Tibetan patriot Tenpa Yarphel tells Tibetan government to make peace with Dorje Shugden people

Member of the Tibetan Parliament Tenpa Yarphel, representing the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, spoke for the need to stop discriminating against Dorje Shugden practitioners, for the sake of Tibetan unity.
Recently the Tibetan ‘government-in-exile’ known as the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) was called to session and Tenpa Yarphel, a notable Member of the Tibetan Parliament (MP) spoke up about the need for Tibetans to be united. Specifically, Tenpa Yarphel bravely addressed a very thorny issue that most Tibetan policy makers have sidestepped for over 20 years, and that is the Dorje Shugden unethical ban that, by now, everyone knows has been very damaging to the fragile Tibetan unity. It is really refreshing to see a Tibetan MP speaking confidently about the realities faced by the Tibetans in exile, with the intention of moving forward to a better future instead of being stuck in myriad divisive policies that have really harmed the Tibetan polity and harmony.
Tibetans in general have always had a tendency to be divided into factions, even before many of them fled to India. These splits are defined by regions, religious sects, and other old quarrels. In current times however, many Tibetans are also split by their choice of politics. On one side are the rangzen people who campaign for an independent Tibet, while on the other are the umaylam group who follow His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s choice of autonomous rule under China. Tibetans have also been particularly divided over spiritual delineations such as the issue of the two Karmapas and the very damaging Dorje Shugden conflict. These issues are not just localised to Tibetans in India, but the animosity has also spread into the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) and has even gone global. All these serve to place the Tibetan leadership in a bad light, something which Tenpa Yarphel clearly does not wish to see happen.
Tenpa Yarphel’s statement could not come at a more urgent time. Exiled Tibetans under the CTA have, of late, become scattered for a number of reasons. These range from the lack of employment opportunities to discrimination they have suffered such as that experienced by Dorje Shugden practitioners. Furthermore, exiled Tibetans are unable to see a clear future under the CTA. At the same time, global support for the Tibetan cause has diminished due in large part to China’s rise, but also to increasing awareness of what many in truly liberal communities view as unfair and undemocratic CTA policies.
One of the most undemocratic policies that continues to damage Tibetan unity is the Dorje Shugden conflict that Tenpa Yarphel addressed in the most recent Parliamentary session. On March 21, 2019, Tenpa Yarphel spoke up against the continuing discrimination of people on the basis of their faith. He said that in past, when the Dalai Lama spoke around the world, people protested against the Dalai Lama’s ban on Dorje Shugden even if the Dalai Lama was not speaking about Dorje Shugden that day. Tenpa Yarphel strongly implied that these protests damaged the image and reputation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the CTA. Tenpa Yarphel then invited the Tibetan parliament to examine for themselves whether or not the ban had yielded any gain, and asked them to think about how it has not helped Tibetan unity:-
MP Tenpa Yarphel
encourages unity in Tibetan society
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Translated summary:
Dear Chairman of the Parliament,
Someone has brought up Dorje Shugden issues. I would like to share my personal thoughts on this.
For four years, all *Dolgyalpa protestors have protested against His Holiness the Dalai Lama, wherever His Holiness gave teachings, they will always appear and protest. But in the teachings, His Holiness the Dalai Lama didn’t talk about Dolgyal.
I feel we should not have discrimination within our society, especially discrimination towards practising our spirituality. It harms us more than it benefits. When we talked about these issues, it caused so much harm in our society. In Dolgyal issues, they protested against His Holiness wherever he goes. So it is really better not to talk about these issues anymore.
Actually when I talk about Dolgyal, I have no connection with them. I do not have any connection with them, either on a personal level or a public level.
We should become united with each other and not push each other away. Either now we have experienced harm or benefits about this issue, it is better not to talk about these issue anymore.
* Dolgyal – the derogatory term used by the CTA and their supporters to refer to Dorje Shugden. The term ‘Dolgyal’ means ‘King of Dol’ and refers to the CTA’s false assertion that Dorje Shugden is a spirit, and not an enlightened Dharma Protector. A ‘Dolgyalpa’ is how the CTA derogatorily refers to someone who relies on Dorje Shugden.
As a MP, Tenpa Yarphel’s voice is significant because the source of the conflict is none other than the Tibetan leadership themselves. Even today, the CTA’s official website carries the leadership’s instructions for Tibetans worldwide to marginalise Dorje Shugden followers. Examples of discriminatory practices include Dorje Shugden practitioners being banned from any secular gatherings hosted by the Dalai Lama. They are not allowed in Tibetan hospitals, or to hold positions in the Tibetan civil service. Signs in the Tibetan settlements ban Dorje Shugden practitioners from entering shops, even if it is just to buy a can of milk.
All of this segregation is known to the Tibetan leadership and what is more, sanctioned by them. Thus, since they are the source of conflict, for any real change to be witnessed, the resolution has to come from the Tibetan leadership. And while a few Tibetan leaders have spoken about the need for Tibetans to be united, these speeches will not amount to anything more than lip service unless concrete steps are taken, for example by removing the anti-Dorje Shugden section of the CTA’s website. Only when such steps are taken towards ending this type of discriminatory behaviour, can there be any real hope of uniting the people because it would be proof that the CTA is serious about removing all divisive elements from their community.

Until the Tibetan leadership removes this anti-Dorje Shugden section on their website, anything they say about Tibetan unity is purely lip service. This section of the CTA’s site is proof of the divisive attitude that the CTA has had towards Dorje Shugden practitioners, which needs to stop for the sake of Tibetan unity. This is the official Tibetan government’s website. If Tibet is supposed to have freedom, this website will become representative of the nation. What official website representing the national government of a country discriminates against any religion, and actively discourages and gives “advice” against anyone’s religion? This shows you how undemocratic they really are.
It is important to note that Tenpa Yarphel’s only interest is the betterment of the Tibetan people. He makes it clear that he has no involvement in or connection to the worship of Dorje Shugden. This makes it easy to conclude he is not acting out of personal gain – he gets nothing from speaking against the ban – and is therefore looking at the issue of Tibetan unity as a true patriot. Here is someone who has the courage to lay out what needs to be done in order for Tibetan tradition and culture to survive. Tibetans often speak about the great importance of preserving their culture but how can a culture be saved unless the people are truly united and focused?
In this, Tenpa Yarphel is a lone, progressive voice. Barring an exceptional few, not many Tibetan MPs have been willing to speak against policies that have harmed Tibetan unity. That has led the Tibetan public to wonder if their leaders are there to fulfil their own agenda, or are truly fighting for the Tibetan people and their collective future. Of course, those with personal agendas will not want to rock the boat by commenting on damaging policies, because they do not want to risk being viewed as anti-establishment, anti-Dalai Lama or anti-Tibetan, and therefore risk the loss of their lucrative positions. For these people, fulfilling personal ambitions and goals are more important than Tibetan unity, which would guarantee the preservation of Tibetan culture and its spiritual traditions. So clearly Tenpa Yarphel’s statement, which goes against the CTA’s policy on Shugden people, shows him to care genuinely for the future of the Tibetans.

Protests in Dharamsala were organised against Tenpa Yarphel, calling him “anti-Dalai Lama” for his criticisms of Nechung. They also called for his impeachment. Although he knew this reaction was a possibility, Tenpa Yarphel nevertheless still spoke up against what he saw as the Tibetan leadership’s damaging policy to rely on Nechung. Click to enlarge.
Tenpa Yarphel has a track record of speaking up against policies he feels are harmful, and he will speak up even at great personal risk to himself. About two years ago, he bravely exposed himself to criticisms when he voiced his concerns about the Tibetan leadership’s over-reliance on Nechung, the State Oracle that the Tibetan leadership consults on matters of the state. Tenpa Yarphel’s intention was not to condemn Nechung but to stress that the CTA must rely on its own logic and pragmatism, instead of always resorting to antiquated and supernatural solutions when faced with issues they do not wish to deal with. Tenpa Yarphel was especially concerned that Nechung, a subdued spirit, was still being relied on to determine important government policies although he has repeatedly been proven to be inaccurate and wrong.

Some supportive Tibetan voices happy to see Tenpa Yarphel is speaking against the divisive and discriminatory Dorje Shugden ban. Click to enlarge.
Tenpa Yarphel’s remarks about Nechung were very brave, because they were perceived as criticism of the Dalai Lama’s decision to rely on the Nechung Oracle. As a result, he was heavily attacked as “anti-Dalai Lama” both on social media and offline, with people going so far as to organise protests against him, calling for his impeachment. That Tenpa Yarphel received a lot of flak for his opinion reflects how backward the thinking of the Tibetan leadership is and how unprepared the CTA is to deal with the issues of the world like a pragmatic and modern government.
Incidentally it was Nechung who advised the Tibetan leadership to ban Dorje Shugden practice, alleging that it was this practice that foiled the Tibetan cause. But despite the Dorje Shugden ban, which is 20-plus years old, exiled Tibetans are not making any headway in their dealings with China, and are in fact experiencing a reversal with an erosion of global support. Hence Tenpa Yarphel’s statement about accepting Dorje Shugden practitioners is very logical. Regardless of how the Tibetans view Dorje Shugden practice, it is even more important to rely on reason and realise that the future of the Tibetan nation is to be secured by the CTA encouraging Tibetan unity instead of blaming a deity based on superstitious grounds. This brave MP shows that he is someone who is not afraid to swim against the current because he knows what he is doing is the right thing.
We fully support MP Tenpa Yarphel when he says that people should not be discriminated based on their beliefs. Any truly democratic country should and will not discriminate their people based on the colour of their skin or their spiritual faiths. This idea is not something fantastic but is the most basic and fundamental of any government that claims to be democratic. In fact, it should not even require a MP to suggest that the government should stop agitating the situation. The discrimination should not have been allowed to happen to begin with. Tibetans have seen how damaging the Dorje Shugden ban has been not just on Dorje Shugden practitioners, but on the Tibetan community as a whole. What Tenpa Yarphel spoke about does not require any expertise or special training to grasp. Tibetans can weigh and check for themselves, they are witness to all that has gone down with the Dorje Shugden ban.
The damage the Tibetan leadership inflicted on the community is becoming clearer and it is good that more people are coming to the same conclusion. For example, Arjia Rinpoche, who is a close confidante of the Dalai Lama, has also recently exhorted the value of unity amongst Tibetans. In such challenging times, with American power waning and with China ushering in a new world order, Tibetans need to be flexible and work as a cohesive unit, to preserve their culture and identity; being united will certainly benefit the Tibetan cause, in whatever form it takes. For many of us, Tenpa Yarphel is truly a progressive Tibetan hero that people around the world can be inspired by, as he speaks for the betterment of the Tibetan society, without fear or favour. Whether Dorje Shugden is a devil or god is not the issue at all. What difference does it make if a Tibetan prays to a god or devil? They are still Tibetan and should be respected and have an equal voice with other Tibetans. This is about having the freedom, in a genuine democracy, to be able to pray to what we want, without being discriminated against. That is the real issue.
