Mumu & Camper

Mumu and Oser have kissy together…
I love Mumu so much. I love Oser very much. They are wonderful little beings. I will take very good care of them always… they deserve it… they are not my playthings, entertainment, or for my amusement… they are living sentient beings that can feel love and hurt… than can register care and pain just like me… I don’t like pain and I like love, so I will give them what I like and what they like too… always take care of your pets.
Never neglect them after they are grown up and ‘not’ cute playful little puppies or babies anymore. Always go on the internet, get books, talk to qualified pet keepers to get information on how to improve their lives, make sure they are healthy, get attention and stimulation. Check with a few sources to make sure the information is correct. Make sure you are sensitive to their needs and safety.
Never let them be tied up, abandoned or beaten. Never hurt your animals. How much you can respect and love animals is a clear reflection of the kindness in your heart. The whole goal of being human is kindness. We all need it. To get it, we must give it.
Animals cannot say thank you or do more than be with us in most cases, but that does not give us the right to treat them any worse. If we are going to get a pet, IT IS A FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL THEIR LIVES. They are going to bond with you and depend on you. Do not let them down. And do not leave them locked up, alone always or neglected in any way. Hurting animals doesn’t take your pain away or give real pleasure… it just distorts you more and increases the anger… Open your heart, your mind and your feelings to make sure they never suffer. Love them… at least don’t hurt them.
How can you pray, chant, meditate or believe in a higher being when you are cruel to animals or neglectful because you don’t care. Then in your heart there is a degree of cruelty or selfishness…that degree must be removed to attain higher insights or for you to be at peace. No heart can have any cruelty, selfishness and lack of care if you are spiritual or wish to be a good person. Remove all traces of it… all must be gone, why not be real to yourself and let the real kindness in you always manifest. Remember God is love to all beings. Buddha is love to all beings. Kindness is a universal quality that does you well wherever you are. To be with God, Buddha, and the oneness of the Universe, you must be kind in all ways to everything…
Remember, your pets didn’t ask to be with you. You chose them, so be responsible and kind to take the best care of them for the rest of their lives. Always do research to update your knowledge on their care. And make provisions for them in case you are not around or you should pass away. Remember, they will be alone and miss you so much if you are not around anymore. Make sure you make good plans for them when you travel and for after you are gone.
It is spiritual to be kind to all sentient beings. Love all… It is spiritual to have a kind heart. The real goal of all spiritual people is kindness. The real meaning of being human is kindness. So practice kindness with all living creatures. It will make you a better person and make your energy inviting to others… Everyone loves a loving person who has a kind heart. Being cruel to animals leaves a huge blot in your consciousness, in your aura, in your being… and you do not need this. No one needs cruelty…you don’t and everyone else does not. Be kind to everyone and all animals… in this way live life to the fullest by giving and surrounding yourself with love…
Tsem Rinpoche
Or view the video on the server at:
Mumu was sleeping near the camper when it started to move… hehehe… Mumu is being patient and hoping the camper stops disturbing his nap… cute.
Camper and Oser with Mumu. Oser is a big chicken… hehe… She doesn’t like the camper so I am training her not to be afraid of it…
Since young Mumu LOVES to go for rides and outside somewhere. So when it’s time to take him somewhere, the catch word is BYE BYE… hehehe. The minute you ask Mumu do you wanna go BYE BYE, he gets very excited, yet he is disciplined. See here how excited he gets. I read if we take the time to train our dogs, then they suffer less and we suffer less when they are adults… it is true. All three videos of Mumu and Oser taken today May 22, 2011…

This is one of my most favorite pictures of my little Mumu. It’s taken at the Haven in my bedroom in January 2011… Mumu loves to look outside at the pond… he is very inquisitive… I call him busy-body…

Mumu and Oser love to nap together…

Mumu and Oser love each other a lot… they always have to know where each other are…

Mumu and Oser takes a nap together…

My cute Mumu boy taking a nap with a blankie to keep him warm… hehehe

Sleeping in my bed together…

My Oser girl maybe wants a snack…
My little Mumu and Oser being professionally photographed as they are the poster boy/girl for Kechara Animal Sanctuary… they are good little super models… cute.
