Why Are Tibetans Leaving India?

Fed up with the suppressive policies of the Tibetan leadership and their severely limited options for work and travel, Tibetans are now rushing to acquire foreign passports after living as refugees for the last 60 years. Favoured passports are those from Western nations like the United States and Switzerland.
Formally known as the Tibetan Government in-Exile, the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), or the Tibetan leadership who are based in Dharamsala, North India, have created problems by offering a pipe dream to the Tibetan community of India and Nepal. That pipe dream, although very lofty and commended by the free world, is totally idealistic. For the CTA to think that governments of the free world will invest their time, energy, men and women, and the lives of their citizens to go to China and fight the People’s Liberation Army; for the CTA to think that after liberating Tibet, these governments will hand it to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on a silver platter; for the CTA to think that His Holiness the Dalai Lama and his Tibetans can go back to Tibet and everything will be wonderful and excellent, and Tibetans can just resume where they left off in 1959, back to serfdom – all of this is really a pipe dream.
But guess what? Observers should not underestimate how idealistic the Tibetans can be, because that is exactly what the CTA have been selling. In 1985, His Holiness the Dalai Lama told the Tibetan people that he will be back in Tibet within five years. His personal oracle, through who the spirit Nechung speaks, predicted that Tibetans will be back in Tibet. Thanks to this prophecy, over and over again it was said by the leaders, writers and some of the civil servants of the Tibetan diaspora that Tibetans will definitely get our country back because we have the world’s moral conscience on our side, and the world wants to do the right thing. When I entered Gaden Shartse Monastery in South Indian in 1988, Kyabje Lati Rinpoche, based on what His Holiness the Dalai Lama had said, told all of us in the monastery not to enlarge our temples, not to expand our buildings, and not to build permanent structures because we would be returning to Tibet within five years. There were many ramshackle buildings within the monasteries that needed to be rebuilt, including deteriorated and leaking roofs, and generally quarters in all departments of the monastery were very cramped. Our prayer hall was way too small and we could barely fit in the hall for our daily prayer gatherings. Monks were squashed into small rooms and generally, the facilities of the monasteries were in urgent need of enlargement or rebuilding. However, all of us were very happy to endure those conditions because we were told we would return to Tibet within five years. Therefore, it was illogical to spend more of our personal and monastic money to enlarge the monastery as we were leaving anyway and the buildings would be abandoned.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan leadership often consult the spirit Nechung through his oracle. But Nechung is well-known for giving false prophecies. In 1985 Nechung took trance of the oracle and told His Holiness the Dalai Lama that the Tibetans would return to Tibet within five years! His Holiness the Dalai Lama then told all the attendees of the 1985 Bodhgaya Kalachakra this stunning news! Needless to say, everyone was in tears. So by 1990 we should have all been in Tibet already! We all believed in this. I believed in this as I was told this when I arrived in Gaden Shartse Monastery in 1988. The Monastery believed in this. Kyabje Lati Rinpoche believed in this. We waited but this never came true.
I belong to the Pukhang Khangtsen section of the monastery that housed over 200 monks and Kyabje Lati Rinpoche personally told me to raise funds to rebuild the Pukhang Khangtsen that existed in Tibet as we would return there to live. I and many monks kept our items to a minimum, always packed in steel boxes ready to be taken to Tibet. We were all on standby basically. This was the same for Drepung and Sera Monasteries, and many smaller monasteries within the diaspora.

Here I am sitting next to Kyabje Lati Rinpoche in Gaden Shartse Monastery, 1992.
Let me reiterate, Nechung in trance told His Holiness the Dalai Lama “we will return to Tibet in five years.” Nechung is the state protective deity of Tibet and based on this instruction from the Dalai Lama, Kyabje Lati Rinpoche gave instructions to Gaden Shartse Monastery not to enlarge or build new facilities, and to pack our belongings for the travel to Tibet. Although Lati Rinpoche was not the abbot at the time, he was highly revered so his instructions were followed. However, after five years nothing happened. Naturally, the Tibetan leadership kept quiet and never explained further. Hundreds of monks whispered among themselves quietly that the Tibetan leadership and Nechung are always like that, that they give us sweeping prophecies that never come true and keep us waiting. Confidence in the leadership and Nechung was silently eroded. Remember in Tibetan society, it is looked down upon to speak up about your feelings regarding the leadership. Tibetan society is democratic in name only, and you will be punished for speaking up.
Regardless of whatever has been said, one thing that everyone grossly underestimated was the rise of the economic superpower that is China, who today is making friends all around the world, in every single continent, faster than any other nation on earth has ever done. Everyone thought that China would remain poor, backwards, militarily vulnerable, politically isolated and alienated; in their underestimation, people thought that by appealing to the moral conscience of the free world, they could pressure this poor, backwards Third World country into giving Tibet back to its people. That is what everybody thought.
Many of the rangzen people (the independence-seeking supporters within the Tibetan diaspora) and His Holiness the Dalai Lama were not wrong in raising millions towards their cause. They were not wrong in their fighting, and in investing their time and energy, or in protesting, writing letters and appeals, going to the United Nations and talking to governments. They were not wrong in doing all this but they were definitely misled by the Tibetan leadership to think that it was possible to gain the result they wanted. I guess everybody can dream and wish as they like, and maybe their dreams and wishes are the way things should have been. But I would like to reiterate that nobody – nobody – in the free world ever predicted or foresaw the rise of the Dragon which will never be contained, never go down and never go backwards. China is well on their way to becoming the world’s most powerful nation and No. 1 superpower, superseding Japan, the United States and Europe. This is a given.

