Tamedran Raj in critical condition | Tamedran Raj 病情危急
I had just completed giving *Gabriel an Amityus initiation in the hospital in his room. He has been in a coma. After finishing, I left his room and in the room next to me, I saw in the halls around 15 people very distressed as I was walking towards the lifts… I wanted to stop but didn’t because I am a stranger and didn’t want to disturb this family. I didn’t want to stare… But I can see something was seriously wrong… I found out they were just given the news that 13 year old Tamedran Raj has blood in one of his lungs and the doctors have tried many procedures to cure him for the last five days and with no effect. His condition is critical. I was so worried.
Tamedran Raj just complained of pain in the throat and dryness… then he was admitted into the hospital in his village in Setiawan in Perak State (Malaysia). He was in the hospital for 20 days and they couldn’t find out what was wrong. So his parents brought him to Kuala Lumpur out of desperation.
The doctor here in Kuala Lumpur has tried everything so far and Tamedran is not well. I was so worried because I saw the pain on their faces. Beautiful 13 year old Tamedran Raj is not getting well. His mother, father and aunt are so grief-stricken. I saw their pain. I felt the pain. I couldn’t relax. After I got home, I asked Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Su Ming, Ethan, Bryan and Jean Mei to return to hospital (1:30 AM) to deliver a message and gifts from me. I never met them, but pain is pain.. I wanted to give them some prayers and in my own humble way, some hope…. I wrote them a letter, offered a White Tara statue (Bhagwati Cinta Chakra Tara Devi), a book on Tara and three malas. One mala for the mother, one for the father and aunt. The aunt is very close to Tamedran Raj. Su Ming and group related my message to do Tara mantras for the boy as much as possible and to place the consecrated Tara statue near Tamedran Raj. The parents and relatives were grateful for the advice. They were very receptive… They immedately started to do Tara mantras and the father recited Tara mantras into the ear of his beautiful son lying still and not moving lovingly…. Su Ming and group did a wonderful job to explain. I appreciate our ladrang/Kecharians so much for their kindness to help others always anytime day or night… People like them working around me really expedites whatever I wish to do… thank you.
Su Ming today contacted a doctor friend of ours to get further advice at my prompting. Su Ming is so concerned for Tamedran Raj also. We will carry out the Dr friends’s advice and keep everyone posted regarding what is happening here.
I did two pujas last night until 4AM for Tamendran Raj and Gabriel with Paris and Bryan assisting me. I want these two young boys to have a chance, to be healed to hug their parents again… to play.. to live… to grow.
I am sending our Kechara Pastors today, tomorrow and the next day to do puja at the bedside of Tamedran Raj. Then we see what happens. And I will after that send Pastors to do pujas for him continuously.
The aunt was so distraught, her hands were shaking non-stop. The father couldn’t talk as he cried. The mother is in stunned silence. These are simple people from a small village who love their beatiful child…. and he is not waking up… Kechara will help them. I will help.
Tsem Rinpoche
Tamedran Raj 病情危急
我刚在医院的病房里授予*Gabriel无量寿佛的灌顶。他一直都处在昏迷状态中。在灌顶仪式结束后,我走出病房前往升降机时,在Gabriel隔壁病房的大厅,我看见大约15人,他们都面带哀伤。我想停下来但我并没有这么做,因为对这一家人而言,我只是个陌生人,而我也不想打扰他们。我不想注视他们,但是我可以看出情况非常严重。我得知他们刚接获13岁的Tamedran Raj出现一侧肺积血的消息,而医生们在过去的五天内已经尝尽一切方法为他治疗却仍未起效。他的状况非常危急,这令我非常担忧。
Tamedran Raj不久前投诉自己喉咙疼痛及干燥。他接着被送入位于其家乡,霹雳州(马来西亚)实兆远的医院。他在医院住了20天但医生们无法检测他究竟得了什么病。因此他的父母绝望地将他带到吉隆坡就医。
