera Jey monk to propose self-harm

Gen Thupten Choephel
(By Pastor David Lai)
On February 23, 2018 at the Hotel Tibet in Dharamsala, a monk by the name of Gen Thupten Choephel held a press conference to express his grievances regarding his observations of the Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) dealings.
According to Gen Thupten Choephel who hails from Sera Jey Monastery, the CTA who are the Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala, have been abusing their political roles amongst the Tibetan community for over six decades. Unless they make drastic and radical changes to their manner of leadership, Gen Thupten Choephel has threatened to self-harm.
First and foremost, as followers of the peaceful way of the Buddha, we do not condone the use of such extreme methods in order to convey a message. It is sad that any member of the Sangha (ordained monk and nun communities) would ever be driven to commit such extreme self-harm, knowing that it contravenes all Buddhist codes regarding taking lives and killing. All monks are followers of the Buddha’s code of conduct (Vinaya) and they know that taking any life, including their own, would be breaking the monks’ vows, thereby creating tremendous amounts of negative karma. Knowing this fact, Gen Thupten Choephel is still willing to transgress his most precious vows, a reflection of how much he has been disappointed and hurt by the exiled Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala, North India.
His actions are a sign of changing times. Where previously Tibetans would engage in the same extreme actions against other external groups in order to send a powerful message, here now is a Tibetan threatening the same act, where the target is the leadership of his own people. Clearly the situation within the Tibetan community has deteriorated, and people have lost all hope in their leadership to a point where the CTA themselves are now objects to self-harm against.
What is most compelling is the fact that this statement has come from a Tibetan insider, who must have once supported his government. As such, he has issued this statement out of his concern for what he has witnessed, rather than from being biased against the CTA. People certainly cannot say that Gen Thupten Choephel is a misinformed outsider, or someone who has relied on secondhand information, or is working off information that was lost in translation. His decision is obviously based on issues that he has observed for himself, with his own eyes and with his own conscience. Now he is acting on what he has observed within the Tibetan leadership over a long period of time, which has left him bereft of any sense of hope.
I would like to offer butter lamps and my prayers that this monk will find another method to express his grievances, and I really hope that the CTA will change in order to save his life. As a Buddhist, I definitely do not agree with any practices involving self-harm but it is clear that the CTA has driven their people to such despair that they would even contemplate taking their own lives to instigate change in their own society, amongst their own leadership. This monk is indeed brave as Tibetans are heavily discouraged by their leadership to speak out about the ills within the leadership that are blatantly clear. The exiled leadership in Dharamsala will not only be embarrassed by this open display of defiance but will find means to silence the monk. Anyone who dare speaks up in Tibetan society in exile will be silenced by threats and so forth. It is commonplace practice of the exiled leadership. We need more exiled Tibetans to gain the courage to make it better for themselves and future generations by speaking up against the corrupt and bigoted iron-clad control of the Tibetan leadership in Dharamsala. Only by speaking up and through exposure will things become better.
The Tibetan leadership shows a compassionate, ‘democratic’, fair and concerned leadership for their exiled people to the west to gain sympathy and millions in free aid for the last 60 years. But who stays in exile for 60 years anyways? In reality, they are not kind, fair nor democratic to their exiled Tibetans in India but are extremely heavy-handed, corrupt, unfair and exploitative. Now more Tibetans are speaking up and they will not tolerate the stigma within their communities for revealing the truth. Within the Tibetan communities, such an act is considered embarrassing and dangerous to the whistle-blower. However, positive change will not happen without these people. Good luck to this brave monk and may many more speak up soon to make this powerful and positive change!
Pastor David
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Monk Proposes Self Immolation Over Politics in Tibetan Exile
February 24, 2018 | TJ editor
A Tibetan refugee monk from South India has proposed of self immolation over the rising dirty politics in the Tibetan exile community according to a press briefing on Friday morning. The monk explained three factors relating to the Tibetan exile community that lead to his intention to self immolate for the greater cause of Tibetan struggle.