Chinese President Xi Jinping
Regardless of whatever people want to say, there are a few things about the Chinese nation that everyone should know and that is, they want face. They want economic success. And above all, they value their territorial integrity and sovereignty because over the years, many European and Japanese powers have condemned them and degraded them. Many European and Japanese powers also tried to weaken and colonise them on many occasions, and this is something China simply will not allow any more. Through multiple experiences, China has learnt the bitter lessons of attempted and partial colonisations of their various territories such as Macau and Hong Kong. So China will not ever let that happen again; their resolve in this is something the West should be thanked for, due to their repeated attempts at the partial colonisation of a great culture.
So on the one hand, we have the issue of the world underestimating China’s rise to superpower status, and on the other hand we have the issue of land rights. The fact is that no superpower in this day and age would ever give an inch of land to another nation and the logic behind that is simple – there is no more land on this planet to be had. This is not the 15th or 16th Century when explorers would go and claim new lands, new vistas, new continents and new cultures simply by putting their flag down and saying, “Hey, this belongs to us!” There is no more land to navigate or ‘conquer’ on this planet. Whatever any country has got, that is what they have got and what they are going to keep and if they can get more, why not? But no one is going to give up or willingly accede their land; from the smallest nations on the earth to the largest, no country will ever allow their land to be given away.
So for anyone to think that China will give away a substantial portion of their land, called Tibet, is preposterous, ridiculous, lofty and a fantasy from another dimension. That will never ever happen. Whether we believe Tibet is or was sovereign and illegally taken over, or we believe it was not sovereign and it joined the motherland, is inconsequential in 2018. Why is it inconsequential? Because we have to look ahead and not talk about what is behind. So many countries have been taken over by other nations and you do not hear them screaming, “Give us our country back!” You do not hear the Australian Aborigines fighting to get their country back; although there might be whispered protests here and there, in general it is too far gone. America too, is a lost case after it was taken away from the Native Americans. Likewise, South America was conquered and taken over by the Spaniards. So what can be done about that? Can all the beautiful South American people there, who are the original natives, say, “Hey, give us our country back. Spain, go home!”? It is too late and similarly, the fate for Tibet is the same.

Simply by looking at how much of China is comprised of Tibet, it is illogical to think that China will ever accede this land to anyone, much less to a group of people (the Tibetans) who have spent the last six decades antagonising and insulting them.
So let us stop arguing whether pre-1959 Tibet was sovereign and independent, or it was not. Let us talk about the future of Tibet, which is this – just like any other humans or race of people on this planet, they have the right to preserve their culture, unique way of life, religion, thought, language and whatever they find to be Tibetan. In order to accomplish this, this is the key – they need to work with China. I repeat, they need to work with China and for that to happen, the Tibetan diaspora government needs to reach out. They need to extend an olive branch and stop condemning the Chinese leadership. The protests and negative rhetoric against China must stop. Japan and Western powers will not come to the aid of Tibet to ‘free’ Tibet. No one owes Tibetans anything. The United Nations and the free world agree that Tibet is an inalienable part of China. Whether their condemnations of Tibet and China are true or false, is besides the point. The point is, it has got to stop. If you want someone to help you, you do not beat the dog and hope it does not bite you. I repeat, you do not beat the dog and hope that the dog does not bite you.
All the sanctimonious, lofty, idealistic, ethical and religious arguments of why or whether China has illegally occupied Tibet should be cleared away. What we really need to talk about is how to settle the Tibetans in India and their future, especially after the passing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Are they going to be Indian citizens and carry the Indian flag? Or are they going to remain in India for another 60 years, and carry the Tibetan flag and refuse to accept their Indian identity? Truth be told, the Tibetans born and bred in India are more Indian than they are Tibetan, and it is ridiculous for a race of people to live as refugees in another country for 60 years and still be carrying their nation’s flag. As it is, two generations of Tibetans have occupied their “guest land” and many of the younger generation have never been to Tibet, let alone lived there, yet they still carry the Tibetan flag and are not carrying the flag of their adopted nation. Does that make sense?
There might be a group of Tibetans who wish to return to Tibet to reunite with their families; there might be a group of Tibetans who wish to go to the West and do whatever they want to do. Whatever the case is, the Tibetan diaspora government must now unite all of their people. They must stop all of the religious fighting, schism, the persecutions against Dorje Shugden people, the regionalism, the factionalism, and the idealistic ideologies that separate them. The Tibetan leadership has got to stop all of that, and they must unite the people and say, “What do we need to do?” because what is happening to the Tibetans in India is the result of 60 years of bad planning, infighting, lack of vision, and a lack of understanding global geopolitical dynamics. None of the oracles that the Tibetan leadership consults have told the Tibetan leadership that China is going to be No. 1. None of the Tibetan lamas, who the Tibetan leadership also regularly consults, have had the clairvoyance to say that China is going to be No. 1 and that it is better to make friends with them. The current situation is the result of all that, and the end result is that people suffer. The upper echelon of the CTA’s elite already have their foreign passports, have their foreign homes, have their foreign sponsors, and have everything ready for them to just pop over to whatever country they want to go to after the demise of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. And so as usual, it is never the leaders who suffer; it is their population and it is their citizens who will ultimately have to suffer if things fail to change soon.