I sincerely hope, as do many Tibetans, that His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his great compassion and wisdom will finally meet Dorje Shugden people as they are his people also, and forge a relationship that has been lost for 20 years. I sincerely hope that the Tibetan leadership will unite all the monasteries that have separated, and unite the broken families and communities that are the result of this ban. Members of the Tibetan Parliament should invite Dorje Shugden people to Dharamsala and have a good meeting. They should start the reconciliation and healing process. They should show everyone that we are equal, that we are friends, that we are all Tibetan, regardless of our religion. I hope the Tibetan leaders remove the segregation that is contained within their Constitution and has become undemocratic law.
And I hope finally, being thrust onto the global platform, that Tibetan leaders will finally see how Tibetans have to unite to save their culture, way of life and religion, irrespective of their personal belief, their own religion and economic background. I wish that the Tibetan leadership will finally stop segregating Dorje Shugden people and invite them, together with other people who have been ostracised to become one nation, one race, one group. To be responsible leaders, the Tibetan leadership must reach out first to the Dorje Shugden followers around the world whom they have segregated with much damage and begin the healing process and start our road to unity.
Tsem Rinpoche
[Addendum] MP Tenpa Yarphel discourages
discrimination against Dorje Shugden people
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Translated summary:
It is not good to act like if there isn’t the Ministry of Religion and Culture, the monasteries wouldn’t survive. The truth is, all the monasteries can survive on their own. The Ministry of Religion and Culture should take care of all the people without bias.
The Ministry of Religion and Culture in the beginning, should put into consideration, whether people can work together to get things done when they plan things out. They shouldn’t plan without making such consideration and blame people for not doing the works. It is like hosting a dinner, if the dishes you made were all oily food, except those who like oily food, the other people will not come to the dinner naturally.
To keep on talking about the Dorje Shugden issue has no benefits. The Dorje Shugden issue brings no benefits after I think about it. I never see Dorje Shugden as a god to rely on. Similarly, if Dorje Shugden is a spirit, I have never seen it before too.
People shouldn’t say Dorje Shugden people are bad just because they (Dorje Shugden people) are not with us (non-Dorje Shugden people). Unity is very important, they are part of us too. To keep on saying how powerful we are to persecute them brings no benefits.
To talk about this issue recently is not good. The Ministry of Religion and Culture does not belong to any sect, it belongs to the public. If they (Dorje Shugden) people went on to a wrong path, what should be done is advising them with a compassionate mind, and try to bring them back onto the right path.
For more interesting information:
- Tibetan MP Tenpa Yarphel Speaks Up Against Nechung | 西藏流亡政府人民议会议员丹巴雅培发表反对乃琼护法的谈话
- སྤྱི་འཐུས་བསྟན་པ་ཡར་འཕེལ་ལགས་ཀྱིས་གནས་ཆུང་ཁ་གཏད་དུ་ཁ་བསངས་པ།
- Tibetan leadership forces Sera Jey monk to propose self-harm
- Tibetans seek greener pastures
- Tibetans Rejected Twice
- Why are these Tibetans successful without the CTA?
- Why Are Tibetans Leaving India?
- Why Accepting Dorje Shugden Is Good for Tibetan Democracy
- Nechung – The Retiring Devil of Tibet
- The Spirit Nyatrul: Magic, Mischief and Misery
- Karma Kagyu’s Lodreu Rabsel Rinpoche asks the Dalai Lama for Religious Freedom
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Inspiring a Tibetan Parliament representing the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism, spoke bravely for the need to stop discriminating against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Tenpa Yarphel, a Tibetan MP speaking confidently for the sake of Tibetan unity. Tibetans in exile have also been particularly divided over the issue of the two Karmapas and the very damaging Dorje Shugden conflict. For someone who dare to speak for the sake of peace with the intention of moving forward to a better future. Tenpa Yarphel spoke up against the continuing discrimination of people based on their beliefs. For over more than 20 years those Tibetans especially those Dorje Shugden practitioners suffered from the lack of employment opportunities to discrimination. A wise decision of Tenpa Yarphel speaking up the truth of the Tibetan sufferings. They are not allowed in Tibetan hospitals, or apply jobs in the Tibetan civil service or even entering shop or hotels and so on. Tenpa Yarphel’s statement, paints a thousand words of reality. A big hand applaud to this brave man .
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Thank you so much for this article. Its really refreshing to see a Tibetan MP speaking confidently about the realities faced by them in exile, with the intention of moving forward to a better future instead of being stuck in myriad divisive policies that have really harmed the Tibetan polity and harmony.
Tibetans have also been particularly divided over spiritual delineations such as the issue of the two Karmapas and the very damaging Dorje Shugden conflict. All these serve to place the Tibetan leadership in a bad light, something which Tenpa Yarphel clearly does not wish to see happen. Thank you.
Beautiful billboard just came up in our hometown of Bentong where Kechara Forest Retreat (KFR) in Malaysia is located. All of us in Bentong are warm, simple and very friendly people. Our beautiful billboard depicts Dorje Shugden statue in KFR and Dorje Shugden is a hero (pahlawan) and a powerful being from Tibet. He is highly respected for giving great inspirations and blessings from his life story.~Tsem Rinpoche- See more beautiful pictures- https://bit.ly/2UltNE4
这个美丽的布告板刚在我们的家乡——文冬安装好。文冬是克切拉禅修林的所在地。我们文冬人热情、朴实和友善。我们美丽的布告板描绘着禅修林里的多杰雄登像,而多杰雄登是位英雄,也是一位来自西藏强大的守护者。从他的生平我们得知他因赐人加持和灵感而备受尊崇。詹仁波切- 点击链接查看更多图片: https://bit.ly/2ThOvVa
Tenpa Yarphel is our Tibet Dharamsalla hero! He can speak up and tell truth in Tibetan leader place. Most Tibetan in Tibetan government don’t care and will not speak up. But Tenpa can tell the truth and he not afraid. He is really give us hope.
Thank you for sharing this article. It’s sad to see that the Tibetans are separated just because of religious beliefs and The DS Ban. We should not be separated just because of religious beliefs but rather respect others beliefs. Even if Dorje Shugden is a demon or god it’s not a problem at all. DS practitioners are constantly criticized by Anti-Shugden people for praying to DS. I hope Tibet unites everyone together as one. Thank you for sharing. With folded hands _/\_
The Tibetan Leadership (CTA) has instituted the ban against Dorje Shugden for the past 20 years. The ban of Dorje Shugden is unnecessary and illogical as the purpose of Dorje Shugden is for the preservation of the Dharma,and nothing else. Due the ban the whole of Tibetan Buddhist is divided with families, friends and so forth apart. Causing disharmony, misunderstandings, among the practitioners and non-practitioners communities every where. Over 60 years of the Tibetan leadership has been exploiting their own people , misused of funds for their own agenda. The Tibetan leadership were given land, opportunities, education and aid, with so many Western charities helping them yet , they have spent millions against Dorje Shugden, and not using wisely towards the Tibetan communities in-exile. Up to this days , the unethical ban against Dorje Shugden has caused much sufferings . The people in long run has realised it, hence more and people are not happy with the Tibetan Leardership , they begin to look for alternatives and speaking up. The truths and accurate knowledge about Dorje Shugden ,the failure of the Tibetan Leardership and the people who has suffered are beginning to surface.
A true patriot Tenpa Yarphel, a notable Member of the Tibetan Parliament (MP) , bravely spoke up recently about the welfare and need for Tibetans. His only interest is the betterment of the Tibetan people as he has seen enough of what ‘s happening. A truly democratic country will not discriminate their people based on their spiritual faiths and race. He discourages any sorts of discrimination against Dorje Shugden people. A salute to Tenpa Yarpel , he knew of the risk of speaking up yet he carry on.
The Tibetan Leadership ( CTA ) should stop the discrimination and unites the Tibetans in-exile as one for the sake of the people and future generation to come in preserving their culture. Most of them would like to return to the home land so as HH Dalai Lama. The CTA should not get involve politics with religion. Hopefully the CTA will have ability to handle the Dorje Shugden issue and conflicts by peaceful means to help their own people. I do hope more will speak up against the CTA to resolve the disunity and disharmony of the Tibetan people in-exile.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this GREAT updates.
May Dorje Shugden ban be lifted soon and all live happily, united and harmoniously .
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you, Rinpoche for writing this post. I am happy to see a monk like Tenpa Yarphel is willing to give up his reputation to tell the Tibetan government to make peace with Dorje Shugden people. But I can’t believe people will go as far as organising protests against Tenpa Yarphel and call him “anti-Dalai Lama”. I am also shocked to hear that Tenpa Yarphel voiced his concerns about the Tibetan leadership’s over-reliance on Nechung. Even though his intentions were right, Tenpa Yarphel was called “anti-Dalai Lama” for doing so. I hope that the Dorje Shugden ban will be lifted soon. Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing this.
United we stand, divided we fall. Tenpa Yarphel is a very brave person, because he stands up for his people’s benefits, freedom and Tibet’s future. He even stands up for Dorje Shugden people’s religious freedom, even he is not a Dorje Shugden practitioner, because Dorje Shugden people also part of the Tibetan society. He is a good leader for the people. Unity is good for Tibetan because then only Tibetan children can continue to speak their language and have their cultures pass down.
I wish there will be more leaders like him to fight people’s greater benefits and future.
It’s very good to know someone talk peaceful way finally, and this is the time all of them time to gathering together and be one. Because to unite only benefit otherwise only harmful each other. And that no one want. Tenpa Yarphel done great work to advice to be unite. Now must be time to see mother and son, Brothers and sisters, friends each others. And most importent monasterys because its all about Dharma.
Thank you
It is great news that the MP Tenpa Yarphel speak up on the Dorje Shugden ban and discrimination . No one democratic country should discriminate their people due to the choice of their religion and belief. Tibet is contrary. They ban Dorje Shugden practise and people who engage in the practise. Dorje Shugden people are not allowed to go to school, seek medical help in hospital and even most shops do not serve Shugdenpa. How can a country be united with so much segregation and discrimination?
After 20 years since the ban has been declared by HH Dalai Lama, the people and even monastery were split. It brings no benefit but only harm to the people. I hope more Tibetans will realise the ban are political and personal agenda motive. The government should all change their approach and lift the ban. Unity should be the main objective to develop their community.
It is really encouraging and inspiring to see the Tibetan Parliament (MP) Tenpa Yarphel spoke up for his Tibetan people benefit. Nothing will preserved or strong up without the united of the Tibetan people regardless upon the cultures and practice they have right now. A democracy government should simply fare enough to put the people benefit in front before their personal advantage.
Bravo to see Tenpa Yarphel to speak out for his people. Hope to see the BIG CHANGES in the Tibetan community very soon. Regardless of the religion practice. May all of them come to live in real harmony and happy together as a big Tibetan family.
