When Reuters becomes a tool of oppression
(By Tsem Rinpoche and Martin Chow)
In December 2015, the international news group Reuters published what it claimed to be an investigative piece titled ‘China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama’. Four short paragraphs into the article and it became clear that Reuters had no intention of being impartial in presenting the Dorje Shugden conflict that was triggered by an illegal religious ban that the Tibetan leadership imposed in 1996. In sum the Reuters’ article was an echo of all the usual and groundless allegations made against the Dorje Shugden practice for the last twenty years.

Reuters is quick to associate Shugden lamas such as Gangchen Rinpoche with China and accuse him as a traitor of the Tibetan people. And yet Reuters is silent on lamas who are close to the Dalai Lama and also keep in close contact with China. The Dalai Lama
The entire article by Reuters was based on two corroborations – (i) the testimony of a turncoat monk with dubious reputation and (ii) distortion of a document issued by the Chinese government which Reuters claimed to be the smoking gun of China’s alleged manipulation of the Shugden conflict.
For a media titan like Reuters with its vast resources and wide web of contacts to have to rely on unproven sources to support its story, is an indication of how weak and implausible this story actually is. Therefore it is not difficult to find within the Reuters’ piece itself, evidence of Reuters’ malformation of facts.
- The basic premise of the Reuters’ article is that they have proof that the Dorje Shugden practice is in fact a political tool used by the Chinese government to destabilize the Dalai Lama’s rule. This is by and large a repeat of claims made by Reuters’ key witness, a Lama Tseta who in a home-made video released earlier claimed to have hard evidence that Dorje Shugden worshippers work for China.
If such evidence does exist, surely it must be the sharpest blade the Tibetan leadership can plunge into the heart of the Shugden movement. Tseta professed to be a senior member of a Shugden society from 1997 to 2006, during which time he claimed to have personally witnessed the Shugden people’s betrayal. It would follow that he could easily have gotten his hands on proof.
And yet, after nine years of opportunities, Tseta does not have one receipt, one piece of paper, a single video or audio recording or any inferential proof that Shugden worshippers take money from the Chinese to cause trouble for the Dalai Lama. And yet, Reuters accepted Tseta as its prime witness upon whose words the entire case against Dorje Shugden people hinged.
- Reuters openly confirmed that they have no proof whatsoever that the Dorje Shugden protests are Chinese funded. And yet it did not hesitate to publish a story that it couched as a factual and investigative piece, with a title in bold claiming in effect that Shugden worshippers have been co-opted to smear the name of the Dalai Lama.
If Reuters has no evidence, then what is it basing its headline on?
One would think that with millions of Shugden practitioners scattered around the world and who are supposed to have taken money from the Chinese government for over 20 years, that Reuters with its global assets would be able to find one piece of evidence.

Tai Situ Rinpoche of the Karma Kagyu has been suspected by Indian Intelligence to be a Chinese agent and yet he is closely associated with the Dalai Lama who favoured Tai Situ Rinpoche
- In a sensational manner more akin to tabloids, Reuters described in the article a dramatic scene where the Dalai Lama was tailed like in spy movies and Reuters claimed alarmingly that there is “now a serious potential threat to the Dalai Lama’s well-being,” again based on documents Reuters sighted.
And yet the British government does not think so. The British security agency is one of the best in the world and if indeed there were real threats to the Dalai Lama from Shugden practitioners, they would have provided enhanced security during the Dalai Lama’s recent visit. No government wishes to be accused of failing to protect a visiting head of state. Instead the British government gave approval for the peaceful protests by Dorje Shugden worshippers during the Dalai Lama’s visits. There is no clearer proof that the threats to the Dalai Lama as incredibly alluded to by Reuters does not in fact exist. And yet it did not stop Reuters to write stirringly about it and further gave it a thrilling heading like “A SERIOUS AND POTENTIAL THREAT”.
- In the entire article in which Reuters seemed intent on portraying Dorje Shugden practitioners as being political, malicious and divisive, Reuters avoids a glaring fact – all these disturbances and chaos were created by the Tibetan leadership’s wrongful ban of a religious practice that seriously infringes on the rights of its followers.
It is the Tibetan leadership’s ban that has split the Tibetan people and not any Chinese or Shugden ploy. While promoting a baseless rumor of a Chinese hand in the Shugden conflict, Reuters fail to report that the Tibetan leadership left to its own devices is extremely adept at creating intense segregations such as they did with the two Karmapas, Rangzen versus Umaylam and this, the Shugden divide.
If indeed the Chinese government has leveraged on the Shugden quarrel, then it is the Tibetan leadership’s politicizing of a religion and its illegal and immoral religious ban that has handed them this instrument. And accordingly removing the Shugden ban would effectively ‘disarm’ the issue and render it impotent to be used against the Dalai Lama.
As even the Reuters’ prime witness, Tseta said, “it is not Shugden, it is politics”. If so then why blame Dorje Shugden practitioners instead of the parties to the politics which includes the Tibetan leadership?

- It is not difficult to see how biased Reuters’ view of the Shugden issue is and how jaundiced a view they intended to paint of Shugden Buddhists. Reuters did not bother to seek statements and the opinions of Shugden practitioners who are more broad-based than Reuters let on. Nowhere in the article did Reuters indicate that it made any efforts to get a more balanced view by speaking to Dorje Shugden practitioners who have had no hand in the protests and many who struggle to keep their faith with the Dalai Lama as well as the deity they regard as a Buddha. To Reuters, all Shugden practitioners are the same and all are co-opted by China to oppose the Dalai Lama. This is factually wrong and is damaging to the religious practice but it does not seem like Reuters is too concerned about the damage it inflicts on innocent Buddhists whose only crime is their loyalty to their faith.
The Reuters’ story in fact presents many more loopholes and lapses in reason. Subsequent to the said article, Reuters published a bizarre follow-up piece suggesting that the International Shugden Society (ISC) who were the organizers of the protests against the Dalai Lama disbanded because of Reuters’ ‘expose’. As if a group of Buddhist practitioners who have braved over two decades of threats, insults, smear campaigns and lies, and who have renounced all that the world might seduce them with including fame or blame, could be stopped by a one-sided news piece that makes claims it cannot substantiate.
In that Reuters fail to recognise the objective of the protests and the character of the Shugden protesters. The protests were never meant to harm the Dalai Lama but as a last resort to create awareness of the single event that has harmed the unity of the Tibetan people and created schism amongst the Tibetan monastic community that the Buddha warned against.
The protests against the Dalai Lama has ceased for now as it has accomplished its purpose which was to capture the attention of the world and make the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan leadership see the damage of the unfortunate ban against the Shugden faith.
This truce offered by the Shugden protesters is intended for the Tibetan leadership and those who have oppressed Shugden Buddhists worldwide to contemplate what the 20-year ban has accomplished and to assess the harm that it has inflicted. And then with hope, to come together as spiritual friends on both sides of the divide to rebuild and not tear down any further.
Therefore it serves the cause of peace and harmony well if the anti-Shugden camp were to also stop all attacks and smear campaigns against Shugden people and for the Tibetan leadership to stay all harmful activities against Shugden practitioners and lamas who unfortunately stood in the way of Tibetan politics.
For Reuters to claim ‘victory’ is facetious and harmful to peace, not to mention deluded. If indeed, the Shugden community has been co-opted by the Chinese government and is funded by China to attack the Dalai Lama, why would the protests stop just when the movement is gathering momentum and the tide against the Dalai Lama seems to be turning? To suggest that China is overwrought by anything Reuters might say about her is as ridiculous as Reuters’ articles on the issue.
Martin Chow
China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama
By David Lague, Paul Mooney and Benjamin Kang Lim | Filed Dec. 21, 2015, 2:30 p.m. GMT
The Dorje Shugden movement gets clandestine support from the Communist Party. Their joint campaign to discredit the Tibetan spiritual leader is paying off, especially in Britain.

NOISY PROTEST: Wherever the Dalai Lama travels these days, devotees of the Dorje Shugden sect accuse him of being a religious bigot. On July 9, protesters gathered outside the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center where the Dalai Lama was speaking. REUTERS/Paul Mooney
ALDERSHOT, England – Thousands of Buddhists from all over Britain packed into the Aldershot football stadium southwest of London on June 29, quietly waiting under a hot sun to see the Dalai Lama.
Just outside the turnstiles, another group of Buddhists awaited the Tibetan spiritual leader.
“False Dalai Lama, stop lying, false Dalai Lama, stop lying!” they chanted over and over through megaphones, drummers pounding out a rhythmic tempo. When he spoke, only snippets of his remarks could be heard above the cacophony.
“China must be thrilled at this,” said Gary Beesley, a British devotee of Tibetan Buddhism who had travelled from Manchester to hear the Dalai Lama. “They really must love it.”
The Aldershot demonstration was part of a pattern: Noisy protesters are following the globetrotting Dalai Lama almost everywhere he goes, denouncing him in terms that echo the invective heaped upon the Nobel Peace laureate by China’s ruling Communist Party.
On the surface, the commotion appears to stem from an arcane, centuries-old schism in Tibetan Buddhism. But a Reuters investigation has found that the religious sect behind the protests has the backing of the Communist Party. The group has emerged as an instrument in Beijing’s long campaign to undermine support for the Dalai Lama, a political exile who commands the loyalty of millions of Chinese citizens and whom Beijing accuses of plotting secession for Tibet.
The protesters are members of a sect that worships Dorje Shugden, a deity its devotees revere as a protector. The Dalai Lama discourages the practice, advising his followers that Dorje Shugden is a malevolent spirit. The Shugden worshippers accuse the Tibetan spiritual leader of persecuting them for their beliefs.
This quarrel was once confined to the temples and monasteries of the remote Tibetan plateau and exile communities in India. But it has now been exported to the streets and stadiums of North America, Europe and Australia.
Tibetan and foreign protesters say the demonstrations are organized by an umbrella group called the International Shugden Community, which in the United States is registered as a charity in California. Members of this group say they are fighting purely for religious freedom and deny China plays a role in the demonstrations.
“There is no connection at all between Dorje Shugden and the Communist Party,” said Nicholas Pitts, a Hong Kong-based spokesman for the International Shugden Community who frequently appears at its protests.
But a leaked internal Communist Party document shows that China is intervening in the dispute. The party document, issued to officials last year, said the Shugden issue is “an important front in our struggle with the Dalai clique”.
A monk and prominent former member of the Shugden movement who was based in India and Nepal, Lama Tseta, told Reuters that China paid him and others to plan and coordinate the activities of the sect’s followers overseas. Tseta said officials from the Communist Party’s powerful political special-operations unit, the United Front Work Department, control the effort and allocate funding. These officials direct the protests through senior Shugden monks in China and the Tibetan exile community in India and the West, who are the spiritual leaders of the sect, he said.
“The Chinese are using them as a tool to make the Dalai Lama look fake, to achieve their own ends, to undermine Tibetan Buddhism and to fragment Tibetan society,” Tseta said in an interview.

SHUGDEN DEFECTOR: Lama Tseta, pictured here near his home in Connecticut, said China paid him and others to plan the sect.
These senior Shugden monks are treated as honored guests at official functions in China and publicly embraced as patriotic allies in Beijing’s campaign to crush support for the Dalai Lama, according to eyewitness accounts, reports in China’s state controlled media and postings on Dorje Shugden websites.
A core group of ethnic Tibetans living abroad who follow these senior monks spearhead the demonstrations. They travel the world to harangue the Dalai Lama. Some attend government functions in China, and have contact with Chinese diplomats at Beijing’s embassies and consulates. But they deny that China plays any role in the protests. They say they are purely demonstrating for religious freedom and pay their own way.
The majority of protesters, though, are foreign recruits like Pitts, mostly Westerners. Lama Tseta said Chinese officials had instructed senior Shugden monks to enlist these foreigners in the demonstrations. Reuters has no independent evidence of direct Chinese financing of the protests. But a senior Indian Interior Ministry official said Indian authorities are aware that the Shugden sect receives funds from China.
“We also keep a close watch on them because they get funding from China via Nepal,” said the official, who supervises the activities of India’s internal security agency, the Intelligence Bureau, and spoke on condition of anonymity.
In response to questions from Reuters about the Communist Party’s support for the Shugden sect, the Chinese foreign ministry said the Dalai Lama was practicing “religious tyranny.”
“The 14th Dalai Lama has in recent years used all sorts of means, including violent terror methods, to force certain people to abandon their religious belief,” the ministry said.
The office of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, said the Tibetan spiritual leader was occupied with teaching in Southern India and was unable to answer questions for this article.
How much the campaign will tarnish the Dalai Lama is unclear, but the Shugden protesters are having an impact. Coverage of the Dalai Lama’s visits in the United States, Europe and Australia now regularly includes accusations from Shugden spokespeople that he is a religious bigot with no right to speak for Tibet. The protests have become so strident that the Tibetan spiritual leader has been alerted by U.S., Indian and other intelligence agencies that there is “now a serious potential threat to the Dalai Lama’s well-being,” according to a briefing document reviewed by Reuters.
That assessment is contained in the 18-page briefing prepared for the Dalai Lama’s official representative in the United Kingdom, the Office of Tibet, ahead of the Tibetan religious leader’s two trips to Britain this year. The document, which was provided to the British Foreign Office, also reported that the U.S., Dutch and Swiss governments had tightened security during the Dalai Lama’s recent visits. The memo makes no allegations of a Chinese government role in the security threat.
A former U.S. official said the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security was aware of the Dorje Shugden group and had to pay particular attention to it.
“There’s a lot of passion around this from Shugden practitioners, and the Chinese have fostered this Shugden worship as a way to split Tibetans,” said Kelley Currie, a senior State Department advisor on Asia and Tibet from 2007 to 2009. Currie previously worked for the International Campaign for Tibet, an advocacy group promoting human rights for Tibetans.
A State Department spokesperson said the bureau provided protection for the Dalai Lama during his visits to the United States but declined to discuss operational details.
China’s effort to neutralize the Dalai Lama is part of a systematic and often secretive global campaign to silence criticism abroad and bring the world around to its views.
A Reuters investigation this year exposed how China has used front men to set up a covert international radio network that is broadcasting pro-Beijing news. A second article revealed how China is using government-backed groups masquerading as NGOs to intimidate its critics at the United Nations Human Rights Council.
In the case of the Dalai Lama, Beijing hasn’t just co-opted a Buddhist group to challenge the Tibetan spiritual leader. It has also used the country’s economic and diplomatic clout with Western governments to marginalize its Tibetan foe.
Some Western capitals are acquiescing. British Prime Minister David Cameron, former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg are among the world leaders who have chosen not to meet with the Dalai Lama in the past year and a half.
Abbott and Solberg did not respond to questions from Reuters.
Beijing’s strategy has been especially effective in the United Kingdom. Britain, unlike other Western governments, doesn’t provide the Tibetan leader with official security during his visits. Ahead of the Dalai Lama’s two tours this year, his organizers officially requested protection because of fears for his safety, as laid out in the 18-page memo.
The Cameron government refused the request, according to visit organizers.
At the end of the Dalai Lama’s second trip, protesters pursued him through the streets of London on his way out of the country.

TIGHTER SECURITY: Intelligence agencies have warned that the protests now pose a threat to the Dalai Lama
As he left his central London hotel on September 21, members of his entourage say they spotted a car that appeared to be tailing the motorcade. Wangdue Tsering, first secretary at the Office of Tibet in London, was in one of the vehicles behind the Dalai Lama. “We noticed the car turned out very quickly and ran through a red light,” he said. “From that point we suspected it was following us.”
