This is a Canadian film not released in the US….I watched this recently on dvd not knowing what to expect. I thought it would be corny, silly and campy in a annoying way. BUT IT WAS A NICE SURPRISE. THE MOVIE IS GREAT!!!
The characters were wonderful with a stellar cast of Iggy Pop, Malcom McDowell, Dimitri (lead singer of Burning Brides), Alice Cooper, Moby, Rob Stefaniuk, Jessica Pareetc all in one movie. They really casted the actors perfectly for this movie. It is such a camp, entertaining, touching, funny and fast movie. There are like six songs on this movie that is really good and I had Justin download for me and sounds good…you have to watch this movie…it is very very very entertaining with predictable scenes that ARE NOT TIRESOME. They even reproduced some famous scenes like the Beatles walking across Abbey Road etc…..
Rob Stefaniuk writes and sings really good music in this movie…he is very talented. I have never heard of him before this movie and there are clips on youtube.
I loved Iggy Pop and Alice Cooper in this…they give aging rockers a new lease that you are never too old to be entertaining and fabulous. I loved them in this movie. Jessica Pare is really funny with her “It’s not what it looks like’ when she gets caught sucking blood… heheheheh…very funny…
Tsem Rinpoche
P.S. Youtube search Moby, Alice Cooper, Iggy, etc… they are major music forces…
Jessica Pare sings this really evocative and memorable song… you have to listen to it… from the movie soundtrack.
Or view the video on the server at:
The Fool – The Winners (Jessica Pare)
I was a fool and I believed
There was nothing left for me
Like every fool, I couldn’t see
The wondrous beauty for the beast
I was a fool
I was a fool and I believed
There was no one there for me
I guess that it’s true, there cannot be
One as blind as one will not see
I was a fool
I was a fool and I believed
The reason stars come out at night
The reason birds fly in the sky
Is the reason you and the reason I can dream
I dream
One day a fool came up to me
And said be careful when you dream
Life can be cruel, it’s yours to keep
Treat it gently in your sleep
I was a fool
I was a fool and I believed
The reason stars come out at night
The reason birds fly in the sky
Is the reason you and the reason I can dream
Yeah, the reason stars come out at night
The reason birds fly in the sky
Is the reason you and the reason I can dream
Can dream
I dream

The Winners with Jessica Pare……
The following people contact Monlam to get a copy of this DVD I have ready for you please:
1) Paris 2) Fang 3) Dr Lanse 4) Ethan/Bryan 5) Andrew 6) Jean Ai 7) Jean Mei 8)Wee Liang 9) Shin 10) Sharon/Susan/Sean 11) KB 12) Shirlene 13) Likim 14) JP 15) Beng Kooi 16) Suming 17) Wai Meng 18) Lew 19) Joey Wong 20) Albert 21) Chia 22) Philip Yong 23) Justin Cheah 24) Siong Woan 25) Melissa 26) Allan 27) Nicholas/Josephine 28) Pam/Adrienne 29) Levi
I think the above would enjoy this type of strange humour… hehe
Leave your comments below after you have watched it please… now call Monlam and pick up the dvd… enjoy!!
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Suck is a 2009 rock-and-roll vampire black comedy horror film. Sound interesting. All about a band member Jennifer is turned into a vampire, the band quickly gains popularity. Many people were then attracted to her newfound beauty. While on tour, the band members are each turned into vampires, one by one. As their infamy grows, the vampire hunter Eddie Van Helsing learns that Jennifer is a vampire and vows to hunt her down. Well the story tells us…. Turning human to vampire and back to human , lastly back to vampire again. I have not watch this video but have read it though. I love listening to the songs….
Thank you Rinpoche for sharing this horror film.
I have watched this movie before, and yes, it is good. I also too liked the music in the movie. And i think they did a good job picking the right actors for the movie. Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Dear Rinpoche, the song was really strange because of the funny lyrics. The movie was pretty funny, one of member became a cannibal because the girl who is also from the band is a vampire and I forgotten how she turned him into a cannibal but I remembered that she was the one who changed him.
Interesting movie and I didn’t get the chance to watch this yet but I am sure it would be a good one. Rinpoche has a particularly good taste for the movies and has developed a taste for supernatural, preferably horror-related type of movies and the occasional good sci-fi movie as well. I remember Rinpoche detests romantic comedies, dramas etc unless it is a good period movie. Rinpoche has over time have treated his students to many movie treats and not surprising that many of them were horror flicks. Hehe!