For the last 60 years, Tibetans in India and Nepal have replied upon the pipe dreams sold to them by their Tibetan leadership in-exile. This pipe dream was based on the reality of that time but not based on the reality of today’s current situation, which is that China has risen to become a super powerful economic force. Instead of China kowtowing to the world, as happened in the past, the world now has to kowtow to China instead. So, the geopolitical situation has greatly shifted. What is important is that from an outward appearance, India and Nepal do not seem to have changed their policies towards the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans, but in actual fact their internal policies have changed greatly. Both countries are now trying to make friends with China, to develop their economies, to have friendly border relations, and to solve issues that have plagued the nations for decades. Unfortunately, the Tibetans will be ‘in the way’ for these negotiations to go through well, so something will need to be done with them. After all, a nation such as India has to think of its 1.2 billion population and the betterment of their people over the Tibetan minority.
As the Tibetan government in-exile have failed to be the leadership it was meant to be, their own people have secretly given up hope of going back to a free Tibet or even an autonomous Tibet. After all, how many more years do they need to wait for something to happen? Many of the older Tibetans have passed on without ever being able to see their beloved Tibet again. Yet, the Tibetan leadership are still asking their people to wait and telling them that things will get better. However, now Tibetans are lining up in the embassies in Delhi to get visas to immigrate to Japan, Korea, Australia, North America and Europe, in large numbers and as fast as possible. They are in fact quickly naturalising to become citizens of those countries, unlike their situation in India where they remain refugees.
But due to the limited number of Tibetans in those foreign countries, these migrating Tibetans’ children and grandchildren will lose their identity and the Tibetan culture will be severely diluted. Today, many Tibetan children born in those countries can barely speak Tibetan, if at all. But Tibetans still consider this a better option than remaining where they are in India and Nepal, because in remaining where they are, they are losing hope. More and more Tibetans are now worried about what will happen to the Tibetans in India after the demise of the Dalai Lama. It is something taboo to talk about but it is definitely on people’s minds. We can see clearly now that no more Tibetans are immigrating to India from Tibet, but more Tibetans in India are immigrating out. This is the result of losing faith and confidence in the Tibetan leadership.
Sarva mangalam,
Tsem Rinpoche
The Search for Home: Why Tibetans Are Leaving India

Click on image to enlarge. (Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/the-search-for-home-why-tibetans-are-leaving-india/story-fs6G56W52aPEjkFPbS5yYK.html)
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There are so many Tibetan Buddhist centers around the world. I thought monks are supposed to go around the world to spread their teacher’s lineage? Why want to go back to Tibet?
For the past 60 years, Central Tibetan Administration has been painting a dream to the Tibetans in-exile, giving them hope that they will one day return to Tibet and Tibet will be an independent country. Thinking they might be going back to Tibet soon, many monasteries did not want to expand their building or even repair the existing ones. The Dalai Lama’s personal oracle, Nechung, had predicted that the Tibetans in-exile would go back to Tibet in a few years time, unfortunately, that didn’t happen at all.
When Tsem Rinpoche was in the monastery, his teachers told them to keep their belongings to the minimum because they would be going back to Tibet soon. But, it did not happen and CTA just kept quiet about it. People lost their faith in Nechung and CTA, still, no one dares to speak up because they are worried the CTA might make their lives difficult like how they do to the Dorje Shugden followers.
60 years have passed, there is still no result or progress from the CTA in bringing the Tibetans back to Tibet; there is no sign of the CTA wanting to have a dialogue with the Chinese government. The CTA continues to condemn China. On the other hand, more Indians are getting angry with the Tibetans because they have been taking advantage of India for their own benefit. Again, the CTA is not doing anything to improve the relationship with the local Indians. If the unhappiness of Indians towards the Tibetans continues, what will happen to the Tibetans? Perhaps leaving India is the best choice a Tibetan can make.
Listening to the chanting of sacred words, melodies, mantras, sutras and prayers has a very powerful healing effect on our outer and inner environments. It clears the chakras, spiritual toxins, the paths where our ‘chi’ travels within our bodies for health as well as for clearing the mind. It is soothing and relaxing but at the same time invigorates us with positive energy. The sacred sounds invite positive beings to inhabit our environment, expels negative beings and brings the sound of growth to the land, animals, water and plants. Sacred chants bless all living beings on our land as well as inanimate objects. Do download and play while in traffic to relax, when you are about to sleep, during meditation, during stress or just anytime. Great to play for animals and children. Share with friends the blessing of a full Dorje Shugden puja performed at Kechara Forest Retreat by our puja department for the benefit of others. Tsem Rinpoche
Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbzgskLKxT8&t=5821s
The number of Tibetans fleeing to India from Tibet, has trickled to almost zero. A very clear sign that Tibet is doing very well under the China, the amount of development done in Tibet, is staggering and so much infrastructure happening in Tibet.
As the Dalai Lama’s influence starts to wane, and CTA’s rhetoric loses its potency, Tibetans in exile has less and less choices. They can try to migrate to the West or return back Tibet. Staying in India, was never their first choice, so going forward it would not be also.
Clearly after 60 years fleeing from Tibet to India, there has not been any concrete “security” built for Tibetans in India. Tibetan’s lives range from struggle to doing ok … but most can’t really call India a “home”. I am sure there are exceptions but in general when your leaders make promises for 60 years to bring you “home” and it doesn’t materialise, one will naturally feel insecure and lost. Then the big question of “what’s next ?” creeps into your head.
Should the Tibetans :-
1) wait longer and hope that the CTA will fulfil their dreams of returning home to Tibet or
2) search for better pastures elsewhere or
3) stay put in India and get an Indian citizenship
These are tough decisions to make but realities in life that Tibetans have to face.