吉隆坡的医生到目前为止已经尝尽一切方法,但他的病情却仍无起色。我非常担忧,因为我看见他家人脸上的痛苦。今年13岁的Tamedran Raj病情没有起色,他的母亲、父亲和姨妈都伤心欲绝。看见他们的痛苦,我感同身受,这让我无法松懈下来。回到家里之后,我便吩咐胜彪、诗明、世豪、耀文和仁美返回医院(凌晨1点30分),替我传达讯息和送上礼物。我没见过他们,但痛苦就是痛苦。我想为他们祈愿,并透过我谦卑的方式给予他们一些希望。我为他们写了一封信,送上一尊白度母像(如意轮白度母世尊)、一本度母书籍及三串佛珠。一串佛珠给他的母亲,另外两串则是给他的父亲及姨妈。姨妈与Tamedran Raj的关系非常亲密。诗明一组人将我的讯息传达给他们,请Tamedran Raj的家人尽可能为他念诵度母心咒,并将殊胜的度母像放置在他身边。他们非常愿意接受我的建议,并立即开始念诵度母心咒,而Tamedran Raj的父亲甚至慈爱地在一动也不动的儿子耳边念诵度母心咒。诗明一组人在为这一家人解释的事情上做得非常好。我感谢拉章的工作人员及克切拉人任何时刻、不分昼夜都愿意帮助他人的善心。拥有像他们这样的人在我身边,可说是加速了我想做的任何事情。谢谢。
在我的指示下,诗明今天联络了我们的一名医生朋友以获取进一步的意见。诗明也十分关注Tamedran Raj的情况。我们将会听取医生朋友的意见,并让大家不断跟进这里所发生的事。
我指示克切拉的几位讲法师今天、明天和后天都到Tamedran Raj的病床边进行法会,看看情况有什么变化。然后,我会再让讲法师们继续前去为他进行法会。
Tamedran Raj dalam keadaan kritikal
Saya baru saja habis memberi Gabriel inisiasi Amitayus di dalam bilik hospitalnya. Dia sedang berada dalam keadaan koma. Setelah selesai, saya pun meninggalkan biliknya dan berjalan ke arah lif. Semasa itulah ternampak 15 orang yang kelihatan amat sedih dan tertekan di jalan koridor bilik sebelah. Walaupun saya cuba mengelak dari menatapi wajah-wajah mereka, saya dapat merasai ada sesuatu yang tidak kena… tidak lama kemudian saya diberitahu yang keluarga ini baru saja menerima berita sedih mengenai seorang ahli keluarga mereka — Tamedran Raj yang berusia 13 tahun, sedang mengalami pendarahan di dalam paru-paru. Doktor-doktor di hospital tersebut telah mencuba pelbagai jenis rawatan untuk memulihkannya sejak lima hari yang lalu, tetapi semuanya telah gagal. Keadaannya amat kritikal. Saya terasa amat risau.
Tamedran Raj telah mengeluh tentang kesakitan di talam tekaknya yang terasa amat kering… Dia kemudiannya dibawa ke sebuah hospital di Setiawan, Perak. Dia menerima rawatan di situ selama 20 hari dan kakitangan di hospital tersebut gagal menemui punca keadaannya. Oleh kerana itu, ibu bapanya pun membawanya ke Kuala Lumpur untuk dirawat.
Doktor di Kuala Lumpur pun telah cuba pelbagai jenis rawatan tetapi masih gagal juga. Saya berasa amat risau apabila menatapi wajah mereka yang begitu sengsara. Keadaan Tamedran Raj yang berusia 13 tahun masih tidak pulih. Ibu, bapa dan makcik Tamedran Raj semuanya dalam keadaan amat sedih. Saya dapat melihat penderitaan mereka. Saya dapat merasai penderitaan mereka. Ini semua membuat hati saya tidak senang. Selepas saya pulang ke rumah, saya mengarahkan Pastor Loh Seng Piow, Su Ming, Ethan, Bryan dan Jean Mei untuk pulang ke hospital tersebut (pukul 1.30AM) untuk menghantar mesej dan pelbagai buah tangan yang telah saya sediakan kepada keluarga tersebut. Saya tidak mengenali mereka tetapi penderitaan tetap penderitaan dan saya berharap dapat berdoa untuk keluarga ini dan memberi mereka sedikit sebanyak harapan yang mereka perlu… Saya menulis sepucuk surat dan menghadiahkan sebuah patung Tara Putih (Bhagwati Cinta Chakra Tara Devi), senaskah buku tentang Tara dan 3 utas tasbih. Seutas tasbih untuk ibunya, seutas lagi untuk bapa dan makciknya. Tamedran Raj amat rapat dengan makciknya. Su Ming dan rakan-rakannya telah menyampaikan nasihat saya agar mereka membacakan seberapa banyak yang boleh mantera Tara untuk memulihkan Tamedran Raj. Saya juga menasihatkan mereka agar meletakkan patung Tara berhampiran Tamedran Raj. Ibu bapa dan saudara-maranya berasa amat berterima kasih atas nasihat-nasihat ini. Meraka amat terbuka dan mula membaca mantera Tara. Bapanya pun mula membaca mantera Tara dengan penuh kasih sayang di tepi telinga anaknya yang langsung tidak boleh bergerak. Su Ming dan rakan-rakannya telah menjelaskan nasihat saya kepada mereka dengan amat baik sekali. Saya amat berterima kasih atas segala jasa yang telah ditunjukkan siang malam oleh ahli-ahli “ladrang” dan Kechara demi membantu mereka yang kekurangan. Insan-insan seperti inilah yang amat membantu dalam kerja harian saya. Terima kasih.