Both of them love toys…
Oser girl here is sleepy and does not want to be photographed… hehe
Oser is a very playful girl. She is always ready to play. She likes to tease my Mumu boy and asks him to play… She is here all white, clean and relaxed…
My little Mumu boy just relaxing…
My Oser girl smiling away resting on my pillow… She loves to lay right on my pillow…
Since Mumu was a puppy, he loves toys. I always get him new toys… he knows it too. When I bring the toys back in a bag, he already wags his tail and barks very loudly before I even take it out to show him.. He is super sensitive and super intelligent little fellow.
My little Mumu smiling…
Oser girl here looks like a mini polar bear… hehe… She’s got all kinds of poses…
Mumu and Oser in their outdoor stroller. They are very sensitive to ticks and other parasites. Mumu has had numerous skin/paw problems from direct contact on grass, so to solve the problem, I got them this stroller… hehehe
Both of them waiting for the cue to eat. One of the ways to train them to have discipline. They cannot just jump into the food, but wait and get a cue… hehehe… they are good kids.
After playing and running around non-stop, they are tired out and napping together… deep in sleep.
Waking up for more food and play…
If you look closely, Mumu is getting acupuncture. It really helped him alot. The needles are inside for around 15 mins and Mumu is very patient and doesn’t move. He senses it is to help him. Amazing dog. I’ve seen humans who can’t sit still with the needles…
Mumu and Oser today going Bye Bye… they love it…
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The Chair
I have one chair I usually sit on to do my sadhana, watch a program, read, write, research and so on. But many times I return from my bathroom, Oser girl has taken over my chair. She gives me this look like, it’s her chair! She’s a spunky little schnauzer. The room has so much space, other sofas and places of interest, but my Oser has to hijack my chair always. I have to gently move her over and squeeze in next to her like I did last night into the same chair. We sat together for hours and she fell asleep in my chair huddled against me. Love is sharing a chair even though it’s meant for one occupant at a time. ? Tsem Rinpoche
It is incredible how smart Oser girl is. She can steal the treat away from Dharma boy and so casually. Wow. She is so smart. A must watch short video!! Tsem Rinpoche
Mumu boy was Tsem Rinpoche’s little Schnauzer. Partly because of Mumu Kechara was started and you must find out why that is. Do read more and see very cute adorable pictures:
Tsem Rinpoche’s two adorable cute Schnauzer dogs Oser girl (white) and Dharma boy up to their various antics. Short videos that will warm up your day and give you a ‘cute attack!’ Enjoy!
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Schnausers Oser and Dharma trying their luck”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s adorable Schnauzers Oser and Dharma have a challenge!”
“Friendly Encounter”-Oser and Dharma meet Johnny & Casper
“Friendly Encounter”-Soer & Dharma meet Johnny & Casper (2)
“Tsem Rinpoche’s Pet Schnauzer Oser’s Treat Time!”
“Tsem Rinpoche’s doggie Oser girl and Dharma boy getting treats”
“Dharma fights Chip! Showdown between Tsem Rinpoche’s pet Schnauzer and a dog on wheels!”
“Dharma & Oser Getting Treats in Playhouse”
A poem by Tsem Rinpoche
Tsem Rinpoche at Kechara Forest Retreat, Bentong, Malaysia
You guys are going to have a cute attack with these two super adorable videos of Tsem Rinpoche’s doggies Oser and Dharma.-
The videos JUST came out!
Beautiful pictures and videos shared by Rinpoche. Soo cute indeed..Mumu and Oser are both adorable and photogenic .They seem to get along with everyone ,,that is increditable. Thanks Rinpoche for the teachings… responsible to owning a pet, love and care for them .They do have feelings too like us To be kind to all sentient beings.We live to the fullest by giving and surrounding ourself with love…i will always remember Rinpoche’s advice.
Thanks again.
Animals, especially friendly fury animals, have a calming and therapeutic effect. It is no wonder gentle dogs or cats are scientifically proven to have many benefits. Having a pet around will help improve our overall physical wellbeing, it includes releases endorphins that have a calming effect and helps diminished overall bodily pain. A healthy relationship with the pets is also proven to decrease feeling of isolation, provide comfort, lift spirits, lower anxiety and lessens depression. Pets have marvelous effect on children too; for example, it helps children focus better, provides non-stressful and non-judgmental environment, as well as increases self-confidence and improved interaction.