I can’t help but comment that it’s so strange that some people(asummingly Tibetans) get angry with Tsem Rinpoche for being straightforward on this subject; and some even come to this page to slander him and accuse him all sorts of unsubstantiated labels. Rinpoche’s wisdom and compassion to talk openly about these hard core subjects will give knowledge and help people to avoid being ignorant and suffer from it. Making informed decisions is better then being in denial.
Thank you Rinpoche for your tenacity and compassion in absorbing so much negativity to empower others with knowledge and blessings. With folded hands.
Already over 60 years and until today most of the Tibetan people still under the dilemma whether want to leave or go. This implied that the convictions of Tibetan people has been deserted and all of their welfare is never improved due to the incapability of the Tibetan leadership. Furthermore, the oracle, Nechung, predicted that Tibetans will be back in Tibet within 5 years, but this prophecy is never realized. Dear Tibetan leadership, how much longer will the people to wait? The people are suffered enough in their daily life.
Thank you Rinpoche for this meaningful and insightful review on this issue.
Asyley Chia
Well… i will say, Tibetan is facing the very hard moment when they still think they can take back Tibet as the China has become the STRONGEST country in the world. Everyone is looking to have a better condition or benefit from China. They started to force/press down the Tibetan activities as to show their country support to China.
Tibetan is better look deeper into their current situation. Because what they have been 60 years as exile in India as still waiting to move back to China. But, the CTA actually did not bring a way to ready them to go back their country. It’s time to face the true that China won’t accept of what Tibetan expected. For the benefit of the Tibetan. They should start to accept to accept the citizenship offer by India. Or they can just apple to move back to China to start a new life. So, their new generation can settle down and up hold again the Tibetan culture.
So, I think the Tibetan should “STOP” to check/see the past and present, and then “MOVE” forward to what is benefitted to them.
Common… PLEASE WAKE UP, they are still many way to solve the issue.
After 60 years living as refugee in India, there is no development for the Tibetan living in exile. CTA has not done much for his people but instead instill hope that they are going back to Tibet. But the fact is that even the new generation of Tibetan in India have already adapted to the life in India and can’t speak Tibetan. Where would there see a need to go back to Tibet? And if the living condition in India is so bad and status remained as refugee for sure they would have find ways to have a better future elsewhere and that is logical.
I hope very soon CTA would quickly change their mind to think and act for the best for his people. Stop creating more issues to disunite the people for example Dorje Shugden ban.
Poor Tibetans in India are facing a huge cross junction after 60 years under the government in -Excile of CTA, one side is their mother land and another is their refuge central, I can not imagine how I am going to let go any of it if I am one of the Tibetans? Looking forward to the world changes in this century, I really hope that CTA will get rid of all the bad management of their people for example the ban of DS etc and help to bring HH Dalai Lama back to Potala Palace before everything is too late.
Thank you Ripoche for the sharing and I really enjoy this article to have different insights about the real scenario of Tibetans.
Correction: Thank you Rinpoche, Su Ming for the sharing. ??
Tibet in Exile government in India for so many years but can’t bring any hopes to Tibetan diasporas in India. Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) keep accusations on China regarding Dorje Shugden issue.
Tibetan exiled in India must aware that CTA has their own agenda which is totally can’t bring any benefit to Tibetan exiled in India.
China always advocate religious freedom and no banned on Dorje Shugden practices and no discrimination on Dorje Shugden practitioners as well. All Tibetan can love harmony.
For a secure in future, Tibetan in exiled must leave CTA and work together with China in order to bring back peace and harmony to Tibet.
Thanks Rinpoche for sharing.
Dear Rinpoche,
This is a good article on the article, it give inside out on the issues that Tibetan currently face and also why did the Tibetan in Exile have begin to look for way to leave India.
The Major problem that the Tibetan face in India is they are at the risk of being chase out from the country, meantime, China do not allowed these refugees to return back to Tibet China! Where else can these Tibetans refugees go?
It has been 60 years that these Tibetan refugees in standby position to return to Tibet. But, as what have been said in this article is real, it remained a pipe dream. When China was weak, Tibet was hold strong by China, now that China is a strong country, definitely China will not allowed even an ounce of her land to be taken away, don’t talk about give away to Tibetan which the China have been in the past claiming that the land its theirs.
I agreed with Rinpoche, let’s not talk about the past. The past has gone and nothing can be done. It is kind of sad to read that the Tibetan Refugees in India only depends on handicraft and agricultural to made a living. 60 years, what have the CTA turn their refugees into? The Tibetan refugees are stateless, low education, living in fear, families separated, monasteries monks being cast out. By imposing Dorje Shugden’s ban, interfere in Karmapa sect, it is not only destroyed the harmony and unity of the community of Tibetan Refugees, it is also destroyed the Buddhism that the Tibetan proud of. The Tibetan Refugees in India have lost their dignity and pride due to the policy of their corrupted government. How could this corrupted government be allowed taking back Tibet in China looking at their incapability to rule the refugees in India, instead of unite their people, the CTA divide and rule and making their people living in miserable state.
I strongly agreed with Rinpoche that for the Tibetan Refugees to return to China. The CTA have to compile with China’s terms before too late or prepared to be India’s citizen.