Tsering said the Dalai Lama’s security team called the police. Within 10 minutes a patrol car pulled the pursuing vehicle over. Tsering said the Tibetan security team recognized one of the two people in the car as a Shugden protester. “We know who he is,” Tsering said.
A London police spokesman said the department had no record of the incident.
Asked why the government had declined to provide security for the Dalai Lama, Tim Loughton, a pro-Tibet member of parliament in Cameron’s ruling Conservative Party, said: “I don’t know, other than kowtowing to the Chinese.”
Britain’s Home Office said it did not comment on security matters.
“We regard the Dalai Lama as an important religious figure, and he has been welcomed to the U.K. on many occasions,” Cameron’s office said in response to questions from Reuters. “We are robust and consistent in raising human rights issues with the Chinese authorities.”
A month after the Dalai Lama’s U.K. tour in September, Cameron rolled out the red carpet for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first state visit to the country. Britain secured contracts with China worth almost 40 billion pounds ($60 billion) during the trip, according to the U.K. government.
More than five decades ago, the Dalai Lama fled into exile in India following a failed uprising against Chinese rule. Today, the 80-year-old religious leader retains a powerful influence over more than six million ethnic Tibetans within China’s borders. He travels the world promoting a message of greater autonomy for Tibetans.
Beijing accuses him of attempting to split Tibet from China. Now, the avowedly atheist Communist Party has thrown its weight behind the worship of Dorje Shugden – a spirit depicted in temples and monasteries as a wrathful three-eyed figure wielding a sword and mounted on a lion.
“It’s childish denouncing – very much the way the Chinese denounce His Holiness.”
~ Actor Richard Gere, chairman of the International Campaign for Tibet
China’s ultimate objective is to entrench its authority over a vast, resource-rich and strategically vital region that still chafes under Communist rule. More than 140 Tibetans have self-immolated since early 2009.
Some of the Dalai Lama’s leading supporters say his global standing remains intact. He still draws large crowds. In February, U.S. President Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama attended a prayer breakfast in Washington, where the president praised the Tibetan as a “good friend.”
“It’s unfortunate, but they are not sophisticated things they are doing,” said actor Richard Gere, chairman of the International Campaign for Tibet, which is based in Washington and is sympathetic to the Dalai Lama. “It’s childish denouncing – very much the way the Chinese denounce His Holiness.”
Beijing’s strategy on Shugden worship is contained in an internal Communist Party document setting out guidelines for officials in Tibet on how to deal with the dispute. The document, issued on February 20 last year by the Communist Party Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region, was leaked this year to the International Campaign for Tibet.
Officials, the directive said, should avoid publicizing the dispute over Shugden worship. But they should recognize that the Dalai Lama camp is using the schism as a pretext to split the motherland and sow discord. The party must “decisively grind into dust” this plot, the document added.

DISPUTED DEITY: Protesters display a poster of the Dorje Shugden deity at a July 9 demonstration outside the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York. REUTERS/Paul Mooney
Chinese officials should organize community visits by respected, patriotic religious leaders to expose and denounce the Dalai Lama’s “ban” on Shugden worship, the document said. And supporters of the Dalai Lama’s views on Shugden who attempted to “create disturbances” around the issue in China “must be strictly punished according to law.”
“I do not feel you could fairly use this document to say, look, this is evidence that the Chinese government is supporting the Shugden issue,” said Nicholas Pitts, the Hong Kong-based spokesman of the International Shugden Community. He pointed to a section of the document where authorities were urged to punish anyone, believer or non-believer, who used the Shugden issue to cause “public gatherings and disturbances.”
Two authorities on Tibetan Buddhism who reviewed the document – Columbia University’s Robert Barnett and Elliot Sperling of Indiana University – said they believe it is genuine.
“It’s not about Shugden, it’s about politics,” said Tseta, the former Shugden member.
Tseta, 42, said he was a senior figure in the Shugden sect and was responsible for dealing with Chinese officials between 1997 and 2006. He left the movement in 2008. He identified the Communist Party’s United Front Work Department as the lead agency coordinating Beijing’s efforts to undermine the Dalai Lama through the Shugden movement in India and the West.
The United Front is the powerful body charged with enlisting support for the party from influential non-Communists at home and overseas. Other Tibetan monks and scholars who study the dispute identify the United Front as the key agency in China’s bid to cement control over Tibet.
One of the key United Front officials directing the Shugden movement’s anti-Dalai Lama activities in recent years was Zhu Weiqun, Tseta said.

TOP MONK: Tibetologists say that Lama Gangchen (front row, second from right), pictured attending the Fourth World Buddhist Forum in the Chinese city of Wuxi in October, is the most influential Shugden leader living outside China.
REUTERS/Ji Chunpeng/Xinhua
Zhu, 68, a veteran official, was executive vice minister of the United Front while Tseta was active in the Shugden movement. He is now head of an ethnic and religious affairs body that advises China’s parliament. Zhu is frequently quoted in the official media as a leading government authority on Tibet, and mocks the Dalai Lama in speeches and interviews. He holds a rank equivalent to a provincial governor. Zhu did not respond to a Reuters request for an interview.
Tseta said he and other Shugden monks travelled on multiple occasions to Nepal and China, including Tibet, where they met Zhu and other Chinese officials. In the interview with Reuters, Tseta produced two of his Chinese passports with stamps showing 15 visits to China. Tseta said he was last in Tibet in 2006.
While Zhu vilifies the Dalai Lama, he has heaped praise in the Chinese media on another Tibetan monk: Lama Gangchen. Based in Milan, Gangchen is the most influential Shugden leader outside China, according to Tseta and Western scholars of Tibetan Buddhism. Tseta showed Reuters photographs of himself with Gangchen.
“Gangchen is the strongman of the Shugden movement,” said Thierry Dodin, a French scholar of Tibetan Buddhism and director of the website TibetInfoNet. “He’s the most committed one to the Communist Party and the authorities in China.”
Tseta said Gangchen organized the first meetings between Shugden leaders in India and Chinese officials in 1997.
Born in 1941, Gangchen studied at monastic universities before going into exile in India in 1963, according to his personal website, Lama Gangchen Peace Publications. He later moved to Europe and has become an Italian citizen.
Gangchen is a regular visitor to China, where he meets top leaders and is feted at government-sanctioned religious gatherings. China’s state-controlled media published photos of his arrival with other Buddhist dignitaries at a forum in the city of Wuxi in October. Indiana University’s Sperling and Tibet scholar Dibyesh Anand of London’s Westminster University said they have both seen Gangchen at government and United Front events in China, where he is treated as a VIP.
“I am sure they are pleased, but we do not protest to please China.”
~ Sonam Rinchen, a spokesman for the International Shugden Community
A spokeswoman for Gangchen said the monk declined to be interviewed for this article. “Lama Gangchen has no role in the Shugden movement,” she said. “He is merely a devoted practitioner of this lineage.”
Tseta said he began to have misgivings about his own role in the Shugden movement, and by 2006, the Chinese were growing suspicious of him. He was detained for 25 days in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, he said, but was released after persuading authorities he was a devoted Shugden monk. Reuters has no independent confirmation of Tseta’s detention.
On a trip to the U.S. later in 2006, he applied for asylum. Tseta showed Reuters documents indicating he was granted political asylum in 2007. He said he is speaking out now about his role in the Shugden movement because the protests against the Dalai Lama are dividing Tibetans.
From protest coverage, photographs, television news footage, online video postings and Shugden publicity materials, Reuters was able to identify leading ethnic Tibetans involved in demonstrations in Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe.
Sonam Rinchen is one of the most visible. Rinchen, 53, a stonemason living in South Deerfield, Massachusetts, is a Tibetan spokesman for the International Shugden Community, the group that leads the protests.
He said in a phone interview he had twice been questioned by Federal Bureau of Investigation agents about security threats to the Dalai Lama, most recently at his home in 2012 while the Dalai Lama was visiting Boston. “They wanted to know if anybody paid by the Chinese wanted to kill the Dalai Lama,” he said. These were “ridiculous” allegations that the Central Tibetan Administration, the Tibetan government in exile, had passed to the FBI to smear the Shugden protesters, he said.
The FBI declined to comment.
RESTIVE REGION: Protesters stand behind a picture of a Tibetan victim of self-immolation during a 2012 march in New York in support of Tibet. Since 2009, more than 140 Tibetans have self-immolated. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/Files
China isn’t involved in the demonstrations, said Rinchen, who said he has lived in the U.S. for almost three decades. “I am sure they are pleased, but we do not protest to please China,” he said. “We are interested in getting our religious freedom back.”
This year, Rinchen joined the protests in Britain during the Dalai Lama’s September visit. He said demonstrators paid their own airfares and hotel bills, while the International Shugden Community paid for local transport and meals.
“This is the hard part of it,” he said. “It costs so much money.”
Not for everyone. In December 2014, the International Shugden Community offered 40 free return flights from Manchester to Rome when the Dalai Lama was scheduled to attend a meeting of Nobel laureates in the Italian capital, according to a notice that was posted on the group’s website. The offer included meals and accommodation for protesters.
The International Shugden Community was incorporated as a charity in California in 2014, according to corporate records. It listed assets of $27,471 and income of $69,235 in its 2014 filings.
The majority of rank-and-file protesters are Westerners who follow the New Kadampa Tradition, or NKT. Members say the group plays no role in the protests. It doesn’t disclose how many devotees it has, but former members estimate there are about 6,000 worldwide.
The NKT’s leader and founder is Kelsang Gyatso, a Tibetan monk who moved to Britain in 1977. The NKT, a registered U.K. charitable trust, has 1,200 centers and branches in 40 countries, according to its website. It had 21.8 million pounds on its books at the end of 2014, U.K. charity commission filings show.
On the surface it seems to be a religious dispute, but the hostile welcome the Dalai Lama gets wherever he goes tells a different story. Reuters’ David Lague traces the links to Beijing.
Carol McQuire, a former member of the NKT in the U.K., said many of the protesters are unwitting agents of Beijing. “I am sure that having the protests done ‘for free’ by ignorant Westerners makes (the Chinese) very content,” said McQuire, who became disillusioned and left the movement nine years ago.
The protests are attracting attention. On the Dalai Lama’s 2015 tour of the United States, many media outlets (including Reuters) carried reports covering the demonstrators and their grievances. During his 12-day visit to Australia in June, the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne’s The Age published an opinion piece by the International Shugden Community’s Pitts, who is also an NKT member.
“He has been the political leader of the Tibetans for decades but, unlike virtually every other political leader in the world, no one seems to hold him to account or check whether what he says matches what he does,” Pitts wrote.
On the Dalai Lama’s September visit to Britain, the BBC and ITV covered one of his engagements amid noisy Shugden protesters. Both outlets interviewed Pitts.
ITV’s report covering both sides – the Dalai Lama’s appearance and his chanting critics – showed how the protests are chipping away at the Tibetan spiritual leader’s image. “Here in the West, we are used to seeing the Dalai Lama portrayed as a very popular, a very respected figure,” said reporter Matthew Hudson. “But, this demonstration and the entrenched animosity I’ve heard from both sides shows that in our complex world of geopolitical and religious affairs, no one is immune from criticism.”
Beijing has applauded the shift. On the sidelines of China’s annual parliamentary session in March, religious-affairs official Zhu Weiqun said the international media was “less and less interested in the Dalai Lama.”
Still, because of his popular authority, the Dalai Lama’s disapproval of the Shugden deity has sharply reduced the sect’s prevalence in Tibetan areas of China and among Tibetan exiles in India, Tibetologists say.
TIBETAN RIVAL: The Dalai Lama travels the world calling for more autonomy for Tibetans. China accuses him of championing secession for Tibet. REUTERS/Thierry Roge
Some Tibetan Shugden devotees complain that discrimination from Dalai Lama supporters has seen them ostracized in Tibet and abroad. They say they have been dismissed from jobs, refused service in shops and forced to live in spiritual ghettos.
Some Dalai Lama supporters acknowledge there have been cases of discrimination. But they say it is not systematic and not encouraged by the Dalai Lama.
When the Shugden protests began in 1996, they were low key, sometimes even respectful. Now they are vitriolic. At each stop, Shugden protesters wait in ambush.
In the past two years, protesters have penetrated the Dalai Lama’s security cordon to confront him personally. In May last year, Shugden Buddhists attempted to check in to the hotel where he was staying in the Netherlands, according to the security briefing provided to the British government. Hotel security staff ejected them, visit organizers said.
Days ahead of his two-day visit to New York starting July 9, a giant billboard reading “False Dalai Lama Stop Lying” was posted two blocks from where he was due to speak. An adjacent billboard depicted the Dorje Shugden deity.
Both were taken down on July 8 after Tibetans in the U.S. complained to the advertising company, according to Dalai Lama supporters. The company declined to disclose who paid for the billboards.
The Dalai Lama spoke to a sold-out crowd at Manhattan’s sprawling Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. About 100 protesters gathered across the street. Some held up a caricature of the Dalai Lama in military boots, his eyes screwed up in fury and hands balled into fists, standing on a pile of helpless Shugden monks.
The same poster was on display outside the football stadium at Aldershot in June, where Shugden protesters drowned out the Dalai Lama’s 40-minute address.
Additional reporting by Rupam Nair in New Delhi, John Shiffman and Warren Strobel in Washington, Ben Blanchard in Beijing, Elizabeth Piper and Michael Holden in London, and Gwladys Fouche and Henrik Stolen in Oslo.
Source: http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/china-dalailama/
The politics of Tibet’s poisonous religious divide
By David Lague, Paul Mooney and Benjamin Kang Lim
HONG KONG – The doctrinal schism that the Chinese Communist Party is using to hound the Dalai Lama arose long ago in the internecine politics of his own school of Tibetan Buddhism.
Dalai Lamas are drawn from the dominant Gelugpa School, one of the four major Buddhist traditions in Tibet.
When the 5th Dalai Lama united Tibet in the 17th Century, he made an effort to embrace the other schools to enhance political unity, according to the French Tibetologist Thierry Dodin.
This move angered other senior members of the Gelugpa School who opposed sharing power and privilege. They united in a clique within their school around the worship of Dorje Shugden, then a little-known “protector deity.”
Over the centuries, Shugden devotees came to dominate the Gelugpa School and the religious politics of Tibet. After the Communists came to power in 1949, Shugden practitioners became influential in the exiled Tibetan communities in India and Nepal. At first, they were hostile to Beijing, particularly after Tibetan monasteries and cultural relics were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.
That changed with the current Dalai Lama, 14th in the line. He too had been educated under senior Shugden monks. But from the mid-1970s, he began to shape a more inclusive doctrine. In part, this was a political move aimed at unifying the different traditions in Tibetan Buddhism in the face of pressure from Beijing, according to Dodin and other Tibet scholars.
During a period of reflection, the Dalai Lama began to question the value of Shugden worship on the grounds it was harmful. In 1996, he publicly advised his followers to shun the practice. Since then, scholars say, there has been a gradual shift towards Beijing by the Shugden movement – a move that accelerated in the past decade.
China is careful to avoid obvious public references to its Shugden strategy. But on the ground, evidence abounds that Beijing has thrown its weight behind Shugden devotees.
