Vladimir Putin ‘Sights a Yeti Family’
Dear Bigfoot enthusiasts around the world,
This article was published by Siberian Times at the end of March 2016 and it caught my attention. Bigfoot is the name given to a mythological ape or hominid-like creature that is said to inhabit forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest and in the Himalayan regions named Yeti. In North American folklore, Bigfoot is usually described as a large and hairy humanoid. Scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot and consider it to be a combination of folklore and hoax rather than a living animal because of the ‘lack of physical evidence’. Nevertheless, there have been many accounts of people sighting Bigfoot in the mountains, finding footprints for thousands of years. Ever since I was very young, I have always been fascinated by Bigfoot and my passion towards them have grew stronger as years pass by, I believe that they exist. My Tibetan and Mongolian countrymen do not doubt it’s existence. In fact in Tibet, it is common to speak to people who have sighted Bigfoots or Migyors as they are called.
It is said that Russia’s best known Yeti hunter Igor Burtsev (Head of the Russian International Centre of Hominology) has previously estimated that as many as 30 Yetis roam Kemerovo region. There has been many reported sightings in this region as well.
I hope you enjoy the article as it’s very rare for someone to spot a Bigfoot and Vladimir Putin did the impossible. I’ve been keeping my eyes open for the pictures to be released a few days later but so far nothing yet. But one question, why not release the pictures the same time this article was published? What do you think?
Tsem Rinpoche
Vladimir Putin ‘sights a Yeti family’ in remote Siberian mountains
By The Siberian Times reporter | 01 April 2016
Russian president discovers ‘proof’ that fabled creature exists while on short vacation in Kemerovo region.

The sighting is understood to have been confirmed by 63 year old President Putin’s security detachment after they inspected the footprints. Picture: Kuzbass Pravda
Environmental rangers and hunters in remote mountain terrain say the Kremlin leader ‘personally witnessed’ three Yetis while on a recent helicopter trip to a remote location famous for claimed sightings.
‘He and his entourage saw an adult male and female, and a smaller child Yeti, at a distance of about 150 metres,’ said Dmitry Ivanov, a national park wildlife expert who was with the group.
‘At first the creatures stood and watched, then took big strides into the trees. Briefly, they reappeared as if curious about the presidential group, but then vanished again. The were covered in thick grey coloured hair and took giant steps, far bigger than a man.’

It is unknown if they were taken by prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, a noted photographer, who was on the same trip. Pictures: Kremlin.ru
The sighting is understood to have been confirmed by 63 year old President Putin’s security detachment after they inspected the footprints in the newly-fallen snow. Pictures of the creatures will be be released later on Friday April 1 by the Kremlin press service, it is understood.
It is unknown if they were taken by prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, a noted photographer, who was on the same trip, according to local newspaper reports in Kemerovo.
The Yeti family sighting came on President Putin’s latest wildlife visit to remote regions of Siberia. He was said to be ‘awestruck’ by the sighting.

The location of the sensational ‘discovery’ was some 32 kilometres from the Azass Cave, a place where Yeti-believers have previously said there were sightings. Pictures: The Siberian Times, TAA
Now scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science have been ordered to investigate the discovery, but the Russians will do everything to ‘protect the Yeti in their natural habitat’.
The president is well known for his exploits to protect Siberian wildlife – including tigers, leopards, polar bears and along with Pacific whales – but if the Yeti ‘find’ is confirmed this will be his most remarkable achievement yet. On one occasion in 2012 he flew in a hang glider over Arctic Siberia in an attempted to teach white cranes to fly south to migrate.

On one occasion in 2012 he flew in a hang glider over Arctic Siberia in an attempted to teach white cranes to fly south to migrate. Picture: Kremlin.ru
Yeti are also known as Big Foot or Abominable Snowmen.Sightings have been made in North America as well as Russia and other areas of Asia over many decades, but sceptics always dismissed the claims. The location of the sensational ‘discovery’ was some 32 kilometres from the Azass Cave, a place where Yeti-believers have previously said there were sightings.