Thank you Rinpoche for this article
With folding hand, love
From some of the comments sent by Tibetans who have emigrated to the USA, Europe and other countries, I gather that life is hard in these countries but it is even harder in India. That’s why they are leaving. Are they getting any help from the Tibetan leadership in exile? I don’t think so. After reading this article, I understand better the global geopolitical dynamics explained by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche. I think this article will help many Tibetan refugees to understand their situation and come to terms with reality. When the mind is clear, it is easier to make the right choice regarding what to do – stay in India, move to another country or go back to Tibet. As His Eminence says, there is no point quarreling and persecuting Dorje Shugden followers. Now is the time to unite and help those who wish to return to Tibet. At least, in Tibet, there are opportunities for the children to learn their native language and culture and to practise Buddhism. I feel that Tibetans in China, especially the monastics, have an important role to spread Tibetan buddhism in China to the larger population. I feel that there is a need for spirituality to grow in China where it is lacking. This is where Tibetans can contribute because in spite of 60 years of Chinese communist rule, Tibetan Buddhism remains strong and is growing in China. The Chinese leadership is changing and is more accepting and tolerant of religious practice and many Chinese people are attracted to Tibetan Buddhism. This is what Tibetans can offer to China and the world – a spirituality that is based on the truth. Tibetan refugees may have lost faith in the Tibetan leadership but they must not lose the greatest treasure of all – Tibetan Buddhism. Wherever they are, may they help their Lamas spread Lord Buddha’s doctrine. May they find peace of mind. After all, home is where the Dharma is. This is what I learned from my Lama.
Your article is laughable. I am pretty sure that Chinese Government has paid you enough for writing such against Tibetan Government in Exile and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Only a handful Chinese followers of you will believe and trust in what you said but there will be no Tibetan who will trust and believe in shitty guy like you. Be the Chinese Government dog as always. Live your perverted livelihood.
Please take off your robes and be a truth to the world who you really are. If you are real monk, follow the Vinaya properly. Taking a false reincarnation seat, you have been leading all your followers in the wrong direction. “If you can fool some people sometimes, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. “
Recite the following verses as many as possible to cleanse your sinful actions.
“Eight Verses of Training the Mind
by Geshe Langri Thangpa
By thinking of all sentient beings
As more precious than a wish-fulfilling jewel
For accomplishing the highest aim,
I will always hold them dear.
Whenever I’m in the company of others,
I will regard myself as the lowest among all,
And from the depths of my heart
Cherish others as supreme.
In my every action, I will watch my mind,
And the moment destructive emotions arise,
I will confront them strongly and avert them,
Since they will hurt both me and others.
Whenever I see ill-natured beings,
Or those overwhelmed by heavy misdeeds or suffering,
I will cherish them as something rare,
As though I’d found a priceless treasure.
Whenever someone out of envy
Does me wrong by attacking or belittling me,
I will take defeat upon myself,
And give the victory to others.
Even when someone I have helped,
Or in whom I have placed great hopes
Mistreats me very unjustly,
I will view that person as a true spiritual teacher.
In brief, directly or indirectly,
I will offer help and happiness to all my mothers,
And secretly take upon myself
All their hurt and suffering.
I will learn to keep all these practices
Untainted by thoughts of the eight worldly concerns.
May I recognize all things as like illusions,
And, without attachment, gain freedom from bondage.”
Hi Pema, can you share more on your points why you are so sure you are right only and not the others way round? I found no solid reasons given by you with your accusation toward Tsem Rinpoche, you sound like a commander more than a dharma practitioner.
其实藏人是非常的幸福的。当尊贵的达赖喇嘛带着他们逃难的时候有印度这个大国的收留、给了藏人那么一片那么大的土地居住与生活,而且给了这群难民那么多的福利与帮助。 真的要非常的感谢, 因为这也帮助了保留藏传的许多高僧喇嘛与传承。
CTA 实在的太过腐败,已经足足的 60年了, 没有好好的把印度送给他们的这一份礼物好好的发展,让藏人自强起来。甚至把来自世界各地的善款自用, 买房、买车、买国籍只为自己, 非常自私的行为!
CTA 他们身为藏人与藏教的代表一位私欲把一切毁了。当中国与印度闹得水深火热的时候还做出一些不当的行为真的让人感到百般的不解。如果 CTA 珍惜印度,他们更加应该做出成绩来,让印度感到骄傲,可是他们没有,只会不停的用人民的不幸取得善款! 太让人羞耻了!
这 60年来, CTA 没有让在印度的难民感到归属感, 那么藏人又怎么会把这里当成是一个家呢? CTA 等到那么多年后才感谢这位大恩人, 会不会用一点迟呢?
印度与中国已经建立了良好关系,想世界出发了! 难道印度这个大国还会让这群没有贡献的朋友再付出吗? CTA 与亲爱的藏人,你们的爱。。。会不会来的太迟呢?
在印度出生的新一代藏人, 他们在印度土生土长,难道他们还会被 CTA利用吗?科技与网络的发达, CTA 更本无法再隐藏他们所做的一切! 全世界的朋友都看到了, 藏人快醒来吧! 难道要等到被驱逐,无家可归吗? CTA 会像尊贵的达赖喇嘛那样,为大家找另外一个家吗?
CTA 如果你爱人民,就要做一些成绩! 不要再利用人们与宗教,为自己谋利了!
不要讨厌中国, 中国也为西藏打开了门, 为人民建校,建庙,建路,建医院等等的。CTA 你除了制造仇恨, 你为人民贡献了什么? 中国以德服人,以行动告诉西藏的人们我们是一家人!
