Stephen Hawking uses latest computer graphics to bring aliens to life
I like this very much. To the mathematical brain, the sheer numbers alone alien life possible. 100 million galaxies with hundreds of millions stars in each. Earth is just one star in one galaxy. Mind blowingly logical. Science meets dharma.
Buddha already mentioned there are many other worlds existing besides what we see in front of our eyes. And also there are many Buddhas teaching in those worlds. Some places, a Buddha has just begun to teach, some have ended. Some the teachings are alive now like in our world. But definitely Buddhas emanate all over to benefit. I heard this decades ago. I read this decades ago. And I believe it. So samsara is not just planet earth. Samsara encompasses these billions of planets and the million galaxies they belong to.
Many people from there can reincarnate to our planet. If one of their worlds is self destructing, many can reincarnate into our world temporarily making it seem there’s a human population explosion on our planet. You see, actually we are all aliens!
Incredible. I love it. It further makes in my mind what Buddha taught so logical.
Tsem Rinpoche
A close-up of Stephen Hawking’s alien grazer shows the massive trunk used to scoop up simple plants. Picture: Discovery Channel
The design for this alien herbivore includes eyes placed on the sides of the head, a feature shared by most plant-eating animals on Earth to give them a wider field of view and early warning about predators. Picture: Discovery Channel
Another planetary extreme where life might be possible are worlds where the average temperatures are around the levels of liquid nitrogen (colder than minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit). Such extremes would require organic components and physiologies radically different than those found on Earth. Picture: Discovery Channel
THEY aren’t just any aliens – they are extraterrestrial life as only one of the universe’s best brains could envisage them.
Stephen Hawking has taken advantage of the latest computer graphics to display his versions of ET, based on hard science, for a new documentary series, Into The Universe.
The British theoretical physicist, trapped in a body paralysed by motor neurone disease, and author of the best seller A Brief History of Time, spent three years to finish the series, which airs this weekend on the Discovery Channel.
The 68-year-old suggests in the first episode that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist.
A trio of alien hunters prepares to attack a herd of plant-eaters. Like most carnivores on Earth, these imaginary alien creatures have binocular vision and bodies built for speed and quick reaction. Picture: Discovery Channel
These carnivorous creatures also have membranes between the fore and hind limbs for gliding and a pair of venom-loaded stingers used to bring down prey. Picture: Discovery Channel
He points out the universe has 100 billion galaxies, each with hundreds of millions of stars, and that in such a huge place Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has evolved.
“To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational,” he said. “The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.”
Among the theoretical aliens are terrestrial herbivores and carnivores, lizard-like predators with limb membranes that allow them to glide using venom-loaded stingers to bring down a two-legged herbivore that has a huge vacuum snout to suck up food.
Such land-based aliens would probably feed and move in ways similar to animals on Earth.
A squid-like creature feeds on the bottom of the salty ocean thought to exist below the icy crust of a moon of Jupiter. Picture: Discovery Channel
If blimp-like creatures did roam the heavy atmospheres of gas giants, one possible source of energy to sustain life might be the ability to harvest electrical discharges from powerful lightning flashes. Picture: Discovery Channel
Prof Hawking also came up with a squid-like creature that could feed on the bottom of the salty ocean thought to exist below the icy crust of Jupiter’s moon Europa.
Life on planets where the average temperatures are below -150C would require organic components and physiologies radically different than those found on terrestrial planets largely dependent on liquid water.
Source: Herald Sun,
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I believe in aliens too, they might be in other dimensions that human not able to see with physical eyes or mind. Somehow if we develop our third eyes, we can “see” many things from our subconscious mind.
I watched some video about Omnec Onec, who comes from Venus. She says that she was given the opportunity to lower her vibrations, to manifest a physical body to come to serve the earth. She gathered her knowledge and information through many incarnations and life times. They are here to help human raise consciousness, to remember their essence, high-self. So I believe many human like us can be aliens come from other galaxies during our past life too. Like Stephen Hawking said, we can be in any forms, it’s a state of consciousness.