Igor Burtsev, Director of the International Centre of Hominology in Moscow, said: ‘This is extraordinary news. Yeti-deniers will now have to eat their words. We previously found hair from the Yeti in the Azass Cave even if the Americans and British disputed out findings.’
Source: http://siberiantimes.com/other/others/news/vladimir-putin-sights-a-yeti-family-in-remote-siberian-mountains/
For more interesting information:
- The Mysterious Monsters – narrated by Peter Graves
- China’s bigfoot
- Nepal is the land of spirtuality, beauty and Mystery and the Yeti
- Japanese Mountain Climbers Say They Found Yeti Footprints
- Malaysia Scientists to Hunt ‘Bigfoot’ in Rainforest
- The neatest footage on film!
- Monsters & Mysteries In Alaska..Sasquatch!
- 7 Parts-Very Interesting!!
- I was in Willow Creek:
- 5 Years + USD500,000 = EVIDENCE!!
- Pacific Northwest May Finally Have Evidence Bigfoot Exists
- Bigfoot Hunt Is On By Land And By Air
- Researcher Says Bigfoot DNA Analysis Reveals Human Hybrid … Seriously?
- Is this Evidence of Bigfoot?
- Bigfoot Is Real, And We Have DNA To Prove It: Researchers
- Images of the Wildman Inside and Outside Europe
- Sasquatch (Bigfoot)!!!
- Bigfoot in Kechara????
- Bigfoot hunters claim they have footprint
- Bigfoot Proven?? Must Watch!!!
- Respect Them
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If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the tsemrinpoche.com blog team
Bigfoot believe may exist somewhere in the wild, but are not recognized by science. Russian president discovers ‘proof’ that fabled creature exists while on short vacation in Kemerovo region. The sighting is understood to have been confirmed by President Putin’s security detachment after they inspected the footprints. Environmental rangers and hunters in remote mountain terrain confirmed it. The Kremlin leader had witnessed’ three Yetis while on a recent helicopter trip to a remote location famous for claimed sightings. Nobody in the world has found the yeti, and it would be good and beneficial to most people. Scientists and yeti enthusiasts believe there may finally be solid evidence that the apelike creature roams in the wild. As long as there are wild places in America, Bigfoot remains a possibility that, it exist.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
There is an area near Lumbini, Nepal, they have sightings of Yeti for hundreds of years. So they have signages in the area with Yeti artwork to highlight this. Interesting. TR
(Part 1 of 8)
This museum in Pokhara, Nepal has a section dedicated to Yetis (Bigfoot). Very interesting. I am including some pictures of the inside of this wonderful museum. Do enjoy. ~ Tsem Rinpoche
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 2 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 3 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 4 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 5 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 6 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 7 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
(Part 8 of 8)
In the International Mountain Museum (IMM) in Pokhara, Nepal, there is a small but comprehensive exhibition on Yetis (Bigfoot). Below are some pictures.
For more information, go to https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/one-minute-story/bigfoot-museum-nepal
(click on picture to enlarge)
Curious about the legendary Yeti? Not sure what to believe? Here is an article that explores a range of sources, from folktales to newspaper reports, detailing sightings and encounters with the elusive creature, who has been a part of the very fabric of various Himalayan communities for thousands of years. Read about religious beliefs, myths, fables and stories by scholars and travellers alike, and realise that there is more to the Yeti than you previously thought.
This is a real awesome documentary on bigfoot. One of the best – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp5eV9nIEjk&feature=youtu.be
In 1967, Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson stumbled across an incredible sight whilst out in Bluff Creek, in the California wilderness. At a creek which had been freshly washed-out by recent floods, they witnessed a female Bigfoot swiftly traverse the rugged landscape. Since their filmed encounter with the Bigfoot, who has since been nicknamed Patty, many have disputed the authenticity of their recording but no one has been able to successfully prove that it is a fake.
Credits for this video goes to entirely to windvale for the original footage. ?
Thank you for this article. I belong to Carolina CryptidCrew and am a believer of Sassquatch. South Carolina, United States of America.