Hari ini, Su Ming telah menghubungi seorang rakan doktor kami untuk mengetahui pendapatnya. Su Ming juga prihatin akan keadaan Tamedran Raj. Kami akan mengikut nasihat doktor ini dan akan melaporkan segala berita terkini di laman web ini.
Saya telah melakukan dua jenis puja sehingga jam 4 pagi semalam untuk Tamendran Raj dan Gabriel dengan bantuan Paris dan Bryan. Saya berharap kedua-dua kanak-kanak ini diberi peluang untuk terus hidup, dapat pulih segera agar dapat memeluk ibu bapa mereka sekali lagi… supaya mereka dapat bermain, meneruskan kehidupan mereka dan membesar seperti kanak-kanak lain.
Saya akan menghantar paderi-paderi Kechara hari ini, esok dan lusa untuk melakukan puja di tepi Tamedran Raj. Kemudian, kita akan tunggu dan perhati keberkesanannya. Dan saya akan terus menghantar paderi-paderi untuk melakukan puja baginya.
Makciknya kelihatan amat pilu, tangannya menggeletar tak berhenti-henti. Bapanya tidak boleh bercakap kerana asyik menangis. Ibunya pula telihatan terpukau dan membisu. Mereka semuanya orang biasa dari pekan kecil yang amat menyayangi anak mereka tetapi malangnya, dia masih tidak pulih lagi… Kechara akan membantu mereka. Saya akan menghulurkan bantuan saya kepada mereka.
Tsem Rinpoche
Su Ming, Ethan and our group reading my letter t the parents..
Su Ming, Ethan dan rakan-rakan sedang membaca surat saya kepada ibu dan bapa Tamedran Raj
This is the aunty who is very close to the little Indian boy Tamedran Raj
Inilah makcik Tamedran Raj yang amat rapat dengannya
I asked Su Ming to place the sacred White Tara on Tamedran Raj’s head to give a blessing…as the parents stand nearby with their malas chanting Tara mantras.
我吩咐诗明将神圣的白度母像按在Tamedran Raj的头上,给他加持。男孩的父母则在一旁手持念珠持诵度母心咒
Saya telah mengarahkan Su Ming untuk meletakkan sebuah patung Tara pada kepala Tamedran Raj untuk memberkatinya… ibu-bapanya pula sedang berada di sisinya sambil membaca mentera Tara dengan menggunakan tasbih
The boy’s father reciting Tara mantra in his ear… he loves his beautiful boy so much… may he awake to hug his dad again and again…
Bapanya sedang membaca mentera Tara di tepi telinganya… dia amat menyayangi anaknya.. semoga anaknya dapat pulih dengan segera dan dapat memeluk ayahnya sekali lagi
Kechara’s Pastor Susan Lim conducting protector puja for the little boy while his parents recited Tara mantra beside
Paderi Kechara Susan Lim sedang menjalankan upacara pemujaan demi Tamedran Raj, Ibu-bapanya pula berada di sisinya sambil membaca mentera Tara
UPDATE 22 March 2012
Tamedran Raj’s parents came to Kechara House to take vegetarian vow to dedicate the merits to their son
Update 28 March 2012:
Dear Rinpoche,
This afternoon, Guna and his niece came to Kechara to pray for Tamedran.
Guna said Tamedran wakes up and looks for mom so she stayed back in the hospital.
Pastor Susan
Update 30 March 2012:
Kechara’s pastors continue to go to the hospital regularly to do puja for Tamedran Raj
Dear Rinpoche,
When I arrived this afternoon two docs were attending to Tamendran. They explained that now they quite sure the boy’s over active immune system is causing problem. The damage to lungs now is not by previous infection or external agents but its own antibodies attacking the body. They are sedating him to hope to reduce activity of immune system. All the medicines are neutralized by his own antibodies. Good thing is his condition is not deteriorating but no improvement either. Parents of Tamendran joined in prayers with me for son ‘s recovery.
Pastor Ngeow
Liaison Chuah Su Ming visits Tamedran Raj from time to time to give support and care to him and his family
*Gabriel is in the next room to Tamedran Raj in a coma. Please leave a prayer here..just click:
*Gabriel就在Tamedran Raj隔壁的病房昏迷着。请点击以下链接,为他祈愿:
Please leave a message of love and prayers for the family below in the comments section. We need to send good energy to his family. They need to know someone cares. They need us now. Thank you for your compassion.