Dear Rinpoche, thank you for sharing this very interesting movie with us. An understanding I have about the movie is that the movie depicts how temptation to win can lead to dire consequences. You will end up regretting after having all that desire to become the best at something that is not substantial. Also, I learned how love can be the leading cause for a lot of pain as Eddy Van Helsing *spoilers* loses his wife and becomes a Vampire Slayer and have since had a fear of the dark. The fear of the dark is also signifying the fear of the unknown as vampires are actually also the unknown to him.
I watched this last week. Not really into vampires, but very good music and it was all glam rock style like Rocky Horror. Very cool style. Maybe one of the best music styles. I think this film and Velvet Goldmine IMO replicated the style well. Thank you for recommending otherwise I would not have seen it. I hope to reach out to beings with art like Rinpoche does.
Thank you Rinpoche! I will get a copy and watch it with Adrian as soon as I can. We totally LOVE vampire movies…
Dear Lama
Thank you for sharing this song with me. I did not know what to say at first because the lyric of the song reflects my deepest thought. It goes through the same cycle everytime. I used to be a big dreamer. Dream became hopes and wants, than some attachments sparked causing many sufferings and episodes of depression. For many years I was torn with the decisions between to dream and risk dissapointment or not to dream and live a very dull monotonous life. I went from one extreme to the other extreme and found the middle path that keep my mind at peace.
I still love to dream, but at least I learn to fight for what I want and learn not to be attached to the results :-).
Much love
Love the song and love the lyrics especially……
I keep playing it over and over again 🙂
Thank you for sharing Rinpoche.
Steve Tobias: thanks for saying suck is on netflix. next week i will resume my netflix to watch it, thanks. is it for streaming? i just have a stream acct. i can add dvds tho.
Hey Terri,
Yeah it can be streamed on instant play. If you’re subscribing just to watch that though I can give you my login/password to save the money.
I really like the song, it is kind of sad. Like my life… I was a fool. I can’t help it I am kind of a dreamer.
Terri, I like your comment…sad but nice…and keep dreaming…TR
Thank you Rinpoche, Suck is on Netflix instant play in the US so I look forward to watching it soon!
Very entertaining…lots of good songs..
Loved this song! Thank you so much for sharing. I was under the same assumption that it was a corny movie so never bothered. I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, so will have to go watch it.
Thank you for sharing, really love the Fool song.
Cathy, Go see see see…it is very entertaining, camp and very cute…You must get ready to be entertained and listen to the jokes they crack back and forth…very funny in a fun way. Light-hearted and got some greats in it like iggy pop and alice cooper…Someone gave me the video and I just tried it and was like many I’ve shared the video with loved it…enjoy…the characters are just perfectly casted. It’s not a deep movie but fun.
Yes, I reposted this blog-post with one of my favorite songs from the movie included this time….I thought you’d all like to listen in and relax..I included the lyrics…enjoy…TR
Great song, Rinpoche. Thank you!
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you so much for the DVD!! I picked it up from Shin a week ago as she picked up my copy from Monlam along with hers.
I have watched it and it is a really funny and light hearted take on vampires. There’s a very heavy reference to the Anne Rice universe of vampires (who also features vampires and a rock band, Queen of the Dammed) but it’s on a lighter note. My favorite gag is when the vampires get defensive when people question their weird habits (nobody likes a judge!) and its so thinly veiled that its so obvious.
which i find is a reminder for all of us that there’s no use making excuses and covering as people do know…
but that aside the film was quite funny and light. I love how the vampires are portrayed as arrogant and powerful beings…and how the girl who turned into a vampire said she’s still the same person inside even though she drinks blood now (and later revert back to being human when that vampire in red is killed) it strikes a very familiar and comforting note there…
the ending was funny tho. How the girl would go back to being a vampire again..
once again thank you Rinpoche 🙂
Dear Rinpoche,
Thank you for the movie. I thought it was awesome. It is really an incomparable vampire movie. This movie makes me want to throw Twilight into the dumpster. The movie actually seems like a straight version of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. My favourite part is when the girl is told to go suck on a cow if she is hungry. Once again, thank you Rinpoche for sharing this great movie with me!
Rinpoche, thank you for the DVD which MB has passed to me. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet but I willllll after our current work and will “report” back my thoughts soon!
Thank you very much – and yes, Kecharians do love strange humour!