According to the press briefing called by the monk, Thupten Choephel at Hotel Tibet in Dharamshala, he proposed of three factors from Tibetan exile community that he sees propelling to commit self-immolation for the greater issue of Tibetan struggle. This clarification came in follow up to a social media update from him on February 9 this year, where he hinted at committing self-immolation over down graded political situation in the exile Tibetan community.
Monk Choephel explained that the three factors comprising of abusive use of political role at the apex of Central Tibetan Administration, not acknowledging the abusive exploitation of their roles and not resolving such existing exploitative practices by such individuals.
Thupten Choephel accused the Kashag of causing the stir among Tibetan exile through its decision to oust the former speaker Penpa Tsering from the post of North America Representative in November last year. He explained that the decision led to Tibetans indulging in groupings such as regionalism leading to the destruction of unity and thus affecting the Tibetan struggle.
The press briefing was aimed at urging the Tibetan parliamentarians to bring out a clear resolution to the issue during the upcoming parliament session in March, terming the parliament as the parental guardian of the Tibetan democracy and warned of undesirable consequences over their inability to resolve the case.
Source: http://www.tibetanjournal.com/index.php/2018/02/24/monk-proposes-self-immolation-politics-tibetan-exile/
For more interesting information:
- Why are these Tibetans successful without the CTA?
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He should have given more details.
It is well-known that many Tibetans have committed protest self-immolation. Tibetans are disappointed what the Tibetan Leadership all along no religious freedom, discrimination and so forth. For most nothing has been done to help them with the collected billion donations . The Tibetans are still refugees and suffering in poor condition. Tibetan leadership forces Sera Jey monk to propose self-harm over dirty politics, corruptions, abusive and so forth.
For Gen Thupten Choephel to speak up against his own Tibetan government in exile is indeed brave. He spoke all he knew to bring awareness to the outside world. His bravery has inspired more and more Tibetan to speck up and stand up for the Tibetans. They needed a change after all these years in exile. He is willingly sacrifice himself to self immolate for the greater cause of Tibetan struggle. Just to raise awareness of the corruption of the Tibetan government.
Thank you Pastor David for bringing the plight of so many Monks .
When a government forces a monk to publicly announce that he will self-immolate if the dirty politics in his own government do not stop, the situation is really bad. Monks are supposed to not interfere with any of the secular matters and only focus on his Dharma study and practice.
Monks also hold vows of not killing also included himself. Suicide is against their vow and it is one of the major vows. This Sera Jey monk is willing to return his monk vows and kill himself just to raise awareness of the corruption of the Tibetan government.
Tibetan government should really take a good look at themselves to change for the better. This should be a wake-up call for them already. The sufferings that the public feel will be much more if they stay the same.
Why would a government forces monk to propose self-harm ? It doesn’t make sense. In Buddhism we should appreciate our life and not harm ourselves. It is such a big sin to harm ourselves and the CTA is encouraging it. While the monks who self-harm wanted to send a strong message to government but it is still not right and not a good method at all. I hope people will use other means to send message and bring awareness on issues but not creating self infliction.
Self-immolation = Self-harm.
This is so wrong. How can any decent government allow its citizen to do this? A government should be protecting its citizens and not allow any harm befalling on her people. By not doing anything to stop such harmful acts, it is equivalent to endorsing such actions.
For a monk, who is fully aware of the consequences of taking his own life, to contemplate doing this would mean that the situation is terribly dire and this is the only recourse he knows of as other methods have not gotten any results. I sincerely hope that CTA will effect positive changes that will prevent any more loss of lives.
Thank you, Rinpoche and Pastor David for highlighting the dire plight of Tibetans, particularly Shugden practitioners, under the reign of their government-in-exile (CTA)
It is interesting to note that the monks from Sera Jey, establishment decides to speak up on the abuses of CTA. As the monks and leaders of Sera Jey, were one of the very strong and hardcore supporters of the Dorje Shugden ban, that the CTA wanted to implement across the Tibetan diaspora. This is unprecedented, if a monk who lives in a situation that there is no harassment, or under duress to threaten immolation, the CTA governance has probably gone to the ‘dogs’. If CTA has such negative policies, does all forms of actions that splits the people, it is time for the CTA to really step down, they have lost the confidence of its people and to reverse all previously set policies of the CTA thus far.