Tsem Rinpoche
Today April 4, 2012 Little Tamedran Raj has passed away peacefully in the hospital. I have just gone to the hospital and did last rites/pujas next to Tamedran’s body. Many family members were there also. I also gave them a large framed print of Green Tara to dedicate towards Tamendran. I shared some advice and left the family to mourn. I have just returned home. It is the first time I have met Tamedran, parents and family ironically but I am glad I did…Take a good birth Tamedran…
Tsem Rinpoche
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Rinpoche is truly compassionate to all sentient beings. Rinpoche always care and love all his students, friends and those Rinpoche saw needed help. Rinpoche had showed us a very good example. Rinpoche have indeed helped countless of people in so many ways. Even though at times Rinpoche could not in person help, Rinpoche will sent his student to help those needed people. Tamedran Raj a young boy was in critical condition at a hospital . Sending his student over to attend to his parents and relatives with gifts, advices and even doing pujas for this boy. How fortunate , they are.
This is one of many true story of Rinpoche has helped.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Dear Rinpoche,
The last sentence of the paragraph touched me deeply. ” Kechara will help. I will help。” Workingin puja house gave me the opportunity to see a lot of critical incidents occur to alot of people. Some are so devastating that its the matter of life and death. When something like that happens, many people have no place to turn to because when karma ripens, there is not much they can do either. However, in those situations, Dharma can still help. Doing pujas for those people, gave them hope, and emotional relief. I understand why Rinpoche had given the name, ” House of healing, House of hope” to Puja House.
Chris Chong
Rinpoche is too nice to everyone. He is the best.
Am so moved by this heartwarming post of love and compassion. May Tamedran have a better rebirth.
Wonder if he was ever given an infusion of IVIG.
[…] 达蒙德兰拉兹离开我们的时候仅有13岁,留下悲痛的父母和家人。当他被转往吉隆坡医院时,他的病情就恶化。他的家人因为医生无法诊断达蒙德兰拉兹的病情而担忧不已。 […]
It is indeed sad to hear of this news. Tamedran was very blessed to have Rinpoche performing the last rites for him. With Rinpoche’s blessings and all the pujas that were done for him, may he take a swift and good rebirth.
Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha.
Tamedran Raj passed away yesterday (April 4th) with his parents and a few family members around. This family do not live in this city and do not have their temple nor that many friends and family here. Though Rinpoche have not even met the parents nor knows Tamedran, Rinpoche and his assistants rushed through the traffic to get to the hospital to support this family going thru a very tough time and to do prayers.
Rinpoche did the last rites for Tamedran and prayed for his swift and good rebirth. Rinpoche gifted the family with a huge framed Goddess Tara picture and pendants for the parents to wear in remembrance of their only son, Tamedran. May Tamedran have a good rebirth. Our condolences to Tamedran’s family..
I have just gone to the hospital and did last rites/pujas next to Tamendran’s body. Many family members were there also. I also gave them a large framed print of Green Tara to dedicate towards Tamendran. I shared some advice and left the family to mourn. I have just returned home. It is the first time I have met Tamendran, parents and family ironically but I am glad I did…Take a good birth Tamendran… Tsem Rinpoche
April 4th, 2012 6:54PM- I have just recieved word little 13 year old Tamedran Raj has passed away. Om Mani Peme Hung.
Yes, you are right Phil. Jean Mei is very concerned and very caring young lady. She did go with Su Ming. Su Ming has been visiting Tamendran & parents many times over the last few wks as she is concerned & also to get me updates. I feel very bad for Tamendran and family. -. Every week I get messages that someone is in the hospital or someone has died (both young and elderly) or someone is very very ill. Our bodies are so fragile. Our dreams, likes, dislikes, obstacles, desires are all like an illusion or dream at the moment of truth (death). Since death is not selective and it happens to all of us. We should not be selective in Dharma practice to prepare for the day of truth. It is very important to integrate Dharma fully into our lives because this is the single thing that can help us when we are facing death. I say this not to scare anyone, but it’s truth. Deal with truth, think about it & transform the mind through dharma. Generate in you what’s most important for our day of truth. TR
Sofi, Honestly speaking from last week I personally felt there was not much hope left. I have sent our Kechara Pastors twice a week to do puja for Tamendran by his bedside for the last three weeks. My intention was to prepare for the Tamendran’s journey after he leaves his little body. I am sure Tamendran will be ok when and if he leaves his body as I have asked my Protector to guide him. My protector will guide him for sure. I am very sad and sorry Tamedran might have to leave his body, but I know he will be ok. I am very concerned for his parents. He is their only son. The father is deeply attached to his young son understandably. Gentle and caring Su Ming has left for the hospital already. Sofi, you can offer black tea now, incense, lights and prayers to our powerful and helpful Protector (Setrap). It is at this time we need dharma and Three Jewels very much. Nothing else matters. Thank you for your concern. We all need to practice dharma and connect with our yidam/protector daily.TR
Dear Sofi, thank you for your care to little Tamendran. I have never met him, I was visiting another little boy in the hospital when I walked past his ward three weeks ago. I sent people to find out why the family was so worried when I saw them on the way to the lift. I found out their little boy was very ill. So I have asked the Pastors to visit, do puja and prayers by Tamendran’s bedside for last 3 wks. Su Ming has arranged food to be sent to his parents many times as they are camped out at the hospital by Tamedran’s bedside. They are from a small town. Tamendran’s family have visited Kechara a few times in the last few wks. The father has taken life vegetarian vows to dedicate to his son in front of Tsongkapa in Kechara’s main prayer hall. I am so glad Kechara was able to offer this family support and prayers during this most difficult time. This is what Kechara is all about. I thank all of you for your prayers and energy sent and sending to this family and little Tamendran. TR
April 4th, 2012 6:17PM- Tamendra Raj is in extremely critical condition now. The doctors at this very moment are desperately trying to save his life. Our Kecharians are going to the hospital right now to give support to parents.