The “footprints” shown above are just a fox,rabbit,wolf ect jumping from one hole to the next in a straight line. Footprints from a hominid (especially the 3 they claim seen together)would make at least slight offsets, in three rows. So, adding that pic w/ this story is just more bull^%$#
Hi Randy,
It seems you are quite knowledgeable about Big Foot. Perhaps you are a Big Foot enthusiast? Do share if you have any sighting experience or your background, I’m interested to learn more.
SO where is the PHOTOS then????
Dear Randy,
Welcome to Tsemrinpoche.com. That’s exactly the question that H.E. Tsem Rinpoche asked in the introduction to this article.
“But one question, why not release the pictures the same time this article was published? ”
I guess this could be an April Fools’ joke published by the Siberian Times.
Russia, remains the largest land mass on this planet, and has plenty of spots and areas bereft of humans for Yetis to hide in.
Furthermore, Putin was an ex KGB agent and now President of one of the most powerful nations in the world, his awareness levels are way up there. So I think Putin would not have mistakenly identified something else as Yetis.
The date on the linked article is actually April 1st. Likely that it is an April fools joke.
Not generally a skeptic about this stuff, but very skeptical of anything published on that date!
Hey Roger! The date did leave me a little skeptical too hehehe
Did you see this video by the way? (https://www.facebook.com/natgeo/videos/10153606615528951/) It’s of a jellyfish just discovered in the last week, in the Mariana Trench. It makes you think if new animals are still being discovered today, there leaves a lot about this planet that we don’t know about and it’s highly possible we have never found creatures like Bigfoot and the Yeti, and found conclusive evidence because they have been hiding so well because they really really don’t want to be found.
This is nice to see. Humans simply have not documented all the other creatures who share our world. During the past few years giant squid and a few other species have been ‘discovered’. Until 1930, most Western cultures did not ‘believe in’ gorillas but that turned out to be true. I think they are just some kind of hominid…small numbers but they have managed to not go extinct. Nice that someone famous like Putin got to see some for himself. Thanks for posting this.
The president’s credibility is of utmost importance, so when he publicly admit to seeing bigfoot, it must be real. Russia’s Siberia is like USA’s northwest, thousands of acres of virgin forest, no man has ever gone there, so definitely there are unknown species like bigfoot. Let these wilderness remain as they are, we human should not encroach further on other species’ habitat, we need to co-exist.
Vladimir Putin confirms sighting of bigfoot is very significance due to his position and influence. Many skeptics will be shaken by it while the believers gain stronger conviction in the existence of bigfoot. This is a good news!
There are many beings and creatures out there we have not seen or heard of, but this doesn’t means that they are non-existence. This just shows how ignorant we are with our surroundings and fellow earthlings. It is impossible for everyone of us to see every single beings on earth, so evidence from others should serve as our point of reference of the unknown. Instead of denying them, view them with an open heart.
I hope that President Putin will have the pictures published soon and bigfoot will be recognised as a type of existing animal soon.
I accept that the Yeti exist as do many other beings that have not been discovered. The reason I am not completely awe-struck by news of Yeti sightings is because it is just impossible that we already know everything about life, the planet and universe and all the life form within it. Frankly, I would rather that the Yeti are not [fully] discovered and their abode(s) exposed to mankind because we have destroyed many things in the name of discovery and progress.
What intrigues me much more is what lies deep in the ocean and seeing that the earth is mostly covered by water, it is logical that there are a lot more of the earth we have not explored and learned about.
As for this story of Vladimir Putin sighting a Yeti family, it is very odd that there are no accompanying pictures. Who wouldn’t be clicking away with their phone-cameras if they saw something like this?
You bring up a good point Martin. There are some creatures whose existence we know of, that are sighted only once every few years. There are other creatures that were previously deemed extinct, which was later found to be not the case and survivors were found at a later date. And every day, scientists are finding new flora and fauna that was previously undiscovered. So to conclude that Yetis do not exist on the basis that we lack definitive proof judged acceptable by today’s scientific standards, is arrogant and dismissive.