Life on other planets, is very possible, we can also be born in different states of existences.
I always believed that there are living beings in the universe. By looking at the possibility of how these aliens could looks like by Prof. Hawking, it is interesting assumption that beings alive according to their environment elements.
Buddha have long taught us about samsara and also the existence of the universe far before science could explain.
All the time I just can’t link Buddha teachings to Science especially aliens. Until lately I start to realized that we are part of universe and appear Buddha teachings, possible their planet have the same too. The Buddha appear in their form and use their language to teach. The universe is subject to five elements, no matter how is not permanent, I believe Buddha also appear in their form to teach.
Hi Suet Moi,
Many of the “aliens” are not physical creatures like us, majority of them live in astral and mental planes. It is very difficult to access the physical plane because of the density, hence there are theories that some physical entity aliens (grey) are actually vehicles for the consciousness of another aliens. Just like a human body is a vehicle for the mind. Some says that these aliens have found a technology to bend the space around them, and by bending the space, you also bend the time as they are linked, it is called the space-time continuum.
Wow …. Interesting article Stephen Hawking uses latest computer graphics to bring aliens to life. As we know we are not alone , aliens and unseen beings are around us. The universe is really big compare to the earth is nothing. The universe has 100 billion galaxies, each with hundreds of millions of stars, and that in such a huge place . Earth is unlikely to be the only planet where life has transformed. Stephen Hawking was truly a genius a jade of all trades.. a pioneering cosmologist, author, theoretical physicist name a few. He and astronomers , scientist have been hunting for signs of intelligent alien life in the universe . They have been using their telescopes to look for evidence of life as they do believed that extra terrestrials are almost certainly to exist. Wow …amazing pictures from this post. Stephen Hawking had indeed display his versions of extra terrestrials based on hard science.
Buddha ‘s teachings definitely are alive and logical. Buddha have said that there are many other worlds existing besides what we see in front of our eyes.
Thank you Rinpoche for this interesting sharing.
Aliens are everywhere, so are Buddhas. There are so many other worlds that Buddhas exist. Thank you Rinpoche.
[…] 好的,这些耳朵可以听见我们过去世的母亲及一切存在物体的哭泣和恳求。这个存在物体非常广泛—黑洞专家史提芬霍金(Stephen Hawking)教授曾指出,宇宙存在著无限个肉眼可以看见及不可以看见、确知或未知的星球,在不同的时间 维度及时空……。不过目前为止,我们 甚至连无法听见墙壁背后的声音! […]
[…] 好的,这些耳朵可以听见我们过去世的母亲及一切存在物体的哭泣和恳求。这个存在物体非常广泛—黑洞专家史提芬霍金(Stephen Hawking)教授曾指出,宇宙存在著无限个肉眼可以看见及不可以看见、确知或未知的星球,在不同的时间 维度及时空……。不过目前为止,我们 甚至连无法听见墙壁背后的声音! […]
Other famous physicists like Michio Kaku also believe in extraterrestrial life; but I do not think they all evil like Stephen Hawking suggest
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for compassionately showing us such truths and realities as these about the vastness of the universe and samsara.Science and Dharma meet. Stephen Hawking, this century’s scientific giant, asserts that there are indeed extraterrestrial beings around and that earth is only 1 of the billions of planets/stars in the millions of galaxies. With these assertions he’s merely reiterating what Buddha Shakyamuni stated over 2500 years ago.
There are many Buddhas teaching in these worlds.In some places a Buddha has just begun to teach; in some worlds, the teachings have ended.How fortunate we all Kecharians are that we have a precious living Buddha and a living lineage of teachings in our midst!
Buddhas emanate all over to benefit sentient beings. They also emanate in various forms and use many enlightened activities so as to benefit all beings. How urgent it is then that we propel ourselves quickly towards enlightenment that we may attain such powers to give maximum benefit to all mother beings.