“There’s a massive drive to keep the remaining Shugden strongholds alive.”
~ French Tibetologist Thierry Dodin
Chinese authorities have poured funds into rebuilding and maintaining Shugden monasteries in the Tibet Autonomous Region and surrounding provinces. Reports in the state-run media show that China has financed extensive restoration at the Ganden Sumtseling Monastery in Yunnan Province and the Dungkar Monastery near Tibet’s frontier with India, both leading Shugden monasteries.
“There’s a massive drive to keep the remaining Shugden strongholds alive with a lot of support from the party,” said Dodin, director of the website TibetInfoNet. “This does not mean that others are left in decrepitude, but there is no such thing as a poor Shugden monastery.”
Buddhists who openly follow the Dalai Lama’s teachings face persecution by Chinese authorities, according to human rights groups and exiled Tibetans. It is now a criminal offence to discourage Shugden worship, they say.
Beijing also allows Shugden monks to travel overseas to teach and study with foreign Buddhists and exiled Tibetans.
In December 2012, Beijing sponsored the visit to Switzerland of Lama Jampa Ngodup Wangchuk Rinpoche, the first Tibetan lama sent abroad by the government to teach, according to the website dorjeshugden.com, one of the websites that publish news and commentary about the sect.
“By officially nominating him to travel abroad to teach, this would mean that the Chinese government is openly encouraging the proliferation of Buddhism, China’s ancient heritage and Dorje Shudgen’s practice,” an article on the website said.
RELIGIOUS OFFICIAL: Zhu Weiqun, head of an ethnic and religious affairs body that advises China
Another clear signal of Beijing’s preference: Senior Shugden monks are central to China’s effort to educate the Panchen Lama, second only to the Dalai Lama in religious stature.
In 1995, the Dalai Lama recognized a six-year-old Tibetan boy, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, as the reincarnation of the 10th Panchen Lama. The boy and his family soon disappeared; Chinese authorities have said he is in protective custody. To sideline the Dalai Lama’s choice, Beijing then recognized another Tibetan boy, Gyaltsen Norbu, as Panchen Lama. This maneuver was crucial to Beijing’s plans to control Tibetan Buddhism, as the Panchen Lama plays a major role in recognizing reincarnations of the Dalai Lama, according to supporters of the Dalai Lama and experts on Tibetan Buddhism.
Many of the senior teachers responsible for educating Beijing’s hand-picked Panchen Lama are Shugden practitioners, according to experts on Tibetan Buddhism. Lama Gangchen, the most influential Shugden monk living abroad, has been photographed with this Panchen Lama as well.
President Xi Jinping in June met the party-approved Panchen Lama in Beijing. The monk told Xi he would “resolutely uphold the unity of the motherland and its people,” state television reported.
Chinese authorities have put aside their atheist convictions to insist they will vet the selection of the next Dalai Lama, according to official statements and reports in the state-run media.
This is part of an effort to ensure that the future spiritual leader of the more than six million ethnic Tibetans in Tibet and bordering provinces are loyal to the Communist Party. In response, the Dalai Lama has suggested he may reincarnate outside China or, perhaps, not at all.
That idea drew an outraged response from Zhu Weiqun, the point man in Beijing’s efforts to neutralize the Dalai Lama. “The reincarnation of the Dalai Lama has to be endorsed by the central government, not by any other sides, including the Dalai Lama himself,” Zhu said, according to a March 11 report in the state-run Xinhua news agency.
Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/china-dalailama-divide/the-politics-of-tibets-poisonous-religious-divide-idINKBN0U41X120151221
For more interesting information:
- The Dorje Shugden category on my blog
- China officially supports Dorje Shugden
- Reuters Anti-Dorje Shugden Report Backfires
- Reuters Investigation on Dorje Shugden Inaccurate?
- Dalai Lama, China & Dorje Shugden
- Dorje Shugden: My side of the story (多杰雄登:我这方面的说法)
- To Sum It Up
- Dorje Shugden people
- This happened in the USA
- I can speak up now about Shugden
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If you are in the United States, please note that your offerings and contributions are tax deductible. ~ the tsemrinpoche.com blog team
Mantras are sacred verbalized words that invoke the protection and blessings of the deity to whom the mantra is ascribed. Mantras are also the manifestations of Buddhas in the form of ‘sounds’, hence the various mantras of Dorje Shugden contain the essence of the Protector.
Dorje Shugden’s main mantra 多杰雄登主要咒语
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for peace 平和咒语
For gaining attainments through the energy of Peaceful Shugden, peace of environment and mind, harmony in one’s abode and dwelling area, and calming of disasters
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for health 福寿安康咒语
For long life, increasing life, healing of disease and protection from diseases
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for increase 增长咒语
For gaining great merits and increase of all necessary needs, both material and spiritual
Dorje Shugden’s mantra for control 控制咒语
Of worldly deities, negative people and nagas and for influencing friends towards the positive
Dorje Shugden’s mantra to grant protection 庇护咒语
Visualize that you are in the Protector’s mandala, fully protected from outside interferences. Recite when in danger or for dangerous situations, for protection while travelling or when residing in dangerous/hostile places
Dear friends,
Tibet has produced many powerful meditations, rituals and guidelines to help us gain spiritual protection, gain wisdom and higher states of consciousness. In general Tibet has produced many powerful methods for the growth of our spiritual evolution. Dorje Shugden is an angel, a saint, a powerful spiritual protector-warrior who originated 350 years ago when a highly awakened Tibetan Lama fulfilled his vows to become a special being to grant protection, wisdom, material needs, safety when travelling (normal and astral travel) and spiritual awakening. Both the Great 5th Dalai Lama and the current His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama composed short yet effective prayers to invoke upon the power and blessings of this special saint and protector. One can recite either one of the prayers that you feel suits you, anytime or even daily. When you feel a special need for help, you can recite either prayer anytime. When you are feeling down, afraid or just need a blessing, you can recite them. After reciting either invocation, it is good to chant the mantra of Dorje Shugden: Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.
You do not have to be a Buddhist or practitioner of any religion to invoke upon the blessings and protection of this special enlightened and awakened angel Dorje Shugden. He helps all without discrimination or bias as he is filled with compassion and love. Divinity has no boundaries, they help all who call upon them.
Enclosed are the prayers in English, Chinese and Tibetan.
May you be safe, protected and blessed.
Tsem Rinpoche
More on the Great 5th Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden – https://bit.ly/2w7KHv6
More on H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden – https://bit.ly/2QdaL4n
Chapel (Trode Khangsar) built by the Great 5th Dalai Lama dedicated to Dorje Shugden in Lhasa – https://bit.ly/2zBTd8M
西藏产生了许多有助于我们得到精神庇佑、取得智慧和更高层次之觉悟的强大禅修法、仪式和教诲。总括来说,西藏产生了许多有助于我们在修行上取得提升的强有力方法。多杰雄登是一个天使,一位圣人和一名护法战士。他的崛起始于350年前,当一位高度觉悟的西藏高僧履行本身的承诺,化身为特别的护法,赐予我们守护、智慧、物质需要、出入平安(平日外游和神游时)和灵修上的觉醒。任何人都可以随时随地在任何时候念诵适合自己的祈愿文。当你需要特别的帮助时,你可以随时念诵任何一篇祈愿文。当你感到沮丧、恐惧或仅是需要加持时,你也可以持诵这些祈愿文。在念诵任何祈请文后,你应该接着念诵多杰雄登的心咒:嗡 班杂 维格 毗札那 娑哈 Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha。
更多关于第五世达赖尊者和多杰雄登护法的内容 — https://bit.ly/2zsC3tG
更多关于第十四世达赖尊者和多杰雄登护法的内容 — https://bit.ly/2r4aaDN
第五世达赖尊者为多杰雄登护法在拉萨建造的护法殿(布旦康萨)— https://bit.ly/2zBTd8M
“The 4th Zhabdrung Rinpoche of Bhutan and Dorje Shugden” blog post which was published June 8, 2018 already has exactly at the moment 152,744 views!! Over 150k views!!! Amazing!! The views will keep growing as time elapses of course.
This indicates many Bhutanse and Buddhists around the world will now know that Dorje Shugden is connected to Bhutan and their Kagyu Lineage. Dorje Shugden was promoted by the highest lama of Bhutan namely the 4th Zhabdrung Rinpoche himself. So Dorje Shugden will help and protect anyone and is not sectarian as they accuse him to be. People in the Kagyu school of Buddhism also practised Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden assisted them lovingly. Dorje Shugden being an emanation of Manjushri will help anyone who calls upon him regardless of their background and religion.
Good job to our writers, researchers, editors, technical team, supporting team and Kechara people who promoted this blog post on social media. Now more will come to understand how pervasive Dorje Shugden is in all the lineages of Tibetan Buddhism although the Tibetan leadership in-exile tries to hide this truth. Thank you everyone for promoting Dorje Shugden to benefit many. We were all very harmonious before the unethical ban against Dorje Shugden practitioners. Since the inception of the ban in 1996, there has been no benefits and instead so much disharmony among Tibetan Buddhists around the world. Many hundreds have spoken up about this point where we want harmony back. There should never be a ban against any spiritual practice.
Tsem Rinpoche
Blog post- https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=160863
于2018年6月8日发表的《不丹国第四世夏仲仁波切与多杰雄登》的博文至今已经有 152,744次的浏览量!!也就是超过了15万次的浏览量!!这个数字肯定还会随着时间而增长。
博文网址: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/l/cn/dorje-shugden/the-4th-zhabdrung-rinpoche-of-bhutan-and-dorje-shugden-cn.html
His Eminence Kyabje Dagom Rinpoche’s incarnation is in Lhasa visiting. He is visiting the 350-year-old Trode Khangsar chapel dedicated to Dorje Shugden. He is paying homage to the powerful statue of Dorje Shugden housed in this sacred chapel. Both the chapel and statue of Dorje Shugden were commissioned by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama. The Great 5th Dalai Lama also composed a prayer to be recited daily to Dorje Shugden.
Dagom Rinpoche’s previous lives were great masters, scholars and practitioners of Dorje Shugden. Now this new incarnation of Dagom Rinpoche is offering gold on the face of Dorje Shugden in homage and worship to this very sacred statue of Dorje Shugden housed in Lhasa for the last 350 years. This is a very traditional Tibetan method of paying homage to holy images, which is by offering gold with prayers.
The Tibetan leadership wrongly says if you practise Dorje Shugden you will take rebirth into the three lower realms. Hundreds of lamas from the Sakya, Kagyu and Gelugpa schools of Buddhism have practised Dorje Shugden and their incarnations returned. Many of the incarnations are recognised by His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself. So this shows if you practise Dorje Shugden, only benefits come and no harm will come. The very fact Dagom Rinpoche’s incarnation is back, is clear evidence that Dorje Shugden’s practice is beneficial.
May Dagom Rinpoche’s current incarnation live a very long life.
Tsem Rinpoche
YouTube High resolution video:
Trode Khangsar – A 400 year old Dorje Shugden Chapel in Lhasa:
YouTube高清视频- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THbGknXcLbo
拉萨400年历史的多杰雄登护法殿—布旦康萨- https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=92148
Divination (‘mo’) Text by Dorje Shugden
This is an important divination (‘mo’) text composed by Dorje Shugden himself. Dorje Shugden took trance of the Choyang Dulzin oracle lama, the senior oracle of Gaden Shartse Monastery, and instantly on the spot composed this text within two hours.
The divination text contains information on how to use dice to do divination for the future and is known to be highly accurate. When practitioners use this text, they will be in direct contact with Dorje Shugden to get answers to questions about the future. It is for those who have good samaya with Dorje Shugden and are free of the eight worldly dharmas to be of benefit to others in divining the future.
Tsem Rinpoche
The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives is in Dharamsala, which is broken into two parts. Upper Dharamsala is where the Dalai Lama’s palace is located with his audience room and main prayer hall. It is also the location of the Dialectics School, Gaden Shartse’s guesthouse, restaurants, tourist hotels and main tourist areas.
A short ride down takes you to the lower part of Dharamsala where the Tibetan government is located. It is the location of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, Nechung monastery, the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, the Tibetan arts centre…it’s all in one area. And the reason why it’s split into upper and lower Dharamsala is because the area is mountainous.
The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives was established by the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government to preserve all the ancient texts – both secular and spiritual – of Tibet and in the process, translate them into various languages like English. This book, Overview of Buddhist Tantra, by Panchen Sonam Drakpa was one of the books translated into English. What’s very interesting is that the book very clearly says that Panchen Sonam Drakpa’s previous life is Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen, one of the five main disciples of Lama Tsongkhapa. It also says that after that, he was Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen.
So the book is basically saying that Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, Panchen Sonam Drakpa and Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen – the three Drakpas – are of the same mindstream.
Now that’s very peculiar because if Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen’s previous life is Panchen Sonam Drakpa, the renowned composer of 45 volumes of Dharma texts, the abbot of three monasteries AND the 15th Gaden Tripa, the holder of Lama Tsongkhapa’s throne…if that’s the case, how can Panchen Sonam Drakpa take rebirth as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen and become an evil spirit and have a negative mind?
Prior to Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, he was Panchen Sonam Drakpa and before that, he was Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen, a heart disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa. How can a heart disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa reincarnate as the erudite master Panchen Sonam Drakpa, and then die and reincarnate as Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen…and then Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, due to a bad and negative prayer, become the evil spirit Dorje Shugden? How is that possible? Logically, it’s not.
What’s incredible is that all of this was printed by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives under the Dalai Lama’s guidance. They contradict themselves because on one hand, the Tibetan leaders say Dorje Shugden is an evil spirit. On the other hand they’re printing a book saying that Panchen Sonam Drakpa, whose later incarnation became Dorje Shugden, is of this illustrious mindstream.
So how can the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, which is under the auspices of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government, print the translation of a book composed by the previous incarnation of a so-called evil spirit? How can they then say in the book that Panchen Sonam Drakpa’s previous life is Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen, and his next life was Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen?
Prior to the Dorje Shugden ban and controversy, everyone in Tibet knew that Dorje Shugden is Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen, that Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen is Panchen Sonam Drakpa, and that Panchen Sonam Drakpa is Duldzin Drakpa Gyaltsen. The three Drakpas, they are one mindstream emanating again and again to benefit other beings.
And as we all know, Tulku Drakpa Gyaltsen became Dorje Shugden so it totally doesn’t make sense to call him an evil spirit, then highlight all of his previous lives as erudite masters, and publish all of this information under their own library. So you can see the contradictions. You can read all of this for yourself in Overview of Buddhist Tantra, which was printed by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.
rgyud sde spyi’i rnam par bzhag pa
skal bzang gi yid ‘phrog ces bya ba bzhugs so
(Pan-chen bSod-nams grags-pa, 1478-1554)
O Choje Sonam Dragpa Pel! (Chos-rje bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal!)
In the vast expanse of Your bodhi-mind,
The mind that the Buddhas have lauded for as many as
one hundred times,
You have developed “merit” shining like the sun.
Through Your skill in learning, debate and writing,
As illuminating as one hundred thousand sun rays,
You have developed in You a complete knowledge of
the entire sutras and tantras,
Resembling a garden of flowers in full bloom.
The power of Your speech is like the sun;
The fame of your name has reached the three realms of
this world.
O Sonam Dragpa, the teacher of teachers!
I bow down at your feet.