Thank you Pastor David for bringing the plight of so many Monks effected by such indecisive and negligent leadership such would seem embodied by the CTA. May Geshe Thupten Choephel’s message be a harbinger of positive change to come, and a warning as to how extreme the situation could indeed become should compassion and wisdom fall by the way side due to misrepresentation, greed and corruption. May all who are oppressed be free from their oppressors. Self immolation goes against every aspect of the teachings and was not encouraged by Buddha. It is obvious one who is as well versed as a Geshe understands this well. Well enough that the very threat should be heeded and severe caution should be taken by those creating the karma to have such unconducive conditions arise for so many who have kept their vows so well. In my mind of understanding, it would in fact be those who created the cause to have a Monk even contemplate such an act who will suffer the effects of poor karma. May Geshe Thupten Choepheling find great solace in knowing he is a catalyst for change and may it come about without the lost of more virtuous minds and innocence. Buddha Blessings to all sentient beings and may wisdom and compassion reign, and a resolution follow to this most dire state.
Its such a shame that it has to come to having a Monk to bring such a sad state of affair to the world with the threat of self-immolation. Such wrongness when one of the Tibetan Leaders is a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and the Face of Universal Compassion. Anyone with logical reasoning would know something is not right when the Tibetans in Exile remain in Refugee status for 60 years, especially with hundreds of millions in sponsorships from sympathisers. These refugees could be living in prosperous and self-supporting living conditions had the monies been properly disseminated by the Tibetan leaders, to raise the living skills of their people. The disparity between the ruling parties and their cronies with that of their common people speaks strongly of abuse of powers and self-serving policies. After all, with so much sponsorships, all Tibetans in Exile don’t exactly need to earn their living if monies are distributed fairly.
This is karma coming back to the Tibetan Leaders for their illogical self-serving policies that had caused so much sufferings to their people and beyond, especially the practitioners of authentic protector practice of Lord Dorje Shugden. And every propaganda that they had thrown against China, now the Tibetan Leaders themselves are being accused of the same. My salute to courageous Geshe Thupten Choephel for standing up to expose the unjust rules of the Tibetan Leaders. However, I do wish to add that I, too, does not condone self harm as it carries such heavy karma. I am sure that the Tibetan Leaders will bear some of this karma too as they are the cause for the Monk’s self-harm if it was to happen. Wonder how much more had the Tibetan Leaders kept hidden from the public??
Thanks Pastor David for sharing this news with us. It sure shatter my idealistic perception of the “Face of Compassion”. As they say”If you stand by to watch wrongness then it is as good as condoning this wrongness”.
It is a very sad situation that the Tibetans are suffering now since so many decades already. Instead of finding a peaceful solutions with China, it seems that the CTA, the central Tibetan administration has no urge to give the Tibetan people peace and a home.
There are millions are Tibetans in China, so why not find reconciliation and have a clear dialogue with the Chinese government so that the Tibetans see that progress is on the way and their fate will not remain in the dark.
It is a painful situation but self-immolation is no solution and it will not bring about change. It is good to do a press conference and instead of harming himself, it would be much better he informs the people Tibetans and others and works to bring some change.
I hope Gen Thupten Choephel will no need to do self-harm in order to get CTA not being corrupted. The facts that CTA have been a corrupted government is not just happened in a nite, but, it have been an issues for over 60 years. It is not obvious to the Tibetan in exile on what the CTA have done to them until recently, the Tibetan in exile realize not only they can’t return to China and remain in exile status, also their community is being separated by the Dorje Shugden’s ban. Most of them remain in poor stage while their CTA leaders have passport, have house in other countries. Thus, how could anyone who cares for their own Tibetan’s welfare remain silent any longer. Gen Thupten Choephel despite the risk that he might get “punishment” from the CTA he willing to stand up for Tibetan in exile and to alert the community on the real situation that they are facing. To continue using Dorje Shugden as scapegoat to divide the community, and to continue to use the Tibetan refugees to get more fund from international is not going to work soon as more Tibetan understand the real situation.