Samsara encompasses billions of planets and the millions of galaxies they belong to. Sentient being, all told, truly, are countless!And all six realms of samsara are everywhere and so vast!
How diminished and totally insignificant individuals appear, when we see ourselves as no bigger than a speck of dust amidst the zillions and zillions (nay beyond count)of sentient beings.
How impermanent we and our existence are when planets and stars are dying all the time and earth will one day self-destruct when all resources dry up.Then we will reincarnate as aliens in another planet/star.
Yes, I know aliens very well, I lived 5 miles from the jet propulsion lab in Pasadena. they have a lot of secrets. and I have personally seen some aliens, they are very human looking, but when u c a woman climb out of a canyon and climb a rocky hill in high heels, then get into a car looking neither right or left with 2 other cars all the same color all beige and the outfit she was wearing also beige. I could go on from there but believe me I do know there here and there.
I read the book, “The Case of the missing Neutrino” by John Gribbin, where he logically deduced that any intelligent beings on the class of we humans on earth ie the dominant species; must also has the features of humans. Maybe 8 fingers and other minor differences; but very human like. This gels very well with the teachings of the Buddha particularly with the optimum or precious human rebirth where one can gain Buddhahood. The theory that there are many planets in this universe that has life is never doubted by scientists. Just that we are not advance enough to find any. But to be able to logically deduce humans on other planets blow one’s mind.
I have been thinking this sometime ago after watching one of Jet Lee’s movie (forget the title) where he was in other planet but still in human form.
I hope scientists would be able to develop more advance technology and quick enough in order to proof the other beings out there and the law of nature. The law of nature, i.e. past life, current life and future live is actually going round and round the wheel of samsara and could not be easily understood by mankind. I hope the scientists could invent a time machine which allow us to travel back to our past lives and these would help to stop mankind from doing something destructive and to proof the teaching of the Buddha.
Avatar is another nice story which show how human beings direspect and try to destroy other beings for personal interests. It is also to interesting to read Darwin’s Evalution theory, how mankind evolved from.
Thank you for sharing the wonderful teachings given by Rinpoche. Terima Kasih.
Dear Rinoche,
After i read this, i feel so sad about myself!
i spend all my time to train up myself to become a alien too!
1. I always create problem to my family! i dont listen to anyone!
2. we do a lot of thing to destroy the planet!
3. People create war & weapons!
we say that ohter people ” thing ” .. is alien! BUT HOW ABOUT OURSELF?
ACTUALLY I AM THE ALIEN! NOw On the way to become a good mumu!
Dear Rinpoche,
The doclink below shows a short video clip of an unexplained phenomenon appeared over Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China on July 9, 2010. It is beautiful, but not sure if it’s creation is due to the drastic change in climate or it is actually something alien. I hope you would enjoy the video clip.>1=42007
Buddhism had always introduced the idea of beginningless time and the mathematics of infinity.It took 2,500 years for science to catch up. I am glad great minds like Hawking are convincing more people around the world to accept what is basically Buddha’s omniscient wisdom.
What I like about Hawking is that he is trying to help us move away from our fixed views of how beings should look like based on our own environs and experiences. His creativeness showed us that there are infinite life forms which can adapt according to their environment. I remembered watching a national geographic series on how some crustaceans or marine life can live around submarine volcanoes filled with poisonous sulphur. If I had not seen the footage I would never have believed such creatures could exist. Science and Buddhism really are a complementary pair when it comes to opening up one’s minds and realizing how we have grossly exaggerated our significance in time and space.
Yes you are right Rinpoche. We are like aliens in our behaviour and disposition. When we are angry we turn red like Martians; green like Kryptoneans. We are aggressive, sensitive, insecure, greedy, egocentric and egoistic – qualities that alienate us to others. That’s why Lord Buddha emanates in countless Buddhafields throughout the universe for samsara is everywhere.
When you gaze into the skies at night, ask yourself are you looking at the stars or are the stars looking at you? Yes we are all part of the universe but more importantly we should look deeper into our inner world to initiate a change in ourselves.When we truly change in spirit and energy the whole world will change with you.