Whether or not Putin came across tracks or a Yeti family, there is a lot of evidence of Bigfoot in Russia. The first time I heard about this was through the documentary “Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives”. It was about the Dyatlov Pass incident when a group of nine students were reportedly so terrified by something, they tore through their tent from the inside and escaped into the snow wearing very little clothing. They were found frozen to death, some of their bodies having been mutilated (one of the victims was missing her tongue).
Of course, critics will always say that there is not enough evidence for the existence of the Yeti or Bigfoot but for me, when you put together everything we have found, it makes a compelling argument for their existence…the footprints founded embedded in boulders? Calls heard by experienced trackers not prone to hallucinations? Wood stacked up into shelter-like formations impossible under natural circumstances?
Absence of absolute proof is not absolute proof of absence!
Evidence of yeti life of the creature has allegedly been found in the Himalayas of Nepal where it is know as Sasquatch, or Bigfoot. This is awesome…me and the rest of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti believers and enthusiasts in the world are very excited and look forward to a further description of the sighting and photos.
It may or many not be a April Fool’s joke but it really doesn’t take Vladimir Putin to catch sight of a Yeti to prove that they do exist. I am sure they do and I think no one is able to come up with concrete evidence of their existence is because they are far more agile and have a great deal of stealth despite their huge lumbering figures. Physically, they are much stronger and faster than any humans alive and they are totally attuned to the wilderness.
Nonetheless, this little picture has kindled quite a lot of spotlight on Yeti and for a short while, it has brought the towering beast out of the woodworks to be in the limelight for a change. I think Yetis, sasquatch, migyur and whatever names they are known as have continue to inspire the imagination of a number of people in the west. Part of the mystique is the fact that these towering giants are able to evade mankind despite being in the advent of satellites and manner of technology that we have these days. This adds to the enduring allure of these mysterious giants.
I am so glad to hear that the Russians will do everything to ‘protect the Yeti in their natural habitat’. I never knew they were so caring towards animals let alone ‘big foot’ creatures. I never thought they would even believe in big foot seeing they are a communist nation. It is really refreshing nice to know that the Vladimir Putin is a wildlife conservationist.
I do believe that big foot exist however it is very strange, how come there is so many sighting but unfortunately no one has ever been able to capture a clear image of the big foot except the famous Patterson big foot footage. It must be they are intelligent enough to know that people are trying to capture their image and hence they never ever appear when you are trying your best to photograph them. And I think this is for the best as human are well known to destroy, hurt, harm, experiment on things they are not familiar with, so better the Yetis remain a mysterious creatures than be captured by humans.
I really hope this isn’t an April Fools joke. hehe. I find it a little strange that the photographs were not posted with the article, that’s why i believe it may be a joke.
On the other hand, I do believe that Yetis or Bigfoot does exist and it’s nice to see such main stream coverage, especially it the president did in fact see the yeti family and got the pictures. There is even a legend of the yeti within my own culture. It is said that they are the offspring of a mythical figure called Ashwathama. This figure was cursed to live until the end of the world and to be shunned by society, that is why yetis do not like human society, and prefer to live in seclusion in natural environments. It is said that they are extremely powerful beings, with incredible strength.
It is really incredible that President Putin has made such progress. I too hope that the pictures of what he saw will be released soon. With the release of the information it will really make a huge impact. However, I think that the Yeti’s and Big foots are very much smarter as compared to us. Thus, even if we do not have strong evidences that they do exist, I believe they are part of our world.
I believe that these creatures are touched by compassion and kindness. Knowing how President Putin shows kindness and compassion to animals, helping so many of them, they might have been touched by his actions and shown him how they look like.
However, this is a really nice article as it shows that even if you are a big figure head to a country, you can still be doing good deeds to give back to the world. It is just really nice to see this side of President Putin.
Dear Rinpoche
It is amazing! For many years, I have heard of many yeti sightings although no one has ever taken a clear documented pictures (if they did many would doubt the originality of the pictures). But once someone who is high profile like President Putin, sights yeti, it immediately brings greater credibility to the yeti existence theory.