非常令人开心的消息!! MP Tenpa Yarphel 勇于抨击不合理的多杰雄登禁令!!!
过去多年来为多杰雄登发声在藏人行政中央里都是禁忌。 一旦被发现声援多杰雄登修持者都会受到对付。 所以多年来在藏人行政中央管辖的流亡藏人修持多杰雄登都会被歧视。 包括不可以去学校接受教育、不可到藏人医院接受治疗、甚至不可以到一些商店购买日用品。 当然不可不提的就是他们都不可以参加达赖喇嘛的公开佛法开示。
MP Tenpa Yarphel 之前也曾经首开先例在行政议会公开质疑乃琼护法的可信度。 让人佩服他的勇气。现在, 越来越多人都无法苟同藏人行政中央的做法, 只是基于担心受到对付才不敢公开发表自己的意见。
现在随着藏人行政中央的影响力日渐低落, 很多人也勇于发表多杰雄登禁令不公的言论。
MP Tenpa Yarphel 的言论有着抛砖引玉的效应, 我相信很多人都会本着众生平等的方向来为多杰雄登修持者发言。 无论藏人、华人、洋人、多杰雄登修持者、所有人都是平等的众生。 不可以因为和你我不同就歧视他们。
This is such a good news!! MP Tenpa Yarphel has the courage to condemn the unethical Dorje Shugden ban!!!
For the past few years, it was definitely a taboo to mention anything about Dorje Shugden and the ban within Tibetan circle. Anyone found supporting the Dorje Shugden practitioners will have to face serious repercussion. Therefore, the Tibetans in exile (who are under the ruling or influence od CTA) and practice Dorje Shugden will be discriminated, including not being able to go to school, to receive treatment in a Tibetan government run hospital, or even to go to some stores to buy daily necessities. Of course, it is impossible for them to attend His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s public Dharma teaching.
MP Tenpa Yarphel has also set a precedent in the parliament meeting by openly spoke up against Nechung. His courage to speak up are admired by many. Nowadays more and more are not going to agree with the Central Tibetan Administration but dare not express their opinions publicly, they fear of the consequences for speaking up. Now with the influence of the CTA is declining, we see more and more are courageous to express their opinions on the injustice ban on Dorje Shugden practice.
MP Tenpa Yarphel’s speech would encourage more to speak up. In view of all sentient beings are equal, I believe that many will speak up for Dorje Shugden practitioners in the future. Whether you are Tibetan, Chinese or foreigner, or a Dorje Shugden practitioner, all supposed to be equal. We cannot discriminate against anyone just because they have different faith or choice of religion than us.
Thank you
The Tibetan administration uses religion, especially using the practice of Dorje Shugden as a tool to make the Tibetan ethnic groups to split and families to break away. The Dorje Shugden practitioners can’t even get the support and benefits of government subsided facilities like hospitals, as part of segregation policy implemented by Tibetan administration. If you are a Dorje Shugden practitioner and you are sick, then you will be left alone and you are not entitled to any medical treatment. Your children also not allowed to go to school, you can’t even buy any daily necessities from a shop just because you are a Shugden practitioner. Of course, you cannot be service and contributing to the country.
Dorje Shugden people are being punished specifically by their government for their choice of religion? Or are you saying Dorje Shugden people have no human rights? Or you are a Tibetan therefore you have no religious freedom?
Tibet in today’s state is due to the corrupted Tibetan leadership. This is a fact, and iti’s known that nothing to do with Dorje Shugden and the practitioners. Tibetan leadership blames everything to Dorje Shugden, and this is so ignorance. Tibetans are tired of as refugees and wishing so much to be united with their family members. Why Tibetans are losing so much and not able to be united? In my opinion. It’s because most of them do not receive good education, and ignorant about the world, thus not able to move forward with the world, or compete with others.
The money flowing into Tibetan administration is fund from all over the world. Furthemore, isn’t it enough for India to give Tibet so much privilege for the last 60 years, for the Tibetans to grow and becoming stronger? If one day India no longer giving them these privileges, what will happen to these Tibetans? The United States is one of the most important sources of fund for Tibetans, and last year some of the donations have been suspended. Things are not good for Tibetan administration and Tibetans.
So why waste time to say Dorje Shugden is bad is a demon and so on still. . . Wasting money and time to set up a webpage to condemn Dorje Shugden and blaming Shugden for losing their country. Why not using these money, time and effort to develop and make Tibetans to be self-reliance? Maybe 20 years later, everything would be better already? Doesn’t that make more sense? Isn’t it would gain more respect from people for Tibetans?
What is the reason behind Tibetan administration using religion to split people? What have you contributed to the Tibetans after the Dorje Shugden ban for the past 20 years? Thank you, Tenpa Yarpel, for so bravely stand up and asked the Tibetan administration. Thanks for speaking up for the future of Tibet and Tibetans!
That is one of the great in this beginning 2019! I am glad that Tenpa Yarphel, a notable Member of the Tibetan Parliament (MP) spoke up for Dorje Shugden ban. Tenpa Yarpel made a remark that whatever CTA done doesn’t help the Tibetan. The reason is over 60 years, their condition didn’t improved, many of them still struggling at oversea. Whatever their leaders promised never come true. This make the Tibetan very disappointed and upset.
People like Tenpa Yarphel, a young generation leader from the country. He started thinking further about himself and his own country’s future. What is the benefit brought by CTA to all Tibetan? The new generation like Tenpa Yarphel is edcuated, explored and intelligent. They will observe what is CTA doing…..
I see Tenpa Yarphel is make sense. He not bias in any side but through his observation he can see through what is the motif of CTA in behind. That is the reason why he spoken out.To me, Tenpa Yarphel will be create a lot of awareness into public eyes.
All CTA’s leader should contemplate whatever Tenpa Yarphel spoken out. Then be sincere whatever they done and apologized to whoever they hurt. I believed if CTA’s leaders can open your heart listen public they will gain more respect.
I really hope that Dorje Shugden ban will be lift as soon as possible! We need more Tenpa Yarphel stand up and speak up to make this happen!!!
First they came for the Shugdenpas, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Shugdenpa.
Then they came for the Karma Kagyus, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Karma Kagyu.
Then they came for the Khampas, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Khampa.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Thank you Tenpa Yarphel for speaking out. Thank you.
It is only logical that Tibetans should be united if they want their culture and traditions to be preserved and prosper. Any form of segregation is detrimental to any cause, no matter the group. As humans, we are stronger together, in harmony, working with each other. Therefore the Dorje Shugden ban goes against the prosperity of Tibetans since it creates a rift between the people, based on religious practices. And even more so, this rift was created and is maintained by the leaders of a ‘democratic nation’.
It is not logical for the CTA to say they want Tibetans to prosper but continue to act in a way that directly impedes such results. Imagine if the UK Government imposed a ban on Islamic practice, where they could not visit hospitals because of their faith. It’s truly absurd to think about, but this is what the CTA has continued to do with Dorje Shugden practitioners. Another infamous example of the damage that internal segregation can cause is seen in the Holocaust where initially, German Jews were discriminated against by their own government. It goes against human rights that the CTA is picking on Dorje Shugden practitioners and barring them from receiving medical and educational resources.
But the only way the oppressed will overcome the oppression is by speaking up and refusing to be pushed down. Over history, oppression has been stopped by people speaking up and acting for the sake of the oppressed. It just takes a relatively small group of passionate people to influence the minds of others to aid their cause. Tenpa Yarphel is brave to go against the grain and be one of the MPs to speak up. He is not anti-Dalai Lama, same with most Dorje Shugden practitioners. He is pro-Tibetans and wishes to see Tibet prosper in the future.
“We should become united with each other and not push each other away”- Tenpa Yarphel
FINALLY, a light in the Tibetan Parliment!
If anyone who follows the Tibetans and their progress since 1959, we are know that it has been downhill for the government and their people since then. One of the main reasons is the government themselves TGIE then and CTA now has been busy dividing their own people using religion by inflicting fear.
Over the last 7 years, the Tibetan community in India (main host country of the Tibetan refugee) has dropped from 150k to 85k. Incoming tibetans fleeing Tibet has plummeted to just 100 last year from 3000. ( https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/60-years-india-tibetans-leaving-190319231424509.html) One will ask why is this happening.
– Shouldn’t CTA concentrate their effort and all the funds in uniting the Tibetans?
– CTA receives overseas funds from US and many other individual donors, why aren’t these funds used to enhance the welfare of the Tibetan refugees in India? If they did, the official figures above will not be so alarming!
– Why are these refugees, many of them still wanting to emigrate to places like US, Europe and etc? Most of the time, these refugees will pay thousands of USD just to migrate overseas. So much financial burden for these refugees and their family
– Why on CTA official website, there are no articles on UNITING the Tibetans? Isn’t there a saying “UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL” but they is a section in there called “Dodgyal” which divides them. These were implemented by them.
Thank you Tenpa Yarphal for having the guts to bring up this in the Parliament. It is very refreshing to have progressive Parliament members such as him. We hope to hear more progressive debate/views from this Parliament.
It’s encouraging and inspiring to have people like Tenpa Yarphel speaking up for others truthfully and fairly, without any sense of bias. What he said definitely has some truths. Before the Dorje Shugden ban/ issue was created by the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), Dorje Shugden practitioners and non-Dorje Shugden practitioners were living together in harmony and unity. When the CTA implemented the Dorje Shugden ban, they, in fact, encourage the divisions and infighting amongst the Tibetans themselves, causing the already sparse Tibetan community to further split apart. This was a very bad move from the CTA’s side, they should not have interfered in others’ religious affairs since they claimed themselves to be a democracy. Tenpa Yarphel is a very intelligent man, he sees right through the problems and hence he is asking his fellow Tibetans to help solve the issues – one of it is to accept and embrace Dorje Shugden practitioners because he too sees that the problems did not stem from the Dorje Shugden practice itself, the issues came when the Central Tibetan Administration implemented the ban…
Finally a voice of reason and it came from an MP in the Tibetan Parliament. He sounds very rational and that the Tibetans unity is utmost important for the progress of their nation that has been divided since the ban of Dorje Shugden practice came about 20 odd years ago. It is true that his observations on the DS issue has not brought any benefit to the people BUT a degeneration where there is disharmony in the Tibetan communities around the world. Hopefully with his voice together with others who are brave enough to make that stand will change Parliament.
For a nation to progress, all its people will need to be united and it takes only one person to take that lead. Good on you. Tenpa Yarphel.
Tenpa Yarphel was very brave to call on the CTA to end the discrimination on the Dorje Shugden practitioners. He is really determined to unify all Tibetans and his call to end the discrimination may offend many ministers in the administration. It have been so many years and it’s about time the Tibetans realize and see for themselves all the allegations against Dorje Shugden and his practitioners are not true and baseless.
Thank you Tenpa Yarphel for calling all Tibetans to unify and live in harmony regardless of the difference in their spiritual practice.