Dear Rinpoche,
Haha, my first impression of this movie when I saw the cover, was that it was gonna be some rockin’ 80’s vampire movie.AND IT WAS! Well just not about the 80’s part but other than that it was rockin’.I thought that the murdering with all that blood was totally narly but i would say that the best part of the movie were the songs (: Thank You so much for the movie Rinpoche and for always thinking about us! and you were right,it was totally enjoyable. 😀
with much love and folded hands,
Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for sharing the movie. Will collect from Monlam. I’ll watch this without Josephine first as she is not in town for 2 weeks. Will put in my comments once I watch it.
Thanks again Rinpoche,
My favorite person on that cast list is Henry Rollins. He does Non-profit work for amnesty international. Dearest Tsem Rinpoche, you should hear 1 song off You-Tube check out 1 song from “Rollin’s band” called “Shine”. I know you will like this song because it’s totally positive lyrics. I know you’ll like it I promise 🙂
Dear Rinpoche, I just got the DVD from Ethan, THANKS SO MUCH !!, I hope i can understand the deeper meaning after watching it. And i will let Rinpoche know asap !!!
Eminence, Dharma Prince,
Yes, I have seen this film, and it is okay. As you said, somewhat predictable, but in a refreshing way. Some of the tongue-in-cheek humour is really great.
BTW What ever happened to Baby Jane is one of my favourites, also. This year I sold a lot of my DVD’s, as most of my movies are now on hard drive, but I couldn’t part with that one.
When I saw the title, my first instinct was “Dear Rinpoche, may I borrow your DVD?” hehe… when I finished read the post and yeah, my name was on it…!
Thankyou Rinpoche for the DVD, I’ll get it off Monlam and watched it. Love rock movies coz the soundtrack is always good. and good to see Iggy Pop though… but I do wish Bowie will make a movie.
That day I read the email about Bowie, and I thought How COOL my guru is, loving all these underground stuff.. hehe.
Thanks again Rinpoche.
I ‘ve just seen it, its really funny lots of great songs. Good to see Iggy Pop and Alice Cooper in a movie. Thanks very much.
too bad its not released in the US. i like comedies i don’t think we have the same taste in film, although i do like documentary.
i hate that one movie you like, the one with the two movie star sisters that try to kill each other-kreepy and gross.
Woohoo! Thank you Rinpoche!
I think the Kechara community in Sunwaymas is also campy and entertaining, that’s why we will enjoy the movie hehe…
Thanks for the DVD Rinpoche! Can’t wait to get hold on it and watch it! =D
Dearest Rinpoche,
Thank you for sharing this with us. I look forward to watching it tonight when I get home!!! YAY!!! I have explained the post and also what Monlam is meant to do, plus also printed out the list above for Monlam so he can tick off the names when they individuals contact him and he passes the DVDs to them…
Once again thank you for constantly having us all in your thoughts… much love… Andrew
I LURVE IT! On the surface it was a great mix of humour, wit, “scary bits” and art. The animated parts where it shows their car travelling about was absolutely brilliant. Very MTVish and done well. I have had some experience with animation while in advertising and those few scenes were not easy at all!!!
I will not reveal too much hear as I would not like to spoil it for anyone watching but for me…. it was absolutely entertaining, something I would watch over and over again and just repeat the dialogue… hehehe. Well written, well directed and very camp. Camp being a word I always thought as being merely effeminate but Rinpoche kindly corrected my misconception. It is more, much more than my little perception (what else is new… hehehe). So off I went to look for the definition and here is what I found:
Camp is an aesthetic sensibility wherein something is appealling because of its bad taste and ironic value. The concept is closely related to kitsch, and things with camp appeal are described as being “campy” or “cheesy”. When the usage appeared, in 1909, it denoted: ostentatious, exaggerated, affected, theatrical, and effeminate behaviour, and, by the middle of the 1970s, the definition comprised: banality, artifice, mediocrity, and ostentation so extreme as to have perversely sophisticated appeal.[1] American writer Susan Sontag’s essay Notes on “Camp” (1964) emphasised its key elements as: artifice, frivolity, naïve middle-class pretentiousness, and ‘shocking’ excess. Camp as an aesthetic has been popular from the 1960s to the present.
Camp films were popularised by filmmakers George and Mike Kuchar, Andy Warhol, and John Waters, including the latter’s Pink Flamingos, Hairspray and Polyester. Celebrities that are associated with camp personas include drag queens and performers such as Dame Edna, Divine (Glen Milstead), RuPaul, and Liberace. Camp was a part of the anti-academic defense of popular culture in the 1960s and gained popularity in the 1980s with the widespread adoption of postmodern views on art and culture.
Enjoy everyone…. and much love… Andrew