CTA has been painting a great picture to Tibetans in exile for the past 60 years, telling them one day they will be able to get their country back. Because of this promise, many of them dare not make any permanent plan. They remain as refugee, continue to live like a guest in India for the 60 years. Some Tibetans who finally realise getting back to their country is not possible at all, they choose to go to Europe or America. While CTA said their culture is very important to them and that China is trying to suppress them from following their culture and custom, those emigrated to Europe or America are also losing their culture. Many of them are westernised, some don’t even speak or write their own language anymore.
This is a very good article where the main issues lie within the Tibetan community outside of Tibet are pointed out clearly. CTA is the main culprit of what is happening to Tibetans. Instead of fighting for the impossible cause, they should really look at the welfare of the Tibetan people, relieve them from refugee status, find way to let those elderly Tibetans to go back to Tibet to see their families. After 60 years, how many Tibetans truly want to have independence? It is time to listen to what the people want.
Like what Nick Keomahavong said. “He felt that he can have everything, such as big goals and big dreams, but at the end of the day, does he have a sense of Self and Identity. So he wanted to self-reflect again to do his own work to help people to heal, to become better persons. That was why in 2017, Nick Keomahavong left his family and home in California to come to Thailand to sign up for the International Dhammakaya Ordination Program (IDOP) to learn proper Meditational Techniques to clear his mind and to further his Spiritual side for higher purposes by becoming a Buddhist Monk. As our Rinpoche has many years ago, taught us once in his teachings that, ” Our spirituality should never be taken for granted, abandoned or taken lightly. Spirituality should be a permanent and steady fixture to help us on the Journey of true lasting happiness. Taking ordination is one of the best thing we can do for our current and future situation in our lives, if we have the right Motivation!” That is why, not only we, but also thousands of people have so much faith, respect and gratitude in Rinpoche . He has worked so hard to give the people and us the Dharma, and to change our lives with his expertise teachings to try saving us from samsara. We feel so blessed to have him as our Guru! Om mani Guru hum.
I hope this article will create awareness for the Tibetan Leadership to change their game, and do what is right for their people. When the CTA government keep breaking their promises to their people, eventually Tibetans lose hopes. It’s not too late for the Tibetan Leadership to do right by their countrymen. Whether the current Tibet is being ruled and controlled by Chinese authority or local Tibetans, it does not really matter if all the Tibetans can live peacefully and safely with sufficient secular job opportunities to sustain the basic living standard or even more because Tibet is meant for Tibetans after all.
May CTA and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama bring back all the exiled Tibetans to reunite all their families and friends in Tibet with peace and harmony . Thank you Rinpoche for showing what is fair and right to be done now. ?
Thank you Rinpoche for writing and sharing this article to provide every Tibetan and other observers a fair view about the current Tibetans’ living condition and situation in India, under the leadership of Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). For those who are not staying in India like many of us, we will not know the suffering, pain and anxiety experiencing by exiled Tibetans, who are living in India as refugees and not being granted with equal protection, privilege and benefits like other citizens living in their own countries.
Many Tibetan should aware that His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has celebrated His 82th birthday last year and continue to age graciously for spreading the Dharma and love to all the people in the world. However, human life span will definitely come to an end and it would be the same for His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama since He is living in a human form. For those young Tibetans who are living India and being exposed to the outside world through social media or other forms of communication, as well as getting to know about the fast-growing China’s economy, I believe that many young Tibetans can observe that it is impossible for China to return back the Tibetan land to CTA as what is being fought by CTA for 60 years. If the CTA really cares for all Tibetans who are living in exile, now is time for CTA to work out their strategies effectively and progressively to reconcile, make peace and be friends with China for mutual benefits with the first priority of returning all the exiled Tibetans back to Tibet as where Tibetans should live together with their families and preserve their cultures, traditions, and most importantly Tibetan Buddhism practice in their own Tibetan land. Whether the current Tibet is being ruled and controlled by Chinese authority or local Tibetans, it does not really matter if all the Tibetans can live peacefully and safely with sufficient secular job opportunities to sustain the basic living standard or even more because Tibet is meant for Tibetans after all.
May CTA and His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama bring back all the exiled Tibetans to reunite all their families and friends in Tibet with harmony and peace.
Humbly with folded hands,
kin hoe
It is the result of 60 years of the Tibetan leadership exploiting their people in all sectors of society, that people now looking for greener pesture else where. The Tibetans of today are attracted more by wealth and the promise of a better future than by the spiritual values which were once the essence of Tibetan culture. Many of them are better off since leaving India. With the ban of Dorje Shugden which is illogical, has cause more sufferings, unfairness , discrimination and so forth within their communities was one reasons for them to migrate else where . Times are changing, as CTA not providing much opportunities for them . Not much was done all the years living as refugees ,they are frustrated waiting. Back in 1985 they were told by HH Dalai Lama they will be returning to Tibet within five years. The Tibetan so called refugees have given up on hope for progress in the so-called Tibetan cause. Enough is enough they are travelling out of India to look for better environment for their future generation to come. Life in a new country offers them both more opportunities and challenges.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing .
When the CTA government keep breaking their promises to their people, eventually Tibetans lose hopes.
Honestly, what is the future for Tibetans in India? So much suffering when the government did very bad planning and officials only interested in their personal welfare.