In the vast garden of Your great teachings,
The intelligent young people gather for
The ‘six ultimates’ and the ‘four modes of transmission,’
Just as they are attracted to
The one hundred thousand types of nectar
Dripping from a flower of one hundred petals.
May I be able to experience
The taste of the secret tantra!
Panchen Choje Sonam Dragpa Pel (Panchen Chos-rje bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal), the holder of sutra and Vajrayana teachings, was a master whose outstanding learning and spiritual accomplishments are well known by all the learned ones in Tibet. His first incarnation came in the form of one of the five prestigious disciples of Lord Tsongkhapa (Tsong-kha-pa) and became known as Vinaya Holder (Dulzin) Dragpa Gyaltsen (Gragspa rgyal-mtshan). Then came Panchen Sonam Dragpa Pel (Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal), the author of the present text. The next was Nagri Tulku Dragpa Gyaltsen (mNga’-ris sPrul-sku Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan). In this way, a line of his incarnations, each with the Dragpa (gragspa) surname, followed successively.
Panchen Sonam Dragpa Pel (Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal) was born in the 14th century in Tsetang (rTsed-thang) in the Lhoka (Lho-kha) region of Central Tibet. He entered the great seat of learning, Sera Thekchenling (Se-ra theg-chen-gling) monastic university, where he became the personal disciple of spiritual master Donyo Dangden (Dhon-yod dang-ldan) and His Holiness the Second Dalai Lama Gedun Gyatso (dGe-‘dun rgya-mtsho). Under them, he studied the entire teachings of sutra, tantra and their commentaries, and became known for his outstanding learning. He also received from them the empowerments, reading transmissions, guides and instructions of the entire body of spiritual training. On becoming the fully blessed one, the Dalai Lama appointed him the abbot of the Loseling (Blo-gsalgling) college, one of the four colleges of Drepung (‘Bras-dpung)- the most prestigious monastic university in Tibet before 1959, with over 10,000 monks on its register. He continued to be the abbot of this college for the next six years; and after him the tenure for each of his successors in this position was fixed for a period of six years, a rule that is followed even today.
He was then appointed the head of the Gelugpa (dGe-lugs-pa) order, the throne holder of Gaden (dGa’-ldan), thus becoming the 15th regent of Lord Tsongkhapa (Tsong-khapa), the second Buddha. In his eulogy to him, Khedrub Gelek Pelsang (mKhas-grub dGe-legs dpal- bzang) says:
O Lama, the second successor of the Unsubduable One,
The regent of the Lord of Dharma,
You are the one who made the virtuous qualities thrive;
You are the one who ascended to the golden throne uplifted
by the fearless lions.
May Your success thrive forever!
He continued to be the throne holder for the next seven years, during which time he promoted the spread of Lord Tsongkhapa’s (Tsong-kha-pa) precious teachings, the Gelug (dGe-lugs) tradition, across the land in all directions. He also paid special attention to the practice of monastic rules and the learning and meditation of Buddhism in the monasteries such as Sera (Se-ra), Drepung (‘Bras-spungs), Kyomolung (sKyo-mo-lung), Phagmo Chode (Phag-mo chos-sde), Nyeding (Nye-sdings), Ödna (’Od-sna) and Chöde Rinchen (Chos-sde rin-chen) etc. and improved them to a great extent. He taught the Third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso (bSod-nams rGya-mtsho) as the latter’s spiritual master. It was from him that the Dalai Lama received the name Sonam (bSod-nams).
His contributions in the literary field are enormous; and, indeed, they are the most valuable of all his contributions. Tsongkhapa (Tsong-kha-pa) has rightly said:
Of all one’s deeds,
The ‘deeds of speech’ are the most valuable.
Panchen Sonam Dragpa Pel (Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal) was a person with an extraordinary talent for teaching, debate and writing. In his colophon to Bu mey chi don zab don sel wey dron mey (dBu ma’i spyi don zab don gsal ba’i sgron me), he wrote:
In the field of teaching, I am [next to none!] Knowing that
I would outdo them in this field, Arya Asanga and his
brother transmigrated into another realm.
In the field of debate, I am [next to none!] Knowing that
I would find out the areas they had contradicted and
that I would examine them and put forth my arguments,
the logician Dignaga (Digh-naga) and Dharmakirti tactfully
bypassed me.
In the field of writing, I am [next to none!] [In my eyes,]
Arya-sura was just good at spreading the works, which
are like ‘disputes~ between an insect and a field.’
I am the learned man. Peerless in the field of teaching,
debate and writing!
For some this passage might sound utterly nonsensical, but the most learned master of our age, the talented teacher, logician and writer, the late tutor to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Yongdzin Trijang Dorjechang (Yongs-‘dzin Khri-byang rDorje-‘Chang), said: “Now, some people of our time, who consider themselves learned scholars, think that this is utter nonsense; but they are wrong.”
Panchen Sonam Dragpa Pel (Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal) wrote over 45 volumes of books dealing with many different subjects, such as the commentaries on the sutras and tantras, the saddhana manuals of the tutelary deities, history, religious history and so forth. Among these, one that is very important for all who wish to learn and meditate on the path-of the practical aspect of Buddhism in general and that of Vajrayana in particular is the Leg shey gyu de chi nam par shagpa kelsang gi yi trod (Legs bshad rgyud sde spyi’i rnam par bzhag pa skal bzang gi yid ‘phrod). In this book, he has explained precisely how the four tantras differ from one another. He has also fully described the stages of the two spontaneous path practices of the Vajrayana tradition, dealing with the ‘six ultimates’ and the ‘four modes of transmission’, thus interpreting without mistake the intention of Adhi-Buddha Vajradhara.
May the reprint of this text, which the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives is publishing herewith, bring peace and happiness in this world!
Prof. Nawang Jinpa
St. Joseph’s College
January 24 1996
A Daily Request for Wealth, Peace and Protection
Composed by H.E. Tsem Rinpoche
In the heavens there are myriad manifestations of the divine. All those manifestations specifically show us different aspects of divinity in order to be of benefit to all living beings. All the rupakaya forms of the divine have compassion, skillful means and wisdom. We invoke upon them whether we are happy, sad, down, lost, fulfilled, confused, empty, and during the whole range of emotions we constantly experience due to an untrained mind.
Understanding our nature, Great Wisdom Being Dorje Shugden, therefore all the more so, please hold us close to your bosom as an only child to a parent.
Though the manifestations of the divine need no offerings and gifts from us, we offer you supreme Manjushri Dorje Shugden a libation of tea, incense and mantras, in order to ask you to bless us, to be a part of our lives, to abide in our dwellings and to give us signs, omens and portents of both good and bad. When the negative arises, quell them immediately. Please increase the positive for my weary and worn mind as I lay my hopes in you.
When difficulties, problems and confusion arise, we ask you, who is but the culmination of all that is powerful, holy and omniscient to bless myself, family, loved ones, environment and even my pets. May I see wisdom, find hope, and be at peace.
I request you, O Divine Bhagavān Dorje Shugden, who wears a round dome hat and the three robes of a saffroned bhikshu, who wields a sword of liberty, justice and wisdom and clutches a wish-fulfilling jewel, who rides on a supreme lion of subjugation of all that is negative, to fulfill my wishes. I understand my wishes may not be the best, so I surrender to your wisdom for the outcome though it may not be what I have in mind. Please bless myself and everyone that we may enter into the supreme city of liberation.
Great Bhagavān Dorje Shugden, I request you sincerely from my heart to be a part of my life, bless my home, and grant me wisdom, solace and comfort, that I might be of service to others without agenda, and that I may focus out onto others and not be fixated on myself, creating more problems for all that I hold dear.
Bless me to become kinder, wiser, more compassionate, tolerant and very forgiving to all those who hurt and love me. In order to become close to you, Dorje Shugden, we must surrender the banal. We must abandon fixed views, projections and rigidity. Lastly, in my final moment when I leave this plane of existence, only the positive actions I have done will matter as everything and everyone will be left behind. Let me realise this and act upon this now! At this crucial moment, please may I have a vision of yourself, the powerful and merciful Dorje Shugden, to take me to where I may course in the sky to continue my journey of spiritual waxing.
I offer you saffron-coloured tea and my faith to fulfill my prayers and gain siddhis. By reciting your mantra, may healing, peace, love, long life, protection and perfect view of sunyata arise.
Mantra of fulfillment, peace and wisdom:
(It is good to recite this mantra daily as much as you like or your timing allows.)
I dedicate this supreme heartfelt prayer to the all-knowing Celestial and Supreme Protector Dorje Shugden, that I may quickly become a being of light, compassion, love and enlightenment.
Please play the audio included here to follow along with the prayer.
Follow on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-OSudd323A
For more information, go to: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=61394
Be blessed with these rare videos featuring explanation and advice about Dorje Shugden practice by His Holiness Kyabje Zong Rinpoche in his own voice. The teaching was requested by Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the earliest masters who taught Tibetan Buddhism in the West.
Video 1: H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche Explains Dorje Shugden Initiation and Benefits (With English Subtitles)
Kyabje Zong Rinpoche was an erudite scholar, ritual master and practitioner of the highest degree from Tibet. At the request of Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the pioneers who taught Tibetan Buddhism in America, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche gives clear explanation and advice about the life-entrustment initiation of Dorje Shugden and how to go about the practice and get the maximum benefits in this video.
Video 2: H.H. Kyabje Zong Rinpoche speaks on the History and Lineage of Dorje Shugden (With English Subtitles)
In this video, an erudite scholar, ritual master and practitioner of the highest degree from Tibet, Kyabje Zong Rinpoche talks about the incarnation lineage of Dorje Shugden and how the practice arose, with examples of Dorje Shugden’s previous lives that reveal his powerful spiritual attainments and contributions. This very rare teaching was given at the request of Kyabje Zong Rinpoche’s student, Geshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen, one of the pioneers who taught Buddhism in the West to many disciples since the 1970s.
For more information: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/great-lamas-masters/kyabje-zong-rinpoches-advice-on-dorje-shugdens-practice.html
Many come to Kechara Forest Retreat in Bentong, Malaysia to make offerings and prayers to the increase form of Dorje Shugden who appears like a prince and rides on a golden horse. Many report having their wishes fulfilled and return many times. Am happy to see this. Tsem Rinpoche
You can learn more about this form of Dorje Shugden here: https://bit.ly/2wxQyes
See video of this chapel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEK35F_O5Hg
In the emerald forest there lies magical beings and powerful entities of old. There are beautiful gentle creatures of the forest such as deers, rabbits, owls and so on. Faeries, little people, elves, dwarves, trolls and other magnificent worldly and other-worldly beings of mystical origins who nurture and look over the natural world call this place their home. These supernatural beings, who remain hidden to ordinary view and are rarely seen together, have gathered to herald the arrival of the World Peace Guardian Dorje Shugden within the ethereal realm. Paying homage to the divine king they welcome him, the supreme being whose body shines with the light of magnificence and abides in benevolent wisdom. He who has come from the pinnacle of the celestial dimensions, he has the dominion over men and gods. All beings in this and other worlds have gathered to pay homage and to receive blessings, abundance and counsel.
Shugden the divine king, at last has drawn near,
He offers a new life so clear,
With a silent prayer he offers the golden stair,
Sing praises, does the emerald forest all cheer.
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha
To see other beautiful portrayals of Dorje Shugden, click here: https://bit.ly/2Nt3FHz
COMPASSION at its best: His Holiness the Dalai Lama explained in Ladakh, 31 July 2018:
“Usually at the beginning of an empowerment there is a ritual to drive away interferences. But I no longer feel it’s consistent to regard some beings as evil forces. At the start of each day I cultivate altruism, but in the evening we say, ‘May the evil forces be driven away.’ There seems to be a contradiction here that I’m no longer keen to comply with. I’m not highly realized, but I have great confidence in the power of Bodhichitta.”
Source: https://bit.ly/2wVsqSb
This latest statement by His Holiness the Dalai Lama is excellent. I fully believe in his compassion and I hope he will fully implement it.
All negative beings take rebirth with negative minds due to deep attachments. The attachments result in negative states of rebirth and angry minds that carry out harmful actions, like spirits or hungry ghosts who can be very bothersome because they are very angry as they died in the state of attachment in their former rebirths.
Indeed we need to generate compassion towards these beings, especially the formless type, as it would be the best remedy to stop their harm. We can recite mantras with love and bless them with it. While reciting prayers, we can meditate on them being at peace. When we generate compassion towards these harmful interferences of the formless type, many of them will calm down and stop their harm and even go away. Some of them, you can talk to them and subdue their harm and they will stop harming completely if they feel your love. That is how you can help them.
Many high masters of India and Tibet generated great compassion towards certain ghosts, spirits or interferers and subdued them in this manner and even made them into protectors of regions. I’ve witnessed this with one of my lamas where he subdued a female spirit that crossed over the Himalayas. After making the spirit promise it will not harm others, my lama gave the spirit a drink to seal the promise.
Since the Dalai Lama has manifested saying Dorje Shugden is negative (although many high lamas disagree), then he can apply this method to Dorje Shugden. He can ‘subdue’ Dorje Shugden by generating tremendous love, prayers and talking nice to Dorje Shugden who will be ‘subdued’. Then people are henceforth ‘free’ to practice Dorje Shugden without more discrimination, segregation and being called degrading names for practicing this protector.
Give peace a chance. His Holiness the Dalai Lama can generate great love towards Dorje Shugden and all the hundreds of thousands of Dorje Shugden practitioners that love the Dalai Lama and miss him like I do. May His Holiness the Dalai Lama bring peace and heal the rift with Dorje Shugden practitioners.
May His Holiness live very long and always be healthy,
Tsem Rinpoche
Reading- https://bit.ly/2wWQGUh
For the first time available, Dorje Shugden and his entourage of 32 asssistants of his mandala.
Dorje Shugden is a powerful protector deity who is also an emanation of Manjushri, a wisdom bestowing Buddha. Therefore, he has great ability to help us to progress further on the spiritual path. He does this by helping us to overcome obstacles and problems for the modern individual.
Due to his enlightened nature, Dorje Shugden is able to manifest 32 deities and within the same abode resides Setrap and Kache Marpo:-
1. 5 Dorje Shugden families or emanations. They consists of the following:-
– Dulzin Dorje Shugden, which performs activities to eliminate inner and outer obstacles.
– Shize, which performs activities to pacify all illnesses and disease.
– Gyenze, which performs activities to increase all desirable material and spiritual wealth.
– Wangze, which performs activities to control difficult people and circumstances.
– Trakze, which performs activities to wrathfully eliminate all insurmountable obstacles and life-threatening situations.
2. 9 Mothers. They represent protection of the five senses and developing control of the four elements. These are all attributes that signify their ability to assist tantric practitioners with their higher meditations.
3. 8 Guiding Monks. They represent the Eight Great Bodhisattvas (Avalokitesvara, Manjushri, Vajrapani, Samantabhadra, Maitreya, Kshitigarbha, Akashagarbha, Sarva-nivarana-viskambini) and they bring about the growth of the Dharma, through the Sangha, Dharma practitioners and Dharma establishments.
4. 10 Youthful & Wrathful Attendants. They represent the ten wrathful attendants to avert inner and outer obstacles. They are beings who are from Mongolia, China, Kashmir, India, Bengali, etc.
5. Setrap. He is a senior Dharma Protector from India and an emanation of Amitabha Buddha. He had enthroned Dorje Shugden as an authentic Dharma Protector. Therefore, he also resides within the same mandala of Dorje Shugden.