Another interesting story – about one year ago, when my Guru, Tsem Rinpoche, was visiting Willow Creek – the bigfoot sighting place – he received a message from one monk that his previous incarnation had been served by yeti/ bigfoot. Bigfoot is known to serve many lamas who are in retreat in remote places. They helped to provide necessities or deliver messages.
For me, that is the part where the story became interesting – bigfoot serving high lamas and retreatants.
It’s always interesting to discover different being living with us in this planet. Personally for me it’s good to know different unique being living among us and how they live their life. It’s glad to know that President Putin’s is such protective towards wild animals. With his position he would able to do more in protecting the animals.
Yeti/Bigfoot indeed is a unique hermit creature that has been living for a long time. There are so many sightings of their existence not only in one place but in so many places and country. I believe in them and hope when the pic being published it will not affect their life from people that curious of them.
They are just like any being exists in the realms that driven by their karma. We shall respect and help and not creating harm for any selfish reason.
I always felt interesting and big foot existing.Many people has reported discovering around the world. Is good to heard President Vladimir Putin order to protect the Yeti in their natural habitat.So they get protected and can live among us in this world
Since i was at the childhood time,my grandma did told me one about big foot story. In fact,seeing big foot story is happen at Malaysia at Pahang state about 70 ago. Grandma told me that my grand uncle worked at Pahang state before cutting wood in the deep jungle. One of worker was kidnapped by female big foot over many year.When they fond the worker,he barley can talk as human language. According from worker, when female big foot kidnapped him,he was lock inside the cave alone, than he was force having sexual intercourse with it . It sound crazy but he always see female big foot alone, never see other big foot existing. The worker felt the female big foot might lose her partner,that lead it to kidnapped him. That was story told by the worker to the people who rescued him. Hope your enjoy reading the story.
Yeti sightings and all these paranormal events, phenomena and elements are really not that . Why? They are reported consistently over time by sincere peoplease who would not benefit from disclosure of such news. These natural happenings are simply rare gems if we have the heart and wisdom to recognise and accept things outside our comfort zone.
Perhaps the president thought better of it than to disclose the yeti sighting because it may draw greedy opportunists to the sight to take advantage of the discovery.
I hope yetis continue to live amongst us on earth as they have been known to help many lamas who retreat in remote places by gathering firewood etc. Indirectly they contribute to the growth of dharma this way.
Yeti has been seen by many people traveling through isolated regions like the Himalayas or part of the huge forests in US.
I really want to see the pictures too but there must be a reason why they are not released… probably we can see them clearly on the pictures for once?
There are many things out there which we don’t know. Yeti or Bigfoot is part of the wonderful world we are living in. They have managed to hide themselves for so long. And they are known to be messengers between Lamas in retreat, staying in isolated places. How wonderful!
Thank You, Rinpoche, for sharing these exciting news.
Pastor Antoinette
i always believe all this exist, they may live in the different dimension which we can not see them or enter to their world. May be there is something like ” inner Earth ‘s mysterious channel” , as long as we can find these channels , we can enter the mysterious world……Yeti exist but in “different world”. It is just like Six realms in Buddhism which you can’t see hell realm and god realm.
I think this is the most reliable proof of Yeti as it was sighted by a leader of a country who will not risk his reputation for some pranks or getting attention.
It is also lucky the Yeti were discovered by Mr. Vladmir Putin who is well known for protecting the Siberian wildlife.
Sightings of Yeti or creature with similiar description have been reported around different region of the world have somehow proof that this creature does exist and so far no concrete evidence of them also shows that they are highly intelligent to protect themselve from potential harassment of human.
I agreed with decision of Mr. Vladmir Putin to protect the Yeti in their natural habitat. Maybe one day when they realise human will not harm them, they will show themselve willingly in front of human.
I am too very exciting about the story. Hoping so much to see the picture if they captured one at that time. The story about Yeti is always mystery. Yeti disappeared fast into the woods. Has anyone come very close and face to face with the yeti? I do believe Yeti exist. I wonder if one day people caught a Yeti, what will they do to him? Will Yeti turn aggressive? Will people kill him? What would scientist do to him? By thinking of that I would prefer the Yeti never to be found and remain mystery.