I am Chokyi I worked in Exile government 15 years. When Lobsang Sangay came to Dharamsala leadership I researched 2 years through what I have seen and what I listened from him personally. Lobsang have no personal skill and capability to solve the issues of Tibetans in India. He have only a paper degree from Harvard that’s called R….R….R, which means big talk in Tibetan. I feel so much pity on those uneducated Tibetans who set themselves on fire and burned their bodies. Each self-immolation brought a huge benefit to CTA financially. After every self-immolation Lobsang Sangay and his Kashag members have tour programs under the name of Tibetan political issues to introduce to western countries. Mostly, they travel first/business class. But, once they reached destination Lobsang Sangay asked donations to CTA. This is Sangay’s no 1 capability to ask donors in the name of self- immolation. So, I have known much better what Sangay real doing. That’s why I resigned from my post and living independently in US now. Here I humble request to all ordinary Tibetan people in exile. Plz go to apply for western or Indian citizenship as soon as possible. This is only way how you and your children survive a better life. Don’t listen CTA leaders big talks. Becoz, when you don’t have money to pay your children’s school fees. CTA can’t help you. When your father got serious sickness CTA can’t help you. When your mother died CTA can’t help you. But, CTA will use you for donations in name of seeking help for Tibetans. That donations they will corrupt at the end. Therefore, do something for yourself. Don’t let others use you. This is real experience that I got from CTA in 15 years working from down to earth. Don’t waste your life in CTA’s misuses.
Dear Chokyi,
Thank you you tell the truth story we all outside people dont know.
I understand that tell people the government is hopeless dont help everyone, only to use them for donation from the world.
It is painful to tell. Buddha will bless the people. Om Mani Pad Mi Hum
What will happen to Tibetans after His Holiness passes away is worrying. The upper echelons of the Central Tibetan Administration seemed have safe guarded what is only best for themselves but not for their people, and what Rinpoche highlighted here will be the sad truth if things remain as is, that “it is never the leaders who suffer; it is their population and it is their citizens who will ultimately have to suffer it all if things fail to change soon”.
I hope this article will spark the Tibetan Leadership to change their game, and do what is right for their people. His Holiness has often expressed his dreams of the Middle Way, but how has the Tibetan Leadership played a part in this and what have they done to ensure this happens?
Reading the news article on why Tibetans are migrating out of India shows the real truth – that their time in India feels temporary, they are unsure what will happen to them, and cannot built a permanent stable environment that they know they can call home for the many years to come, so on their own accord, they are finding home somewhere else because their leadership which they are losing hope in, have failed them. Families have been separated for decades, and still, the leadership seems to have their focus on other less important things (like ostracising Dorje Shugen practitioners!!) than reuniting their own people and giving them stability.
It’s time to heed what Rinpoche mentioned here and do something before its too late.
First of all I m Tibetan and Being an Tibetan i feel very much proud n happy to live under our CTA n HIs Holiness The Dalai Lama… Please stop cretisizing such thing in our Society, as per the latest news, the Chinese govt is funding some huge amount to distroy our Tibetan community, Beeare,,,Bhogyalo,,,
One reason Tibetans will never advance is because of complacent Tibetans like you. The Chinese government doesn’t have to spend one dime, the Central Tibetan Adminsitration is plagued with scandals and bad news, the recent one being the Thank you India event being moved to Dharamsala from Delhi. Before that, the protest against Sikyong Lobsang Sangay in Dharamsala because of the Penpa Tsering issue.
If Tibetans are so happy in India, nobody will pay Rs 20 lakh to leave and go the USA. Read the news above from Hindustan Times, Indians are telling it as it is.
— “our Tibetan community”
What “our”??? Where is that “our”? In India or in China or in oversea countries? Fyi, the Tibetan Chinese are living a happy and fine live. And their culture and history are well preserved. Much well preserved than the niggas aka slaves in Murica, the aborginals in AUS and NZ.
It’s not too late for the Tibetan Leadership to do right by their countrymen. Stop harking back to 1959. Times have changed. China’s the superpower that all wish to befriend. So must the Tibetan Leadership do -befriend China- as the only way forward. Accept that Tibet is part of China, as the Dalai Lama himself has announced his acceptance. Work with China to preserve the Tibetan culture, unique way of life, religion, thought, language and whatever they find to be Tibetan, as this is the right of every Tibetan.
Forget about getting any country or power to support the Free Tibet Cause. No country will do that, as they have officially recognised Tibet to be part of China. Above all educate all Tibetans in exile to recognise this. Whether Tibetans in Exile in India wish to go back to Tibet, or stay in India, is their choice. Most would have absorbed the Indian way of life by now and it will be natural to become Indian citizens to help establish their identity.So the Tibetan Leadership owes it to the Tibetans in Exile to do this for them -help them return to Tibet by paving a peaceful way with the Chinese Government – or help them secure Indian citizenship so that they can stay in India.
Thank you Rinpoche for showing what is fair and right to be done now.
Hallo Rempoche,, plz stop misguiding us, we r very Happy in India under our CTA, we don’t need your advice,,
Good. You stay there and keep quiet. Now India befriend China. Tibetans will lose out even more.
The fading of a unrealistic dream sold to many people, will be something that CTA will have to face and make a roundabout turn to do something right. Generally letting go is not an easy task, but think of it letting go of “something” that does not work (as results show) should be a easy thing to do. To let go of the wrong views and do what is right must be driven by virtuous and right motivation.
Therefore the question is whether CTA is willing to comprehend the sound advice by H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche and move towards benefitting Tibetans in exile. In my opinion, hearing of all the indulgence that the CTA leadership had showered on themselves, this turnaround would not be something to give into at their own loss.
Leaders are leaders when they can face their wrong and make changes. It is my sincere wish that this very non-political but pragmatic approach to solving the Tibetan issue be taken to heart and that CTA will do something right.