ཕྱི་ལོ་ ༡༩༥༩ ནས་བཟུང་བོད་པའི་དབུ་ཁྱིད་རྣམས་ལ་དཀའ་རྙོག་མང་པོ་ཕྲད་བཞིན་ཡོད། དཀའ་རྙོག་གསར་ཤོས་ནི་འདི་ལྟར། I am so ahsame of Dasa . Now I m here other Tibetan is wish to self imolate . Before time with Kusho Samdhong Rinpoche Tibet people r happy so 1st time like this for us . We must tell all truth that now Dasa is not for Tibet people . Thanks so much for article la
I felt sorry and at the same time respect Gen Thupten Choephel brarevy speak up againt their own tibetan government in exile. When Tibetan are disppointment what CTA has done some many corruption, suppress their own tibetan religion practice freem, double standard and only care for their own benifit. Tibetan refugee has reach limit no reliance on CTA, lose hope and can not get help by CTA. They are like the people living out at others country and no have direction and don‘t know what will happen for the future. I ready hope this will not happen for the monk. CTA should take note and concern what happening in this situation and not let people in the world disappointed what was happening.
Sad to know that it has to come to this stage – “self harm” to make sure the Tibetan Leader will change and care about their peoples. However, i don’t think this can work. After 60 years , you can’t see much improve to the Tibetan in Exile, they still are refugees and still suffering. CTA has collected billion of donation over the years but what we have seen were news about misappropriation of funds collected. And yet the CTA also fails to respect even the most basic human right of other people, freedom of religion. We need more Tibetan to speak up for their future but not to harming themselves.
Now even the Tibetans also fed up of their government. Can see how heart broken Gen Thupten Choephel is, until he is willing to give up his monk vow to propose self immolation to urge his leadership to go on the right way and to do the right thing. This really give Tibetan leadership a big slap on their face. Once the press conference is out, more and more people will turn their eyes to this monk and to what Tibetan leadership is doing.
The bravery and courage for Gen Thupten Choephel speak up fight against the wicked act on Tibetan leadership in exile, is truly a respect and hope for many suffering monks under tight gesture of CTA. The exile government ruling was too much and heartless until urges ordained monks to sacrifice their lives for their own benefits. On spiritual side, CTA is completely shameful and disrespect on religion. Moreover it happened among Tibetans community. How will CTA receive funds as there are so much corruptions and dark politics in their community.
Everything has no wrong or right, but when it’s done with different motivation, which is by ourselves, things get on /off of the track.
I do hope the CTA with take action before a monk takes his own life for the sake of others. How can CTA be so cold-hearted until they do not care whose life is taken? I think they do not believe in cause and effect. Not taking actions on issues like these will make them look bad to other countries who supports them financially.
As though to have a Sangha to threaten to give up his life is not bad enough, this exposè is sure to be bad enough. I of course would not want Gen Thupten to harm himself but for him to even say that must have been very damning. It must have hit him so hard to say something like this. It seems everyone in exile wanted CTA to just close down for its ineffectiveness.
It is so shameful for CTA to have a monk voice out his opinion, get involved in worldly affairs and proposed self harm all because the CTA can’t manage their people well. Especially those who self immolated for the Tibetan cause. I feel truly sad to see this in the Sangha community. A monk should be practicing Dharma and hold his vows but instead he had to step out and talk about how bad CTA has become because of his compassion to unite his fellow Tibetans.
For 60 years, I am sure CTA can do better than this. Still refugees in India with no sign of communication with China to discuss about Tibetans’ affair. No wonder the unrest is becoming worse.
I solute to Gen Thupten Choephel for his courage to do so. He’s willing to sacrifice himself out of compassion to stop the dirty politics in the Tibetan exile community.