6. Kache Marpo. He is not an emanation of Dorje Shugden but he is still an enlightened Dharma Protector in his own right. He was originally known as Tsiu Marpo of Samye Monastery. However, he has placed himself under the service of Dorje Shugden as his chief minister, performing many activities in order to protect and benefit practitioners. Therefore, he stands guard at the main entrance of Dorje Shugden’s mandala. He often takes trance of qualified mediums to speak.
7. Namkar Barzin. He is the reincarnation of an old Mongolian monk and when he passed away in Phari area of Tibet, his spirit was placed as a powerful assistant of Dorje Shugden. He guards and protects buildings and great institutions especially those that benefit others. He rides on a mythical Gyaling animal that resembles a goat but with scales.
These sacred images are available on *Vajrasecrets. They are made of high quality alloy and are one of a kind. They are based on the lineage of His Holiness Panchen Rinpoche’s monastery, Tashilhunpo in Shigatse, Tibet. In fact, the iconography of these statues are based on detailed photographs taken by H. E. Tsem Rinpoche during a trip to Tashilhunpo’s protector chapel. These are based exactly as the 10th Panchen Lama’s personal collection.
Dorje Shugden mandala: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=131570
Dorje Shugden’s benefit and practice: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=62422
Dorje Shugden’s origins: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=106424
Dorje Shugden chapel in His Holiness Panchen Rinpoche’s Tashilhunpo Monastery in Tibet: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=68698
*Stand not included
His Holiness the 10th Panchen Lama
Tibetans commonly refer to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and His Holiness 10th Panchen Lama as the “sun and moon” of Tibetan Buddhism. They are the center of Tibetan Buddhist civilization, which draws to its sphere of influence millions of non-Tibetan practitioners. The Panchen Lama’s incarnation line began with the 16th abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen (1570 – 1662). He was bestowed the title of Panchen Lama by His Holiness the 5th Dalai Lama after being declared as an emanation of Amitabha.
After being given the title, his three previous incarnations were posthumously also bestowed the title, making Lobsang Chokyi Gyeltsen the 4th Panchen Lama. He became a teacher to many Tibetans, Bhutanese and Mongolian religious figures, including His Holiness the 4th and 5th Dalai Lamas, and the 1st Jetsun Dampa of Mongolia. A prolific author, Chokyi Gyeltsen is credited with over a hundred compositions, including a number of commentaries and ritual texts that remain central in the Gelukpa tradition today. Along with his role as a teacher of the Dharma, the Panchen Lamas are usually responsible for the recognition of the rebirths of the Dalai Lamas, and vice versa.
The 10th Panchen Lama, Lobsang Trinley Lhundrub Chokyi Gyeltsen (19 February 1938 – 28 January 1989) continued both the spiritual and political roles of his predecessors. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, his contemporary, was even heard to say and echo the Panchen Lama’s own words that the Dalai Lama would safeguard Tibet from the outside while the Panchen Lama would safeguard Tibet from the inside, as he never left Tibet after the political troubles of 1959. He was truly loved by the Tibetans, all the way until his passing. When he taught, thousands of people would attend, not only from his own Gelug lineage, but masters and practitioners from all traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.
At his sprawling monastery of Tashi Lhunpo, he has a special chapel specifically dedicated to Dorje Shugden, where prayers and rituals are performed on a daily basis. In his great omniscience the Panchen Lama held Dorje Shugden as the principal Dharma protector of the monastery. He also personally propitiated Dorje Shugden among other Dharma protectors, and even wrote extensive prayers and rituals to Dorje Shugden. These rituals and prayers are contained within his ‘sung bum’ or collected works, which are provided here. As such a great lama, with an erudite and clear understanding of the Buddhist scriptures, a teacher to millions in both Tibet and China, from an established incarnation line and an emanation of the Buddha Amitabha, he could not be mistaken about his practice of Dorje Shugden.
His Holiness 10th Panchen Lama is known for his composition of commentaries and practice texts that are still in use by contemporary Buddhist practitioners both in Tibet and across the world. One of these is a powerful ritual composition propitiating the compassionate Dorje Shugden.
Upon the request by Acharya Lobsang Jangchub to compose a shorter version of the prayer (sadhana) for the exhortation of activities of Dorje Shugden, Panchen Lama immediately composed an abbreviate form of Dorje Shugden’s Kangsol. This text is entitled “Manjunatha’s (Tsongkapa) Lineage protector Dorje Shugden and five forms wrathful propitiations and confessional prayers and fulfilment of activities rites” or “Melodious sound of Accomplishment of the Four Activities” for short. Once the prayers were completed, he had signs and strong feelings that Dorje Shugden has been working hard to protect the Buddhadharma in general and the lineage of Lama Tsongkhapa specifically.
Mirroring the abilities of one of his earlier incarnations, Khedrub Je, a disciple of Lama Tsongkhapa and master of both sutra and tantra, the Panchen Lama used his compositional skill and poetic prowess to create a masterful sadhana. Worthy of note is a praise in which the first letter of each verse is a Tibetan vowel. Such compositions are rarely seen, and have historically only been used when propitiating senior Dharma protectors such as Palden Lhamo and Kalarupa.
The Panchen Lama also stated that while composing the Dorje Shugden sadhana (prayers) he was filled with a sense of happiness and bliss. He ends the composition with not only his official title but his ordination name, Tenzin Trinley Jigme Choje Wangchuk, endorsing the validity of his work. He composed the sadhana in his own Tashi Lhunpo monastery while in the Hall of Clear Light and Bliss.
See the Panchen Lama’s writings and download: https://bit.ly/2KIfeXb
Dear Kecharians and friends,
Last night, I gave a teaching to a group of people who were in Kechara Forest Retreat. I shared with them the correct way to pray for our loved ones and why we shouldn’t “demand” Dorje Shugden with fulfilling our wishes but let Dorje Shugden decide what is the best outcome. He has infinite Manjushri wisdom beyond our own and we should trust this wisdom. Sometimes what we pray for is not what should be fulfilled. Sometimes what we don’t want turns out to be the better result in the future.
I also shared with them about a beautiful monk, Tsawa Pulthok Rinpoche, who was jailed and badly tortured by the soldiers for 19 years, starting back in 1959 in Lhasa, and yet he has no anger towards his torturers. He was released and had resettled in Nepal where I met him. For the remainder of his life, he spent his time in meditation, retreats and pujas for the public until he passed. He was glowing, happy and very proud of the fact he was a student of His Holiness Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche, which he told me when we met. He did full meditations on Vajra Yogini and short puja to Dorje Shugden daily in his small room in Kathmandu, Nepal where I had to honor to join in his prayers. He told me he was very happy to have his room to do his meditations, pujas and prayers openly. Whatever happened to him, he accepted as part of his karma and he spent much time in prison meditating and quietly teaching dharma to his other cellmates. He was very much respected in prison in Lhasa because he never showed anger, always meditated and consoled others, giving them great strength. He endured much hardship, torture and beatings but he never lost his monk vows. His full understanding of karma helped him not feel any anger or bitterness towards the soldiers. He told me that daily, he would meditate that the karma of others in prison would come to him. That all the torture and abuse he received was so others in prison did not have to suffer this. He said suffering for others was what kept him going and made him be able to endure the pain.
We are not bound by our experiences. We are bound by our choice. I also reminded those were present about the good person inside each and every one of us, and how we should not “bury” this good person with our excuses because the more excuses we give, the deeper this good person is buried and soon the layers of excuses will make it very difficult for us to find this good person. We are all beautiful good people and we should not let it get lost by lying, laziness, lack of integrity and procrastination. We all have a choice. If we have to make excuses, we should choose to make excuses to be a winner. When we win, we make ourselves happy and those around us happy.
The teaching session went well and it was spontaneous, and I requested the people who live and work in and around Kechara Forest Retreat for the talk. We had some good laughs to during the talk.
Thank you,
Tsem Rinpoche
‘If we trust in karma which exists, then there is no reason for anger’.
~ Tsawa Pulthok Rinpoche
“If the Dalai Lama, if His Holiness the Dalai Lama can be harmed by Dorje Shugden, then we might as well not practice Buddhism anymore. If His Holiness the Dalai Lama can have his life shortened by a so-called evil spirit, any evil spirit, then can he be Avalokiteshvara? So on one hand you say, we say, I say, everybody says, he is Avalokiteshvara; on the other hand you’re saying that he can harmed by an evil spirit… Which one is it? Can he harmed by an evil spirit or is he Avalokiteshvara? Do you think Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, Vajrapani, Tara all take refuge in something else to protect themselves from Dorje Shugden? How illogical is that? How illogical of people to say His Holiness the Dalai Lama can be harmed by an evil spirit, any evil spirit or “Dorje Shugden” evil spirit. How is that possible?” – Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
Photo: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, young Tsem Tulku Rinpoche and Tsem Tulku Rinpoche’s tutor Kensur Rinpoche Jampa Yeshe
This eldery & innocent monk in India was brutally attacked, find out why. Shocking– https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/?p=163953
DON’T MISS THIS! FANTASTIC NEW GREAT STUFF! High quality videos redressing the misinformation about Dorje Shugden practice and people and the current sad Tibetan situation and why they are losing ground in the world. Powerful and truthful – CLEAR VIDEOS – https://bit.ly/2LJbo35
Nice short video of a new LED signage reminding us of who we can go to for blessings in case of need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBwrkaKUoH0
Sakya tradition’s thangka of Dorje Shugden sitting on a throne within his palace with his four emanations and high Sakya Lamas nearby. Tsem Rinpoche
Listening to the chanting of sacred words, melodies, mantras, sutras and prayers has a very powerful healing effect on our outer and inner environments. It clears the chakras, spiritual toxins, the paths where our ‘chi’ travels within our bodies for health as well as for clearing the mind. It is soothing and relaxing but at the same time invigorates us with positive energy. The sacred sounds invite positive beings to inhabit our environment, expels negative beings and brings the sound of growth to the land, animals, water and plants. Sacred chants bless all living beings on our land as well as inanimate objects. Do download and play while in traffic to relax, when you are about to sleep, during meditation, during stress or just anytime. Great to play for animals and children. Share with friends the blessing of a full Dorje Shugden puja performed at Kechara Forest Retreat by our puja department for the benefit of others. Tsem Rinpoche
Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbzgskLKxT8&t=5821s
Amazing post!!!!!
Dear friends, For months we have been working on this BEAUTIFUL
and meaningful mural in Kathmandu, Nepal. Please click here to
enjoy the many stunning pictures of this mural:
Tsem Rinpoche
Thank you Rinpoche and Martin Chow to elaborate and explain about the truth and motives behind the baseless article published by Reuters, mainly targeted at China and Dorje Shugden practitioners as the cause of all the problems faced by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and Tibet overall.
It is shocking to learn that an international news media such as Reuters, could publish an unjustifiable article that mislead the readers to perceive Dorje Shugden as the cause of Tibet that lead to segregation within the Tibetan community, disharmony and becomes a threat to Dalai Lama physically.
One of the big flaws observed from this article written by David Lague, Paul Mooney and Benjamin Kang Lim is they (Reuters) mentioned that they did not have sufficient evidence to back their statements and yet, they can conclude everything on their own as if they speak on behalf of everyone and every country. This article written and published by Reuters is truly bias and uncompassionate, especially when Reuters described the protesters as noisy rather than understanding the reason behind why there was such a protest happened in the very first place.
Political issues should never mix into personal religion practice. However, Reuters just did it by publishing this article to clearly announce to the world that Reuters took side, favored to Central Tibetan Administration and damaging the reputation of China with all the false accusations without any valid evidence. A news media should be fair and unbiased to report the truth with complete investigation carried out instead of making the sweeping statements and unfounded conclusions that might mislead many people but not to the thousands of people from around the world who are practicing Dorje Shugden and progressing in Dharma learning and practice.
May Reuters one day, clear up all the false accusations and make a fair standpoint to only report nothing but the truth.
Humbly with folded hands,
kin hoe
Antique Pelden Lhamo thangka with sacred Dorje Shugden at the bottom right. Can see Tsongkapa and Guru Rinpoche on the top also. Beautiful and holy.
I am surprised that Reuter, such a renown news agency can publish a baseless article like this and later admit they do not have any proof. After reading the article by the Reuters, the first thing that came to my mind was, one could never trust what was read. They had admitted in not having sufficient evidence to support their theory and yet they manipulated the truths and made false accusations against the Dorje Shugden followers. This is totally unprofessional and severe breach of the ethical code. Reuters report has twisted the facts about Shugden practitioners as being political, malicious and segregating the Tibetans. Here is a very video about the CTA and Shugden ban produced by Kechara for everyone to know more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Id1Rb52s6JI.
Thank you Rinpoche and Martin for this enlightening article ????
Thank you Martin for the article.
I am surprised that Reuter, such a renown news agency can publish a baseless article like this and later admit they do not have any proof. This report will do a lot of damage to Dorje Shugden and Dorje Shugden practitioners. Why? Reuters is not a tabloid, it is quite an influential news agency, most of the people will believe what is published by them. It is very unprofessional of them to do this.
News agency is supposed to be neutral, to report the truth as it is to the readers. But in this Reuters article, there is no evidence to support what they say about the funding from the Chinese government to Dorje Shugden followers. It looks more like a smearing campaign aiming to undermine China using Dorje Shugden issue. Is Dorje Shugden issue being politicised? Looking at it, I am sure it is.
Watch this to learn more:
Allegations of Chinese Links – Is there any truth?
I used to have high regards for Reuters being one of the major international news agencies but not any more after reading this one-sided unfair piece of journalism. Martin’s commentary is spot on.
Journalism should be based on facts and objective reporting. If I wanted an opinion piece, there are plenty of options out there. Sadly for Reuters, it has been relegated to one of the options out there and not my top choice. Why? The article by the Reuters made a fatal mistake of defaming all Shugden practitioners by generalising us as people who are out to smear Dalai Lama. Many Shugdenpas like me respect Dalai Lama and to make such a sweeping statement like that paints a terrible false picture of us.
In line with the recent de-escalation in Asia, such as the reset of Sino-Indian ties, an article about His Eminence the 25th Tsem Tulku Rinpoche offering his strong prayers and thanksgiving was published on Reuters.
Share and read the good news here: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/current-affairs/reuters-publishes-my-reconciliation-prayers-for-asia.html
In this video, a nice couple is being targeted and attacked just because they are pagan faith. They are Wiccan and the nice lady is a practising elemental witch, but they are being perceived to be bad people and hurting children, although none of that is true and they are being attacked for their faith. This is also another example of what Dorje Shugden people go through especially in Dharamsala, India because the Tibetan Leadership has put a notice on their official site stating that Shugden practitioners are bad and demon worshippers which is completely untrue. Hence, daily Shugden practitioners are being persecuted and if you are not there in Dharamsala, you get online abuse like what H.E. Tsem Rinpoche receives daily as well as myself and other Kecharians who are openly practising what our Guru gave us.
Is this kind of discrimination and violence acceptable in this day and age when there is religious freedom? Why are these people allowed to do this crime? Why is the Tibetan Leadership acting like a dictatorship and attacking others of a different faith? They do it indirectly and encourage this hatred because they do nothing, say nothing and have a page talking against Shugden on their official website. That is a clear indication there is a ban and discrimination against Shugden people.