This is exciting news! Tenpa Yarphel took the risk of possible boycott and condemnation from the Tibetans, frankly spoke out on the ban on Dorje Shugden, and expressed a neutral opinion at the Tibetan Parliament meeting.
Tenpa Yarphel wanted Tibetans to reunite and not divided by different religious beliefs and political ideologies.
Over the past 20 years, Dorje Shugden’s ban has been enforced, and destroying the harmonious coexistence within various communities of Tibetans.
Dorje Shugden practitioners were segregated and subjected to various forms of inhuman discrimination. It’s time to stop all the injusties and divisions.
As Tenpa Yarphel has said, for the unity of Tibetans, all should not be torn apart because of different religious beliefs. The Tibetans would be the one who suffer in the end.
It is such a heartwarming article to read, after 20 years of unfair treatment by the Tibetan Government, after 20 years of silence from the other Tibetan Parliament members about the discrimination towards DS practitioners, after 20 years of abuse, torture, bully, discriminate, punishment, separation, etc, etc… Today, finally someone from the Parliament spoke up about this most sensitive issue from the Tibetan community.
Beside being wise and brave, Tenpa Yarphel is also very kind and compassionate to have such courage to stand in front of the CTA and speak up about the Dorje Shugden issue, everyone knows how scary CTA is and many people didn’t speak up is because they dare not go against CTA, but now, Tenpa Yarphel has set the first example, I hope more and more wise and kind Tibetan Parliament will continue to speak up until the ban against Dorje Shugden practice is officially resolved.
It is already 20 over years of segregation, now it should be the time Tibetans be united again and develop their culture, Tibetan Buddhism has a huge influence to the world, so to the Tibetans too should have a great stand in front of the world and continue to spread Tibetan Buddhism as 1.
Tenpa Yarphel really did a good service for his fellow Tibetans and everyone involved. There is no way that the ban against Dorje Shugden people could help anyone and it should never have happened. But after so much hurt and damage it is a relief to see a member of the Tibetan Government in Exile, or Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) speaking up for the many Dorje Shugden practitioners and their friends and family.
The CTA should finally respect the word they want to label themselves with “Democracy” as they clearly do not respect religious freedom which is the basic for a real Democracy.
Thank you Tenpa Yarphel for clarifying what is happening to the Dorje Shugden people and requesting unity for all Tibetans, no matter their religious choice.
Yes, what Tenpa Yarphel (MP) spoken up that are totally right. This is the time for Tibetan leaders transform mind and
change the politic strategics. They should have the new idea for settle and convince people for united the Tibetans.
It has been 60 years, Tibetans in Exile still remain as refugees in India. They are poor and disapointed with CTA.
They are willing to go back to their home country, somehow for the new generation who are used to living in Exile, they are tired of the political manipulation of CTA.
If CTA really love and care their people, they should stop the discrimination and marginalised Dorje Shugden followers.
His Holiness Dalai Lama are getting old and tire, this is also the time for him to relax and return to the motherland for living and spread the Dharma.
I hope CTA for the sake of Tibetans benefit and better future, they will stop discrimination the people religion faith and start united their people. They can come out a new and humanity political declaration for Tibetans unity.
I am glad to see MP Tenpa Yaphel speak for Tibetan refugee in exile. This is what tibetan need. No more segegation among their people about their own religion and culture. No more put down other belief on Dorje Shugden practice, treat everyone equal and united. In this way, tibetan will get stronger to face others challence to get freedom in exile. More and more truth voice raise up from tibetan in exile about the failure of of CTA .
A good leader will speak up without fear even their life being threatens. Their intention is just to benefit the peoples and move forward. Tenpa Yarphel is one of them. The ban of Dorje Shugden has forced a monastery splitting into two and created disharmony. Logically, this is harming a community because unity is always the main for maintain the harmony and peace among the peoples and it is important because unity gives peoples courage power and strength, unity will certainly benefit the Tibetan cause. Only when every Tibetan united as one without discrimination and sectarian, all their issues will be much easier to solve. Therefore, you can see the ban of Dorje Shugden only bringing suffering to the Tibetans and no any benefits. The only benefit for the ban is the leadership of Tibetan blaming a deity for their failure. I support Tenpa Yarphel for his courage to speak up for the benefit of Tibetans, Thank you Tenpa Yarphel.
It is about time and I must congratulate MP Tenpa Yaphel for speaking up and do what is right. Time to make peace with Dorje Shugden and reunite Tibetans,.after all it was CTA who broke Tibetans apart by spreading hate about Dorje Shugden and broke Tibetans.
FINALLY, a brave member of the Tibetan Parliament speaks up for Dorje Shugden people.
Kudo to Tenpa Yarphel for seeing the “light”. What I admire about Tenpa Yarphel is that he’s acting like how a true politician should act. No mixing religious affairs with politics.
I would say that most issues that the Tibetans are facing now are caused by the Tibetan Government (CTA). So it only makes sense if they’re the ones to resolve it.
I agree with what Rinpoche said:
“Tibetans have to unite to save their culture, way of life and religion, irrespective of their personal belief, their own religion and economic background.”
And the more the already small handful of Tibetans left are divided, the more their culture and identity will disappear. Hence, I urge the rest of the MPs to speak up against these unjust policies against Shugden people as a start to resolve the disunity of the Tibetan people. If more speak up, a change can happen.
I also pray and hope very much that Tenpel will take action towards removing the bias section of about DS in CTA’s website. Then only I will truly trust that CTA is serious about uniting Tibetans …
Tenpel Yarphel is our hero of Tibetan people for speak up true things.
It’s not easy to speak up in the middle of a group of people who against your statement, knowing that the consequences could cause quite a serious damage. However, Tenpa Yarphel took a big courage to stand out and speak up his thoughts. This is really a noble man. His heart and his will is very much towards Tibetans unity. It is utmost correct that a government should unite its people, not break them into groups, and not even create groups and discrimination among its people. Whereas, throughout the years, CTA did the opposite way. Whoever that is not agree to the leadership, instead of they let it be or close door and discuss about it, they propagated it and make it more serious, so that more and more people will discriminate those who doesn’t agree to the Tibetan leadership. Don’t talk about a country, even a small community, a small group of people, without unity, can’t get things done, and will not improve. Discriminating anyone, any party, create disharmony, doesn’t benefit anyone in the end. In the end of the day, it will just a waste of time, man power, resources, even life. I hope the CTA really listen to their member of Parliament Tenpa Yarphel this time, and seriously considering uniting Tibetan, and stop all the bans, and discrimination.
I am salute to Tenpa Yarphel, he is really brave to say out his point of view in the matter of Dorje Shugden ban.
What Tenpa Yarphel has said is true that:
“Unity is very important, they are (Dorje Shugden) part of us too.”
Whether the people are practicing Dorje Shugden or not, they are still Tibetans. The people have the right to choose their religious and no one can stop or ban for it. This is one of the fundamental human rights without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.
Tenpa Yarphel urged that it’s time to check and stop doing the things that will bring harm and disharmony to the society. Tenpa Yarphel is able to play his role well i.e. to set aside his personal interests but focus on the benefits and welfare of Tibet because he understand that the ban brings so much suffering through segregation, bias, discrimination etc to the people.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing and I hope that they are more people like Tenpa Yarphel to stand for what is right.
Better late than never I guess. However, I like the point in the article, that while we celebrate MP Tenpa Yarphel’s courage, we should also note that it should not have required anyone to have to to tell a supposedly democratic government that it must not continue to abuse its power and marginalise a segment of its exile population on religious grounds or indeed, any grounds. And what is more, the Tibetan leadership has been committing the very same atrocity it has been accusing China of. This makes the Tibetan government in exile (Central Tibetan Administration or CTA for short) no better than China and if anything, more hypocritical.
Still, this is not to take anything away from MP Tenpa Yarphel’s noble act. When the Dorje Shugden ban was first implemented in 1996, a retired Tibetan minister Mr Kunedling voiced his concerns and was stabbed and badly wounded for daring to raise questions about this illegal religious ban. In the past two decades there have been innumerable reports of threats and violence against anyone who refuses to abide by this madness. So, MP Tenpa Yarphel is taking a calculated chance. I say ‘calculated’ because at the moment, there is a much more pressing issue which I imagine would be occupying the Tibetan people’s minds, that is the survival of the Tibetan cause which is clearly on its knees.
At the onset of the Shugden conflict, the Tibetan leadership blamed the practice of Dorje Shugden as being the reason for the Tibetan people’s failure to regain their homeland. Now, over twenty years later, even the most stubborn of supporters can see that the failure of the Tibetan cause cannot be attributed to any deity or religious ritual. Instead they should look into the character and calibre of their leaders.
The very suggestion that a deity should be blamed for their failure shows the mindset of the Tibetan leaders. In the same 60 years since 1959, China has had to shift its thinking and as a result it has thrived and is today a global superpower. In the meantime, the Tibetan leaders persisted in their extremely backward thinking.
While I salute MP Tenpa Yarphel’s bravery and conscience, Sadly I doubt it will not amount to much. Based on history, the Tibetan leadership will look for ways to oust him because indirectly he is saying that the Dorje Shugden ban has been a grievous error. MP Tenpa Yarphel may succeed if enough Tibetans voice their support of his stance. They should see that no Tibetan unity can happen with a leadership that is bent on splitting the Tibetan people.
Inspiring, purely Inspiring!
How much courage would it need for a person to stand up tall, alone & speak up for the sake of others. This great man do it for others instead of himself, in fact, somehow, it will benefit him at the end as a whole and this is definetely the power of doing great deeds that benefiting others first before ourselves.
I wish him well & bless by all the Buddhas?
Buddha save!
Everyone has the right to freedom of religious belief. We should not be separated because you are a certain religion. Everyone has the right to choose.
In a world where there is so much disharmony, segregation and bias based on people’s differences, the words by MP Tenpa Yarphel are revolutionary, especially within the Tibetan community, which is not generally known for its inclusiveness, respect and tolerance. Finally, it seems people are actually coming to terms with and standing up for the principles of democracy, and that is everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, no matter their race, culture, economic background and their religion.
Tenpa Yarphel is a Tibetan hero for standing up for these democratic rights. No matter who you are or whatever your religious beliefs, you should have the same rights as everyone else in your society. This is what Tenpa Yarphel is standing up for. For too long, Tibetans – Dorje Shugden pracitioners, Jonangpas, sections of the Karma Kagyu – have all been prejudiced against due to their religious beliefs. If the CTA were a real democracy this would not happen. No matter what a person’s religious beliefs they would still be equal.
It is astounding that in this day and age, this is not the norm within Tibetan society, but thankfully you have voices like Tenpa Yarphel who are championing the cause, not for Dorje Shugden people alone although he mentioned them specifically, but for the entirety of the Tibetan populace.
If the Tibetan society is really based on compassion as they say they are, then they would follow the teachings of the Buddha who taught that everyone is equal. How is it compassionate to discriminate who swathes of your own community? Therefore Tenpa Yarphel is not just championing the democratic rights of the community, but is championing compassion in action. He has my heartfelt thanks.