While there are countless tales of bigfoot “encounters”, it still lack hard core physical proof. I do not think all the encounters are hoax but I do question if these creatures physically supposed to exist in the human realm. If they do, then perhaps they are of an intelligent species who have co-existed with human since the beginning of time and have mastered the art of evading human. Similarly we also can make ourselves “disappear” to the world and never be seen again if we consciously make the effort to avoid human contact. It’s not impossible.
But for me it would be more interesting if they came from another realm and somehow found a way to travel inter-dimension between our world and theirs which explains their appearances, sudden disappearances and the lack of physical evidence such as their abode and corpses.
On Vladimir Putin sightings of Yeti, I only got one question – where are the photos. We live in an era of smart phone. People has taken videos of crimes, of accidents, of nature disasters on the spot. We are a society whose reaction to seeing something is to immediately take out our phone and snap photos and take videos. So how is it that there are still no clear photos and videos of bigfoot – and I don’t mean the blurry, grainy ones we often seen online.
The unknown and the unexplained is interesting and intriguing but I feel that we believe more often base on choice and not proof. To believe or not to believe in bigfoot is your choice.
Like what The Paranormal Zone host Phng Li Kim always says:
“What we see may not be real. What is real we may not see.”
It’s interesting that the Russian president claimed the sighting. It’ll be more interesting if pictures taken of these elusive beings are released to the public. Unless it’s really an April Fools’ Day prank, and what a great prank it would be. On the other hand it may be best if photos of them, if it is not a prank, not be released. I would be thrilled to learn of their proven existence but not at the expense of their survival if mankind set out to capture them. Let them live in their beautiful world while we live in our not so beautiful world.
Very well said Pastor Henry, it would be very interesting and surprised to see a real life big foot but the downside of it is that it may cost their lives. Humans are known to be very selfish, they can do almost everything to get whatever they want even if it means killing another human being or animals. Humans are really capable of doing all these nasty things.
We should not disturb them and just let them be, they have a good condition to survive and live their own lives and therefore I’m very sure they are perfectly fine without our ‘help’.
I am always interested in bigfoot articles.
I always wonder why there are no follow up on the prints and see where they lead to. It would really be interesting if someone can really get close and personal to see how bigfoot really look like and study them.
And another interesting point is when I read that Nepal has a team that specially search for bigfoots and to give a report on what they find.
Even in the scriptures, it is said that they exist! To the Tibetans, it is so normal for them. Can’t imagine if I were to see one. I’d probably run before I can take a photo!
KFR team had a discussion just, about this topic.
Points to ponder, are they from this realm?
What if they were just passing through and not really live here.
Maybe, they just happen to come through a ‘portal’ for something.
Although I have read this article, I felt that saying I believe in the existence because my Guru said so was inviting unnecessary comments. Tonight the KFR team set down and had a discussion on the topic of the existence of Yeti and logically I believe it exists.
Like it is believed that there is a Naga realm, there too is a Yeti realm. The theory by Pastor Moh Mei that due to so many sightings and yet unable to track the “home” of the Yeti is that Yetis are actually from another realm and grant the human race an opportunity to sight them and after that through a portal return to their realm of existence.
Like the last sighting of Loch Ness was so long ago and never was there any recent sighting of the Dragons, Mermaids and many other mystical beings, do not mean that they do not exist as vivid paintings had been made of them. It is just that the human race can no longer sight them.
As such Yetis, for now still provide us the possibilities to have sighted them and I do believe that they exist.
For now I am waiting anxiously for President Putin to release some photos of his valuable sighting of the Yeti Family.
I’m not too sure what to think of this because it is an interesting story. I am no stranger to bigfoot or yeti tales. I believe in them but this sounds a bit fishy. I think it is just strange because Vladimir Putin was there XD.