In this video is a police officer being discriminated for his Wiccan religion and he is going to sue the state because he was told it was mandatory for him to attend a Christian gathering. There is supposed to be freedom of religion, so why is it okay for a group of people to force other people to join, pray and believe their religion? And what gives them the authority to tell people what to believe or not to believe in? This is a dictatorship type of leadership, not a democratic one at all. And this is exactly the same question I would like to ask the Tibetan Leadership and those who come on our social media wall to abuse us and call us names and vulgarities because we practice Dorje Shugden. Watch what the guy says in the video.
I’ve just attached a video here on a lady reading about “the Persecution of Women in Witchcraft”. It is stated that in the early 16th century there was a mass execution of witchcraft. In the year 1515 in Geneva Switzerland, they burned 500 witches at the stake.In 1526, 1000 witches in Italy were executed. In 1571 witch hunt spreads across France.In total it is estimated from 1500 – 1600, there were 50 – 80,000 suspected witches executed.
Religious persecution in any way is wrong, look at how many lives were taken because people decide to discriminate on others and persecute them just because they do not follow your belief system. This is exactly what Dorje Shugden practitioners are facing today as well when the Tibetan leadership keeps on harping and silently encouraging their people to discriminate and ostracised Shugden practitioners which we can see from all the above online abuse. Is this okay in this 21st century, is this what H.H. the Dalai Lama advocates – religious tolerance? I think not.
Everyone has rights to practise what they like. Those who practise witchcraft has their rights to practise but they are not allowed to voice out their concerns, fearing to be treated differently just like most Dorje Shugden people.
Taken away the rights to purchase items for witchcraft is the same as burning the witch for practising their religion. It is just a manifestation of different types of witch hunt and banning the sale of certain items is the same as stopping them from practising a certain ritual that is the same as taking their rights away. This scenario is the same as what Dorje Shugden people face also.
This is another proof of discrimination that is similar to Dorje Shugden people. The witchcraft people do not get to purchase their religious practise items online because there is no law that protects their rights on what they can purchase and what not they cannot.
Despite the founding fathers’ effort to give Americans religious freedom, the Wiccans and Pagans are denied their right, such as to have Chaplains to perform ceremonies, receiving books and materials and so on in prison. It is not fair and this is the kind of discrimination Dorje Shugden practitioners faces. Tibetans in exile are supposed to be ruled under democracy, but they are denied their rights of religious freedom. This is not fair.
This is another example of religious discrimination. Wicca was accused to be related to Satan, which is not true. Wiccans are being rejected from being able to participate in the governmental system as they are not a member of the mainstream Judeo-Christian religion.Similarly, Dorje Shugden is accused to be a demon/ evil spirit, and that Shugden practitioners are not allowed to participate in the system – they cannot work in governmental jobs, they are denied travel documents, they are not denied medical treatment, and the members of the public are advised to not be associated with them.
This video shows how Christians in Nigeria face enormous persecution, similar to what Dorje Shugden people are facing.Just like what Bishop Mike Moses said in the video, they are being persecuted “in your own country, your own community”, and that’s worse than being persecuted by others.
Pagan man talks about freedom of religion choices
Religious freedom should be applicable to all including Pagan practitioners and atheists
This man’s dilemma is similar to what Dorje Shugden practitioners are experiencing. Even if the Dalai Lama has discouraged Dorje Shugden practice, those who choose to retain their practice should still have the right to do so without being penalized, without being discriminated, abused, attacked and harassed day in day out. Religious Freedom is every human’s right and should be respected, when the Tibetan Leadership stay silent when Shugden practitioners are being attacked, it is clear they condone it. So how can Tibetan Leadership claim to be democratic when they are not and how can they point the finger and blame others for human rights abuse when they do so themselves with their very own people? Illogical, injustice and unacceptable in this day and age!
Oklahoma Pagan suffer Discrimination
A lady witch suffers discrimination after being found out that she is a witch.
Uploaded: https://video.tsemtulku.com/chat-videos/chat-1516796905.mp4
This is similar to what Dorje Shugden practitioners are experiencing in Tibetan settlements. Once they are found out that they are a Dorje Shugden practitioner, they would be a target for discrimination (e.g., denied service in the public places), some even target attacked. And if you are not in Dharamsala, you will be targeted and attacked online with vulgarities and all kinds of derogatory slurs.
Messianic Jews Persecuted
In 2005, a large number of protestors crashed the Messianic Jews Christmas eve celebration and told them to go back to Gaza.
Any form of discrimination is wrong and should be discouraged and stopped. How can we discriminate people base on their religion, just because we dislike their religion? This is pure prejudice and hatred, so how can this be considered good and right for those executing such persecution? And this is exactly the same mentality the Tibetan Leadership has and encourage their people to attack Shugden practitioners. This is the kind of hatred that cause division, war, and suffering. How can one religion claim to be better than the other in the name of “God”? How can this be considered compassion?
Great message every Tibetan especially must read!
Since Tsem Rinpoche began speaking openly about Dorje Shugden and imparting accurate and invaluable information about the Protector, there has been noticeable shift in the attitude of the public towards the Protector. This comment by Suzy on Rinpoche’s YouTube channel is yet another indicator that despite the ban persisting, people are now beginning to see the benefits of this ancient and holy practice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl-4lIwxph4&t=11s
Trode Khangsar Chapel in Lhasa, Tibet
Over 400 years ago a great and learned lama Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was famed in Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal and China for being very saintly and compassionate. He resided in his residence (Zimkhang Gongma Ladrang) in Drepung Monastery. His root guru was H.H. the Omniscient 4th Panchen Lama and his close dharma brother was the 5th Dalai Lama.
The 5th Dalai Lama and Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen had a very close and dharmic relationship and often went to receive teachings together from the 4th Panchen Lama. They were close in age. They both became very learned and well known. During this time, the Dalai Lama was enthroned as a Dharma King of Tibet. But more people went to see Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen for teachings, initiations and divinations. This made the attendants of the 5th Dalai Lama feel threatened that Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s fame might usurp the power of the 5th Dalai Lama. So they had a khata forced down his throat. At that moment, Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen dissolved his psychic winds and generated the wish to be a great guardian of Buddha and Tsongkapa’s teachings. As his consciousness dissolved, he entered ‘bardo’ as a dharma protector of the highest order (jikten depey sungma). Many signs were seen throughout Lhasa at this time and the earth was said to have shaken in Lhasa. This event was already predicted to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s previous incarnation when he was one of the 8 main disciples of Lord Tsongkapa the Supreme Master and he served Tsongkapa directly by building Gaden Monastery.
When the 5th Dalai Lama heard what his scheming and power-hungry attendants had done, he was very distressed. He was very sorry Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen was murdered and dishonored as he was a great dharma master. The 5th Dalai Lama composed an apology to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen. In Lhasa, tens of thousands gathered for the cremation of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s holy body. During the cremation, the 5th Dalai Lama’s apology was read out at which flames spontaneously arose from the body of Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen commencing the cremation. From the body, during cremation, a powerful whirlwind of smoke tunneled into the sky for all to see as this was an indication Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen’s consciousness has arisen as the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden. The Dharma Protector Setrap immediately recognized this new protector Dorje Shugden and ‘enthroned’ him as a powerful Dharma Protector in the realm of the Buddhas. From this, Setrap and Dorje Shugden are closely connected and very close working hand in hand always. After the cremation, the great 5th Dalai Lama built a Dorje Shugden chapel on the spot the cremation took place and named it Trode Khangsar. The 5th Dalai Lama commissioned the statue of Dorje Shugden in this chapel and had monks installed in the chapel to do continuous propitiations to Dorje Shugden. Trode Khangsar Chapel was a commemoration to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who was wronged and also a celebration of his consciousness arising as the World Peace Peace Protector Dorje Shugden.
This Trode Khangsar Chapel still exists now in Lhasa where many make pilgrimages there. It is in good condition and was recently renovated. It is over 400 years old and a testimony to the respect the Great 5th Dalai Lama had to Tulku Drakpa Gyeltsen who arose as Dorje Shugden.
I have visited this holy chapel in Lhasa years back. I’ve never heard of it till I was in Lhasa and by chance, I was told about it which I was happy to visit. I could not find the place but strangely a bunch of pilgrims from Amdo told me they would show me how to get there in Lhasa.
This short video is a short clip of this holy Trode Khangsar Chapel in Lhasa today commemorating Dorje Shugden, built by the great 5th Dalai Lama. The great 5th Dalai Lama even composed a prayer to Dorje Shugden which is still available today and we can recite to invoke the blessings, protection, and assistance of World Peace Protector Dorje Shugden.
Tsem Rinpoche
Read more: Trode Khangsar – A 400-year-old Dorje Shugden Chapel in Lhasa
Short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTybDwTeLAM
The 5th Dalai Lama’s Prayer to Dorje Shugden
Though unmoving from the sphere of primordial spontaneity,
With wrathful turbulent power, swifter than lightning,
Endowed with heroic courage to judge good and bad,
I invite you with faith, please come to this place!
Robes of a monk, crown adorned with rhinoceros leather hat,
Right hand holds ornate club, left holds a human heart,
Riding various mounts such as nagas and garudas,
Who subdues the mamos of the charnel grounds, praise to you!
Samaya substances, offerings and torma, outer, inner and secret,
Favourite visual offerings and various objects are arranged.
Although, previously, my wishes were a bit dense,
Do not stop your powerful apparitions, I reveal and confess!
Now respectfully praising with body, speech, and mind,
For us, the masters, disciples, benefactors and entourages,
Provide the good and avert the bad!
Bring increase like the waxing moon in spiritual and temporal realms!
Moreover, swiftly accomplishing all wishes,
According to our prayers, bestow the supreme effortlessly!
And like the jewel that bestows all wishes,
Always protect us with the Three Jewels!
From: http://www.dorjeshugden.org/practice/the-5th-dalai-lamas-prayer-to-dorje-shugden
Tibetan prayer from: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/dorje-shugden/the-14th-dalai-lamas-prayer-to-dorje-shugden.html
Malevolent spirit? Such a spirit will take action and start hurting people, not talk and instigate others to peaceful protests.
Most of the time, people like to proclaim China as a country and its people are people who are bereft of spirituality, god or anything divine within their culture. But when China supports Buddhism by allowing certain lamas to bring buddhism to others, China is deemed trying to capitalize on the ‘friction’ between the Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden.
There are countless allegations about money given to Dorje Shugden people and institutions, but no one has found any conclusive proof of it. Why? Because anti Dorje Shudgen people will not keep quiet if they found evidence of it, it would be all over social media and the internet.
Thank you Martin for sharing this information with us in such a clear way.
It is hard to believe that an International News agency would do something as foolish as publishing a biased and totally untrue news. They had admitted in not having sufficient evidence to support their theory and yet they manipulated the truths and made false accusations against the Dorje Shugden followers. This is totally unprofessional and severe breach of the ethical code.
This is how the ban had cause more damage than protecting the community. It is misleading and not to mentioned that it is totally UNTRUE. It had caused schism and doubt in the buddhist community and it has to stop NOW.
Dear Your Holiness Dalai Lama, Please LIFT Shugden Ban.
After reading the article by the Reuters, the first thing that came to my mind was, one could never trust what was read. Thank you Martin for your commentary. You have pointed out the flaws in the article so well. It is distasteful for any journalist to report on any matter without giving readers a genuine situation of the happenings. The article did not help the unity of the Tibetan community but further divide them by reporting the Shugden protest movements being sponsored by the Chinese Government without much prove but only based on something that someone said. The ban has already caused so much pain to the Shugden practitioners in the last 20 years. It’s time freedom to be given to the Tibetan community who choose to practice Dorje Shugden. May the ban be lifted soon!
此话怎麽说呢?大家试想想路透社是走在世界尖端的着名传媒龙头大哥之一,做为世界媒体界举足轻重的媒介,猜测 牵扯到利益挂钩,便借用一位口说无凭的僧人胡乱编写这样的文章,并且将它刊登在路透社版位上,以企图 “影响”他人,这种完全没有媒体情操的不道德态度,可以使到不了解实况的人更加溷乱,也破坏了 製造整个媒体的专业名誉,摧毁了媒体的中立立场 。
曾几何时,如此一个权威的媒体也变质了? 它在进行报导时,完全没有秉持中立的角度去报导,反而将事实愈描愈黑;请问媒体的公信力还存在吗?这令人担忧!
今天,要谈人权、宗教和信仰自由,世界各地那一个角落不都是如此吗?为什麽当雄登行者对自个的持修法门进行和平取义活动时,却遭到路透社的刻意渲染?这种不实的报导每天都在发生,让大众对媒体失去了信心和依靠,雄登行者 和平游行只是冰山一角的例子。。。
我本人以沉重的心情呼吁,请大家不要再利用雄登禁令事件,以达到 个人的利益;再者我也恳请作为媒体界的每一个个体,请莫忘了作为媒体人的使命,为民众请鸣,不平则鸣,不该只顾及权益而忘了初衷!
Thank you, Martin for writing and sharing this article. It is truly an eye opener and showed how biased Reuters is in their news reports. Reuters implied that the protests are funded by the Chinese Government. Where are the evidences? As an international news agency, isn’t it their responsibility to investigate thoroughly before coming out with this accusation instead of relying on a testimony based on a single monk, Lama Tseta, who does not even have evidence to support his claims? There are plenty of articles of the ban but Reuters decided not to investigate further and instead take the word of a single monk. There are so many Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners but why is it that Reuters did not bother to seek statements and opinions from them to get a more balance view of the whole situation and counter what Lama Tseta said.
Reuters should investigate more to know the truth. There is a ban and it has caused much hardship and sufferings from the innocent practitioners who have the right to believe the faith of their choice. Why doesn’t Reuters write about human rights and religious freedom? The ban has been going on for almost 20 years, it is time that it is lifted to prevent more hardship and sufferings of innocent practitioners
It is very obvious that the Reuters’ reports on the Shugden issue are a bias and unreliable one – lack of proper and sound investigation. In fact, the reports are focusing on “smearing” China using Shugden issue as a tool. This focus can be seen easily in the reports that fail to mention Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) and their illegal ban of Dorje Shugden practice as well as drawing attention to H.H. Dalai Lama personal qualities and “security issues”, thus making the report to look like a personal attack of Dalai Lama while mixing it with baseless political agenda from China. These reports seem like a “self pity” stories made up to blame China, Shugden practitioners, International Shugden Community (ISC) and New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) without addressing the core issue – Dorje Shugden ban.
The CTA has been ruling in exile since 1959, 57 years this year, yet they have not resolved the Tibet issue with China – full independence or middle way. The CTA has been spending donations from external parties to impose on illegal Dorje Shugden ban, to draw the kind donors attention away from their disabilities in managing their “government” with campaigns to segregate Tibetans further. In addition to that, the CTA also interfere with the recognition of the Karmapa of the Kagyu sect which has always been done within its own system. None of these were mentioned in the Reuters’ reports which should be taken into considerations in order to provide a full and unbiased picture of the truth. This is rather unprofessional for a prestige international news agency.
The Dorje Shugden ban has denied Tibetans’ basis rights to receive educational, medical and governmental help such has travel permit etc.; to purchase grocery and the list goes on. The ban has also separated families, friends, religious friends etc. regardless who and where they are, like an uncontrollable spread of life threatening diseases. All these “threats” mentioned in the Reuters reports can be solved if all parties see through the veil and accepted the illegal ban as the core problem that should be resolved by the CTA.