Compassion and inner transformation through mind training conquers all!
Tsem Rinpoche is right. We are all aliens. It’s mind-boggling but it makes sense. Here are more quotes from Lama Yeshe’s “The Peaceful Stillness of the Silent Mind”, p. 25:
“Q: Has there always been the same number of sentient beings? Will there always be the same number?
Lama: In this solar system, the numbers vary. Sometimes more, sometimes less; in this solar system, sentient beings come and go.
Q: Does that mean that we could incarnate into different solar systems?
Lama: Yes, we incarnate into different worlds. Sometimes we have bodies of form; sometimes our bodies are formless.”
Extracted from: Lama Yeshe. 2005. The Peaceful Stillness of the Silent Mind. Boston:Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, p.24.
“Question: Scientists say that there are intelligent beings throughout the universe. Is Earth the only place where people can gain enlightenment or do you consider that there are intelligent beings on other planets who can gain enlightenment in their own physical plane?
Lama: It’s not only in this solar system that you can get enlightened. Both science and Lord Buddha have described billions and billions of solar systems. What Lord Buddha described 2,500 years ago and what the scientists of today have discovered have come together perfectly.”
those things with the sting tails were sinister looking..unfortunate karma to be something like that..and unfortunate karma to come into contact with beings like that!..thanks,very interesting!
Samsara is not just planet earth, planet earth is just a dot within the existence of samsara.Reincarnation happened within millions galaxies.
Ever since coming to Buddhism, I learnt that our karma manifests many situations for our daily experiences. If we stop karma, will the millions of galaxies dissapears? If our karma manifests pretty much everything, then when karma stops, what will happen to the millions and millions of galaxies, universes, solar systems..etc Rinpoche’s response was that it’s correct as in if we stop our karma everything stops. Rinppche said that we can only perceive what will happen not through our gross senses but thru a buddh mind.
I love this post. It resurfaced quite a few questions i’ve had as a kid but never received satisfactory answers. I find that Rinpoche’s answer are unbiased, straighforward and has helped me very much.
It’s interesting to know that man, despite all the progress and technical advances, is still struggling to prove the existence of other-worldly beings. What they don’t see, they don’t believe. They need to come up with possible scenarios and hypotheses and then go about proving them with whatever tools they have. Whatever is intangible or cannot stand up to scientific reasoning is dismissed as conjecture. Everything needs to be proven. So since nobody has tangible proof that ghosts or extraterrestrials exist because they have not become mainstream like animals that we can see and touch and live among, they remain iffy to those who need to experience them to believe in them.
I find it so reassuring to know that what the human species is still grappling with, was confirmed by the Buddha 2,500 years ago long before all these scientific methods were developed. The only trusty instrument he relied upon was the THIRD EYE. What we can see is only a tiny speck of what exists. Some of those planes of existence might even be right before our eyes but we don’t see them. If we say they exist only if we can see them, then I say too that if we can’t see them it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
We are now in the human realm, but must have been in other realms before. Yeah, we are all aliens, passing through. Only our minds remain after we die and where that mind ends up depends on our karma. So since it depends on our karma, we can influence where we want to go by cultivating the particular karma to take rebirth where we want to be. The Lamrim, written by Lama Tsongkhapa, has interesting descriptions of the ripening of different kinds of karma and the ensuing rebirth. The point is, we control our own destiny.
Buddhism is scientific because Buddhism seeks teaches about the truth. It is probably the truth that Buddhism bases itself upon that makes is teachings still applicable and valid after 2500 years. Regardless of what form we are in, what era we live in, what system we abide by, one thing always remain constant: the truth.
I have not idea what the ultimate truth is beyond the concept I work to create some level of intellectual understanding of. However, I know it has something to do with nothingness whereby the truth and the faux, the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, our earth and their planet, humans and aliens etc….all do not truly exist. We only exist in the minds…so that should mean that only the minds ultimately have some form of existence. With this thought, it makes all the possessions we dedicate our time, effort and self to seem so wasteful.
