You won’t believe the result of this CT scan!

The preserved body of Buddhist Master Ci Xian underwent a CT scan last week in China
(By Tsem Rinpoche)
Dear friends around the world,
Tukdam is a meditative state that great practitioners of Buddhism enter into when they pass away from this life in order to take a controlled rebirth. During this meditate state, the physical body does not decay or deteriorate, and the person does not emit an unpleasant smell. This is because the mind, or the consciousness of the person, is still in a deep meditative state within the body. What is amazing is that they body is not affected by temperature, weather conditions, or the external environment. There are many cases of great masters of the past and present entering this high state of meditation, and the miracle of their bodies not decaying is an external sign as a result of their practice to take controlled rebirth.
I would like to share with you this special news about Master Ci Xian who passed away 1,000 years ago, and yet his preserved body is still intact with healthy bones and his brain. This is a real miracle because he was a great meditator. A normal person’s body would have decayed a long time ago, but through the power of his meditations, his body was preserved as a sign for future generations that this sort of feat is possible through meditation.
Tsem Rinpoche
The golden mummy: Incredible pictures show the perfectly preserved gilded body of 1,000-year-old Buddhist Master Ci Xian
By: Tracy You For Mailonline
- A CT scan reveals the mummified monk still has healthy bones and a brain
- The remains of Master Ci Xian is worshipped at the Dinghui Temple, China
- Ci Xian travelled from India to China 1,000 years ago to promote Buddhism
The mummified body of a Buddhist Master from 1,000 years ago still has healthy bones and a complete brain, a CT scan has revealed.
The discovery was made last week after the gilded remains of Master Ci Xian was given a medical check at the Dinghui Temple in Wu’an, northern China’s Hebei Province.
Master Ci Xian was said to be a respected monk who had travelled from ancient India to ancient China to promote Buddhism.
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The mummified monk is kept at the Dinghui Temple in Wu’an. The temple’s monks had the Ci Xian’s remains gilded last year. Above, the pictures show the body before and after

Master Ci Xian’s remains were found in a cave in the 1970s. It has been kept at the Dinghui Temple since 2011. The temple decided to add a golden layer to the remains to show its respect

The respected monk’s remains were varnished before being gilded at the Dinghui Temple
The CT scan took place on July 8 and was witnessed by monks, media and prayers.
People were shocked when doctors said Master Ci Xian still had a full skeleton, and a complete brain.
Dr Wu Yongqing told Pear Video after the scan: ‘We can see his bones are as healthy as a normal person’s.
‘The upper jaw, the upper teeth, the ribs, the spine and all the joints are all complete.
‘It’s incredible to see this.’
According to historic records, Master Ci Xian was originally from India.
He travelled to the Kingdom of Khitan (916-1125) in north-east part of modern China near the Korean Peninsula to spread Buddhist philosophy.
He is said to have translated 10 major Sutras into Chinese characters. Later, he was named the national Buddhist Master of Khitan by the king.
Some of his translations were engraved into stone tablets and can be seen today.
After Master Ci Xian passed away, his disciples had his body preserved but it later went lost over the years.
His remains were re-discovered in 1970s inside a cave.
According to Master Du at the Dinghui Temple, ancient Chinese monks preserve their master’s body using natural means.
Master Du said usually a Buddhist master could feel it when he is about to pass away.
He would then tell his disciples if he would like his body to be cremated or preserved.
After the master passes away, the disciples would put his remains inside a large ceramic jar filled with natural anti-corrosive substances.
After three years, the disciples would remove the body from the jar.
If the master had reached a certain spiritual level, then his body would not rot.
The disciples would then cover the body with a special paste made with stick rice to produce a so-called ‘meat body Buddha’.
Incredible ancient mummified monk has some brain matter in tact
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A CT scan of the preserved body of Buddhist Master Ci Xian, witnessed by monks and media.