And I find the video and photos of Mumu, Oser, Dharma and Zamkar to have calming effect on me too.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post with us.
Mumu and Oser are such a cute and good friends.. I always happy to see them together playing.. Mumu very funny he wants to see what Oser is doing.. He is like her bodyguard.. He he cute I really love them
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this post of Mumu and Oser . They are so cute. I love dogs ,cats and fishes . I like how they love each other . I find that Mumu is smiling in one of the photos.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these videos Mumu and Oser are very obedient all humans should be like Mumu and Oser
Thank you, Rinpoche, for sharing all these videos and pictures of Mumu baby. I really like Mumu baby because he is very obedient, smart and cute 😀 All of us should take Mumu as an example and learn from Rinpoche and be loyal to Rinpoche as we must have guru devotion to succeed.
Mumu and Oser are absolutely lovely and cute. I love dogs. they are living sentient beings that can feel love and hurt too. Never hurt your animals and always take care of your pets..Thank you Rinpoche for the teaching and sharing.
Mumu and oser are such incredibly obedient dogs, they are such precious little dogs. Mumu has been with Rinpoche’s friend for such a long time already. Its amazing how developed their personalities are, you can really distinguish them as human beings. Mumu has always been very protective of oser, if i try to pick up oser he would growl giving me the “put her down now” face haha. Rinpoche takes care of all kinds of animals, treating them as equal, with respect and love. Rinpoche is a great example of what every pet owner should be, a responsible and loving person towards their pets. I love these photos, its so fun getting to witness this every day as they play around with each other. Thank you for sharing the lovely videos and photos of mumu and oser. I hope Rinpoche is feeling well.
Mumu is like a son to Rinpoche and Oser is like a daughter to Rinpoche. Both are children to Rinpoche.
Great pictures of the playing together and bonding.
‘Hello’ to you too, mumu 🙂
Dear Rinpoche,
I know I have probably already commented on this post already but I just can’t help it because every time there is a new video on Mumu and his play friend I just can’t help but to watch the video and comment on the blog post.
All dogs in the world have one or more special talents/features in them that makes them attracted to us even in an instant, take Mumu for example… I have seen so many videos of Mumu saying hello,going “bye bye”, playing with his toys and looking for his snacks.
To me Mumu is not just any normal dog but a very special dog that even before meeting Rinpoche had Mumu already had god Karmic Affinity with.
It’s always fun to see Mumu, Oser and Dharma play around chill around and play around.
I totally love the picture and caption of Oser looking for her snacks….
Thank You Rinpoche for sharing the new picture as well as the new videos.
Mumu and Oser are both grown up yet they are still so cute and adorable. They are well trained and disciplined. I like the video “Mumu saying hello”. His voice was so clear and precise. All of them are so lucky to be under Rinpoche’s care:)
We must learn to “love” the animal, not only provide food and shelter. from Picture, i can felt that Mumu and Oser is cover by love and care, just like normal sentient being.This is true love without agenda.
I love Mumu’s latest video. I have never heard Mumu howl so realistically like a human being before. He does sound like a human being, like a baby. Rinpoche told us before that Rinpoche had a strong feeling that mumu was a monk before and that he broke his commitments and that’s why he took rebirth as a dog. He told mumu that when he first got him and mumu howled really loudly as if acknowledging that.
Despite his cute good looks, Mumu is very significant for all of us. There was once Rinpoche wanted to leave Malaysia for America and it was because Rinpoche could not find a good home for Mumu that Rinpoche remained in Malaysia. Therefore, for Malaysian students of Rinpoche owe a lot to Mumu because he has become the reason he remained in Malaysia.
Dear Rinpoche, what Rinpoche said is what I always explain it and think of it but in a angry way because I don’t know how to think positively but now I know. By the way, did Rinpoche noticed that Rinpoche posted the same article twice except that there are extra videos and added words? But still, thank you Rinpoche for sharing these worthy words. Besides Mumu and Oser is so cute.
Mumu has grown from a cute puppy to a handsome dog. And Oser is a pretty lady now.
They are very well trained and disciplined.