Will the CTA change for the better? I doubt. Money speaks better than anything. So many years Tibetan kept quiet and dare not say anything about the bad of the Tibetan leadership. The corruption have to stop. The leadership have to change.
For an ordained person deciding to take his own life, it must have come to a limit where one would like the world to hear his piece and definitely for a greater purpose. Knowing well taking his own life is not right according to the monk’s vows but the courage of Gen Thupten Choepel is to make his action as loud as possible to show his disappointment towards the Tibetan leadership that had causes so much suffering to many Tibetan.
From this act also it tell us that Tibetan has not been treated well and the waiting and hoping for a change of a better living in exile by the Tibetan leadership has just been faded through time. Many lies and violent to create fear within the Tibetan community in exile by the Tibetan leadership does not bring any positive change instead it make Tibetan stay stagnant and backward.
We need more Tibetan to speak up but not harming themselves. Sacrificing through immolation is not worthy for Tibetan leadership but a compilation of voice will make the world listen and witness the truth of how injustice, unfair and corrupted the Tibetan leadership is. Gen Thupten Choepel braveness to speak up can be the fuel to encourage more people to voice up their rights and dissatisfaction for their leadership to change for good.
This is very sad. The Tibetans in India and around the world are so unhappy with the Tibetan leadership in India they are issuing threats. Lhatse Lobsang, the President of Utsang Yargay Tsokpa, warns the elected leaders such as Sikyong Lobsang Sangye and members of the Tibetan parliament in Dharamsala of his self-immolation in protest if they don’t resolve the termination issue in the coming March parliamentary sessions. More and more Tibetans speaking up about the bad Tibetan leadership. The leadership is imploding. I feel very sad our leadership is so corrupt and made so much trouble and now Tibetans are speaking up.
I have heard of self immolation (or self harm), only once or twice in my life. However, for a monk to propose this is illogical and perhaps may set a negative perception to the community at large that this action is typical of monks. But I think it is best left to the monk himself as he examines his thoughts in relation to the Vinaya vows that he’s holding.
For someone who is from the Tibetan exile community to express such “hopelessness” related to the community at large beckons a question – what has become of the Tibetan community since they came to India to settle down nearly 59 years ago.
One critical point remains – will the CTA be immune to this “threat”? if they are immune, the monk’s action may just be in vain. The CTA may twist the entire saga to allege that he was a Dorje Shugden practitioner and ignore the situation.
Thank you
Best regards
Lum Kok Luen
For a vinaya holder, knowing to end one’s life is breaking the vow and it causes very negative karma, Gen Thupten Choephel had no choice but to go such extreme way to protest against the corrupted CTA. Gen-la is very courageous and desperate to choose such extreme method to bring attention to the world how corrupted their government is. However for the past record, this method will not work because CTA doesn’t care about his people but their own pocket. Sad but true. This is how CTA destroy the tibetan communities and their own beautiful culture. There are many more effective methods to expose CTA, self-immolation is definitely not the way, ending one’s life just for CTA is absolutely not worth.
For a monk to threaten to kill himself, he must be very frustrated with CTA and doesn’t know a better way to express his frustration. It is sad that someone has to use his life to make himself heard.
More and more people realise how ineffective CTA is, it is also become clearer that DS ban is created to distract people from the real issues lied within CTA. No wonder CTA wants to put so much money and effort in creating the ban, as long as the Tibetans are not united, they can be in power and continue to exploit Tibetans for their own interest.
Time to wake up Tibetans, what has CTA done for you for the past 60 years! Refugee status?
Gen Thupten Choephel may have used the wrong method to disagree with the leadership and dealings carried out by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) but in my opinion, probably Gen Thupten Choephel could have thought that this would be the most effective way to voice out his concerns and reach out further in order to reveal the truth and disappointment about how CTA has abused their political roles amongst the Tibetan community. The courage and selflessness shown by Gen Thupten Choephel is very encouraging for other Tibetans living under the leadership of CTA, to speak out and work together to resolve the issues within the Tibetan community. There are many effective ways to curb the political issues such as open dialogues, looking for other alternative solutions to improve the living conditions and it is not necessarily to use the extreme method by taking human life away. May Gen Thupten Choephel do not give up with his precious human life but continue to stay on and work hard for the benefit of many living beings, especially for his Tibetan comrades who are currently suffering under the leadership of CTA.