After losing the country for seven decades and very little has been achieved, the Tibetan government should come to terms that they cannot continue to use the same lame excuses to cover their lack of results.. Tenpa Yarphel worked as an editor at the Department of Religion and Culture in CTA during which he edited literature on history of more than 300 monastaries in Tibet. Being well read and clearly analytical, Tenpa Yarphel had the courage to speak his mind. The views he expressed with regards to Dorje Shugden and Nechung were simple and logical, expressed in calmness with no malice. His intentions were to bring about virtuous deeds, in this case peace and harmony.
The Tibetan government need people like Tenpa Yarphel if they wish to remain relevant in the future of Tibet and Tibetans. The younger generation will not be able to stomach authoritarian methods of ruling. The younger generation want to see progress and they value virtues of peace, harmony, integrity and inclusiveness; all of which the current Tibetan Government is lacking.
If a government truly want to benefit its people, they will have to accept all irrespective of their religion, colour and creed. Do not divide and rule !!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article.
This is really a good news to Dorje Shugden followers and also the Tibetans in exile. Thanks to Tenpa Yarphel for voicing out his thoughts to the parliament. CTA have to stop condemning the Dorje Shugden followers as they do not bring harm to CTA at all. I also agree with what Tenpa Yarphel said about unity. A country without unity among their people will eventually break apart and there will be war. It does not bring benefit to any party.
Well done to MP Tenpa Yarphel. I agreed with what he said. CTA should stop talking about Dorje Shugden issue already. Stop focusing on religious preference or difference already. Stop segregate and discriminate the people. Thats not what a democratic country do. Don’t you understand? No matter you practice Dorje Shugden or not, you are still Tibetan! So after filtered up DorjeShugden people, how many left by now? CTA should stop listening to Nechung! Why His Holiness and CTA must follow what Nechung says? Why is Nechung who’s not even the enlightened protector has became the all decision maker for Tibet? This is not only not democratic, it’s unacceptable!
It’s very frustrated to see the situation now. Tibetan in India continue to be poor and remain as refugees after 60 years. That’s the result of following Nechung’s instructions. What benefits has Nechung brought to Tibet?
Dorje Shugden ban is just one of the example of those dirty tricks that CTA and His Holiness have been doing to split the people so that they can continue to take charge and benefit themselves. The poor Tibetan have been used and manipulated for the last 60 years.
As you can see, the next generation will no longer listen to Nechung, His Holiness, Hence need not talk about CTA. They are educated, exposed to the world and can think deeper and wider. They will find their way out. Hence what’s left to talk about in the next 10 years?
This is the kind of real hero the Tibetans should look up to. As a representative of the government body, MP Tenpa Yarphel’s point-blank speech about the root cause of disharmony and disunity among Tibetans shows he is a wise man who see sense. As we all know the undemocratic CTA shun people who has different views from them especially the Dalai Lama. Years ago MP Tenpa Yarphel’s view on over-relying on Nechung’s advice for the nation’s political direction is sort of wrong, CTA should already be alerted that someone has sense something is wrong with that and as usual, CTA swept everything that makes them look bad under the carpet and pretends everything is fine.
MP Tenpa Yarphel shed lights to the exiled Tibetan community who are suffering. Who doesn’t want a permanent home and live their life happily? The disunity among their own community is something the authority should address urgently, first by removing the ban of Dorje Shugden practise is the most practical act that would directly contribute to the cause of unity. On the contrary, supporting people who self immolate for tibetan cause and regard them as hero is definitely misleading and behind the support is some hidden agenda for self-gain i guess? Dalai Lama is an emanation of compassionate Avalokishtevara, CTA supporting self-immolation (ending of one’s live) definitely is contradictory to the leader’s motto.
Some videos of redressing the misinformation abt Dorje Shugden and the Tibetan situation for educational purpose:
It is really nice to see a Tibetan MP speaking from a position of reality. This unethical ban did nothing but cause suffering to many people. It’s really uplifting to see people stand up and speak up as a representative of the people. Sometime gov’ts forget who they represent, and forget what they themselves wish for which is usually peace, harmony, stability, and freedom. Division helps no one, only unity does.
It’s always comforting to hear opinions of someone who know the injustice of Dorje Shugden ban. And what is more comforting is when that they are not Dorje Shugden practitioner. It’s good that people who are ‘neutral’ see what is really going on and speak up against it. Not like CTA, just banning the practice without logical reasons and to make it worse, put it on their website. I’ve never heard of any government restrict their citizens practice any religion they choose. CTA is not even a government, yet they do such despicable act. Such a fragile community, losing the country, culture and families torn apart but instead of preserving and guarding Tibetans, it seems to me that CTA is doing the opposite. Discriminating, brainwashing and creating rifts among Tibetans.
What is so bad about practicing Dorje Shugden? The people have the right to choose what they want. It’s basic human rights. CTA have no right to suppress the beliefs just because they want to or just because H.H. want to. It’s Tibetans’ welfare that is important not their own selfish needs.
Thank you Rinpoche for this wonderful post and Tenpa Yarphel for voicing out when many can’t.
It is refreshing to read that finally a Tibetan MP speaks up for the benefit of his people. It is obvious that Mr. Tenpa Yarphel is operating from a democratic stance where their citizens enjoy basic human rights such as:
The right to equality and freedom from discrimination.
The right to life, liberty, and personal security.
Freedom from torture and degrading treatment.
The right to equality before the law.
The right to a fair trial.
The right to privacy.
Freedom of belief and religion.
Freedom of opinion.
Why would Tibetans want to support a government that is always inciting disharmony , funding hatred amongst their own people, and not improve economic opportunities for all? Why keep aggravating China when most of the countries around the world want to be in China’s good books for economic reasons that would benefit their country?
With such an incompetent and hypocritical group of politicians, there is hope for the Tibetans when a person like Tenpa Yarphel speaks up. Inequality and any form of discrimination is WRONG no matter how powerful institutions try to brainwash otherwise.
I hope Tenpa Yarphel’s public stance gives courage to more Tibetans to voice out CTA’s illegal discrimination and tremendous suffering they have created for the Tibetans. Just like the West, when a few women in the US spoke out against sexual harassment, the rest of the female victims spoke out as well, creating the #metoo movement.
It is indeed refreshing to see that a Tibetan MP spoke up against the continuing discrimination of people on the basis of their faith. I applaud him for being a real MP who spoke the people’s mind.
A religious ban, especially on that is baseless like the Dorje Shugden ban, as well as the discrimination that came with it as a result of segregation is not good for any society, and it doesn’t reflect well on the administration that is supposedly the propagator of Tibetan Buddhism – where is the respect, tolerance and most of all, where is the compassion, which is one of the main tenets of Buddhism?
On a secular level, MP Tenpa Yarphel brought up a good point that the Dorje Shugden ban created so much harm to the society, and although he has no connection with Dorje Shugden people, he advocates that all Tibetans should become united and not to talk about or impose the ban anymore.
More and more Tibetans speaking up about the injustice and discrimination against Dorje Shugden practitioners is a good sign of progress in society. It is ridiculous that a so-called democratic administration would ban Dorje Shugden practitioners from any secular gatherings hosted by their people’s leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Worse still, Dorje Shugden practitioners are not allowed in Tibetan hospitals, or to hold positions in the Tibetan civil service. They even have an anti-Dorje Shugden section on their website! This is unacceptable, but Tibetans have tolerated it because most Tibetan do not dare to speak up in the past, but things are beginning to change, as demonstrated by the brave MP Tenpa Yarphel.
May the ban on Dorje Shugden be lifted swiftly, may the injustice and discrimination end very soon.
Pictures: Hundreds of such gatherings have been organised across America and Europe in various locations by Western practitioners and Tibetans to ask for the ban of Dorje Shugden to be lifted, and for Dorje Shugden practitioners to have religious freedom to practise.
I am glad to see that Tenpa Yarphel is speaking up again after the incidence 2 years ago regarding his remark about Nechung. He was heavily criticized 2 years ago as anti-Dalai Lama after he voiced out his concern about the Tibetan leadership’s over-reliance on Nechung. What he said then is very relevant and valid. As a member of parliament, it’s his responsibility to safeguard the Tibetan community for the benefit of all. In order for a community to progress, they cannot always hold on to those fixed old ways of handling things especially they are now no longer living in the secluded snowland of tibet with no connection with the whole world anymore.
Both overreliance on Nechung and the implementation of Dorje Shugden ban are actually interrelated. They are both religious matters which are not supposed to be overemphasized in any modern democratic government. Tenpa Yarphel knows that well, therefore even being criticized badly 2 years ago, he is still brave enough to voice out another controversial topic during a parlimentary session.
A leader who cares enough to examine what is needed and who is brave enough to voice out his opinion for the benefit of the majority is very much needed in any community. This is especially important if the community is small and weak like the Tibetan community in India now. I wish more and more Tibetan leaders are willing too stand up against something unfair and not just blindly follow the so-called authority. Authority may not always be right and if the policy they made is no longer for the benefit of the majority, they should be questioned.
Dorje Shugden ban is unfair and unnecessary, it creates only harm and disharmony to the Tibetan community. I thank Tenpa Yarphel for raising this up after 20 plus years of suppression of Dorje Shugden practitioners.
It is great that Tenpa Yarphel dare to speak up again after suffering the last backlash from his speaking against the need to consult Nechung on governmental decisions. People accused him of being anti-Dalai Lama when he was being logical. After all, which country in the world consults and relied on deities for decisions pertaining to governmental work? Then might as well instill the deity and his oracle, maybe a translator at the government office and get rid of the bunch of officials that bear no responsibilities.
This time Tenpa Yarphel is speaking up for the unity and harmony of his people instead of discrimination and segregation based on religions and ethnic localities. In unity, the Tibetans in exile could have done more in progressing towards their goals whatever it may be. Why dwell in distrust, fear and the pain of separation which does not benefit either parties, especially the time and money wasted on suppressing the DS practitioners? The Dalai Lama had wanted so much to return to Tibet and his government is not doing much towards this with the animosity towards China and alienating the DS practitioners which is 4 million strong worldwide. The world recognise Tibet as part of China and look to China for safeguarding their economic prosperity. Tibet has and is still progressing from the benefit of China investing billions into its infrastructure and economy, so basically, it will be beneficial for CTA to actually change their stance towards China and make overtures for better communication/negotiations.
Kudos to you, Tenpa Yarphel for speaking up and I do hope that you will speak up to actually lift the ban on Dorje Shugden’s practice to really practice religious freedom and human rights on the governmental level. That will be true acceptance and you will have 4 million of extra supporters to rely on.
This is indeed very encouraging to see a Member of Parliament in the Tibetan government who speaks up for Dorje Shugden people. Since Tenpa Yarphel is not a Dorje Shugden followers, what he says about Dorje Shugden ban is very neutral and logical. He has pointed out the real problem in the Tibetan community, i.e., disharmony and lack of unity.