Encouraging news on Tamedran.
Pastor Ngeow went to visit and pray for Tamedran and Gabriel today. The doctors explained that they are quite sure Tamedran’s over active immune system is causing the problem. The damage to the lungs now is not by previous infection/external agents but its own antibodies attacking his body
Pastor Ngeow reported that Doctors are sedating Tamedran in hopes to reduce activity of immune system. The medicines are neutralized by his own antobodies. Good thing is his condition is not deteriorating but no improvement either. Parents of Tamedran joined in prayers with Pastor Ngeow
Please continue to pray for Tamedran.
dear boy, be strong! get well soon, Tamendran.
For the parents,
Keep praying…. n be strong! that will make our Tamedran to wake up n walk with a huge smile on his face towards u all, very soon…. ur confidence will gv Tamedran d will power to wake up soon,believe me…dont ever loose ur confidence… talk 2 him… whisper in his ears dat e wil b alright! give confidence to him… he wil hear u, dont worry! 🙂 we wil pray for our Tamedran…
Dearest Tamedran and Gabriel,
we dont knw who you are.. but v love u both!! get well soon, sweethearts!!
Get well soon, Tamendran.
Today, Tamedran’s dad came to Kechara to pray for Tamedran. His mom didn’t come because Tamedran wakes up and looks for his mom. Tamedran’s family is very appreciative of all the prayers and concerns from everyone. Please continue to pray that the doctors will know what is attacking Tamedran’s lungs and start the healing process. At the moment, the drugs they are administering seems to have halt the attack.
om mani padme hum. may he get well as soon as possible, he has such a caring family. 🙂
I pray for your speedy recovery, Tamedran…Be strong…
You will be alright!
Dear Tamedran Raj,
Hope your get well soon, may your family be strong.
Dear Tamedran,
Hope your recover soon :’)
May your family be strong too!
Thank you Pastors for kind prayers to little Tamedran Raj.
Om Mani Padme Hung.
tamedran, you shall be in my prayers everyday until you get better. Please get well soon .You have made many new friends and they all want to meet you when you get better.
Recover quickly Tamedran Raj, our prayers are for you to get well. You have been in my prayers for days. Hope to see you standing up again 🙂 ~ Tenzin Thokpa
Dear Gabriel, dear Tamedran,
Please stay with us. Imagine there are still so many things that you have not checked out in the world. And your parents need you! I will continue to pray everyday for your swift recovery.
All the best,
Dearest Tamedran Raj and & family
我送上祈愿正能量,祝Tamedran Raj早日康复.
May Tamedran Raj quickly be free from pain and suffering.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Sometimes when all else fails… we need a little divine intervention to give us a hand. And in this case Rinpoche’s!
Tamedran is so so blessed and what lucky star shone on him for him to be spotted by Rinpoche so that Rinpoche could help him!!!
Get well soon Tamedran… you are in safe hands now as our prayers and thoughts are with you daily 🙂
Please get well Tamedran. Om Tare Tutare Tore Mama Ayuh Punya Janam Putrim Kuruye Soha.
To the families of Gabriel and Tamedran,
Please continue to be strong. You all are in our prayers. Wishing Gabriel and Tamedran a speedy recovery.
How kind of Rinpoche to teach us the methods and practices to benefit others and ourselves. That whatever circumstance we are facing however hopeless, nothing is set in stone but may even be changeable depending on what we do about it. That there is hope for a better future, if we take action on it, only if we know how. That we must take action while we still can. From Rinpoche, we learn that the beautiful pujas having originated from the Buddhas themselves, are one of the powerful practices of purification that allow us to collect sufficient merit in order to ward off obstacles that hamper us in our lives, in our quest for happiness, in whatever goal we set out to achieve. As Rinpoche exists solely for the benefit of others, so too must we aspire to do the same.