Although consumed by motor neurone disease, Stephen Hawking still have the ability to give selflessly to so many. I fold my hands to him for this gift that has stimulated my thoughts and added to the view I take. I am also humbled and shaken on how I waste my life away.
Additionally, I love what Thierry shared about “studying aliens with a Buddhist mind brakes the barrier, and makes the universe whole…” It makes me think of how wonderful life will be if we apply this mind to break barriers within the world that we know. Be kind to animals, other humans, spirits and all beings. Without barriers, the journey of peace begins.
Stephen Hawking is such a genius! Although he is trapped in a body paralysed by motor neurone disease yet his mind is not restricted to that. Its mind boggling that he can come up with such detailed graphics of aliens. Very interesting! Could we be an alien in our previous lives or could we be an alien in our future lives? Definitely in one our many rebirths we were an alien too
During my younger days, I was very curious and intrigue about aliens and shows like ET and Star Trek. Now I understand that aliens do exists and earth is just a speck in the whole universe.
I have always wondered where the increasing number of Human Beings came from, I speculated that all the extinct animals became Human Beings and the reason for the growing number of Human population in the our small world.
Now reading Rinpoche’s explanation, I am clear that we can even reincarnate with migration from different planets. So we just mere transient beings repeating ourselves in Samsara in many different ways and forms.
Sad to know, but knowledge empowers anyone with a thinking mind to do something about themselves and I certainly will live the Dharma so that in whichever alien place or form I next incarnate, may I have the merits to live where there is Dharma.
To prepare for my wish I will start now, learn to be selfless to benefit others.
With these awesome computer graphics. It makes me more of a believer of these sort of oddities. I think that we are not alone, we were never alone. Even Buddha said so!
Stephen Hawking is the worlds smartest man when it comes to these sorts of things and mathematics.
It is incredible that Buddhist teachings of 2,500 years old
were wise and clear. Aliens or other life forms have existed
in our galaxy for over billions of years and yet Buddhism via
logical deduction is able to come to the same conclusion as scientists who can prophesier this in theory or mathematical calculation to come out with their weird shapes and forms.
It is via logical thoughts that can lead to these kind of answers. So are we really the “alien” to those beings who neither conform to our perceived shape or mind? Or are those forms out in the universe the “so-named aliens”?
We only look at things,people and the universe from our own perspective.
Frankly, I felt scared and aversion when I looked at those pictures of the aliens. Why ? Because they appear “strange” to me.
Then, it suddenly hit me – what would the aliens feel when they look at us, the “normal” human beings ?
Good, bad, normal, strange etc. are all subjective. What I learned from looking at these pictures of the aliens is not to be opinionated and always try to look at things from another angle, from others’ view point.
Such a mind blowing article.
If u were to think about it, a simple man in saffron robes 2,500 years ago would be able to perceive such infathomable things with so many millions of world systems in a moment and simultaneously be able to live, communicate and spread the truth of all Doctrines here is indeed a Superhuman.
What blew my mind that if Stephen Hawkings is able to put so much detail to every artwork of each individual outside of space, so is a Buddha able to see and perceive each of these details and be able to see into each of their future and think of many ways in order to help them.
It is not only a good way to see how small this earth and of course how small we are but at the same time we get to see how great compassion is!
thank u Rinpoche for blogging this post
I definitely believe in extra-terrestrial life forms in other planetary systems. Logically speaking, since there are countless billions of stars out there, Earth can’t be the only place to sustain life forms.
Space….the final frontier. Very familiar opening line of Star Trek, as trekkies will know, it’s one of my favorite TV programs back then, I used to sit glued to my seat when it was aired weekly. This plus documentaries of Nessie, Sasquatch, Yeti etc are very interesting and intriguing programs.
On Earth itself, there are countless life forms that science have not discovered, from beneath deep oceans and lakes, volcanoes, high mountains, jungles, desert etc. There can be no end to new discovery.
