4th Chat quiz
Dear Rinpoche,
Below are the questions and answers for the 4th blog chat quiz! What an amazing win for Ethan Hoo! He won the 2nd quiz and he won again today! Definitely a well deserved win for Ethan as he spends a lot of time reading up the blog.
Thank you Rinpoche for the fun yet knowledge filled quiz! And for all the exciting prizes!
Thank you.
Philip Yong
- Ethan Hoo
- Sarah
- Bruneian
- Joey Wong
- Lucy Yap
- Shin Tan
- Carmen
- Phil
- Chandra
- Cynthia Lee
- Julia
- Andy
- JJ
- Mima
- Peng Yiao
- Fido
- Andrew
- David
- MC
- Li Kim
Questions asked:
1. What do we need to make Perisiki’s filling? List the ingredients AND give the link of the blog post.
Answer: 3 potatoes, 1.5 onions, 2 teaspoon butter, salt to taste.
Winner: Carmen
2. Question number two is: Where can you find this quote? “Everything just seemed to go wrong in this place and there was a constant banging.” Give the name of the post and the link.
Answer: Celebrity Ghost Stories-Must watch video!!!
Winner: Joey
3. Which video did this statement come from? “This is do-able. This is a variety and nobody can ANSWER: complain about this”. Name the title of the video and give the link.
Answer: Oprah Goes Vegan
Winner: Ethan Hoo
4. What is the name of the boy who remembered his past life, 200 miles away from his home? Give the name of the boy and the link to the post.
Answer: Cameron
Winner: Anrew
5. Fill in the blanks “Mr. Luo told us olden Chinese architecture is not confined to ___________, there are also many such national treasures in normal townsfolk”. Fill in the blanks and give the link to the post.
Answer: Towering imperial palaces
Winner: David Lai
6. Who does the quote refer to? “If you control the sky, you control the world”. Give me the name and the link to the post.
Answer: Zeus
Winner: Ethan Hoo
In which video did this quote come from? “It is as though that part of his brain that does these things can’t make up his mind about the target pictures”. Name the title of the blog post and give the link.
Answer: Ghost being photographed?
Winner: Ethan Hoo
First Quiz: Vincent Cheng
Second Quiz: Ethan Hoo
Third Quiz: Jean Mei
Fourth Quiz: Ethan Hoo
Hint for next quiz
‘We will play more quiz games in the future..we will play more for sure…..very exciting…I give you a hint FOR THE NEXT GAME. everyone should read up on the Vajra Yogini Category…EVERYTHING IN THE VAJRA YOGINI CATEGORY READ UP AND WATCH THE VIDEOS……all questions for the next quiz will be from that category ALONE…is that a good hint or not??????????’
‘Dear Everyone, the next quiz will focus on one category and it sounds super super super easy..but if you don’t read up and watch the videos completely everything in this category it will be difficult, ANYWAYS IT WILL BE SUPER CHALLENGING AND FUN to learn up on super sacred and powerful Buddha Vajra Yogini..how fortunate it is for us to even hear Her name…..the next set of questions from the VAJRA YOGINI CATEGORY OF THIS BLOG are designed to help you learn more about this tremendously beneficial yidam…ok?? excited?? PLEASE BE PREPARED…..hehehe’

These are the two prizes that were available to choose from. Ethan chose the sacred Vajra Yogini thangka..I offer my congratulations to Ethan for being the grand 4th Chat Quiz winner!! Tsem Rinpoche
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Rinpoche always finds creative ways for us suited for 21st century and it is always fun. Thank you rinpoche.
My dearest Guru Tsem Tulku Rinpoche,
i have to laugh when i see your photo. Your eyes looks so funny 🙂
Very nice. And the colours are great.
But Ethan has to buy a bigger apartment now :))
Thank you for giving Sitatapatra Mantra and Picture and lung. It helps me really with my entity problem. Perhaps only in my mind, but it helps. Stay as you are, and don´t forget the lonely fox. Always in nowhere, but you are always on my mind. Like all the other great Lamas of me.
In deepest love and with light…
Here’s the million-dollar quiz question: “How many High Lamas do you know who spends his resting time posting quiz questions that make people learn about dharma, and giving away prizes from his personal collection”?
Can you name the Lama and provide a link?
Congratulations Ethan, you won again!
Thank you, everyone. I wish you all the best in the next quiz. Study hard and well on Vajrayogini blog posts for the next quiz – everyone is a winner when we learn.
Congrats Ethan. You are one cool guy.
Congratulations Ethan! Again… Hahaha…
Such a good way to promote Rinpoche’s blog through quiz and learning as well!!
Congrats to Ethan, again!
I can see that Rinpoche is so creative in getting us to study and learn up Dharma knowledge through such innovative methods.. 🙂