Mumu so cute, hope to meet mumu one day.. He He
Best Regard : Eric kksiow
oh my Mumu so cute! I love the new video of Mumu. It shows so much how clever Mumu is. He can answer KB when they said Mumu is a good boy… hehe very adorable.
So much difference from the time he was brought home until now… he is so well trained!
I just could’nt resist it and had to watch the videos and look at the pictures again !!!!
MuMu and Oser are really photogenic and each time i see the photos, i’m amazed how well they behave in front of the camera ! I don’t know who the photographer is, but i salute him/her for her patience in getting such beautiful shots. I cannot get even one good photo of any of my 7 babies, as they just keep moving around and fidgeting all over. The only good photos of them are taken when they are asleep.
This post always brings a wide smile on my face.
Mumu is such a good little boy. Rinpoche always relays the story of what a monster Mumu was when he was much younger. Mumu would step all over his poopoo and smear it everywhere. He would tear newspaper up and have it strewn all over the floor.
Most people would react in two ways: freak out, scold the puppy and think, “I don’t know how much I can take of this”. The other react would be that the puppy didn’t do anything wrong and they wouldn’t be able to scold or discipline him/her.
The best way would be, as Rinpoche advised above, to read up on your breed on dog – the behavior, the pattern, and the proper way to discipline him/her.
We can either do one year of intensive training, and get 10 years of benefit, or 11 years of a living nightmare.
A dog’s behaviour is a reflection of their owner.
From most of the photos, I can see how close Mumu and Oser are! They really get along very well. They are just like brother and sister, always stick together and play. The closeness between them impressed me.
I read this quote on the internet: “We are all one. Only egos, beliefs, and fears separate us.” Out of our egos, we think that we are superior to some people, we are special they are different, so they have to listen and follow me. Or we will expect people to respect us and see us differently. Therefore The same thing goes to beliefs. Every religion promotes love and kindness, why we see the differences but not the similarity? And fear, it may be the fear to lose something, fear of losing fame, face, money, people, thus we don’t see others as friends, but we see them as competitor always.
For Mumu and Oser, they are simple, they don’t have the fear, the egos, so they get along and they are just simple, no mind games. If all of us can be this simple, it would be great! This simplicity is worth to work for! 🙂
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“Justice for Captain”
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Thank you Rinpoche for sharing the video and photos of MuMu and Oser with us.
They are so very very adorable and each time i see them, i cannot resist but sit on the floor and give them big hugs , cuddles and kisses.
I also have schnauzers (3 of them ) and know how absolutely endearing they are and how they can really pull at your heart strings. In fact all dogs and animals have this endearing quality, and everyone should open up their hearts to them, to fully understand how wonderful they are.
My babies send their love to you MuMu and Oser.
Mumu and Oser are both very obedient dogs. I love them very much. They look so adorable in the videos and pictures. My favourite video would be the one where the mumus go bye bye. Mumu is so cute, he is a very good boy. I like all of them very much!!
Thank You for sharing these cute pictures and videos Rinpoche.
Love, beatrix.
Cute lil mumus!! And so smart too!how I wish I could have mumus like them! They’ve been trained so well! 🙂
Thank you for sharing, Rinpoche!
Thanks Rinpoche for the sharing. Mumu and Oser are certainly cutie cutie. Very lovely.
Mumu and Oser are so blessed to be under Rinpoche’s care and love. They are so cute and alert. It is true we chose them to be with us. So we must not abandon them when they are old and sick. Its our responsibility till their passing on. One thing I never thought of was to leave instructions should I die before my pet. Thank you Rinpoche for highlighting this very important point.
Mumu and Oser was so cute and I love it so much 🙂 I wonder I have a doggie same like Mumu or Oser inside my home and play with them everyday…. Rinpoche was so kindness and compassion to care about this doggie and love them so much…. Thank you Rinpoche for sharing all this picture to us.
these videos are so cute and these dogs all play together very nicely and have lots of fun together. and that is a very good thing.
thanks Rinpoche for sharing such a lovely video and photo. I agree that pets are not as entertainment. They are meant to loved and respect.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing these beautiful picture and lovely video with us.Mumu and Oser are so cute and adorable!! They are so blessed to have Rinpoche who loves and cares for them,may they always have the good fortune and blessed in all lives.