To both The Parents and families of Tamedran Raj and Gabriel, Have faith, for “Faith is the origin of Wisdom and the mother of virtue,” so said the Buddha. What has to done spiritually as directed by our compassionate Rinpoche, such as making strong prayers, recite mantras, offer lights and all our good energy, coupled with the compassionate and powerful blessings of whoever the dieties we prayed to were likewise done. Like what the Buddha said; Have good strong faith and keep on praying for the best with full confidence, strongly and faithfully for the good results. We believe the Buddha is with us! Om mani Padme Hung.
Dear Tamedran and family, please stay strong and have good faith in Rinpoche. Hang in there! Everything will be fine very soon. Tamedran boy, you will be in my prayers until your recovery. Om Mani Padme Hung!
Dear Tamedran, you are so lucky and blessed to have met Rinpoche when you are facing such a critical health problem in your life. With Rinpoche’s blessings and all the pujas done for you, I just hope you will recover fast. Be strong, fight back for your life. Your parents and loved ones would like to see you walk, run, jump and laugh again.
May Tara blesses you with a swift recovery.
Dear Tamedran and Family, you are in our prayers daily in Shanghai. We will dedicate all our merits to your healing and recovery.
It is so sad to hear bad news but bad news relating to children are especially tragic. I cannot begin to imagine the experience of elders when they watch the life of their own flesh and blood in threat.
Despite the evident pain Tamedran and his family is going through, the kindness and sincere care from Rinpoche must have brought such relief. This is the purpose of Dharma and Kechara: to bring hope and relief from suffering in dire times.
I am glad that throughout the past 2 decades, Rinpoche has continuously and consistently personally helped and trained up many young people to be of help to others in their time of need.
In addition to praying for Tamedran’s recovery so that he can be a care free child again, I also pray that Rinpoche’s work will continue to flourish so that more people has the opportunity of hope.
I wish the best for these two boys, with full recovery. I’ll be lighting Medicine Buddha incense and dedicating my sadhana. I wish their families calm peaceful minds, and to have worry lessened.
Dearest Tamedran Raj and family,
I will put your son in my thoughts, prayers and daily dharma activities. As a fellow mother, I pray with all of my heart that he gets well soon!!! Never give up hope, do what rinpoche has instructed, and have faith that your son can and will get better!!!
With all my love and affection,
~Liz Fields
It truly breaks my heart to see or hear of children who are so very ill. I have been dedicating my prayers to Tamedran Raj and his family , may he heal swiftly and be on the path of recovery most soon. May he grow up well and healthy and have a long life.
Thank you Rinpoche and the Kecharians for the dedication and devotion in supporting the family in their time of helplessness and despair.
Speedy recovery Tamedran !
Dear Friends,
It is heart warming to read all these posts, knowing that there are many caring people all over the world. Each time I visit Tamedran and Gabriel, I convey to the families about your prayers, your love, your well wishes and it touches the families very much.
May all of you always be happy.
Dear Tamedran Raj, get well soon, be strong boy! dont give up !
Thank you Rinpoche for updating Tamedran Raj health’s status.
May Tamedran Raj recover quickly!
Our prayers with you. May u always blessed by Buddha.
The doctors and nurses said Tamendra’s improving health was a miracle. They had pretty given up on him breathing on his own, but Tamendra has since become less dependent on the ventilator. They really didn’t expect this…but then hey, they didn’t know Tamendra was about to get some spiritual help from higher above-from Jean Ai
Rinpoche, I messaged you on FaceBook with info that may help Tamedran Raj. Our sangha is praying for Tamedran Raj daily. May he have a swift and full recovery! Thank you for helping this child.
Hi, more news about Tamendra Raj…his father Guna thanked Pastor Chia for coming to the hospital to do puja for his son. Today Tamendra’s health was slightly better – Tamendra woke up and tried to get up and talk, but of course he couldn’t. The doctors have recommended to his father that Tamendra should continue to sleep and rest more- from Jean Ai
May Tamedran Raj and Gabriel recover from their illness……
Tamedran Raj ,you are so fortunate that Rinpoche giving you blessing and your family supported and advised,hope you will get well soon,OM TARE TUTTARE TURE MAMA AYUH PUNYA JANA PUTRIN KURUYE SOHA,don’t worries,mother Tara is so compassionate and i believe she will giving you blessing,love and also caring.
Tamedran Raj get well soon!
There are over 60 people in Kechara tonight doing a powerful Setrap puja and dedicating to Gabriel and Tamedran Raj. Beautiful Kecharians. TR
Thank you rinpoche that you let us know what real Dharma is^^
Seeing Little Tamedran and Little Gabriel made me realised that we are very lucky. We have the perfect body to do good things in life. These 2 boys can’t even breath on their own. We should not waste our life further by creating excuses for WHY WE FAIL?
We, at Ladrang will be continuing our prayers for them. I hope to see these 2 boys in a better environment soon. I will give them a hug and tell them they were very lucky to have blessings from Rinpoche in such an unfortunate situation.