The temple’s management arranged a CT scan for master Ci Xian’s body on July 8

Monks were shocked when doctors said Master Ci Xian still has healthy bones and a brain

An X-ray provided by Ding Hui Temple shows the skull of Master Ci Xian, from 1,000 years ago

His upper jaw, the upper teeth, the ribs, the spine (pictured) and all the joints are all complete
Master Du from the Dinghui Temple said Buddhist Master Ci Xian’s preserved body had been worshipped at the Dinghui Temple since 2011.
The temple decided to have the remains gilded last year.
Master Ci Xian is expected to be moved from the Dinghui Temple to the Shendu Temple on Xiangtang Mountain, which is being constructed.
Master Du said the public could still worship Master Ci Xian at the Dinghui Temple from now to the end of 2017.
Monks and the public worship Master Ci Xian’s preserved body at the Dinghui Temple
For more interesting information:
- What’s Inside This Buddha Statue?
- Living Body of Hambo Lama Itygelov
- The Miraculous Vajrayogini of Ditsa Monastery
- Kyabje Lati Rinpoche’s Funeral Video
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Incredible to find a mummified monk from 1,000 years ago, which is perfectly preserved. The bone structure i.e. the skeleton, the upper jaw, the upper teeth, the ribs, the spine and all the joints are all complete. Only a highly attained master can achieve this and with full control of his rebirth. We are fortunate to be able to see these holy beings pictures. Thank you Rinpoche and blog team for sharing this interesting article. _/\_
Monks and people who have spiritual realizations have much spiritual power. The power they have can help them to transcend space and even time for that matter.
So much so that some of these beings are in complete mastery of the 4 elements. If one master the 4 elements then it is quite obvious they can gain mastery of life and death and where they will go after death.
It is amazing that Master Ci Xian’s body is intact and with healthy bones and brain after he has passed away 1,000 years ago. Only a highly attained master can achieve this and with full control of his rebirth. We are fortunate to be able to see these holy beings pictures. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this article.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this interesting article about Master Ci Xian. It is amazing to see how a great master’s body is still intact and healthy. If for a normal person, it would have been rotten by now. Only a great meditator and attained monk can have such bodies. This comes to show us that if we do our practices seriously we can also achieve such bodies.
With folded palms,
This is incredible but it really happened. Master Ci Xian’s brain structure and bones sructure been well preserved after 1000 years. This was so amazing due to the power of meditation. Statue of Master Ci Xian will relocate from Dinghui Temple to Shendu temple(Xiangtang Mountain) after 2017.
I wish I can pay homage to this great master in one day.
Thank Rinpoche for sharing about Master Ci Xian.
Such an amazing discovery! A CT scan of the 1000 year old preserved body of a highly attained meditator, Master Ci Xian, showed the brains and bones have remained intact! He still has a full skeleton and a complete brain!
This incredible discovery shows how awe-inspiring is the power of meditation.The embalmed remains of this great meditator had actually gone missing for a while, and was rediscovered in a cave! Currently, the remains of Master Ci Xian are being kept in the Dinghui temple. People still visit to pay homage to him. However, it will be removed soon to a temple in the mountains -the Shengdu temple on Xiangtang Mountain
Master Ci Xiang’s devotion to the Dharma is clear from the brief account of how he strove to spread it everywhere, from his base in modern day’s Northeast China . In honor of his great deeds, such as translating the 10 major sutras into Chinese!
His body went missing and was re discovered in a cave in the 1970s. It was meant to be discovered again, so that people’s faith in him and in Dharma would grow!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing such a powerful story on deep meditation and tukdam.
As the saying goes, to see is to believe! Just imagine a person with a body, mind and flesh, who passed away 1,000 years ago, when his mummified body was discovered, it was found to still have healthy bones and a complete Brain. A C.T. scan revealed that the mummified monk’s body of Ci Xian, still has healthy bones and a brain. Master Ci Xian’s remains were found in a cave in the 1970’s and has been kept at the Dinghui Temple in Wu’an, Northern China’s Hebei Province. It is truly incredible and can considered as one of the greatest wonders of the World! Thank you so much for the wonderful sharing Rinpoche!