The love and care rinpoche shows animals especially mumu and oser is more than that many people show another person.
Taking care of our pet may appear to be something simple but if we look deeper, we will see that learning to take care of another being we develop virtuous habitations like selflessness. as we develop selflessness, we will bring more to others around us.thus, we will begin to establish relationship on the basis of giving instead of taking.
the mumus are so cute!
All animal deserves the same care and love like what Yogi and Oser received.
I find it so cute that yogi and oser always sleep near each other, they are so adorable!
Pets should be treated as part of the family and showered with love and care.Never abandon them when they are old.Lucky Oser,Dharma and Mumu to have Rinpoche’s love and care.Thank you for sharing these lovely videos of your adorable dogs.They are marvellous and cute!
Rinpoche really loves the animals under his care and he sees that they get the best they can possibly get. If we treat animals and humans to the highest standards then we can expect the best from our pets and our friends.
Oser & Mumu are super cute (and extremely lucky) doggies. Thanks to Rinpoche for reminding us to recite Medicine Buddha mantra for strays and animals that we often come across. This is something that everyone can do.
“Remember, your pets didn’t ask to be with you. You chose them, so be responsible and kind to take the best care of them for the rest of their lives.”— This sentences remind us that we should take fully responsibility to the sentient beings that we had chosen. It may related to our parents, children, wife and husband also. Once we had chosen, we must take care, protect and live with harmony.
If we may take good care of pets sure we may handle a family well.
They are really lucky pooches. With the amount of imprints they’ve been getting, I’m sure they have a good chance to be reborn as humans.
Hehe… I still remember the first time when I enter Ladrang, when first time met mumu, he suddenly ran out to the waiting hall, he smells everyone in the hall, one of the senior that time (can’t remember who)told me that he is greeting everyone that comes. Very smart and cute.
Many people don’t understand, animal is just the same as human, we don’t want to be treated badly, but we treated the animal so bad, how selfish is this. A lot of people adopt a dog is not because they love dog, but from our tradition, dog is to watch the house from robbery, as long as we give them 2 meals a day and bath them once a week is more than enough, already considered taking care of them very well. But they don’t realize that what animal need is much more than that, so if we cannot love them like how we wanted to be loved, better don’t keep animal, at least we don’t create more loneliness and sadness to them.
They are so cute! Once I was in Haven and I didn’t even hear them bark unnecessarily. Only when food came, they barked a bit and so excited. They were running round and round the food but they stopped and sat down quietly without moving when they were told to. I was so amazed! Its really nice to see them happily running around
Both of the mumus are very cute!! Rinpoche is very compassionate to all beings, Mumu and Oser are very fortunate to meet Rinpoche. They are well taking care of and well trained. With Buddha’s images around them, is very good for them to have the imprint so that in their next life they will meet the Dharma.
Mumu and Oser are so cute and lovely to watch. Mumu is so disciplined.Rinpoche gives much love and care to them, but does not spoil them, because spoiling them would hurt them in the long run.Rinpoche has trained them to be disciplined and this will serve them well when they grow into adults.
Kindness and love are hallmarks of spirituality. We cannot claim to be spiritual by chanting mantras and meditating on the one hand and being cruel to animals on the other hand.We also cannot be selective in our kindness and love – loving our pets and then eating other animals for food.
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this wonderful post, I love cute pictures and videos of MUMU & Oser.
They are well trained!
I have 2 poodles , this post is a good reminder to myself,
” pets didn’t ask to be with you. You chose them, so be responsible and kind to take the best care of them for the rest of their lives.”
Having pets is a true practice of kindness and care!
Rinpoche thank you for sharing, All of them are our lovely best friends, Anything we can talk to them , and the never betray us, when we happy they will play with us, when we sad they will sitting with us quietly and company us.
Lucky Mumu,Oser and Dharma .
Very cute Mumu and Oser! How fortunate the 2 little dogies. I love to play with them. They are very playful. especially Oser. She will bite her toy and come near you and asked you to play him her if she likes you.
Not many people treat their pet just like Rinpoche do. They were being loved when they were puppy and cute time But when anything goes wrong with them, they were being “put to sleep”. That’s not very kind at all.