We are not alone……
As Rinpoche said, we, as an individual, make so many problems with our mind games that add on more sufferings for self. We think our problems are so big leading to self depression, anger, hypertension, anxiety, jealously, hatred, greed…..
A good way to meditate on how small we are is to be at a wide expanse of space and look outward, not inward. Importantly is for us to recall that thought each time we slip.
How profound.
Thank you Paris for your great comment!
The possibilities of there being life amongst millions of stars is truly mind boggling. But then why should it. It would be truly arrogant if we think that we humans are the only planet out there with inhabitants and that we are the smartest of them all! Even though we may not be able to see so far to other planets, we need only look at our own. The fact that there were huge ancient civilisations, such as the Mayans and Aztecs, which disappeared without a trace, means something. Did Atlantis exist? Ancient civilisations like Egypt would have needed extra help for their massive building structures – the building of the pyramids is still considered one of the world’s biggest unsolved mysteries.
RInpoche also mentioned that the life forms we see now are only one of the three realms. Everything we see now as living beings comes from the desire realm, we haven’t even looked at the form and formless realms, which would be another exponential number of beings.
Yes, the truth is out there…
I like the way Rinpoche described and explained dharma and sceince work togather. Stephen Hawking is a scientist, he not Buddhist but his’s theories matched with some of Dharma.
You also can read Jamie’s comments re-this post. She has very nice and clear addition explanation of this post.That is very nice.
When you sit in the middle of the earth, you will start feel how small you are? If tomorrow you die in sudden, then after body be burn you are in dust. When this happen, what are you attached for? I myself will think about it seriously.
Absolutely logical proposition. Mankind has always been intrigued by the possibility of life beyond planet Earth, and there’s been a much debated conspiracy theory that the World’s Governments have proof of extra-terrestial life which they keep hidden from the rest of the world.
Why should aliens cause us so much fear?
With each increasingly powerful telescope comes the discovery of new stars. Each space exploration may or may reveal the existence of a new star or planet. Who knows how many more there are out there? If, as Mr Hawkings says, there are at least 100 million galaxies, each with 100million planets, it is logical to impute that there would be at least ONE other planet apart from earth that is habitable.
Sentient beings have to reincarnate somewhere and the earth’s population explosion probably came from another dying planet or star. TRUST BUDDHA – THERE ARE ALIENS AMONG US 🙂
Thank you Rinpoche for yet another thought provoking piece.
What struck me the most was, to quote Rinpoche: “Some places, a Buddha has just begun to teach, some have ended”.
What would cause Buddha to “end” teaching? In my simple mind, it could only be either (a)all sentient beings in that particular place have received the Buddha’s teachings and are well on the way to enlightenment or (b) there is no sentient beings left to teach or (c ) the sentient beings are not worth the teaching (which contradicts the very nature of our compassionate Buddha.
Also, would the Buddhas that may be teaching is those other universes be emanations of the Buddhas that we are aware of, or perhaps there are Buddhas that are yet to be discovered?
Ultimately we are incredibly insignificant in the cosmic scope of things, and yet incredibly fortunate to have met a Buddha and the Dharma in this life.
Even with my little knowledge of the Buddha’s teaching, i cringe to imagine a world without a Buddha to teach us.
A few of us were just lucky enough to receive a further explanation and Dharma talk that was inspired by this blog post and recent information from Stephen Hawking. Rinpoche even drew diagrams on the white board for us!
After explaining all, as per the blog post above, Rinpoche also pointed out to us that if we think about ourselves in the context of this INFINITE VASTNESS and MULTITUDES of potential beings all over the world, our egos will diminish greatly. We should visualise the following: visualise/see ourselves as an observed, then “astral travel” beyond ourselves and see ourselves from above our house, then from above our neighbourhood; move outwards to view ourselves from the view of our city, then country, then continent, then world, then galaxy, and so on… if we do this enough, our ego and attachment will reduce significantly as we realise how very small we are in the context of this huge and unending plane of existence amidst countless, billions and billions and billions of other lives.