Wow ..amazing discovery by the teams of doctors through CT scan revealedthe findings of a mumunifed monks’s bones still intact . Master Ci Xian who passed away 1,000 years ago had his body preserved by his disciples using traditional methods found to be intact with healthy bone, brain and even his upper jaws,teeth and ribs.That is incredible CT scan findings.
Master Ci Xian a respected monk who had travelled from India to the Kingdom of Khitan in north-east part of modern China to spread Buddhism.He has even translated 10 major Sutras into Chinese characters during his time.Through the power of meditation,miracles do happen when great meditators’s body do not rot.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these amazing discovery.
Rejoice at yet another miracle of attainment that shows the possibility for us to achieve the same in practice. Highly attained Masters like Master Ci Xian always leave signs for us their amazing quality of realisations and control as Buddha had 2600 years ago. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this miracle that serves to inspire us in our practise.
Wow ! This will definitely go down in history with some of the other publicised mummies in the world like Otzi, Tollund Man, Vladimir Lenin etc. One thousand years in preservation is a long time !
In the case of Lenin, he died 146 years ago but the process of keeping him mummified is extensive. Today, Lenin’s corpse requires constant care ,including injections and chemical baths in order to keep him looking somewhat alive.
Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov, a Buryat Buddhist monk, is another good example of the divine possiblity of keeping the dead body almost intact just based on his high spiritual attainments. Dashi-Dorzho made two requests before he died while meditating in the lotus position in 1927. The first was to be buried in the exact position in which he passed. The second was to be exhumed several years after his burial. Itigilov’s fellow Buddhists complied on both fronts. When they exhumed him in 1955, the monks were shocked to discover Itigilov’s meditating frame appeared unchanged. After a second exhumation years later, it appeared as if Itigilov was immune to decomposition. Monks declared his corpse a sacred relic, and placed it on view at the Itigel Khambyn ordon palace temple.
The divine powers shown by Buddhist Master Ci Xian’s and Dashi-Dorzho become precious teachings to the living. Some may debate on the benefits of a mummified figure to the world but no one can deny that the exemplary life lead by these beings will always stay “alive” and forms a constant reminder to the practitioners on the greatness of the practice of the Buddha’s teachings. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this precious miracles.
Miracles like the preserved body of Master Ci-Xian who entered clear light 1,000 years ago was found in a cave in 1970. Thereafter moved to Dinghui Temple in Hebei province, China.
The state of being so well preserved is explained by H.E. the 25th Tsem Rinpoche of how highly attained beings do not decay and can stay in Tukdam for long time. But in my mind 1,000 years is really something that is beyond my thoughts. Although I have read of High Lamas being in Tukdam for long periods after they enter clear light but imagine 1,000 years.
The preservated status have been recorded and monitored scientifically but so far except for spiritual explanations, science is still short of a clear answer to this phenomena.
It is so kind of Master Ci Xian that even in death is teaching a lesson of deep spiritual practice to gain controlled rebirth.
What an amazing story to read.
Incredible to find a mummified monk from 1,000 years ago, which is perfectly preserved. The bone structure i.e. the skeleton, the upper jaw, the upper teeth, the ribs, the spine and all the joints are all complete. When conducted a CT scan on the body, some brain matters are identified and is notably intact. This mummified body belongs to Master Ci Xian, a respected monk who had travelled from ancient India to ancient China to promote Buddhism. He is known for translating 10 major sutra into the Chinese characters.
It is also interesting to learn that there was a technique used to preserve a Buddhist master’s body using natural means, that included placing the body for 3 years in a large ceramic jar filled with natural anti-corrosive substances. Then cover the body with a special paste made with stick rice. The highlight is “If the master had reached a certain spiritual level, then his body would not rot.” showing us the power of meditation. Thank you, Rinpoche, for this sharing.