Humbly with folded hands,
kin hoe
Life is precious as taught by Buddha Shakymuni, and for a monk holding the vinaya vows, to even consider self immolation is definitely out of sheer desperation. The question is whether such an act will benefit the other Dorje Shugden practitioners? Will the corrupt government CTA take heed of such an action?
There are many ways to make a stand for what is right and virtuous and personally, although I give credit to the courage of Gen Thupten Choephel of Sera Jey monastery, I would like him to reconsider his proposal. It will benefit more people for Gen Thupten Choephel to join the work of Great Dorje Shugden Lamas, for example H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche to uphold the legacy and lineage of Dorje Shugden so that it will propagate in 10 directions to benefit all sentient beings.
Salute to this courage monk Gen Thupten Choephel who has threatened to self-harm for the sake of future Tibetan refugees and to break his vows. I doubt CTA will care about self immolation because they never care about the Tibetan Communities for the past decades. Tibetan Communities will have brighter future when more and more people speak up and expose this corrupted Tibetan Leadership. I hope Get Thupten Choephel will continue his spiritual journey as a monk to benefit others and be a champion for the political cause representing the greater good of the people. Thank you Rinpoche and Pastor David for this interesting update ?
I really wish everything can be worked out and no more people will need to die ??
It is great that someone like Gen Thupten Choephel speak up.
Hope there are more who stood up so that all these will end and less people suffer
Salute to this courage monk Gen Thupten Choephel who has threatened to self-harm for the sake of future Tibetan refugees and to break his vows.. For the past 6 decades, the Tibetan leadership based in Dharamsala, have been abusing their political roles amongst the Tibetan community . Gen Thupten Choephel has observed long enough so much of the sufferings the refugees came under the CTA and he has to voice up somehow so as more people come to make it better for themselves and future generations.. Only by speaking up against the corrupted Tibetan leadership and through exposure will things become better.
To be courage enough to speak is a good choice but self harming will not end the current situation of the CTA. I do hope Gen Thupten Choephel will have a much better method to get to the world attention. It will be sad if he have to self harming . I wish more and more Tibetan refugees, monks will speak up for a better generation. The Tibetan leadership must do more than just empty praises and nice words for the poverty-stricken citizens of their host country India before more ugly incident will happen. May . Gen Thupten Choephel continue his spiritual path and to spread more Dharma.
Thank you Pastor David for sharing this updates.
Gen Thupten Choephel is a brave monk speaking up against the CTA. No matter how disappointed the situation it can be, scarifying one’s life is never a good way to make things better. Gen Thupten Choephel should continue to speak up for the Tibetan Communities rather than end his precious life to threaten CTA. I doubt CTA will care about self immolation because they never care about the Tibetan Communities for the past decades. Tibetan Communities will have brighter future when more and more people speak up and expose this corrupted Tibetan Leadership.
Although it is good for him to address this issue but nonetheless, I agree to what Pastor David has suggested, to find other methods to resolve the decades long issue. Although it’s totally unrelated, here in Malaysia, I find that our politic is something similar. As a good citizen, although I do not agree with the management of our current government but I’ve never thought of something extreme like this. As a monk, actually he can benefit more people through Dharma, it’s more beneficial in that way.
This kind nonsense never happen during Samdhong time. Before time, we are make this type of protest to China but now its Sangay who is lead us n we all know why the problem. Distract with Dhardon in Dasa! ? He is too busy on the holiday in Japan. He has name Sengge of lion but heart is coward n when problems are come he run away like he see the ghost ?? hahahahaha
What are you mean by this
Woeser la why are our Sikyong go to South Africa n Japan when we are have the problem in Dasa? Is he go to look for the lion brother in Africa? All people in Dasa are know story of him n Dhadon Sharling n him with inji bhumo. བོད་པའི་གཞིས་ཆགས་ལ་བཞུགས་མཁན་ཚང་མའི་འདི་མཁྱེན་གསལ་རེད། When our Tibetan have the problem our leader is gone n leave to Dalai Lama to make the solution. བཙན་བྱོལ་བོད་གཞུང་ནི་དངོས་གནས་འདི་ཡིན།། ????? now wonder Choephel la want to do this ?