Reading this article also empowered me to think that this amicable approach to difficulties in life can be resolved to make life better all around.
As said, “What is happening to the Tibetans in India is the results of 60 years of bad planning, infighting, lack of vision, and lack of understanding global Geopolitical Dynamics, effecting its State or Government. Apart from all these, it is also believed that there is none in the Tibetan community, most of whom are the Tibetan Leadership who have oracles by their side, but did not consult to search for clues if China will be the No:1 in the World! Many said, that a good relationship establish between the two countries of China and Tibet will bring many fold of good benefits, from political, economics to cultures to each country. A close and friendly relationship with China, will mean having the Chinese communist Government recognizing the importance and value of having spiritual Buddhism Pillars to anchor its people in positivity of peaceful living and virtue in the long run. It will not only bring more stability, but importantly contribute to future World peace for China with the outside World – as China has already established a long history of Buddhism practices. In seeking for peace, it has shown the World what China can achieve if they have the correct motivation and preservation through adversity! So like China did, to elevate ourselves through our Dharmic rough and tumble, we must uproot ourselves of defilements, be rid of mental poisons, and to cleanse, guard and protect our impure mind! As a Buddhist teaching has once said, “The practice of the Path arouses the latent powers in us that we did not suspect; awakening these powers enable us to transcend the limits of reasoning and sense perception.” Om Mani Padme Hum.
Rinpoche la I m tell truth why I leave to India is becase job not coming so easy. Now I m in Europe n not easy time here is like animal work n eat n work but I m trying bring my amala here Rinpoche la pls bless to me to success this . I m not regret to live India as India time is more not easy . Here donjo not make so many problem to us.
流亡藏人感谢印度 新德里强调”一个中国”
(德国之声中文网) 这场名为”感谢印度”的集会活动,原定于印度首都新德里举行。但由于印度官方有些担心惹恼中国,最终还是在流亡藏人聚居的达兰萨拉举办。印度官方也只是派遣了文化部长出席这一活动。西藏流亡政府方面强调,改变活动举办地,是为了”尊重印度外交政策需要”。
执政党印度人民党总书记马戴夫(Ram Madhav)在周六的活动上表示,从当年的尼赫鲁总理,到当今的莫迪总理,印度一直贯彻”一个中国”政策,印度与西藏之间的联系”只有很少的政治成分,更多的则是精神、宗教以及文化上的联结。”他同时也希望达赖喇嘛能够通过和平、民主的手段实现荣归西藏故里的愿望。
这也是印度政府高官或者执政党要员近年来较为少见的对”一个中国政策”的承认。虽然中印两国近70年前建交时,新德里方面就对 “一个中国政策”表示认可,还在2003年首次正式承认”西藏是中国的领土一部分”。但是2010年之后,两国领导人会晤后的联合声明中就难觅”一个中国”的影踪。
This is such a powerful & all encompassing article . All Tibetans leader who wants to benefit Tibetans all over the world should actually read this and heed the advice given here.
Tibetan leaders should not look at what has happened and actually evolve / progress / look forward to how they CAN improve the welfare of the Tibetans.
Unfortunately, so far all the “formulas” which CTA had followed or done has failed to their face. How do I know this? Cause, Tibetans are still refugees in India after 60 years! And worst, CTA has disintegrate their people further by segregating them ie : Dorje Shugden ban , 2 Karmapa and etc.
I do hope Tibetans leaders are reading this article… is free good solid advice given out to them by my teacher for a better future for all Tibetans across the world. If such a great nation like India can bow and work together with China. Tibetans leaders should also.
Thanks for post the truth Rimpoche la . My name is Norbu n I m apply for to get visa going to the France . I m wait many time but not getting , Now I m stay in Kollegal Dhondenling if you are come to here , pls help to us many problem thank you
Tashi delek Rinpoche la and kadrinche for posting this article. Your analysis of the present situation facing us Tibetans is very accurate indeed. It is a side of our present circumstances that the leadership does not want you to see. I moved to the United States 15 years ago, by way of Minnesota before settling in New York and back then, it was much easier to get my visa. These days, not only has it become more expensive but the rejection rate has also increased. Unfortunately I do not see the situation improving any time soon because our Sikyong la continues to treat us Tibetans like idiots, spouting simplistic one-liners instead of presenting an actual strategy on how we can move forward.
It scares me because maybe he’s lying every time he opens his mouth or maybe he’s just stupid. If he’s lying, that is bad but at least he may have some intelligence so there is some hope in that. If he’s stupid, it is worse and actually, it is scarier because maybe he will never understand that China is becoming too, too strong and there is no way we can compete with them. And if he waits too long, maybe it will be too late for all of us. It is not a David and Goliath fight any more because Goliath has won the fight and walked away.
Sometimes when I see our American brothers and sisters protesting, it makes me wonder if they really know what is going on but it seems like they have bought into the lies that Dhasa sells. I feel bad that they work so hard to raise so much money for our bhopa and bhomo back in India, but what can I say to them? Why will they listen to me? They think they are doing good work and I don’t want to be the one to break this illusion which keeps them going. Sigh.
I miss India, I miss Dhasa but I don’t think I can ever go back. The memories are beautiful and I don’t want to spoil them with the harshness of our present reality. Sorry Rinpoche la for expressing all this but very few people will listen. Our Tibetan people have a special talent wherever in the world we go. Either we are above the law or we like to tell all our problems to everyone else! Anyway, thank you Rinpoche la for highlighting this issue. Rinpoche kyab su chhio ? sorry if I was rude in any way. Please pray for me.