Dogs are not toys but human’s most loyal friends on earth.
You did the right thing Victor. Many people are not educated in pet owners’ responsibilities. They go to a pet shop, find a pet attractive, buy it, take it home and weeks, months or years later their novelty for it grows out and they dump the pet either to a pet rescuer or abandon it by the street. Or sometimes their kids dont want the pet anymore or sometimes too for good reasons. That is why pet shops must include education in pet responsibilities and not just push a ‘sale’.
Mumu and Oser are so fortunate to be in the presence of a Buddha, day in, day out. May the imprints they collected this life open up and take even better rebirth in their next lives.
Mumu and Oser is so cute.hahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha
Thank you Rinpoche for the sharing and reminder. Last time I did have a dog but I felt very sorry to him and myself because I always no time to accompany, play and train him. He was super lonely everyday and he didn’t “deserve” his kind of suffering so I decided to look for a new home for him where the new owner must have time for him and love him. It took me about 2-3 months to get him a good and reliable new home because I wanted to make sure the new owner would care and love him, have time for him.
As your said – “Remember, your pets didn’t ask to be with you. You chose them, so be responsible and kind to take the best care of them for the rest of their lives.” Therefore I urge whoever is planning to get a pet, please think twice before bringing them home. No one deserves mistreatment!
Mumu and Oser really cute.. hehe.. I love them too 🙂
Thank you and take good care.
With love,
I agree totally animals are living beings as well.
Shower them with love and care just as you will to your own kids.
Thank you Rinpoche for this sharing.
Mumu is very adorable and almost human like. He is a very special dog and have very strong affinity with Rinpoche.
He is also the most complicated dog I have ever experience in terms of health. Mumu has so much health problems. I have been with Rinpoche for 4 years now and so many visit to the doctors and I cringed when I think if Rinpoche has not found mumu, he would have suffered a lot. Not many people will spend so much effort to make sure their dogs are well taken care of.
Mumu is also super duper sensitive. I remembered there were many occasion when Rinpoche was not well, Mumu will stay around Rinpoche room and refuse to go out cause he knows Rinpoche is not well.
Mumu is also well trained. Rinpoche has taught us that if we love our dogs, we should always trained them well so they do not suffer. And there so many cases of owners dumping their dogs because they cannot manage them, all because they were NOT trained.
Do look at this blog post :
I really enjoy looking at these photos… amazing how cuteness can light up a day! Thank you Rinpoche for sharing your adorable poochies with the world. Its amazing how 1 (or 2) little dogs or any pet could bring so much joy to a household.. =)
Sweetie Pies, you are so adorable and so lucky to be Rinpoche’s pets.
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing some pointers on caring for pets, physically and mentally.Mumu is very well behaved. He is always very calm and collected. If he is a human, he will fit the description-cool guy. I hope more people will not treat their pets as just a cute play thing.
“..they are not my playthings, entertainment, or for my amusement… they are living sentient beings that can feel love and hurt…” – Totally agree with you, Rinpoche! To have dogs and cats is exactly like taking care of our family members, just that they have different need and require different kind of care. Hence we should treat them just like treating other sentient beings, with love and respect.
Many people adopt dogs and cats as their pets and when the initial ‘fun’ dies off, they realized they are not able to shoulder the responsibility of taking good care and they abandon the dogs! How cruel!
Hehehe the The Cutie Pies struck me once again with there cuteness
and awesomeness. Hope baby Oser is not scarred of the camper anymore.
hi everybody, i just want to share my story…. My cat Frisky got lost 3 days ago and i walked around at my area calling her, putting posters, but could not find her anywhere (also my friends couldn’t find)… 🙁 as i wrote here before, she always start purring when hear medicine Buddha mantra, so i thought that maybe reciting this mantra would help her somehow… And i recite it many times at the same time calling her to come back home in my mind. Then i don’t even know why i went to my door and open it. And OMG….. she was there!!!!!!!!!!! i swear!!!!! i can’t believe she’s back….. maybe it’s a coincidence but still i think now that these Buddhist mantras really have special powers…
All the picture is so cute. I can see Rinpoche shower them with lots of love and care and also are concern of their well being when you talk about what they are most sensitive to and also take mumu for acupuncture. Thank you for sharing the video and the picture with us.