Dorje Shugden ban was imposed 20 years ago by the Tibetan government as a scapegoat to cover their failure to fulfill their promise of freeing Tibet and bringing the Tibetans back to Tibet. Tenpa Yarphel is very right to say the ban brings no benefit to the Tibetans but it is very damaging to the unity of the Tibetan community. Without unity, it is very hard to be successful in any pursuit. This is also one of the reasons why the Tibetan government has not been successful in the free Tibet movement.
As a democratic government, the Tibetan government should give all Tibetans the same rights regardless of their belief. The Tibetan government has the responsibility to protect the welfare of every Tibetans and to make sure they are treated equally. I hope what Tenpa Yarphel has said will create a big impact in the Tibetan community as what he has said makes perfect sense. If more people can step up and work with Tenpa Yarphel, I believe the unethical ban on Dorje Shugden will be lifted. As a result, there will be unity among the Tibetans and they will be able to see positive results in their pursuits.
Dear Rinpoche and the writers,
Thank you for this insightful article. ]Tenpa Yarphel is a breath of fresh air. From his comment, which encourages unity among the Tibetans in exile and an end to Dorje Shugden discrimination, I could see that Mr. Tenpa Yarphel genuinely concerns about the divided Tibetan society.
Mr. Tenpa Yarphel has no personal interest in the Dorje Shugden practice and requesting an end to Dorje Shugden ban may actually cause him a temporary backlash from those who are unhappy with him. However, his concern and his wish for the harmony and unity for the Tibetan society override his personal interest. I hope the Tibetans can see Mr. Tenpa Yarphel’s good motivation and support his future good work.
I wish to thank Mr. Tenpa Yarphel for his courage, and hopefully we will see more people like him emerging from among the Tibetans.
Thank you, Rinpoche and the blog team to share this good news with us. This is excellent progress on the Dorje Shugden issue. This will possibly change the future of the Dorje Shugden issue from now on.
Since Tenpa Yarphel is not a Dorje Shugden practitioner and he is not associated with any Dorje Shugden people, his opinion on the issue will be fair and not biased. What he said is true about how the ban created a lot of stress and negative emotions everywhere when it is being mentioned. The ban caused segregation and discrimination in an originally peaceful Buddhist community.
When one starts to speak up on the injustice of the Dorje Shugden ban, more will talk about it and hopefully one day, the ban will be lifted. Tenpa Yarphel had voiced out the thoughts that people are afraid to voice out due to the potential repercussion that can come after it. Thank you Tenpa Yarphel to stand up for injustice and I wish Dorje Shugden ban can be lifted as soon as possible.
This is quite remarkable, 5 years ago such a scenario is unthinkable. That a member of Parliament within the Central Tibetan Administration, a non Gelug MP, at that would voice out about one of the biggest divisive issues ever faced by Tibetan society and Gelug practitioners worldwide. No democractic country should have pages and pages of literature to discriminate and demonize a certain segment of their society.
In the same breath it is a the coming of age of the Tibetan democracy, that one of the parliamentarians within CTA, would challenge status quo and speak up about real issues within Tibetan Communities. Tenpa Yarphel is great tibetan hero,a true one who is brave and courageous to face the brickbats and criticisms that you normally get when you comment on things, normally not discussed within Tibetan spheres in public.
This is truly such a piece of refreshing news coming from the Tibetan exile government indeed! Finally, someone who actually truly cares about Tibetan unity is speaking up and standing up against discrimination and behaving like a true democratic leader.
Thank you Mr Tenpa Yarphel for your bravery and your ability to see beyond the lies and narrowmindedness of those who continue to discriminate Shugdenpas, which obviously does not help or serve the purpose for Tibetan unity. If Tibetans are not united, then what are they fighting and voicing out for? How can anyone ask for a “free Tibet” when within your own exile community there is no freedom, no harmony and no unity? I am so glad that someone in the Tibetan leadership can think further and who is truthful.
However, I am also wondering what will happen to Mr Yarphel next? Is the CTA going to try to do something nasty to shut him up just like how the threatened and smashed Mr Lukar Jam’s car? It is nothing new and a norm that those who dare go against the Tibetan leadership’s views/opinions, anyone who literally has a different opinion will automatically be targeted and be dealt with to shut up or even made to disappear. So I am curious what will happen and transpire in the next few days or weeks to Mr Yarphel, indeed…. we and the world will be watching CTA! Your horrible ways of harming your own people cannot continue! You cannot fool all Tibetans and the world.
Dear MP Tenpa Yarphel, You are the hero of the Tibetan people. Please keep speaking up the truth. We support you and pray for you.
Thank you Rinpoche for this breaking piece of news. It’s very heartening to know that members of the Tibetan parliament are starting to see sense when it comes to the issues of Tibetan unity and religious disharmony, especially when it comes to Dorje Shugden. These issues are very much interconnected.
As an observer of Tibetan politics, it has been far too long that religious affairs have been misused by the Tibetan leadership for political gain, and as everyone knows, any mixing of church and state can only lead to failure and abuse of power. It’s high time that someone stood up for truth and logic and openly said what is as plain as the nose on one’s face -> that the Dorje Shugden ban has only created harm and no benefit for the Tibetans and the Tibetan cause, whatever that may be. Whether it is rangzen or umeylam or something else is entirely up to the Tibetans in exile (after all, they are supposed to be a democracy) but when Tibetan political machinations start affecting citizens of other nations and the religious freedoms of Buddhist practitioners around the world, that is when it has to stop.
And so I am glad to see MP Tenpa Yarphel standing up to voice out what many others have probably thought in their minds for a long time but did not dare to say -> that it’s time to stop condemning others for their religious beliefs and focus on unity, welcoming diversity and basically being proper leaders of their community.
Wow! This is a historic moment for Shugden practitioners everywhere because finally there is an acknowledgement that the Shugden ban harms Tibetan unity and it looks bad for the Dalai Lama and Tibetan leadership. For years, all we hear from them are how Dorje Shugden is bad and that the ban on Dorje Shugden is considered a choice now but we all know it was not a choice and when ppl the world over takes steps to segregate you, you wonder how can this be a choice?
Nevertheless, they have acknowledged that Tibetan unity had been compromised by the ban and that the Dorje Shugden issue should not be brought up again. After all, Shugden Tibetans want Tibetan unity as much as any other Tibetan. Why allow petty religious difference pit Tibetan against Tibetan. Tenpa Yarphel is lauded as hero for speaking up and I feel that this means that whatever he said had been on people’s minds but dare not say it.
So, they praise him because they are in total agreement with his views. It will be interesting to see how the Tibetans, especially staunch followers of the Dalai Lama. I feel there would be less opposition if any of what he had said. This would indicate to me that the Tibetans want change and are not willing to allow a petty religious ban stop them.
It’s really uplifting to know that more and more people including Mr Tenpa Yarphel stand up and speak up as a representative of the people. I have to say he done his job as a representative to speak for the people, for the benefits of the people. You can see, he is not following Dorje Shugden and he speaks up for the unity, the benefits of whole Tibetan community. He basically gains no benefit but would invite criticism and attacks from Tibetans who view him as a traitor or someone who speaks and acts against His Holiness Dalai Lama’s stand on Dorje Shugden issue.
A society would progress fast with more people like Tenpa Yarphel or Lukar Jam who speaks with conscious and without fear or flavor. Any society needs courageous and open minded people like them, treat people as people no matter what their cultural background, what their political belief and choice of religion are. May more and more people like Tenpa Yarphel speaks and acts with the benefits of the people in mind.
Now is time for Tibetan leadership to do some concrete move, for of all remove the Consititution part to segregate Dorje Shugden people. Or no, CTA as a whole would be viewed as against the view of the people who wish for unity, and does not the interests of Tibetans in mind.
Thank you for this piece of post, which is uplifting.
It is about time someone from within CTA spoke up. Hats off to Tenpa Yarphel for speaking out of compassion for those who are badly affected by the unfair ban that results in so much physical suffering and mental anguish. It is time to heal, to unite all Tibetans as a common people. Division helps no one, unity does. It is time for the Tibetan leadership to focus their resources in helping their people regardless of their choice of spirituality. It is time to show and give love, and to practice compassion, a teaching that HHDL preaches wherever he goes.
I feel we should not have discrimination within our society, especially discrimination towards practising our spirituality. It harms us more than it benefits. When we talked about these issues, it caused so much harm in our society. In Dolgyal issues, they protested against His Holiness wherever he goes. So it is really better not to talk about these issues anymore.
Finally, someone from Member of the Tibetan Parliament has bravely spoken up about the Dorje Shugden issue during the meeting. Kudos MP Tenpa Yarphel!?? In the video, he speaks confidently about the DS issue and he realized how important Tibetan society has to be united. He is absolutely right that there should not have discrimination within their society. Extracted what he said as above, it is so true that the discrimination has created so much harms to Tibetan society and this bring no benefit to them as well. Furthermore, it’s should not be discriminated based on their beliefs. I am inspired by Tenpa Yarphel who spoke up for the sake of entire benefits for Tibetan society how important unity in Tibetan society.
When CTA claimed themselves is democratic but see what they have on their official website. There is a section in their official website carries the leadership’s instructions for Tibetans worldwide to marginalise Dorje Shugden followers. This has included Dorje Shugden practitioners being banned from any secular gatherings hosted by the Dalai Lama. They are not allowed in Tibetan hospitals, or to hold positions in the Tibetan civil service. They are even banned from entering to shops to get their daily necessity. This is a cruel act to their own Tibetan people.
As CTA claimed they are democratic, then the rules of thumbs of democratic are everyone has the right to make a decision including the religions. If CTA really a democratic government, then they should not discriminate their own people based on their spiritual faiths. Furthermore, this DS issue has been there for 20 years. When CTA said want to preserve their language and culture, I wonder how they do it if their own Tibetan people are not united and split apart?
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us about Tenpa Yarphel.? May Tenpa Yarrphel has good health to continue his works toward benefited Tibetan society.?
Finally, someone from Member of the Tibetan Parliamenspoken bravely spoken up about the Dorje Shugden issue during the meeting. Kudos MP Tenpa Yarphel! ??In the video, he speaks confidently about the DS issue and he realised how important Tibetan society has to be united. He is absolutely right that there should not have discrimination within in their society. Extracted what he said as above, it is so true that the discrimination has create so much harms to Tibetan society and this bring no benefit to them as well. Furthermore, it’s should not be discriminated based on their beliefs. I am inspired by Tenpa Yarphel who spoke up for the sake of entire benefits for Tibetan society how important unity in Tibetan society.
When CTA claimed themselve is democratic but see what they have in their official website. There is a section in their offical website carries the leadership’s instructions for Tibetans worldwide to marginalise Dorje Shugden followers. This has included Dorje Shugden practitioners being banned from any secular gatherings hosted by the Dalai Lama. They are not allowed in Tibetan hospitals, or to hold positions in the Tibetan civil service. They are even ban to entering to shops to get their daily necessity. This is a cruel act to their own Tibetan people.