I had always been under the impression that Reuters was an unbiased investigative news reporter but I guess its been over warranted. It is quite obvious that the reporter, Paul Mooney had an agenda against China on his mind during his investigation into writing on the Dorje Shugden issue. He had clearly already taken the side of His Holiness the Dalai Lama against China and as such had not bothered to venture further in proving the validity and credibility of the informants. There are so many evidences that prove the ban to be political in nature but more in way of “to separate and conquer”, intentionally to consolidate HH Dalai Lama and CTA’s power over the Tibetan community.
Lama Testa certainly doesn’t strikes me as a credible informant, with the way he could be swayed to “skip the boat” and go with whoever that panders to his ego and maybe pocket??.. I am a Dorje Shugden practitioner and I certainly have not received any form of payments from the Chinese government. In fact it matters not to me if China is happy or not. I continue my practise and reliance on Dorje Shugden as it was given to me by my Guru, not to please or be against anyone.
Its so disappointing to learn of a “once credible” Reuters descending into a tabloid like news agency. With all the mention of China paying the protestors at rallies against HH Dalai Lama, could then the reporter, Paul Mooney be on the payroll of the Tibet in Exile government?? After all, he could write his piece without evidence to back up his claims (certainly not what a upstanding investigative reporter would do).
Thank you Martin for an interesting and eye opening post and thank you Rinpoche for sharing it with us. May the ban on Dorje Shugden practise be swiftly lifted to return the Tibetan Buddhist practitioners to the state of united peace and freedom.
Thanks Martin for the article, sharp points to make readers think more on the credibility of Reuter’s reportings on Dorje Shugden issue.
I wonder what Reuter gets from taking side and putting China in bad light. Although Reuter articles did interview Dorje Shugden practitioners, but the contents are gear towards the idea that Dorje Shugden practitioners are bad and Dalai Lama is disturbed.
Thanks to the modern technology that we don’t have to always follow the “main stream” medias who try to shape the thoughts of the readers where we have various of resources now to see the truth.
Something I find it very real is the sufferings of the DS practitioners in the Tibetan community. My heart wrenches to see people standing out and talk about what they experienced because they practice DS. This is one of it:
I wonder why Reuter only see DS issue in political way, and really I want to ask again, what does Reuter get from this?
Another thing is, Reuter label the Protest as “noisy”, but does Reuter really investigate why the protest is getting louder? What I can see is the protest was once peaceful, it’s getting aggressive because no one listen and nobody from the Dalai Lama side would like to solve it with dialogue, which Dalai Lama always promotes.
Since Reuter is so mainstream and powerful, why don’t Reuter accelerates the dialogue in between the 2 parties and really play a good role of a media instead of taking side? What really can Reuter get from taking side?
Dear Martin,
This article is again pointing out how Dorje Shugden people get put down all the time and from so many sides.
Even Reuters who is well known only attacks Dorje Shugden with no evidence, using for instance one person Lama Tseta as witness after so many years. Well if he got money from China then from who, when, why, how much ….
Why don’t they point out that a government should give religious freedom to all of their citizens? What kind of government does that?
I think many people in the west don’t see what is really happening in the Tibetan Exile Community to Dorje Shugden practitioners. And this article is again adding to that.
How can Reuter support this and investigate clearly only into one direction.
This is an eye-opener on how media can be used to trick people and distract from the real issue.
May discussions start and the ban come down swiftly.
Thank you Martin for bringing clarity to a misleading report “China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama” by Reuter. It is not hard to see why the report is bias in nature.
1. The allegation presented by Reuter is single sided; the storyline of the report only focuses on a couple of aspects; i.e. how HHDL is being threaten by Dorje Shugden movements and how China is linked to these. The report disregarded the other side of story, which is not difficult to find, just try google it.
2. The accusation of China funding the Dorje Shugden is illogical and lack of evidence. For the last 20 years since the ban started that gave rise to this allegation, no concrete evidence was shown or presented.
3. The claim of HHDL’s safety was being threaten by Dorje SHugden practitioners was probably unfounded too, considering that both FBI and Britain’s Home Office declined to comment on this when requested by Reuter.
4. Lama Testa was not exactly a credible “informant” considering his reputation among the Tibetan community. Reuter having to rely on him alone discredit the strength of this report, in my opinion.
Above and beyond the weak allegations presented, Reuter is not new in her biasness in reporting. There is a list of manipulative reporting by Reuter that involve doctoring photographs, staging evidence and presenting photos of the set-ups as if they were naturally occurring, and giving false or misleading captions to otherwise real photos that were taken at a different time or place. And if we google the works of the reporters of this report, we will see that 2 out of the 3 reporters produced similar reports; i.e. sensational international tabloid.
Mainstream media, like Reuter, is after all another profit making organization; which can be the machinery of agenda-driven political parties. Should Reuter keep producing report with biasness, it will lose the credibility and readership because the truth will eventually prevail.
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing this blogpost with us that opens the eyes of many more on Dorje Shugden issue. The ban on Dorje Shugden has to come to an end soon because the reasons behind the ban is politically driven and drive schism within the Buddha Sangha community.
Humbly, bowing down,
Stella Cheang
As the saying goes, the truth speaks louder than words! That was what we have learnt at school, and what we have learnt, it is proven that the Truth always prevail! No one should be misled by stories, unsubstantiated reports, informations or unreliable and dubious informants, who do not have any proofs! Surprisingly, such repulsive negligence can happen to a professional and gigantic media like Reuters, is really unbelievable! This ban on Dorje Shugden has been a 20 years issue, it is not just a yesterday affair. Dorje Shugden has been practised for four hundred years, and the practice will still continue! We pray and hope very much His Holliness and the Tibetan Leadership will meet with the Leaders of Dorje Shugden communities one day soon to bring about an amicable conclusion to this Dorje Shugden issue, which has torn apart monastaries, communities and lives through broken samayas with a good win-win situation for both sides and have the ban Lifted. Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha.
Reuters claims that its article “‘China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama “ was based on an unbiased investigation into the Shugden movement and its alleged links to China. If this were really the case, one would have expected an international agency like Reuters to be thorough and fair, interviewing a large number of not only members of the anti-Shugden camp, but also the Shugden group as well. Sad to say, the whole investigation hinged on circumstantial evidence built around (as Martin says) the “testimony of” a dubious informant, a monk ,Lama Tetsa, who had previously been a Shugden monk and whose reliability has not been proven. What he said as testimony has not been backed by clear and hard evidence. In the end, the Reuter article turned out to be “an echo of all the usual and groundless allegations made against the Dorje Shugden practice for the last twenty years”. Nothing new. No independent evidence of direct funding by China of Shugden followers was uncovered by Reuters in their investigation.
Why would “a media titan like Reuters with its vast resources and wide web of contacts” want to rely on an unproven source to support its story ,such as a dubious “key-witness”, Lama Tetsa ? Perhaps there was no intention to get at the truth as to whether the Shugden movement had funding from China. I am inclined to agree with Martin that the article is only aimed at asserting that the Shugden movement is being used as “a political tool by the Chinese government to destabilize the Dalai Lama’s rule”? This is further supported by the title of this article – ‘China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama’.
In the ‘drama’ of the Dalai Lama being “tailed like in spy movies”, Reuters claimed alarmingly afterwards that there is “now a serious potential threat to the Dalai Lama’s well-being.” But wouldn’t the British government have taken the extra security measures to protect the Dalai Lama, if it saw a potential threat?
Even Lama Tseta said, “It is not Shugden, it is politics”. Reuters would do well to get at the truth of the matter. Politics aside, the truth is that the needless ban on Shugden practice is the basis of all the international protests. Hence, it should be lifted to end so much unnecessary suffering to members of the Shugden movement – the segregation and discrimination, the persecution and the abuse (both verbal and physical).
Thank you Martin.
Thank you Martin for this post. I think it is disgraceful that such a bias report was presented by Reuters. However, it is not their first. In November 2015, Reuters was condemned by Moscow for its “exclusive” report which ignored a detailed statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, in favour of the narrative predetermined by a “draft document” coming from an unnamed source and comments by anonymous officials. Sounds familiar?
It makes me wonder why the few reporters who worked on this report were against Dorje Shugden practitioners/ movement, or were they simply trying too hard to make a story out of nothing.
Like what Martin pointed out, stories that are not validated or unsubstantiated claims seemed to be more inclined towards sensationalism and not fact-reporting. Relying on an unreliable and unknown informant who does not have any proof of what he was talking about discredits this report and Reuters. What bothered me was that after presenting a point or rather allegations, you find out that there was no record/ proof or the point is refuted by another interviewee. For example, a London police spokesman said the department had no record of the ‘Tailed in London’ episode, while on ‘Serious Potential Threats’, Reuters stated in the article that it has no independent evidence of direct Chinese financing of the protests.
It is the social responsibility of the mass media not to mislead the public, to seek out truth and reporting it in an accurate and non-bias and neutral manner. Instead of sympathising with the plight of Dorje Shugden practitioners who were the real victims of Central Tibetan Administration’s (CTA) political tool, Reuters accuse them to be malicious and divisive, shaping a wrong view for the public about individuals who just wanted their rights to religious freedom to be respected. It is disturbing to know that this is similar to Reuters’ anti-Israel bias, in which Reuters focused on Palestinian attackers as victims of Israeli violence instead of aggressors in the recent occurrences of Palestinian violence against Israeli citizens. I wish that Reuters would focus on upholding religious freedom, encouraging democracy and harmony in society with non-bias reporting instead of getting the ‘tabloid’ news out.
The fact of the matter is that Dorje Shugden ‘sect’ was created by the Tibetan leadership. It is the Tibetan leadership that created yet another split in the Tibetan diaspora. It is the CTA that is political, malicious and segregating the Tibetans and Tibetan Buddhist communities around the world with this ban on Dorje Shugden. It is not just a ‘quarrel’ when Dorje Shugden practitioners were discriminated, persecuted, and violently attacked by their own people in their own community. How long more must Dorje Shugden practitioners wait for their suffering to end? Please look at this and see why Dorje Shugden practitioners are protesting: https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/dorje-shugden/to-sum-it-up.html
The media is taken as a place for the voiceless to have a voice. Reuters should remind themselves that the objectives of media are stated to inform, document, analyse, interpret, mediate and mobilise by creating and finding solutions, not to sell a sensational news piece. The rights of Dorje Shugden practitioners around the world is put aside to produce a news scoop is worrying. This report piece seems to contradict Reuters’ mission statement to “provide society with the news it needs to be free, prosperous and informed”.
Reuters /ˈrɔɪtərz/ is an international news agency headquartered in Canary Wharf, London, England, United Kingdom and a division of Thomson Reuters. Until 2008, the Reuters news agency formed part of an independent company, Reuters Group plc, which was also a provider of financial market data. Since the acquisition of Reuters Group by the Thomson Corporation in 2008, the Reuters news agency has been a part of Thomson Reuters, making up the media division. It transmits news in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Urdu and Chinese.
Thanks Martin for writing out all the sharp points to tell the world the so called world wide international news agency behave, its truly sad the writers are extremely bias and not report attach with clear evidences but just writing continuously to mislead the world wide readers.
As the news agency need to have income to sustain but it should be have ethical when publishing the articles to world wide readers.
The Dorje Shugden Ban make a lot of suffering to Shugdenpas but it seem like the world famous news agency can make a lot of income by reporting the unproven statements to get readers. I humbly plea the Reuters to be a full integrity news agency as soon possible and help to publish the truth to public.
There are a lot of sources Reuters can check, understand well, contemplate and learn before posting the next articles.
1. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/all-about-manjushri.html
2. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/dorje-shugden/dorje-shugden-illustrated-story-graphic-novel.html
3. https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/buddhas-dharma/who-is-dorje-shugden-to-me.html
Hence HH the 14th Dalai Lama (emanation of Chenresig) practice Dorje Shugden before the Ban, and the previous reincarnations Dalai Lama also practice Dorje Shugden; how can a fully enlightenment can be wrong before the Ban? Did the previous reincarnations of Dalai Lama wrong?
Dear Martin
Thank you for writing the commentary on the Reuters’ article. I agree with you that the Reuters articles are very bias. They implied that ISC protests were funded/ supported by Chinese government although they do not have hard and solid evidence (they even admitted that they do not have evidence). I am surprised that Reuters based this accusation on the testimony of one monk “Lama Tseta” and a supporting statement from Chinese authorities for Shugden practitioners. Although that Chinese government issued a supporting statement to Shugden practitioners, it does not mean that they fund, initiate or support the protests.
Moreover, as Nicholas Pitt pointed out, “I do not feel you could fairly use this document to say, look, this is evidence that the Chinese government is supporting the Shugden issue,” the document where authorities were urged to punish anyone, believer or non-believer, who used the Shugden issue to cause “public gatherings and disturbances.”
Thus, Shugden practitioners do not get exceptions. They still cannot do public gathering or create disturbance in China. Isn’t it ironic for a government who does not support public gathering or disturbance to support/ fund protest against Dalai Lama all over the world?
I agree with you Martin that Reuters was determined to portray Shugden practitioners as malicious and political. They did not even consider the possibility or the fact that the protest was initiated by a group of people who felt suppressed by the faith-based discrimination imposed by Dalai Lama’s followers regardless of mounting evidence of this suppression. Reuters, instead, relies on vague evidence given by one monk and a vague statement issued by Chinese government that does not even proof that The Chinese government collaborated with Shugden protestors.
The piece published by Reuters is very bias and lopsided in that it specifically target the Shugden movement being funded by the Chinese. Their investigative piece on ‘China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama’ is not credible, they are only base on what is being said by Lama Tseta, who did not provide any proof of receipt, documents or even recording of Shugden movement received funding from China, how could Reuters who as a Media titan being followed by millions of readers worldwide could published such a bias piece without presenting facts and proof?
How credible is Lama Tseta for Reuters to quote what say and use it to vilified Shugden movement? How come Reuters did not interview Shugden practitioners to get second opinion on this issue? Clearly the journalist who wrote the article is biased towards one party, and ignoring the real facts that is available to counter what Lama Tseta said. How could someone who left Shugden movement 9 year ago, can suddenly appear and become a credible witness of China wrongdoing? Or perhaps it is the journalist is Anti-China, that they grab the opportunity by using Lama Tseta to vilified Dorje Shugden practitioner.
Ever since the ban on Dorje Shugden being imposed wrongfully by the Tibetan Leadership, Dorje Shugden practitioners has been living in hardship, being segregated, having family relation being torn apart, being denied the rights to receive treatment at hospitals, receive education, and even being denied to buy sundries from shop, just because they are Dorje Shugden practitioner. Even monasteries are being divided because of this issue? Why Reuters do not investigate and ask why is this happening? Why are Tibetan leadership doing such thing to their own people, it is already disheartening that the Tibetan are temporary citizen in India aka Refuge, why do they still segregate the Tibetan community further because of Dorje Shugden? Why not they unite the Tibetan and proliferate the unique Tibetan culture and Tibetan Buddhism?
The baseless accusation of China Co-opt with a Buddhist sect to damage His Holiness Dalai Lama reputation is totally unfounded. Why doesn’t Reuters ask why the Tibetan Leadership is damaging His Holiness reputation, and also damaging the Tibetan Buddhism in general because of their lies against Dorje Shugden practice? Probably Reuters need to do some background check on Dorje Shugden ban, probably these video will help them in their investigative work and report a more credible and reliable article, don’t insult the intelligence of you’re the Readers!!!
~Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden, Part 1
~Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden, Part 2
~Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden, Part 3
~Dalai Lama says his gurus are wrong? Violence against Dorje Shugden practitioners
What a shame. I have grown up respecting Reuters as a source of news and information that is not opinionated. How sad and wrong i was. This piece by Reuters is a shambles to say the least, and has completely tarnished how i will view information or news from them in the future.
From the outset of this article it is clear that they have an agenda and this is simply to malign Dorje Shugden practitioners. This is real sensationalism without substance, they have not given any proof whatsoever, just the so-called true word of someone who himself has no proof at all.
What really irks me is that they really don’t address the central issue, rather the concentrate on the actually issue which is religious freedom and persecution but just an attempt to pander to the Tibetan government and an attempt to slander China.
What is even more disturbing is that they claim that every Dorje Shugden practitioner or high lama is against the Dalai Lama, since the time of the Great Fifth, due to the growth of his political power. This supposedly threatens Dorje Shugden lamas. In my experience, which is most obviously more than the author of the Reuters article, this is most definitely not the case. I mean even the tutor to His Holiness himself was a Dorje Shugden practitioner who stressed that no matter what happens, one must respect His Holiness as the emanation of Chenresig that he is.
Reuters is a profit media company, making money is part and parcel of the company’s activities. Revenue either by mean of advertisement or mean of write-up etc are common. It seems to me there are something very very fishy on the way Reuters behaved by persistently, continuously publishing something that are “not true” and/or without any evidence and prove.
Well, are Reuters been paid for this task?? If yes, by who?? Hmmmm… .It will be interesting to find out.
Thank you Martin for great and very logic write-up.
“China must be thrilled at this,” said Gary Beesley, a British devotee of Tibetan Buddhism who had travelled from Manchester to hear the Dalai Lama. “They really must love it.”
The above quote sums up the Reuter articles. It is obviously clear that the Reuter’s articles and in fact the Shugden issue itself is all about politics. Subsequent passage in the articles by Reuter states the true reason of the protests.
China isn’t involved in the demonstrations, said Rinchen, who said he has lived in the U.S. for almost three decades. “I am sure they are pleased, but we do not protest to please China,” he said. “We are interested in getting our religious freedom back.”
I would say the Reuters article did lay out the basic facts of the Shugden issue, the protests and China and Tibet but it the manner and tone of the article that shows clearly Reuter and the journalists are are still trying to be “politically correct”, where old school politics of the Western society viewed China’s human rights issue negatively.
The articles hence missed both the spiritual and ironically the human rights of Shugden practitioners in favor of their own biased point of view and agenda. Basically it is anti China. Hence, Reuter committed the very thing it is accusing China of doing, that is leveraging the Shugden issue for its own agenda.
Reuter is not interested in human rights. Instead it is more interested in politics. Finally, I suspect they are not even interested in His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s safety or reputation.
Thanks Martin for writing out such clear strong points which the Reuters article failed to present professionally. Personally I have lost respect and trust in Reuters as a whole. How can an international news agency present such a biased article? The whole article felt more like a tabloid gossip magazine, and seems suspiciously one sided. Why would you publish or make claims about something and yet don’t have any evidence or prove of what you write to back it up???
It was very clear that the whole article was geared towards putting China in a bad light and using Dorje Shugden as a tool to support it. The Reuters’ writers were not impartial nor were they objective in their reporting which shows us what kind of writers they are. It’s as if they have a personal grudge against China and decided to rave about it. Makes one wonder if the writers; David Lague, Paul Mooney and Benjamin Kang Lim were paid by the Tibetan Leadership to cook up this article. Why? Because if they can so strongly accuse Shugden practitioners of being paid by China WITHOUT evidence, and just relying on a monk who basically is a ‘nobody’, then it leaves the door open for us to say the same thing about them.
They did not even talk about how the Dorje Shugden conflict which caused so much suffering and segregation was triggered by the illegal ban that was imposed in 1996 by the Tibetan leadership themselves. Why not tell the full story of how it all began. They never bothered to investigate further because before the ban, everyone was living in harmony and there was no conflict. They can easily interview any Shugden monks who was around before the ban was implemented to ask how it all was. Why was this side of the history not mentioned?
They keep saying that the ISC is funded by China but they fail to present any proof to back up their allegations. Reuters did not bother to ask “Why” were the ISC protesting and just concluded that they were backed up by China and a threat to the Dalai Lama? How on earth are they a threat? If anyone wanted to harm the Dalai Lama, they would have already. Instead of giving more security for the Dalai Lama when he was visiting, the British government gave the ISC ‘permits’ to protest. Why would they do that if they suspected anything fishy… well, because there was none. The ISC had no chance to give their side of the story and even if they did, I am sure it would be twisted into something else since the whole article is already a huge twisted lie. The ISC could easily take Reuters to court and sue them for such baseless allegations if they wanted to. Fortunately enough, they are a group of Dharma people. The report is definitely very one-sided.
It is so silly of the Tibetan Leadership to fear Dorje Shugden on one hand and on another hand implement a ban that would encourages China to use against them. But Reuters never saw it in this angle because they are focused on putting the blame game on China. If you really hate China so much then why not boycott China and all their products and make sure you never ever buy anything made in China.
I am a Shugden practitioner and I don’t get paid by China and I can prove that with my bank account statements. I’m sure it is the same for all the ISC protesters but Reuters would never go that far because they have already set their agenda in telling the world a lie on Dorje Shugden. How can these journalists choose to listen to a testimony from a monk who basically have no evidence and who took 2 years prior to him quitting to now only come out to say what he says. Even within the Tibetan community, he is not credible, and is well known to be someone who talks big without substance. If he was who he claims to be, someone ‘important’ in the Shugden Society… then why not show evidence of his position, like a name card of something? Also if he can be so easily bribed by China, then what makes us think that he is not being bribed now by the Tibetan Leadership? Sound like Lama Tseta is not very loyal and would easily swing where there is benefit. We get nothing from him except empty words really.
The only thing Reuters have achieved from this article is that it has brought down their own credibility and professionalism by being one sided, bias, a somewhat childish with their hate campaign against China. I’m not even sure if it is worthy to be called news. It’s more like the reporters personal opinion piece. This shows us how much they would discriminate others to the expand of causing suffering to others. It really seem like the Tibetan Leadership really motivated them to write this piece. This is dangerous because their irresponsible reporting does not create positivity but more negative, more segregation, more disunity, disharmony and if they can publish this type of political propaganda, it makes one wonder what other false reporting they have been doing? Would you trust these writers in their next report? I know I would not.
In the end the article had no substance and no I don’t think that the ISC dissolved because of Reuters little write up with no evidence by a Lama who has no credibility. The reporters should really be more objective and not write based on personal opinions or agendas. If you do not have any evidence, then it is wrong to write such bogus accusations because the article increases the oppression and suppression towards so many Dorje Shugden practitioners who has nothing to do with China. If they do then where is the proof? Where is the proof to everything Reuters claims? I hope someone at the top in Reuters would do something about this write up and stop such bad reporting.
Thank you Martin for sharing your thoughts and pointing out that one of the world’s famous and influential media such as Reuters can feature such a bias report, bashing Dorje Shugden practitioners by saying that they are funded by China goverment to smear Dalai Lama’s name around the world.
Reading through Reuters’ report, there is no clear evidence nor resources to prove the validity of this report. To me, this is a report that we cannot believe, simply due to the lack of evidence. Reuters’ supporting evidence of interviewing Lama Tseta is also not convincing because there is no proof that all protesters are funded by China. If Lama Tseta professed to be a senior member of a Shugden society for 9 years, he could easily present some sort of proof or evidence – any documents, communication, anything, yet there was nothing to support his claim. A simple homemade video cannot make the cut to present such an accusation. I am amazed Reuters accepted Tseta as its’ prime witness, whose words is not trustworthy, especially that he has only ‘surfaced’ for this article and was never considered a key person in representing any party in the Dorje Shugden movement.
Reuters report has twisted the facts about Shugden practitioners as being political, malicious and segregating the Tibetans. Reuters, being such a powerful media, they should be aware that the Dorje Shugden ban started by the Dalai Lama. That is how this whole thing started, causing political issues and further segregation among Tibetans. They should not promote such a baseless rumour and accusation that China co-opts a Buddhist sect in global effort to smear Dalai Lama without any proof at all, and worse still, admitting that they do not have proof.
People can write whatever they want, their personal opinions on social on their own blog and on their personal social media pages. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. But as a news agency, one is to bring facts and unbiased reports to the public under the governance of professional integrity.
Reuters article is obviously biased and only portray one side of the Dorje Shugden issues. While the title of the article sounds factual and unbiased, the contents were anything but.
China did not start the Dorje Shugden ban. It is H.H The Dalai Lama who spoke and brought about the Dorje Shugden controversy. The CTA has been using this controversy as movement to oppress and control the exiled Tibetan communities and the monasteries. Who can blame China for seeing an opportunity here and to use this controversy to manipulate the situation to their advantage. If I am China, I would definitely proliferate Dorje Shugden practice and offer my support to the Dorje Shugden community as part of anti Dalai Lama campaign.
They say the people who makes money from weapons are also usually the masterminds behind conflicts and wars. There are plenty of conspiracy theories out there about who really started the wars against terrorism.
If we want to go along with China using Buddhism to smear H.H. The Dalai Lama, then it is also not too far fetched to consider if China is manipulating and paying CTA to oppress Dorje Shugden practitioners? If you think about it, without the violence, the discrimination, the oppression of religious rights and human rights, these protests will have no basis and no effects.
I do not doubt there is politics involved and in play with the Dorje Shugden controversy. Personally I think China probably has people in their payroll in both sides of the camps. Like in any conflict, there are bound to be some “bad” people on both sides. This is not the issue here. This is not even about debating which camp is correct. This is about Reuters not following professional news reporting standards and ethics in bringing the public impartial and unbiased news. Reuters lost its integrity and respect in news reporting by not giving people an unbiased account of stories from both sides of the camps for the readers to make up their own mind.
I like what Martin wrote.
The reports by Reuters are largely based on circumstantial evidences of China funding Dorje Shugden practitioners to rise up against the Dalai Lama, with the aim to split the Tibetan community. Reuters should investigate more that it was the ban imposed by the Dalai Lama that has created factions and spilt among the Tibetan people.
“It’s not about Shugden, it’s about politics,” said Tseta, the former Shugden member.”
The religious ban, more so a political move as admitted by Tseta, imposed by the Dalai Lama on the practice of Dorje Shugden goes against religious freedom and human rights, bringing untold sufferings to hundreds of innocent people.
So much materials are available of the ban yet Reuters decided to brush these aside. Instead Reuters depended largely on the words of a monk and a piece of document purportedly by the Chinese government. This ban was imposed 20 years ago by the Dalai Lama and people are still suffering today because of it.
“Reuters has no independent evidence of direct Chinese financing of the protests.”
Then why Reuters still allege the funding by the Chinese?
“Beijing accuses him of attempting to split Tibet from China. Now, the avowedly atheist Communist Party has thrown its weight behind the worship of Dorje Shugden – a spirit depicted in temples and monasteries as a wrathful three-eyed figure wielding a sword and mounted on a lion.”
Reuters should not have concluded that Dorje Shugden is a spirit just because the Dalai Lama said so. Since the Dalai Lama said his gurus were wrong, why can’t the Dalai Lama be also wrong?
If the Tibetan leadership hopes for a united Tibetan people then it should lift the Dorje Shugden ban. The longer the ban stays, the more Tibetans will leave for other countries where there is real religious freedom and human rights are respected.
If you check Reuters reporter Paul Mooney’s Facebook, it is full of anti-China rhetoric. So how could such a person have written a fair and unbiased article about this issue which involves Tibet and CHINA?
For a media titan such as Reuters, it is very irresponsible to base the whole accusation of Dorje Shugden practitioners’ characters on the account of one single dubious monk called Lama Tseta. How could Reuters be sure that Lama Tseta is a credible witness? Is there any hard evidence? Obviously not. That is why I said, Paul Mooney is just jumping on the first opportunity to vilify China when the “witness” Lama Tseta come forth to tell him stories that he wanted to hear, because he is already by default ‘anti-China”.
As Martin has aptly pointed out, there are so many other Dorje Shugden lamas and practitioners who can give good counter to Lama Tseta’s account, yet Reuters conveniently ignore the option to interview them, because they already have a fixed agenda on their mind.
And it is totally untrue that International Shugden Community (ISC) disbanded because they were being “exposed” by Reuters, it is Reuters’ self-aggrandizement to think that their article with dubious evidence could have so much impact as to have “saved the Dalai Lama from the evil”.
The ban on Dorje Shugden has been going on for 20 years, all created by the Tibetan leadership, responsible media like Al-Jazeera has reporeted the issue in an unjust manner, showing the real sufferings the Dorje Shugden practitioners faced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rqa2DeOIEQM
This is what I call media ethics and conscience, not what Reuters did.
Thank you Martin for this interesting Reuters piece. You make an excellent point when you mention that it is lame for Reuters to claim credit for the disbanding of the ISC on the basis of one poorly-researched piece alone. ISC members can stand in the heat, rain, in snowstorms and bad weather, AND expend money, time and effort to protest against the ban so it makes it highly unlikely they will be bothered by a one-off smear piece against them…they have dealt with much much more in the past!
Not only that, but the credibility of their report was severely let down by their choice of ‘informant’ and sources of information. Lama Tseta has been discredited by every quarter of the Tibetan community and no serious journalistic outfit quotes him. For example, Justin Whitaker who is decidedly anti-Shugden even noted that Lama Tseta and Reuters failed to produce any new evidence or further information to back up what is already a very common accusation (that Shugden practitioners are supported by China): https://www.tsemrinpoche.com/tsem-tulku-rinpoche/current-affairs/reuters-anti-dorje-shugden-report-backfires.html
You also have to suspect Lama Tseta’s motives. He left the Shugden organisation nine years ago in 2006; why did he wait until 2015 before coming forward to ‘reveal’ the supposed connection between Shugden practitioners and China? And where is all of his evidence? As you noted Martin, where are his photographs, receipts, documents, anything?
Was he holding on to this supposed revelation to try and get something out of it? Or is he a paid shill for Dharamsala, hired to stir up trouble and drive a wedge in the Tibetan community? Why else would so many people come out of the woodworks to make daft accusations like these, over and over again, and always without any proof? First you had Dhamchoe then you had Thupten Thokmey and now Lama Tseta…
Dharamsala needs to stop focusing on the Shugden issue and putting money and effort towards it, and start focusing on the welfare of the Tibetan people.
You can tell Reuters didn’t intend for this piece to present a balanced view of the Dorje Shugden issue. You can tell it wasn’t the journalists’ intention to educate readers about anything; you can tell they published their report with an agenda in mind, to push their point-of-view and falsehoods onto others. Otherwise, they would’ve made greater effort to connect with other Shugden practitioners (who are very easily contactable) to get their point-of-view. If they were really serious about covering the Shugden issue, Reuters should take a page out of Tricycle’s book. Even if Tricycle labelled Shugden a ‘demon’, they at the very least gave Shugden lamas an equal opportunity to state their case.
Poor showing Reuters, very poor showing.