We have told Tamedran’s family that they were lucky to have a high lama be around them in such unfortunate time. They understand and they said the same. Both parents will be taking vege vows tomorrow at KH. KC will arrange for them to come to visit our KH temple and Pastor Susan will go through the vows with them.
Dear Tamedran Raj and family
Listen well to Rinpoche’s advice and keep on reciting the mantra that was given to your family. We are offering our prayers to Tamedran Raj so he may be well soon. Don’t give up and hang in there. He will be okay.
Dearest Tamedran Raj may u be recover soon, many prayer to u. _/\_
Much Concern : Eric
To the 2 beautiful boys, Tamedran Raj and Gabriel, may you both be well from all of our prayers dedicated to you. May both of you be able to live your lives without pain and sufferings! May your family be strong enough for you throughout your pain!
Tayatha Om Bekanze Bekanze Maha Bekanze Bekanze Rantsa Samugathe Soha
My prayers and thoughts for little Gabriel and Tamedran Raj. May both of you recover soon and be well again.
Dear Tamedran Raj,
Many people have left encouragement messages here waiting for you to wake up and read. I can feel the love of your family from the photo above. They totally deserved the love coming back from you. Please be strong, not only for this time but also for the rest of your life. And please take care of your family like they are taking care of you now. I will be doing prayer daily dedicating to you and little Gabriel until the good news arrive.
Om Maha Yak Cha Tsa Soha
May Tamedran Raj and Gabriel get well and live for the benefit of others, may they always be close to a Guru and receive and practice dharma.
Thank you, Rinpoche for touching so many lives with your endless love and compassion.
Dear Tamedran Raj & family,
Be strong and have full faith to Rinpoche and White Tara, quickly recover. My prayers are with you.
Dear Tamedran Raj and family,
It is very unfortunate that you are in such severe sickness, yet you are extremely fortunate to meet HH Tsem Tulku Rinpoche under this condition. With the blessings of Rinpoche and mother Tara, all the positive energies and prayers many of us are sending over to you, may you recover quickly and be hugged in your parents’ arms.
Get well soon little Tamedran…..
Dear Tamedran,
All our prayers r with you and I dedicate all my Tara prayers to your recovery. You have a loving family and the dedication of the wonderful compassionate people of kecharians as well as our Guru. So get well soon dear Tamedran Raj.
yes, it is very painful to the boy and the family.
Get well soon and be strong and brave Tamedran Raj!
I will send my prayer to Temedran Raj and his family. Bless him. I am sure he will recover.
Dear Tameran Raj and family,
Please be strong!!! Please always remember the blessing of the Buddha, and never give up!!
Om Tare Tutare Ture Soha, dear Tamedran Raj. May speedy recovery finds you and soothes all your suffering, as well as those who loves you.
love and light…
Dear Tamedran Raj & family,
I pray for Tamedran fast recovery and they will be many more to dedicate for him. Stay strong and it’s a great blessing and fortunate in meeting Rinpoche with the blessing from his prayer.
It’s not an easy time but have faith with the 3 Jewels.
Hi Tamedran Raj! Hang in there! You will be okay soon… we are all praying for your speedy recovery. Your beautiful parents and aunt are waiting for you.
Tamedran Raj should be running about attending schoold right now, but he is critically sick.. I am glad we have the opportunity to help him by offering our sincere prayers..
May we see a big smile on his face soon!
Dear Tamendra & Gabriel,
You are both so strong in spirit. Much love and prayers to both of you. My hope is for both of you to recover and bring much benefit to others in your life.
Dee Dee
Dear loving family of Little Tamedran,
I can feel your pain ,anxiety and most of all your love for the precious little one !
Be strong, have faith. All our prayers go to you.
With care,
Yoke Fui
Om Tare TuTare Ture Soha……….. May Tamedran Raj recover quickly.
Dear T Raj and Gabriel, my thoughts and prayers are with you both. Please get well soon!
Loving Parents of Tamedran, Please say this in his right ear, his mind will receive it and work to help his body:
Tamedran, listen to ME! You are very strong! Your mind is light and you are very peaceful and happy. You are completely calm and you have a GREAT PROTECTOR who loves you, and she is with you now. Hold her hand and let her help you, Tamedran. Hold her hand. She loves you, Tamedran! She loves you very much. Hold her hand tightly! And now she is using her hand to heal your lungs! She is Healing your lungs right now! Your lungs are getting healthy! Your lungs are becoming CLEAR, Tamedran, they are Clear! Like empty space. Think that! Your lungs are COMPLETELY CLEAR and free like empty space! Keep thinking that! They are CLEAR and free, Tamedran! Keep thinking that!
Everything is well, Tamedran!
Just Relax. Your mind is very calm.