Rinpoche pointed out too that within every one of these stars/planets within all these 100 millions of galaxies, the resources are finite. Eventually, each planet will snuff out, including our own earth. So we learn again that invaluable lesson of impermanence and not holding on to everything with so much attachment, as if it – all our things, our existence, ourselves – are so permanent and ever-lasting. (that’s not to say either that we should just simply abuse and use our earth, thinking that since it’s impermanent, we should just do whatever we want with it!)
A mind blowing concept really – and one that isn’t actually all that new, since Buddha has already been talking about it for centuries (as Rinpoche has already pointed out). Sure puts things into a lot of perspective; for me certainly, it’ll make me think twice the next time I wake up and feel depressed or want to throw myself a pity party….
Thank yo Rinpoche, these are Amazing visuals! Imagination? Or perhaps imprinted thoughts from a far away galaxy? Hawkins is just one of the many creative ppl who embraces the world unknown and beyonds ours, and funny thing is the Buddha has taught us some 2500 years ago.
This goes to show that Buddhism and Science have very much in common. And perhaps the very reason why scientist are now adopting Buddhist methods to even heal psychiatric patients. In fact Buddhism is the Science of mind and we have much to learn from.
Yes I do agree we are all aliens, we’ll never really know where were before this life and where will head next life… anything is possible.
Rinpoche’s way of teaching goes right to my heart. It is resonnating and opening my heart and new doors and visions from a deep place. Reading Rinpoche’s blog is also expanding and opening new ways to see and be.
Thank you for communicating all these very precious information with us, Rinpoche. They are very beneficial. So much to learn and discover in a much larger scale!
As Rinpoche said in his blog:
“Buddha already mentioned there are many other worlds existing besides what we see in front of our eyes….
Earth is just one star in one galaxy. 100 million galaxies with hundreds of millions stars in each.”
Thank you Rinpoche for reminding us how we are part of a much bigger picture.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing with us. The first time i learned about aliens was when i watched ET. Amazing computer graphic has made many thing look so real and alive specially things that we cannot possibly seen in real.
When I read about “life might be possible are worlds where the average temperatures are around the levels of liquid nitrogen (colder than minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit”. The first thing that came into my mind was the cold hell.
I believed that being of the 6 realms like Ghost. God and Semi-God, are actually beings recite on the different Planets. Ghost Planet, Hell planet etc. Every planet has their own charecteristic which serve the matching conditions of each realms.
That’s how amazing of 2500 years of ancient teachings matches what the modern world today had found.
To believe in ET is like believing Buddha and Mara existed. It’s all minds game. I choose to believe in Buddha and follow his path, at the same time carefully avoid Mara’s lures.
Reading about astronomy really does ‘stretches’ our mind out. I think as we age, our mind becomes narrower, tighter and stiff. Like an old rubber band. That probably comes from a lifetime of wrong views and disappointments. Thank you Rinpoche for ‘stretching’ our minds with your thoughts/blogs. My mind has been stretched in ways it has never been stretched before. ( in a good way, that is )
I love this!
I would like to share about my experience when I saw something in the sky that looks like half a capsule. It moves like a comet but it doesn’t really look like a comet because it looked more structured. It disappeared so quickly I thought I was hallucinating. Luckily, my sister swore she saw the same too. So that kept me pondering for years.
Thank you for sharing about the existence of the many unimaginable worlds other than ours. At least now I know one more absolute truth. Things are alien to us because it’s just simply unknown to us. Once it’s make known to us, it should not be alien anymore. I believe in keeping an open mind. Our minds are so childish because we think we know it all. Never say no such thing la. It only limits our minds. When our minds are limited, how do we progress?
Someone asked me this question before … “Why is our world’s population increasing IF majority humans are going to the three lower realms?” I have no answer to that but the explanation you gave about how other beings from other planets can reincarnate to our planet does explains it.