As CTA claimed they are democratic, then the rules of thumbs of democratic is everyone has right to make decision including the religions. If CTA really a democratic government, then they should not discriminate their own people based on their spiritual faiths. Furthermore, this DS issue has been there for 20 years. When CTA said want to preserve their language and culture, I wonder how they do it if their own Tibetan people are not united and split apart?
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us about Tenpa Yarphel. May Tenpa Yarrphel has good health to continue his works toward benefited Tibetan society. ?
What the Tibetan government-in-exile — Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) — needs is more people like Tenpa Yarphel. Even though he’s a monk, this MP knows not to mix one’s religious values with secular governance, and by not doing so, this MP is showing respect and recognising that every person, Shugden or non-Shugden, everyone is equal and deserves the same rights. That’s practising real democracy.
If only there were more people’s representatives like Tenpa Yarphel who are level-headed, honest and unafraid to speak the truth, the Tibetan cause might still have a chance, but that time is gone.
What people like Tenpa Yarphel can do however, is reunite the Tibetan exile community with their family and friends in Tibet.
What remains to be seen is how much retaliation Tenpa Yarphel experiences as a result of making this speech. Because we all know that whenever someone speaks against the CTA’s policies, no matter how polite or respectful they are, the CTA simply does not like it and will find some way of retaliating and punishing the speaker.
Everybody will be watching, Dharamsala, to see how you react. Will you punish Tenpa Yarphel-la for speaking the truth, even if it sounds unpleasant, or will you celebrate him and take the next step towards greater unification in the Tibetan community? The ball is now in your court.
It’s sad that nowadays, we celebrate when people speak the truth. It shows that we have become so used to people lying and supporting the wrong things, that when people do something good, it is a reason to rejoice. But although things really have degenerated, luckily there are still true patriots like Tenpa Yarphel-la.
Chithue Tenpa Yarphel-la, thank you for speaking the truth. You can see beyond the man-made, petty things that separate people and instead of hiding and staying quiet so that you can benefit yourself, you put yourself at risk for the sake of the Tibetan community. Please keep it up, you are a rarity in the Tibetan leadership and they need more like you.
This is a very important article that a non Dorje Shugden practitioner speak out on what he have seen- the chaos that have created because of this ban.
Anyone who have logic mind and is educated when they view on the ban that apply on Dorje Shugden is really a ridiculous move. By looking at the history of Dorje Shugden and how the lineage came from, it is not hard to know that Dorje Shugden is a enlighten protector. By imposing Dorje Shugden’s ban, CTA have proof to the world that they are very primitive and barbarian in their ruling and it is not suitable to rule the Tibet. Will Tibetan in Tibet really want this kind of government to rule? In this world, which country leader separate their people by religion?
To add on, it is very clear that the CTA intention on this ban was to permanently separate the Tibetan refugees in India by divide them according to religion. Whilst CTA projected that they are democratic to the world it is really contradict to what they say and do. If we visit to the Tibetan camp in India, what we see is signages all over the places to discriminate their people, these signage is serious violation of human rights!
The CTA busy separate their people for their own gain or own selfish purposes. By separating and rules the refugees, where they are being kept busy on the issues of Dorje Shugden, while, the CTA could have more time to have fun. Look at recently, many scandal that involved on the CTA have reveal, e.g, money laundry, sex scandal and etc. That is how the CTA kept their refugees to have busy mind so that the refugees do not have time to questions the CTA many issues, like, the failure of return to Tibet.
The CTA always condemn that the Chinese government destroyed the Tibetan culture. Instead, we see the Chinese government have renovated the monasteries, give more education to the High lamas, allowed much more Buddhist activities to be held at Tibet. While looking at CTA what Buddhist activities have they promote so far. Instead, CTA by openly put on website to “promote” the Dorje Shugden’s ban, they have created so much conflicts and confusion to the Buddhist’s world.
Tenpa Yarphel is truly a Buddhist practitioner. He speaks not for the gain of own fame, but he is truly wanted the Tibetan to be unite, be at peace and bring Buddhism to the world.
We all are Buddhist. We should not cast out anyone. As Buddhist, we should respect everyone choices. And this was taught by H.H Dalai Lama himself in every of H.H speech.
I thanks Tenpa Yarphel for his courage to speak what is not right.
Finally someone who dares to tell the truth in the CTA parliament, kudos to MP Tenpa Yarphel. He is brave outspoken, he has spoken before about the poor practice of CTA relying on Nechung, and got persecuted for that. Everyone in the CTA parliament is acting like “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, deceiving themselves and the public always with lies and fruitless talk every year in the parliament. After the empty talks, the life of the Tibetans in exile are worse than before. So what the the function of CTA if they cant even improves the lives of the exiled Tibetans? After 60 years in exile, they are still refugees, the hope if regaining Tibet’s independence is zero, and on top of that, life becomes harder, while life in the actual Tibet itself improves tremendously. This start contrast points to the failure of CTA, but instead of self-reflect and transform, they play more politics, they find scapegoat like Dorje Shugden for their failure, and everyone sings the same chord because they fear the Dalai Lama. So only MP Tenpa Yarphel has the conscience to point out the truth. This is praiseworthy not only on the secular level to unite the Tibetans, it also shows us that he is a person who truly practices the Dharma and chooses to speak the trith.
“People shouldn’t say Dorje Shugden people are bad just because they (Dorje Shugden people) are not with us (non-Dorje Shugden people). Unity is very important, they are part of us too. To keep on saying how powerful we are to persecute them brings no benefits.”
What MP Tenpa Yarphel has just said is so true! ??
As a democratic government, CTA should not say Dorje Shugden people is bad just because CTA does not agreed to the spiritual practice. A democratic government should give equal respects and equal rights to all it’s people without discriminating or single out a group just because their religious practice is different. How could CTA does not allowed it’s people from going to public school, hospital or even to have a job as government officers just because they practice Dorje Shudgen? Where is religious freedom and the basic rights for Tibetans? (To read more about the discrimination on Dorje Shugden practitioners: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/current-affairs/is-this-true-religious-freedom.html)
Bravo to MP Tenpa Yarphel for being so brave to speak out for the sake of Tibetans and for the unity of Tibetans. ??? With the recent moments of more Tibetan leaders like MP Tenpa Yarphel and Arjia Rinpoche who dare to speak out and urge Tibetans for not discriminating Dorje Shugden practitioners, I see hope for the unity and growth of Tibetans!
Hope more will speak up and the ban will be lifted soonest. ?
The Tibetan government in exile or CTA profess to support Rimé which essentially means being non-sectarian, in the name of being a democracy, a believer in inalienable human rights, and to promote Tibetan unity amongst other things.
However, its actions do not support its empty slogans.
For example:
1. It waded its way right into the middle of the reincarnation recognition of the 16th Karmapa issue, by siding with the Tai Situpa. This is something they should have stayed away from because religion is not their business, the ongoings of the Karma Kagyu is not their business and of course picking the Karmapa reincarnation is definitely not their business. They got involved anyway.
2. The same for the reincarnation recognition of the 10th Panchen Lama. The CTA took sides and has till today kept calling the China-recognized Panchen Lama as fake only to be told (now) by the Dalai Lama that Gyaincain Norbu is NOT fake.
3. Then there is the reliance or over-reliance on the state oracle Nechung, something patriot Tenpa Yarphel has questioned before in Parliament. This is certainly a very weird if not extraordinary way of governing a democratic system. Has Nechung’s advice been good? Have they been accurate? Have they benefited the Tibetans in exile?
Is Nechung the being that is taking trance in the state oracle or is it another being? Have they tested this? When was the last time they tested this? If there are no signs that Nechung is Nechung, why are they still consulting him?
Last but not least is the issue of the propitiation of Buddha Dorje Shugden. Just as in the above examples, it should not have been and is not the CTA’s business to have an opinion about this personal spiritual issue, not to mention devoting lots of time, effort, money and speech into castigating this Buddha being and its practitioners. The CTA’s actions have left a trail of blood, suffering and disunity. Tenpa Yarphel is right and brave to tell them this in their face. Thank you Tenpa Yarphel for having the happiness of the Tibetans in mind.
UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. Time for result check by CTA. It is important to uphold CTA’s declaration of being a democratic government of the Tibetans in exile.
Democracy is to accept the differences in their citizenry and to protect and ensure that Human Rights are respected. The simple human right to their spiritual practice is not even endorsed by CTA and there arose a Ban on the practice of Dorje Shugden, King of Protectors.
For the last 60 years, CTA had done nothing for Tibetans and Tibetans in exile are still under refugee status. Nothing had been done by CTA who received huge amounts of donations to the betterment of Tibetans in exile.
I am inspired by Tenpa Yarphel who spoke up against the ban and discrimination of Dorje Shugden practitioners. Tenpa Yarphel is also very explicit in saying that he is not concerned as to who Dorje Shugden may be but rather such divisive policies must be gotten rid off.
Dorje Shugden is not a newly appointed deity but a Protector that had been practised for the last 350 years. So therefore, it is not only undemocratic of CTA to ban the practice it is also against all human rights.
Let us pray that Tenpa Yarphel’s conversation at CTA parliamentary session is not empty words of futility but that CTA will really look hard at their governance and ensure that UNITY is re-established for Tibetans all over the world.
Finally a Tibetan brave enough to stand up and speak what is right, what is the truth although he would face the repercussions because that is the Tibetan mentality – if one is right, others are wrong. Tibetans need to see beyond region, sect, group, religion, gender if they want to proclaim themselves to be democratic.
Tibetans need to grow up and accept differences but united for the whole instead of my group vs your group. That is discriminatory mentality. The exiled leadership created a bunch policies in the name of unity but what have happened? The Tibetans are less united now than ever!
If exiled leadership is really SINCERE then they need to take concrete and definitive actions, not just in words only. Remove policies that isolate, discriminate, and punish Dorje Shugden practitioners. Show that Tibetans and the leaders can grow up.
Actually, a democratic “parliament” should not eve be talking about such issues. A democratic administration by default cannot discriminate against region, religion, political views etc. A democratic administration should have freedom of religion, and should have already been enforcing such practices. The fact that these are even mentioned in parliament shows that how backward are the Tibetans, and sorry to say, they don’t know what is democracy.
What I do find “fascinating” is that how immature are Tibetans when it comes to difference in religious believe and political views. In democratic countries, it is common to have differences, and most even encourage it because it is about the acceptance of difference and embracing diversity. But in Tibetan society, if you do not agree with HH Dalai Lama, then they will see you like a criminal. This is sign of the lack of education and lack of exposure of the Tibetans.
To me, it is not that the CTA doesn’t want to educate their people. They have a lot of opportunities in the 60 years in India. Why can’t they educate their people? To me, the reason why CTA doesn’t want to educate their people is because the leaders want to benefit (monetary) from the ignorance of their people. The more “stupid” (sorry to say) is their people, then their leaders can benefit more, and these CTA leaders will want to milk as much before their time runs out.