YAY… i love mumu and oser.
Wow! This is a massive cute attack for the day to me. Mumu and Oser are extremely cute. It is so precious to see them playing together, sleeping together and eating together.
Animals rely on their owner to survive. That is why we need to take care of our animals properly. We must treat them equally even as they grow old and have stopped being the adorable puppies they once were.
My favorite photo was the one with Mumu and Oser kissing. It was so cute.
Wow! it is amazing, how animals like Medicine Buddha mantra, my cat is not friendly usually, but she starts to purr and be cute, when hear this mantra! seems that she loves it 🙂 also animals in the vet clinic, that i work, usually calm down, and let me do the procedures… or doggies at the shelter, stop barking and listen with a wiggling tail :DD very strange to see this O.o
Love your Mumu and Oser :)) they are soooo cute,so nice to see you enjoy each other. Much love and blessings dear Rinpoche 🙂
You don’t have to be a Buddhist to do this, but just have a compassionate heart which you do. Medicine Buddha has a special connection to animals. It is very beneficial to recite His mantra onto live animals and animal parts (hair, bone, flesh)( that have passed). This mantra is said to help them to take good rebirth. You may recite the mantra out loud for them to hear and or blow on them. When I usually see animals, I recite the mantra for them to hear with a sincere wish they don’t suffer and take a good rebirth in the future. I blow and recite to birds, insects, cows, dogs, many animals in pet shops…to fishes, I recite and blow onto the water. Sometimes I recite the mantra and blow onto the food before I give it to them if the animal is too far..and sometimes reciting mantras loudly to stray dogs scare them, so I blow onto their foods. Mantra are universal energies of healing, love, peace and blessings in the form of sound. Sound has form and when the sound is heard or they are touched by the sound, it blesses them very much. Medicine Buddha has a special vow He has taken to help and benefit animals. It is very beneficial. Any mantra in general will do, but Medicine Buddha is special. I thought I would share this. TR
Mumu and Oser are super kawaii ne. Glad that they are with Rinpoche. Rejoice _/\_
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing on how Medicine Buddha mantra helps all animals. Rinpoche always show us ways to practice Dharma in our daily life to benefit all. It is easy and great, we just have to practice it.
Take good care, Rinpoche 🙂
Thank you for sharing this lovely post Rinpoche! Please may i know what is the mantra for helping, protecting the life and health of animals? Thank You! _/\_
I always have ten or so large ziploc bags of dry dog food with me in the car whenever I go out. whenever I see skinny or hungry dogs on the street, we stop and leave food for them. Then we drive away alittle to observe…Nine… out of ten times, they come up and eat the food we leave them. Last week, I found around 5 active pups on the streets in a nice area of town and we left alot of food for them. They had a shelter nearby and the place was very green and in a residential area…They happily ate it all the food we left them.. And we left more for them. We happily watched them eat up all the food. I love feeding animals. Today we went to feed fishes I saw in a large outdoor water area today. When animals are full and not hungry, I feel satisfied. TR
Mumu and Oser hang around me all day long. Wherever I go in the house, they both follow me. There are other people in the house and many places to explore in the big house, but rarely will they go to another part of the house. They have to be by me…when I take a nap, when I get up, they are nearby taking a nap. Funny and cute doggies..
Tsem Rinpoche
Thanks Rinpoche for the sharing. Mumu and Oser are certainly cutie cutie. Very lovely, adorable and discpline. Most of all they are very lucky and bless to be under tender, loving and care of Rinpoche. 😀
Rinpoche, thank you for expressing the profound nature of kindness and compassion so simply and beautifully. My heart and my spiritual practice have been blessed and opened because of the animals I have the honour to share my life with and care for. My eldest, Gypsy, without whose company I would not have survived living here in the wilderness at Dakini Valley when I lived here without other people, is nearly 16 and very frail. I think she will pass soon. Just thinking of that makes me weep. I humbly ask you to hold her in your heart. My consolation at knowing I will lose her loving presence in this life, is that with the blessing Of Jetsunma I pray she will be fully liberated and her suffering cease. Then she will never cease to benefit others. With many thanks for your kindness.
Nice!!! Good luck in training/taming Oser too….