This is a strange thing but I honestly love and believe in these tales and mysteries. I wonder what the world will think of this. I wonder what the conclusion will come to. But for now I am a bit sketchy on this and probably won’t believe it just yet.
I do hope this is real and not a hoax. Finally, someone of this stature announces that they will investigate further on yetis. I always believe in the existence of yetis and bigfoot.
Even Tibetan monks have seen them. There is no reason for the monks to lie. It would be superb to have clearer footage of the yetis and more knowledge of how they live.
I remember Rinpoche telling me that he read that wherever yetis or bigfoot sightings have been reported, UFO sightings in these locations have also been reported. I wonder what the correlation is.
To be honest, I am not really surprised with this article. I have always believed that Yeti’s existed and therefore it was only about time before they were found or seen by people.
I know there are probably not many of them out there, but there are definitely a few and there have to show themselves eventually. They cannot possibly keep to themselves and hide for their whole lives. I am also quite happy that someone of such a high position like Putin has seen these creatures. I puts reliability to the source and would probably convince many that Yeti’s do indeed exist. I am sure that many people think they are fictional.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article with us. I would not have gotten a chance to read it if it wasn’t for you Rinpoche.
Dear Julien
Thank you for your comment. Just like you, I also believe that Yeti exist. I heard that yetis help practitioners who are in retreat, act as their messengers, provide their daily necessities.
I sincerely believe that they exist 🙂
Vladmir Putin, the Russian President who has personally witnessed “three yetis” while on a recent helicopter trip to a remote Location, is considered indeed exceptionally lucky! This sighting was confirmed by the 63 years old President Putin’s security personel after inspecting footprints in the newly fallen snow. The Russian President was said to be ‘awestruck’ by the sighting! Who wouldn’t, as it was such a surprise! Yeti are commonly known as “Bigfoot” or Abominable snowman in our blogging excercise. Sightings have also been discovered in North America as well as Russia and other areas, but sceptics always dismissed the claims. Let’s hope that our Russian President can make these doubtful yeti-deniers eat their own words this time by releasing pictures of these creatures soonest possible!
There are yeti around everest camp base.Namche bazar Lawudo so on.Paolorossi4444
Dear Paolo
Interesting information. Where did you get the information? I heard that yeti often bring the necessities and help to pass messages for those who are in retreat. If yeti is in the area you mentioned, i wonder about the purpose they are in those places
I hope the officials will release more photos of the yeti that Russian President Vladimir Putin sighted. To be able to come into close vicinity (150m) with a Yeti family in the remote Kemerovo areas is such a thrill. What more with a Yeti family consist of a male, female and a younger Yeti.
Thank you so much Rinpoche for posting this amazing news.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
Siberian Kemerovo is one of the few places where relic hominids are thought to be living, along with the Himalayas, the American Pacific Northwest and other remote regions. Since 2009, hunters have reported seeing two-meter-tall ape-like animals in the Tashtagol area.
It is also famous for the suspected ‘Yeti hair’ that reveals the existence of ‘an unknown mammal closely related to man’. It is said that the alleged Yeti hair was found by Dr Igor Burtsev in a 2011 expedition to the remote cave of Azasskaya in Kemerovo. Here I attach some pictures for reference. Apparently the analysis was conducted in the Russia and US and ‘agreed the hair came from a human-like creature which is not a Homo sapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey’.
There were many sightings or signs. Another popular one was a 12-year-old Denis Alexandrov claims to have found the footprint of the fabled Yeti (picture attached) while camping in Shorsky National Park in Kemerovo. In another incident, a footage which apparently shows a baby Yeti with its mother or father was taken by Yevgeny Anisimov, using a mobile phone near the frozen Ur River in Kemerovo region.
Whether or not Putin did see a Yeti, these various sightings and signs in the region show that there is a high chance Yeti resides in the region. Hopefully more expeditions will be conducted to finally produce some “solid” evidence. Kemerovo Governor Aman Tuleyev is offering a one million ruble, or about $31,500, reward to anyone who finds a Yeti, so let’s hope more enthusiasts will work their way to Kemerovo.
