YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai prays for MH370 at Kechara
On 13 April 2014, Kechara House organised a special prayer session to pray for the recent disappearance of flight MH370. Over 300 people attended the prayer to give their spiritual support to the families and friends of the passengers on MH370. Amongst them was YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai (President of MCA), Tan Sri Dato’ Kok Onn, Dato Wira Eric Tan, Dato’ Hoh Khai Mun and Dato’ Yu Chok Tow (National Chairman of Wanita MCA).
The event started at 8.30am, where visitors registered themselves and made their personal candle and flower offerings to Lama Tsongkhapa outside Wisdom Hall. Before the prayer session started, Datuk May Phng and Dato’ Sri Liow gave their respective opening speeches to the attendees… they thanked everyone for coming together, and also made a prayer that the missing aircraft to be found soon. After the speech, Pastor Yek Yee led the prayer session which included Kechara’s Dharma Protector Setrap’s powerful mantra.
I was updated that there were many local and international reporters who attended the event, like Reuters, Rakyat Post, RTM, AP, AP TV, Nanyang, Sin Chew and CCTV China. It’s good to know that the public still cares about the tragedy that happened a few weeks ago…
I was informed that it was Su Ming and Paul who took the initiative to organise this prayer session. In times of great suffering for the friends and family of the passengers on MH370, we should offer any assistance that we can… and to let them know that they are not alone. Thank you Su Ming and Paul for always thinking about the well-being of others, and also to all of the volunteers and staff who gave their best in organising this prayer session.
My prayers are with the passengers of MH370 and their family and friends. May the aircraft be found, may those who need rescue receive it, and those that need closure obtain it quickly.
Tsem Rinpoche
‘Pray For MH370’ appearance in the press
- Yahoo! News
- Long hunt for missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 looms as pings go silent – The Financial Express
- Black boxes crucial if those aboard MH370 are to be cleared, says CNN – The Malaysian Insider
- 续为MH370祈福 为机上人员家属送上关怀 – 8 TV (video)
Or view the video on the server at:
- 廖中莱:马华已呈名单 部长职交首相决定 – United Daily

- 廖中萊:馬華入閣事項交首相定奪 – Sin Chew News
- 克切拉禪修林為MH370祈福 – Guang Ming Daily (click to enlarge)
- 馬華5月是否入閣引關注‧廖中萊:交首相決定 – Guang Ming Daily
- 供灯祈福,廖中莱:我们随时提供援助 –Negara Kita
- The Rakyat Gallery
Or view the video on the server at:
Pictures from ‘Pray For MH370’ in Kechara’s Wisdom Hall
Kechara’s Wisdom Hall prepared for the event
Morning briefing for the volunteers and staff before the start of the event
Guat Hee (left) and Pastor Adeline briefing the volunteers and staff
Paul motivating everyone to do their best to serve the public during the event
The pictures of the passengers on MH370
Cynthia assigning places for the puja team
Kechara’s prayers for MH370 passengers… may they be found quickly.
The wishing trees surrounding Buddha Tsongkhapa at Kechara
Abby (left) and Pastor Adeline (right) were the MCs for the event
The puja team seated and ready for prayer
Guests registering themselves upon arrival
Many candles were offered to Buddha Tsongkhapa for the passengers of MH370 at Kechara
Flowers were also available for guests to offer to Buddha Tsongkhapa
Buddha Shakyamuni beautifully seated on the main altar of Kechara
Guests entering Wisdom Hall to take their seats
Jennifer giving khatas to young teenagers and teaching them how to make khata offerings…
A young girl making a khata offering to His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche’s throne. A khata offering is a Tibetan form of greeting.
Young teenagers making their aspirational prayers.
Our knowledgeable Kechara salesperson Eric assisting in our souvenir shop
A lady admiring a in house designed Buddha pendant in Kechara’s souvenir shop
Tan Sri Dato’ Kok Onn arrived in Kechara
YB Dato’ Sri Liow Tiong Lai greeted by Kecharians
Dato’ Sri Liow and Kechara House President, Datuk May Phng
Dato’ Sri Liow looking at Kechara’s building plans for the future
Datuk May Phng, Dato’ Sri Liow, Tan Sri Kok Onn and Dato’ Wira Eric seated in the prayer hall of Kechara
The guests took their places in the prayer hall, each guest was given a numbered seat
Datuk May Phng offering a khata to His Eminence Tsem Rinpoche’s throne along with body, speech and mind at the start of the event
Esteemed guests that attended our prayer for MH370. From left: Datuk May, Dato’ Sri Liow, Tan Sri Kok, Dato’ Wira Eric, Dato Hoh, Paul Yap, and Dato’ Yu Chok Tow
Datuk May giving her opening speech to the crowd
YB Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai giving his speech, expressing his best wishes and prayers with the family and members of MH370.
Prayer session started, the guests paying respect to Buddha
Deep in meditation, the guests put their whole heart into praying for the passengers of MH370
Many local media and even international media was in Kechara’s Wisdom Hall to cover the prayer session
Many offerings placed in front of Buddha Tsongkhapa in dedication to the passengers of MH370
The puja team, making serkym offering to request for Dharma Protector Setrap’s help in locating the passengers of MH370
The VIPs bringing a candle out to offer to Buddha Tsongkhapa
Dato’ Sri Liow offering a candle to Buddha Tsongkhapa at Kechara
Interview by international and local media in Kechara’s guest quarters (Dukkar Apartments)
CCTV reporters interviewing Dato’ Sri Liow regarding MH370
Pastor Adeline bringing a group of young enthusiastic teenagers for a tour around Kechara Forest Retreat
Dedicated Kecharians and guests! They have worked very hard to make this a meaningful event for the families and passengers of MH370. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for caring and having this event. I am so happy Kechara can offer prayers and solace at such a tragic time.
Behind the scenes, our kitchen volunteers prepared lunch for the guests
CCTV reporters having lunch with Kecharians at Kechara’s guest quarters or Dukkar Apartments
A kind reporter from AP media decided to do his work at Dukkar Apartment
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It is heart warming [although heart wrenching for the tragedy] to know that Malaysians stood up and gathered to pray for the safe return of the missing plane. It is during this trying periods that we witness the compassion and unity of everyone.
I have not heard anything positive about the missing plane, I just hope the questions and doubts of the missing passengers’ families can be cleared soon.
Thank you.
When I first heard the announcement of MH370 from the Prime Minister, I remembered I was with the gift team and Jennifer. We were all watching in on our computer. It was totally heartbreaking and a few of us cried. We might not know the passenger and family well of MH 370. Pain is still pain no matter what the situation is. Losing someone or to some a whole family will never be easy for the living.
Therefore, it is crucial all Malaysian to unite in showing that we hear their pain and will pray for them in whatever way we know best.
We at Kechara will continue praying for them.