Lobsang Sangay no respect to His Holiness also. He asked His Holiness to settle the 1.5 million loan from Tibet Fund so in account it will no show as loan la. He didn’t settle the loan and do not care about us, but Dhardon Sharling only. He is now suing Mila Rangzen for telling the truth https://thetibetstar.com/2018/02/28/president-sangay-launches-attacks-on-mila-rangzen/#more-1104. We wait for Mila Rangzen’s truth. Maybe he can be the next Sikyong, not Lobsang Sangay pervert continue to lead. Lobsang Sangay make Tibetans life miserable. I want him down.
This is wrong approach Sikyongla. Maybe Mila Rangzen are not agree to you but you are Sikyong. Why you are attack to one of your citizen? ? No one respect to king who do like this. First you are attack to Lukar Jam and attack to Penpa Tsering and now you are attack to Mila Rangzen. But our chithue and kalon are really shame to us. You are educate in Harvard. Is Havard teach to you hwo to steal US1.5 million from our bhopa tso? ?? Lhagyari Namgyal are descent from the Song tsen Gampo family. Is Songsen Gampo lineage teach her to fight? May be you are two big and I am no body but I am not admire to you. དེར་ཡ་ཉེན་ཞེ་དྲགས་འདུག ། ང་ཚོ་བོད་མིའི་གཅིག་སྒྲིལ་འདོད།། More important is unity and heart. I ask to you please stop this nonsense ?????
Choeden, Dehradun
Sherab-lag, I agree with you totally la! Just few days ago, Mila Rangzen published on TibetStar Lobsang Sangay’s sex scandal. Apart from Dhardon Sharling, he also assault many many young girls sexually. This kind of Sikyong lead us Tibetan to hell la. He is not only a coward but so a lustful sex maniac. Shamday! https://www.google.com/amp/s/thetibetstar.com/2018/02/21/president-sangay-and-the-sexual-assault-on-ms-leslie-butterfield/amp/
It is brave for Gen Thupten Choephel to speak up and he should continue to speak up. Harming himself in the hope of threatening the CTA into changing is not going to work because CTA does not care for his (or others’) life; if they care, they would not had been corrupted and abusive in the first place. And they would not have stayed silence when hundreds of Tibetan youth immolated themselves in Tibet, China. Emotional blackmailing whether by ending own life or other harms are really desperate measures that should be avoided at all cost. I hope Get Thupten Choephel will continue his spiritual journey as a monk to benefit others and be a champion for the political cause representing the greater good of the people.
Self immolation is never the answer for making a stand. For a Buddhist monk to self immolate and knowing that he will commit very negative karma from killing himself, it only shows how desperate and hopeless the situation is under the corrupt rule of the Tibetan Govt in Exile. The monk is willing to break his precious vows in order to bring attention to the world that the current Tibetan Govt in exile need to be replaced with people who truly cares for their own people and not continue to create havoc and exploit their own people for the sake of personal gains.
The corruption within the current Tibetan Govt in Exile is an open secret. Many Tibetans are victimized by these corrupted politicians. These politicians will use any opportunity they can find to divide and rule. This needs to stop before more people follow the footsteps of this monk to self harm.
I agree with you, Pastor David. There are other ways to expose the corrupt and bad management of the CTA than to give up a life. I hope that Gen Thupten Choephel will speak up more but by not ending his precious life. The CTA is not worthy of it, nothing is worthy of sacrificing one’s life just fighting for a cause. Gen Thupten Choephel would benefit more fighting the cause than being gone. If anyone has any contact with him, please speak to him to stay alive and champion the cause.