Your Mama loves you very much and is waiting for you when you wake up which is very soon. You will speak with your Mama then and she will give you a big, big hug, and that will be very, very soon. You are going to grow up to be a Great Man, Tamedran, who helps many, many people who need your help. You are very strong, Tamedran. The people who need your help are waiting for you now to grow up and help them. Grow up and help them, Tamedran. Do it for THEM.
Be well.
Love to you all,
Dear Tamedran, you just dont know how blessed you are that you met Rinpoche even it is under such circumstances and under such critical situation. Rinpoche and his students have been doing prayers for your recovery. May you wake up soon to read all these posts and you will know how much you are loved by all of us.
To Tamedran Raj and Gabriel, I wish you both a quick recovery from whatever that ails you and once again bring happiness and joy to your families. OM TARE TUTARE TURE SOHA. OM MANI PEME HUNG. OM BEKANZE BEKANZE MAHA BEKANZE RADZA SAMUGATE SOHA. Get well soon!
Dear Tamedran Raj, be strong & get well soon! We are all with you to fight together! you papa & mama are waiting for you to hug them ok!
To the family, please take care, we will support you all the way!
much love,wt
Dear Tamendran,
May you quickly recover and be well again with the blessing of Tara and the protection of Lord Setrap. I will pray for you and your family. OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA!
Take Care Raj Family. Love and good energy comes your way always as you go through this tough time
To Tamedran Raj
Get well soon.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Om Maha Yak Tza Soha
Dear Tamedran Raj,
Please get well soon, you will be in our prayers.
It was through little Gabriel that brought Rinpoche to Tamedran Raj who was staying in the next room in the hospital, due to the kindness of our Guru,the 13 year old boy has the merit to receive Rinpoche’s Tara blessing performed by one of Rinpoche’s close students, and also pujas done for him and Gabriel at 4am today, hope both of them can recover fast and ease the pains and sufferings of their loved ones and be able to bring back the smile on their faces.
Dear Tamedran Raj,
Be strong and get well fast. We are all praying for you.
Trust Tara to make you well again. May your family members continue to chant OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA
Dear Tamedran
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please get well soon. You deserve to live on. Don’t give up and be strong.
Dearest Tamedran Raj and Gabriel,
May you both quickly be free from pain and suffering.
We are all here for you and pray that you both will have a swift recovery with the blessings of Lord Amitayas and Buddha Tara.
Thank you Rinpoche for your endless love and compassion, and I am very grateful for the Kecharians who help to make things happen for Rinpoche tirelessly.
With love,
Dear Tamedran Raj and family,
Get well soon Tamedran!
May the blessing of White Tara alleviate your pain and speed your recovery.
With metta
Dear Tamedran Raj family, Please continue reciting Tara mantra into his ears as many as possible. Please don’t cry loudly, Please do as advised by Tsem Rinpoche for the sake of Tamedran. OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SOHA _/\_
Dear Tamedran, hope you get well soon. May Tara guides you in your recovery. OM TARE TUTTARE TURE MAMA AYUH PUNYA JANA PUTRIM KURUYE SOHA.
Much love and my prayers are with them.
Dear Parents of Tamedran Raj and Gabriel,
May the power of WHITE TARA, quickly heals and blesses these two young boys. May they be well and healthy…be able to play and grow…and bring joy and happiness to their parents again. With folded hands, OM TARE TUTTARE TURE MAMA AYUH PUNYA JANA PUTRIM KURUYE SOHA…………………
My prayers will be dedicated for your fast recovery,Tamedran.May your family be strong.With Rinpoche’s prayers and compassion,he will be very blessed!Thank you Rinpoche for being you.
Hey Little Boy ! Be strong , find your will & strength to wake up , do not ever let go as your time is not up. Your parents need you , the world need you. I wish and pray for the 3 Jewels to be by your side forever. You have good merits to meet a GREAT MAN and he shall look after you. Get well and heal soon. Run , laugh and jump.
Our prayers and thoughts are with you Tamendran Raj and your family in this time of need and distress. It is not easy for a mother or father to see their own child lying immobile due to circumstances beyond their control.
I know with the kindness of Rinpoche, Tamendra Raj will be getting the best possible energies sent to him. Let us all join our hands in prayer and wish him a speedy recovery!
Dear Tamedran Raj,
I hope you get well, I will pray for you and you dedicated family.
With much care, John
I’m so moved to read this post. Thank you Rinpoche and Kecharians for your compassion and kindness. I have to thank Gabriel for bringing you all to Tamedran Raj. May these 2 beautiful boys get well soon! My prayers are with you.
Dearest Tamedran Raj and Little Gabriel & family, I pray for both of their recovery. Never give up hope and be strong. Om Mani Padme Hum.
what you guys has done made me felt so small and tiny. I hopes the boy will soon be fine and I willing to shorten my life span for this little boy.