I truly appreciate and enjoy reading Rinpoche’s Blog. It is a testament that Dharma is life and life is Dharma. We really cannot separate the two. This post especially validates that Buddhism relates to all living things in our Universe – and that includes, alien life forms. I will look out for this program. Thank you for spending so much time selecting and sharing all these info, Rinpoche. They are truly most valuable. There’s a wealth of knowledge and learning in here. I find that even if I do not have that much time in one particular day to go through so many sites and read up on various things, it is enough that I log into Rinpoche’s blog and read about something. Because there is always something worthy of reading and learning. What I love about Rinpoche’s Blog most of all, is that everything in here tells the triumph of the human spirit. It gives me immense hope and it shows me the path. Thank you so kind, Rinpoche. With deepest gratitude and love.
Incredible! By being linked in such and inexplicable way due to our very limiting human intellect, this on a very basic level does explain population increase and how this is often used as a basis for argument by non believers of reincarnation.
Surely if there are other beings existing and ALSO reincarnating in the magnitude of realms and planes of existence, our so called population explosion on a little speck we call home, planet earth is really insignificant in the BIG picture!
Imagine the many millions of lives that have gone extinct in our world alone! Where have they all gone to? Perhaps they are one of those beings Stephan Hawkings has envisioned based on a scientific evolutionary knowledge. In that how creatures, even us, adapt to our environment and eventually transform.
On a Dharmic level, we try to transform or minds so we may be enlightened and carry on in another existence albeit without the samsaric attachments but an existence all the same.
Points to ponder huh? The sheer numbers and posibilities make my head throb and ache (in a good way!). How exciting and truly blessed we are to be able to be in this life where we are able to just do that… PONDER, THINK and DEBATE!
Thank you again Rinpoche for sharing these remarkable blogs and more!
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these images with us.
What amazes me again an again with the buddhist teachings is that they “connect all the dots”, they are comprehensive.
They make me apprehend the universe as a totality that depends on parts and parts and parts which themselves depend upon all the other parts and on the totality they create.
Not parts without a whole, no whole without the parts.
Studying aliens with a scientific mind is like studying beings from another planet that have bodies sustaining extreme temperatures, etc… It is basically studying another world.
Studying aliens with a buddhist mind brakes the barrier, and makes the universe whole, these alien bodies, are the bodies we have had in previous lives and may even have again in future lives, each of these aliens have been our mothers countless times before, each one of these alien minds will, in time, become a buddha.
To see aliens with a buddhist heart is to have compassion towards them.
Dear Rinpoche,
I have always believed the existence of aliens in other worlds. I saw aliens as beings completely separate from our existence. It blows my mind that they and we can reincarnate in each other’s worlds. This is something I have never thought of that somehow we are connected with the rest of the universe through reincarnation. Now I can never look at the stars in the sky and see them as something out there but rather as another connection to our very existence in samsara.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this. It is really interesting and it is what i have been thinking all these while that how could aliens not existed if our world existed?! i am just thinking, would Buddhas appeared in their world in alien forms to teach the aliens too? This makes me imagine even more! 😛
If they can reincarnate to our world means we also can reincarnate in theirs… If there are millions of galaxies out there, it’s really scary, maybe this is why samsara never ends… Could it be possible that heaven & hell is just out there in one of those planets?
Wow! That program must be very interesting. I really like how Buddhism has already talked about it and I like the fact that it has much in common with science. I think in some fields, Buddhism is far ahead in its understand and application and that is the study of the mind.
Understanding the mind seems like a daunting and formidable challenge and there are times such knowledge intrigues us and there are times, it scares us. I tend to flip back and forth but on most days, I love such knowledge. I think it scares me is when I know I have to do something and lazy butt just won’t move.
Thank you Rinpoche for a intriguing scientific post and I like the way Stephen Hawking said that the number of planets out there are making the probability of extra-terrestrial life too probable. I wonder what a Buddha on their planet might look like? Hehe