Maybe this is an April Fool’s joke but I believe in bigfoots and Yetis. I read that there have been many sightings in Siberia, especially in Kemerovo region.
I remember reading about a young boy who noticed massive footprint on an early morning walk with other children in the mountainous Shorsky National Park in Kemerovo region. There was also the guy who says the abominable snowman even gave him an autograph.
It cannot be that people in this region just made up stories. It is too coincidental because in the Himayalas there are also bigfoots or Yetis. So, even if this news is not real, I believe that bigfoots and Yetis exist.
You can search for Kemerovo region and you will find many reportings/ news online about bigfoots and Yeti. Very interesting to know Tsem Tulku Rinpoche is interested in bigfoots/ Yetis.
Although there aren’t any substantial proofs to prove Bigfoot’s existence, but I am sure that they exist. They are not easily spotted and I understand why. They need t stay away from humans because we all know that if we ever captured one, people will do all sorts of experiments and even inflict harm.
They have to be smart just like how people have to be smart when they are working, office politics exists in almost every single company, we have to be smart and quick to produce results. But in Bigfoot’s case, they have to try their best to stay unseen by the outside world, of course there will be times they kind of ‘slip’ and people see them. I think it’s best to leave them alone and not disturb their habitats.
I too don’t quite believe in Vladimir Putin’s encounter with Bigfoot, they say that pictures will be released on the 1st of April but up to today, none of the picture have been released. I’m starting to suspect if it’s an april fool thing…
Dear Beatrix,
I agreed on what you’ve said. Those special ones will be in danger if they are in the hands of selfish human beings. I heard the Yetis does burry their own kind when they passed away to hide any possible evidence from the hunters to track them. I think they must have certain level of intelligence but yet certain level of carelessness that make them “slip” so frequent, in result there are numbers of sighting reports on the Yetis. When it comes to Yeti, I always think of messenger, as I have heard that the Yetis were the messengers of the people in retreat. They are fast walkers, and big in size, can’t stop thinking they are in the postman uniforms with messenger bags. =D
May all sentient beings be free from all kind of sufferings and ultimately, find the state of enlightenment.
While there may not yet be any pictures released yet of the Yeti family that Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin saw. The Yeti/Bigfoot exists, the discovery of large footprints could in my opinion be a very solid evidence to proof the existence of Yeti.
I admire Vladimir Putin for his hard work and efforts in conserving endangered species such as tigers, polar bears, leopards and many more.
Hoping that pictures of the yeti sighting will be released soon!
I am a BigFoot Yeti believer and researcher in the United States. There are many more eye witnesses who have seen the yeti than known. Many never tell their stories for fear of ridicule causing them to lose their employment or not to ever be taken seriously, even though they are known to be honest people… Others still doubt them.
My question is necessary to due to so many hoaxes. Why are the pictures of what Putin saw being posted on April Fools Day and not the day of this article?
Dear LaVerne Zimmerman,
I agree with you that there are many more people who sight bigfoot/yeti and do not talk about it for various reasons. People often discount the Native Americans who have a very rich cultural identity and connection with bigfoot and it’s in their oral traditions and art. I believe the Native Americans very much.
I’ve spoken to a few Tibetans and they have sighted bigfoot and they don’t say much about it as it’s pretty common and ‘no big deal.’ I guess when it’s a common occurrence, why bother to mention it. I know of a Tibetan and as he was climbing the Himalayas to cross over to Nepal as a refugee, he sighted a yeti on the way. He said he was scared but the elders warn them to not move or make sudden sounds and the yeti will pass which it did.
I suspect Putin will release the pictures later after ‘official’ examination? I am not sure. It does create doubt though. I can only speculate. I am still looking for the pictures and keeping my eyes open for it. When I do find it, I will post it here.
Thank you.
Since Putin never deny it, let believe it for now.
I think it looks like fun story for 1st April pretty much. In this age of so many virtual delusions someone can lie not knowing that in reality he is saying the truth and I can understand that people who really saw yettis do not go and say it everywhere. And Putin is a mystery himself.