Nonetheless, it is still refreshing to hear from Tenpa Yarphel to touch on this topic again (he talked about it about 1.5 years ago), and hopefully this time people can think more rationally (last time he talked about this topic, people protested against him). What he said is the correct practice of democratic administration, and I hope it gain traction and people in exile realise how they are tricked by their leaders all these years, and it is time to unite all without separation of regions, religions or political views. People of different beliefs and views can indeed sit down for a cup of tea, and don’t have to kill/hurt each other as taught by the CTA leaders.
Acceptance is much needed, and I look forward to seeing CTA to take down all discrimination against Dorje Shugden people from their constitution.
Tenpa Yarphel is truly voicing up his opinion for the betterment of the Tibetan in Exile. He’s brave enough to go against CTA’s policy on Shugden ban purely to unite Tibetans for a bigger agenda which is to preserve and protect their culture. Tenpa Yarphel is very right to ask the people to think over the benefit of the ban so far? What has CTA achieved since the ban and has Tibetans gotten any better in term of welfare or good news in returning to their home land? One of the most important thing that CTA has to really look into is to stop blaming or looking for scapegoat in their failure. Instead CTA should realistically act as a true leader to deal with the issues. How could Shugden ban can help CTA to deal with China? How could Shugden ban help to improve the Tibetan welfare? How could the Shugden ban help CTA to achieve unity as one to fight for their cause? After being in exile in India for so long, everyone should examine the result! How beneficial this Shugden ban has benefitted the Tibetan? Or rather more damaging it has resulted?
What Tenpa Yarphel said here it make sense as a democratic leader. Why discriminate your own people spiritual beliefs when you tell people your country is democratic? If CTA is crying for freedom from China but why at the other hand CTA take away the freedom from their own Tibetan for their spiritual belief? Isn’t this hypocrate?
Tibetan leadership should have more people like Tenpa Yarphel which is non-bias and his thinking is purely for the benefit of the Tibetan.
The unethical and illogical Shugden ban is hurting the Tibet Cause as it is an infringement of the basic human right to have the freedom to worship. No government would want to be associated with any leadership like that. With this ban, it has further split the already splintered Tibetan community. In freedom struggles, unity is always the key.
Am really glad to see that Dharamsala MP Tenpa Yarphel has taken a brave and smart step towards bridging and healing this unnecessary divide. After all, a Tibetan is a Tibetan. It doesn’t matter which sect, faith or province (s)he is from, Tibetan Cause is about Tibetans. It doesn’t matter if they are Kagyupas, Sakyapas, Shugdenpas, Nyingmapas etc… all Tibetans should be given an equal opportunity for their own freedom..
Given how in the past people have been attacked for speaking up about healing the divide, I truly applaud MP Tenpa Yarphel for his courage, foresight and sincere wish for Tibetans to unite. I sincerely hope that more Tibetans will have the courage to fight for unity.
It is really refreshing to see a Tibetan MP speaking confidently about the realities faced by the Tibetans in exile, with the intention of moving forward to a better future instead of being stuck in myriad divisive policies that have really harmed the Tibetan polity and harmony. Tibetans like Mr. Lukar Jam, Tenpa Yarphel, and Arjia Rinpoche who said something attempting to end the Dorje Shugden ban and persecution are very courageous and very admiring. Tenpa Yarphel’s only interest is the betterment of the Tibetan people. He makes it clear that he has no involvement in or connection to the worship of Dorje Shugden. This makes it easy to conclude he is not acting out of personal gain .He gets nothing from speaking against the ban and is therefore looking at the issue of Tibetan unity as a true patriot. Tenpa Yarphel is someone who has the courage to lay out what needs to be done in order for Tibetan tradition and culture to survive. Thank you very much Rinpoche and blog team for this interesting update on Dorje Shugden ban. ?????
I’m impressed and respected the points that bring out by Tenpa Yarphel
Democracy ideology not even comply 50% in CTA. This lead to Tibetan broken into pieces. Instead of preserving the Tibetan culture, Tibetan busy on discriminating and protesting which is not necessary.
Tenpa Yarphel bring out the good point to removes Anti Dorje Shugden section on the webside. This section really reflecting the level of unity of Tibetan.
Tenpa Yarphel speak is powerful because he stand on neutral views. He is not side of Dorje Shugden practice, he is not from Gelug lineage, what I can conclude on him is he only interested on Tibetan welfare and unity.
I’m respect him very much because he speak up even at great personal risk to himself . I’m hoping more and more people like him to stand up to speak up the truth and facts that CTA ban the Dorje Shugden practice won’t bring unity to Tibetan. The ban should lift immediately instead
Thank you
From Meng kiat
Rejoice to have another members from the government in exile speak up against this ban. It shows these people do concerned and care for the Tibetans welfare and improve their community. Their bravery does earn much respect and admiration from many Dorje Shugden practitioners and non practitioners.
I urge the president of the government should make a priority look seriously into this matter. Disharmony among communities will not gain any unity and peace.
Thank you for sharing this latest information about the state of Tibetans. It is truly sad that the CTA is closed to any thought, opinion, conversation or actions that contradict their perceptions and beliefs. This is probably why they have not evolved or assimilated with the rest of the world in the past decades despite abundant political, financial and moral support from various government and non-government organisations as well as influential individuals. Tibet’s state that had not progressed in the past 60 years is evidences of the efficiency and effectiveness of its government. Clearly, the CTA needs more MPs like Tenpa Yarphel who is long-sighted and prioritises the the welfare of Tibet as a whole. It is also clear that Tenpa Yarphel has nothing to gain with his honesty…in fact, his stand for the betterment of Tibet jeopardises his personal and political security. I hope more people will see this and support the call for unity. As the world has gotten more connects by technology, we need to embrace diversity and empower unity.
Thanks again for this insightful article!
Stepping up to make a stand about Dorje Shugden is no easy feat particularly taking into account how Tibetans have acted in the past where making such stand is automatically perceived as going against the His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (HHDL). Then again, it is not hard to discover by looking at past events that making a stand which does not toe the line with the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) typically has (negative) repercussions. In this regard, it would not be far-fetched to say that CTA has indeed managed to manipulate the legacy association of HHDL and CTA to their advantage, albeit culminating to decades of discrimination and disunity within the Tibetan diaspora.
However, the truth will prevail. This is evident from a positive and healthy shift within the Tibetan community where (based on the truths), more and more Tibetans are no longer afraid to speak up against injustice and challenge any questionable decisions of a supposedly democratic CTA in public forums regardless of CTA’s association with HHDL. More and more Tibetans, particularly the younger generations are able to assess and judge the situation without being clouded by repeated propagandas of certain quarters. People are no longer easily swayed into automatically thinking that HHDL and CTA as being mutually interchangeable and not challengeable politically. More importantly, more and more are no longer blindly reacting based solely on emotional allegiance but are able, as well as willing, to look into the situation before taking actions.
That being said, efforts from people such as Tenpa Yarphel has to be commended as currently, it still somewhat precarious and takes a lot of effort and bravery to address issues caused by CTA. One only has to look at what happened to Lukar Jam when unscrupulous people managed to manipulate quite a few Tibetans with unsubstantiated allegations of Lukar Jam being against HHDL. Not only was there a real threat to his life but the safety of his family was also threatened when he highlighted the questionable deeds of CTA and demanded accountability from CTA during his presidential campaign. [Sources: http://tibetexpress.net/4890/former-political-prisoner-lukar-jams-car-smashed-says-his-family-feels-threatened/; http://www.dorjeshugden.com/all-articles/news/lukars-car-vandalized-says-his-family-feel-threatened-by-anti-social-elements/%5D
To add salt to injury, in a move that clearly fits the textbook example of arbitrary usage of powers which are an affront to democratic principles, CTA conveniently exercised its power arbitrarily to bring out the ousting of Lukar Jam as a strong contender to the post. This has even brought about international criticism from past supporters of Tibetan Cause. To name but a few, US Congressman and Co-Chairman of the Congressional Tibetan Caucus Dana Rohrabacher criticized the Tibetan election commission for what in his view were “troubling rules” enacted for the election. In fact, she wrote to the Secretary of State John Kerry and USAID Administrator Gayle E Smith on Feb 1, clear expressing that, “I write to express my concerns over troubling rules enacted in relation to that election. These rules appear to have the effect of anti-democratically restricting free speech and free association, at a time when the current CTA incumbents are seeking reelection.” Source: http://www.tibetanreview.net/tibetan-election-commission-accused-of-ousting-independence-candidate/
The good news is that we have yet to see such drastic move against Tenpa Yarphel (despite some ongoing verbal abuse online) and also the growing open support for what Tenpa Yarphel has spoken about. The continuation of such positive and healthy trend would definitely be beneficial to Tibetans at large. After all, such trend would signify the end of the reign emotional influence or some may even say, emotional blackmail which has been clouding the truth and overriding what is best for Tibetans thusfar.
Thank you Rinpoche and team for such an informative article.
I lived in Dharamsala for 14 years and I have come to know the Tibetans very well. Many of them are very ignorant, not educated, not exposed and they live in a small insular world. Their leaders offer them no opportunity to expand and grow and very little job opportunities. No one is groomed to take leadership as their Dalai Lama is a life-long leader. He can never be voted from office and never be replaced. He is a ruler for life. This stunts their nation as no fresh blood can lead the people. Because the Tibetans still believe their Dalai Lama is a god, to go against him is sacrilegious. If you oppose the Dalai Lama, you will collect tremendous bad karma and go to hell. Majority of Tibetans believe this. So they keep him as a life-long leader with all the power, wealth and full control. He can give any order he likes according to his wishes and no one will dare oppose. Because of this, their people can never grow, never achieve anything and will be forever in exile. Since the Dalai Lama cannot get Tibet back, no one else can. After the current Dalai Lama is no more, no one can replace him because no one was allowed to be groomed to replace him.
As a person that comes from a democratic background, it is healthy to see more Tibetans appear to speak up against the injustice and the autocracy of their government in exile.
Tibetans like Mr. Lukar Jam, Tenpa Yarphel, and Arjia Rinpoche who said something attempting to end the Dorje Shugden ban and persecution are very courageous and very admiring.
It is obvious after 60 years in India, the Tibetan government in exile (now knowns as Central Tibetan Administration, CTA) has done nothing beneficial for the people, but create more sufferings to its people, to the extend that the people needed to stand out and speak up, which is not a norm within Tibetan society. It has gone so bad that these people have no choice to ‘offend’ Dalai Lama’s office to tell the truth and wake the government up for the sake of unity.
Thanks for the great article. I enjoy reading it.
Tibetan government representative and Dalai Lama confidante Arjia Rinpoche also says it’s time to stop discriminating against Dorje Shugden people. Please click here for more details: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=189647